Higher private school share boosts test scores.
West, Martin R. ; Woessmann, Ludger
Proponents of vouchers and other measures that expand access to
private schooling often claim that competition from privately operated
schools will spur student achievement--and, perhaps, lower costs--in
public schools. Critics of such policies, in response, note that the
educational benefits of competition are unproven and that student
achievement in the public sector could decline as students become
segregated along lines of ability, ethnicity, or class.
Scholars have attempted to discern the effects of competition
between the public and private sectors within the United States and in
other countries, but no study, to our knowledge, has attempted to
measure systematically the causal impact of competition by looking at
variation across countries. Until now, research has been stymied by the
fact that any simplistic statistical correlations between the extent of
competition and student achievement that might be found are suspect.
Countries where more people choose to invest in private schools may have
other attributes, such as more income or a greater commitment to
education, that lead to higher levels of achievement. If this is the
case, any positive correlation between private schooling and student
achievement could reflect a country's income or educational
commitment rather than any beneficial effects of competition. Or it may
be the case that low-quality public schools increase the demand for
private schooling. If so, then it could appear that competition lowered
the quality of public schooling when in fact the causal connection was
in the opposite direction.
In this study, we solve this conundrum by taking advantage of the
historical fact that the amount of competition in education today varies
from one country to another for reasons that have little to do with
contemporary school quality, or national income, or commitments to
education. The extent of private schooling stems in large part from the
Catholic Church's decision in the 19th century to build an
alternative system of education wherever they were unable to control the
state-run system.
Nineteenth-century Catholic doctrine strongly opposed Catholic
attendance at state-run schools that were not controlled by the Church.
In the United States, for example, Catholics perceived
government-operated "common schools" to be
Protestant-dominated institutions that were only ostensibly nonsectarian. Local parishes responded by establishing separate schools
in which children received Catholic- in fused instruction. The United
States was not the only country where this happened. Catholic school
systems developed in many other countries, but their size depended on
the percentage of Catholics living in that country during this critical
period (see sidebar). (In countries where Catholicism was the state
religion, there was no perceived need for private schools, however.) As
a result, even today the size of the private education sector--and thus
the amount of competition between public and private schools--is related
to the size of the Catholic population in 1900.
To connect the historical past to competition's effect on
achievement today requires two analytic steps. We first estimate the
statistical relationship between the size of the Catholic population in
1900 and the extent of private schooling today in order to capture only
that share of the private sector's size that can be attributed to
19th-century Catholic policies--policies we assume to be otherwise
unrelated to contemporary student achievement. Having estimated this
relationship between Catholicity in the past and competition in the
present, we then use that estimate to isolate the causal effect of
private school competition on the achievement of individual students
across 29 countries.
Our results confirm that countries with larger shares of Catholics
but without an official Catholic state religion in 1900 have
significantly larger shares of privately operated schools in 2003. More
important, private school competition attributable to past Catholic
policies generates higher student achievement in mathematics, reading,
and science today. We also show that competition between the public and
private sector positively affects the achievement of students attending
public schools. Spending on education is also reduced, suggesting that
school systems are more productive if they are more competitive.
PISA 2003
For the information on contemporary student achievement we rely on
the well-regarded data sets compiled by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) in 2003. Working closely with official government
agencies, PISA gathered information on the mathematical, scientific, and
reading literacy of nationally representative student populations in all
30 OECD countries. The term "literacy" signifies that the PISA
measured not only the students' knowledge of math, reading, and
science, but also their ability to use that knowledge to meet real-life
challenges. In 2003, PISA made a special effort to measure math
literacy, allocating 70 percent of testing time to questions in this
subject. PISA assessed the achievement of 15-year-old students in each
country, regardless of the grade they attended. This means that, in most
participating countries, PISA tested students nearing the end of
compulsory schooling.
For purposes of this analysis, we constructed a data set that
contained pupil-level test scores for about 220,000 students. We also
were able to obtain from PISA student reports of their background
characteristics and administrator reports on the characteristics of each
student's school, including such things as school resources and
whether the school was public or private. All that information was
available from 29 of the 30 OECD countries. (France had to be dropped
from the analysis because it did not supply any information on the
characteristics of its participating schools.)
We defined a school as private if the principal reported that it
was managed directly or indirectly by a nongovernment organization
(e.g., a church, trade union, business, or other private entity). A
public school was defined as one being managed directly or indirectly by
a public education authority, government agency, or governing board appointed by government officials or elected by public franchise. We
used these definitions to calculate the share of private schools in a
country. Throughout our study, this figure serves as our measure of the
extent of contemporary private school competition in each country.
