Public and private sources of assistance for low-income households.
Wu, Chi-Fang ; Eamon, Mary Keegan
This study examined the types and combinations of public and
private assistance received by three types of low-income households,
including those with children, without children, and elderly without
children. Using data from the 1996 and 2001 panels of the Survey of
Income and Program Participation (SIPP), the results indicate that a
large percentage of low-income households rely on public assistance, and
receipt of private assistance is much less common. Approximately 7% of
the sample use both types of assistance. The findings highlight
differences in combinations of public and private assistance used by
different household types. We also found some significant differences in
the factors that determine receipt of public and private assistance.
Practice and policy implications are discussed.
Keywords: pubic assistance; private assistance; combination of
assistance; poverty; TANF
Approximately 37 million people (12.6% of the United States population) live in poverty, an income level that the federal government
estimates cannot provide the basic necessities of living (U. S. Census
Bureau, 2006). Poverty rates among various population groups are not
constant, but reflect social policy decisions and racial/ethnic, gender,
and citizenship status divisions that exist within this country. For
example, the elderly experience a relatively low rate of poverty
(10.1%), compared to children (17.1%). Only 8.3% of non-Hispanic white
children are poor, while 24.9% of Black and 21.8% of Hispanic children
live in poverty. Approximately 29% of single female heads of households
are poor, more than two times the poverty rate of single male heads of
households, and more than five times the poverty rate of married
couples. The percentage of non-citizens who live in poverty (20.4%) is
almost double that of citizens.
When income from earnings, assets, other transactions in the market
place, and social insurance programs does not meet the needs of
low-income individuals and families, they rely on assistance from other
public and private sources (Danziger, Corcoran, Danziger, & Heflin,
2000; Edin & Lein, 1996; Hollar, 2003; Teitler, Reichman, &
Nepomnyaschy, 2004). Public sources include means-tested government
benefits such as welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaid.
Charitable and non-profit organizations, such as churches, food
emergency providers, and other community groups, and social networks are
the two main sources of private assistance. Private sources provide a
variety of assistance, including cash, clothing, food, and child care.
As the literature review that follows demonstrates, recent social
policy changes have weakened the safety net for low-income individuals
and families. The federal government's reduced commitment to
low-income households highlights the importance of the current study,
which identifies the types and combinations of public and private
assistance that low-income households rely on to meet their basic needs.
Public Sources of Assistance
Since the 1970s, several major changes reflecting the conservative
Reagan era, George Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of light,"
Bill Clinton's "welfare reform," and most recently George
W. Bush's "faith-based and community initiatives" have
been made in federal social policy that affect the poor and vulnerable
(Brooks, 2004; Marwell, 2004). The changes include cutting federal
government funding for public benefits, increasing reliance on volunteer
and private activity, shifting federal funds to the private sector
(referred to as "privatization"), and shifting administrative
decisions related to program participation, such as eligibility and
benefit levels, from the federal government to lower levels of
government (referred to as "devolution").
According to Hacker (2004), these post-1970s changes have not
collapsed this country's welfare state, but they have eroded social
protection for vulnerable households in at least three main ways. First,
privatization and devolution have altered, sometimes radically, the
administration of previously stable social policies. Second, social
programs now cover fewer of the economic risks faced by many households
as a result of recent changes in employment (e.g., increases in
low-wage, part-time, and unstable employment) and family structure,
including high rates of marital disruption and single-parent households.
Finally, significant changes in welfare policy have occurred, with the
most extensive changes occurring as a result of the passage of the 1996
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
PRWORA replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
program with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Instead of
providing an entitlement to cash benefits for poor families with
children, TANF provides temporary, employment-based cash assistance.
States have increased discretion in designing and implementing their
TANF programs, resulting in variability in eligibility requirements,
benefits, and services. PRWORA also reduced other program benefits for
low-income households. Examples of these include restrictions on food
stamp eligibility for able-bodied adults without dependents who fail to
meet work requirements, more stringent rules to qualify for Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) for individuals with disabilities, and further
decreases in immigrants' eligibility for many federal program
benefits (for an extensive review of these changes, see Greenberg et
al., 2002).
The TANF program has resulted in dramatic declines in welfare
caseloads and is related to increased employment, earnings, and economic
well-being for low-income families (Cancian, Haveman, Meyer, &
Wolfe, 2002; Danziger et al., 2000). Despite these positive outcomes,
other families exiting or declining to receive TANF benefits are poor,
are worse off financially than under the previous AFDC program, secure
short-term, low paying employment providing few or no benefits, and
continue to receive some type of means-tested benefits (Cancian, Meyer,
& Wu, 2005; Ozawa & Yoon, 2005). Receiving assistance from
means-tested benefit programs is common among all low-income households
(Mosley & Tiehen, 2004; Teitler et al., 2004).
With recent changes in government benefit programs, private sources
of assistance, including charitable and other non-profit organizations
and social networks, become increasingly important to the economic
well-being of low-income households.
Private Sources of Assistance
Charitable/non-profit organizations. Since the 1980s, private,
nonprofit social agencies and other community-based organizations have
relied heavily on financial support from the federal government. Instead
of providing direct material or income assistance to low-income
households, these organizations primarily provide a range of supportive
assistance such as child care, employment training, and community
development activities, some of which can contribute to the economic
well-being of low-income households (Lynn, 2002; Marwell, 2004). Other
local non-profit and charitable groups have responded to the unmet needs
of low-income households by providing clothing and limited cash
assistance and by establishing shelters and food assistance programs
(Daponte, 2000; Edwin, 1991).
