How do we transform our schools? use technologies that compete against nothing.
Christensen, Clayton M. ; Horn, Michael B.
Teachers, administrators, researchers, reformers, government
leaders, parents, and others have long extolled the benefits that
computer-based learning could have in schools: Educational video games,
often referred to as "edutainment" or "serious"
games, could make learning fun and motivating, especially for
today's students. Computers offer a way to customize instruction
and allow students to learn in the way they are best wired to process
information, in the style that conforms to them, and at a pace that
matches their own. Computer-based learning on a large scale is also less
expensive than the current labor-intensive system and could solve the
financial dilemmas facing public schools.
For all these reasons and more, taxpayers, philanthropies, and
corporations have spent more than $60 billion to equip schools with
computers in just the last two decades. And yet the machines have made
hardly any impact. As Stanford professor Larry Cuban has documented,
computers have merely sustained how schools already operate. Computers
typically sit quietly, unused, in computer labs and in the back of
classrooms. True, students do research on the Internet; they type up
reports using word processing programs; they might even construct
multimedia presentations with them. Teachers sometimes use them to
present content. And schools teach computer skills. But computers have
not fundamentally transformed the way learning is accomplished or how
the classroom operates. Computers do not deliver instruction. The
teacher is still at the center of the classroom. And research shows that
students who have access to computers in school don't necessarily
perform better on standardized exams.
That schools have gotten little back from their investment in
technology should come as no surprise. Virtually every organization does
the same thing schools have done when implementing an innovation. An
organization's natural instinct is to cram the innovation into its
existing operating model to sustain what it already does. This is the
predictable course, the logical course--and the wrong course.
The way to implement an innovation so that it will transform an
organization is to implement it disruptively--not by using it to compete
against the existing paradigm and serve existing customers, but to let
it compete against "non-consumption," where the alternative is
nothing at all.
The Disruptive Innovation Theory
To convey what we mean, we first need to explain what disruption
is. In every market, there are two trajectories: the pace at which
technology improves and a slower pace at which customers can utilize the
improvements. Customers' needs tend to be relatively stable over
time, whereas technology improves at a much faster rate. Products and
services that are initially not good enough for the typical customer
ultimately pack in more features and functions than customers can use.
We call innovations that sustain the leading companies'
trajectory in an industry sustaining innovations. Some are dramatic
breakthroughs, while others are routine. Airplanes that fly farther,
computers that process faster, and televisions with incrementally or
dramatically clearer images are all sustaining innovations. Importantly,
it does not matter how technologically challenging the innovation is. As
long as the innovation helps the leaders make better products that they
can sell for better profits to their best customers, they figure out a
way to do it.
On occasion, however, we see a disruptive innovation. A disruptive
innovation is not a breakthrough improvement. Instead of sustaining the
leading companies' place in the original market, it disrupts that
trajectory by offering a product or service that actually is not as good
as what companies are already selling. Because the disruptive innovation
is not as good as the existing product or service, the customers in the
original market cannot use it. Instead, the disruptive innovation
extends its benefits to people who, for one reason or another, are
unable to consume the original product, so-called non-consumers.
Disruptive innovations tend to be simpler and more affordable than
existing products. This allows them to take root in simple, undemanding
applications within a new market or arena of competition. Here, the very
definition of what constitutes quality, and therefore what improvement
means, is different from what quality and improvement mean in the
original market. Because the definition of performance is so different
and the industry leaders' customers cannot use the product, those
companies have a difficult time implementing disruptive innovations.
Little by little, the disruption predictably improves. New
companies introduce products that for them are sustaining innovations
along their trajectory. And at some point, disruptive innovations become
good enough to handle more complicated problems and take over, and the
once-leading companies with old-line products go out of business. A few
examples illustrate how this has happened time and again.
