Do districts fund schools fairly? In Texas, differences are larger within districts than between.
Roza, Marguerite ; Guin, Kacey ; Gross, Betheny 等
State and federal school accountability programs hold schools to
specific standards of academic performance and assume each school is
given a fair shake at accomplishing the task of educating its students.
But are schools, in fact, treated fairly, at least with respect to
funding? Over the past 35 years, reforms adopted in most states have
dramatically improved the equity of funding from one school district to
But in recent years a new concern has surfaced: What if it's not the district but rather the specific school a child attends within a
district that matters most for accessing educational resources? Mounting
evidence suggests that districts commonly distribute different amounts
of funding, even when schools serve the same types of students. Our
research and that of others indicate that schools with predominantly junior teachers receive fewer salary dollars than do schools staffed
with veterans. Further, districts often compound these inequities by
distributing a smaller share of unrestricted funds to the same schools
that are shortchanged in salary dollars. What we don't yet know
about school funding inequalities is whether and how these discrepancies
have changed in recent years. Nor is there much information available
about how spending differences within districts compare to differences
between districts in the same state.
In this study, we address these questions by taking an in-depth
look at funding differences between and within Texas school districts
over the course of a decade, from the 1993-94 to 2002-03 school years.
Within Texas, we focus our attention on large school districts, those
with more than 25,000 students. In 1994, the state had 29 districts with
an enrollment greater than 25,000, and that number increased to 39 by
2003. These districts serve about half of all Texas public school
Texas's large districts are useful cases for two reasons.
First, other studies of school funding equity have suggested that
funding discrepancies are greatest in the largest and most urban school
districts. By focusing on large districts, we are more confident that we
are identifying the full extent of inequality that exists between
schools. At the same time, we recognize that we may not be able to
generalize our findings beyond such districts.
Second, the state of Texas has in recent years aggressively
addressed funding inequalities between districts. In 1993, following a
state supreme court order to equalize public school spending, the
state's school finance system adopted a provision known as the
"Robin Hood" law that requires property-rich districts to
subsidize poorer districts within the state. Studying Texas districts
and schools allows us to assess whether and how policies designed to
reduce inequities between districts affected inequalities between
schools within districts.
Our findings demonstrate that, at least in Texas, funding decisions
within districts currently have a greater impact on a school's
resources than inequalities in access to revenues across school
districts. Although reforms have been successful in reducing
inequalities between Texas districts, variation in funding within
districts remains high. As a result, examining only data aggregated to
the district level, still the standard practice in equity studies,
misses much of the inequality in funding across schools.
Data and Methodology
We obtained financial and descriptive information about Texas
districts with more than 25,000 students and the schools within those
districts from a large database published by the Texas Education Agency.
The database reports financial allocations to schools by district. For
each school, we know the nontargeted, or noncategorical, allocations
made for each student who attends the school as well as how much the
school received for five targeted groups of students: students eligible
for free or reduced-price lunch, students eligible for bilingual
education programs, students with disabilities, gifted students, and
students in vocational education programs. We exclude charter schools
from our analysis, as their funding levels are not determined by the
same policies that affect traditional public schools.
We first examine the differences between schools in noncategorical
resources by comparing each school's per-pupil funding to the
average per-pupil funding in the district. We make this comparison by
calculating the ratio of each school's per-pupil noncategorical
expenditure to the district's average per-pupil noncategorical
expenditure. For example, if School A receives $4,000 per pupil in
noncategorical funds but the district average per pupil is $5,000, then
the ratio for School A is 0.8 (or 80 percent of the district average).
Since the ratio compares individual school funding to the average for
the district, we know that any funding differences we see are entirely
the product of intradistrict rather than interdistrict variation.
Next, we compare total spending, including funds allocated
specifically for students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch and
bilingual, vocational, or gifted education. We exclude special education
funds from this analysis because of large variations in funding
depending on disability type.
For each district, we compute the district's average
expenditure for each student-need group. For example, one district may
allocate an average of $500 on top of the nontargeted allocations for
each gifted student, while another district might allocate only an
average of $200. This average is effectively an implicit spending weight
unique to each district, determined by dividing the sum of all
allocations made on behalf of each student type by the number of
students in that category.
