Many options in New Orleans choice system: school characteristics vary widely.
Arce-Trigatti, Paula ; Harris, Douglas N. ; Jabbar, Huriya 等
As the school-choice movement accelerates across the country,
several major cities--including Cincinnati, Detroit, Memphis, Milwaukee,
and Washington, D.C.--are expanding their charter-school portfolios.
Historically, communities have used charter schools not only in hopes of
spurring traditional schools to improve but also to increase the variety
of options available to families. If family preferences vary, and
schools are given the autonomy to innovate and respond to market
pressures, the theory holds, then we should expect a rich variety of
schools to emerge.
But does this theory hold up in practice? First, it is not clear
that parents do have distinct preferences when shopping for schools. If
parents are uncertain about their child's skills, they may play it
safe and seek out a generic "basket" of school services.
Second, charter schools always face the possibility of closure for low
performance, and this threat may pressure the schools to avoid risk by
imitating successful charter models. Government regulations might also
inhibit a school's capacity to offer a unique program. And finally,
large charter management organizations (CMOs) may attempt to leverage
economies of scale by replicating a single model at multiple schools.
Conceivably, the market strategies of charter schools and large CMOs,
rather than the needs of families and students, could drive the market,
leading to more imitation and less diversity.
The city of New Orleans offers an ideal laboratory for examining
how much true "choice" resides in a public school market. With
93 percent of its public-school students attending charter schools, New
Orleans has the largest share of students enrolled in charters of any
U.S. city. In some ways, the New Orleans system is unique, having been
launched in the wake of a terrible disaster. However, the city's
student population--majority minority and mostly eligible for lunch
subsidies--is typical of other urban centers where school reform is
growing. Furthermore, the CMOs in New Orleans are supported by many of
the same national foundations that support charter schools across the
U.S., suggesting that similar patterns might emerge in other expanding
charter markets. This study examines public schools in the Big Easy,
investigating how--and how much--schools have differentiated themselves
in a citywide school-choice system.
A New Approach
Previous studies have focused on the differences between charter
schools and district schools, treating all charters within a community
as essentially alike. In effect, these studies take a
"top-down" approach, assuming that the governance of the
school (charter versus district) determines the nature of the school.
This approach may be appropriate where charter schools are few and their
role is to fill service gaps. By contrast, our study adds a
"bottom-up" approach, focusing not on governance but on
salient school characteristics such as instructional hours, academic
orientation, grade span, and extracurricular activities--factors that
determine what students and families actually experience.
We ask, are New Orleans schools homogeneous or varied? Is this
answer different when we use the bottom-up approach based on school
characteristics rather than the top-down analysis based on school
governance? And finally, to what degree is the New Orleans school market
composed of unique schools, multiple small segments of similar schools,
and larger segments of similar schools?
Grouping schools by key characteristics, we find considerable
differentiation among schools in New Orleans. Furthermore, schools
operated by the same CMO or governed by the same agency are not
necessarily similar to one another. In fact, the differences and
similarities among schools appear to be somewhat independent of what
organizations and agencies are in charge. Overall, we find that the
market comprises a combination of large segments of similar schools and
smaller segments of like institutions, but also some schools that are
truly unique.
A Charter School "Laboratory"
In 2003, the Louisiana Department of Education (DOE) created the
state-run Recovery School District (RSD) and empowered it to take over
failing schools. At the time, only a handful of charter schools were
operating in New Orleans. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
city and state leaders used the RSD to take over all underperforming
schools in the city. The local school board continued to manage a small
number of high-performing schools, some of which have selective
Over the next several years, the RSD contracted out the schools
under its control to CMOs, including both single-school operators and
larger CMO networks. Policymakers also expanded school choice by
eliminating geographic attendance zones for students: students were
henceforth free to enter lotteries for any open-enrollment school in the
city. Open-enrollment schools in New Orleans, as well as some
selective-admissions schools, provide free transportation to students
across the city.
The city's charter schools are governed by three different
agencies: the state's Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
(BESE), the RSD, and the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB). The schools
are managed by more than 30 school operators. This milieu creates the
potential for a wide variety of schools to emerge in New Orleans. But as
noted, regulations and accountability demands could stifle diversity.
For example, the RSD and DOE have strict test-based requirements for
charter contract renewal; 45 schools have been closed, merged, or turned
over to other operators since 2007. Also, state regulations set
restrictions in some areas but provide autonomy in others. For instance,
DOE establishes standards for teacher preparation and certification, but
charter schools are allowed to hire uncertified teachers. All schools,
including charters, are required to participate in the statewide
teacher-evaluation system. The net effects of these policies on school
autonomy and differentiation are unclear.
Our study focuses on the 2014--15 school year; by that time, 100
percent of the RSD schools were operated by CMOs (including the schools
formerly run directly by the RSD). The OPSB continued to operate a small
number of district schools and was expanding its own charter-school
portfolio. A final small group of charter schools continued under direct
supervision of the BESE.
