Academic professional conferences: targeted for extinction as we know them?
Griffin, Lynn ; Malone, Charles ; Cooper, William D. 等
In recent years, attendance at academic professional meetings has,
for the most part, declined. Given that the benefits of attendance are
usually substantial, this paper seeks to identify some causes of the
decline in attendance and discusses some logistical issues related to
organizing and attending professional meetings. The paper concludes with
some recommendations for those who may plan academic conferences in the
future and discusses an alternative to actual conference attendance
which seems to be growing in popularity--the "virtual
Professional meetings provide an opportunity for social interaction
as well as the exchange of information within a profession. More
specifically, they provide opportunities for networking, provide a
setting conducive to idea sharing and to updating oneself on current
research on topics of interest, and allow presenters to get feedback on
their research prior to journal submission. (Cooper, Finney &
Malone, 1998; Brookshire, 2001; Fischer & Zigmond, 1999). Based on
anecdotal observations of a number of long-time attendees (at regional
American Accounting Association meetings) and a review of attendance
statistics maintained by the American Accounting Association (AAA), it
appears that attendance at regional and national AAA meetings has been
declining at a rate inconsistent with changes in membership numbers.
Given the benefits of attending such meetings, this paper provides
the results of a survey which sought to identify factors influencing
accounting educators' decisions to attend or not attend regional
AAA meetings and presents recommendations to enhance the regional
meeting. Additionally, issues such as conference scheduling and virtual
conferencing are discussed.
Based on the results of a prior study (Cooper, Finney & Malone,
1998) and the prior beliefs/experiences of the authors, a questionnaire
was developed to survey the views of accounting educators in the
Southeast region of the AAA. For many years the Southeast region has had
the largest membership of any region within the AAA and it retains that
distinction (American Accounting Association, 1999). Questionnaires were
mailed to 1,100 of the AAA members within the Southeast region. Surveys
were completed and returned by 158 faculty members, for a response rate
of 14.4%.
The typical respondent had been a faculty member for 15 years and a
member of AAA for 15 years. Thirty percent of those responding (n = 152)
were full professors, 38% associates, 28% assistants, and 4% were
instructors. Seventy-six percent (n = 153) were CPAs. With regard to
teaching, 62% of the respondents (n=149) taught "all or mostly
undergraduate courses," 16% taught "all or mostly graduate
courses," and 22% taught an equal mix of graduate and undergraduate
courses. One hundred six respondents taught at AACSB accredited schools;
of this group, 64 respondents were at schools that had separate
accounting accreditation. Fourteen respondents were at ACBSP accredited
schools. (It should be noted that not all respondents responded to all
questions, thus the number of respondents to each question in the
following discussion is shown parenthetically).
The survey instrument listed the years and locations for the eight
Southeast regional meetings held from 1990 through 1997. Faculty members
were asked to identify which, if any, of these meetings they had
attended. Seventy-seven percent of the 158 respondents had attended at
least one of these eight meetings. Additionally, 43 of the respondents
indicated that during the 1990-1997 period they had attended one or more
regional AAA meetings outside the Southeast region. Thus, it was
concluded that the majority of respondents had attended the Southeast
AAA in recent years and therefore possessed sufficient knowledge
regarding the nature of the meetings to make valid comments about the
meetings. It should be noted that seven of the 37 respondents who had
not attended any of the eight Southeast regional meetings were among
those attending other regional meetings.
As previously noted, part of the motivation for this study was the
belief that attendance at regional AAA meetings has declined over time.
The questionnaire asked faculty to compare their attendance at regional
meetings in the 1980s to their attendance in the 1990s. Thirty percent
(of n = 149) indicated that they had been a faculty member for too short
a time to make the comparison. Of the seventy percent (n = 104) who
could make the comparison, 45% attended less frequently, 41% about the
same, and only 9% indicated they were attending more frequently. Thus
nearly half of the respondents had decreased their frequency of
attendance; and five times as many of the respondents had decreased the
frequency of their attendance as those who increased their frequency.
With regard to trends in the value of attending regional AAA meetings,
faculty were asked to assess the current value to them personally of
attending. Of respondents (n = 132) who could compare the value over
time, approximately 39% of the respondents indicated the value of the
regional meetings to them has declined over time, 56% indicated the
value remained about the same, and only 5% indicated the value to them
has increased.
