Should charter schools enroll more special education students: the key is innovation, not regulation.
Lake, Robin J.
Should charter schools be required to enroll students labeled
special needs at the same rate as local school districts, that is,
educate their "fair share"? Or is it reasonable for a charter
school to counsel special education students to go elsewhere, if another
school would be a better fit? If "fair share" requirements are
not appropriate, what is? Can any school be expected to meet every need
of every child?
Exploring these questions are Robin Lake, director of the Center on
Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington; Gary
Miron, professor in the College of Education at Western Michigan
University; and Pedro Noguera, professor of education at New York
It's never acceptable for charters to refuse to provide
special education services or to "counsel out" or refuse to
serve students with disabilities, but it's a particular problem
when charters comprise nearly half of all public schools in a district.
In Detroit, where more than 40 percent of students attend charters,
traditional district schools are slowly taking on a higher and higher
proportion of students with special needs. Concentrating students with
disabilities in a certain cluster of schools is not good for kids, and
because these students represent higher-than-average costs, this
imbalance is not financially sustainable for districts. It's also
not good for the reputation of charter schools to say they serve the
neediest students--just not that kind of needy. If charter schools want
to be treated as a scalable solution, they have to act like it.
In terms of national averages, the difference between charter and
district special-education enrollment is about 3 percentage points:
according to the Government Accounting Office, roughly 11 percent of
students enrolled in regular public schools were on special education
plans in 2009-10, compared with 8 percent of charter school students.
While the national differential is not huge, it concerns some and gives
ammunition to others.
The problem is, when lawmakers become concerned about this issue,
their instinct is to pass quotas or other special ed enrollment targets
for charters, to ensure a "fair share" of students are being
served. This is a bad idea, for a number of reasons. There is no magic
number that will mean the charter sector has fulfilled its duty to
special education, and policy should not be created under this
First, averages mask variation. The numbers differ greatly by state
and city. Some charters serve large percentages of special education
students, others very small. The same is true for district schools, as
the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) found when it analyzed
enrollment in New York City. Schools specialize: some are designed
specifically for kids with special needs, some have pre-K special-ed
programs that feed into certain schools, and so forth. Some schools,
both charter and district, tell families that the school may not be a
good "fit" for their child or that the school simply
doesn't offer the special education programs or services their
child needs. A fair-share policy, then, should be applied to both
sectors. Even then, a quota pegged to the average would be impossible to
achieve without drawing some students away from specialized programs
that may be serving them perfectly well.
Second, sometimes a low special-education percentage doesn't
mean that a school is failing to serve students with special needs, but
that it is serving them without applying the often-overused
special-education label. Charter schools frequently make the argument
that, as researcher Marcus Winters found in his 2013 study of New York
City charters, they are less likely than traditional schools to identify
a student as having a disability. Instead of assuming a child is
"learning disabled" if she falls behind her peers
academically, they might provide intensive tutoring to help the student
catch up. Rather than labeling a child with severe behavior problems
"emotionally disturbed," they might create a strong set of
schoolwide behavior norms and support their teachers' use of highly
effective classroom-management techniques. Quotas work against these
innovations by creating perverse incentives for schools to overidentify
students as disabled.
Third, as schools of choice, not all charter schools will be
equally attractive to, or effective with, kids with disabilities. A
"no excuses" school may be a good fit for students who respond
well to a highly structured and very strict culture but not be effective
at all for others. Although a school's "mission" should
never be an excuse for a charter school to exclude students whose
families feel it is the right fit, we also should not expect that all
charter schools will attract an equal number of all types of students.
The right public policy approach, then, is not to set a magic
number to ensure that students' special needs are being met.
Rather, it is to make sure that all students have equitable access to
all public schools in a city, and to create funding policies and support
structures that make it possible for charter schools to serve all
students effectively.
Charter school authorizers play an important role in ensuring
equitable access. Smart authorizer policies pay attention to a
charter's capacity to serve students with special needs before
granting the school permission to open, and then closely monitor its
student recruitment efforts and admission practices. If the special
education numbers look unusually low, good authorizers try to understand
why. States are paying more attention to special education funding
formulas to ensure that when a charter school receives a student with
special needs, the fair share of that student's funding follows the
student. Local foundations and nonprofits are also investing in local
special education supports for charter schools.
Even more promising, cities with large numbers of charter schools,
like Denver, New Orleans, and New York City, have built special
education collaboratives, co-ops, and financial risk pools so that all
charter schools have the capacity to serve all disability categories
well. Denver Public Schools has even partnered with its charter schools
to create specialized charter-based programs for students with severe
disabilities. The hope is that with the right financial resources and
supports, Denver charter schools can use their autonomy to find
innovative ways to serve severely disabled students even more
effectively than the district has.
In New Orleans, schools receive more funding for students with
more-severe disabilities. There is an insurance pool to help schools pay
for higher-than-usual costs associated with special education. Schools
can apply for grants to develop innovative new approaches to special
education. One New Orleans KIPP school now has a program designed to
serve students with severe or "low-incidence" disabilities.
Another school has designed a technology-heavy curriculum for students
with special needs.
Cities like Detroit could take a lesson from New Orleans, Denver,
and New York by carefully monitoring charter schools to ensure they act
on their responsibilities to serve all students. Just as important, city
and district leaders should create funding structures and partnerships
to make sure that charter school autonomies and entrepreneurialism lead
to innovations and improvements in special education.
Let's remember that fair access to public schools is very
important, but so are quality and fit. Parents of students with special
needs are often desperate for schools that will work for their
student's unique needs. They often find themselves in a situation
where the public schools don't serve their student well, but the
private schools won't serve them at all. Charter schools offer an
important opportunity to meet those parents' needs. There are now
charter schools, like CHIME Institute and Aspire charter schools in
California, that set a new standard in special ed inclusion. There are
schools that provide specialized and highly effective programs for
students with autism, and for those who are hearing impaired, face
severe behavior problems, and have learning disabilities. The challenge
for policymakers is how to create more of these innovations, not to
regulate charter schools back into a district model.
Cities need to stop talking about what's the "fair
share" through the lens of a charter or a district, consider
instead what students need, and leverage the right combination of
resources to meet that need. Parents whose kids have special challenges
don't care what a school is called. They only care whether there
are enough choices available in their city or neighborhood so that their
child--and every child--can find a strong fit and receive an excellent
public education. City and state leaders can accomplish this by ensuring
that charter authorizers are paying attention to recruitment and
admission practices, by ensuring that schools are getting their fair
share of funding, by giving charter schools access to excellent
special-education expertise and networks, and by promoting innovative
new approaches through grants and charter-district partnerships.
Robin J. Lake
page 56
Gary Miron
page 58
Pedro A. Noquera
page 60
Cities need to stop talking about what's the "fair
share" through the lens of a charter or a district, consider
instead what students need, and leverage the right combination of
resources to meet that need.