Innovative teaching to engage and challenge twenty-first century entrepreneurship students: an interdisciplinary approach.
Lane, Paul ; Hunt, Jodee ; Farris, John 等
Today's college freshmen were born after 1990, raised in the
digital age, and experience technology as an integral part of their
everyday world. To illustrate this point with a quantified example, one
of the authors asked students how many text messages they received in a
day. By checking their cell phones, which most possessed, these students
produced answers varying from zero up to 53. Assuming the 53-message
student rested for six hours, that individual processed an average of
three incoming messages every hour, and doubtless sent dozens of
replies. How many text messages arrive on your students' devices
while you are trying to get them to grasp a major point in your class?
How many replies are sent during class sessions? According to Chris
Gaylord (2008), the average cell phone user sends 286 text messages a
month. If students average 10 text messages a day, imagine how many
fingers are dancing on electronic devices in a typical lecture hall!
This attention-grabbing competition did not exist when professors were
students, and illustrates the point of this article: professors and
students differ in fundamental ways that affect how each functions- and
understanding these differences should influence how professors teach so
that students become engaged and enabled to learn.
Blackberries, I-phones, and other mobile communications devices are
a source of constant interruptions. Even if set on "vibrate,"
who can resist the temptation to check who is calling? For students this
distraction surely competes with whatever is going on in the classroom,
and if class seems uninteresting, the device's signal gives a break
from the monotony of sitting in a hard chair. Make no mistake; such
distractions are a detriment to all types of cognitive tasks. For
example, driving while multitasking, such as while speaking on a cell
phone, causes driving performance to decline in a manner parallel to
driving while drunk (Hamilton, 2008). While attempts to learn under the
influence of a cell phone probably won't lead to fatalities, they
likely will harm student learning, because inattentiveness impedes all
styles of learning.
Cell phones are not the only electronic distractions competing for
our students' attentions. Eighty-three percent of students possess
at least three different electronic devices (Caruso and Salaway 2007),
and those that feature ear buds have changed the environment of students
significantly. Today, most students can create their own world through
electronic devices that pipe music and commentary into their ears.
According to Caruso and Salaway (2007), about 77% of students are
equipped with ear bud-containing devices. How many of your students are
using one ear to listen to what is going on in class and the other to
listen to music, movies, radio broadcasts or other incoming information?
Recently a student in one of the author's classes gave an oral
presentation while wearing an ear bud! What does it mean when students
attempt to control the input they are receiving all the time? Does the
constant input increase- or limit- the information that they take in? We
don't have answers to these questions, but certainly our
students' experiences are changed by this ubiquitous feature of
their environment.
Many professors prohibit use of cell phones and electronic
"toys" during their classes, but allow or even encourage use
of laptop computers. Caruso and Salaway (2007) found that almost 74% of
college students own laptops. While they do not all bring them to class,
and both ownership and use will vary among college campuses, laptop
computers are a growing presence in college classrooms. What are
students doing on these laptops during class? Would high levels of
class-unrelated activity suggest implementing a policy of banning
laptops from lecture halls? Certainly not, but such a pattern does
suggest revamping the classroom experience to better engage today's
Beyond their momentary distractions, technological toys affect our
students in more fundamental ways, in part by replacing activities like
reading, writing, and lengthy conversation once used as entertainment
but which simultaneously enriched learning. What happened to these
intellectual opportunities for sustained engagement? They were replaced
by interaction with electronic media. Marc Prensky's (2003) work
reveals that students invest an incredible amount of time interacting
with digital media and technology. For example, the average 21-year-old
has, in total, spent more than 20% of his or her lifetime playing video
games (approximately 10,000 hours), communicating on mobile
communication devices (approximately 10,000 hours) or watching
television (20,000 hours). In contrast, these same individuals, on
average, have invested less than 3% of their lifetime in reading.
Activities that are fast-paced, attention-grabbing and comparatively
passive (e.g., television and video media provide visual and auditory
representations of characters, settings and action) have replaced those
that require sustained, focused attention and an active imagination, as
old-fashioned books and radio dramas do.
Taken as a whole, the ubiquitous nature of electronic devices has
changed the environment of students dramatically and seemingly
permanently from the quieter, less-distracted environment of years past.
