Reform agenda gains strength: the 2012 EdNext-PEPG Survey finds Hispanics give schools a higher grade than others do.
Howell, William G. ; West, Martin R. ; Peterson, Paul E. 等
In the following essays, we identify some of the key findings from
the sixth annual Education Next-PEPG Survey, a nationally representative
sample of U.S. citizens interviewed during April and May of 2012 (for
survey methodology, see sidebar, page 19). Highlights include
* the Republican tilt of the education views of independents
* the especially high marks that Hispanics give their public
* strong support among the general public for using test-score
information to hold teachers accountable
* lower confidence in teachers than has previously been reported
* the public's (and teachers') growing uneasiness with
teachers unions
* the shaky foundations of public support for increased spending
* majority support for a broad range of school choice initiatives.
In addition to the views of the public as a whole, in this
year's survey special attention is paid to Hispanics, African
Americans, parents, and teachers, all of whom were oversampled in order
to obtain a sufficient number of observations. And in an effort to
assess the sensitivity of respondents' opinions to information and
question wording, we embedded in this survey, as we have done in
previous ones, various experiments. Responses to all questions are
posted on our website,
Independents lean Republican in their views of teachers unions and
school spending--and support private school choice.
With Barack Obama and Mitt Romney running neck and neck, the
nation's eyes are trained on independent voters, who will likely
decide the presidential election. And in the days leading up to the
national conventions, education policy, though hardly at the top of the
public agenda, did assume a more prominent role in both campaigns. Which
candidate is best positioned to use education to bring undecided voters
into the fold? The answer may be surprising.
Just one-third of independents report that President Obama has done
an "excellent" or "good" job of handling education
issues, while the rest assign him a "fair" or "poor"
rating. And on the education policy issues that most clearly divide the
parties--the role of teachers unions and support for school
spending--the views of independents hew closer to those of Republicans
than of Democrats. Moreover, independents are more supportive than
members of either party of expanding private school choice for
disadvantaged students, the centerpiece of Governor Romney's
proposals for K-12 education reform.
Whereas 25 percent of respondents to the EdNext-PEPG survey report
that they are Republicans and 34 percent say that they are Democrats,
fully 41 percent claim no affiliation with either major party. Of this
group, 52 percent claim that they lean Democratic, while just 40 percent
lean Republican. On key education issues, however, these independents
express views that better align with Republicans.
No single education issue divides Republicans and Democrats more
sharply than the role of teachers unions (see Figure 1). Seventy-one
percent of Republicans report that the teachers unions have a generally
negative effect on schools, as compared to just 29 percent of Democrats.
Though independents come down in between, a majority of them (56
percent) agree with Republicans that unions have a negative effect.
Party Lines on Unions (Figure 1)
More than half of independent voters consider unions a negative
force in schools, as do nearly three-quarters of Republicans.
Share saying unions have a negative effect on schools
Republicans 71
Independents 56
Democrats 29
Some people say that teachers unions are a stumbling block to
school reform. Others say that unions fight for better schools
and better teachers. What do you think? Do you think teachers
unions have a generally positive effect on schools, or do you
think they have a generally negative effect?
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Republican and Democratic voters also diverge in their preferences
on school spending and teacher salaries. Figure 2 shows that when not
provided with information about current spending levels, 79 percent of
Democrats say that spending on public schools in their local district
should increase, as compared with 50 percent of Republicans. Among
independents, 57 percent support increased spending, again placing them
closer to Republicans in their view of the issue. And when respondents
are informed about current spending levels, the gap between Republicans
and independents vanishes: 39 percent of both groups support spending
increases, compared to just 51 percent of Democrats.
Party Lines on Spending (Figure 2)
Support among independents for spending more on public
schools is closer to that of Republicans than Democrats,
and the gap between independents and Republicans closes
altogether among those provided with information on
current spending levels.
Share supporting increased spending
Uninformed Informed
Republicans 50 39
Independents 57 39
Democrats 79 51
Uninformed: Do you think that government funding for
public schools in your district should increase, decrease,
or stay about the same?
Informed: As it turns out, according to the most recent
information available, $[CURRENT SPENDING] is being spent
each year per child attending public schools in your district.
Do you think that government funding for public schools in
your district should increase, decrease, or stay about the
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from bar graph.