The study sought to identify reasons why faculty attend a
particular regional meeting. The survey instrument listed thirteen
specific factors which the authors felt may influence the attendance
decision. Most of the factors were similar to those used in a related
study (Cooper, Finney & Malone, 1998). Respondents were also given
the opportunity to add and identify "other" factors
influencing their attendance decision. Faculty members were asked to
select the five most important factors in their decision to attend a
particular regional meeting. One hundred thirty-five faculty members
completed this question and selected a mean of 4.7 factors. Only seven
respondents listed any "other" factor. The geographical
location of the meeting was clearly an important factor as it was
selected by 83% of the respondents. Marsh (1989) identifies place,
program, and presenters as critical items in planning for successful
conferences. Presenting a paper (69%) and reimbursement of expenses
(51%) were the only other factors identified by at least half of the
respondents. It is interesting to note that only 30% of the respondents
selected continuing professional education as one of their five most
important factors despite the fact that 76% of the respondents were
CPAs. The factors and their frequencies are reported in Table 1 below.
A second question of interest was the identification of factors
that influence the decision not to attend a meeting. Consistent with the
results of the question looking at the factors influencing attendance,
geographic location of the meeting was the most frequently cited (63%)
factor. Lack of funding and not being on the program were the other
factors identified by more than fifty respondents. Since these results
closely parallel those shown in Table 1, details are not presented here.
In a recent study by Backmon, Kiel & Malone (1999) that looked
at the allocation of travel funds by accounting administrators, it was
determined that at 21% of the participating schools, funds allocated to
faculty travel for professional meetings has decreased in recent years.
To determine the extent to which funding may affect attendance at
regional AAA meetings, we asked faculty three questions. In the first
question, respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which their
travel and registration costs (to attend regional meetings) are
typically reimbursed. As shown in Table 2 below, 78% of respondents
indicated their expenses would be paid in full if they were a presenter,
49% if serving as a moderator or discussant, and only 29% indicated
their expenses would be paid in full if they were not on the program.
Over a third of the respondents indicated they would receive no funding
if they were not on the program. These figures are very similar to those
reported by in Backmon et. al. (1999) where 82% of the schools provided
full funding for presenters, but only 41% provided full funding for
moderators and discussants. This finding apparently is not
discipline-specific, since a study by Wilkinson & Hemby (2000)
surveyed members of the Organizational Systems Research Association
(ORSA) and the Association for Business Communication (ABC) and reported
similar findings.
Are the reimbursement practices different at the schools where the
non-attendees (those who attended none of the eight Southeast meetings
from 1990-1997) teach than at schools where attendees teach? It
doesn't seem so. With regard to reimbursement for presenters, 70%
of the non-attendees (n = 33) indicated their school would fully
reimburse presenters, 27% indicated their school would partially
reimburse presenters, and 3% indicated presenters would receive no
reimbursement. The corresponding figures for those (n = 102) who had
attended at least one meeting were 79% full reimbursement, 19% partial
reimbursement, and 2% no reimbursement.
Faculty members were asked to indicate whether they were
"always," "usually," "sometimes" or
"never" on the program when they attended regional meetings.
Thirty-one percent indicated they were always on the program (as a
presenter, discussant or moderator), 28% indicated they were usually on
the program, 25% indicated they were sometimes on the program, and only
15% indicated they were never on the program. This is consistent with
the importance of funding in the attendance decision and implies that
attendance at regional meetings would be adversely affected by reducing
the number of accepted papers and sessions with corresponding decreases
in the number of moderators and discussants. The regional meeting
program chairs are evidently aware of this as the regional meetings are
known for accepting a higher percentage of submissions than does the
national AAA meeting.
To gain insight into how different schools viewed attendance and/or
participation in regional meetings, two questions were asked. The first
asked respondents to indicate their school's attitude about
regional meetings. Fifty percent of those responding (n = 154) indicated
their school viewed attendance/participation as inconsequential, 21%
indicated their school liked to have at least one person from the school
in attendance, 28% indicated their school liked to have at least one
person on the program, and 1% indicated that their school discouraged attendance/participation at regional AAA meetings. The second question
asked faculty to assess the significance of paper presentations at
regional meetings in their school's promotion and tenure decisions.
Seventeen percent of the respondents (n = 149) indicated these paper
presentations had no significance, 42% indicated the significance was
minor, 35% indicated the significance was moderate, and 7% said the
significance was substantial. Thus, for 83% of the respondents'
schools, presentations at the regional meeting have at least some value
for promotion and tenure. Given that the new AACSB accreditation
standards are mission driven, which removes or redefines the means by
which intellectual contributions of faculty members are measured, it
will be interesting to see if future participation in professional
meetings will carry more weight when this measurement is made. Already
some schools are developing new "coding" systems for measuring
these contributions (Graeff, 1999).
A final question asked respondents if a change in the format or way
regional meeting were conducted would cause them to consider attending
more frequently. Forty-nine (31%) of the 158 survey respondents said
"Yes" and 52% responded to the open-ended question asking them
to identify one or two factors that might be influential in their
decision to attend more frequently. Some factors identified by
respondents were (a) linking meeting with that of other disciplines
(similar to what the Southwest region currently does), (b) include more
tax sessions/research, (c) have fewer papers and more panels, (d) have
more "big names," and (e) focus more on interests/concerns of
two-year schools.