The Tale of the Transistor, a Disruptive Innovation
In 1947, scientists at AT&T's Bell Laboratories invented
the transistor. The new invention was not as good as vacuum tubes, the
established technology at the time. The transistor could enable smaller,
less power-hungry devices; it could not handle the power that the
electronic products of that age--tabletop radios, floor-standing
televisions, and early digital computers--required. Still, all the
vacuum-tube companies like Radio Corporation of America (RCA) saw the
transistor's potential and took a license for it. They tried to
enhance transistors so that they could produce the power required for
the big televisions and radios of that age. Adjusted for today's
dollars, RCA and the other vacuum-tube companies spent upward of $1
billion trying to make the transistor work in the market as it existed
at that time.
While RCA's engineers were in their labs working to improve
the technology, the first commercial application for the transistor
appeared in 1952. It was used in a little hearing aid, an application
where the transistor's lower power consumption was highly valued. A
few years later, in 1955, Sony introduced the first battery-powered,
pocket transistor radio. In comparison with the big RCA tabletop radios,
the Sony pocket radio was tinny and static-laced. But Sony chose to sell
its transistor radio to non-consumers, teenagers who could not afford a
big tabletop radio. The transistor radio allowed teenagers to listen to
music out of earshot of their parents because it was portable, and
although the reception and fidelity weren't great, the new device
was far better than the alternative, which was no radio at all. The
pocket radio was a big hit.
As Sony made a profit on this simple application, it improved the
technology. In 1959 Sony introduced its first portable television using
the transistor. Again, Sony's TV found a ready market because it
competed against non-consumption. Sony's use of the transistor
enabled a whole new population of people, whose bank accounts and
apartments had been too small, to own a TV. By the late 1960s, the
transistor had improved to the point where it could handle the power
required to make larger products, and all of the vacuum-tube companies,
including RCA, vaporized.
This is a punishing but predictable tale. RCA spent far more than
Sony ever did on improving the transistor. But RCA could only service
its customers by making transistors more cost-and performance-effective
in its existing markets. In the 1950s and early 1960s this was a very
difficult technological obstacle for RCA to surmount. Sony went in a
completely different direction. It deployed the transistor against
non-consumption to create a product that was better than nothing. And
that presented a far less ambitious technological hurdle at the outset.
RCA did what nearly all organizations do: it crammed the innovation
into its existing model. By doing so, the company added supplemental
costs to its operations and transformed nothing. We have observed this
pattern in all the disruptions we have studied--it is a law of
innovation. And in following this pattern, schools have been no
different from other organizations.
Competing against Non-Consumption
How should computer-based learning suppliers transform schooling?
They must introduce the technology to compete against non-consumption.
When Sony introduced its first transistor pocket radios, it sold them to
teenagers who had nothing at all. When Apple introduced its early
personal computer, the device was not good enough to compete against the
mainframes and minicomputers of the time, so Apple didn't try to
compete head-on: it sold the personal computer as a toy for children.
Ultimately, the personal computer disrupted the market for larger
computers. When Toyota entered the U.S. market, it didn't start by
attacking Ford and General Motors with the Lexus. Toyota introduced a
crummy Corona that was cheap enough to allow people who could not afford
the Ford and GM vehicles to buy cars. Toyota gradually improved its
products and has now surpassed Ford in the U.S. market; GM, too, sees
Toyota in its rearview mirror.
At first glance there appears to be little non-consumption of
education in the United States since students are required to receive
schooling. Looking deeper, however, reveals many pockets of
non-consumption where students would be delighted with computer-based
learning rather than the alternative, nothing at all.
Take Advanced Placement (AP) courses for starters. According to a
2005 report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 33
percent of schools nationwide offered no AP classes in 2002-03. Those
that do provide AP courses today only offer a fraction of the 34 courses
for which AP exams are available, because they lack the resources to
hire more AP teachers or there is not enough student demand to justify a
dedicated course and teacher. But there are many individual students who
want to take AP classes for whom computer-based learning would be a
welcome option. Credit recovery is another big opportunity. For many
students who fail a class, there is no remedial option available. This
creates big problems for students moving forward toward graduation as
well as a market for such an alternative.
Among the emerging players is Apex Learning, a for-profit company.