The same pattern holds for teacher salaries: when respondents are
not provided with information about current salary levels, 60 percent of
independents support increasing teacher salaries, placing them closer to
Republicans (54 percent of whom support increases) than to Democrats (75
percent). Providing information on current teacher salaries in their
state reduces support for salary increases among independents to 34
percent--exactly the same as among Republicans. Information also shrinks
the share of Democrats supporting salary increases to 41 percent.
Governor Romney has made the expansion of school choice for
disadvantaged students central to his campaign, calling for the
expansion of the Washington, D.C., voucher program and for allowing
low-income and special education students to use federal funds to enroll
in private schools. It is perhaps surprising, then, to find that
Republicans are less supportive of this concept than are Democrats (see
Figure 3). Just 42 percent of Republicans express support for the idea,
compared to 52 percent of Democrats. Voucher support among independents
appears to be as high as (or greater than) it is among Democrats, at 54
Party Lines on Vouchers (Figure 3)
Voucher support is somewhat higher among independents
and Democrats than among Republicans.
Share supporting vouchers
for low-income students
Republicans 42
Independents 54
Democrats 52
A proposal has been made that would give low-income
families with children in public schools a wider
choice, by allowing them to enroll their children
in private schools instead, with government helping
to pay the tuition. Would you favor or oppose this
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Hispanics like public schools but not all union demands in contract
Increasingly, both the Republican and Democratic parties have
sought ways to court Hispanics. Though they lean Democratic-63 percent
of Hispanic adults approve of the way President Barack Obama is handling
his job as president--they are not as blue as is the African American community, 92 percent of whom give Obama a thumbs-up.
Those seeking the Hispanic vote in 2012 should know that education
is an issue that resonates with the Latino community. Almost 60 percent
of those we surveyed say they are "very" or "quite a
bit" interested in education issues, as compared to less than 40
percent of African American and white voters.
On many topics--including school vouchers, charter schools, digital
learning, student and school accountability, common core standards, and
teacher recruitment and retention policies--the views of Hispanic adults
do not differ noticeably from those of either whites or African
But in certain domains--estimates of school costs and school
quality, support for teachers unions, teacher tenure, and teacher
pensions--the views of Hispanics differ rather substantially. Their
judgment of the American school is generous, perhaps because they
compare public schools in the United States to much less effective
institutions in Mexico, Cuba, and other parts of Latin America. They
also underestimate the costs of running public schools, though they
revise their thinking rather substantially about the merits of spending
increases once they learn the facts. They are less supportive of unions
and union demands than are African Americans.
Nearly 40 percent of Hispanic adults give the nation's public
schools a grade of an "A" or a "B" on the
traditional scale used to evaluate schools (see Figure 4). When asked
about the public schools in their community, no less than 55 percent
give such favorable assessments. By comparison, whites and African
Americans express significantly less enthusiasm about the nation's
schools. Less than 20 percent of whites and African Americans accord the
nation's schools an "A" or a "B," and only
around 40 percent give the schools in their community one of these two
top grades.
Diverse Views (Figure 4)
Hispanics give higher marks to our nation's schools
than other groups.
Hispanics African Americans Whites Public
A 4 1 1 1
B 35 18 18 20
C 46 61 56 54
D 12 13 20 18
F 4 6 6 6
Students are often given the grades A, B, C, D, and Fail
to denote the quality of their work. Suppose the public
schools themselves were graded in the same way. What
grade would you give the public schools in the nation as
a whole?
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Hispanic respondents think American students perform better
academically than is actually the case. American 15-year-olds ranked no
better than 25th among the 34 developed democracies participating in the
latest round of international tests. Yet nearly 45 percent of Hispanics
say student math performance in the United States ranks among the top 15
countries in the world in math. Only 30 percent of white and African
American respondents place the United States that high.
Hispanic respondents also think the public schools cost a lot less
than they actually do. While annual per-pupil expenditures run around
$12,500, Hispanics, on average, estimate their cost at less than $5,000.
Whites and African Americans estimate the costs to be more than $7,000.
The same goes for teacher salaries, which average about $56,000 a
year. On average, Hispanics think teachers are paid little more than
$25,000 a year; blacks, on average, think they are paid around $30,000 a
year; and whites estimate salaries at $35,000.
