Exchange rate arrangements in the accession to the EMU.
Coricelli, Fabrizio ; Jazbec, Bostjan
In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of real exchange rates
in candidate countries and the implications for inflation dynamics. We
argue that the observed real appreciation of the last few years can be
partially ascribed in most cases to the workings of the
Balassa-Samuelson effect.
We also found that the real appreciation trend results from higher
domestic inflation rather than a nominal appreciation of the exchange
rate. Interestingly, inflationary pressures seem to arise irrespective
of the exchange rate regime and could be partially attributed to
rigidities in the non-tradable sectors in transition economies. However,
neither the Balassa-Samuelson effect nor these rigidities can be
considered a justification for flexible exchange rates. Indeed, wage and
price setters internalise the exchange rate accommodation rule and a
higher inflation rate would arise. A non-accommodating stance of the
exchange rate policy--for instance, an early adoption of the euro--would
avoid this outcome, although the resulting benefits may not be the same
for every country (Nuti, 2000). Output in the non-tradable sector would
decline temporarily, but the adverse effects of monopoly power on
welfare would be contained as the rate of inflation declines. The
effects on price setting in the non-tradable sector are likely to more
than compensate for the Balassa-Samuelson effects. Nevertheless, if the
Balassa-Samuelson effects were predominant, a change in the Maastricht
criteria would be advisable (Buiter and Grafe, 2002).
The paper proceeds as follows. Next section contains a short
overview of stylised facts and different interpretations of the real
exchange rate appreciation in transition economies, including evidence
on the Balassa-Samuelson effect in transition economies. Section on A
simple analytical framework and econometric results presents a simple
analytical framework and econometric results on determinants of real
exchange rate behaviour. It is argued that structural reforms
implemented in transition economies have indeed determined the level of
real exchange rate during the transition process. These results are used
to draw conclusions on the implications for Maastricht criteria and the
choice of an exchange rate regime. Finally, the conclusions are
All transition economies have undergone major reforms, all of which
have had appreciable consequences for their real exchange rate. Changes
in production and productivity, trade liberalisation and removal of
state subsidies, restrictive monetary policy accompanied by tax reform,
the underlying process of financial innovations and bank restructuring,
are among the factors that played an important role in determining the
real exchange rate in transition economies.
As reform strategies differed across countries, one would have
expected that real exchange rate development also should have differed
across transition countries. However, in the early days of transition,
real exchange rate paths were similar in all transition economies. In
general, transition started with the abrupt depreciation of local
currencies that accompanied the end of a command economy and the
dismantling of previously prevailing multiple exchange rates. Despite
differences in monetary and real shocks that these countries have
experienced, real exchange rate movements in all transition economies
have followed the same time path.
Following the initial undervaluation, the real exchange rate
subsequently appreciated. The appreciation of domestic currencies was
associated with two phenomena (Roubini and Wachtel, 1999). First, the
appreciation was a response to the initial undervaluation of the real
exchange rate. And second, it reflected an appreciation of the
equilibrium real exchange rate. Among the determinants of the
equilibrium real appreciation, the so-called Balassa-Samuelson effect
has been singled out as the most important.
Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Transition Economies
Studies on the behaviour of real exchange rates in transition
economies emphasise the productivity approach to explain the trend
appreciation of the real exchange rate (Egert, 2002; Halpern and
Wyplosz, 1996). There is vast potential for gains in productivity in
transition economies both through more efficient use of existing
resources and technologies and through upgrading technology. However,
this approach should also take into account the initial conditions in
transition economies at the beginning of reforms (Coricelli and Jazbec,
2001). Decades of central planning have resulted in distorted structures
of these economies. Industries were favoured by the emphasis of central
planners on material production, while services were largely neglected.
The structure of the economy was reflected in distorted price levels, as
empirical studies on price development in transition economies indicate.
Transition and the introduction of market-determined prices along the
other market-enhanced reforms have brought about massive changes in
output, employment, and last but not least, relative prices.
