A time series analysis of the effect of welfare benefits on earnings.
Lewis, Michael Anthony
Policy analysts Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward have put
forth a bargaining power model of earnings. More specifically, they have
argued that the higher workers' bargaining power, the higher their
earnings and the higher the level of welfare benefits, the higher
workers' bargaining power. Thus, based on Piven and Cloward's
model, one would predict a positive relationship between welfare benefit
levels and earnings. Using time series data I test Piven and
Cloward's model and find support for it. The policy implications of
my findings are discussed.
An ongoing concern of mainstream labor economists is the question
what factors affect earnings. By mainstream labor economists I mean
those who adhere to the neoclassical school of thought in economics. An
ongoing concern of policy analysts, more generally, has been the effects
of welfare. By welfare I mean both the recently abolished Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program as well as its
replacement the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
As most readers are probably aware, both programs provided or provide
cash benefits primarily to women with young children that they did or do
not have to engage in market work to receive.
Perhaps surprisingly, there has been little empirical work in labor
economics on the relationship between welfare benefit levels and
earnings. Social welfare policy experts more familiar to social workers
have long argued that there is a positive relationship between welfare
benefit levels and earnings, but there has been little quantitative
research in the field that test this proposition. This paper focuses on
the results of such a test.
Literature Review
In 1971, Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward published their
classic work Regulating the Poor. One of their central arguments was
that welfare benefits provide people with an alternative to selling
their labor forcing employers to pay workers earnings above the level of
welfare to give them an incentive to work. Piven and Cloward have made
this argument in other places (Piven and Cloward, 1985), and other
social welfare policy experts have proposed more recent versions of it
(Blau, 1999 and Abramovitz, 1996), yet there has been little
quantitative research in the policy literature familiar to social
workers that has attempted to test it.
A number of labor economists and other social scientists have
focused on the effects of welfare (Hoffman and Duncan, 1995; Moffit,
1992; Lichter, et al., 1997; Fairlie and London, 1997; Lewis, 1999;
Hoffman and Foster, 2000; and Blackburn, 2000) and the factors that
affect earnings (Bound and Holzer, 2000; Mavromaras and Rudolp, 1997;
Grogger and Eide, 1995; Bratsberg and Dek, 1998; Hirch and Stratton,
1997; Hamilton et al., 2000; Parent, 2000; Carrington and Troske, 1998;
and Hellerstein et al., 1999), yet there has been little empirical
research on the relationship between welfare benefits and earnings. An
exception is a paper by Moffit, et al. (1998).
Moffit, et al. focused on the relative (to high-skilled workers)
and absolute decline in the wages of low-skilled workers that occurred
throughout much of the past 25 years or so. They attempted to determine
whether this decline impacted on welfare benefits that is they modeled
welfare benefits as the dependent variable with decline in low-skilled
workers' wages the independent one. They found a positive
relationship between decline in low-skilled workers' wages and
welfare benefits and state that this may be due to two possible
One is that voters prefer to maintain a constant ratio of welfare
benefits to the wages of low-skilled workers and pressures legislators
to lower welfare benefits when this ratio increases (that is when wages
decrease). Moffit, et al. argue that voters might prefer a constant
ratio of welfare to low-skilled workers' wages out of a sense that
it would be unfair for the well being of low-skilled workers to decline
relative to that of welfare recipients. For example, suppose the average
welfare stipend were one-half the average wage of low-skilled workers
and this average wage declined. As Moffit, et al. see it, voters,
motivated by the considerations discussed above, might pressure
legislators to decrease welfare.
The other mechanism that could account for Moffit, et al.'s
finding has more to do with the work disincentive that would result from
a decline in the wages of low-skilled workers. If low-skilled workers
wages were to decline, raising the welfare to low-skilled wages ratio,
workers might be more inclined to go on welfare. Voters concerned, about
this disincentive effect, might pressure legislators to reduce welfare
The fact that Mofitt, et al. focused on the affect of the relative
as well as absolute decline in low-skilled workers' wages means
that they were focusing, in part, on the impact of an increase in wage
inequality on welfare benefit levels. I focused, instead, on the impact
of welfare benefits on average monthly earnings; that is I modeled
welfare as the independent and the average monthly earnings as the
dependent variable. Also, unlike Mofitt et al., I focused not on the
preferences of voters but on how welfare benefit levels might affect the
bargaining power of potential workers versus employers.