Food emergency program use among low-income households is common,
with approximately one-third of these households using a food pantry or
soup kitchen within a year (Ahluwalia, Dodds, & Baligh, 1998;
Daponte, 2000). Both current and former welfare recipients frequently
access assistance, including shelter, food, and clothing, from churches,
community groups, and private, nonprofit organizations (Danziger et al.,
2000; Edin & Lein, 1996; Hollar, 2003). Assistance from private
sources can be particularly critical to unemployed mothers, as Danziger
et al. found that approximately 50% of them receive assistance from
private community sources. For unauthorized immigrants, who are
ineligible to receive public benefits, assistance from private sources
can be especially important (Moretti & Perloff, 2000).
Assistance from private community sources is important to
low-income households. However, when low-income individuals and families
cannot meet their basic needs through earnings and/or public benefits,
they tend to seek assistance from community-based agencies only after
assistance is not available from their social networks (Ahluwalia et
al., 1998).
Social Networks. Social networks, referring to the personal
connections individuals have with others, such as extended family,
friends, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances, can provide a variety
of assistance to low-income households (Ahluwalia et al., 1998).
Scholars have defined types of social support received from social
networks in various ways (e.g., Henly, Danziger, & Offer, 2005;
Thoits, 1995). Common categories of social support include emotional
(communicating reassurance, caring, and concern), informational (giving
advice, opinions, and information), and instrumental (providing
transportation, child care, and other economically-related assistance).
This review focuses on instrumental assistance.
A recent study of former and current welfare recipients and a
review of similar literature (Henly et al., 2005) suggest that receipt
of cash assistance from low-income individuals' social networks is
uncommon; and when such financial assistance is received, it is small
compared to income from welfare benefits or monthly earnings.
Researchers, however, acknowledge that social networks are an important
safety net for low-income households (Danziger et al., 2000; Edin &
Lein, 1996; Hollar, 2003; Litt, Gaddis, Fletcher, & Winter, 2000).
In addition to providing small amounts of cash, social networks provide
food, housing, clothing, childcare, and transportation, support
employment, and prevent hardships such as homelessness (Harknett, 2006;
Henly et al., 2005; Passero, Zax, & Zozus, 1991).
Compared to more economically advantaged households, low-income
households have the greatest needs and experience the highest number of
chronic life and adverse financial events, yet they have the smallest
and most economically disadvantaged social networks (Auslander &
Litwin, 1988; McLeod & Kessler, 1990). These life problems and
network characteristics frequently result in the inability of low-income
households to obtain the needed assistance from their social support
networks, despite the culturally strong value placed on social support
among many vulnerable groups (Jayakody, 1998; Mickelson & Kubzansky,
Combining Sources of Assistance
Historically, economically disadvantaged households have combined
income from available earnings with multiple types of public and private
assistance, a practice which Zippay (2002) refers to as "income
packaging." In his own research, Zippay found that displaced steel
workers combined earnings and public and private assistance in different
ways over time, but they all drew on multiple sources of external
assistance during the years immediately following the job losses. The
sources included social insurance programs, means-tested benefits, and
social networks. Other researchers have examined combinations of public
and private assistance accessed by low-income single mothers, food
pantry users, the homeless, and the elderly.
One of the four main themes of Litt et al.'s (2000)
qualitative study of 7 former TANF recipients was their reliance on both
public (e.g., food stamps, school meals, and Medicaid) and private
(e.g., food pantries and family) sources of assistance. A study on a
larger sample of current or former welfare recipients confirmed the
importance of using both public and private assistance and also suggests
that using particular types of assistance depends on the mother's
work history (Danziger et al., 2000). For example, receiving TANF and
food stamp benefits declined as work involvement increased during an
approximately two-year period (74.6% and 82.1% of mothers not working,
and 40% and 68% of mothers working in all months received TANF and food
stamp benefits respectively). Receiving food, shelter, or clothing from
charitable groups also was tied to mothers' work, ranging from
47.8% of unemployed women to 20.7% of women working in all months.
However, receiving assistance from social networks was approximately
13%, regardless of whether the mothers worked in none or all of the
months prior to the survey. Edin and Lein (1996) reported similar
findings on the relation between work and using public and private
sources of assistance in their sample of low-income, single mothers.
Hollar (2003) found that the overwhelming majority (82%) of former
TANF recipients received assistance from either a public or private
source, but only 9% of the mothers received assistance from church or
other community groups. The importance of public and private assistance
after welfare reform also was confirmed in a sample of new, unwed
mothers in 20 large cities (Teitler et al., 2004). Receiving assistance
from public programs and social networks, including families, friends,
and the child's father, was almost universal (94% and 96%
respectively). The majority of the mothers relied on a combination of
public and private support.
Several studies surveying different types of low-income households
have examined the relation between food pantry use and food stamps.
Daponte (2000) found that approximately one-half of low-income
households were using food stamps at the time of her 1993 survey,
compared to one-third that had used a food pantry within the previous 30
days; only one-quarter of the households receiving food pantry
assistance also used food stamps. Bartfeld (2003) found approximately
the same percentage of single mothers who accessed food pantries were
currently receiving food stamps. She concluded that the mothers used
food pantries as an alternative, not as a supplement, to food stamps. A
more recent study confirmed that the use of food pantries was low
compared to the use of food stamps, as was the simultaneous use of both
programs (Mosley & Tiehen, 2004). However, over a three-year period
approximately 69% of food pantry users also received food stamps, and
one-third of food stamp recipients also visited a food pantry,
suggesting that low-income households access the two programs when they
are needed.
In a sample of low-income individuals seeking or receiving
assistance from private, non-profit agencies, approximately 82% had used
at least one public or private assistance program within the previous 12
months (Ahluwalia et al., 1998). Participation in public assistance
programs was as high as 72% for AFDC, with approximately one-third of
the participants having used a food pantry/soup kitchen. The homeless
also rely on assistance from both public and private sources, as over
one-half of the homeless in a Los Angeles study received a government
benefit from a means-tested (e.g., AFDC, food stamps, and general
relief) or social insurance (e.g., unemployment compensation) program.
