The role and relationship of hope, optimism and goal setting in achieving academic success: a study of students enrolled in online accounting courses.
Bressler, Linda A. ; Bressler, Mark E. ; Bressler, Martin S. 等
Educators express concern with regard to academic quality, student
persistence, ability, and other issues in both traditional and online
classes. Both students and higher education heavily rely on distance
education as a means to deliver educational programs. In the past,
research efforts included issues of student success and race, age,
income and gender (Brunner, 1991; Fan & Chen, 1997; Hayes &
Richardson, 1995; Sullivan, 2001). Research indicates that
students' attitudes can affect their success in distance learning
courses (Hogan, 1997; Hoy, Tarter & Hoy, 2006; Katz, 2002).
Specifically, hope, optimism, and social support can attribute to
student success (Barnum, et al,; 1998; Juntunen & Wettersten, 2006;
Katz, 2002; Rogerson-Revell, 2007; Westburg & Martin, 2003). In
addition, research findings indicate goals can be an important success
factor among students enrolled in distance learning courses (Pekrun
& Maier, 2006; Harackiewicz, et al, 2000).
Distance education also presents colleges and universities with new
market opportunities and increased access to higher education for many
students who otherwise might not consider enrolling in college. Distance
education still provides new challenges for educators. Empire State
University reports distance education as an excellent way for their
non-traditional students (who have an average age of 36) to pursue a
college education (Taking a, 2006). Empire States' Linzi Kemp
suggests that online education requires different student retention
strategies than on-campus student populations which tend to be
traditional age (Taking a, 2006).
One potential concern questions whether or not distance education
courses affect student retention rates. In one study of United Kingdom
graduate students enrolled in master's courses, no significant
difference in success or retention among university students could be
noted (Knight 2007). Kung (2002) also indicated that distance learning
could provide additional skills than what students could obtain in a
more traditional classroom.
Kung (2002) noted that problems can exist with student motivation
for choosing distance learning courses. The author's research
revealed that course topic appeared to be the most significant factor
for choosing a distance learning course and that course topic influenced
students to enroll in the class as an elective or required class.
Consequently, students may also be motivated by technology benefits
instead of the educational benefit and instead may choose distance
education coursework (particularly online Accounting) on that basis.
Katz (2002) also reported that when students select online coursework on
the basis of convenience and technology rather than a method of course
delivery that might better suit their particular learning, student
success might be compromised.
Studies indicate the role of hope in student success should not be
overlooked (Bressler, 2006; Bryant & Cvengros, 2004). Even when
allowing for student intelligence levels, Curry, et al (1999) and Curry,
et al (1997) found that students with higher hope or optimism achieved
higher levels of academic performance. Curry et al (1997), also found
higher levels of hope to be a predictor of superior athletic
performance. Barnum, et al (1998) reported students with high hope and
optimism will also recover more quickly from major injuries and
illnesses. Likewise, a study conducted by Chemers, Hu & Garcia
(2001) also noted higher levels of optimism result in higher levels of
academic performance.
Continued research of online educational programs could provide new
findings for educators to develop more effective teaching and retention
strategies which might improve student success (Carnevale & Olsen,
2003). Researchers indicate that depending upon class structure, student
self esteem could be increased when enrolled in online courses (Vamosi,
Pierce & Slotkin, 2004; Weiger, 1988). Self efficacy could also be a
factor in increasing academic success. Self efficacy refers to student
confidence in completing coursework and meeting necessary academic
standards. Other studies, (Smith & Hoy, 2007; Hogan, 1997; Hoskins
& Newstead, 1997; Huston, 1997) reflected that areas such as hope,
optimism, goal setting, and academic optimism affect student and
individual achievement. Despite additional studies specific to
accounting courses in distance learning formats (Gagne & Shepherd,
2001); limited research exists with regard to student academic optimism
while registered in online Accounting Information Systems courses
(Dunbar, 2004; Vamosi, Pierce & Slotkin, 2004; Williams, 2003).