The size of the private sector so defined ranges widely across
countries. In the Netherlands, more than three-quarters of 15-year-old
students attend privately operated schools. Private school shares in
Belgium, Ireland, and Korea are also well above one-half. By contrast,
the share of students attending privately operated schools in Greece,
Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Turkey is below
5 percent. Just over 6 percent of the American 15-year-olds sampled by
PISA attended private schools, a figure that corresponds closely to
official estimates of private enrollment at the secondary level from the
U.S. Department of Education (see Figure 1).
Estimating Competitive Effects
Recall that our analysis involves two steps. First, we estimate the
amount of contemporary private school competition across our 29
countries that can be accounted for by the share of each country's
population that was Catholic in 1900. Where Catholicism was the official
state religion, we assign a value of zero for this variable (even though
the size of the Catholic population was quite large). That decision is
not as odd as it sounds, as we are interested in Catholicism only
insofar as it was a factor contributing to the creation of a private
sector, something that clearly was not the case in those countries where
Catholicism was the state religion and Catholics had no reason to object
to the education provided in state-run schools.
The second step uses the connection between past Catholicism and
the contemporary size of the private sector to estimate the impact of
competition on student achievement. Specifically, we measure the
relationship between Catholic-induced private school competition in a
country and the PISA test scores of individual students in math,
reading, and science.
In taking this approach, we assume that the density of Catholics in
1900 is not directly related to student achievement today, independent
of effects that may occur via school competition. While this assumption
cannot be proven, there are good reasons to believe it is well founded.
Protestant Christians have historically placed a greater emphasis than
have Catholics on the value of education, because Protestants thought
individual Bible reading helped one along the road to salvation.
Catholics placed greater emphasis on remaining connected to the
traditions and practices of the Church. Interestingly enough, in those
22 majority-Christian countries for which data on literacy in 1900 are
available, one finds a strong negative association between Catholic
population shares and literacy rates. This strong negative correlation exists even after accounting for the lower gross domestic product (GDP)
per capita, which is associated with lower literacy rates, in countries
with larger Catholic population shares. So to the extent that we find
any beneficial effect of Catholic-induced private school competition,
its size is probably depressed by cultural values related to
Catholicism. In other words, our approach is more likely to yield
underestimates than overestimates of competitive effects.
Of course, the historical prevalence of Catholicism could also have
had other consequences, apart from a greater reliance on private
schooling, that indirectly affect student achievement. For example, the
share of Catholics in a country could have an effect on current GDP per
capita or education spending per student. We therefore account for the
effect of both of these factors in all of our analyses.
In estimating the effect of private school competition on student
achievement, we also adjust for the effects of a host of other factors
that can affect individual student performance. In addition to the
country-level factors of per capita GDP and education spending per
student, we include in our analysis information on the presence or
absence of external exit exams (which research suggests are associated
with higher achievement) and information on whether the country had a
Communist government in 1970 (which may have affected both the size of
the private sector and achievement). Student and family background
characteristics used in the analysis include a student's gender,
immigration status, exposure to early childhood education, the number of
books in the home, and parental occupation and work status. Finally, we
account for school resources such as class size, availability of
materials, teacher certification and preparation, and amount of time for
Private School Competition and Student Achievement
The first step of our analysis confirmed the existence of a
statistically strong relationship between the extent of private school
competition in 2003 and a country's Catholic population in 1900,
much as the historical record would suggest. A 10-point increase in the
percentage of Catholics in 1900 is associated with a
4.7-percentage-point increase in the share of students enrolled in
privately operated schools in 2003 (see Figure 2). These results support
our basic reasoning that as long as Catholics could not be sure that the
emerging public school systems of the 19th century would provide
education in line with their church's demands, they tended to
resist state schooling and establish their own private schools alongside
the state sector. The consequences of historical differences in
denominational shares across countries persist to this very day.
The results from the second step of our analysis are equally
striking. Let us begin with the results related to student achievement
in mathematics, the subject most extensively assessed in PISA 2003. A
10-percentage-point increase in the share of national student enrollment
in private schools attributable to a historically larger share of
Catholics induces an improvement in PISA math scores of 9.1 percent of a
standard deviation (see Figure 3). As a benchmark for interpreting the
magnitude of this effect, note that the difference in average
mathematics test scores between the two grades with the largest share of
15-year-olds (9th grade and 10th grade) in the PISA study was 22.1
percent of a standard deviation. This ''grade-level
equivalent" provides a rough idea of how much a typical student
learns during one school year. By this metric, our estimate of the
effect of a 10-percentage-point increase in private school enrollment is
equivalent to 41 percent of a year's worth of learning in high
Because we are able to draw on evidence from a relatively small
sample of only 29 countries, the statistical precision of our estimate
is not very high. That is, we can say with 95 percent confidence that
the effect of a 10-percentage-point increase in the private school share
is between 3.9 and 14.2 percent of a standard deviation in test scores.
