Questioning the quality of virtual schools: NEPC report on K12 uses flawed measures of school performance.
Chingos, Matthew M.
Gary Miron and Jessica L. Urschel, "Understanding and
Improving Full-Time Virtual Schools: A study of student characteristics,
school finance, and school performance in schools operated by K12
Inc.," National Education Po/icy Center, School of Education,
University of Colorado-Boulder (July 2012)
Proponents of school choice have sought for at least two decades to
expand the education options available to families who lack the
financial means to move to a neighborhood with high-quality public
schools or to pay private-school tuition. Forty-one states and the
District of Columbia now allow the founding of charter schools, which
enrolled just over 2 million students in 2011-12, or about 4 percent of
students nationwide, more than triple the number a decade earlier. Some
states have voucher-type programs that enable children to use public
funding to attend private schools, and some districts allow students to
attend a traditional public school other than the one in their
Families certainly have more education options for their children
than they did 20 years ago, but the growth of high-quality alternatives
to the neighborhood school has often been constrained by geography: a
student may not live within a reasonable distance of a desirable charter
school or may lack reliable transportation to a school of choice if the
district does not provide it. In rural communities, it may not make
financial sense to have more than one school, and even populous areas
may not have enough students to support a range of schools targeted at
students with different needs and interests.
The potential to eliminate such geographic constraints on school
choice at both the course and school levels may lie in digital learning.
For instance, a student at a small high school that does not have enough
students to justify offering an Advanced Placement course in physics can
now take a course through an online provider if her school permits and
funds such opportunities. In 31 states, students can enroll in a
full-time virtual school, often from anywhere in the state, free of
limitations based on geography or the physical constraints of a
Full-time virtual schools have gone from barely a blip on the radar
screen a decade ago to enrolling approximately 275,000 students in
2011-12, according to one estimate. The schools have attracted the kind
of scrutiny that most new innovations receive before they have an
established track record of success (or fail and die out). The fact that
many virtual schools are operated by for-profit education management
organizations (EM0s) has surely contributed to the degree of scrutiny,
prompting such publications as a recent report by the National Education
Policy Center (NEPC) on the largest operator of these schools, K12 Inc.
The NEPC report presents data from a variety of public sources on a
portion of the schools operated by K12 Inc. (referred to henceforth as
"K12"), including 48 full-time virtual schools that served
more than 65,000 students in 2010-11. The report contains some useful
descriptive information on the population of K12 schools across the
country but is ultimately of little use to policymakers or researchers.
The NEPC report uses badly flawed measures of school performance that
provide little information about how much students learn as a result of
attending K12 schools. Consequently, it is unclear how to interpret the
report's comparisons of school finances without knowing whether
K12's schools are performing well, poorly, or in between.
The NEPC Report
Written by Gary Miron and Jessica Urschel, NEPC's July 2012
report, "Understanding and Improving Full-Time Virtual
Schools," is billed as a "systematic review and analysis of
student characteristics, school finance, and school performance of
K12-operated schools." These three sections of the report use
publicly available data to compare K12-operated schools with all public
schools in the same states.
The report first examines students' demographic
characteristics using data from the 2010-11 school year. Compared to all
students in the same states, students at K12-operated schools are more
likely to be white (75 vs. 55 percent), less likely to be Hispanic (10
vs. 28 percent), and about equally likely to be black (11 percent). K12
students are modestly less likely to participate in the federal free or
reduced-price lunch program (40 vs. 47 percent), roughly as likely to be
classified as having a learning disability (9 vs. 12 percent), and much
less likely to be English language learners (less than 1 vs. 14
percent). K12 students are disproportionately enrolled in the middle
grades rather than in the elementary or high-school grades.
The NEPC report's analysis of revenues and spending in 2008-09
is limited to seven K12 schools in five states (representing
approximately 60 percent of K12 enrollment nationwide) due to data
constraints. The available data indicate that this subset of K12 schools
received an average of $7,393 in public revenue per student, which is 20
percent less than the charter school average ($9,258) and 37 percent
less than the district school average ($11,708) for the same states. K12
schools spend more on instructional costs but less on teacher salaries
and benefits, and more on administration but less on administrator
salaries and benefits. The NEPC report refers to these differences as
cost advantages and disadvantages. For example, the fact that K12
schools spend $715 per student less on support services than public
schools in the same states is interpreted as a "cost
advantage" for the virtual schools.