Our data come from the spring 2014 edition of the New Orleans
Parents' Guide to Public Schools, published annually by a local
nonprofit organization and distributed free of charge. This publication
is the primary formal source of information for parents choosing schools
in New Orleans.
From the guide, we selected eight characteristics that reflect
decisions schools make when designing their programs:
* whether the school has selective admissions or open enrollment
* whether the school mission is "college prep"
* whether the school has a specific curricular theme (e.g., math,
technology, or arts)
* number of school hours (annual total)
* number of grades served
* number of sports
* number of other extracurricular activities ("extras")
* number of student support staff (nurses, therapists, social
workers, etc.).
We also considered measures that are not in the Parents'
Guide. For example, we ran some analyses with the number of suspensions
and expulsions, as an indicator of discipline policies. This did not
change the clustering. For other categories, such as instructional
approach, we did not have good measures.
Note that not all New Orleans schools have autonomy over their
admissions policies. Selective admission is permitted at OPSB district
and charter schools and at BESE charter schools, but not at RSD schools.
Any school can attract or repel certain student populations through the
menu of enhanced student-support services that it offers, however. For
example, schools with an on-site speech therapist might be more
attractive to parents of children with individualized education plans
(IEPs) requiring these services. Our measure of the intensity of student
support services may therefore help to identify open enrollment schools
that target a distinct student population.
The simplest version of the top-down theory predicts that the
number of differentiated "clusters" in a public school market
will correspond to the number of governing agencies. New Orleans has two
authorizers: the OPSB and BESE. Both authorizers are also the governing
agency for some of their schools. BESE also authorizes the schools
governed by the RSD, which are low-performing schools taken over by the
state. If these three governing agencies have singular
"tastes" for certain kinds of schools, we should observe high
similarity among schools that fall under the same agency, and
differences across governing agencies. To see the extent to which
schools differ across the three governing agencies, we first group the
schools by governing agency and check for differences along the
characteristics listed earlier.
Next, we expand the top-down groupings to allow for additional
differences between district-run schools, independent charter schools,
and charter network schools (run by a CMO that operates multiple
schools). This creates five groups of schools in New Orleans:
* OPSB district schools
* OPSB charter schools
* RSD charter network schools
* RSD independent charter schools
* BESE charter schools.
We then compare the results of this exercise to those obtained when
we ignore governance arrangements and instead group schools from the
bottom up, based on their characteristics alone. To do this we use
cluster analysis, a statistical method designed to group objects of
study (in this case, schools) based on similar qualities.
With cluster analysis, we can specify the number of groups that
will be formed. To start, we first allow schools to form either three or
five clusters to test whether similar governance predicts membership in
the same cluster.
We then allow schools to form more clusters (up to 10) and select
the best grouping based on meaningful within-group similarities and
across-group differences. This strategy tests for the possibility of
market segments that are not described in the top-down theory and allows
us to identify schools with unique combinations of the measured
characteristics (niche schools).
We focus separately on 56 elementary schools and 22 high schools
included in the Parents' Guide. New Orleans school operators can
select each school's grade span, and it is quite common for
elementary schools to serve grades K-8 and uncommon to have schools with
just middle school grades (5-8). Therefore, we define elementary schools
as those with any grade K-4, and high schools as those with any grade
9-12. A small number of schools that serve only middle-school grades
were not included in this study.
On average, elementary schools enroll 540 students; 86 percent of
students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, and 87 percent
are black. Ninety-five percent of elementary schools are charter
schools, 50 percent have a college-prep mission, 43 percent have a
specific curricular theme, and 9 percent use selective admissions. For
high schools, average enrollment is 550 students, with 78 percent of
students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch; 84 percent of
students are black. Ninety-six percent of high schools are charter
schools, 52 percent have a college-prep mission, 57 percent have a
specific curricular theme, and 22 percent use selective admissions.
Grouping from the Top Down: Elementary Schools. When we examine
school characteristics by governing agency alone (three groups), we find
that the groups differ by a statistically significant amount on only one
of the five continuous variables we examine. Specifically, schools
governed by the RSD have more school hours. When we analyze school
characteristics by governing agency and school type (five groups), we
find no statistically significant differences on these same variables.
We do observe some modest differences across groups in the average
values of the three yes/no variables (open enrollment or selective
admissions, curricular theme or not, and college prep or not). Overall,
however, results from the top-down approach suggest that governance
arrangements do not correlate with notable differences in school
High School. When we group the 22 high schools by governing agency
(three groups) and by governing agency and school type (five groups), we
find in both cases that the clusters differ on the number of sports
offered. In the three-group structure, clusters also differ on the
number of student support staff, while in the five-group structure, they
differ on grade span.
