Incarceration and unwed fathers in Fragile Families.
Lewis, Charles E., Jr. ; Garfinkel, Irwin ; Gao, Qin 等
Criminal justice policies have resulted in millions of Americans
being incarcerated over the past three decades in systems that provide
little or no rehabilitation. This study uses a new dataset--The Fragile
Families Study--to document poor labor market outcomes that are
associated with incarceration. We find that fathers who had been
incarcerated earned 28 percent less annually than fathers who were never
incarcerated These previously incarcerated fathers worked less weeks per
year, less hours per week and were less likely to be working during the
week prior to their interview. We also found that fathers who had been
incarcerated were more likely to depend on underground employment and
off-the-books earnings.
Keywords: Earnings, employment, employment probability,
ex-offenders, fathers, incarceration, labor market, offenders, prison,
prison reentry
For nearly three decades, the United States has employed crime
control policies that have resulted in a tremendous expansion of its
prison population--from 300,000 in 1972 to more than 2.2 million at
mid-year 2005 (Harrison & Beck, 2006). The rate of Americans
incarcerated in prisons and jails reached 738 per 100,000 in 2005, up
from 725 in 2002 and up from 458 as late as 1990. One in every 136
United States residents was behind bars at mid-year 2005 (Harrison &
Beck, 2006). At yearend 2001, a total of 5,618,000 American adults--one
in 37--had been incarcerated in state or federal prisons at some point
in their lifetimes (Bonczar, 2003).
In recent years, policymakers' attention has turned to the
growing numbers of formerly incarcerated persons now returning to
communities with deficits associated with incarceration. Since 1996,
more than 500,000 prisoners have left prisons and jails each year and
returned to their communities. These numbers are expected to increase
dramatically in the coming years. More than 660,000 prisoners were
released in 2002. That number was expected to grow to 887,000 in 2005
and 1,200,000 in 2010. It is expected that more than 3.5 million
prisoners will be released during the decade (Beck, 2000; Hughes &
Wilson, 2003).
Released prisoners most often return to struggling communities
where they find difficulty securing the stable employment, housing and
social services needed for successful reintegration (Austin, 2001;
Clear, Rose, & Ryder, 2001; La Vigne & Cowan, 2005; Travis &
Petersilia, 2001;). Two-thirds are arrested and half are returned to
prison within three years of their release (Langan & Levin, 2002).
Researchers have sought to document deficits associated with
incarceration in order to employ policies that will increase returning
prisoners' chances of successful reentry into society and reduce
high levels of recidivism that keep incarceration rates climbing. If
indeed incarceration erodes successful labor market chances, than
corrective and rehabilitative programs may be useful during periods of
incarceration (Freeman, 2003; Zhang, Roberts & Callanan, 2006).
One thorny issue is the fact that those who enter prison are often
likely to have inherent human capital deficits that are associated with
poor labor market outcomes--poor schooling, mental health issues, and
substance abuse problems. A new national data set--the Fragile Families
Study--provides new measures that allow us to control for these factors
while previous studies do not and to further isolate the incarceration
We discover the unwed fathers in our study who had been
incarcerated during some point in their lives are in many ways not
significantly different from those who had never been imprisoned. By
examining the post-incarceration labor market experiences of these unwed
fathers, we test the hypothesis that incarceration is significantly
associated with poor labor market outcomes.
The Fragile Families Study also contains measures of participation
and earnings in the underground economy. Thus we are able to test the
hypothesis that fathers who had been incarcerated would more likely
resort to illegitimate means for income. Last, as an added control, we
include differences in state incarceration rates by race as an
instrument to predict individual incarceration rates.
The Fragile Families Study
The Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study--a joint effort by
Princeton University's Center for Research on Child Wellbeing
(CRCW) and the Center for Health and Wellbeing, and Columbia
University's Social Indicators Survey Center and the National
Center for Children and Families (NCCF)--is tracking a cohort of
children born between 1998 and 2000 in 20 large cities in the United
States (
All mothers who gave birth during the data collection period were
approached in the hospital and asked to participate in the study.