Literature within the various areas of psychology and psychiatry
initially introduced hope components in the 1950's (Harackiewicz,
Tauer & Elliot, 2000; Harber & Schneider, 2005; Magaletta &
Oliver, 1999). Gillham (2000) noted that hope could be an assiduous
force that influences people to rise above psychological challenges.
Additionally, hope might also be characterized as a cognitive strategy
to accomplish personal goals in organizations such as colleges and
universities (Gillham, 2000; Kramer & Conoley, 1992; Snyder, 1994;
Snyder, Rand & Signom, 2002). Simmons et al., (2003) acknowledged
that hope involves a positive feeling that reveals a projected benefit
from personal circumstances.
Hope embraces cognitive and affective elements (Gillham, 2000;
Juntenen & Wettersten, 2006; Tierney, 1995). Cognitive areas might
pertain to the students' perception of their networking ability and
awards aggregated. The affective component also can involve interrelated
negative and positive consequences and may amass situations where
students in universities or colleges endure positive feelings from
receiving tangible awards for academic success. The cognitive component
could necessitate student aspirations or motives behind their personal
Hope comprises the various roles of barriers, stressors, and
emotions (Dill & Henley, 1998; Gillham, 2000). Hope can be
classified an eminence of emotional intelligence, which individuals
develop to overcome dissimilar stressors (Gillham, 2000). All areas of
organizations involve various types of stressors. People perceive
conditions as stressful when incoming hurdles obstruct goal endeavors.
However, people may need to acquire hope to handle difficulties more
effectively. Individuals with high levels of hope many times will
overcome challenges with ease. Hope occasionally can be connected with
willingness to improve various personal predicaments (Snyder, et al,
Hope also includes various levels of thinking involving the ability
to accomplish preferred goals. Students with high levels of hope can
exhibit a stronger aptitude to reach their goals; whereas students with
a low level of hope might struggle to develop efficient strategies.
Students with stronger hope may set more difficult goals than a person
with a lower level of hope. Depending upon their level of hope, students
may or may not act to accomplish their intended goals. However, people
with high levels of hope will be more apt to develop stronger avenues of
approach to arrive at their desired goals (Snyder et al., 2002).
People with stronger hope may be more willing to approach
colleagues with whom they do not share commonalties (Snyder et al.,
2002). The reason might be that an individual relates more with other
hopeful individuals but will not be afraid to connect with someone who
possesses a more daring outlook. In another words, an individual with
high hope might be more willing to take a chance than one with lower
hopeful perceptions of a situation. Social situations can occur in
colleges among enthusiastic students who seek other students with an
upbeat motivation and attitude. Unfortunately, individuals with lower
levels of hope may not attempt to associate with high-hope individuals
and their choice of friends could be limited to less dependable
associates or colleagues. These individuals may lack a feeling of
acceptance resulting in their leaving the organization. Additionally,
people with strong levels of hope communicate positively and
persistently and this attitude can be valuable for leaders in
organizations including both colleges and businesses. Also, hopeful
leadership most likely will result in higher retention rates and more
lucrative organizations than individuals with abysmal hope (Pekrun &
Maier, 2006; Snyder et al., 2002).
Hope and Academic Optimism
Limited studies exist on academic optimism and involve mostly
primary education students as well as teacher academic optimism (Hoy,
Tarter & Hoy, 2006; Mascall, Straus & Sacks, 2008; Smith &
Hoy, 2007). Hoy, Tarter, & and Hoy (2006) discussed the necessity of
additional research in a variety of educational settings in order to
build a more comprehensive theory of academic optimism in schools. The
results of the authors' study concluded that academic optimism is a
strong force for student success. Smith and Hoy, p. 556 (2007) concurred
and added that the new collective construct, academic optimism can be
positively correlated with student success. Although some articles can
be noted on academic optimism in elementary and high schools, limited
research exists on academic optimism in a university setting and even
less can be found on academic optimism involving online courses in
higher education (El-Anzi, 2005).