The Model
Piven and Cloward (1971 and 1985) propose a bargaining power model
of earnings. That is they posit that workers' earnings depend on
the relative bargaining power of workers versus employers and that this
relative bargaining power depends on the alternate, other than earnings,
sources of subsistence available to workers. If the only way workers are
able to subsist is by selling their labor to some employer earnings are
likely to be relatively low. If workers have the option of subsisting
without having to sell their labor earnings are likely to be higher and
the higher this non-work conditioned source of subsistence the higher
earnings are likely to be. In the United States one source of
subsistence that people did and do not have to sell their labor for was
and is AFDC and TANE Thus, if Piven and Cloward are correct one would
expect to find higher welfare benefit levels associated with higher
To test Piven and Cloward's thesis I estimated a time series
regression model of the natural logarithm of monthly earnings (measured
in current dollars) on the natural logarithm of monthly welfare benefits
(measured in current dollars). This allowed me to obtain an estimate of
the effect of welfare benefits on earnings that gives the percentage
change in earnings for each percentage point change in welfare benefits,
controlling for the other independent variables in the model. I also
took the natural logarithms of the control variables (discussed below).
Proceeding this way allowed me to compare the effect of welfare on
earnings to the effects of my control variables on earnings, enabling me
to determine which of my independent variables had the biggest impact on
earnings. Taking logarithms of variables to compare the relative effects
of different independent variables is a standard approach in
quantitative work, especially in economics (Wooldridge, 2000).
Using OLS regression I estimated the following model:
1. ln [earnings.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] ln
[welfare.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.2] ln [educ.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3] ln
[unemp.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.4]time + [[member of].sub.t]
where "ln" stands for the natural logarithm,
"[alpha]" a constant, and "t" stands for a given
year. Thus, [[beta].sub.1] is the effect of the ln of welfare in year
"t" on the ln of earnings in the same year, and
[[beta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.3], and [[beta].sub.4] are defined
similarly. [[member of].sub.t] stands for the error in a given year,
that is the difference between the actual ln of earnings value and
predicted ln of earnings value in a given year.
I included [lneduc.sub.t] in the equation because previous research
has found a positive relationship between education and earnings
(Grogger and Eide, 1995). A theoretical explanation for such a
relationship comes from human capital theory (HCT). According to HCT
(Becker, 1993), more education makes workers more productive and, since
labor markets function so that there is a positive relationship between
productivity and earnings, more productive workers make more than less
productive ones. An alternative explanation contends that more education
doesn't cause workers to become more productive but, instead,
signals to employers who the more productive workers are. The idea is
that more productive persons find it easier (or less costly) to acquire
more schooling than less productive ones do. Thus, employers use
rigorous educational standards for hiring to screen out less productive
workers and pay those who meet these standards in accordance with their
higher productivity (Hamermesh and Rees, 1993).
I included [lnunemp.sub.t] because previous research has found a
negative relationship between unemployment and earnings (Blanchflower
and Oswald, 1994). Bowles and Schor provide a theoretical explanation
for this relationship. They posit that the extent to which workers can
pressure employers to raise pay, through strikes and other actions,
depends on the cost to workers of losing their jobs. The cost of losing
one's job (through being fired, laid off, etc.) depends, among
other things, on the likelihood of finding another job (that is on the
unemployment rate). The higher the unemployment rate the higher the cost
of job loss, and the higher the cost of job loss the less employers can
get away with paying workers.
Time was included to control for unobserved variables that change
over time and affect earnings.
I used data from the Economic Report of the President (Council of
Economic Advisors, 1997), A Statistical Portrait of the United States
(Littman, Mark S., 1998), and The Green Book (United States House of
Representatives, 1998). The data was a time series covering 1960-1995.
For each year I took the natural logarithms of the following variables:
1. average private sector weekly earnings (measured in current
2. average monthly AFDC benefit for families (measured in current
3. civilian unemployment rate
4. proportion of United States residents at least 25 years old that
has completed four years of college
I estimated the impact of unobservable variables that change over
time by including each year as values for a time variable. In other
words, 1960, 1961, 1962 ... 1995 were the values for my time variable.
Ideally, it would have been instructive to include data on
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) the reformed version of
AFDC, but data limitations made this infeasible. However, since TANF is
just another form of non-wage income, if Piven and Cloward's model
is valid TANF's effect on the relative bargaining power of workers
versus employers and, therefore, earnings should be similar to
AFDC's. Future research is needed to examine the extent of this
Table I contains the results from my regression model.
Recall that taking natural logarithms of the variables in the model
allows for estimates of the percentage change in average weekly earnings
for each percentage point change in a given independent variable,
controlling for the other independent variables in the model. Such an
estimate is called the elasticity of the dependent variable with respect
to the given independent variable (Nicholson, 1989).
As expected, the elasticity of average weekly earnings with respect
to welfare is positive and statistically significant; for each
percentage point increase in average monthly AFDC benefits earnings
increase by .44 percent. The elasticity of earnings with respect to the
proportion of 25 and above year old four-year college graduates is .71
and with respect to time is .01. A one-percentage point change in the
unemployment rate produces a .06 percent change in earnings, but this
effect is statistically insignificant. It's clear that the
elasticity of earnings with respect to education is larger than any
other independent variable in the model.