Approximately 33% recently had received cash assistance (average of $80)
from family or friends, and social networks also provided housing and
meals (Schoeni & Koegel, 1998).
Research on public and private sources of assistance for low-income
elderly individuals is rare, but one national study (Krause & Shaw,
2002) found that 10.5% of elderly individuals received a means-tested
benefit (e.g., SSI and food stamps), with women being much more likely
to receive such assistance (27% were men; 73% were women). Older men,
but not women, who used public assistance reported receiving less social
support from family and friends, were less satisfied with the assistance
they received, and experienced more negative interactions compared to
older men not receiving such assistance.
As the previous review indicates, low-income households use
different patterns and types of public and private assistance, and this
use likely varies over time, depending on availability and need. The
review also indicates that public sources of support tend to
predominate, both before and after welfare reform.
The Current Study
We used data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation
(SIPP) to examine the use of public and private assistance among
low-income households. As the previous review indicates, past studies
have examined these sources of support in specific populations such as
current and former welfare recipients, food emergency program users, and
the homeless. The current study analyzes three mutually exclusive groups
of low-income individuals and families, including households with
children (containing both elderly and non-elderly members), non-elderly
households without children, and elderly households without children. We
chose to examine these three types of low-income households for two main
reasons. First, no or few studies have used national data to determine
the public and private assistance received by these three types of
households. Second, particular public assistance benefits are available
only to families with children (e.g., school meals and TANF), and the
elderly are eligible for some social program benefits (e.g., Medicaid)
based on their age. Compared to previous research, we also examine a
broader range of public and two types of private sources of support,
including nonprofit or charitable organizations and social networks.
We examined the following research questions: First, what types of
public and private assistance do low-income households use and does the
use of public and private assistance vary by household type? Second,
what factors are associated with the receipt of any public and any
private assistance? Third, do low-income households combine public and
private assistance, and do the patterns vary by type of household?
Data and Sample
In this analysis, we used data from the 1996 and 2001 panels of the
SIPP, a longitudinal survey on nationally representative samples of
noninstitutionalized U.S. households. The SIPP is conducted every four
months within an approximately three- to four-year period for each
panel. Interviews for the 1996 panel were conducted between January 1996
through February 2000, and the 2001 panel followed another group of
respondents from February 2001 to January 2004. At each interview, a
core questionnaire and various "topical modules" were
administered. The core questionnaire contains information on labor
force, income, assets, family composition, and program participation.
The topical modules include information on a variety of subjects such as
education, employment, earnings, immigration, child care, and welfare
reform. Data for this analysis were taken from interviews conducted
between August and November 1998 (1996 panel) and between June and
September 2003 (2001 panel) when the wave 8 welfare reform data were
collected. This allowed us to analyze the use of public and private
assistance the year PROWA was implemented and six years later. The core
questionnaire provided information on the public assistance variables
and most of the sample characteristics, and the topical modules on
welfare reform and adult well-being were used to construct the private
assistance variables.
Respondents who were at least 18 years old and whose family income
at the month of the interview was less than 185% of the federal poverty
line were included in the study. We included respondents with income
less than 185% of poverty, because this is the upper limit of
eligibility for receiving some means-tested benefits such as the Special
Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and school
meals. We also restricted our analysis to respondents in each panel who
had valid data on our independent and dependent variables, resulting in
a sample of 23,168 respondents (12,311 in the 1996 panel; 10,857 in the
2001 panel).
Dependent variables. In our analysis, we defined two main dependent
variables: the receipt of public and private assistance during the four
months prior to the interview. We also examined combinations of these
types of assistance. Our public assistance variable included three forms
of cash benefits, including AFDC or TANF, general assistance, and SSI.
In addition, we included receipt of non-cash benefits from the food
stamp, school meals, Medicaid, and WIC programs, and child care, energy,
and public housing assistance. The variable, receipt of public
assistance, was coded I if the respondents reported receiving any cash
or non-cash benefits; and coded 0, if they received no benefits.
We measured receipt of assistance from two private sources,
including non-profit or charitable organizations and social networks
(family, relatives, friends, and employers). The two private sources
assisted with (1) transportation (e.g., gas vouchers, bus or subway tokens or passes, rides to medical appointments); (2) child care
payments; (3) food (e.g., money, vouchers, or certificates to buy food;
food or meals from a shelter, soup kitchen, or charity); (4) clothing;
(5) housing expenses; and (6) short-term cash. We also used responses to
questions related to whether the two sources of private support provided
assistance for evictions, telephone line disconnections, gas, oil, or
electric bills, rent or mortgage, or seeing a dentist and a doctor.
Because the percentage of the sample receiving either of the two types
of private assistance was low (less than 5%), we combined the two
categories in our multivariate analysis. Receipt of private assistance
was coded 1, if respondents reported receipt of any private assistance,
and 0 otherwise.
Independent variables. In our multivariate analyses, we examined
multiple factors that previous research suggests influences receipt of
private or public assistance among low-income households (e.g.,
Biggerstaff, Morris, & Nichols-Casebolt, 2002; Daponte, 2000;
Martin, Cook, Rogers, & Joseph, 2003). The covariates included age,
gender, marital status, education, race/ethnicity, citizenship status,
number of respondent's children in the household less than age 18,
assets (home and car ownership), region of country, living in a
metropolitan area, history of welfare receipt, employment status, work
disability, and level of poverty. Finally, we controlled for the year of
the SIPP panel. Table 1 presents the variable descriptions and weighted
frequency distributions of the characteristics by the three types of
households: with children, non-elderly without children, and elderly
without children. Although variations on the characteristics exist among
the three types of households, none of the results are unexpected.
Data Analysis
Weighted frequency distributions were used to examine the use of
public and private assistance, combinations of the two types of
assistance, and whether the use of public and private assistance varied
by household type. We used multivariate logistic regression to identify
the factors associated with the receipt of any public and any private
assistance. Multivariate logistic regression estimates the effects of
each independent variable on the log odds of the relative likelihood of
receiving any of the two types of assistance while controlling for the
effects of the other independent variables (Allison, 1999).