Apex started off by offering AP courses online. In 2003-04, there were
8,400 enrollments in Apex's AP courses; by the 2006-2007 school
year, that number was 30,200, a compound annual growth rate of over 50
percent. Apex has expanded to credit recovery by offering online core
classes as well. Over its history, Apex has had more than 1 million
enrollments and served over 4,000 school districts.
Smaller, rural schools are another example of non-consumption.
Because of limited resources, including numbers of teachers and
students, those schools struggle to offer breadth in the curriculum.
Regulations in No Child Left Behind that require districts to have
"highly qualified" teachers in each subject have further
constrained these schools' offerings. As a result, there are many
classes that are not taught, and many students who would treasure the
opportunity to take them. Many advanced courses--those math courses that
follow algebra and geometry, honors English classes, and science courses
more advanced than general biology--are missing in thousands of schools.
A 2007 U.S. Department of Education report indicated that more than 25
percent of high school students attend schools that make no advanced
courses available to them at all!
More than twenty-five states now have organizations providing
web-based courses. Utah's Electronic High School started up in 1994
and has expanded rapidly. One-third of Utah high school seniors last
year had taken a class online. In Florida, the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) has also been a leader in the field. From its small beginnings in
1997, FLVS served 52,000 students in 92,000 individual course
enrollments in 2006-07. The Georgia Virtual School, which opened in
2005, had 4,600 students enrolled by the 2006-07 school year.
One other sizable market for computer-based learning is
home-schooled and homebound students. The number of home-schooled
students was 850,000 in 1999; home-schooling groups now estimate that
number has risen to around 2 million students. There are also many
students who cannot attend any or some of the school day for a variety
of reasons. For them, even simple forms of computer-based learning can
help ensure they don't fall behind (see Figure 2).
Predicting Growth
When a new approach or technology substitutes for the old, the pace
of substitution almost always follows an S-curve, as depicted on the
left side of Figure 3. The initial adoption is very slow, and then at
some point the world flips and the substitution proceeds rapidly. The
problem is that the S-curves are sometimes steep and other times
gradual, so it is hard to know when the rapid adoption will begin. But
there is a way to forecast the flip. First, one must plot the percentage
of market shares held by the new, divided by the old (if each has 50
percent, the ratio will be 1.0) on the vertical axis. Second, the
vertical axis needs to be arrayed on a logarithmic scale--so that .0001,
.001, .01, .1, 1.0, and 10.0 are all equidistant. When plotted in this
way, if disruption is truly happening and there is an S-curve
developing, the data will fall on a straight line. Sometimes the line
slopes upward steeply, and sometimes it is more gradual. But it is
always straight. The reason is that the mathematics line arizes the
S-curve. When the pace of substitution is plotted in this way, one
typically can tell before the new approach accounts for 2 to 3 percent
of the total what the slope of the line is. That makes it easy, then, to
extend the line into the future to obtain a sense of when the new
innovation will account for 25 percent, 50 percent, and 90 percent of
the total. We call this line a "substitution curve."
When we plot the education data for online learning over the
traditional approach, the data since 2000 fall on a straight line, as
shown on the right side of Figure 3. According to the North American Council for Online Learning, online enrollments in 2000 were 45,000;
they had grown 22 times by this most recent year to roughly 1,000,000
enrollments. About 70 percent of these enrollments have been in high
schools. Even with this rapid percentage growth, however, online courses
accounted for just 1 percent of all courses in 2007. If one projects
linearly into the future based on data through the year 2007, it would
appear that not much change is on the horizon. But when viewed from the
logarithmic perspective on the substitution curve graph, the data
suggest that in about six years 10 percent of all courses will be
computer-based, and by 2019 about 50 percent of courses will be
delivered online. In other words, after a long period of incubation, the
world will be poised to begin adopting computer-based learning at a much
more rapid pace.