We then calculate a ratio, called a Weighted Student Index (WSI),
of the actual funding received by each school to the funding we would
expect if schools received the district's average allocation for
its particular mix of students. The WSI allows us to compare per-pupil
funding in schools while accounting for the types of students a school
serves. A school with a WSI of 0.7 receives 70 percent of what we
predict the school would be allocated, given its student population, if
all the schools in the district received the same amount for each
student of each type enrolled in the school.
We follow standard practice among school finance researchers who
are interested in studying potential inequality at both ends of the
spectrum, and calculate for each school year in our study the
coefficient of variation for the differences in funding within
districts. We define the coefficient of variation as the standard
deviation of the population divided by its mean. Since the mean value of
our two spending indexes is 1.0, the coefficient of variation is
actually equivalent to the standard deviation in our analysis. The value
of 0 indicates perfect equity, with larger values signaling greater
disparities in the allocation of funds. Researchers studying spending
differences between districts have established 0.1 as an acceptable
level of equity, and we follow this convention in our analysis of
between-school spending differences.
As an additional point of comparison, we also examine spending
inequalities between districts. In this analysis, we adjust spending
figures to reflect differences in district size and in the costs of
providing education before calculating the coefficient of variation. For
both the between-schools and between-districts analyses, the dollars
analyzed include total operating funds from federal, state, and local
governments, and use real-dollar teacher salaries.
The Funding Picture
Throughout the decade we study, the 1993-94 to 2002-03 school
years, noncategorical funding between schools within Texas districts was
considerably less equal than between districts. The coefficient of
variation calculated in the between-school analysis was consistently
higher than that calculated in the between-district analysis. We removed
the state's four largest urban districts from the sample and found
between-school inequities were still much higher than inequities between
There has been modest progress toward equity of noncategorical
funds across districts and schools in Texas over the last decade (see
Figure la). At the district level, the coefficient of variation in 1994
was 0.09, dropping to 0.07 in 2003. The coefficient of variation among
schools for the 1993-94 school year was 0.17, dropping to 0.14 by the
2002-03 school year. The good news is that in 2003, the coefficient of
variation across schools in 24 of Texas's 39 largest school
districts was less than 0.1. The average coefficient of variation across
schools, however, exceeded this benchmark in each year.
When we examined noncategorical per-pupil funding in the
state's four largest school districts--Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth,
and Houston--the levels of inequity were even higher and each district
was remarkably different from the others. In Dallas, Fort Worth, and
Houston, the coefficients of variation were nearly always more than
0.15, meaning that one-third of the schools in these districts had
spending levels that deviated from their district's average by 15
percent (or $225,000 for a school of 500 when average spending is $3,000
per pupil). In contrast, Austin had a coefficient of variation near 0.15
for most of the decade, but dipped to the 0.1 level for three years,
from 1997-98 to 1999-2000. Houston ranged between 0.2 and 0.25, except
for one year, while Dallas had the highest levels of inequality,
hovering around 0.3 until the 2000-01 school year, when it experienced a
dramatic drop in the level of inequality in the district, indicating
that a greater percentage of schools were funded at or near the
district's average allocation per pupil.
During the decade we studied, Fort Worth made steady improvements
toward equity in noncategorical funding across its schools, while
Austin's allocations became less evenly distributed over the last
five years in our study. And while there appear to be some equity gains
in these four districts over the last two years of this analysis, there
is no clear long-term trend toward improvement.
Figure 1b shows the equity picture for total funding over the
period. While inequities both between and within districts have
decreased over the past 10 years, there is still greater variation
across schools than across districts. Taking into account resources
expended for particular student types, then, does not change the
patterns in noncategorical spending described above in any meaningful
The Impact of School Characteristics
Of course, we should not assume that all inequalities in spending
between schools are necessarily perverse. District officials in Texas
might point out that there are reasons aside from special student needs
that could legitimately prompt uneven funding among schools. School
level, school size, and academic performance are often cited as factors
that shape strategic funding allocations to schools. Districts might,
for example, allocate a relatively larger share of resources to high
schools because they are expected to provide a diverse curriculum.