Use of Public and Private Assistance
Table 2 shows the use of public and private assistance by household
type. Although a low percentage of all households (approximately 12%)
received cash benefits, households with children were much more likely
to receive non-cash benefits (approximately 70%, compared to 28.6% of
non-elderly and 25.9% of elderly without children). Not surprising, in
contrast to other household types, households with children were more
likely to receive AFDC/TANF (7.0%), food stamps (21.9%), WIC (10.9%),
and school meals (58.4%). On the other hand, households without children
were approximately twice as likely to receive SSI compared to households
with children (5.2%). A smaller percentage of elderly households without
children (9.0%) received food stamps, compared to households with
children (21.9%) and other households without children (12.0%). Elderly
households also were less likely (6.4%) than non-elderly households with
and without children to receive any private assistance (11.1% and 9.5%
respectively). An even larger difference exists in receiving assistance
from social networks between elderly households without children (1.6%)
and other households with (6.0%) and without children (5.0%).
With the exception of elderly households without children, receipt
of private assistance from social networks was more common than
assistance from non-profit organizations and charitable groups. Help
with housing, paying utility bills, and paying rent or mortgage were the
most common types of private assistance (ranging from 2.8% to 3.4%).
However, the use of these three types of private assistance varied
slightly by household type. In comparison to households with children
and others without children (2.5%), elderly households were more likely
to receive private housing assistance (3.8%). On the other hand,
households with children were more likely to receive private assistance
for paying electric bills (4.6%) and rent and mortgage (3.9%) than
elderly households without children (about 1%). This pattern also is
apparent for non-elderly households without children.
Factors Associated with Receipt of any Public and any Private
Table 3 presents the findings from the two logistic analyses
examining the factors associated with the use of any public and any
private assistance for low-income households. Female heads of
households, Blacks and Hispanics, and respondents with more children, a
welfare history, a work disability, and lower poverty ratios were more
likely to receive both public and private assistance. For example,
low-income households with one child (odds ratio=7.1), two children
(odds ratio=14.8), and three or more children (odds ratio=25.2) were
significantly more likely to receive public assistance than were those
without children. On the other hand, we found that non-citizens and
households owning assets (a home or vehicle) and living in a
metropolitan area were less likely to receive any public or private
However, there are some differences in the factors that determine
receipt of public or private assistance. First, elderly households were
2.3 times as likely to receive public assistance as those who were 18-24
years old after controlling for other factors, but no significant
difference in the likelihood of receiving private assistance between
these two groups was found. Second, the effect of marital status on
receiving public and private assistance also varied. Married households
(odds ratio=.5) and widowed households (odds ratio=.8) were less likely
to receive public benefits, compared to those who were never married.
However, widowed low-income households tended to rely on private
assistance. Divorced / separated households were significantly more
likely to receive private assistance, but they were no more likely to
receive public assistance than were never married households. Third,
education was an important predictor of receiving public assistance, but
not an important determinant of private assistance. Fourth, living in
the northeast increased the likelihood of receiving public assistance
compared to residence in the south, but living in the west increased the
odds of receiving private assistance (odds ratio=l.3). Fifth, those who
were employed or retired were less likely to receive public assistance,
but only working part-time was related to receipt of any private
assistance with the odds ratio (1.1) indicating an increased risk.
Sixth, households in the 2001 SIPP panel were 1.2 times as likely to
receive any public benefits, compared to households in the 1996 panel.
Given that the number of families receiving cash assistance
significantly dropped after PROWA, we conducted additional analyses for
cash and non-cash benefits. We found that households in the most recent
SIPP panel were significantly less likely to receive cash benefits (odds
ratio=.8), but more likely to receive non-cash public assistance (odds
ratio=l.2), compared to households in the 1996 panel when the PROWA was
implemented. We found no difference between panels for receipt of
private assistance.
Finally, compared with households with the largest incomes (between
150 and 184% of poverty), households in all other income categories were
more likely to receive public assistance. These results were expected.
Unexpectedly, the poorest households (< 50% of poverty) had the
lowest odds ratio (1.4, compared to 2.4 for 50-99% of poverty). The
results for receipt of private assistance (odds ratio=2.1) indicate the
relative importance of private assistance to these most impoverished households.
Combining Sources of Assistance
How do low-income households combine private and public assistance?
Figure 1 shows the distribution of combinations of private and public
assistance among four mutually exclusive categories: neither public nor
public assistance, public assistance only, private assistance only, and
both public and private assistance. The first bar in Figure 1 (for the
entire sample) indicates that during the four-month period nearly
two-fifths of low-income households received public assistance only, and
more than one-half of the households received neither type of
assistance. Approximately 7% of the sample used both types of
assistance, and an even smaller percentage (2.3%) of the households used
only private assistance. These results indicate that a high percentage
of low-income households use only public assistance, and relying
exclusively on private assistance is uncommon.
Do combinations of private and public assistance vary by household
type? Figure 1 indicates significant differences in the use of combined
public and private assistance among different household types. About
three-fifths of households with children received public assistance
only, compared to approximately one-fifth of both types of households
without children. The majority of low-income households without children
received neither public nor private assistance (67.2% of non-elderly
households; 72.4% of elderly households), compared with 28.3% of
households with children. Less than 2% of households with children and
elderly households without children received private assistance only,
compared to approximately 4% of non-elderly households without children.
We further examined the relation between public and private
assistance. The result of the cross-tabulation indicates that 15.6% of
those receiving public assistance also received private support ([chi
square] [1, N = 23,168] = 908.6, p < .0001) in the four-month period.