To explain the price differential used to measure the real exchange
rate, let us assume that there is an economy-wide wage that is equal to
the marginal product of labour in each sector. To the extent that there
are differences in productivity between countries, wages will differ as
well. In less-developed countries, productivity is generally lower than
in more developed countries. While this applies to both sectors of the
economy, there is evidence that the productivity gap is larger for
tradables than it is for non-tradables. Also, the scope for productivity
gain is more limited in non-tradables than in tradables. Because of
this, the price of non-tradables will typically be lower in
less-developed countries than in industrial countries. Since the overall
price level is a weighted average of the price levels of tradable and
non-tradable goods, the general price level will be lower in
less-developed countries, with the difference being a function of the
proportion of goods that are non-tradable, and the price differential
for non-tradables (Richards and Tersman, 1996). As an increase in
tradable productivity is the main determinant of economic
growth--assuming that non-tradable productivity is more or less the same
across countries--higher relative growth is reflected in a more
appreciated real exchange rate.
Generally, countries that have grown faster during the transition
process have experienced stronger real exchange rate appreciation. Also,
poor performers--in our case, Bulgaria and Romania--have experienced
strong appreciation owing to larger distortions and poor initial
conditions at the beginning of the transition process. Figure 1 presents
the cumulative change in GDP from 1995 to 2001 plotted against the
cumulative change in the real exchange rate index.
Visual inspection does not reveal a clear relationship between real
exchange rate changes and output growth. However, this cannot be taken
as a proof of the absence of the Balassa-Samuelson effect, as many other
factors affect real exchange rate movements, and possibly with varying
effects on different countries. In what follows, the extent of the
Balassa-Samuelson effect is estimated in a framework, which enables one
to disentangle the effect of structural reforms at earlier stages of the
transition process and the pure Balassa-Samuelson effect in recent years
on the level of the real exchange rate in transition economies. The
results broadly coincide with other studies on transition economies
(Egert, 2002; Halpern and Wyplosz, 1996; Krajnyak and Zettelmeyer, 1997;
De Broek and Slok, 2001; and various IMF transition country studies)
with respect to the existence of the Balassa-Samuelson effect in
transition economies. However, the extent of its effect is rather lower
than in comparable studies, as the effect of structural reforms on the
level of the real exchange rate is separated from the pure productivity
differential effect. To explain the separation of structural reforms
from the working of the Balassa-Samuelson effect, a simple model is
introduced in the next section.
It can be shown that in a transition economy, the labour market
adjustment owing to structural changes in the economy may affect the
real exchange rate determination. The flow of labour from one sector to
another is one of the indicators of structural reforms, and as such, the
determinant of the real exchange rate in transition economies. It
follows that the tradable sector employs relatively more labour than the
non-tradable production. The bias in the production of tradables was
widely observed in formerly centralised economies. These economies were
inclined to favour heavy industry and industrial production at the
expense of private housing, consumer goods and services (see Melitz and
Waysand, 1996). (2) There exists a level of tradable production for
which the wages in both sectors are the same. The relative price of a
tradable good in terms of non-tradables is determined on the basis of
labour employment decisions in both sectors of the economy. For this
reason, the relative price of tradables in terms of non-tradables in the
pretransition period is greater than 1. If the measure of the real
exchange rate is taken to be the relative price of tradables in terms of
non-tradables, then one could say that the value of the domestic
currency is overvalued.
