Breaking down school budgets: following the dollars into the classroom.
Roza, Marguerite
How much does it cost to provide a high school math course?
What about remedial English? An Advanced Placement (AP) course in
history? As the economic outlook continues to darken, school districts
will be looking for ways to cut costs, and they will no doubt wrestle
with some difficult issues. When does it make sense to keep classes
small? When does it make sense to increase class sizes to cut costs?
Such debates are often carried out in the absence of information about
what actually happens in schools or what the options might be for
reallocating scarce resources.
School districts produce reams of financial data to check off the
right boxes on accounting and compliance reports required by states and
the federal government. Typically missing is any financial analysis that
follows the money into the school building to the classroom. Yet the
classroom is where the mission-critical work happens and where the
conversion of resources into services affects student performance.
Educators need indicators that tell them whether the basic design and
operation of their high schools direct resources in ways that sustain
and enhance the district's academic strategies and priorities.
Academic outcomes are one such indicator. A measure of spending that
enables comparison across service areas is another.
Computing spending patterns is not difficult. Per-pupil service
expenditures can easily be determined at the classroom level. This
analysis computes and reports spending on various services for high
schools in three anonymous districts. The findings reveal the ways in
which per-pupil spending varies by subject and course level.
While the findings are not intended to be suggestive of all
districts in the country, the work does demonstrate how such fiscal
metrics can reveal the financial implications of the inner workings of
individual high schools. How much does a high school pay to offer
electives, and how does that compare to what is spent on core subject
courses? What are the cost implications of decisions regarding the
structure of the school schedule, which courses to offer, and who
teaches what course?
The findings presented in this article demonstrate how isolating
spending on discrete services can 1) identify the relationships between
priorities, current spending, and outcomes; 2) clarify both relative
spending on discrete services and the organizational practices that
influence how resources are deployed; and 3) establish the current cost
of providing high school services as a necessary precursor to
identifying whether there are better ways to provide some services.
Spending on Services
The spending-on-services approach to cost analysis aims to inform
strategic resource decisionmaking by zeroing in on what is provided.
This approach breaks out per-pupil expenditures by the discrete services
students receive. This service-costing method is most appropriately
categorized as a management tool, to be used on a periodic basis, rather
than a new accounting system requiring continuous and extensive record
Service costing is not a wholly unexplored idea. In 1996, analyst
David Monk and associates determined per-pupil expenditures for various
courses in six high schools in four New York districts. They calculated
per-course spending using actual teacher and aide salaries, course
schedules, and course enrollments. These calculations indicated that the
highest per-pupil course expenditures were associated with foreign
language, music, and science instruction (excluding special education
In 1999, Jay Chambers of the American Institutes for Research
merged unique state-level databases containing information on teacher
salaries, teacher course assignments, and course enrollment data to
calculate per-pupil expenditures by course for students in Ohio. The
results indicated wide variation in spending by course, with some
elective courses--including Latin, AP Spanish, and drafting--costing
twice as much on a per-pupil basis as algebra, literature, and
In 2007 and 2008, the research summarized in this article added to
this body of work by determining expenditures associated with a variety
of services in high schools in three districts: District 1 is a small
western district with one comprehensive high school; District 2 is a
midsize eastern district with 10 comprehensive high schools; and
District 3 is a midsize western district with six high schools, each
divided into small learning communities.
The districts provided information on teacher salaries and
stipends, teacher assignments and teaching loads, course offerings and
schedules, teacher aide salaries and placements, and student
participation in various courses. Each teacher's actual salary
(including stipends, where relevant) was then divided proportionately
among the courses taught and the number of participating students. The
approach yielded a per-pupil expenditure based on the proportionate
teacher and aide compensation. This per-pupil figure does not fully
recognize all inherent expenditures (for instance, the costs of school
leadership, school facilities, and district-provided shared services).
It does, however, provide a means of making comparisons in spending
across courses, as the excluded costs don't vary. The expenditure
data were aggregated to allow for comparisons across subjects (e.g.,
math vs. foreign language), types of courses (e.g., core courses vs.
electives or foreign language), course levels (remedial vs. honors), and
grade levels (9th vs. 12th).
The following sections provide examples of spending-on-service
findings from the three districts studied.
Figure 1 shows the range of per-pupil costs in District 1:
electives came at a cost of $512 per pupil versus $328 per math class,
$434 per English class, and $564 per class in a foreign language.
Cost by Subject (Figure 1)
In one small western district, math courses per student cost only 75
percent as much as English courses and about 60 percent as much as
courses in foreign languages.