This is happening because computer-based learning possesses
technological and economic advantages compared to the traditional school
model. Economically, while estimates vary depending on circumstance,
many providers have costs that range from $200 to $600 per course, which
is less expensive than the current schooling model. For computer-based
learning to continue its disruptive march into education, legislatures
must not fall into the trap of allocating the same perpupil funding to
computer-based learning that school districts receive. The reason?
Disruptions rely on asymmetric motivation, in this case, gradually
taking on courses that the incumbent is relieved not to do and happy to
hand off. Directly targeting a school district's funds evokes a
competitive response that clamps down on the innovation. And
technologically, computer-based learning has the potential to scale
quality with relative ease--a dramatic advantage.
Computer-based learning has another technological advantage that is
crucial to its expansion: one can customize it to meet different
students' needs. Currently, according to reports, computer-based
learning works best with the more motivated students; over time, it will
become engaging and individualized to reach different types of learners.
If growth continues, it will be because computer-based learning itself
will have improved to better meet these different needs.
Further Improvement
The current commercial system in education moves through five
steps: 1) the writing of concepts in text books, 2) the adoption
decisions by districts and states, 3) the delivery of the content by
teachers, 4) some individual help from teachers, and 5) assessment. The
most crucial stages that determine what learning products reach students
are the first two.
In the first step, people delineate the concepts and methods that
schools will teach in textbooks and other instructional tools. The
economics of the textbook business are scale intensive: the fixed costs of writing, editing, and setting up to print and bind a book are the
same, whether 1,000 or 1 million copies are sold. This means textbook
companies benefit by selling to a large, monolithic audience;
customization in their business is not desirable.
At the second step, committees at the district and state level make
decisions about which of these textbooks to adopt. Again, this step is
far more amenable to a large-scale product. Curriculum experts who make
these selections tend to be trained in the dominant pedagogical paradigm
of that field, so, consciously or not, they tend to pick books that
match that dominant paradigm. Furthermore, administrators have
centralized this decision-making process out of concern for quality and
cost. With a full district or state behind a decision, administrators
can negotiate better prices for a uniform district-wide product. They
realize that no single text can be effective for each student because
different students learn differently. But they can ill afford to have
thousands of different texts, each paced to the style and skill level of
an individual student. Forced to choose a single text for all students
to use, the best they can do is to find a
one-size-fits-as-many-as-possible solution.
Admittedly, textbook publishers pack in features to appeal to
different types of learners, as they hope to reach as broad a range of
learning styles as possible. But textbooks by their very nature are
fixed and static. Adding materials to a textbook increases its size,
weight, and complexity. Many a student drags home a backpack full of fat
texts containing hundreds of pages he will never read. Although software
also increases in size and complexity with additional features, the
student does not have to deal with this increased complexity directly.
Programmers can build multiple paths into a program to adjust for a
student's progression. The student need not see whole swaths of the
software that are not relevant. Integrated software solutions can both
build large-scale offerings and customize for different learners. But
this will not be inexpensive, or accomplished without disruption.
Disruption tends to be a two-stage process. Those who initially
create the integrated alternative can sell the new products through the
existing commercial system. As the technology matures, less expensive
solutions emerge. At this point in the disruption, the commercial system
typically changes. Disruption of the commercial system enables less
expensive solutions to reach new markets and take root.
To illustrate why the existing commercial system almost never
remains in place, let's revisit the story of Sony and the
transistor. RCA and the leading vacuum-tube companies of the time sold
their products through appliance stores. Appliance stores made most of
their money not from selling televisions and radios, but from repairing
the burned-out vacuum tubes in the products they had sold. When Sony
introduced its pocket transistor radio, the corporation tried to get the
appliance stores to carry its products, too. But the appliance stores
refused. Why? Because Sony's solid-state products contained no
vacuum tubes that would burn out. Luckily for Sony, however, discount
retailers Kmart and Wal-Mart were emerging at that time. They had not
been able to sell vacuum tube-based products because they couldn't
service them in the aftermarket. The fit was perfect: products that
needed no service, sold through a channel that could offer no service.