Approximately 93% of the mothers agreed to participate and provided
locating information about the fathers, who were contacted at the
hospital or shortly after the birth of the child. Approximately 75% of
unmarried fathers and 90% of married fathers agreed to participate.
The baseline dataset includes 4,898 completed mother interviews
(1,186 marital births and 3,712 non-marital births) and 3,830 completed
father interviews. One-year follow-up interviews were conducted between
June 1999 and March 2002. The one-year data set includes 4,365 completed
mother interviews and 3,367 completed father interviews. We use the full
20-city sample for our study because the nationally representative
sample is substantially smaller (1300 fewer observations), and more
important, the differences between descriptive statistics in the two
samples are minimal (generally 0-1% and maximum 3%).
Unmarried births were oversampled and we restrict our analysis to
unmarried fathers to increase homogeneity between fathers who were
incarcerated and those who were not. Fragile Families data contain not
only self-reports of incarceration from the ex-offenders but also
reports from the child's mother. For some analyses, we supplemented
self-reported data on fathers with information obtained from the mothers
in place of fathers who were impossible to locate.
Previous Research
Conventional economic and sociological theories predict that
incarceration reduces labor market earnings. Labor market economists
beginning with Mincer (1962) and Becker (1964) found a positive
relationship between human capital investments through education and
on-the-job training and earnings over the lifetime. To the extent that
being incarcerated impedes the development and accumulation of human
capital, an incarcerated person is expected to have lower earnings and
diminished labor market opportunities.
Sociologists and criminologists also argue that incarceration harms
those incarcerated. In addition to lost labor market experience,
incarcerated persons are expected to earn less because of the
anti-social culture of prisons, negative health effects of imprisonment,
and the stigma of imprisonment (Holzer, Offner, & Soresnsen, 2004;
Kling, 2004; Pager, 2003; Western, Kling & Weiman, 2001).
Research in criminology and economics on the relationship between
crime and the labor market has focused on the effects of economic
disadvantage on criminal activity (e.g., Freeman, 1991; Hagan &
Peterson, 1995). However, a few studies reverse the causal sequence to
examine how involvement with the criminal justice system impacts
employment opportunities.
With one exception, all of these studies find large negative
effects. The most recent, by Western (2002), uses a nationally
representative sample of young men, the National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth (NLSY) and finds incarceration reduced wage rates by 16 percent,
after controlling for individual-level fixed effects and period effects
to account for declining wages among low-educated men. An earlier study
by Freeman (1991) also using the NLSY (but limiting the sample to high
school dropouts) finds that after controlling for pre-incarceration
employment and other demographic differences, incarceration reduced work
probability by 25 to 30 percent.
Other research has used data generated by the criminal justice
system. Because the data are limited to those arrested and/or convicted,
estimates of the effects of incarceration are produced by use of
comparison groups, before-after comparisons, and instrumental variables
techniques. Waldfogel (1993) found that conviction of offenders who
committed fraud or breached jobs that required trust reduced employment
opportunities by five percent and depressed income by as much as 30
percent. His sample was primarily white (83.3%) and better educated than
the general population. Nagin & Waldfogel (1998) used the same data
in a 1998 study and found that first-time conviction effects vary
significantly by age while subsequent convictions effects reduced income
at all ages.
Grogger (1995) found moderate and short term effects on annual
earnings, quarterly earnings, wage rates, and employment for both jail
and prison experiences over time. Because his data do not contain
information on length of prison sentence, he had no way of
distinguishing between declines in earnings during incarceration from
post-incarceration earnings declines.
Kling (2004), using data from the Florida state system and
California federal system, did not find any negative effects of
incarceration length on employment and earnings seven years after
incarceration after controlling for a battery of individual
characteristics and adding instrumental variables for sentence length
based on random judge assignments. In fact, he found that longer
incarceration sentences were associated with more positive labor market
Data and Methods
It is important to note that our measure of incarceration is a
self-reported retrospective measure. Fathers and mothers were asked to
report information about the father's incarceration history. If
either the mother or father reported that the father had ever been
incarcerated, he is considered "ever incarcerated;" if both
report that the father had never been incarcerated or one reports no
prior incarceration and the other's report is missing, he is coded
as "never incarcerated;" if reports from both mother and
father are missing, he is coded as "incarceration status
unknown." The combined measure is used for multivariate analyses.