Average Cost Per Pupil by Subject (in dollars)
Foreign language $564
Other electives $512
Science $446
English $434
History/Social Studies/Economics $408
Math $328
SOURCE: Author data from District 1
Note: Table made from bar graph.
District 2 also spent less per pupil on average for core courses
(math, science, English/literature, and social
studies/history/economics) than for noncore courses, which include
electives and foreign language. District 3, however, directed a larger
share of its dollars into core courses, so on average 19 percent more
was spent per pupil on core courses than on noncore courses. Thus, the
spending patterns varied among the three districts studied, indicating
that one cannot assume that patterns found in one locale apply
What drives these cost differences? As the reader would expect,
teacher salary and class size are key variables, since these expenditure
figures are computed primarily by dividing each teacher's salary
across that teacher's course obligations and then dividing the
per-course values by the number of pupils enrolled. A comparison of
these variables in District 2 indicates that both lower class sizes and
higher salaries in the noncore courses contributed to the differences in
per-pupil course spending (see Figure 2). Teachers in some subjects
taught fewer classes, which also had implications for the spending
Cost Factors (Figure 2)
Teacher salary differences were more important than differences in
class size in explaining the higher per-pupil costs of instruction in
noncore courses in one midsize eastern district.
Core Noncore
$950 $1,206
Average salary $63,633 $68,558
Median salary $54,435 $77,800
Class size 19 18
SOURCE: Author data from District 2
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Here again, the pattern varied a bit among the districts, but in
all three, the average salary of teachers who teach electives was
meaningfully higher than that of core course teachers. In District 3,
where per-pupil spending per non-core course was lower than for core
courses, it was because the noncore courses had larger class sizes, not
because the core teachers received higher salaries. Art and photography
courses, for instance, were filled with many more students than English
and math classes.
Comparing across Levels
The high schools studied spent more per pupil on higher-level
courses than on mid-level or low-level courses. For example, in District
2, average spending across high schools on AP courses was $1,660 per
pupil per course, while spending on regular courses averaged $739 per
pupil and spending on remedial courses averaged $713 per pupil (see
Figure 3). Advanced Placement teachers earned more than teachers of
remedial courses ($16,656 more) and taught smaller classes on average
(14 students vs. 19 students). While it wasn't district policy to
place more senior, higher-paid teachers in AP posts, district officials
acknowledged that more senior teachers were given their choice of
courses and most often opted to teach at the AP level. Differences in
class size were in part a function of a state-imposed limit on AP class
Cost by Course Level (Figure 3)
The midsize eastern district spends substantially more per pupil on
advanced courses than on regular and remedial courses.
Remedial $713
Regular $739
International Baccalaureate $1,145
Honors $1,300
Advanced Placement $1,600
Class size 19 22 17 14 14
Salary $56,597 $61,940 $67,396 $70,283 $73,253
SOURCE: Author data from District 2
Note: Table made from bar graph.
In District 3, spending on regular and honors courses was on par,
while the cost per student was 28 percent higher for the International
Baccalaureate courses. In District 1, per-pupil spending on honors and
AP classes exceeded spending on regular classes by 80 percent in math
and 23 percent in English (the two subjects where courses were broken
out by level).
We can also use these results to estimate what is being spent on a
set of core courses (say, junior level math and English, U.S. history,
Spanish III, and chemistry) for different segments of the student
population. For a junior taking these five courses at the honors level
in District 2, for example, expenditure would total $6,910. For a junior
taking these same five courses at the regular level, the expenditure
would total $2,767.
Implications for Public Education
The policy landscape includes many school and district leaders
engaged in high school redesign. While redesign has generally been
considered a strategy to improve outcomes for students, with budget
tightening ahead redesign may also be a strategy for enabling schools to
do more with less. Relevant questions include, What factors contribute
to relatively high costs for some subject areas and course levels? In
what areas are higher investments accompanied by strong (or weak)
outcomes? How can district and school leaders use the information to
manage their resources efficiently and effectively?
To take the next step, school leaders need to look at outcomes.
Where expenditures on a high-priority service are relatively low and
there is dissatisfaction with the outcomes, then the question is, What
changes are needed to improve outcomes? The cost-of-services model can
also uncover relatively high spending in an area of low priority. Making
changes to reduce costs in one place frees up funds for redirection to a
high-priority area.
For management, the exercise is to identify the key cost drivers,
recognize how various organizational features such as class sizes,
teacher assignments, and the school schedule work to affect spending,
and then make decisions deliberately about how best to use resources. In
the schools studied here, staff compensation and class size were two
obvious key cost drivers, but other factors played a role as well. What
follows are selected cost factors that present opportunities to make
trade-offs between services. In education, where investments have risen
steadily for several decades, providing new services has often meant
raising new funds. With current projections forecasting more constrained
public funds in coming months, the resource landscape will likely be one
of greater scarcity, which will only increase the likelihood that
schools will have to consider such trade-offs.