Finally, the NEPC report summarizes a number of measures of what it
calls "school performance." In 2010-11, 28 percent of K12
schools made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under the federal No Child
Left Behind accountability law, compared to 52 percent of schools
nationwide. In the same year, only 19 percent of K12 schools rated by
state education agencies (7 out of 36) received satisfactory grades.
Many of these ratings reflect the fact that K12 students are less likely
to score at the "proficient" level or above on statewide
assessments, with differences (compared to the state average) varying by
grade from 2 to 11 percentage points in reading and 14 to 36 points in
math. High-school students at K12 schools have an on-time graduation
rate of 49 percent, compared to 79 percent at schools in the same
Measuring School Quality
The NEPC report paints a dismal picture of student learning at
K12-operated schools, but the fatal flaw of the report is that the
measures of "performance" it employs are based primarily on
outcomes such as test scores that may reveal more about student
background than about the quality of the school, and on inappropriate
comparisons between virtual schools and all schools in the same state.
What parents and policymakers need to know about a school is how much
its students learn relative to what they would have learned at the
school they would otherwise have attended. In the case of virtual
schools, policymakers need to know how well the students at those
schools do relative to how they would have done if the virtual schools
didn't exist.
The measures used in the NEPC report--whether schools make AYP,
state accountability system ratings, the percentage of students that
score proficient on state tests, and high-school graduation rates--are
at best rough proxies for the quality of education provided by any
school. Using these metrics to compare one group of schools to another
is as potentially misleading as inferring that private schools are
better simply because their students score higher than their
public-school counterparts on the National Assessment of Educational
Rigorous efforts to measure school quality focus instead on the
growth in individual students' scores on standardized tests from
one year to the next. These "value-added" measures are subject
to some of the same problems, but by focusing on what students learn
over the course of the year, they are a significant improvement over a
simple average test score (or, worse yet, the percentage of students
that score above an arbitrary "proficiency" threshold). These
measures can be adjusted for student background characteristics.
However, such adjustments are particularly challenging in the case of
virtual schools, because their students may be less likely to
participate in some of the programs that are used to measure student
backgrounds, such as the federal lunch program.
In addition to using poor performance measures, the NEPC report
makes highly questionable comparisons between K12 students and all
students in the same state. Parents don't choose between a virtual
school and any school in the state, but rather between a virtual school
and the schools in the vicinity of where they live. A credible measure
of the effectiveness of a virtual school would compare the achievement
growth of students at that school to the performance of students in the
schools those students would have attended otherwise. These comparison
schools may look very different from the average school in the state,
especially if families are most likely to choose the virtual option when
their traditional options are =satisfactory.
Measures of school performance based on carefully constructed
comparisons of student achievement growth, and other important outcomes,
such as high-school graduation and college enrollment rates, require
student-level data that are not publicly available. Most states now have
such information in their longitudinal databases, but no published
studies have used these data to compare the achievement growth of
students at virtual schools with demographically similar students at
carefully selected comparison schools.
Research that painstakingly tries to separate out the actual
effects of schools clearly has value, but it is important to bear in
mind that, in the absence of random assignment of students to schools
(such as occurs via charter school lotteries), families that choose for
their children to be educated in their home (through virtual schools)
are likely to be very different from other families. The parents of
virtual-school students need to provide (or arrange for) supervision of
their children during the school day. These families may use virtual
schools as a form of home-schooling, or as a way to provide stability
for students whose parents frequently relocate, for example.
Assembling descriptive information about the students attending
virtual schools is a necessary first step to designing such careful
comparisons. The NEPC report provides some basic demographic
information, such as race/ethnicity, and data on participation in
programs, such as free and reduced-price lunch and special education.
These data are a useful starting point, but may be confounded by
comparisons to statewide averages instead of to the other schools in
these students' neighborhoods as well as the differences in program
participation discussed earlier. A useful addition would be data based
on surveys of parents with children enrolled in virtual schools and in
their brick-and-mortar counterparts.