Fathers who were incarcerated at the time of the interview are omitted
from the analyses.
A substantial number of mothers reported the father had been
incarcerated when he had reported he was not or did not provide an
answer. Previous research relying on self-reported data finds
significant under-reporting of criminal activity (Viscusi, 1986). Thus
we were able to overcome the under-reporting of fathers by using the
mother's report. It is reasonable to accept the mother would have
knowledge about the father's incarceration history.
In the full sample, 34 percent of the mothers reported the father
had been incarcerated while only 16 percent of the fathers self-reported
incarceration, for a combined incarceration rate of 39 percent. In the
fathers' sample, 31 percent of the mothers reported the father had
been incarcerated while 22 percent of the fathers self-reported
incarceration, for a combined rate of 38 percent. So, the rates of
incarceration in both samples are nearly identical.
That the combined reports of the mothers and fathers--38%--is seven
percentage points higher than mothers reports alone suggests that
mothers also under-reported the incarceration experience of their
partners. Note also that, as expected, the combined estimate in the full
mother sample--39%--is higher than the combined estimate in the
father-interviewed sub-sample, but only by a small margin.
In the full sample, 57 percent of the mothers reported the father
had never been incarcerated, while 62 percent of the mothers in the
father sample reported the father was never incarcerated. Just 4 percent
of the fathers in the full sample and 1 percent of the fathers in the
smaller sample had unknown incarceration histories.
Given that our principal concern is the relationship between
incarceration and post-incarceration labor market experience, a second
advantage of Fragile Families data is that they provide additional
control variables other than age, education, and ethnicity--all included
in previous studies on incarceration. Fragile Families data also include
measures on the subject's physical and mental health, drug and
alcohol use and problems, and relationship with his biological father.
Because slightly more than a quarter of the fathers were not
interviewed, we use mother-reported data about the father's
incarceration history and labor market experience to analyze the full
sample (N=3,293) allowing for the largest possible number of cases and
eliminating potential selection bias if we limited the sample to
interviewed fathers. However, the mothers' surveys only allow us to
analyze one employment outcome--whether or not the father worked for pay
the previous week. The sub-sample of fathers (N=2,406)--though smaller
than the full mother interview sample--allows for an evaluation of a
richer array of dependent variables for employment and earnings.
Using the smaller father sample raises questions of selection bias
because it is likely fathers who made themselves available for interview
are more attached to their children or to the mothers of their children.
We expect the men in the fathers' sub-sample to work more and to
have experienced less incarceration. Thus, limiting the study to these
fathers may lessen the expected negative effects of incarceration on
outcome variables.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics on the dependent and independent variables in our analysis are presented in Table 1. Presented in the first column
are data for all fathers in the sub-sample. The next two columns compare
fathers who were incarcerated to fathers who were never incarcerated.
The fourth column presents data for the full mother sample.
Just over 10 percent of our sample of unwed fathers is white,
nearly 60 percent of the sample is non-Hispanic black, and slightly less
than 30 percent is Hispanic. Nearly 40 percent of the fathers did not
complete high school, another 40 percent have only a high school
diploma, and less than 5 percent earned a college degree. Furthermore,
17 percent of fathers reported drug or alcohol problems that interfered
with their work or family, 16 percent reported some symptoms of
depression, 17 reported poor or bad health, and 33 percent grew up
without their father. These statistics are consistent in both the full
sample and the smaller sample of fathers.
Almost three-quarters of the fathers in both samples reported they
were employed the week prior to their interview. That the proportion in
the sub-sample is nearly identical to the proportion in the full sample
of mothers reports, suggests the sub-sample may suffer minimally from
bias. Fathers reported an average of $21,315 in annual salary; they
worked about 38 weeks in the year on average; and worked about 44 hours
per week. These fathers reported average hourly earnings of $12.83.