When told just how much schools cost, however, Hispanic respondents
adjust their thinking quite dramatically. When informed about actual
per-pupil expenditures, Hispanics' support for higher taxes to fund
spending increases drops from 46 percent to 25 percent. When given the
actual amount teachers receive, their support for higher salaries
plummets nearly in half--from over 60 percent to little more than 30
Although learning the truth about costs and salaries has a similar
impact on white opinion, African Americans remain more committed to
higher spending. Thirty-seven percent of African Americans favor higher
taxes, even when told how much is currently being spent, only a slight
dip from the 42 percent favorable when that information is withheld.
When given the facts about teacher salaries, African American support
for higher salaries drops 20 percentage points--from 74 percent to 54
Like other ethnic groups, Hispanics do not appear especially
sympathetic to teachers union demands in collective bargaining negotiations. Sixty-two percent of Hispanic adults think teachers should
pay 20 percent of their pension and health care costs, as do 56 percent
of African Americans.
By an overwhelming margin (87 percent), Hispanic respondents favor
proposals to condition teacher tenure on their students' making
adequate progress on state tests. Whites and African Americans also
favor such proposals but not to the same degree (75 percent and 80
percent, respectively). When it comes to whether teachers unions are
playing a more positive or a more negative role in their local
community, Hispanic adults come out in the middle--at 59 percent in
support, they are more supportive than whites (45 percent) but less
supportive than African Americans (75 percent).
Use test scores for evaluations, says the public (but not the
Teachers have long been paid primarily on the basis of their
academic credentials and years of experience, creating in most parts of
the country a lockstep pay scale that does not account for a
teacher's classroom performance. This approach is often justified
on the grounds that it precludes favoritism on the part of principals,
school board members, and other administrative officials.
As teacher effectiveness has become an increasingly visible policy
issue, standard approaches to salary and tenure decisions are undergoing
substantial change. More than 20 states now require that student
test-score gains be used in key personnel decisions, often including
tenure and salary determinations. Four states go so far as to prohibit a
teacher from receiving a top rating if students do not exceed a certain
level of accomplishment, while another 10 require that achievement gains
constitute at least 50 percent of each teacher's evaluation.
Is the public onboard with these changes? And what do teachers
think about them? To find out, we randomly divided those interviewed
into two groups (see Figure 5). The first group was given a stark
choice: How much weight should be given to test scores and how much
should be given to principal recommendations?
Teacher Performance (Figure 5)
When it comes to their own job performance, compared to the
general public, teachers would place less weight on student
test scores and more on the views ofprincipals.
Public Teachers
Student progress as indicated 32 19
by test-score performance
Principal evaluations 23 44
Parental evaluations 15 10
Student evaluations 15 13
Evaluations by fellow teachers 15 17
When evaluating a teacher's performance for a salary
increase or granting of tenure, some have proposed using
various kinds of information. We'd like to know what you
think. If such a proposal is adopted, what percentage of a
teacher's evaluation shoufd be given to each of the following
You may give zero percent, if you think a factor should not
be used at all. The total amount must sum to 100 percent.
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Given this simple dichotomy, the public says test-score gains
should be given more than half the weight (62 percent) in making salary
and tenure decisions. Teachers, by contrast, are prepared to place only
a quarter of the weight (24 percent) on this information, with the other
three-fourths of the weight being given to principal recommendations.
The second half of the sample was asked a more complex question,
which required giving weights to test scores and evaluations from four
different sources: principals, parents, students, and fellow teachers.
When the question was posed this way, the public and the teachers
once again disagree. The public would place about one-third of the
weight (32 percent) on test scores, but teachers would assign them less
than one-fifth (19 percent). Conversely, teachers would give principal
recommendations nearly half the weight (44 percent), while the public
would give their recommendations less than one-quarter (23 percent).
Perhaps surprisingly, teachers are unenthusiastic about being
evaluated by their fellow teachers. Like the rest of the public, they
divide up the remaining weight more or less equally among the three
remaining sources of evidence (students, parents, and fellow teachers).
An even bigger gap between teachers and the public emerges on the
desirability of releasing information about teacher performance to the
public at large. In both New York City and Los Angeles, newspapers have
published such information, provoking an outcry among teachers, who felt
their privacy had been invaded. When we asked respondents about this as
a general practice, 78 percent of the public expresses support, compared
to just 33 percent of teachers (see Figure 6).
