School leaders matter: measuring the impact of effective principals.
Branch, Gregory F. ; Hanushek, Eric A. ; Rivkin, Steven G. 等
It is widely believed that a good principal is the key to a
successful school. No Child Left Behind encouraged the replacement of
the principal in persistently low-performing schools, and the Obama
administration has made this a requirement for schools undergoing
federally funded turnarounds. Foundations have invested millions over
the past decade in New Leaders for New Schools, an organization that
recruits nontraditional principal candidates and prepares them for the
challenges of school leadership. And the recently launched George W.
Bush Institute is making the principalship a focus of its activities.
Yet until very recently there was little rigorous research demonstrating
the importance of principal quality for student outcomes, much less the
specific practices that cause some principals to be more successful than
others. As is often the case in education policy discussions, we have
relied on anecdotes instead.
This study provides new evidence on the importance of school
leadership by estimating individual principals' contributions to
growth in student achievement. Our approach is quite similar to studies
that measure teachers' "value added" to student
achievement, except that the calculation is applied to the entire
school. Specifically, we measure how average gains in achievement,
adjusted for individual student and school characteristics, differ
across principals--both in different schools and in the same school at
different points in time. From this, we are able to determine how much
effectiveness varies from one nrincinal to the next
Our results indicate that highly effective principals raise the
achievement of a typical student in their schools by between two and
seven months of learning in a single school year; ineffective principals
lower achievement by the same amount. These impacts are somewhat smaller
than those associated with having a highly effective teacher. But
teachers have a direct impact on only those students in their classroom;
differences in principal quality affect all students in a given school.
We also investigate one widely discussed mechanism through which
principals affect student achievement: the management of teacher
transitions. Importantly, because high teacher turnover can be
associated with both improvement and decline in the quality of
instruction, the amount of turnover on its own provides little insight
into the wisdom of a principal's personnel decisions. We confirm,
however, that teachers who leave schools with the most-successful
principals are much more likely to have been among the less-effective
teachers in their school than teachers leaving schools run by
less-successful principals.
The final component of our analysis considers the dynamics of the
principal labor market, comparing the effectiveness of principals who
move on to those who stay in their initial schools. Constrained by
salary inertia and the historical absence of good performance measures,
the principal labor market does not appear to weed out those principals
who are least successful in raising student achievement. This is
especially true in schools serving disadvantaged students. This is
troubling, as the demands of leading such schools, including the need to
attract and retain high-quality teachers despite less desirable working
conditions, may amplify the importance of having an effective leader.
The Texas Database
Our analysis relies on administrative data constructed as part of
the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Texas Schools Project. Working
with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), this project has combined
different data sources to create matched data sets of students,
teachers, and principals over many school years. The data include all
Texas public-school teachers, administrators, staff, and students in
each year, permitting accurate descriptions of the schools led by each
The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS),
TEA's statewide database, reports key demographic data, including
race, ethnicity, and gender for students and school personnel, as well
as student eligibility for subsidized lunch (a standard indicator of
poverty). PEIMS also contains detailed annual information on teacher and
administrator experience, salary, education, class size, grade,
population served, and subject. Importantly, this database can be merged
with information on student achievement by school, grade, and year.
Beginning in 1993, Texas schools have administered the Texas Assessment
of Academic Skills (TAAS) each spring to eligible students in grades 3
through 8. Our analysis therefore focuses on principals in elementary
and middle schools, for whom it is possible to develop performance
The personnel data combine time as a teacher and as an
administrator into total experience, so it is not possible to measure
tenure as a principal accurately for those who became a principal prior
to the initial year of our data (the 1990-91 school year). We therefore
concentrate on the years from 1995 to 2001. Over this period, we are
able to observe 7,420 individual principals and make use of 28,147
annual principal observations.
Measuring Principal Quality
The fundamental challenge to measuring the impact of school leaders
is separating their contributions from the many other factors that drive
student achievement. For example, a school that serves largely affluent
families may create the illusion that it has a great principal, when
family backgrounds are the key cause of high achievement. Alternatively,
a school that serves disadvantaged students may appear to be doing
poorly but in fact have a great principal who is producing better
outcomes than any other principal would.