About a third of the fathers reported they worked underground and earned
slightly less than $2,600 of-the-books on average annually.
There is a large gap in work and earnings between fathers who had
been incarcerated and those had never been incarcerated. Previously
incarcerated fathers were only three-quarters as likely to be working
last week, worked 10 fewer weeks per year, worked five fewer hours per
week, earned about $1 per hour less, and earned $10,000 less annually.
Previously incarcerated fathers also worked and earned more in the
underground economy.
Previously incarcerated fathers in our study are more
disadvantaged--more likely to be black and Hispanic, to have grown up
without a father, to be a high school dropout, and to have poor physical
and mental health. Some of these disadvantages such as health and mental
health may be a result of incarceration. But others, such as
race/ethnicity and growing up without a father clearly precede
incarceration and are likely to contribute to differences in labor
market outcomes.
Descriptive statistics indicate fathers who had been incarcerated
differed from those who were not in ways that would lead them to have
lower earnings even if they had not been incarcerated. Therefore, we use
multivariate analyses to control for these differences. We use logistic
regression for the dichotomous dependent variable indicating whether the
father was working during the previous week and ordinary least squares
regression to analyze outcomes using the smaller father-reported sample.
Our multivariate analyses include logistic models using the full
sample of mother-reported data and models using father-reported data
with additional control variables not found in previous studies. The
father-reported data provide ratio-level measures that allow for
ordinary least regressions. We present a model that includes variables
for age, education, race/ethnicity--controls used in previous studies,
and a model that includes additional variables for drug and alcohol
problems, mental health, poor health, and relationship with biological
father--controls not used in previous studies.
Odds ratios for the effects of incarceration on whether fathers
were employed during the week prior to being interviewed are presented
in Table 2. Model 1 reports coefficients using the full sample of
mother-reported data. As expected, there is a significant association
between incarceration and employment with fathers who had been
incarcerated 34 percent as likely to be working the previous week
compared with fathers who had not been incarcerated. Using
father-reported data, the association is weaker, but still highly
significant with fathers who had been incarcerated 57 percent as likely
to be working in Model 3 with all controls added.
While our primary focus is the association of incarceration and
employment, there are other factors that are interesting although
predictable. Race and education are significant factors in our models as
are the additional control variables. In Model 3, with all controls
added, black fathers are 41 percent as likely to be working compared
with white fathers. Fathers of other races were also significantly less
likely to be working than white fathers. Also in Model 3--as
expected--as the father's education level increases, so is the
likelihood that he would be working compared with those who dropped out
of high school.
Fathers reporting being depressed were 61 percent as likely to be
working and fathers who reported less than good health were 41 percent
as likely to be working. These results were expected. Fathers who
reported they had problems with drugs and alcohol were 78 percent as
likely to be working, although this was significant only at the p<.10
The results of the OLS regressions on father-reported data on
earnings are presented in Table 3. Fathers who were incarcerated during
the year were excluded from the analyses because including such fathers
would confound an incapacitation effect with a post-incarceration effect
on earnings. In Model 2--with all control variables included--previously
incarcerated fathers reported 28 percent less earning than fathers who
had never been incarcerated, significant at the p<.05 level.
Previously incarcerated fathers also worked 3.6 fewer weeks per year
(highly significant at the p<.001 level) and worked a half-hour less
per week, although this result was not significant. We found that
previously incarcerated fathers earned a slightly smaller but not
significant hourly wage rate than those who were never imprisoned.
Logistic regression analysis found that previously incarcerated
fathers were significantly more likely to participate in underground or
off-the-books employment. The odds were nearly 1.5 times that previously
incarcerated fathers would be involved in illegitimate work. These
fathers who had been incarcerated earned 66 percent more in the
underground economy than fathers who had never been incarcerated.
The results of our analysis provide strong evidence that, even
after controlling for a substantial number of demographic and behavioral differences between offenders and non-offenders, ex-offenders work and
earn substantially less in the legitimate market. Still, the possibility
remains that some or most of the difference is due to unmeasured
differences between offenders and non-offenders. We use instrumental
variables to address the causation issue.