These environmental changes aren't trivial. They affect the way our
students approach and experience their education. While in many ways
similar to scholars of decades past, today's students are different
in some fundamental ways. Student performance in tasks requiring focused
attention (e.g., reading) has declined while their ability to
simultaneously pursue multiple tasks (e.g., instant messaging while
watching television) has strengthened (Levine et al. 2007). Advances in
technological devices parallel these changes in students' cognitive
abilities. For example, a student recently suggested one of the authors
update his mobile communications device because older cell phones only
handle one or two contacts at once while the most recent models have the
capability of managing four! Contemporary laptop and desktop computers
routinely manipulate multiple programs simultaneously, whereas the
original PC models of the early 1980's did well to run one or two
without crashing.
These kinds of technological changes alter our daily experiences,
thus individuals born in recent decades may possess the ability to deal
more effectively with multiple simultaneous demands compared to those
who grew up in earlier times. These same individuals tend to exhibit
less ability for sustained focus- a skill necessary for traditional
means of study, and one surely mastered by graduate-degree holding
faculty. Simply put, faculty members are not the same as their students.
Let's consider these similarities and differences from the
perspective of our respective expectations.
How do faculty and student expectations of the collegiate
educational experience compare? The companion surveys National Survey of
Student Engagement (NSSE) and Faculty Survey of Student Engagement
(FSSE) quantify faculty and student perceptions of student engagement. A
total of 3,628 students at the authors' university completed NSSE
in 2005 and 2007; 393 faculty completed FSSE in 2005 (Faculty Survey of
Student Engagement 2005; National Survey of Student Engagement 2005;
National Survey of Student Engagement 2007). Patterns emerging from
these rigorous surveys are eye-opening, both in terms of the
similarities and differences between faculty and students.
We can be confident that student experiences at the authors'
university are generally positive; an overwhelming majority of
open-ended student comments offered in 2007 characterize faculty as
helpful, dedicated and "great," the academic curriculum as
challenging, and the University as endearing (e.g., many students
offered comments along the lines of "I love Grand Valley!"
(National Survey of Student Engagement, 2005). Similarly, while not
quantified in the FSSE survey, faculty members at the authors'
university also generally view their experiences favorably, collectively
projecting an enthusiastic dedication to the institution and its
students. A generally positive attitude is one trait faculty and
students appear to share, and if students are not engaged while in the
classroom, it's not because most of them aren't genuinely
pleased to be there.
Further, faculty and student perceptions about some facets of the
teaching and learning environment coincide, particularly those about
course content or focus (Table 1). Opinions about the degree to which
courses require students to evaluate the value of ideas or theories,
apply theory or concepts to practical problems, encourage the use of
computers in academic work, or exert a student's best efforts are
remarkably similar, particularly for freshman and faculty. In sharp
contrast, and supporting the premise of this paper, faculty and students
have distinctly differing perceptions about the use of technology in and
out of the classroom- and not necessarily biased in the direction
faculty might expect. For example, professors at the author's
university significantly underestimated student use of email to
communicate with professors, as well as their use of electronic media,
computers and other forms of information technology to complete academic
work (Table 2). Ironically, even though professors deliberately created
technology-based course assignments and were the frequent recipients of
student email missives, both freshman and senior students perceived
these technology-based events as being a more dominant component of
their collegiate experience than did their professors! Thus, as outlined
above, students and faculty differ in their past experiences with,
current employment of, and expectations of use of technology in and out
of the classroom.
It is not only our experiences and expectations that differ,
however. In all likelihood, the brains of students and their professors
differ as well. While scientists have long known that brain
configuration changes during development, it is becoming increasingly
clear that an individual's experiences (or environment) continue to
alter the brain throughout adulthood, even into old age (Draganski et
al., 2004; Kempermann et al., 2002; Cameron and McKay 1999). For
example, elderly laboratory mice living in enriched environments
experienced fivefold higher rates of formation of new brain cells in the
hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with learning and memory,
compared to control mice living in "boring" laboratory
environments (Kempermann et al., 2002). Such changes in brain structure
and function, collectively termed neuroplasticity, are an important
component of learning at the neurological level. Neurogenesis (formation
of new brain cells) and other structural changes in the brain are
induced by environmental challenges, i.e., by the specific activities an
individual undertakes, as well as an individual's social
environment. Young rats reared in groups exhibited significantly greater
neurogenesis and superior performance in a swim-maze test compared to
young rats raised in isolation (Lu et al. 2003), illustrating the
importance of a stimulating social environment on brain development and
Human brains are also affected by their environments and
experiences. Neurobiologists compared brain scans of novice young adults
who practiced juggling to those of a control group who did not; though
their brains did not initially differ significantly, after three months
of practice, the jugglers' brains showed expanded grey matter
compared to the control group, an expansion that declined three months
after the jugglers ceased practicing (Draganski et al. 2004). In other
words, simply by attempting to learn a new motor skill, the novice
jugglers changed their brains- at least while they continued to
practice. The bottom line is that what we do and what we experience,
from infancy through old age, affects our brains.