Hope and Student Grades
One study conducted by Snyder et al. (2002) suggested that students
might not actually perform at levels expected of their academic
potential. Despite the importance of intelligence and ability, several
additional factors could be noted causing academically substandard
student performance. Snyder et al. (2002) studied students from their
entry in college, again at the end of the first and second semesters,
and finally at graduation. The researchers used student grade point
average as an important measure in this study relating hope and academic
success. Snyder et al (2002) found students with higher levels of hope
performed better academically in terms of grades and increased
graduation rate. Snyder (1994) noted that students with higher levels of
hope might be more able to clearly conceptualize goals, while students
who reported lower levels of hope encompassed uncertain and ambiguous
goal traits. Furthermore, students with high hope can also demonstrate
optimistic characteristics as they focus on their goals.
Optimism can be defined as an expectation that people will endure
positive experiences (Gillham, 2000). Optimism many times will be a
significant contributor for behavior and can motivate individuals to
persist in pursuing goals with enthusiasm. Despite the probability of
the occurrence of negative results, optimism involves a belief of
favorable results.
Optimistic people take on more positive coping actions during
demanding circumstances (Chemers, Watson, & May, 2000; Gagne &
Shepherd, 2001; Gillham, 2000). Optimism might also help people to
readily face challenges, such as quickly meeting challenging academic
deadlines. Optimism may be vital for students during time and workload
constraints and the ability to deal with time and workload constrains
will be especially important to students taking distance learning
Moreover, optimism can be relevant to career, mental, and
educational adjustments. According to El-Anzi (2005), optimism
correlates with strong levels of career and/or personal goals. An
optimistic student may trust that academic accomplishment can make
college a positive experience despite previous negative personal
experiences. Pessimism; however, can be linked with poor goal attainment
and psychological anguish. Pessimistic people might also employ
self-defeating conduct which can negatively impact life (Carver &
Scheier, 2002). In fact, pessimists' behavior may lead to
depression, substance abuse, and possibly suicide when confronting a
multitude of life tasks.
However, optimists may not show any advantage. Occasionally,
situations can occur where an optimistic strategy may not be feasible,
and the individual might incur risk such as overrating the capability to
diffuse an adverse situation (Carver & Scheier, 2002). The optimists
might be more vulnerable to a calamity than a pessimist. Pessimists can
anticipate disastrous possible situations, though optimists may struggle
handling traumatic events. In contrast, optimists naturally manage
better for the duration of difficult times (Carver & Scheier, 2002).
This suggests that more optimistic students may be more likely to
persist to complete coursework or a degree program.
Relationship between Hope and Optimism
Researchers utilize both hope and optimism to reveal a future
direction (Chemers et al., 2000). Hope and optimism can exemplify two
different variables, despite similarities (Lopez & Snyder, 2002).
Consequently, both variables consist of discrete components. Different
from hope, optimism can be characterized as the extensive expectation
that people may experience positive events. On the contrary, hope may
entail reliance and a "desire accompanied with expectation of
obtaining what is desired or belief that it is obtainable"
(Merriam, 1971, p. 1089). However, comparing hope and optimism may be
too complicated to differentiate. Frequently, researchers apply hope and
optimism interchangeably (Bryant and Cvengros, 2004). Hope and optimism
might be measured as truly disparate variables. An extensive literature
review resulted in the following four hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 Grade performance and hope are correlated.
Hypothesis 2 Academic optimism and hope are correlated.
Hypothesis 3 Optimism and goals are not related.
Hypothesis 4 Goals and grade performance are not related.
The study involved distributing the questionnaire to students
enrolled in an AIS online course at University of Houston-Downtown,
Texas during the period of 2005-2006. Two hundred thirty-two
questionnaires were returned resulting in 219 usable surveys, or a
response rate of 94%.
Survey respondents include a culturally diverse sample of
respondents. The ethnicities consist of Pacific Islander (n = 5), Asian
(n = 33), American Indian (n = 2), African American (n = 49), Caucasian
(n = 77), Hispanic (n = 44), Mixed (n = 4), and other (n = 5).
