Historian Ravitch trades fact for fiction: latest book indifferent to the standards of social science.
Greene, Jay P.
Regin of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the
Danger to America's Public Schools
As reviewed by Jay P. Greene
Diane Ravitch's new book, Reign of Error, is obviously not a
work of scholarship, nor is it intended to be. The first half of the
book is a rehashing of arguments against "corporate reform"
that were mostly presented in her previous book, The Death and Life of
the Great American School System. And the second half makes the case
that until a wide variety of social ills are addressed, it is
unreasonable to expect much improvement from the traditional
public-school system. Only after the revolution can real progress be
Ravitch, who has long been an effective polemicist, must have felt
increasingly irrelevant and ignored over the last decade, as rigorous
quantitative analyses, which she is not capable of producing or even
understanding very well, increasingly displaced clever rhetoric as the
primary mechanism for influencing education policy. She has, at least
temporarily, regained the spotlight by appealing to a new audience
indifferent to the standards of quality social science. With this new
audience in mind, Reign of Error is not designed to be a thoughtful and
balanced piece of social science. It is meant to be a call to arms, to
rally supporters and inform them of Ravitch's views so that they
are more likely to prevail in policy disputes. But the book is not even
that. Given how tendentious and hyperbolic her arguments, and how
selective and distorted her reading of the evidence, this book is
unlikely to influence any policy discussion. It speaks only to those
already converted to "the Cause."
Reign of Error should be understood as a form of therapy. It
soothes the outraged educator by articulating that anger and giving it
legitimacy. And educators have some reason to be outraged. They are
losing autonomy over their daily work life, as control over education is
increasingly centralized and politicized. They are under pressure to
teach according to some script meant to increase performance on
standardized tests. They feel threatened with consequences if those test
results are not favorable. They see young twerps from elite colleges
with little classroom experience assuming positions of power in state
departments of education and cash-gushing foundations.
Reign of Error should be understood as a form of therapy. It
soothes outraged educators by articulating their anger and giving it
Reign of Error is a venting of collective anger, but it is not a
productive catharsis. Ravitch is so reckless in her interpretation of
evidence that she and anyone citing her would lack credibility in policy
discussions with those possessing a passing familiarity with the
research. The selective and faulty reading of evidence is so pervasive
in Reign of Error that it would take a volume of equal or greater length
just to document and rebut all the instances of it.
Let me illustrate by highlighting one example: how Ravitch distorts
the evidence on private school vouchers. More than a dozen published
analyses of random-assignment experiments reveal the effects of winning
a voucher in a lottery on educational achievement and attainment. In the
chapter in which she claims "no evidence" that vouchers are
beneficial, she mentions only one of these experiments. And when she
describes the results from the federally funded Washington, D.C.,
experiment, she focuses only on the fourth-year achievement results,
which showed a positive effect but fell short of the conventional
standard for statistical significance by having a p = .06 instead of
.05. Ravitch does not share that detail. Nor does she mention that after
the third year, the D.C. program did produce statistically significant
gains before sample attrition made the same effects more difficult to
observe with confidence in the fourth year.
More importantly, she ignores the large and statistically
significant improvement in high-school graduation rates resulting from
vouchers in that same study. If she included the other random-assignment
studies, her readers would learn that only one shows null results, and
the rest demonstrate significant benefits, at least for African American
students. For example, receipt of vouchers to attend a private school in
New York City significantly increased high-school graduation and
college-attendance rates for African American students.
Ravitch addresses only one other study in her review of the
evidence on vouchers. This matched-sample analysis from Milwaukee shows
significant gains in high-school graduation rates for students receiving
vouchers. She tries to discredit those results by noting the high rate
of attrition from the voucher program during the high school years. What
Ravitch does not understand is that this is an "intention to
treat" analysis, in which all students who started in private
schools via the voucher program are counted as if they had remained
there, even if they transferred into public high schools. She writes,
"This very high rate of attrition very likely left the most
motivated students in the voucher schools and certainly raised questions
about whether the voucher program had any effect. ..." But in this
type of analysis, outcomes for even the possibly less motivated students
who transferred to public schools for some of their high-school years
would still be credited to the voucher program. This means that the
Milwaukee attainment analysis almost certainly underestimated the
benefits of remaining in private schools throughout high school by
diluting the private school group with students who transferred to
public schools.
Intention to treat is the conventional and appropriate type of
analysis; it is designed to produce a conservative estimate of effects.
Ravitch does not understand the direction of the potential bias from
For anyone who knows the research literature, reading Ravitch is
downright infuriating. But her devoted followers couldn't care
less. She gives voice to their suffering and crowns their preferred
policy positions as the ones supported by "evidence," so she
must be right. This raises questions about Ravitch's earlier
historical scholarship. Was Ravitch the darling of the Right during the
1980s and 1990s when she attacked multiculturalism and progressive
education because she fairly and exhaustively described the historical
record or because she just drew conclusions that the Right preferred?
With historical research, it is more difficult for the general reader to
check the original materials to see whether authors have been selective
or distorted in their interpretations.
One suspects that Ravitch was once more careful, but it is hard to
be sure. Her writing was certainly better in the past, with a more
even-tempered tone and greater nuance. Reign of Error reads like a
string of her hyperventilating blog posts. Her Twitter obsession,
launching 140-character missives on average every 46 minutes of her
waking life, has reduced her prose to a preponderance of short, overly
broad declarations with a good deal of contempt for disagreement.
I'm sure Reign of Error will be a commercial success. It will
sell plenty of copies for its publisher and yield high-fee lectures for
its author. But in scholarly and policy terms, this book is a failure.
It offers readers little more than primal-scream therapy. Aggrieved
teachers deserve a better champion, one who can provide a fair and
comprehensive reading of evidence.
Jay P. Greene is professor of education reform at the University of