It is not a stretch to conclude that, because technological gadgets
alter the way we use our brains, technology can drive changes in brain
structure and, therefore, cause differences between the brains of
faculty and students. Susan Greenfield (2008) says the technology of the
21st century is changing our brains:
Our brains are under the influence of an ever- expanding world of
new technology: multichannel television, video games, MP3players, the
internet, wireless networks, Bluetooth links--the list goes on and on
(Greenfield 2008).
She goes on to explore the critical effects of prescription and
non-prescription drugs on neurological structure and function. It is
this dual influence, technology and pharmacology, which so profoundly
alters human brains in our current industrialized society (Greenfield
2008). She considers these neurological influences to be an
unprecedented crisis that's receiving far too little attention, a
crisis that literally could reshape what makes us human. What can we do,
as educators, to address this crisis?
This article discusses ways in which professors can deal with the
influence of technologies on contemporary students, embracing the idea
that students are different today than in years past, and thus old
approaches to teaching may not work in today's entrepreneurial
classroom. The ideas and processes presented herein comprised a workshop
the authors developed for interdisciplinary colleagues who participated
in a Teaching and Learning Conference at the authors' university
during August, 2008. Its conceptual framework linked to James
Zull's work (Zull, 2003; Zull, 2004; Zull, 2008), as he was the
keynote speaker at the 2008 Teaching and Learning Conference which was
the genesis of this paper. Zull (Fernandez, 2006) presents a
neurobiological interpretation of learning, one rooted in the framework
of David Kolb's learning cycle (Kolb, 1983):
* We have a Concrete Experience,
* We develop Reflective Observation and Connections,
* We generate Abstract Hypothesis,
* We then do Active Testing of those hypotheses, and therefore have
a new Concrete Experience, and a new Learning Cycle ensues.
Zull restates this learning cycle more colloquially as first
gathering information, then analyzing the information so it has meaning
to the individual, followed by creating new ideas from this foundation
of meaning, and subsequently taking action (Fernandez 2006). This
learning cycle forms a continuous loop, as actions pursued as a
consequence of completing the cycle once typically leads to more
information gathering, analysis, creativity, and action. The question
becomes: how does this concept apply to what professors do in the
Given the competition of electronics changing the brain, the
capacity for it to change physically, and the need to enhance learning,
what is the pedagogy for the first part of the 21st century? Perhaps the
hardest thing for faculty members to grasp is that the scientist are
letting faculty know that there is the real possibility that the brains
of the people in the seats may be different then the faculty members
brains were when they sat in those seats.
Students do process differently. They have shorter attention spans,
they want things to happen now, they seem to function on a need-to-know
basis, and they face tremendous competition for their time and energy.
Faculty members need to recognize that the competition of
attention-grabbing technology is always present. Students do not
necessarily want to learn the way their faculty learned- and some may
not be able to learn in the same way. The challenge of teaching such
students becomes especially exciting in a dynamic field like
entrepreneurship. So let's explore how faculty can embrace this
Our ideas for engaging and teaching 21st Century students will be
presented sequentially, just as faculty participants experienced them in
the workshop the authors developed and offered at the request of their
university's Faculty Teaching and Learning Center. This center
opened in 2002 and, like similar institutions at other universities,
facilitates faculty development through conferences, workshops, and
individuals consultations. Faculty members readily take advantage of
these offerings: in 2005-06, 58% of the faculty participated in at least
one of the center's events, and a substantial number of individuals
(90 in 2006-07) seek individual consultations (2006 and 2007 Annual
reports of the center). Given the collegial environment of professional
development that pervades our university, we were eager to step up and
share our ideas with colleagues from across diverse disciplines
The challenge given to us at the end of summer 2008 was to deliver
a workshop to faculty from across a wide range of disciplines to help
them reach students whose brains are wired differently from our own. Our
workshop followed the keynote speaker James Zull, who addressed the
biological basis of learning, including the idea that brains are altered
by our environment. Rather than present a power point outlining the
techniques we had used successfully with our entrepreneurship students,
we instead treated the participating faculty like enrollees in one of
our entrepreneurship classes, to experience for themselves, for better
or worse, the differences of our approach. Structuring the workshop in
this way was a risky strategy, but a very effective one.