This suggests that low-income households that receive public assistance
are more likely to receive private assistance. This result was confirmed
by a multivariate analysis, indicating that households receiving public
assistance were 3.0 times as likely to receive private assistance
compared to those not receiving public assistance.
The main purpose of this study was to examine the types and
combinations of public and private assistance that three types of
low-income households--those with children and non-elderly and elderly
households without children--use to meet their basic needs. We also
examined factors associated with receiving public and private
Public Assistance
Our analysis highlights the importance of public assistance
programs for low-income households, a finding that is consistent with
previous research (e.g., Danziger et al., 2000; Hollar, 2003; Litt et
al., 2000; Teitler et al., 2004). Receiving public assistance,
predominately in the form of non-cash benefits, is particularly
important for low-income households with children, as approximately 70%
of these households receive some type of public benefit during a
four-month period. Public assistance also is important for both types of
households without children, as more than a quarter of these households
receive some type of public benefit.
Despite the importance of public benefits for low-income
individuals and families, many households fail to receive assistance
from public sources such food stamps, SSI, TANF, government insurance
programs, rental assistance, and WIC, even when they appear to qualify
(Bitler, Currie, & Scholz, 2003; Daponte, Sanders, & Taylor,
1998; Remler & Glied, 2003; Zedlewski & Rader, 2005). Of course
some low-income households might not need particular types of
assistance. For example, the elderly receive food stamps at about
one-half the rate of younger age groups, which appears to be the result
of their decreased need for food assistance (Haider, Jacknowitz, &
Schoeni, 2003). The low percentage of elderly households receiving food
stamps compared to other households also is evident in our study.
Other reasons for the lack of participation in public benefit
programs include strict eligibility criteria and transaction costs,
including the number of required visits and completing multiple
application forms. Inaccurate or lack of information on benefit
availability and eligibility requirements, social stigma, and
disqualifications because of program rule violations also can deter
participation (Daponte et al., 1998; Remler & Glied, 2003). For
immigrants, lack of policy knowledge is further compounded by their
language barriers and concerns about their citizenship status (Greenberg
et al., 2002).
Our multivariate results indicate that a number of household
characteristics are related to the probability of receiving public
assistance. The results generally are consistent with results from the
few studies that have examined similar factors in multivariate analyses
(e.g., Biggerstaff et al., 2002; Daponte, 2000; Hao, 2003; Moretti &
Perloff, 2001; Zedlewski & Rader, 2005). The findings for two of the
significant coefficients--the relatively low odds ratio for the most
economically disadvantaged households and the positive coefficient for
the most recent SIPP panel--warrant a brief discussion.
Compared to the most financially advantaged low-income households,
the odds ratio for households with income less than 50% of poverty is
almost identical to the third category (100-149% of poverty) and close
to one-half the odds of households in the mid-poverty category. These
findings are consistent with other studies examining food stamp use of
people using private food programs, which indicate that individuals with
the greatest need are less likely to participate in public food
assistance programs (Biggerstaff et al., 2002; Martin et al., 2003). Our
results suggest that households with the greatest financial need might
be denied public benefits because of a sanction or face other barriers
to accessing public programs.
Although we expected that low-income households surveyed in the
2001 SIPP panel, after welfare reform had been implemented for six
years, would be less likely to receive public benefits than those in the
1996 panel, the opposite is evident. Additional analysis, however,
indicates that households surveyed in the 2001 panel are less likely to
receive cash benefits, but more likely to receive non-cash benefits.
This suggests that TANF reform is successful in reducing welfare
caseloads, but appears to increase the need for other forms of public
Private Assistance
In contrast to receiving public assistance, a low percentage of all
households receive private assistance from non-profit agencies,
charitable groups, and social networks (ranging from 6.4% for elderly
households without children to 11.1% for households with children).
Although this finding is consistent with previous research, some studies
have found higher rates of receiving private assistance among low-income
households (e.g., Ahluwalia et al., 1998; Danziger et al., 2000; Teitler
et al., 2004). These discrepancies might be the result of examining
longer time periods, which indicates that private assistance is received
more sporadically than public assistance. Type of sample (e.g., welfare
recipients) and including assistance such as child support payments from
the child's absent father also might account for these differences.
Other reasons might account for the low level of assistance that
low-income households receive from private sources. As discussed
previously, most nonprofit social agencies do not provide cash or other
instrumental types of assistance, and social networks of low-income
households tend to be ill prepared to provide such assistance because
they also lack economic resources. In addition, social networks
typically involve norms of reciprocity; thus being the recipient of
assistance frequently results in incurring a debt to the provider. If
members of a recipient's social network are more impoverished or
demanding than the recipient, the exchanges could have an overall
negative economic impact for the recipient (Harknett, 2006). Because
poor elderly individuals have few opportunities to improve their
financial situation, indicating the need for long-term assistance and
less ability to reciprocate, they might have increased difficulty
accessing assistance from their social networks (Krause & Shaw,
2002). This latter hypothesis is supported by our descriptive findings,
which suggest that elderly households have more difficulties accessing
assistance from their social networks than other types of low-income
households. Seeking assistance and relying on others also can extract
psychological costs such as feelings of stress and helplessness (Ahluwalia et al., 1998); social networks are not universal, not always
geographically close (Schoeni & Koegel, 1998), and frequently
provide assistance that is more temporary and unreliable than public
benefits (Henly & Lyons, 2000; Litt et al., 2000).
Many of the same characteristics are associated with the
probability of receiving any public and any private assistance. Female
gender, Blacks and Hispanics, higher numbers of children, welfare
history, work disability, and being more economically disadvantaged
increase the odds of receiving both types of assistance. Two of these
findings merit a brief discussion. Previous multivariate analyses
examining the relation between race/ethnicity and receiving public
benefits, such as food stamps, and accessing private assistance have
produced mixed results (e.g., Biggerstaff et al., 2002; Daponte, 2000;
Zedlewski & Rader, 2005). Other research suggests that Latinos and
African Americans are less likely to receive financial support from
their social networks, but more likely to receive other types of support
such as co-residence and child care (Hogan, Hao, & Parish, 1990; Lee
& Aytac, 1998). Comparisons of the odds ratios among the various
categories of poverty suggest that private sources of assistance are
particularly important for the most economically disadvantaged
households (<50% of poverty).