Publicizing Teacher Performance (Figure 6)
Teachers are far less supportive than the public of
making information on teacher performance publicly
ava liable.
Share supporting publication of teachers' impact on
student test scores
Public 78
Teachers 33
In some districts, information about each public
school teacher's impact on student test scores is
made available to parents and the general public.
Would you favor or oppose such a policy in your
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public
Note: Table made from bar graph.
When given the option of expressing neutrality on the issue (as
another randomly chosen half of the sample was), 60 percent of the
public still says it supports the publication of information about
teacher performance, while only 13 percent is opposed, the remaining 27
percent taking the neutral position. Teacher opinion is almost the
mirror image. Fifty-four percent oppose making information on test-score
impacts publicly available, 30 percent express support, with the
remaining 16 percent not taking a clear position either way.
Are teachers unions undermining teacher popularity?
Teachers have long held a cherished place in American popular
culture. In such films as Blackboard Jungle, Stand and Deliver, and Dead
Poets Society, Hollywood has highlighted the power of teachers to
utterly transform the lives of their students.
But is this now changing? Are Waiting for Superman, Bad Teacher,
and Won't Back Down (see "A Takeover Tale," cultured,
Winter 2013) harbingers of a new, more skeptical depiction of teachers?
At first, it would seem that public trust in teachers is widespread.
When we asked half of the respondents in our survey whether they
"have trust and confidence in the men and women who are teaching
children in the public schools," no less than 72 percent say
"yes" (see Figure 7). This is almost exactly what Phi Delta
Kappan (PDK), a publication sympathetic to teachers unions, found in its
2012 poll and about the same as in PDK polls in previous years.
Public Trust in Teachers (Figure 7)
When more options are available, less than half of
the public expresses "a lot of trust and confidence"
in our nation's teachers.
Do you have trust and confidence in the men and
women who are teaching children in the public schools?
PDK-Gallup EdNext-PEPG
Yes 71 72
No 27 28
Don't know 2
How much trust and confidence do you have in the men
and women who are teaching children in the public
Complete 4
A lot 38
Some 49
Little 9
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public
Opinion; 2012 PDK-Gallup Poll of the Public's
Attitudes toward the Public Schools
Note: Table made from pie chart.
When we expand the possible response categories, however, a
somewhat different picture emerges. Only 4 percent of the American
public has "complete" trust and confidence in teachers, and
just 38 percent has "a lot" of trust and confidence in them.
Meanwhile, 49 percent has "some" trust and confidence, and 9
percent has "little" trust and confidence. In other words, 58
percent of those surveyed express less than "a lot of trust and
confidence" in the teaching force.
Since this is the first time the public has been asked to break its
assessment of teachers into four categories, we cannot document any
trends over time. But we do know that public opinion toward teachers
unions--and teachers' opinions of them, too--has turned in a
negative direction. The portion who thinks that teachers unions have had
a positive effect on their local schools has dropped by 7 percentage
points over the past year. Among teachers, the downward shift is no less
than 16 percentage points.
In this year's survey, as we have done in the past, we asked
the following question: "Some people say teachers unions are a
stumbling block to school reform. Others say that unions fight for
better schools and better teachers. What is your opinion? Do you think
teachers unions have a generally positive view on your local schools, or
do you think they have a generally negative effect?" Respondents
could choose among five options: very positive, somewhat positive,
neither positive nor negative, somewhat negative, and very negative.
In our polls from 2009 to 2011, we saw little change in public
opinion. Around 40 percent of respondents took the neutral position,
saying that unions had neither a positive nor a negative impact. The
remainder were divided almost evenly, with the negative share just
barely exceeding the positive.
This year, however, the teachers unions lost ground. While 41
percent of the public still takes the neutral position, the portion with
a positive view of unions dropped 7 percentage points in the last year,
from 29 percent to 22 percent.
The drop is even greater, in both magnitude and significance, among
our nationally representative sample of teachers. At a time when,
according to education journalist and union watchdog Mike Antonucci, the
National Education Association has lost 150,000 members over the past
two years, and projects to lose 200,000 more members by 2014, teacher
discontent appears to be rising. Whereas 58 percent of teachers had a
positive view of unions in 2011, only 43 percent do so in 2012.