The price of tradable goods is determined in the world market and
considered to be given by its pre-transition level. The average price in
the economy is, therefore, a function of central planners'
preference for the tradable goods production. Since technology is given
by the same production functions in both sectors of the economy, the
real equilibrium wage can easily be defined solely as a function of the
central plan and thus abstracted from market forces. Consequently, the
preferences of central planners stand as a proxy for the initial
conditions in transition economies. The higher the required volume of
the tradable goods production, the greater the initial price discrepancy
between the relative price tradables in terms of non-tradables. For this
reason, transition economies inherited pressure for real exchange rate
Figure 2 depicts the initial conditions in transition economies in
a simple two-sector factor-specific model (capital is specific to the
sector, while labour is mobile). On the vertical axis are reported
wages, measured in terms of tradable goods, and the value of marginal
product of labour in the two sectors: non-tradables on the left and
tradables on the right. The two lines depict the value of the marginal
product of labour in the two sectors in relation to levels of
employment. The real pre-transition wage measured in terms of tradable
goods is below the market equilibrium, forcing the economy to employ at
E where there is more labour in tradables than in non-tradables
Price liberalisation and the beginning of the transition process
pushes labour demand in non-tradable production to
(MP[L.sub.NT][P.sub.NT])'. The value of the marginal product of
labour in the non-tradable sector jumps to a new steady state. Monopoly
power in the non-tradable sectors implies that higher wages can be
accommodated through higher prices. Consequently, the real exchange rate
appreciates and labour shifts from the tradable to the non-tradable
sector. If we assume the Law of One Price for tradable goods,
devaluation of the nominal exchange rate may counteract the increase of
real wages, if measured in terms of tradable goods, thereby allowing a
higher level of employment in the non-tradable sector. Nonetheless,
wages in the non-tradable sector could still be higher than in the
tradable sector after the initial price liberalisation. Wages in the
tradable sector cannot adjust instantaneously, as their value crucially
depends on productivity in that sector and on international competition.
As long as there are forces of monopolistic competition at work in the
non-tradable sector or increased trade union pressure in that sector,
wages in the non-tradable sector will be higher than in the tradable
sector, implying unemployment in the economy.
As long as we observe a large reallocation of resources across
sectors, Figure 2 may well serve for an explanation of the transition
process in the first few years following the initial price
liberalisation and cuts in subsidies to the state-owned sector. Models
of transition (Aghion and Blanchard, 1993; Chadha and Coricelli, 1997)
pay special attention to labour market dynamics once the transition
process has begun. The observed productivity increase in tradable
sectors at the beginning of transition is, therefore, due mainly to
labour shedding in that sector. Once the initial labour reallocation is
settled, productivity increase in the tradable sector may occur mainly
because of technology advances in that sector. It is only then that the
pure Balassa-Samuelson effect takes place. Figure 3 shows the working of
the Balassa-Samuelson effect once market forces correct for an initially
distorted labour market. Labour productivity in tradables increases from
MP[L.sub.T] to MP[L.sub.T]' causing wages and employment in the
tradable sector to increase correspondingly. Monopolistic competition in
the non-tradable sector or powerful trade unions bid up wages in that
sector trying to maintain the difference between wages in both sectors
that has been established after price liberalisation is intact. Wages in
the non-tradable sector can increase only through price increases in
that sector causing real exchange rate appreciation and confirming the
working of the Balassa-Samuelson effect. Correspondingly, the value of
the marginal product of labour in the non-tradable sector shifts from
(MP[L.sub.NT] [P.sub.NT])' to (MP[L.sub.NT] [P.sub.NT])".
Employment in the non-tradable sector can either slightly increase or
stay the same. A shift in employment in the non-tradable sector,
therefore, crucially depends on the competition in that sector or on
trade union power.
The simple model suggests that the real exchange rate appreciated
during the first few years of the transition process mainly because of
structural reforms taking place. Price liberalisation was accompanied by
a large reallocation of resources and real exchange rate appreciation.