The state incarceration rates are taken from the Bureau of Justice
Statistics and are presented in the Appendix. State incarceration rates
are a significant predictor of differences in individual incarceration
rates, indicating they are good instrumental variables. The third column
in Table 3 presents second stage IV coefficients and standard errors for
earnings and labor market variables. First, note that all IV
coefficients for the legitimate labor market variables are negative and
all, except for the hours worked, are statistically significant.
Second, the IV coefficients are quite large, especially when
compared to the OLS coefficients. But, the range of variation in the
aggregate incarceration rates underlying the IV estimates--30 to .44--is
much lower than the individual range of variation, zero to one. Indeed,
when the IV coefficients are multiplied by the difference between the
highest and lowest incarceration rates--.14--the implied reductions in
earnings closely resemble those from the OLS coefficients in magnitude.
The reductions in earnings due to incarceration are respectively 28
percent vs. 42 percent. In short, the OLS and IV legitimate earnings
results are within a reasonable range of consistency. Both indicate that
the effects of incarceration on earnings are quite large. The IV results
for underground work and earnings were not significant.
Summary and Discussion
The Fragile Families Study is a new set of data that allows us to
analyze the labor market outcomes of two cohorts of unwed fathers from a
20 city study who share much in common. This is unique in the research
literature as most studies on incarceration and labor market outcomes
rely on administrative data that analyze pre-post outcomes of
ex-offenders. Our study provides additional evidence that incarceration
is associated with poor labor market outcomes. We also found that the
previously incarcerated fathers in our study relied more on illegitimate
employment and earnings.
Our findings are consistent with previous findings in the
literature. We found that incarceration is associated with a 28 percent
reduction in annual earnings which is consistent with the literature
that generally reports a 10-30 percent earnings loss associated with
imprisonment (Western, 2002). The significant reduction in employment
probability in our study is consistent with the findings of Freeman
(1991) who found incarceration reduced work probability by 25 to 30
Unlike Western (2002), who found incarceration reduced wage rates
by 16 percent, we found no significant difference in wage rates. That we
did not find significant lower wage rates between previously
incarcerated fathers and those who were not, suggests the penalties paid
by incarcerated fathers were in the form of reduced employment
opportunities. That is, their lower earnings were the result of their
difficulty in finding and keeping stable employment. This is supported
by our finding that the odds of previously incarcerated fathers in our
study working the week prior to their interview is significantly
lower--57 percent as likely--than those of the never incarcerated
This study is limited by our use of the full 20-city Fragile
Families data instead of the nationally-representative data we are not
able to generalize these findings beyond the unwed fathers in this
study. However, because the full set of data is minimally different than
the nationally-representative data, we cautiously present these findings
as evidence that incarceration rates are significant among young unwed
fathers--40 percent of the fathers in our study were identified as
having been incarcerated.
While not conclusive, there is evidence from this study that
previously incarcerated fathers are more disadvantaged than those
fathers who never went to prison--they were more likely to grow up
without a father in the home, more likely to be from a racial/ethnic
minority, and more likely to drop out of high school. Thus, we would
expect that they would have earned less even if they had never been
Although controlling for observable differences between the fathers
who had been incarcerated and the non-offenders significantly reduced
the differences in work and earnings, the remaining differences--even
after controlling for variables that may be endogenous to
incarceration--are still quite large. Because it is likely that there
are unmeasured differences between those who were and those who were not
incarcerated, we used instrumental variables analysis to isolate the
causal effect of incarceration. The instrumental variables analysis
provides additional evidence that incarcerated fathers are seriously
harmed by the experience.
For policymakers, there are also costs to society to consider.
State governments spend more than $22,000 per year on average to house
an inmate and annual state correction costs were $38.2 billion in 2001,
an average of $134 per resident, up from $66 in 1996 (Stephan, 2004).
These rising costs are competing for escalating demands from other
social needs such as education and health care (Jacobson, 2005).
Reducing recidivism and it concomitant costs, particularly for
non-violent ex-offenders, will be a pressing matter on the agenda of
many state legislatures in the days to come.