Our basic value-added model measures the effectiveness of a
principal by examining the extent to which math achievement in a school
is higher or lower than would be expected based on the characteristics
of students in that school, including their achievement in the prior
year. Put another way, it examines whether some schools have higher
achievement than other schools that serve similar students and
attributes that achievement difference to the principal. This approach
is very similar to that employed in studies that measure teacher quality
using databases tracking the performance of individual students over
The main concern with this approach is that there may be unmeasured
factors that affect school performance. Our data contain only basic
information on student background characteristics, such as gender, race
or ethnicity, and eligibility for subsidized lunch. As a result, we
cannot control for more nuanced measures of students and their families,
such as motivation or wealth. We are, however, able to control for
students' test scores from the previous year, which may well
capture a lot of the characteristics that we cannot measure directly.
Moreover, there are also school factors not under the direct control of
the school, including the quality of teachers inherited by the
principal. Below we describe alternative approaches to isolating the
contributions of the current principal.
In estimating principal effectiveness, we want to minimize the
influence of specific circumstances and look at the underlying stable
differences in impacts. This issue is important because a
principal's impact may vary with tenure in a school. A
principal's impact on the quality of the teaching staff (whether
negative or positive), for example, probably increases over time as the
share of teachers who were hired on her watch rises. To account for any
differences in effectiveness that are related to tenure as a principal
in a given school, we begin our analysis by focusing on data from the
first three years a principal leads a school.
This first analysis indicates that the standard deviation of
principal effectiveness is 0.21 standard deviations of test scores (see
Table 1). This is a very large figure, perhaps unbelievably large,
implying that a principal at the 75th percentile of this effectiveness
measure shows average achievement gains of 0.11 standard deviations
(relative to the average principal), while one at the 25th percentile
shows average losses of 0.15 standard deviations. These differences are
even more pronounced in high-poverty schools, for which the gap between
the 25th and 75th percentile principal is more than one-third of a
standard deviation. On average across all schools, the impact of having
a principal 1 standard deviation more effective than the average
principal is as much as seven additional months of learning in a single
academic year.
Methods and Results (Table 1)
All three methods find that school principals have a
substantial impact on student achievement.
Method used to Sample used Standard Annual impact of
estimate the to estimate deviation of having an
impact of school the impact of principal effective rather
principals school effects than an
principals ineffective
1. Average math Texas 0.21 + 16 percentile
achievement gains principals in points of
adjusted for their first student
student background three years achievement
characteristics of leading
and school the school
mobility rates
2. Difference in All Texas 0.11 + 8 percentile
average adjusted principals points of
math achievement student
gains between achievement
students attending
the same school
under different
3. Additional All Texas 0.05 + 4 percentile
year-to-year principals points of
fluctuation in student
average adjusted achievement
achievement gains
surrounding a
Note: The standard deviation of principal effectiveness is reported in
standard deviations of student achievement. An effective principal is
one at the 84th percentile of the quality distribution; an ineffective
principal is one at the 16th percentile. The impact of an effective
principal is reported for the median student.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations based on Texas Education Agency data
As noted above, this initial estimate of the variability in
principal effectiveness may partly reflect differences in school
characteristics that are not under the principal's control, such as
the quality of the school building, or decisions made by district
administrators as well as unmeasured parental influences. As a result,
it may overestimate the amount of influence principals actually have.
We begin to address this issue by measuring principal effectiveness
based only on comparisons of within-school differences in student
achievement growth over time. In simplest terms, we compare average
student achievement gains in the same school under different principals.
This method eliminates the influence of any student, school, or
neighborhood characteristics that do not change over time. Its main
drawback is that it ignores all differences in principal effectiveness
between schools, potentially underestimating the amount of variation in
principal quality. For example, if each school tends to attract
principals who are similar in quality whenever it searches for a new
principal, this approach will understate the true extent of variation in
principal effectiveness.
We conduct this second analysis using all of the principals in our
data, not just those in their first three years leading a school,
because the numbers of schools with two principals observed in their
first three years is quite small. (Note that re-doing the prior analysis
using data on all principals does not significantly alter the results
presented above.) Restricting the analysis to comparisons within
schools, however, cuts our estimate of the variation in principal
effectiveness in half. Even this reduced estimate is substantial,
however, indicating that a 1-standard-deviation increase in principal
effectiveness raises school average achievement by slightly more than
0.10 standard deviations. This impact is roughly comparable to that
observed for variations in teacher effectiveness in studies that use the
same kinds of within-school comparisons.
Our first two methods involved estimating effectiveness measures
for individual principals and then calculating the standard deviation of
those measures. Although any unmeasured school factors that are
unrelated to principal quality would not bias these results, such
factors would inflate our estimates of the variation in principal
quality based on these approaches. We therefore employ a third approach
that gauges the amount of variation in principal effectiveness directly
by measuring the additional fluctuation in school average achievement
gains when a new principal assumes leadership, as compared to typical
fluctuations from year to year.