There were fewer than two dozen participants in the workshop, ideal
for the unusual, hands-on activities we had planned. While the
techniques are readily implemented in larger classes, given the brief
duration of the workshop, we wanted to work with faculty in a more
intimate setting with ample opportunity for meaningful exchanges. The
workshop started much like an initial class session taught by the
authors in entrepreneurship, with a brief welcome, an explanation that
the syllabus was available on line, and, for consultation purposes once
innovation projects were under way, the cell phone number of one of the
faculty for 24/7 access. The very idea that professors would avail
themselves for learning when the student was ready seemed new and
different to some of the faculty.
Faculty were grouped into teams and challenged to come up with a
team name. This exercise engages students and workshop participants
alike, drawing them away from other distractions, and helping them to
focus on the subject at hand. Immediately afterwards, a second
engagement exercise was employed where the students (or, here, workshop
participants) do something of meaning to themselves. In this case the
faculty "students" created, as a group, a list of ways in
which faculty and student life- and learning styles differ- a topic
certainly of great interest to faculty (Table 3). As a follow-up to the
summer workshop, the authors had students complete the same exercise
during the fall 2008 semester, thereby generating student perceptions of
differences between faculty and student life- and learning styles (Table
4). The contrast between faculty and student perceptions is eye-opening.
Emerging immediately is the pattern that students tend to be focused on
short-term problems, function on a need-to-know basis, and seek skills
and information linked to solving problems and gaining employment, or
useful in other concrete, applied ways; in contrast, faculty members
have a long-term, discipline-specific perspective, with a want-to-know
world view where knowledge is valued for its own sake and abstract
thinking prized Tables 3 and 4). Given these differences, how should
faculty structure their classes to best reach their students?
This second group activity not only highlighted differences in
student and faculty perspectives, it also encapsulates a core concept
that guides the authors' teaching, the belief that students and
other learners become more engaged in learning when they can see some
relationship between the course and themselves. Learning then becomes a
personal investment. For workshop participants, the self-generated list
of perceived differences between faculty and student learning styles
(Table 3) provided an opportunity to brainstorm about products and
services that could be developed to make life better for a contemporary
cohort of traditional students (i.e., 18-22 years old, born between 1986
and 1991). The product and service ideas generated by this group of
middle-aged faculty are shown in Table 5 below.
Armed by their own experiences with these initial two exercises,
the workshop participants' discussion turned to how faculty could
use similar processes to engage students in their own disciplines. That
is the real challenge: applying the ideas in day-to-day classroom
situations in a diversity of settings and disciplines. Hopefully, as the
authors have experienced in their entrepreneurship classes, faculty who
employ these techniques will find it a much more involving educational
process for their students.
The dividends to this style of teaching really emerge in the
learning that goes on in today's classroom. Despite all the
electronic distractions present, if classroom activities are fun and
interesting, students quickly become engaged. In teaching
entrepreneurship, students really enjoy their work when it involves
challenging each other or working as a team. Once engaged, students
readily progress to learning and applying theoretical concepts. For
example, when examining the importance of costing in an Entrepreneurship
course, a lecture might be boring and ineffective, whereas a hands-on
activity with inexpensive items both engages and challenges students
even as they gain a deeper understanding of the concept. The authors
have employed simple ballpoint pens for exactly this purpose. The
students first disassemble the pens, account for each component, then
estimate the cost of each piece as well as the labor necessary to
assemble the components. The fact that many individuals struggle to
reassemble the components correctly adds levity to the exercise while
also driving home the importance of having trained personnel. All the
while, students internalize the idea that mastering methods of costing
is critical.
Following engagement, students need to master skills and concepts,
and build connections among them. To illustrate these steps, the authors
had workshop participants delve more deeply into idea development by
completing a second brainstorming exercise drawn from the
interdisciplinary field of sustainability, thereby giving faculty
participants an opportunity to apply the processes explored above to a
question far afield from their own disciplines. The question posed was,
"what could the university do to be more sustainable?" This
question was selected intentionally. Because thoughtful answers to this
question required genesis of ideas for solutions and their
implementation, it provided participants an opportunity to develop ideas
more fully and in more detail than they had in previous exercises.