Comparing Finances
The NEPC report presents information comparing the finances of a
subset of K12-operated schools with other schools in the same states,
but it is hard to interpret the spending data without good information
on the performance of K12 schools. If a rigorous study found that K12
schools produced equivalent (or superior) learning outcomes to
traditional schools, then it would be useful to determine whether the
virtual schools were able to achieve the same (or better) outcomes at
lower costs. But the NEPC report contains no information that can be
used to accurately measure the effect of K12 schools on how much their
students learn.
The comparison of specific categories of expenditures is also
difficult to interpret, in large part due to the fundamentally different
instructional and operational models of virtual and brick-and-mortar
schools. It is misleading to refer to all differences in spending as
"cost advantages and disadvantages," when many of them reflect
choices made by schools. The unsurprising fact that virtual schools do
not spend much on transportation or food services likely reflects a true
cost advantage of the virtual model. But differences in spending on
teacher salaries as compared to student support services are not
necessarily cost advantages or disadvantages, but rather decisions made
by the school.
Describing differences in expenditures in this way is also
confounded by differences in the overall amounts of funding provided to
virtual and traditional schools. Unless states' school-finance
formulas are perfectly calibrated to reflect costs, variations in
spending between groups of schools will reflect both differences in
costs and differences in available funding. Describing reduced spending
on various categories of expenditures as cost advantages when overall
spending levels differ is like telling a poor person that he has a
"cost advantage" relative to a wealthier individual.
Describing the different models of education offered by virtual and
traditional schools, and the implications for different categories of
costs, would certainly be a useful endeavor. For example, how much can
student-teacher ratios be increased, and at what cost savings, by
leveraging technology in the virtual education model? But the NEPC
report's conclusion that virtual schools have a cost advantage
because they spend less money, when they receive less money, is simply a
tautology. The publicly available data do not allow one to calculate the
profits made by for-profit education providers such as K12.
The NEPC report recommends that schools be provided with funding
based on the costs of educating students. This is sensible to the degree
that funding is adjusted to reflect the challenge of educating certain
kinds of students, such as those with special needs. But a broader
policy that ties funding to costs creates perverse incentives for
schools to drive up costs in order to increase their public funding. A
better solution is to provide the same allocation to all schools that
serve similar student populations, and then allow them to compete on
quality. If parents can choose among schools and new schools can enter
the market, then schools that provide a subpar education in order to
increase profits would be driven from the market by higher-quality
Policy Implications
Full-time virtual schools, in which students learn primarily from
their own homes, clearly are not for everyone. Even after their recent
enrollment growth, only one-half of 1 percent of public-school students
in the U.S. attend full-time virtual schools. The key question for
policymakers is whether virtual schools should be among the choices
available to families deciding how best to educate their children. The
NEPC report argues they should not be, calling for states to "slow
or put a moratorium on the growth of full-time virtual schools."
But policymakers only control the growth of enrollment in virtual
schools when they decide whether or not to allow them to exist and what
cap, if any, to put on their enrollments. Once those decisions are made,
enrollment in virtual schools is mostly up to parents.
The success or failure of virtual schools therefore depends on the
ability of policymakers and parents to evaluate their quality.
Policymakers need to know whether a given virtual school meets some
minimum standard so as to be acceptable as a choice for parents
dissatisfied with their traditional options. Parents need to have
information on which to base decisions about what school is best for
their child. It is simply not possible to make these sorts of decisions
with the data in the NEPC report. For example, the report tells us that
70 percent of 8th-grade students at K12-operated schools met proficiency
standards in reading, as compared to 77 percent in all public schools in
the same states. But we have no idea what the scores are at the
neighborhood schools of the K12 students, much less what the actual
effect is of attending one school or another.
The NEPC report gets one important point right: the need for better
information on school quality, especially when it comes to
nontraditional schools. Acknowledging that some of the measures it uses
to judge the quality of K12 schools are "inadequate or
inappropriate," the report calls for states to develop new and
better instruments. Some states, such as Florida, already incorporate
measures of student learning growth into their accountability metrics.
But much more sophisticated measures will be needed to allow
policymakers and parents to adequately judge the quality of the
expanding diversity of education options.
Checked by Matthew M. Chingos
Matthew Chingos is a fellow in the Brookings Institution's
Brown Center on Education Policy.