Teacher salary schedules and assignments. Schools may have
difficulty attracting or retaining effective teachers to positions that
are deemed high priority, such as teaching remedial courses in core
subjects. A relatively low per-pupil cost for those courses may be
viewed as underinvestment. If so, education leaders might want to make
available more funds for the salaries of teachers of remedial courses
and, if necessary, look for other areas in which costs can be reduced.
Calls for teacher salary differentials as a tool for recruiting teachers
in hard-to-staff subjects indicate some interest in the idea.
In the three districts studied here, teachers taught a set number
of courses. Reducing responsibilities for some teachers and increasing
them for others is another way of reallocating resources.
Class size and course offerings. Recognizing how class size affects
the per-pupil cost of delivering services can aid in strategic
allocation of scarce resources. Faced with relatively high per-pupil
costs for music classes and limited funds, District 3 chose to offer
fewer (larger) music classes as a deliberate strategy to free funds for
more (smaller) core courses. This decision to shift resources reflects a
trade-off in which something is both gained and lost. Smaller classes in
core are made possible by accepting larger enrollments and fewer
offerings in music. Some states or districts limit class sizes for AP or
gifted courses, which increases the per-pupil cost for these courses.
The tradeoff is fewer resources for other courses.
School schedules. The daily school schedule affects the way
resources are deployed across subjects. In the three districts studied,
each course was allocated equal time on the daily and weekly schedule,
resulting in an even allocation of each teacher's salary across the
courses taught. If school leaders wish to increase investment in core
classes, one option is to lengthen the class periods for those classes.
Some schools provide double blocks (class periods that are twice as long
as a regular class period but still meet every day or nearly every day)
in math, science, and literacy. Increasing the time allocated to core
courses requires a trade-off that may imply shorter or less-frequent
classes for noncore courses (for example, a photography course may meet
two or three days a week instead of five) or a reduction in the number
of non-core courses students can take.
Fueling Innovation
Spending-on-services calculations can be used to establish current
per-pupil costs as a precursor to seeking better ways to provide certain
services to students. In a market economy, the cost of a service or
product is determined by what sellers and buyers agree to. This occurs
in higher education, resulting in a range of educational options at a
variety of costs. But K--12 public education for the most part functions
as a monopoly, and expenditures are far removed from recipients (or
their parents) and often are not even known by their providers (schools
and districts).
In Out of the Box: Fundamental Change in School Funding, David Monk
discusses the idea of schools providing a limited base program but then
allowing parents to pay for extra services not deemed part of the base
(such as music). For such an idea to work, Monk acknowledges that
schools would need to create a closer link between these extra services
received and prices paid. Similarly, Frederick Hess and Bruno Manno call
for "unbundling" services, whereby schools might contract out
some of the services they provide as a way to open up demand and
encourage new suppliers of school services. For instance, schools might
contract with local providers to offer electives or sports and might pay
a distance-learning provider to offer AP courses.
Spending-on-services analysis fits well with this angle on
innovation in that it defines the costs of each service in a way not
regularly considered in K-12 schooling. Defining investments in
per-participant terms can help spur cost comparisons to services offered
by alternative providers. For instance, before school leaders move to
eliminate relatively high-cost art or music classes, they may look to
see whether local providers (community centers, local colleges, etc.)
can or already do provide similar services at better prices. Where
schools pay a high per-pupil amount to offer some courses (for example,
AP Spanish or remedial reading) to a small number of students, they may
find lower-cost options exist via distance learning or contracted
services. By freeing up resources in those areas, education leaders can
direct more resources to other subjects and students.
In most large, complex organizations the cost of mission-critical
functions is closely tracked so that leaders can take stock of how
different practices come together to affect resource use. The approach
outlined here provides one means to do just that in high schools.
Application of the spending-on-services model to high schools clarifies
per-pupil costs and the influence of organizational features on resource
In the coming years, forecasts suggest that education leaders will
likely be asked to do more with less. While in the near term the
implementation of some of the options noted above may be impeded by
contracts and other obligations, over the long term the
spending-on-services approach can provide a new lens through which
education leaders can view high school redesign. In sum, the
spending-on-services approach takes the blinders off, providing
education leaders with a powerful tool to inform local resource
Marguerite Roza is senior scholar at the Center on Reinventing
Public Education and a research associate professor at the University of
Washington College of Education.