A simple but effective feature of this brainstorming exercise was
the use of colorful Post-It notes for noting each individual idea. By
the end of the exercise, each group generated large, colorful heaps of
ideas, each written on a single note and placed in piles on the
(preferably round) table. This simple technique works brilliantly in
entrepreneurship classes. Because the colorful, idea-bearing Post-It
notes can physically be moved back and forth, the process really gets
students (and workshop participants) involved. An added benefit is that,
even though the activity is fast and furious, no one feels like concrete
work is being disrupted.
Faculty participants were next asked to group their ideas into
concept categories. The authors have found in their classes that having
the ideas written on physical pieces of paper allows for great
discussion and constant movement as teams think critically about how to
organize fifty or hundred ideas into logical piles. Maybe in the first
attempt they create twenty piles, in the second 14, then nine, and
finally 11 concept piles are created. It is amazing to watch the
arguing, shuffling and reshuffling that ensues as participants struggle
to sort the rough ideas into some semblance of a logical framework.
After much discussion of the ideas, and movement of the colorful notes,
a reasonable set of concepts emerge from what initially appeared to be
chaos. In the workshop setting, faculty participants were informed that,
given more time, students enrolled in semester-long courses would be
asked to develop the concepts further, supported by sketches and a
written statement. In the time constraints of the workshop, however,
faculty participants simply had to sort their ideas and give each
concept-pile a name, and this they were able to do quickly.
In an entrepreneurship course taught by two of the authors students
are instructed to develop models of their ideas. Many envision some kind
of brick-and-mortar retail space, while others conceptualize a virtual
retail enterprise. Regardless of their vision, each student must produce
a model for examination and discussion. Once presented with a model,
classmates pepper their peers with a multitude of questions that really
make the budding entrepreneurs think as they build connections. How many
square feet are required? Where are the rest rooms located? Where will
the space be located, and how expensive are leases in that area per
square foot? What does "triple net" mean in a lease? How high
are taxes? Such conversations provide a lot of fodder for student
learning- but it is the faculty member's responsibility to maintain
student engagement throughout these processes, and to link concepts
introduced early on to those explored later in the ideation process.
Faculty workshop participants were next introduced to the concept
of screening, explained as a process that generates and applies criteria
to ideas and which provides additional opportunity for critical thinking
by students via the delivery and application of the screen. Because of
time constraints, faculty participants were provided with a
sustainability screen previously developed by students in a summer
course on Socially Conscious Innovation (Lane, Farris and Fauvel, 2008).
This screen included five criteria, or components:
These five criteria in hand, workshop participants examined their
sustainability ideas and evaluated whether each accomplished anything
positive for the earth's ecosystems (planet), social equity
(people), or current or future bottom line (profit). These criteria
comprise the traditional three-legged stool of the Triple-bottom Line
approach to sustainability, but students in the summer Socially
Conscious Innovation class had developed the additional criteria of
process and perpetuity. They were not satisfied with a building being
LEED Certified (U.S. Green Building Council) if its residents did not
process their day-to-day waste stream in a sustainable way, thus they
added the idea of an ongoing process. The Socially Conscious Innovation
students had also added the criterion of perpetuity to be sure that,
once implemented, their plan would go on and on. While applying this
simple criteria screen to their ideas, the faculty participants quickly
realized that they had to interpret the five criteria and subsequently
apply them. This phase of the innovation process always leads to a lot
of discussion and concomitant critical thinking in entrepreneurship
An important point here is that exercises can be fun and engaging
for students while simultaneously developing critical thinking skills in
the classroom. This fundamental truism is easy to overlook, and, sadly,
sometimes difficult to employ because of physical limitations of
classrooms. Many faculty members teach in classrooms featuring
physically affixed tables or desk/arm chairs, both associated with
educational environments of the 20th century. The teaching techniques
relayed here, and perhaps, because of their learning styles, many of our
21st century students, benefit from an education environment that is
structurally flexible. Such flexibility is particularly important when
students (including workshop participants) are asked to stretch their
abilities and take risks-something the faculty participants were next
challenged to do.
For the last portion of the workshop, faculty participants were
guided through decidedly unfamiliar territory. They were given some
background on Little Corn Island, a tiny Caribbean Island off the
eastern coast of Nicaragua. This island population represents a
microcosm of contemporary human societies, including a rapidly growing
population depending on a declining food base. The residents of Little
Corn Island exist without access to much fossil fuel-derived power,
fresh water, or resources other than the sea surrounding the island.
Workshop participants were challenged to generate ideas for sustainable
products that the island residents could develop and market locally.