By the mid 1960s, it wasn't just Sony that disrupted the
vacuum-tube companies; suppliers of miniaturized solid-state components
disrupted the makers of high-power components; and the discount sales
channel disrupted the appliance stores. One entire commercial system
disruptively displaced the existing commercial system.
Direct to the User
So in education, too, a new chain will likely emerge to disrupt the
old. Where might this take place? The education software business will
have to develop a disruptive distribution channel to reach students. To
get an idea of what this might look like, think about the transformation
currently happening in the pharmaceutical business. Historically,
companies marketed drugs to doctors and hospitals--by professionals to
the professionals who were most highly qualified to judge the efficacy
and economics of the available therapeutics. This is very similar to how
companies have sold textbooks.
Anyone who watches television now, however, sees a dramatic shift
taking place in the way companies market drugs. Increasingly, companies
are marketing drugs to the patients themselves, in hopes that they will
then call their physicians and ask for a prescription for the drug they
learned about on TV. Why is this happening? One reason, of course, is
that doctors are becoming so busy that more and more of them simply
can't make time during their day to see the drug companies'
sales reps. Perhaps a more profound reason, however, is that many
patients are in better touch with their personal health--especially as
it relates to chronic diseases--than we've given them credit for.
Sometimes learning of the availability of a solution to a problem helps
the patients diagnose the problem themselves, and then they can tell
their physician about it. Web sites like D-Life (for diabetes) and have emerged to help patients and their families diagnose
what's wrong, evaluate possible solutions, and then teach each
other techniques for living with their diseases.
Similar solutions will emerge for education software in the big
areas of non-consumption outside of school, like personal tutoring, home
schooling, and afterschool programs. A student struggling with a certain
concept, or her parent or teacher, will be able to log on to a web site
where she can find a software solution that another student, parent, or
teacher developed for that specific challenge. By means of such sites,
students will teach students, parents will teach parents, and teachers
will teach teachers. Parents and teachers, moreover, will be able to
diagnose why children are not learning and find customized instructional
software written to help students who closely match their child in
learning style. As content is used over time, users will rate it, as
they rate books on and movies on Netflix. That will not
happen en masse until the technology has matured, but as it does, people
will gradually link together various modules to form more comprehensive
classes. And then end users will pull this content, rather than have
school systems push it to them from on high. With users building the
content and using open-source tools, the software will be far less
expensive than if it had been commercially developed from scratch.
No one knows for sure what the education world will look like in
the future. But if the path we are on continues, ten years from now we
are likely to have a completely different discussion about the impact
computers have on schooling and on learning. The only way to get to that
point, however, is by not repeating the mistakes from the past. Pitting
computer-based learning directly against teachers or continuing to cram
it into schools will not work. Producers of computer-based learning
software must introduce it disruptively, by letting it compete against
non-consumption initially. And software makers must customize the
software for different learning types while other entrepreneurs find new
channels to reach students. If all this happens, those who have extolled
the benefits of computer-based learning might finally be able to see its
promise materialize.
Learning at a Distance (Figure 1)
The percentage of American schools that reported providing students
with access to online distance learning in 2005 was already
surprisingly high.
Urban Fringe 24
City 25
Town 37
Rural 43
SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, 2006,
"Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2005"
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Just Like Being There? (Figure 2)
In 2003, two-way interactive video was the most common technology for
online distance courses in the United States.
Two-way interactive video 48%
Asynchronous internet course 35%
Synchronous internet course 9%
One way pre-recorded video 7%
Other 1%
NOTE: One-way pre-recorded video is not interactive. Two-way interactive
video enables instructors and students to see and hear each other.
Synchronous Internet courses are conducted in real time, with
participants communicating directly. Asynchronous Internet courses
are self-paced; interaction occurs intermittently.
SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, "Distance Education
Courses for Public School Elementary and Secondary School Students:
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Clayton M. Christensen is professor of business administration at
the Harvard Business School. Michael B. Horn is executive director of
education at Innosight Institute. They are coauthors of Disrupting
Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns
(McGraw-Hill, 2008).