Monopolistic competition in non-tradable sectors, which was almost
implied by the nonexistence of that sector before transition and
possibly the increasing power of trade unions, helps to explain the
relatively higher wages in the non-tradable sector in transition
Summing up, one would expect an increase in non-tradable wages
relative to tradable wages at the beginning of transition. After initial
price liberalisation and labour reallocation, relative wages should
fall. The fall in relative wages should correspond to an increase in
labour productivity differential between the tradable and non-tradable
sector as wages in the tradable sector start to grow because of higher
productivity. However, the correction of relative wages, which were
established during the first years of transition, depends on the degree
of competition and trade union power in the non-tradable sector. As long
as firms in the non-tradable sector can take advantage of monopolistic
power and trade unions can successfully negotiate wage increases,
relative wages in the non-tradable sector measured in terms of wages in
the tradable sector may stay constant or even increase. Data for CEE countries, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Baltics seem to confirm this line
of reasoning. Figure A1 in Appendix A depicts wages in the non-tradable
sector relative to wages in manufacturing for ten transition economies.
Data are from the ILO database. Wages in the non-tradable sector are
presented by unweighted average over sectors. The non-tradable sector
consists of sectors from E to O in NACE classification of economic
activity. In addition to the entire non-tradable sector (E-O), relative
wages in market and public sector services measured in terms of
manufacturing wages are shown separately. Market services are
represented by sectors E to K, while public sector services are
represented by sectors L to O. Wages in the manufacturing sector are
represented by sector D. (3)
In all transition economies, relative wages in the non-tradable
sector increased in the first few years of the transition process. After
that, the relative wages in the non-tradable sector declined perhaps as
a result of further labour reallocation or/and productivity increase in
the tradable sector. Although the magnitude of the relative wage swing
is different across countries, they all mimic the hump shape of the
relative wage path in the first few years of the transition process.
Furthermore, all countries thereafter resume a slight increase in the
relative wage in the non-tradable sector. However, the magnitude of the
relative wage increase in the later years of transition was much higher
in Latvia, Romania, and Bulgaria than in other countries. Also, in
Slovenia, the relative wage in the non-tradable sector is much higher
than that in other countries. Slovenia also distinguishes itself from
other countries in the behaviour of the relative wage in the public
sector--the relative wage in the public sector is much higher than in
any other country. (4)
Although similar patterns of the relative wage of non-tradables in
terms of tradables are observed in transition economies, it is
instructive to look at labour market developments during the transition
process in order to disentangle the working of the Balassa-Samuelson
effect. Figure A2 in Appendix A displays labour reallocation together
with productivity differential between industry and services in selected
transition economies. The criterion for the period of observation was
the year after which the relative price of tradables in terms of
non-tradables began to decline monotonically. The time series ends in
1998. (5) Data correspond to empirical results presented in the next
section. (6)
Labour reallocation in Figure A2 is represented by the ratio
between labour employed in industry and services, which encompass both
market and public services, respectively. Both measures--labour ratio
and productivity differential--are indexed to the base year that
corresponds to the beginning of the transition process. Although the
statistical properties of the corresponding time series are not
thoroughly examined due to the short time interval, the polynomial trend
of order 3 is added to Figure A2 to ease the explanation. In all cases,
labour reallocation took place at the beginning of transition. Except in
Romania, the labour reallocation process stabilised into the fifth or
sixth year of transition. In this respect, conclusions from Figure 2
seem to explain the extent of structural reforms presented by the labour
reallocation process. One would expect that productivity differential
between labour productivity in industry and services would begin to
increase. However, in the case of Estonia and Slovak Republic, the
productivity differential even declined in the first few years, while in
Lithuania, Latvia, and Romania, it increased only by a modest amount.
Moreover, one can see from Figure A2 that only more advanced transition
economies experienced an increase in productivity differential once the
labour reallocation ended. Surprisingly, Bulgaria experienced the most
dramatic increase in productivity differential prior to 1998. For this
reason, we can distinguish cases where the Balassa-Samuelson effect has
indeed taken place after the initial period of labour reallocation
(Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovenia) and cases where the
increase in productivity differential was mainly due to labour
reallocation. The dynamics of the ratio of labour employed in industry
and services together with productivity differential broadly corresponds
to the dynamics of the relative wage in the non-tradable sector measured
in terms of tradables presented in Figure A1.