Meanwhile, the percentage of teachers holding negative views of unions
nearly doubled during this period, from 17 percent to 32 percent.
But when that same question was posed in either/or terms to the
public as a whole, respondents split down the middle: 51 percent say
unions had a negative impact, while 49 percent say their effect was
positive. Teachers, meanwhile, offered a more positive assessment. When
forced to choose between just two options, 71 percent of teachers claim
that unions are a force for good, whereas 29 percent see them as a
stumbling block to reform.
Support for school spending is shaky.
With the U.S. economy trying to crawl back to recovery, an
unemployment rate above 8 percent, and state and local governments
facing the prospect of insolvency, many school districts have found it
necessary to cut expenditures and personnel. In California, the cities
of Stockton and San Bernardino have declared bankruptcy. In Michigan,
the financially bankrupt Muskegon schools have been handed over to a
for-profit charter organization. Cuts in arts programs and
extracurricular activities are becoming commonplace. Nationwide, the
number of school employees has drifted downward by as much as 5 percent
in the past few years.
Still, the American public continues to support increasing spending
on local public schools. Or at least it appears to do so (see Figure 8).
Sixty-three percent of the general public says it prefers an increase in
school expenditures in the local district, well up from levels in 2007
when only 51 percent of the public called for expenditure increases. Not
surprisingly, teachers are even more enthusiastic about increasing
expenditures, 68 percent of whom like the idea.
Information Matters (Figure 8)
support for increased spending on local public schools is
sharply lower among respondents informed about current
spending levels--and lower still among those asked about
taxes to support local public schools.
Share supporting increased ...
spending on public taxes to fund public
schools schools
Uninformed 63 35
Informed 43 24
Uninformed: Do you think that government funding for
public schools in your district should increase, decrease,
or stay about the same?
Informed: As it turns out, according to the most recent
information available, $[CURRENT SPENDING] is being spent
each year per child attending public schools in your
district. Do you think that government funding for public
schools in your district should increase, decrease, or
stay about the same?
Uninformed: Do you think that taxes to fund public schools
should increase, decrease, or stay about the same?
Informed: As it turns out, according to the most recent
information available, $[CURRENT SPENDING] is being spent
each year per child attending public schools in your
district. Do you think that taxes to fund public schools
in your district should increase, decrease, or stay about
the same?
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from bar graph.
When one investigates the issue just a bit further, however,
fractures can be detected in the public's willingness to spend more
on public schools. Though most Americans still offer their support for
spending increases in the abstract, their enthusiasm ebbs rather
substantially when the taxes needed to pay for the increased
expenditures are broached and when information about actual expenditures
and salaries is provided.
Part of the explanation for this is the widespread ignorance on the
part of the general public about just how much already is spent on
public schools. When asked to estimate per-pupil expenditure in their
district, Americans guess that expenditures are about $6,500 annually,
when in fact they are around $12,500. That is only a slightly better set
of estimates than the ones given in 2009, when Americans thought $4,231
was being spent per pupil and the reality was closer to $10,000 (see
"Educating the Public," features, Summer 2009).
When respondents are told the correct figure, support for spending
on public schools shifts sharply downward. Support for increased
spending on our standard question drops by 20 percentage points, a much
bigger drop than what was observed in 2009, when support for increased
spending fell only 8 percentage points (from 46 percent to 38 percent).
In another sign of less-than-wholehearted support for an education
spending spree, only 35 percent of the public says taxes should increase
to fund the schools. Support drops by another 11 percentage points--to
just 24 percent--when those interviewed were first told how much was
currently being spent.
Teachers, who stand to benefit from increased expenditure, remain
committed to more spending when told the realities of the expenditure
situation in their district. Their support slips only 8 percentage
points from the high of 68 percent when no information is supplied about
current expenditures. But even teachers are 17 percentage points less
likely to support higher taxes to fund increases in education spending.
When the subject turns from per-pupil expenditures to teacher
salaries, the same pattern emerges (see Figure 9). When asked without
any accompanying information, nearly two out of three Americans think
that teacher salaries should go up. Among teachers, support for a salary
boost registers at no less than 85 percent.