This challenge represented a risky venture into the unknown for the
faculty participants, as it would for students. Of course they asked
many questions. Eventually they realized that students (and they) could
look up information on line, or call or text-message a friend who had
visited there- in a word, that they were empowered to glean information
very quickly from sources all over the world. Students, unlike the
faculty participants, seem to get this point immediately and quickly
look up information such as the island's topography and geothermal
potential. Students function on a need-to-know basis, and under
circumstances like those presented to the workshop participants, this
was one of those situations! This insight was a major take-home message
for the participants.
After a short time grappling with the problem, armed with laptops
and perhaps newly found information about the island's level of
poverty, its beautiful reef formations, or the twice-daily runabout that
transports supplies, tourists and island residents, faculty participants
really began to think about things. This type of exercise represents
much more of a stretch as, unlike student needs or campus
sustainability, none of the workshop participants knew anything about
Little Corn Island in Nicaragua! The idea of employing such an exercise
in the classroom is to get students to recognize the power of a brain
stretch, thereby involving students by challenging them to put down the
distractions in their lives and come up with truly novel ideas.
Each faculty participant was next instructed to select one solution
idea and produce a sketch. Like students, they initially resisted, but
then jumped in with abandon, adding more and more detail. They began to
take a chance with their thinking. For students to innovate they must
allow themselves to experiment with and develop new ideas. The first job
is getting them involved-exactly what the faculty participants were
learning. During the workshop, participants huddled over their tables,
conversing intensively. In a quick conclusion to the exercise, faculty
shared their sketches and others evaluated with comments.
During this portion of the workshop, the instructors emphasized the
pedagogical advantages of sketches compared to written descriptions of
products. Producing and evaluating sketches forces students to consider
scale (in this situation, would the designed object fit onto the small
runabout pangas that service the Corn Islands?), resources needs (what
materials are needed to produce the object?), design (how would such an
object be built?), societal factors (would residents actually use such a
product?), and other aspects of product development. The significance of
the sketches in a class is the discussion that takes place during its
generation and presentation. Sharing of the sketches does not take long,
and is a powerful means of getting students serious when built into the
rhythm of a class. This process engages students entirely, stimulates
intense conversation and critical thinking, and is a great deal of fun!
To bring their experiences full circle, faculty participants were
challenged to think of ways that the processes they'd just
experienced could be used in their own courses, thus incorporating a
reflecting thinking exercise into the workshop just as professors might
do in class. One professor mentioned he could use it to build class
unity in the beginning of his course. Someone from another discipline
volunteered that this kind of thinking might help students to challenge
and test perceived facts. Before long almost every participant had
thought of at least one way in which they improve their syllabus or
their course by implementing what they'd learned in the workshop.
Bridging the chasm between undeveloped "aha!" moments and
implementation of the ideas in particular courses requires additional
time and thought, however. Fortunately, resources are available to help
with building such a bridge. Books like Cracking Creativity (Michalko,
2001) suggest ways to get people thinking about novel combinations of
ideas. While the constraints of the workshop prevented participants from
developing their ideas fully, even the brief time available was
sufficient for faculty to generate good ideas they could later develop
and implement in their classes.
The Teaching and Learning Center assessed each workshop in the
day's conference, later providing the authors with the evaluations
of the innovation and entrepreneurship workshop. The assessment
instrument included three open-response questions: 1) What was the best
feature of this workshop? 2) What would have helped make the workshop
better? 3) How do you plan to use what you learned in your own teaching?
Unedited responses to each question are summarized in Tables 6-8 below.
What do students really need- and want? How can we BEST teach them?
Many faculty members want to learn new ways to teach today's
students. Although the authors understand how to apply these methods in
a number of settings, more work is required to develop the ideas and
techniques for application in a greater diversity of disciplines and to
solve a greater range of problems. One of the ways this might happen is
in interdisciplinary team-teaching in broad areas like sustainability or
social justice. We envision that a faculty member who learned these
methods in the authors' context of entrepreneurship and innovation
could develop them for application in entirely different fields by
working with a colleague from another discipline, for example, teaming
faculty members in tourism and ecology. Such partnerships could work if
the partners seek to get students more involved, or to expand learning
in the changing academic environment. Zull (2003) and Greenfield (2008)
make the point that student minds are changing, and that is not a
discipline-specific problem. The opportunity is out there to attempt to
take new methods across the disciplines.