Empirical results
In this section, we give a quantitative assessment of the impact of
different factors on the dynamics of real exchange rates in transition
As shown in Coricelli and Jazbec (2001), the real exchange rate
measured as the relative price of tradables in terms of non-tradable
goods negatively depends on the productivity differential, the share of
non-tradable consumption in total private consumption, and real
government consumption. The regression equation is as follows:
(1) log[([P.sub.T]/[P.sub.N]).sub.i,t] = [[alpha].sub.oi] -
[[alpha.sub.1] log[([a.sub.T] - [a.sub.N]).sub.i,t] - [[alpha].sub.2]
[share.sub.i,t] - [[alpha.sub.3][govreal.sub.i,t] +
[[alpha].sub.4][lab.sub.i,t] + [[epsilon].sub.i,t],
where [([P.sub.T]/[P.sub.N]).sub.i,t] is the relative price of
tradables in terms of non-tradable goods;
[([a.sub.T]-[a.sub.N]).sub.i,t] is the productivity differential between
tradable and non-tradable goods production and is measured in terms of
labour productivity in both sectors; [share.sub.i,t] represents the
share of non-tradable consumption in total private consumption;
[govreal.sub.i,t] is the share of government consumption in GDP measured
in constant prices; and [lab.sub.i,t] represents the structural
misalignment variable. It is proxied for by the ratio between labour
employed in the tradable sector versus labour employed in the
non-tradable sector. All coefficients have a negative sign except for
the structural variable, which enters the equation with a positive sign.
This constitutes the positive correlation between the real exchange rate
and the labour employed in the tradable sector relative to the
non-tradable sector. For this reason, the structural variable proxied
for by the labour ratio represents the parameter that measures the
rigidity of the labour market to structural changes in the economy. (7)
Data used to construct price indices, productivity measures, demand
variables, and structural parameters cover 19 transition economies. (8)
Each transition economy is observed from the beginning of its most
serious stabilisation attempt as defined by Fisher et al. (1996). This
implies that the relative price of tradables in terms of non-tradables
is set to 1 in the year of the most serious stabilization attempt. The
implicit GDP deflator for industry in each country represents the price
of tradables. Analogously, the implicit GDP deflator for services
defines the price of non-tradables. The criterion for the period of
observation was the year after which the relative price of tradables in
terms of non-tradables started to decline consistently. However, this
criterion has not been followed in all cases. (9) Different periods of
observation were examined and compared to each other. For all countries,
the period of observation ends in 1998. The longest series runs from
1990 to 1998, while the shortest covers the period from 1995 to 1998.
The entire sample includes 122 observations. (10)
The independent variable is the relative price of tradables in
terms of the price of non-tradable goods. The implicit sectoral GDP
deflators for industry and services are used to proxy for the price
indices in these two sectors. The relative price takes value 1 at the
beginning of transition and enters the regressions in logarithms.
Regression equation (2) reproduces the results for the full sample
of 19 economies, each observed in time since the beginning of the
transition process. (11)
The results are fully consistent with the view that structural
reforms in transition economies contributed to the real appreciation
trend observed in the region since the beginning of transition. Since
all regressions (12) are run in transition time, the results indicate
that we can still expect further appreciation of the real exchange rate
in those economies that began transition at a later time. As indicated
in regression equation (2), the productivity differential used to
measure the Balassa-Samuelson effect had a pronounced effect on the
appreciation of the real exchange rate in transition economies in the
period prior to 1999. A 1 percent increase in productivity differential
has on average contributed to almost a 0.9 percent appreciation of the
real exchange rate measured in terms of relative prices. This result is
in line according to the Balassa-Samuelson effect, which states that
prices of tradables are determined in the world market and therefore
equalised across countries. Prices of non-tradables are assumed to be
determined domestically based on the domestic wage and productivity
levels. To the extent that productivity in the two sectors within the
country grows at different rates, it is likely that there will be
offsetting movements in the relative price of tradables in terms of
non-tradables. If the growth of productivity trend in the tradable goods
sector exceeds that of the non-tradable goods sector, there will be a
tendency for the relative price of tradables to decline over time.