Fair Pay (Figure 9)
Those provided with information about actual teacher
salaries express far less support for increasing them.
Percent favoring salary increases
Uninformed 64
Informed 36
Uninformed: Do you think that teacher salaries should
increase, decrease, or stay about the same?
Informed: As it turns out, teachers in your state are
paid an average annual salary of $[C1JRRENT SALARY
LEVEL). Do you think that teacher salaries should
increase, decrease, or stay about the same?
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from bar graph.
As they do on per-pupil expenditures, however, Americans hold
markedly inaccurate views about actual teacher salaries. When asked to
hazard a guess, Americans estimate that public school teachers in their
states receive, on average about $36,000 in salary annually. The true
figure, even without accounting for benefits, pensions, and the like,
sits at about $56,000 nationwide.
Support for higher salaries plummets, however, when Americans are
told how much teachers actually make in their states. Of those given the
facts, only 36 percent favor an increase, which amounts to a whopping
28-percentage-point decline from the 64 percent favoring an increase
when no information is supplied.
When teachers were given accurate information about salary levels
in their state, their support slips by only 10 percentage points,
probably because they are thinking about their own paycheck. Also, they
have a better sense of teacher salaries in their state than the public
has, estimating them to be about $44,000 annually.
Is public support for charters really that much higher than for
vouchers and tax credits?
As a policy reform, school choice shows no signs of slowing. The
number of states with school-voucher and tax-credit programs has
escalated since 2010, the number of students attending charter schools
climbs steadily year by year, and new technologies for online learning
are being promoted by a cascade of new entrepreneurs.
The contours of elite debate about school choice, however, are not
replicated in the larger public. While charter schools and digital
learning are thought to be the safest choice options for political
elites to promote, tax credits are even more popular than charters, and
vouchers, the most controversial proposal, also command the support of
half the population when the idea is posed in an inviting way.
Vouchers and tax credits. When it comes to school vouchers,
apparent levels of public support turn on the wording of the question.
For the past two years, PDK has asked whether respondents "favor or
oppose allowing students and parents to choose a private school to
attend at public expense." Even with the rather loaded "at
public expense" phrasing, PDK reported that support shifted upward
from 34 percent to 44 percent between 2011 and 2012.
If one asks the question in a more inviting manner, as we have,
support jumps further still (see Figure 10). Told about a proposal
"that would give low-income families with children in public
schools a wider choice, by allowing them to enroll their children in
private schools instead, with government helping to pay the
tuition," 50 percent of the American public comes out in support
and 50 percent expresses opposition.
Support for Choice (Figure 10)
Vouchers garner substantial support, but tax-credit
funded scholarships draw even more.
Vouchers Tax-credit funded scholarships
Support 50 72
Oppose 50 28
A proposal has been made that would give low-
income families with children in public schools
a wider choice, by allowing them to enroll their
children in private schools instead, with govern-
ment helping to pay the tuition. Would you favor or
oppose this proposal?
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Still, support for vouchers does not match public willingness to
back tax credits, even though most economists think the difference
between vouchers and tax credits more a matter of style than substance.
Nearly three-fourths (72 percent) of the public favors a "tax
credit for individual and corporate donations that pay for scholarships
to help low-income parents send their children to private schools."
We find little evidence that support for tax credits has changed
significantly since 2011.
Charters. Figure 11 shows that when given a choice of supporting or
opposing charter schools, 62 percent of the public says it favors
"the formation of charter schools," nearly identical to what
PDK finds (66 percent favoring "the idea of charter schools").
Support for charters, however, is softer than it might seem. When
respondents are given the opportunity to take a neutral position that
neither supports nor opposes charters, no less than 41 percent choose
that option. Among the remainder, the split is nearly three to one in
favor of charters.
Going Neutral (Figure 11)
When given information, 4lpercent neither support nor
oppose charters.
No neutral Neutral option
option provided * provided *
Support 62 43
Oppose 38 41
Neither 16
As you may know, many states permit the formation
of charter schools, which are publicly funded but
are not managed by the local school board. These
schools are expected to meet promised objectives,
but are exempt from many state regulations. Do you
support or oppose the formation of charter schools?