Additionally, the respondents' age varied from 20-55, incorporating
31 as the mean age. The researchers selected male (n = 49) and female (n
= 170) respondents. The study also consisted of 168 respondents
currently working on their four-year degree and 51 respondents having
already acquired a 4-year degree but continue to take courses in order
to qualify to take the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) exam.
The initial section of the survey composed of a demographics
section (see Table 1 & Table 2) that asked for race, gender, marital
status, age, place of residence, level of education, employment, number
of online courses taken, and number of people in their household (Brown,
1998; Brunner, 1991; Dill & Henley, 1998). The next section of the
survey included the Academic Optimism scale, Staats Hope Scale (Lopez
& Snyder (2002), Janis Inadequacy Scale Life Orientation Test,
(Lopez & Snyder, 2002) (Lopez & Snyder, 2002), and the Adult
Dispositional Hope Scale (Juntunen & Wettersen, 2006; Snyder, et al,
Hypothesis # 1
The researchers utilized a Pearson Correlation to measure and
analyze hope and grade performance among the participants. A comparison
between two variables identified a relationship between grade and hope.
A comparison between the two variables showed a significant
relationship, r (219) = -.17, p <.05 (See Table 3).
Hypothesis # 2
Correlation analysis measured the relationship between academic
optimism and hope among the participants. Statistical analysis
demonstrated a relationship between academic optimism and hope. A
comparison between the two variables showed a significant relationship,
r (219) = .25,p <.05 (See Table 4).
Hypothesis # 3
The authors used a correlation analysis to uncover a possible
relationship between grade performance and goals among the participants.
Results of the correlation analysis found no relationship between grade
performance and goals. A comparison between the two variables showed no
significant relationship r (219) = .06, p >.05 (See Table 5).
Hypothesis # 4
The researchers used a correlation analysis to measure optimism and
goals among the participants. Statistical analysis yielded no
relationship between optimism and goals. A comparison between the two
variables showed no significant relationship. r (219) = .047, p >.05
(See Table 6).
The first hypothesis tested whether a significant relationship
between grade performance and hope existed, which indicated that hope
may also significantly improve students' academic performance. The
researchers found a significant relationship between grade performance
and hope. Bressler, Bressler, & Bressler (2008) noted that hope
influences an individual's confidence in her or his ability which
may enhance future accomplishments. Students' hope may strengthen
their academic potential to include increased performance in class.
The second hypothesis tested whether a significant relationship
between academic optimism and hope might be found. The authors found a
relationship between academic optimism and hope. In fact, hope can also
contribute to meeting personal goals and endeavors and both hope and
optimism might work in together to enhance student performance (Snyder
et al, 1991).
Several limitations of this study should be noted. First, this
particular study surveyed only accounting majors. Second, surveyed
students did not necessarily consist of new college students or commonly
known in a traditional educational setting as "entering
freshmen". Freshman students could be expected to have lower
retention rates. Rather, as this group represented mostly accounting
majors enrolled in upper-division accounting courses, researchers could
assume that their retention rates would already be higher.
In addition, this study represents students from one university.
Studies from other university settings could yield different results as
universities differ on a number of levels such as geographic location,
urban setting as compared to rural setting, residential student
population versus commuter, traditional students versus nontraditional
students, etc. Additionally, this study only examined students enrolled
in an Accounting Information Systems course. Studies of students in
different disciplines or in different stages (entry-level or advanced
courses) of their academic major might also produce different findings.
Researchers could also examine other psychological factors of
motivation to identify the best methods and means to increase confidence
and motivate students. This would be especially useful after identifying
which students might require additional motivators. Educators could find
predicting which students require most motivation as well as what
factors motivates them most, which could possibly increase student
Additional research involving the influence of faculty members with
students with regard to hope, optimism, and goals and how that influence
contributes to student success might be an interesting future study.