Focusing on the additional variation in school average achievement
gains around principal transitions reduces the magnitude of the
estimates. Nonetheless, the results remain educationally significant: a
1-standard-deviation increase in principal quality translates into
roughly 0.05 standard deviations in average student achievement gains,
or nearly two months of additional learning. By comparison, previous
research suggests that a 1-standard-deviation increase in teacher
quality raises achievement by somewhat more than 0.10 standard
deviations. Teachers affect only their students, however, while
principals affect all students in a school. The overall impact from
increasing principal quality therefore substantially exceeds the benefit
from a comparable increase in the quality of a single teacher.
Importantly, this estimate ignores all variation in principal quality
between schools and again ignores any tendency for a given school to
attract principals of similar quality over time, suggesting that it
likely understates principals' actual impact.
Teacher Turnover
The results presented so far rely on indirect measures of principal
impact, namely, student learning gains during a principal's tenure
in a school. The data do not include any observations about what a
principal actually does, or fails to do, to improve learning. We now
turn to an analysis of the interactions of principals with teaching
staff, which bears directly on a number of current policy debates.
A primary channel through which principals can be expected to
improve the quality of education is by raising the quality of teachers,
either by improving the instruction provided by existing teachers or
through teacher transitions that improve the caliber of the
school's workforce. Teacher turnover per se has received
considerable policy attention, largely because of the well-documented
difficulties that new teachers experience. The potential benefits of
reducing turnover nonetheless hinge on the effectiveness of both
entering and exiting teachers.
We expect highly rated principals to be more successful both at
retaining effective teachers and at moving out less-effective ones. Less
highly rated principals may be less successful in raising the quality of
their teaching staffs, either because they are less skilled in
evaluating teacher quality, place less emphasis on teacher effectiveness
in personnel decisions, or are less successful in creating an
environment that attracts and retains better teachers. Although better
principals may also attract and hire more-effective teachers, the
absence of reliable quality measures for new teachers and the fact that
many principals have little control over new hires lead us to focus
specifically on turnover.
Unfortunately, our data do not contain direct information on
personnel decisions that would enable us to separate voluntary and
involuntary transitions, and existing evidence suggests that teachers
rather than principals initiate the majority of transitions. In
addition, the Texas data do not match students to individual teachers,
meaning that we must draw inferences about teacher effectiveness from
average information across an entire grade.
With detailed information on teacher effectiveness and transitions,
we could investigate whether better principals are more likely to
dismiss the least-effective teachers and reduce the likelihood that the
more-effective teachers depart voluntarily. In the absence of such
information, however, we focus on the relationship within schools
between the share of teachers that exits each grade and the average
value-added to student achievement in the grade. We examine how this
varies with our measures of principal quality based on student
achievement gains. For example, in a school where 5th-grade students
learn more than 4th-grade students, we would expect a good principal to
make more changes to the 4th-grade teaching staff.
The results of this analysis confirm that the relationship between
higher teacher turnover and lower average value-added in a given grade
is stronger as principal quality rises. This pattern of results is
consistent with the theory that management of teacher quality is an
important pathway through which principals affect school quality. The
fact that less-effective teachers are more likely to leave schools run
by highly effective principals also validates our measure of principal
quality. If our measure was just capturing random noise in the data
rather than information about true principal quality, we would not
expect it to be related to teacher quality and turnover.
Principal Transitions and Quality
Along with teacher turnover, instability of leadership is often
cited as an impediment to improving high-poverty and low-performing
schools. Consistent with these concerns, we find that Texas schools with
a high proportion of low-income students are more likely to have
first-year principals and less likely to have principals who have been
at the school at least six years than those serving a less-disadvantaged
population. Sorting schools by initial achievement rather than poverty
level produces even larger differences (see Figure 1). The proportion of
principals in their first year leading a school is roughly 40 percent
higher in schools in the bottom quartile of average prior achievement
than in schools in the top quartile; the proportion of principals that
have been at their current school at least six years is roughly 50
percent higher in schools with higher-achieving students.
Principal Tenure (Figure 1)
Schools with high achievement were less likely to have a new principal
and more likely to have had the same leader for several years.