Our results indicate that owning assets, non-citizenship, and
residing in a metropolitan area are associated with a lower probability
of receiving any private and any public assistance. Asset ownership
might be an indication that the household has additional resources on
which draw, or the assets might be a barrier (e.g., asset tests for
public benefits) to receiving assistance that is needed. The
non-citizenship findings are consistent with past research (Hao, 2003;
Moretti & Perloff, 2000). Unfortunately, private assistance does not
appear to substitute for the decreased eligibility of non-citizens for
public benefits since welfare reform.
Although our findings for urban residence are consistent with some
research (e.g., Bitler et al., 2003), other scholars have suggested that
urban residence might increase, not decrease, receipt of public and
private assistance. In urban areas, cultural or psychological factors
might increase the acceptability of participation in public programs,
and urban areas are more likely than rural areas to have public
transportation. Rural areas also have fewer non-profit organizations,
and rural agencies, such as those operating food assistance programs,
tend to be less structured and cooperate less frequently with larger
churches and other agencies (Krueger, Rogers, Ridao-Cano, & Hummer,
2004; Molnar, Duffy, Claxton, & Bailey, 2001).
Unlike the results for receipt of public assistance, age,
education, employment status, and the SIPP panel year have little or no
relation to receiving private assistance. The latter finding suggests
that private sources of assistance are not used to substitute or
supplement reductions in public cash benefits as a result of welfare
reform. Finally, compared to never married households, widows are less
likely to receive public assistance, but more likely to receive private
assistance; divorced/separated individuals also are more likely to
receive private assistance. Perhaps widowed and divorced/separated
low-income households have assets that disqualify them from public
benefits, yet they are able draw on private sources of assistance.
Combined Public and Private Assistance
Our examination of the exclusive use of public, private, and both
types of assistance during a four-month period confirms the importance
of public versus private assistance for all households, but particularly
for households with children (approximately 61% use public assistance
only). Although reliance only on private assistance is more important
for non-elderly households without children, the exclusive use of
private assistance is uncommon. A low percentage of low-income
households also access both public and private assistance, with the
largest percentage (9.7%) found for households with children. Although
other research has reported higher percentages of low-income households
receiving both types of assistance (e.g., Bartfeld, 2003; Daponte, 2000;
Mosley & Tiehen, 2004; Teitler et al., 2004), these discrepancies
might be due to the length of the time period examined, the type of
sample, and including different measures of private and public
We were unable to examine the simultaneous use of both public and
private assistance, but our analysis determined that 15.6% of households
that receive public assistance also receive private assistance some time
during a four-month period. The results are consistent with the
conclusions reached by other researchers: low-income households tend to
use private sources as an alternative, not as a supplement, to public
assistance. However, as Mosely and Tiehen's (2004) study suggests,
over time higher percentages of low-income households use both public
and private sources of assistance.
Limitations and Practice and Policy Implications
This study has several limitations. We were unable to evaluate the
simultaneous use of public and private assistance, and our time period
of four months was limited. Although the data were rich in
social-demographic characteristics, information was lacking on barriers
to seeking the different types of assistance, such as characteristics of
social networks and availability of assistance. Despite these
limitations, our findings suggest implications for practitioners and
social policy.
Because different household types use various types and patterns of
assistance, policy makers and social workers need to take into
consideration these different needs. Despite these variations, policy
makers and practitioners also must be aware of the importance of public
assistance programs for all three types of low-income households.
Furthermore, the outside assistance on which low-income households
currently use are frequently insufficient to protect them from the
consequences of their precarious financial situations, which include
eviction, homelessness, food shortages or insecurity, and lack of
medical care (Ahluwalia et al., 1998; Danziger et al., 2000; Rank &
Hirschl, 2005; Schoeni & Koegel, 1998). Welfare reform also provides
no guarantee that employment will increase the economic and social
well-being of families with children (Danziger et al., 2000; Litt et
al., 2000; Teitler et al., 2004). These findings all suggest the need
for social policies that increase, not decrease, public benefit levels.
As previously discussed, increasing public awareness of government
programs and reducing transaction costs, including developing universal
public benefits such as child allowances and national health insurance
(Remler & Glied, 2003), should increase access to public sources of
assistance. Practitioners can educate their clients on various public
programs and engage in outreach work, paying particular attention to the
needs of non-citizens and the most economically disadvantaged. Social
workers also can assist clients in assessing and accessing social
networks. For example, social network mapping can be used to identify
and evaluate appropriate sources of support and potential problems and
barriers to using social networks. The latter issues include perceptions
of seeking assistance, reciprocity, and the social skills needed for
requesting assistance (Tracy & Bell, 1994).
Although private assistance, when available, can enhance the
day-to-day survival of low-income individuals and families, such
assistance is unlikely to be sufficient to fulfill the instrumental
needs of low-income households. Policy makers, unfortunately, believe
that increases in public benefits will decrease altruistic behavior
among social networks, private agencies, and charitable groups. However,
little research evidence supports this belief (Chambre, 1989; Cox &
Jakubson, 1995; Rosenzweig & Wolpin, 1994). Instead, our current
study, as well as other research, suggests that cuts in government
program benefits likely will result only in additional economic
hardships, particularly among households with children.