Once we take into account the initial labour reallocation as the
main source of an increase in productivity differential in the first few
years of transition, the estimates of the Balassa-Samuelson effect
following equation (2) are rather lower than in comparable studies (see
Halpern and Wyplosz, 1996; De Broek and Slok, 2001; and Deutsche
Bundesbank, 2001). If we take into account only the period after the
labour reallocation has been completed, the estimate of the
Balassa-Samuelson effect should increase for CEE countries. Coricelli
and Jazbec (2002) show that in the case of Slovenia, a 1 percent
increase in productivity differential translates into about 1.5-1.7
percent real appreciation, considering only the period after initial
labour reallocation. This figure is almost twice as high as the estimate
on productivity differential effect in equation (2). As Slovenia is the
most developed transition economy with respect to GDP per capita, then
the Balassa-Samuelson effect in other transition economies should be
even higher. A visual inspection of Figure A2 where labour reallocation
and productivity differential are shown could provide a tentative
conclusion that in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, the
Balassa-Samuelson effect is even stronger than in Slovenia. One should
additionally take into account the approach to measure the
Balassa-Samuelson effect proposed by MacDonald and Ricci (2001). They
believe that independent of the productivity differential between
productivity in manufacturing and services, the size and efficiency of
the distribution sector of the economy could substantially contribute to
the real exchange rate appreciation. As the size and efficiency of the
distribution sector in transition economies grew since the beginning of
transition, this channel to the real exchange rate appreciation should
be taken into account when explaining the consequences of higher growth
in transition economies. For those reasons, one could conclude that the
working of the Balassa-Samuelson effect would nevertheless imply higher
inflation rates even after accession to the European Union. Thus,
transition economies are likely to face problems in meeting the
Maastricht criterion on inflation, unless growth is proportionally
suppressed to meet the criterion of 1.5 percentage points above the best
three EU inflation performers. Again, this implies that after accession,
inflation differential will remain a serious problem, irrespective of
the exchange rate regime.
With respect to exchange rate regimes, most CEE countries moved to
more flexible exchange rate regimes during transition. The main reason
for the move was believed to be from pressure caused by a surge in
foreign capital inflows (Corker et al., 2000). In so doing, CEE
countries added a potential new source to higher inflation rates in
addition to the working of the Balassa-Samuelson effect. Namely, the
move from a fixed to a more flexible exchange rate regime could backfire
attempts to lower inflation as the exchange rate pass-through could add
to inflationary pressure instead of suppressing it. The evidence on
selected transition economies could partially support this kind of
argument, although the extent of the pass-through cannot be firmly
established (Darvas, 2001; Campa and Goldberg, 2002). Taking into
account caution in explaining econometric results, Darvas (2001) finds
short-run estimates of pass-through of nominal exchange rate to
fundamental prices (food, energy, and administered prices were excluded
from CPI) in 2000 higher in Hungary and Slovenia than in Poland and the
Czech Republic. He tentatively concludes that part of the difference in
the pass-through estimates could be attributed to the exchange rate
regime, as Hungary and Slovenia had a managed exchange rate regime
opposed to Poland and the Czech Republic, which had a floating regime in
2000. Although Darvas (2001) takes into account the change of the
exchange rate regime in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland during
the transition process, the main concern explaining results for
pass-through in transition economies is still the shortness of time
series for the exchange rate and prices if one seriously considers the
importance of the initial period of the labour reallocation process as
explained above. Interestingly, the timing of the change of exchange
rate regimes in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland vaguely
corresponds to the periods when the process of structural reforms
proxied by labour reallocation settled down.