Percent Principal new Principal
to school with 6+ years
in school
Schools with 23 26
Schools with 16 39
Note: Schools with low achievement are those in the bottom quartile
of Texas schools in terms of the prior math test scores of their
students; schools with high achievement are those in the top quartile.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations based on Texas Education Agency data
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Yet the import of leadership turnover also depends on whether high-
or low-quality personnel are leaving, something prior research has been
unable to address. We therefore examine whether the likelihood that a
principal leaves following the third year in a school varies with her
effectiveness and with the share of low-income students in the school.
We observe principals making a variety of career decisions: remaining in
the same school as principal, becoming a principal at another school in
the same district, becoming a principal in another district, moving into
a central office position, or exiting the public schools entirely. We
divide principals into four equal-sized groups based on estimates of
their effectiveness using the first of the three methods described
above. We also limit the data to include only principals with fewer than
25 years of total experience in order to minimize complications
introduced by the decision to retire.
Our results confirm that the least-effective principals are least
likely to remain in their current position and most likely to leave the
public schools entirely. With the exception of the schools with the
lowest poverty level, however, there is not a consistent relationship
between the likelihood of remaining on as principal and principal
quality (see Figure 2). In high-poverty schools, for example, principals
in the middle two quartiles of effectiveness are substantially more
likely to remain than those in the bottom quarter. The most effective
principals are more likely to remain in the same position than those in
the bottom quartile, but are considerably more likely to move on than
those in the middle of the quality distribution.
Principal Turnover (Figure 2)
In high-poverty schools, the best and worst principals are more likely
to move on after three years than those in the middle quartiles.
In low-poverty schools, the likelihood of staying on increases
with principal quality.
Share of principals staying in the same school after their third
year, by principal quality quartile
High-proverty schools Low-proverty schools
1st (Worst) 63 59
2nd 73 68
3rd 72 74
4th (Best) 67 76
Note: High-poverty schools are those in the top quartile of Texas
schools in terms of the percent of students eligible for a subsidized
lunch; low-poverty schools are those in the bottom quartile.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations based on Texas Education Agency data
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Another result emerging from this analysis that is troubling from a
policy perspective is the frequency with which low-performing principals
move to principal positions at other schools. This trend is particularly
striking in high-poverty schools, where more than 12 percent of poor
performers annually make such a move. In contrast, less than 7 percent
of the poorest performers in more-affluent schools become principals at
other schools. This may reflect the fact that it is challenging in
high-poverty schools to separate the effects of school circumstances
from the quality of the principal, leading district administrators to
give principals from high-poverty schools a chance at a different
The simple conclusion, nonetheless, is that the operation of the
principal labor market does not appear to screen out the least-effective
principals. Instead, they frequently move to different schools, perhaps
reflecting the bargain necessary to move out an ineffective leader in a
public-sector organization. Potentially, this is where the
superintendent enters the picture. Making good decisions on the
retention and assignment of principals may be among the distinguishing
characteristics of successful superintendents, a possibility that
warrants additional study.
The role of principals in fostering student learning is an
important facet of education policy discussions. Strong leadership is
viewed as especially important for revitalization of failing schools. To
date, however, this discussion has been largely uninformed by systematic
analysis of principals' impact on student outcomes.
Determining the impact of principals on learning is a particularly
difficult analytical problem. Nevertheless, even the most conservative
of our three methodological approaches suggests substantial variation in
principal effectiveness: a principal in the top 16 percent of the
quality distribution will produce annual student gains that are 0.05
standard deviations higher than an average principal for all students in
their school.
There are many channels through which principals influence school
quality, although the precise mechanisms likely vary across districts
with the regulatory and institutional structures that define principal
authority. Because all principals participate in personnel decisions, we
have focused on the composition of teacher turnover. For the best
principals, the rate of teacher turnover is highest in grades in which
teachers are least effective, supporting the belief that improvement in
teacher effectiveness provides an important channel through which
principals can raise the quality of education.
Finally, patterns of principal transitions indicate that it is the
least and most effective who tend to leave schools, suggesting some
combination of push and pull factors. This pattern is particularly
pronounced in high-poverty schools. It is also worrisome that a
substantial share of the ineffective principals in high-poverty schools
takes principal positions in other schools and districts. Clearly, much
more needs to be learned about the dynamics of the principal labor
market. For student outcomes, greater emphasis on the selection and
retention of high-quality principals would appear to have a very high
Gregory F. Branch is program manager at the University of Texas at
Dallas Education Research Center. Eric A. Hanushek is seniorfellow at
the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Steven G. Rivkin is
professor of economics at University of Illinois at Chicago.