Some may view this kind of learning as risk taking. Suddenly,
professors feel out of control. Preparing for a new semester no longer
consists of updating notes first generated a decade ago for presentation
in 50-minute or three hour lectures. If the goal is learning, perhaps it
is better to think of flexibility in learning styles. Would we go to
another culture and expect students there to act in the same ways as our
students? Why then, if our culture is changing so rapidly, would we
expect students to remain the same? Maybe approaching teaching in
creative ways is not risk-taking at all, but instead realizing that
learning can be fun. Is there anything wrong with making learning fun?
Isn't helping students think in new ways a good thing? Students
continue to be amazing. How do you make your classroom fun?
One of the challenges, and the joys, of teaching in the future may
be to break the bonds of content and focus more on learning. We teach in
a world where students have ready access to information via mobile
communication devices and laptop computers bolstered by satellite
internet connections to anywhere in the world. What do they really need
from their professors? Do they need only content, or do they need to
learn how to think, to challenge, to innovate using the vast amount of
information so readily available to them. Perhaps our greatest
challenge, and our students' greatest imperative, is to help them
learn to want to learn, to challenge, to innovate. Guiding them to these
priceless discoveries, helping them to become self-motivated lifetime
learners, will help the next generation, and those to follow, to meet
the challenges left by those who have gone before. Surely this is our
greatest quest, and one where we must not fail.
Catherine Frerichs (GVSU FTLC) encouraged us to develop and present
our ideas in a faculty workshop. Julie Kelley kindly provided the
concept of the pen example.
Cameron, H.A., & R.D. McKay (1999). Restoring production of
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Paul Lane, Grand Valley State University
Jodee Hunt, Grand Valley State University
John Farris, Grand Valley State University
Table 1
Faculty and student perceptions about college courses and
educational experience. Values for faculty are the percent that
responded that "50% or more" of students in their classes did the
following survey item. Values for students are the percent that
responded that they did the survey item "very often" or "often"
during the 2005 academic year. Responses are categorized by
lower/division courses/freshman or upper/division courses/
seniors. Data are drawn from reports summarizing 2005 FSSE
(Faculty) and NSSE (Students) survey results for the authors'
Survey Item Faculty
Lower-division Upper-division
Judge value of ideas 65% 75%
Apply theory or concepts to practical 77% 88%
problems or new situations
Course exams and assignments encourage 85% 91%
students to do their best work
Survey Item Students
Freshman Seniors
Judge value of ideas 59% 66%
Apply theory or concepts to practical 72% 76%
problems or new situations
Course exams and assignments encourage 84% 78%
students to do their best work
Table 2
Faculty and student perceptions about the use of computers and
information technology in the academic setting. Values for
faculty are the percent that responded that "50% or more" of
students in their classes did the following survey item. Values
for students are the percent that responded that they did the
survey item "very often" or "often" during the 2005 academic
year. Responses are categorized by lower/division courses/
freshman or upper/division courses/senior. Data are drawn from
reports summarizing 2005 FSSE (Faculty) and NSSE (Students)
survey results.
Survey Item Faculty
Lower-division Upper-division
Use email to communicate with 29% 42%
Use electronic media to discuss or 41% 42%
complete assignments
Encourage/use computers for academic 89% 95%
Courses or college experiences using 38% 35%
computing and information technology
Survey Item Students
Freshman Seniors
Use email to communicate with 98% 92%
Use electronic media to discuss or 89% 86%
complete assignments
Encourage/use computers for academic 47% 59%
Courses or college experiences using 69% 80%
computing and information technology
Table 3
Faculty-perceived differences between student and faculty life-
and learning styles. Items were generated during a brief faculty
workshop held during summer, 2008.
Faculty Students
Print Material Electronic Information
Want-to-know/Curious Need-to-know
Longer Attention Span Shorter Attention Span
Discipline Focused Problem Focused
Theory/Generate Questions Job Placement
Coffee Energy Drinks
Risk-takers Peer Learning
Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake Knowledge to Attain a Goal
Reading/Content-based Resources Sound Bites/Visual Multi-media
Abstract to Concrete Concrete to Abstract
Table 4
Student-perceived differences between faculty and students
Faculty Students
Their jobs/Professional/Get Self-centered/short term
paid/Permanancy/Established satisfaction/live for the moment/
Think as a whole Think as one
Weekend Homework Weekend Fun
Think about family/housing/cars/ Here to get a job
lifestyle family
Retirement funds Time Management/sometimes on time
Short/term thinking/Think long Friends! Friends! Friends!