The adjusted R squared for the model is .85 meaning that 85% of the
variation in [lnearnings.sub.t] is explained by the independent
variables in the model. This adjusted R squared "nets out" the
effect of time on [lnearnings.sub.t]. In other words, .85 is the amount
of variation in [lnearnings.sub.t] explained by the other three
variables in the model, controlling for the amount explained by time.
This type of goodness-of-fit measure is the preferred one when an
analyst models a dependent variable that is affected by a time trend, as
is the case here. See Wooldridge (2000) for details on how to compute an
adjusted R squared that removes the affect of a time trend as well as
the justification of this approach. Note that an adjusted R squared of
.85 is very high by social science standards.
The D.W. located beneath the table stands for the Durban-Watson d
statistic, a test of the extent to which the errors in the regression
model are correlated with one another. Referring back to equation #1, if
we solve for [member of]t we get:
2. [[member of].sub.t] = ln [earnings.sub.t] - [alpha] -
[[beta].sub.1] ln [welfare.sub.t] - [[beta].sub.2] ln [educ.sub.t] -
[[beta].sub.3] ln [unemp.sub.t] - [[beta].sub.4]time
the expression for the error at a given point in time. The D.W.
statistic assesses the extent to which these errors are correlated (a
condition called serial correlation). Serial correlation increases the
likelihood that an analyst will assume that there is a relationship
between the dependent variable and a given independent variable when
this is not the case. A D.W. statistic of 1.2 is within the
indeterminate range, meaning that we do not have enough evidence to
reach a conclusion about the likelihood of serial correlation
(Studenmund, 1997). The standard remedy for dealing with this situation
is obtaining more observations, but, in the present case, lack of
available data made this infeasible. Thus, this strategy will have to be
used in future research.
This paper has focused on the relationship between welfare and
earnings. The inspiration is an argument first put forward in the policy
literature familiar to social workers by Piven and Cloward (1971).
Consistent with the theoretical prediction, I found that welfare
benefits are positively related to earnings, as were education and time.
The elasticity of earnings with respect to [lneduc.sub.t] was the
highest in the model, suggesting that the proportion of adults that have
graduated from a four-year college has the largest effect on earnings.
What are the policy implications of these findings?
For those, like many social workers, who believe government should
play a role in curtailing poverty, it is instructive to consider the
obvious fact that poverty (whether absolutely or relatively defined) is
related to income. One of the major sources of income is earnings. Thus,
if government can affect earnings, this is a means of affecting the
poverty rate.
The data discussed in this paper suggest that government can
increase earnings more by increasing the proportion of 25 and above year
olds that graduate from four-year colleges than by increasing welfare
benefits. Yet government can more directly affect the welfare benefit
level than the proportion of four-year college graduates. To increase
college graduation the government would have to implement an incentive
scheme such as subsidizing the costs of a college education. Many would
respond to this incentive but many would not because the subsidy would
only address some of the costs of education. The cost of forgone wages
would still deter many from attending.
In order to increase welfare benefits, all the federal government
would have to do is send recipients more money. It is very unlikely that
many, if any, recipients would decline this increase. Although the
government could do more to increase earnings by increasing educational
attainment than welfare benefits, it might be more prudent to try to
accomplish this goal by the latter method since it has more control over
welfare benefits than the proportion of people that finish college.
Another way government can increase earnings is, of course, by
raising the minimum wage. According to many economists, increases in the
minimum wage increase unemployment among low-skilled workers (Brown,
1988). According to more recent work in economics, however, increases in
the minimum wage do not necessarily increase unemployment (Card and
Krueger, 1995). The fact that there is some evidence that higher minimum
wages cause higher unemployment among low-skilled workers should give
those concerned about the well being of the poor pause.
The strategy of increasing welfare benefits might run into its own
problems though. The paper by Moffit, et al. discussed above as well as
recent welfare reforms suggest that the electorate might not be
interested in raising the level of welfare benefits and, perhaps, may be
more interested in lowering them. If this paper's findings are
accurate, the electorate, by declining to raise benefits or by lowering
them, would be forgoing an opportunity to increase the well being of
workers. Since most members of the electorate are workers they would be
forgoing an opportunity to increase their own well being.
Table 1
Effect of [Lnwelfare.sub.t] on [Lnearnings.sub.t]
Variables Slopes T Values Significance
Constant -23.49 -3.40 .003
[Lnunemp.sub.t] .06 1.72 .100
[Lnwelfare.sub.t] .44 3.82 .001
[Lneduc.sub.t] .72 4.31 .000
Time .01 3.34 .003
F = 1026.68, Significance .000
Adjusted R Squared = .85
D.W. = 1.2
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