Perhaps one of the best ways to demonstrate that public sources of
assistance can be beneficial to their recipients is to examine the
effects of public program participation. Some research has been
conducted in this area and has produced positive results. For example,
pregnant women who participate in WIC have healthier infants (Bitler et
al, 2003), and the use of food stamps can protect the health of
individuals most likely to use them (Krueger et al., 2004). Future
research efforts also might focus on examining the effects of public
versus private assistance on other measures of economic and social
wellbeing, such as work, earnings, economic hardship, and satisfaction
with home and neighborhoods, among different types of low-income
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Social Work
Table 1. Characteristics of Low-Income Individuals by Household Type
(Weighted Descriptive Statistics)
Elderly Non-
and Non- elderly Elderly
elderly with without without
All sample Children Children Children
Characteristics (N=23,168) (N=10,031) (N=7,670) (N=5,467)
18-24 14.1% 19.1% 17.0% 0.0%
25-34 19.0% 32.9% 14.0% 0.0%
35-44 19.7% 31.2% 17.9% 0.0%
45-64 24.0% 14.4% 51.1% 0.0%
65 and older 23.2% 2.4% 0.0% 100.0%
Male 40.5% 39.0% 48.2% 31.1%
Female 59.5% 61.0% 51.8% 68.9%
Marital Status
Married 43.4% 58.3% 28.8% 37.5%
Widowed 12.9% 2.3% 5.5% 45.0%
Divorced/ 17.2% 14.7% 23.8% 11.8%
Never Married 26.5% 24.7% 41.9% 5.7%
< High School 33.7% 32.3% 27.4% 46.2%
High School 34.0% 34.5% 34.3% 32.7%
> High School 32.3% 33.2% 38.3% 21.1%
White 62.1% 49.9% 67.0% 78.0%
Black 16.6% 18.8% 16.9% 11.8%
Hispanic 16.1% 24.7% 11.4% 6.9%
Other 5.2% 6.6% 4.7% 3.3%
Citizenship Status
Citizen 89.1% 82.1% 92.5% 97.2%
Non-citizen 10.9% 17.9% 7.5% 2.8%
Children < 18
years old
0 57.1% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
1 13.8% 32.2% 0.0% 0.0%
2 14.6% 33.9% 0.0% 0.0%
2 14.5% 33.8% 0.0% 0.0%
Owned a home 55.0% 49.6% 52.1% 69.9%
Owned a car 63.7% 65.4% 64.8% 58.9%
Region of Country
Midwest 20.9% 18.8% 22.6% 22.4%
South 40.6% 40.9% 40.2% 40.6%
Northeast 17.6% 16.0% 17.6% 20.8%
West 20.9% 24.3% 19.6% 16.2%
Metropolitan Status
statistical area 53.0% 53.3% 52.2% 53.7%
Non-metropolitan 47.0% 46.7% 47.8% 46.3%
Welfare History
(ever received) 4.7% 9.7% 1.5% 0.0%
Employment status
Full-time (35+ 26.9% 39.6% 27.5% 1.1%
hours per week)
Part-time 18.0% 21.8% 22.1% 4.3%
Retired 21.7% 2.3% 8.7% 79.7%
Unemployed 33.4% 36.3% 41.7% 14.9%
Work Disability 17.0% 11.7% 30.4% 6.2%
Level of Poverty
-50% 16.3% 17.3% 22.7% 4.2%
50-99% 25.2% 25.0% 25.4% 25.0%
100-149% 32.9% 33.0% 27.4% 41.4%
150-184% 25.6% 24.7% 24.5% 29.4%
Panel status
1996 51.3% 53.1% 48.1% 52.8%
2001 48.7% 46.9% 51.9% 47.2%
Sample: 23,168 adults (at least 18 years old) with family income
below 185% of the federal poverty line in 1996 and 2001 SIPP panels
Table 2. Types of Public and Private Assistance (Weighted
Descriptive Statistics)
Elderly Non-
and Non- elderly
elderly with without
All sample Children Children
Sources of Assistance (N=23,168) (N=10,031) (N=7,670)
Public Assistance-Cash Benefit
AFDC or TANF 3.2% 7.0% 0.6%
General assistance 0.9% 1.4% 0.9%
SSI 8.8% 5.2% 11.8%
Non-Cash Benefit
Food Stamps 15.6% 21.9% 12.0%
Medicaid 20.1% 21.8% 19.3%
Child care assistance 0.6% 1.5% 0.1%
WIC 5.0% 10.9% 0.9%
Energy assistance 2.9% 3.1% 2.3%
Public housing assistance 9.4% 10.2% 8.1%
School meals 26.4% 58.4% 3.8%
Summary variable
Any cash benefit 11.9% 11.6% 12.8%
Any non-cash benefit 45.9% 70.2% 28.6%
Any public benefit 46.0% 70.3% 28.9%
Private Assistance (a)
Transportation 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
Child care assistance 0.0% 0.1% 0.0%
Food, groceries, meals 0.7% 0.7% 0.8%
Clothing 0.5% 0.8% 0.4%
Housing 2.8% 2.5% 2.5%
Short-term cash 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
For home eviction 0.1% 0.1% 0.2%
For telephone disconnection 0.5% 0.6% 0.6%
For paying utility bills 3.4% 4.6% 3.5%
For paying rent or mortgage 2.8% 3.9% 3.0%
For seeing a dentist 0.4% 0.3% 0.6%
For seeing a doctor 0.8% 0.7% 1.2%
Summary variable
Any private assistance from
social networks 4.7% 6.0% 5.0%
Any private assistance from
charitable/non-profit 4.8% 5.6% 4.5%
Any private assistance 9.5% 11.1% 9.5%
Sources of Assistance (N=5,467)
Public Assistance-Cash Benefit
AFDC or TANF 0.1%
General assistance 0.2%
SSI 11.0%
Non-Cash Benefit
Food Stamps 9.0%
Medicaid 18.3%
Child care assistance 0.0%
WIC 0.0%
Energy assistance 3.3%
Public housing assistance 9.9%
School meals 0.1%
Summary variable
Any cash benefit 11.1%
Any non-cash benefit 25.9%
Any public benefit 26.1%
Private Assistance (a)
Transportation 0.2%
Child care assistance 0.0%
Food, groceries, meals 0.7%
Clothing 0.1%
Housing 3.8%
Short-term cash 0.1%
For home eviction 0.0%
For telephone disconnection 0.1%
For paying utility bills 1.1%
For paying rent or mortgage 0.6%
For seeing a dentist 0.2%
For seeing a doctor 0.5%
Summary variable
Any private assistance from
social networks 1.6%
Any private assistance from
charitable/non-profit 3.8%
Any private assistance 6.4%
Sample: 23,168 adults (at least 18 years old) with family income below
185% of the federal poverty line in 1996 and 2001 SIPP panels
(a) Private assistance includes assistance from social networks and
from non-profit or charity organizations.