Testing Knowledge Acceptance
Proven Methods Long/Term Thinking/Goals/Look
towards the future/short term
Active in chosen fields/focus Meeting People/Personal
on one subject/Expert/Confident Relationships/social/party
Lifestyle/on our own/friends
Fund Themselves Technology/on line
Self-improvement/Motivation Video Games/Music
Not as materialistic Impatient/Task oriented
Socialize face to face, talk Socialize through technology
like old folks
Traditional/old fashioned/By Everywhere/unfocused/ADD/Have to
the book adapt
Not selfish Pay
Come from everywhere Live close to campus/housing
Go to bed early Stay up late
Get to set the goals Visually inclined/prefer visual
Focus on Teaching/Lecturing College has many purposes
Oral teaching style Listening/New age
Don't care about individual Talk like our generation/casual/
students vocabulary
On time/organized/ Focus on grades/less organized/
schedule-driven/time management/ scattered/short-term/temporary
Higher income Low income/cars
Readings/Books/Paper based Asking questions/Making more
Table 5
Ideas about products and services intended to make students'
lives better generated by participants during an August, 2008,
Dial-a-professor 24/7 Critical skills session
Nap cubes Nutrition advising
Relaxing yoga breaks Accommodations to individual
Question pads Attention to diverse learning styles
Outdoor classes 24 hour university
Posting lecture notes Time management class
Spare time at end of Integrated learning/living center
lecture for private help
Midterm evaluations Better facilities/ larger classrooms
Tutoring Less commuter campus focus
Small classes 2-semester classes
Continuity class group (cohort) Alum visitors
Texts vs. ipods/podcasts Intuitive/ integrated classroom
Drug 4 reading Breakfast/energy drinks for 8am
Exercise/lifestyle changes "to do" social career related
E-tutoring Mentoring external to GVSU
More integration between fields More integration between classroom
and social activities
Laptops for all students Think and act more cosmopolitan
Study abroad Internships
Table 6
Participant responses to the assessment question: what was the
best part of this workshop? Verbatim responses are grouped into
three categories: comments linked to the structure of the
workshop, those linked to teaching and student learning, and
those addressing a diversity of miscellaneous topics
Structure Students Other
The facilitators-good Learning how to engage All
teamwork; well students in a exercises/activities
organized presentation pro-active manner. were very useful for
Pushing participants It offered practical Witnessing dynamic
through a learning/ advice to improve the team teaching
problem method & way students interact
instruction. with one another &
class concepts
Working on a concrete Learning about Used several area we
problem step by step different ways of would be dealing with
learning after the Keynote
(models of learning)
Applied hands on Discussing what might
get some students more
The way the activities
set up the concepts so
that the concepts
registered quickly
Collaboration aspect--
Table 7
Participant responses to the assessment question: what would have
made the workshop even better? Verbatim responses are grouped
into three categories: comments linked to the structure of or
lack of specific examples in the workshop, those linked to
applicability of the workshop's contents to a particular
participant's teaching, and miscellaneous comments.
Specificity Application Other
Outlining first what Greater applicability A problem I knew more
the workshop would to humanities--focused about (I have very
cover courses--I teach little knowledge of
medieval literature, how to change one
so integrating hands- energy to another)
on drawing (for
example) is tricky.
Less complicated Spend a little more This session went well.
examples for a bit time on how to apply
less time on these to our classes
activities then they
get the point
More specific examples Maybe tie in to I came in late, so n/a
from your classes keynote address
More specific examples More time
of various methods +
how they help include
more students
Table 8
Participant responses to the assessment question: how do you plan
to use what you learned in today's workshop' Verbatim responses
are grouped into two categories: comments linked to how
participants will apply the workshop' ideas to their teaching,
those linked to uncertainty about applying the ideas to their
Will use Unsure
In several class sessions that Not sure--but will think about it!
deal with concepts of research Thanks for your time + expertise
Encourage collaboration + group I'm thinking still
activities. Seek problems for
students to apply to coursework
I will absolutely use it in my GIS Use this as an example of how to
& NRM capstone courses! team teach well.
Have students brainstorm and then Not sure
evaluate/screen their own ideas.
Incorporate more brainstorming
sessions/group activities
In evaluating portfolio papers
Parts of it can be used for a
class/lecture on infectious
diseases/outbreak investigation.
I want students to evaluate their
initial paper ideas for potential
advantage before they start.
Will apply to class I'm teaching
this fall.
I will use absolutely all of it in
my fall courses (GPY412 global
environment change, GPY410
Landscape Analysis)