The authors acknowledge that the response rate was fairly low for
this survey. It was felt that the relatively low response rate was due,
at least in part, to the method of distribution. The survey was included
in a packet of information about an upcoming regional meeting that was
sent to members. We felt that since many faculty who received packets
did not plan to attend the meeting they probably discarded the entire
packet without seeing the questionnaire within the packet. However, we
do feel that the responses received gave a fairly accurate picture of
members' perceptions and feelings toward these professional
Historically, the scheduling of sessions at academic conferences
with concurrent sessions was typically done to be as accommodating as
possible to the presenters and others on the program. Little attention
was paid to the attendee and what his or her preferences might be. As a
result of complaints from attendees about not being able to attend
certain sessions of interest because they were scheduled at the same
time as another session of interest, meeting planners began seeking a
remedy to this recurring problem. Thanks to improvements in scheduling
software, planners are now able solicit session preferences from
participants and incorporate these preferences into the conference
schedule (Thompson, 2002). Since attendee satisfaction is one key to a
successful meeting, the use of scheduling software that maximizes each
attendee's ability to attend sessions of interest while minimizing
conflicts certainly should increase the overall satisfaction of
presenters and attendees alike. However, while this software may improve
things for those attending a meeting, it does nothing for those that do
not attend due to lack of available travel funds or for other reasons.
Planners have turned to "virtual conferencing" to address this
While the idea of a "virtual conference" has been around
for some time, only recently has technology progressed to the point
where such a conference could be considered an adequate substitute for
the real thing (Wilkinson & Hemby, 2000). The Wilkinson & Hemby
study looked faculty members' attitudes toward such conferences and
found fairly positive attitudes toward virtual conferences. Respondents
to their survey cited the lower cost, the ability to attract top names,
and the fact that they didn't need to miss classes to participate
as the advantages of a virtual conference.
Two common threads seem to run through the existing literature on
academic professional meetings. One is that they unquestionably provide
significant benefits to both attendees and participants. The second is
that attendance is declining, presumably due, at least in part, to the
dwindling availability of travel funds for such conferences. This paper
presented results of a survey designed to yield additional insights into
attitudes towards professional conferences and reasons for attending or
not attending and also looked at alternatives to scheduling both
conference sessions and the conference itself.
American Accounting Association 1999-2000 Directory. 1999.
American Accounting Association 1998-99 Directory. 1998.
Backmon, I. R., M. Kiel & C. F. Malone (Sprign,1999). Factors
associated with the allocation of travel funds by accounting
administrators. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 58-64.
Brookshire, R.G. (2001). Letter from the editor: keeping current.
Information Technology, 19(2), 1-2.
Cooper, W. D., S. G. Finney & C. F. Malone (1998). What
accounting educators really want from a professional meeting. Collected
Abstracts of the Southeast American Accounting Association Regional
Meeting (April 16-18): 70.
Fischer, B. A. & M. J. Zigmond (1999). Attending professional
meetings successfully. Retrieved November 25, 2003, from
Graeff, T.R. (1999). Measuring intellectual contributions for
achieving the mission of the college of business. Journal of Education
for Business, 75(2), 108-115.
Hasselback, J. R. (1998). 1998-1999 Accounting Faculty Directory.
Marsh, W. (September,1989). The three Ps of successful conferences.
Australian Accountant, 16-20.
Thompson, G.M. (June, 2002). Improving conferences through session
scheduling. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly,
43(3), 71-76.
Wilkinson, K.L. & K.V. Hemby (Fall 2000). An examination of
perceptions of the use of virtual conferences in organizations: the
Organizational Systems Research Association (ORSA) and the Association
for Business Communication (ABC) members speak out. Information
Technology, Learning and Performance Journal. 18(2), 13-23.
Lynn Griffin, Coastal Carolina University
Charles Malone, North Carolina A&T State University
William D. Cooper, North Carolina A&T State University
Table 1
Reason for Attending # of Respondents
Geographical location of the meeting 112
Presenting a paper 93
Expense reimbursement 69
Research related networking & sessions 54
related to research interests
Program topics 52
Non-research related networking 42
CPE 41
Find out what's happening on academic 41
scene (grapevine)
Serving as moderator/discussant 38
My friends are attending 35
Total cost (to me) 32
Planned social and/or meal functions 7
at the meeting
Opportunity to mingle with 6
"big names"--research, AAA ,
or otherwise
"Other" (various) 7
Table 2: School Reimbursement Practices
None Partial Full # of responses
Presenter 2% 21% 78% 135
Moderato/discussant 14% 37% 49% 137
Not on program 34% 37% 29% 136