Similarly, a district could be spending more on its lowest-performing
schools to support improvement efforts. As discussed above, though,
previous research documents spending differences resulting from less
intentional factors, primarily differences in teacher salary costs due
to different levels of teacher experience.
In order to investigate the role of both the intentional and
unintentional factors, we explore the extent to which various school
characteristics explain variation in the allocation of resources within
a school district. We look at level of school (high school, middle
school, or elementary school), total enrollment, percentage of the
student body that is white, average experience of teachers, and school
performance, as measured by the school's academic rank within the
state. Using data from the 2001-02 school year for our sample of large
Texas districts, we estimate the amount of variation in total per-pupil
funding, measured by a school's WSI, that we can attribute to such
school organizational characteristics.
We find that, as expected, high schools tend to receive more
funding. On average, a high school's WSI is 0.18 higher than an
elementary or middle school, indicating that high schools received 18
percent more than elementary or middle schools within the same district
with similar student populations. There is some indication that the
lowest-performing schools in a district have higher WSI scores, and
additional analyses reveal that this pattern is concentrated among
elementary schools. Unexpectedly, we do not find a clear or strong
relationship between school size and WSI values. Nor do we find that
schools with a larger share of white students have a meaningful increase
in their WSI.
Schools with more experienced teachers and the lowest-performing
schools receive slightly more funding from the district, with higher WSI
by 0.01 and 0.04, respectively. In other words, these schools typically
received 1 to 4 percent more than the district average, or $15,000 to
$60,000 per school of 500 students in a district where the average
school expenditure is $3,000 per pupil.
These findings aside, it turns out that relatively little of the
differences in funding by schools is explained by these school and
district characteristics. We can account for only slightly more than
one-third of all the variation between schools in the same district. If
spending is not strongly influenced by observable school
characteristics, we have to question whether it is driven by a district
strategy at all. What we haven't measured here are the political
forces within and outside the district, organizational habits, and de
facto policies at play in the system that can and likely do affect how
districts distribute resources among schools.
Weighted Student Formulas
There have been calls for district policies that would
transparently and equitably allocate district resources among schools,
with the use of an explicit formula. Districts that adopt a weighted
student formula (WSF) for funding schools allocate funds according to the specific student types enrolled. Spending increments, or weights,
are deliberately determined for each student need. Were the districts in
this analysis to allocate funds using a strict WSF system, we would not
have found any inequities between schools. Each school would receive
exactly the average allocation for its mix of students, and the
coefficient of variation for each district would be 0.
To date, only a handful of districts have implemented WSF, and
certainly not in the strict sense described here. In 1998, Houston
implemented a modified version of WSF, known as student-based budgeting,
in which a base amount is set per student and a percentage added for
each special need, such as bilingual education. While we would not feel
comfortable claiming, based on the analysis here, that student-based
budgeting has been the cause of greater equity in Houston's school
funding system, our findings do show that despite an initial increase in
the coefficient of variation, Houston schools have over the longer term
made modest improvements in equity since the strategy was put into
There are reasonable concerns about the consequences of WSF
funding. First, district leaders may not select appropriate weights.
They may choose, for instance, to allocate too little for each student
in bilingual education or too much for each student in gifted programs.
Second, some inequality is likely to remain even with a WSF system. WSF
models typically ignore the effect of differences in teacher experience
levels and, therefore, teacher salary across schools by adjusting the
allocations for real salaries after the weighted formula has been
Regardless of whether WSF systems are the answer, there is a clear
and simple policy lesson in the experience of large Texas school
districts. We should not assume that school finance reforms directed at
resolving resource inequalities between school districts will ensure
those resources are equitably distributed among schools and their
Marguerite Roza is research assistant professor, Kacey Guin is
research associate, Betheny Gross is senior research associate, and
Scott DeBurgomaster is research assistant at the Center for Reinventing
Public Education at the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University
of Washington.