Prisoner reentry advocates stress the need to address problems
while prisoners are incarcerated. More rehabilitation programs, more
drug and mental services, and more employment training should be
promoted. Jacobson (2005) offers several viable policy ideas that would
save states money if they addressed problems early. A bill that has the
support of President Bush--The Second Chance Act of 2004--is slowing
moving through the congressional process; increased efforts should be
made to raise public awareness and support for this bill. Amending
mandatory minimum laws, using technology and other monitoring strategies
in community-based sanctions, enhancing juvenile delinquency prevention
and generally improving inner-city schools can have a profound impact on
incarceration rates.
One novel idea would be clemency for released first-time nonviolent
offenders. Criminal arrest and conviction records often follow released
inmates decades after they have paid their debts to society. Employers
routinely deny jobs to individuals with criminal records no matter how
minor their offenses. First-time nonviolent offenders who refrain from
criminal activities for five years should be able to petition to have
their records expunged and full rights restored.
While not conclusive, this study adds to existing evidence that
incarceration is strongly associated with poor labor market outcomes.
There is an obvious need for more research on incarceration and its
implications for society. Much more needs to be done to document the
harmful effects incarceration may have on prisoners, their families and
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Howard University
School of Social Work
Columbia University
School of Social Work
Columbia University
School of Social Work
Appendix Table: State Number of Prison and Jail Inmates
per 1,000 Population by Race at Midyear 2001
City State White Black Latino All
Oakland California 4.70 27.57 8.27 6.97
San Jose California 4.70 27.57 8.27 6.97
Jacksonville Florida 5.36 25.91 2.35 7.72
Chicago Illinois 2.51 18.89 3.81 5.12
Indianapolis Indiana 3.91 22.36 4.54 5.45
Baltimore Maryland 2.48 16.86 5.89 6.57
Boston Massachusetts 2.06 15.62 13.09 3.59
Detroit Michigan 3.69 22.47 5.68 6.44
Newark New Jersey 1.61 21.17 6.93 5.03
New York New York 1.73 16.38 10.21 5.46
Toledo Ohio 3.24 22.79 5.60 5.58
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 2.44 25.70 16.80 5.33
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 2.44 25.70 16.80 5.33
Nashville Tennessee 3.92 19.91 3.63 6.47
Austin Texas 6.40 32.87 8.00 9.66
Corpus Christi Texas 6.40 32.87 8.00 9.66
San Antonio Texas 6.40 32.87 8.00 9.66
Norfolk Virginia 3.61 22.68 2.42 7.20
Richmond Virginia 3.61 22.68 2.42 7.20
Milwaukee Wisconsin 3.50 40.58 9.74 6.05
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics among Unmarried Fathers *
Father Sample (N=2,406)
Ever Never
All Fathers Incarcerated Incarcerated
Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
Regular Sector
Worked last
week? (mother 0.73 0.44 0.58 0.49 0.83 0.38
Worked last 0.73 0.44 0.60 0.49 0.81 0.39
Annual 21,315 57,270 15,939 18,353 24,525 70,791
Weeks worked 37.85 19.48 31.59 21.34 41.66 17.19
past 12 months
Hours worked 43.78 19.40 40.87 21.76 45.56 17.59
per week
Hourly wage 12.83 37.15 12.18 38.12 13.19 36.63
Underground Work
Participated? 0.35 0.48 0.43 0.49 0.31 0.46
Underground Earnings
Annual 2,546 13,013 3,277 14,922 2,173 11,695
Control Variables
Age 27.8 7.1 27.8 7.0 27.8 7.1
Non-Hispanic .13 .34 .14 .34 .13 .33
Non-Hispanic .56 .50 .62 .49 .53 .50
Hispanic .28 .45 .22 .42 .31 .46
Other Race .03 .17 .02 .15 .03 .17
< High School .39 .49 .45 .50 .35 .48
High School .36 .48 .37 .48 .36 .48
Some College .21 .41 .16 .37 .24 .43
College .04 .18 .01 .11 .05 .22
Had Drug/
Alcohol .17 .37 .22 .42 .17 .37
Depressed 2 .16 .37 .20 .40 14.00 .35
Poor Health .17 .38 .21 .41 .15 .35
Not Involved .33 .47 .38 .48 .30 .46
with Father
Mean S.D.