Still, this means we have a very high degree of confidence that the real
effect is larger than zero. The bottom line is that students in
countries whose larger shares of Catholic population in 1900 induced
them to have larger shares of privately operated schools today performed
significantly better on the PISA 2003 math test.
As an additional step to address any lingering concerns about
Catholicism's direct influence on student achievement, we conducted
both stages of our analysis again, this time accounting for the
relationship between contemporary differences in the share of Catholic
adherents in a country and student achievement. We found that historical
Catholic shares continue to be a strong predictor of the extent of
private school competition in a country. In addition, the estimated
effect of Catholic-induced private school shares on student achievement
increases relative to our first version of the analysis, which did not
account for contemporary Catholic adherence. There is now a 12.2 percent
of a standard deviation increase in test scores for each
10-percentage-point increase in the private school share in a country.
This larger estimate suggests that the true effect may be closer to the
upper bound of the interval we identified above.
Why the stronger relationship between private school competition
and student achievement? We reason that this may be because, in the
latter approach, the Catholic-induced school share was reflecting the
slightly negative direct effect of contemporary Catholic adherence on
student achievement, a relationship that reveals itself in this version
of the analysis, although the estimated effect is just shy of
statistical significance. Considered together, these results increase
our confidence that we are describing a real, causal relationship
between private competition and student performance, rather than effects
of cultural differences related to religious adherence.
The estimated effects of the private school share on student
achievement are somewhat smaller in science and reading than in math,
but they remain substantial, positive, and statistically significant
(see Figure 2). A change in the historical Catholic population share
that produces a 10-per-centage-point increase in the extent of
contemporary private school competition generates an improvement of
about 5.5 percent of a standard deviation in both science and
reading--or more than one-fifth of a grade-level equivalent in these
To gain additional insights, we also re-ran both stages of our
analysis while accounting for the average share of funding that private
schools receive from the government. The inclusion of this variable
hardly affects our results, suggesting that our findings reflect
competitive effects stemming from the private operation of schools and
not from differences in funding policies.
Effect on Public School Students
The previous portions of our study investigated the impact of
private competition on student achievement in the educational system as
a whole. But what about the effect of private school competition on
public schools? To answer this question, we removed all students
attending a privately operated school from the sample in each country
and analyzed only the academic achievement of students in the public
These results are somewhat more difficult to interpret than our
findings above, as they combine the effects from competition with the
consequences of student sorting. In other words, some of what we find
may be due to high-ability students (and their parents) being more
likely to choose private schools, leaving the weaker students in the
public sector.
Nonetheless, the results suggest that public school students profit
nearly as much from increased private school competition as do a
nation's students as a whole. While our estimates of the effects
are somewhat smaller than the estimates for students in both the private
and public sectors, the results are not statistically distinguishable.
It therefore appears that much of the increased performance of education
systems with higher levels of private school competition accrues to
students who attend public schools.
Education Spending
The analysis so far has been limited to educational outcomes,
estimating the effect of private school competition on students'
achievement. In doing so, we have controlled for possible effects of
differences in educational inputs such as class sizes, availability of
materials, and aggregate expenditure per student in the country. We
wondered, though, whether private school competition also affects the
input side of the educational process, specifically educational spending
per student.
We again used a two-stage process, with the first stage using
historical Catholicism to predict the Catholic-induced share of current
private school competition in each country. Then, in a second stage, we
measured the relationship across countries between the Catholic-induced
share of competition and the cumulative educational expenditure per
student up to age 15--a measure that includes both public and private
spending. We continued to account for a range of country-and
student-level characteristics when making these comparisons, but we now
excluded measures of school resources that are likely to be affected by
spending levels.
Our results show that private school competition, in addition to
raising student achievement, substantially reduced the average spending
level of the educational system. Changes in historical shares of
Catholics in the population that are associated with a
10-percentage-point increase in the private school share today lead to a
$3,209 reduction in cumulative spending per student, or 5.6 percent of
the average OECD spending level of $56,947 (see Figure 3).