More thorough analysis of the exchange rate pass-through in four
acceding countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia) is
provided in Coricelli et al. (2003), who approach the empirical analysis
within the framework of cointegrated VAR model. The paper finds a strong
pass-through from nominal exchange rates to domestic inflation. In such
a context, the dichotomy between inflation targeting and exchange rate
targeting is more apparent than real. Moreover, in many instances,
flexibility of exchange rates turns out to be a policy of accommodation
of inefficiencies and monopoly power in non-tradable sectors.
Although the existence of the Balassa-Samuelson effect and
potential exchange rate pass-through could provide an explanation for
the real exchange dynamics in CEE countries on average, it is in the
Baltics where both effects had a rather modest occurrence. On the one
hand, all Baltic countries have currency boards, which offsets the
exchange rate pass-through, while on the other, it seems that the
increase in productivity differential was rather small after the initial
labour reallocation. For these reasons, real exchange rate appreciation
in the Baltics could mostly be attributed to demand factors. The
dynamics of relative wages in Latvia shown in Figure A1 could provide
justification for this kind of reasoning. Also, wages in the public
sector have been increasing more in the Baltics than in other transition
economies, with the exception of Slovenia and Romania.
As real appreciation in transition economies resulted in higher
inflationary pressure rather than nominal appreciation, part of the
inflationary pressure could derive from labour market rigidities as
pointed out in the discussion of Figure 2 above. For this reason, it is
not surprising that countries with a higher relative non-tradable wage
growth--either growth of wages in market or public services--on average
face higher inflation rates. This brings up the issue of the
relationship between exchange rate policy and disinflation in an economy
with price-wage and inflation inertia in the non-tradable sectors.
Exchange rate policy and disinflation
The discussion in previous sections was generally related to real
models. However, the analysis of the relationship between exchange rate
policy and inflation requires consideration of the monetary sector.
Candidate countries face the challenging decision on the speed of
convergence to the euro zone rate on inflation. Before entering the
ERM2, the Maastricht criterion on inflation will not apply. However, a
fundamental policy question is whether candidate countries should aim
for rapid convergence and whether this will hurt their growth
performance. We already stated that the Balassa-Samuelson effect is
going to be relevant and that Maastricht criterion on inflation should
be revised to take into account the equilibrium phenomenon of increasing
prices of non-tradable goods. However, inflation performance in
candidate countries is not only related to the Balassa-Samuelson effect
but also to the policy stance of the different countries. Exchange rate
policy is one of the key aspects of this policy stance. A useful
reference framework for discussing the costs and benefits of different
speeds of disinflation is a two-sector model with monopolistic power in
the non-tradable sector. In the context of perfect capital mobility,
interest rates in candidate countries would be determined by foreign
interest rates and expected depreciation of the exchange rate. In the
staggered price model of Calvo (1983) with price level inertia in the
non-tradable sector, it is easy to show that by reducing the rate of
depreciation of the exchange rate, a country can reduce the overall rate
of inflation inducing a temporary fall in output in the non-tradable
sector, as in standard new-Keynesian models. A more interesting model is
a recent extension of staggered price models by Calvo et al. (2002) that
takes into account the average rate of inflation for the price setting
of firms in a monopolistically competitive market. The intuition of the
model is that firms choose a price rule that includes a revision of
price schedule depending on the rate of inflation in the economy. This
implies that firms internalise the effects of policies such as a policy
where the central bank targets the real rate though persistent rate of
depreciation of the nominal rate. In this version of the model, there is
inflation inertia in addition to price-level inertia. The implication is
that a disinflation policy implemented through a reduction of the rate
of depreciation of the exchange rate induces, as in the previous model,
a temporary decline in output in the non-tradable sector. However, in
this model, disinflation brings welfare gains as it reduces the welfare
losses associated with monopolistic power in the non-tradable sector. A
disinflation policy can thus be seen as a way of reducing the welfare
losses of monopolistic price setting. This line of reasoning seems very
relevant for an exchange rate policy in candidate countries.