Further research on these factors might assist providers of online
courses with information that would help better understand key factors
of student success.
Research findings from this study could denote significant
implications. Higher hope and academic optimism can lead to stronger
grade performance. Student hope and academic optimism could be bolstered
through development of learning communities within the college or
university. Students identified as having higher levels of hope,
optimism and clearly defined goals could be selected to lead the
learning community. Students who find friends in college could develop
their positive attitudes which may contribute to persistence; thereby
increasing retention and graduation rates (Snyder, 2002). Recognizing
that hope, optimism, and goals contribute to student confidence, awards
and recognition programs could be developed in individual courses as
well as throughout various stages of the curriculum.
Colleges and universities continue to adopt online education as a
delivery system to increase access to education. Business, perhaps more
so than other disciplines, continues to evolve and change as impacted by
technological advances (Carnevale & Olsen, 2003). Effective response
to this challenge calls for educators to recognize the various factors
which could improve student success rates and develop techniques which
can be employed in an online educational format.
Other studies (Youssef & Luthans, 2009) uncovered the
importance of hope and optimism in the workplace. Similarly, the impact
of hope and optimism on academic success cannot be understated.
Researchers need to continue examining these constructs to develop
better strategies to improve student success, particularly those
students enrolled in online courses.
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Linda A. Bressler, University of Houston-Downtown
Mark E. Bressler, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Martin S. Bressler, Houston Baptist University
Table 1: Descriptive Analysis
N Minimum Maximum
Gender 219 1.00 5.00
Marital Status 219 1.00 31.00
Age 219 .00 55.00
Size of Household 219 .00 6.00
Income 219 .00 5.00
Place of Residence 219 1.00 13.00
Employment Category 219 1.00 13.00
Education 219 .00 18.00
Possess Bachelor's Degree? 219 1.00 7.00
Employment Status 219 1.00 8.00
Race 219 1.00 8.00
# of Online Courses 218 .00 15.00
Mean Deviation
Gender 1.7900 .47089
Marital Status 1.7534 2.05730
Age 29.4155 9.38943
Size of Household 2.9498 1.36544
Income 3.8311 1.34224
Place of Residence 2.0411 1.66814
Employment Category 6.8767 4.84894
Education 4.6621 2.23504
Possess Bachelor's Degree? 1.3516 .83481
Employment Status 3.5982 2.03258
Race 4.6530 2.03143
# of Online Courses 3.5688 2.67560
Table 2: Frequency (Gender, Race, Bachelor Degree, Income)
Frequency Percent
Male 49 22.4
Female 169 77.2
Total 219 100.0
American Indian 2 .9
Asian 33 15.1
Black 49 22.4
Hispanic 44 20.1
Pacific 5 2.3
Mixed 4 1.8
White 77 35.2
Other 5 2.3
Total 219 100.0
Bachelor's Degree
Working on 168 76.7
Already have 40 18.3
Total 219 100.0
<15,000 18 8.2
15-25,000 26 11.9
25-35,000 28 12.8
35-50,000 49 22.4
>50,000 98 44.7
Total 219 100.0
Table 3: Grade Performance and Hope
Grade Hope
Grade Pearson Correlation 1.000 -.168 *
Sig. (2-tailed) .013
N 219.000 219
Hope Pearson Correlation -.168 * 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .013
N 219 219.000
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 4: Academic Optimism and Hope
Optimism Hope
Academic Optimism Pearson Correlation 1.000 .248 **
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 219.000 219
Hope Pearson Correlation .248 ** 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 219 219.000
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 5: Grade Performance and Goals
Goals Grade
Goals Pearson Correlation 1.000 .061
Sig. (2-tailed) .367
N 219.000 219
Grade Pearson Correlation .061 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .367
N 219 219.000
Table 6: Optimism and Goals
Optimism Goals
Optimism Pearson Correlation 1.000 .047
Sig. (2-tailed) .490
N 219.000 219
Goals Pearson Correlation .047 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .490
N 219 219.000