Our findings from an international study of 29 countries speak
quite clearly. Competition from private schools improves student
achievement, and appears to do so for public school as well as private
school students. And it produces these benefits while decreasing the
total resources devoted to education, as measured by cumulative
educational spending
per pupil. Under competitive pressures from private schools, the
productivity of the school system measured as the ratio between output
and input increases by even more than is suggested by looking at
educational outcomes alone. Ironically, although Catholics historically
placed less emphasis on education than did adherents of many other
religions, their resistance to state-run schooling in many countries
helped create institutional configurations that continue to spur student
Martin R. West is assistant professor of education at Brown
University and an executive editor of Education Next. Ludger Woessmann
is professor of economics at the University of Munich and heads the
Department of Human Capital and Innovation of the Ifo Institute for
Economic Research.
Catholic Doctrine and Private Schooling
Over the course of the 19th century, Vatican authorities expressed
increasing concern over the implications of emerging state-run education
systems for the moral and religious training of Catholics. For example,
among the propositions included in the Syllabus Errorum (Syllabus of
Errors), a list of commonly held beliefs condemned by Pope Pius IX in
1864, was the notion that "Catholics may approve of the system of
educating youth unconnected with Catholic faith and the power of the
Church." Pope Leo XIII, in his 1884 encyclical Nobilis-sima
Gallorum Gens (On the Religious Question in France), wrote that the
Church "has always expressly condemned mixed or neutral schools;
over and over again she has warned parents to be ever on their guard in
this most essential point." The Catholic Encyclopedia, published
during the pontificate of Pope Pius X in 1912 as a summary of official
Catholic doctrine, stated that the "State monopoly of education has
been considered by the Church to be nothing short of a tyrannical
The Vatican's formal pronouncements concerning education
constituted binding mandates for Catholic officials at the national
level, and the late-19th-century historical record is accordingly filled
with evidence of their efforts to construct and maintain independent
school systems.
In 1884, the officials of the Catholic Church in the United States
convened at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore and, taking heed of
the Vatican's pronouncements, affirmed the "absolute necessity
and the obligation of pastors" to maintain distinctively Catholic
schools. It ordered that every parish open such a school within two
years and decreed that "parents must send their children to such
schools unless the bishop should judge their reason for sending them
elsewhere to be sufficient." Their goal, the council famously declared, was no less than to see "every Catholic child in a
Catholic school." By 1911, there were almost 5,000 parochial
schools serving more than 1.27 million students nationwide. Although
American Catholic schools have never enrolled more than a small fraction
of the national student population, as late as 1980 they accounted for
almost SO percent of enrollment in private elementary and secondary
schools (see "Can Catholic Schools Be Saved?" features, Spring
In predominantly Catholic Belgium, after the nation won its
independence in 1830, the Church had either maintained its own schools
with the support of public funds or exercised strong influence over the
curriculum in municipal schools. But, in 1879, the elite-dominated
Liberal party banned subsidies for Catholic schools and required all
municipalities to establish public schools that would replace religious
instruction with secular moral training. Belgian Catholics responded by
removing their children from the public schools and erecting their own,
parallel system. The share of Belgian elementary school students in
Catholic schools rose from 13 percent in 1878 to 61 percent just two
years later. In 1884, the Catholic party regained a legislative majority
and immediately returned control of schooling to the municipalities,
allowing them to adopt or subsidize Catholic private schools within
their jurisdiction.
In the neighboring Netherlands, where Catholics made up about
one-third of the population, they allied with Calvinists who were
equally dissatisfied with the nondenominational instruction available in
the state sector in order to secure government funding for privately
operated religious schools. In 1878, the Liberal party had adopted new
staffing and physical requirements for all schools and established
subsidies for municipal schools only. Both changes threatened the
continued existence of confessional schools and provoked an intense
popular response. By 1888, the Catholics and Calvinists had acquired a
majority in the Parliament and the following year they adopted the same
30 percent national subsidy for confessional schools, in 1917, the Dutch
Constitution was amended to guarantee equal funding for any school
meeting genera! enrollment and quality standards, without regard to
whether the school was publicly or privately operated. The share of
Dutch students attending privately operated schools accordingly
increased from 25 percent in 1880, to 38 percent in 1910, to 73 percent
in 1940.
It is important to note that Protestant Christians in most
countries were less resistant to state control of mass education. There
were clearly exceptions, such as the Calvinists in the Netherlands, who
rejected the lowest-common-denominator Protestantism available in state
schools and joined forces with the Catholics in advocating for public
subsidies for their own schools. As a general rule, however, the less
centralized Protestant denominations lacked formal doctrines mandating
that schooling be under their exclusive control and were more willing to
pursue their educational goats within the framework created by state-run