* Half the sample was given neutral option, the
other half just two choices--support or oppose
SOURCE: 2012 EducationNext-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Meanwhile, public knowledge about charters remains as impoverished as ever. As our survey did two years ago, we asked respondents a variety
of factual questions: whether charter schools can hold religious
services, charge tuition, receive more or less per-pupil funding than
traditional public schools, and are legally obligated to admit students
randomly when oversubscribed. We found little change in the level of
public information over the past two years. Large percentages of
respondents still say they don't know the answers to these
questions. Among those who hazard a guess, they are as likely to give
the wrong answer as the correct one. Although teachers do a better job
of accurately identifying the characteristics of charter schools, even a
majority of teachers get many of the answers wrong or say they
don't know.
Online education. As major universities--Harvard, Stanford, MIT,
and others--are joining community colleges and state universities in a
nationwide dash toward online learning in higher education, many states
are exploring ways of incorporating new digital technologies into
secondary schools.
A substantial share of both the public and the teaching force seems
ready to consider the expansion of online learning. When asked if high
school students should be allowed to take "approved classes either
online or in school," opinion splits down the middle, with a bare
majority (53 percent to 47 percent) favoring the idea. Teachers are more
enthusiastic, among whom no less than 61 percent feel students should be
given an online option.
The public, however, is not equally enthusiastic about all uses of
the online tool, nor is support for the idea gaining strength. The most
popular uses are for rural education and advanced course taking.
Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed think students in rural areas
should have online opportunities, with only 14 percent opposing the
idea. That is down modestly from the 64 percent who supported this use
in 2008. Similar percentages of support and opposition are expressed for
advanced courses taken online for college credit. But once again, levels
of support have slipped since 2008 (from 68 percent to 57 percent in
Less popular are online courses for dropouts and home schoolers.
Only 44 percent favor, and 30 percent oppose, using public funding to
help dropouts take courses online. Many home schoolers find online
courses to be a valuable tool, but the public remains dubious. Only 28
percent favors public funding for such uses, and 38 percent opposes it.
Those percentages have not changed materially since 2008.
In the 2012 Education Next-PEPG Survey, we conducted a series of
experiments to see if responses vary depending on whether respondents
are asked to choose among five options or have only a simple
positive-negative choice. The survey provided to one-half of the sample
(randomly selected) a stark choice between two options and to the other
half of the sample a wider range of choices, including the option to say
that one neither agreed nor disagreed with the contrasting positions
that were being posed. The exact wording of each question is displayed
online at
Those interviewed consist of a nationally representative,
stratified sample of 2,993 adults (age 18 years and older) and
representative oversamples of the following subgroups: public school
teachers, parents of school-age children, African Americans, and
Hispanics. Respondents could elect to complete the survey in English or
Spanish. Survey weights were employed to account for nonresponse (when
analyzing responses for all samples) and the oversampling of subgroups
(when analyzing the entire sample).
In general, survey responses based on larger numbers of
observations are more precise, that is, less prone to sampling variance,
than those made across groups with fewer numbers of observations. As a
consequence, answers attributed to the national population are more
precisely estimated than are those attributed to subgroups. The margin
of error for responses given by the full sample in the EdNext-PEPG
survey is roughly 2 to 3 percentage points for questions on which
opinion is evenly split. The specific number of respondents varies from
question to question due to survey nonresponse and to the fact that, in
some cases, we randomly divided the sample into multiple groups in order
to examine the effect of variations in the way questions were posed. In
these cases, the figures and online tables present separately the
results for the different experimental conditions.
Percentages reported in the figures and online tables do not always
add precisely to 100 as a result of rounding to the nearest percentage
The 2012 Education Next-PEPG Survey of Public Opinion was conducted
by the polling firm Knowledge Networks (KN) between April 27 and May 11,
2012. KN maintains a nationally representative panel of adults, obtained
via list-assisted random digit-dialing sampling techniques, who agree to
participate in a limited number of online surveys. Detailed information
about the maintenance of the KN panel, the protocols used to administer
surveys, and the comparability of online and telephone surveys is
available online at
William G. Howell is professor of American politics at the
University of Chicago. Martin R. West is assistant professor of
education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and deputy
director of Harvard's Program on Education Policy and Governance.
Paul E. Peterson is the director of Harvard's Program on Education
Policy and Governance and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.