Table 3. Multivariate Logistic Analysis of Receipt of Any Public
and Private Assistance
Model 1: Receipt of Any
Public Assistance
Variables Coeff. S.E. Odds
Age (18-24)
25-34 0.172 ** 0.067 1.188
35-44 0.342 *** 0.068 1.408
45-64 0.175 * 0.073 1.191
65 and 65+ 0.819 *** 0.093 2.268
Gender (male)
Female 0.242 *** 0.037 1.273
Marital Status (never married)
Married -0.664 *** 0.056 0.515
Widowed -0.244 *** 0.073 0.783
separated 0.011 0.061 1.011
Education (less than high school)
High School -0.415 *** 0.042 0.66
More than
high school -0.815 *** 0.045 0.443
Race/Ethnicity (white)
Black 0.706 *** 0.048 2.025
Hispanic 0.714 *** 0.058 2.041
Other 0.618 *** 0.079 1.856
Citizenship Status (citizen)
Non-citizen -0.137 * 0.065 0.872
Number children < 18 years old (none)
1 1.957 *** 0.056 7.075
2 2.694 *** 0.063 14.785
2 3.227 *** 0.068 25.204
Home Ownership (no)
Owned -0.902 *** 0.036 0.406
Vehicle Ownership (no)
Owned -0.309 *** 0.037 0.734
Region of Country (south)
Midwest 0.071 0.046 1.074
Northeast 0.160 *** 0.050 1.173
West 0.013 0.049 1.013
Metropolitan Area (non-metropolitan)
statistical -0.322 *** 0.036 0.725
Welfare History (no history)
Ever Received 0.662 *** 0.095 1.939
Employment status (no work)
(35+ hours -0.574 *** 0.052 0.564
per week)
Part-time -0.319 *** 0.052 0.727
Retired -0.436 *** 0.067 0.646
Work Disability (no disability)
Disability 1.487 *** 0.055 4.422
Level of Poverty (150-184%)
< 50% 0.299 *** 0.058 1.348
50-99% 0.891 *** 0.048 2.438
100-149% 0.315 *** 0.044 1.371
Panel status (1996 panel)
2001 0.167 *** 0.035 1.181
Intercept -0.890 *** 0.088
Model 2: Receipt of Any
Private Assistance
Variables Coeff. S.E. Odds
Age (18-24)
25-34 -0.061 0.084 0.941
35-44 -0.143 0.087 0.867
45-64 -0.257 ** 0.096 0.774
65 and 65+ -0.119 0.127 0.888
Gender (male)
Female 0.230 *** 0.054 1.258
Marital Status (never married)
Married -0.131 0.072 0.877
Widowed 0.235 * 0.099 1.265
separated 0.349 *** 0.072 1.417
Education (less than high school)
High School 0.033 0.057 1.033
More than
high school -0.010 0.062 0.990
Race/Ethnicity (white)
Black 0.263 *** 0.062 1.300
Hispanic 0.169 * 0.077 1.184
Other 0.119 0.107 1.126
Citizenship Status (citizen)
Non-citizen -0.485 *** 0.094 0.616
Number children < 18 years old (none)
1 0.277 *** 0.073 1.319
2 0.157 * 0.080 1.170
2 0.367 *** 0.080 1.443
Home Ownership (no)
Owned -1.089 *** 0.054 0.337
Vehicle Ownership (no)
Owned -0.143 ** 0.050 0.867
Region of Country (south)
Midwest 0.088 0.064 1.092
Northeast 0.125 0.068 1.133
West 0.246 *** 0.067 1.279
Metropolitan Area (non-metropolitan)
statistical -0.163 *** 0.049 0.849
Welfare History (no history)
Ever Received 0.255 ** 0.089 1.29
Employment status (no work)
(35+ hours -0.116 0.073 0.890
per week)
Part-time 0.193 ** 0.067 1.213
Retired -0.032 0.100 0.968
Work Disability (no disability)
Disability 0.800 *** 0.064 2.224
Level of Poverty (150-184%)
< 50% 0.718 *** 0.081 2.050
50-99% 0.594 *** 0.074 1.811
100-149% 0.282 *** 0.074 1.326
Panel status (1996 panel)
2001 -0.045 0.048 0.956
Intercept -2.541 *** 0.124
Sample: 23,168 adults (at least 18 years old) with family income
below 185% of the federal poverty line in 1996 and 2001 SIPP panels.
Note: Reference categories are in parenthesis.
* p.<.05 ** p.<.01 *** p.<.001
Figure 1. Combined Public and Private Assistance
All sample Households Households
w/ children w/o children
Receipt of public
assistance only 38.9 60.6 23.4
Receipt of both public
and private assistance 7.2 9.7 5.5
Receipt of private
assistance only 2.3 1.3 3.9
Receipt of neither public
nor private assistance 51.7 28.3 67.2
w/o children
Receipt of public
assistance only 21.2
Receipt of both public
and private assistance 4.9
Receipt of private
assistance only 1.5
Receipt of neither public
nor private assistance 72.4
Note: Table made from bar graph.