Grouping from the Bottom Up: Elementary Schools. Despite modest
differences between elementary schools grouped by governing agency and
school type, we find that no two individual schools are identical on all
eight variables. The two schools that are most similar to one another
overall are a pair that includes an OPSB district school and an RSD
charter network school. The second most similar pair includes an RSD
charter network school and an OPSB charter school. These groupings
provide initial evidence that the most similar schools across all
characteristics do not share the same governing agency and type.
We first cluster the schools into three groups to further test the
top-down assumption that school characteristics will be roughly aligned
with the governing agency--the OPSB, the RSD, or BESE. In other words,
we let the data determine the school groupings that produce the highest
degree of similarity within groups and see whether the schools within
those groups tend to have the same governance arrangement.
Figure 1 shows that schools can exhibit similar characteristics but
not share a governing agency. For example, cluster 1 is composed of
schools that share a college-preparatory mission but represent two of
three governing agencies, although most (28 of 38) are RSD charter
network schools. Thirteen schools that share enough similarities to form
a second cluster also include RSD and OPSB schools, but most are RSD
independent charter schools. The third cluster of five schools includes
three OPSB and two BESE charters that have selective admissions and a
specific curricular theme.
Statistical analysis suggests there are no meaningful differences
described by this grouping other than the differences in admissions,
theme, and mission mentioned above. Overall, these results suggest that
the RSD governs schools that are more similar to one another than those
governed by the OPSB. But we are able to reject the hypothesis of the
top-down theory that the governing agency predicts either similarities
within school groups or differences across school groups; we also find
evidence of differentiation within school operators.
We next test five groupings and again find that schools do not
cluster by the combination of governing agency and school type (results
not shown). The first cluster includes 19 schools, all but two of which
are RSD charter network schools. However, RSD charter network schools
are also found in three of the other four clusters. The other governing
agency-school type combinations also appear in multiple clusters, except
for the two selective-admissions BESE charter schools that form a
cluster with three selective-admissions OPSB charters. Six of nine RSD
independent charter schools are grouped in one cluster, but that cluster
also contains RSD charter network schools and OPSB charter schools. OPSB
charter schools appear in four of the five clusters.
Interestingly, even the CMO does not frequently predict cluster
membership. While some larger CMOs have all their schools in a single
cluster, KIPP, ReNEW, Algiers Charter School Association, and other
charter networks have schools in multiple clusters.
Finally, the three OPSB district elementary schools, which might be
expected to be the most similar because they are the only New Orleans
schools operated by a government bureaucracy, also appear in multiple
clusters. OPSB district schools are clustered with schools with several
other governance arrangements, including RSD charter network schools and
RSD independent charter schools.
Next we examine how the five clusters differ on the five continuous
variables. The groups are not statistically different in extracurricular
activities, sports, student support staff, or grade span. The groups do
vary across school hours, with the two clusters composed of college-prep
elementary schools reporting more hours than other clusters. Clustering
to five groups explains only 38 percent of total variance in continuous
clustering variables.
Overall, these results suggest that grouping schools by governing
agency and type does not capture the market structure in New Orleans.
Although we observe that RSD-governed schools tend to cluster together,
there are multiple governance-type combinations represented in each
cluster, and a CMO can have schools in up to three different clusters.
Thus, the top-down theory of three or five groups appears to be
inadequate to identify meaningful differences across schools.
We next characterize the market by allowing the clusters to emerge
from the data. When we allow 10 groups to form, we find that the groups
are statistically different along all continuous clustering variables,
except the number of student support staff (see Figure 2).
Cluster 1 contains 19 RSD charter schools with more-than-average
school hours and a college-prep mission. Cluster 2 contains two OPSB
charter schools and 10 RSD charter schools. The schools in this second
cluster have near-average values for all continuous variables, and they
do not have a curricular theme or college-prep mission.
Six other clusters capture additional nuance in the supply of
schools. All the schools in these six clusters have at least one school
with a curricular theme, and three of the six clusters contain only
schools that also have a college-prep mission. However, the clusters
vary across all the continuous variables except student support staff.
Finally, two elementary schools appear as outliers in the analysis,
suggesting they occupy niches in the market. The first is a
selective-admissions OPSB charter school with a curricular theme, fewer
school hours, more extracurricular activities and sports, and a large
grade span. The second is an RSD charter school with no curricular theme
or college-prep mission, but higher than average numbers of
extracurriculars, sports, and student support staff.
Overall, this more-flexible clustering strategy creates groupings
that are more similar within group and more different across groups than
clustering based on governing agency and school type. We observe that a
single CMO can manage schools that differ from each other, and that
similar schools can be governed by different agencies and managed by
different organizations. We find that RSD schools are more likely to
cluster together than are OPSB schools, which often occupy smaller
market segments. Finally, we see that elementary schools cluster in
groups with varied levels of school characteristics--except for student
support staff. We find little evidence that any New Orleans elementary
schools differentiate themselves by offering more in-house support staff
than other schools.