Regular Sector
Worked last
week? (mother 0.72 0.45
Worked last X X
Annual X X
Earnin s
Weeks worked X X
past 12 months
Hours worked X X
per week
Hourly wage X X
Underground Work
Participated? X X
Underground Earnings
Annual X X
Control Variables
Age 27.8 7.2
Non-Hispanic .12 .32
Non-Hispanic .58 .49
Hispanic .28 .45
Other Race .03 .16
< High School .39 .49
High School .38 .48
Some College .20 .40
College .03 .18
Had Drug/
Alcohol X X
Depressed 2 X X
Poor Health X X
Not Involved X X
with Father
* All dependent variables are based on father reports unless
otherwise noted.
Table 2: Odds Ratios of the Effects of Incarceration on Fathers'
Employment Last Week (a)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Full Sample Father Sample Father Sample
Ever incarcerated ** 0.34 (10.85) ** 0.53 (5.91) ** 0.57 (4.98)
unknown (+)0.49 (1.87) -- --
Never incarce- (omitted)
Age ** 1.02(2.71) 1.00 (0.47) 1.01 (0.72)
Non-Hispanic ** 0.33 (5.68) ** 0.40 (4.60) ** 0.41 (4.20)
Hispanic .69 (l.64) 1.11 (.46) 1.13 (.51)
Other race ** .30 (3.51) ** .34 (3.14) ** .35 (2.98)
Non-Hispanic (omitted)
High school gra- ** 1.67 (4.64) ** 1.68 (4.31) ** 1.49 (3.18)
Some college ** 2.21 (5.53) ** 2.58 (6.07) ** 2.05 (4.45)
College graduate * 2.23 (2.40) ** 4.30 (3.68) ** 3.39 (3.05)
Less than high (omitted)
Had Drug/Alcohol 0.78(l.71)
Depressed 2 Weeks ** 0.61 (3.49)
Poor Health ** 0.41 (6.61)
Not Involved with 0.95 (.45)
Observations 2573 2261 2212
Absolute value of t statistic in parentheses;
* p [less than or equal to].05, ** p [less than or equal to] .01
(a) Fathers who were in jail at the time of interview are excluded.
City of residence is controlled for but results are not reported;
"--" indicates that observations are dropped due to very few
cases in cell (n=2).
Table 3: OLS and Logistic Regression Results for Regular Earnings,
Weeks Worked, Hours Worked, Hourly Wage Rate and Off-book
Employment and Earnings (1)
Model 1 Model 2 IV Results
Regular Sector
Log of annual ** -0.40 (.12) * -0.28 (12) * -2.73 (2.02)
Weeks worked *** -4.53 (.85) *** -3.60 (84) * -26.02 (2.37)
Hours worked -1.04 (.86) -0.56 (.87) -12.96 (1.25)
per week
Log of Hourly * -.06 (2.08) -.04(l.26) ** -1.13 (2.75)
Wage Rate
Participated *** 1.53 (4.26) ** 1.43 (3.46) -0.54 (.76)
Log of under- ** 0.78 (4.58) ** 0.66 (3.81) -3.74 (1.67)
ground earnings
* p [less than or equal to] .05, ** p [less than or equal to] .01,
*** p [less than or equal to] .001
Note: OLS coefficients and standard errors in parentheses for
OLS regression models when dependent variables are continuous.
([dagger]) Odds ratios and t statistic in parentheses for logistic
regression on participation in underground employment.
(1) City of residence is controlled for but results are not
reported. For dependent variables log annual earnings, annual
weeks worked, and annual off-book earnings, fathers who were
in jail at the time of interview and those in jail partial year
during last 12 months are excluded. Model 1 controls for age,
race/ethnicity, education, and city of interview--controls used
largely in previous studies; Model 2 adds controls for drug
problems, depression, poor health, and whether the father's was
involved with his biological--controls not generally included
in previous studies.