In the paper, we analysed the behaviour of the real exchange rate
in candidate transition countries. We examined both the relevance of the
Balassa-Samuelson effect and of monopolistic price setting in
non-tradable sectors. We argued that while significant, the
Balassa-Samuelson effect cannot be an argument for flexibility of the
exchange rate, as it is a long-term and fully anticipated phenomenon.
Exposing countries to the high-frequency oscillations of the exchange
rate determined in the short term by capital flows seems hard to
justify. Regarding the view that exchange rate flexibility is a
substitute for rigidities in the goods and labour market, the paper
concludes that an accommodating exchange rate policy can protect output
in the non-tradable sector in the short run, but at high welfare costs.
For the reasons stated, the best policy for acceding countries would be
the adoption of the euro as early as possible.
(1) See Coricelli and Jazbec (2001) for a full derivation of the
model of real exchange rate determination in transition economies.
(2) The non-tradable sector employs fewer workers relative to the
tradable goods sector. If state-owned firms in both sectors of the
planned economy still follow some kind of profit maximisation objective,
then they would employ labour up, to a point where the marginal product
of labour equals the real wage paid in that sector. Any other employment
decision would not substantially alter the conclusions. It follows that
the higher the preferences of central planners for tradable goods
production are, the lower the nominal wage attained in that sector.
(3) It should be mentioned that not all transition economies began
the transition process at the same time. According to Fisher et al.
(1996), the transition process begins with the year of the most serious
stabilisation attempt. In this respect, the transition process, which in
most cases started with price liberalisation, began in 1990 for Poland
and Hungary; in 1991 for Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic;
in 1992 for the Baltics and Slovenia; and in 1993 for Romania.
(4) For an insightful analysis of the case of Slovenia, see Bole
(5) Exceptions are Romania--where the relative price of tradables
has indeed increased--and Estonia--where the relative price of tradables
started to decline already in 1990.
(6) A detailed description of the data is presented in Coricelli
and Jazbec (2001).
(7) As for the rest of the story, this rigidity is assumed to be
exogenously determined in the economy and thus independent of all other
right-hand side variables in equation (1). This is a relatively
stringent assumption on the structure of a transition economy, and its
validity can be seriously questioned.
(8) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine, and
(9) Exceptions are Belarus, Romania, and Russia where the relative
price of tradables has indeed increased. For these cases, the beginning
of the observed period starts after the initial depreciation.
(10) While theoretical literature on real exchange rates relies
upon the division of commodities into tradables and non-tradables, it is
almost impossible to construct these two groups of commodities in
reality. An obvious benchmark for tradability should be the extent to
which the particular good is actually traded. For example, the sector is
defined as tradable if more than 10 percent of total production is
exported. In general, one would label manufactures as tradables and
services as non-tradables. However, this is quite impossible at this
stage in transition economies. In what follows, the tradable sector is
represented by the industry sector, which includes manufacturing; gas,
electricity, and water; mining and quarrying; and construction. The
reason that all other sub-sectors besides manufacturing were included in
the measure for the tradable sector was that for some countries,
sectoral data and data on international trade flows were not available.
To ensure consistency, all tradable sectors in different countries
include gas, electricity, water, mining and quarrying, and the
construction sector, although one could doubt their tradability. A more
substantial problem arises from the inclusion of non-market services
into the variable representing the non-tradable sector. However, the
reasons for the inclusion of non-market services into the total services
sector are the same as for the construction of the tradable sector
(11) Coefficient estimates are reported with standard errors
adjusted for heteroscedasticity in parenthesis. Superscripts indicate
their possible insignificance at a 5 percent level of confidence.
Country-specific dummies (not reported) are significant in most of the
(12) Several regressions were run by adding region-specific dummies
to distinguish possible effects across transition economies included in
the sample. The results confirm those presented by equation (2). For the
full description of econometric results, see Coricelli and Jazbec
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(1) Department of Economics, University of Siena, Central European
University, Budapest, Hungary,
(2) CEPR, London;
(3) Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia;
(4) Bank of Slovenia, Slovenia