High Schools. The 22 New Orleans high schools include 12 RSD, 7
OPSB, and 3 BESE schools. There are 10 RSD charter network high schools,
2 RSD independent charter high schools, 5 OPSB charter high schools, 2
OPSB district high schools, and 3 BESE charter high schools. These
groups vary statistically in the number of sports offered and student
support staff, and also grade span.
First, we use the school characteristics data to form three
clusters. Compared to elementary schools, high schools appear to have
more differences among them, and the maximum degree of difference is
also greater. Overall, these findings do not support the assertion that
schools vary by governing agency (see Figure 3). Re-clustering into five
groups also did not create groupings that reflect the combination of
governing agency and school type (results not shown).
Using the flexible clustering strategy, we see a mixture of
governing agency and school type across four clusters, with six outliers
(see Figure 4). The largest cluster includes six high schools--one OPSB
school and five RSD charter network schools run by four different CMOs.
The second cluster is also diverse, with five total schools from three
governing agency and type combinations. We also observe charter network
schools and the OPSB schools in different clusters. The six outlier high
schools include one OPSB district school, two OPSB charters, two BESE
charters, and one RSD independent charter school.
Five of the six niche schools are selective-admissions schools.
Five of them have a curricular theme (such as science and math,
intercultural studies, or performing arts), and two have a college-prep
mission. Outliers tend to have more extracurricular activities, shorter
school hours, and larger grade spans. Overall, outliers are much more
common among high schools, and every selective-admissions high school
has its own niche.
New Orleans presents the opportunity to study an urban school
system where charter schools comprise more than 90 percent of school
campuses and total student enrollment. We find that school
characteristics vary within both governance arrangements and individual
CMOs, and that the most similar schools are often governed by different
agencies and have different managing organizations. We also found a
greater degree of market differentiation than would be expected from a
top-down approach. Our methods reveal 10 distinct types of elementary
schools comprising large segments of similar schools, small segments of
two to three schools, and niche schools. Among high schools, we found
four segments (both large and small) and a larger number of niche
schools. This may reflect more specialized interests among older
Charter schools governed by the RSD are often, but not always,
similar to each other, with emphasis on college-prep missions and more
school hours. It is unclear if this reflects governing agency
preferences or the fact that RSD schools are, by definition, previously
low performing and therefore may be more constrained by test-based
accountability. Moreover, schools within the same CMO network are often,
but not always, similar to each other. Amid this similarity, we also
find that within the RSD, CMOs can and do create diversified portfolios
of schools.
Schools outside of the RSD are more likely to be diverse. For
example, OPSB charter schools differ considerably from each other and
often serve a market niche. Particularly at the high-school level,
charter schools governed by the OPSB or BESE create niche markets with a
curricular theme, while different CMOs come together to form a segment
of similar schools, often sharing a college-prep mission. In the New
Orleans context, this suggests that governing agencies may be more
willing to provide unique offerings when they manage higher-performing
schools with little risk of sanctions related to standardized testing.
Furthermore, uniqueness often comes with selective admissions, which
suggests that access to diverse school choices is greater for students
who through ability or parent involvement can navigate a complex system
of admissions rules and testing.
The small number of schools that remain under the bureaucratic
control of the OPSB play a notable role in the school market. These
schools appear in smaller clusters or stand alone as different from most
charter schools. They also do not typically cluster with one another,
suggesting that even a bureaucratic system can offer diverse options in
a school-choice system.
Our study indicates that New Orleans parents can choose from among
schools that vary on several key dimensions, and that these differences
are not necessarily driven by the decisions of charter governing
agencies or large CMOs. Even within large CMOs, we found significant
variation among schools; for example, the expansion of KIPP in New
Orleans to manage five elementary campuses did not result in five
schools with identical characteristics.
Finally, we note that much of the market differentiation in New
Orleans comes from schools authorized or run by either the Orleans
Parish School Board or the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Having multiple governing agencies may be important for market
As more cities expand school choice, we will have the opportunity
to compare New Orleans to other markets to see how factors such as
economies of scale, regulations, and demand influence the amount and
quality of differentiation. We will also be able to observe the
evolution of public school markets over time, to see if competitive
pressures result in more differentiation or a drift toward
imitation--and how such trends affect student outcomes.
Paula Arce-Trigatti is postdoctoral fellow in economics at Tulane
University and the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans. Douglas
N. Harris is professor of economics at Tulane University and founder and
director of ERA-New Orleans. Huriya Jabbar is assistant professor of
education policy at the University of Texas at Austin and research
associate at ERA-New Orleans. Jane Arnold Lincove is assistant research
professor of economics at Tulane University and associate director of
ERA-New Orleans.