The union label on the ballot box: how school employees help choose their bosses.
Moe, Terry M.
Fifteen thousand strong, school boards are among the most numerous
of this country's governmental institutions. Within the framework
laid down by state and federal law, they are responsible for much of
what happens on the ground in American public education. They build
schools, select textbooks, design curricula, recruit teachers, award
diplomas, set rules for discipline, and oversee a vast array of
operations, plans, and policies that shape the education experiences of
most American children.
From their origins in the 19th century until the present day,
school boards have been regarded as shining examples of local democracy,
the keystone that links public education to ordinary citizens. But this
is one of the enduring myths of American folklore. The reality is that,
while some 96 percent of school boards are elected (according to data
collected by Frederick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute), these
elections are usually low-turnout, low-interest affairs in which the
vast majority of ordinary citizens play no role at all. Special
interests, well organized and largely unchecked by the public, often
have ample opportunity to engineer outcomes in their own favor.
This is not a good thing for children or schools, but there is
nothing surprising about it. Americans are apathetic about almost all
aspects of politics; they're just more apathetic about school-board
politics. School-board elections are often held at odd times, when no
other offices--particularly major ones, like president or governor--are
being voted on. Moreover, roughly two-thirds of registered voters are
not parents of school-age children and so have only weak incentives to
pay attention or participate. To make matters worse, the vast majority
of these elections, about 89 percent (according to Hess), are
nonpartisan; and without party labels to guide them, most voters have no
information about the various candidates running for multiple board
seats, and so are confused and even more uninterested than they would
normally be.
Who Cares?
But apathy stops at the schoolhouse door. One group of local
citizens--teachers and other employees of the school district--has an
intense interest in everything the district does: how much money it
spends, how the money is allocated, how hiring and firing are handled,
what work rules are adopted, how the curriculum is determined, which
schools are to be opened and closed, and much more. The livelihoods of
these people are fully invested in the schools, and they have a far
greater material stake in the system than do any other members of the
As individuals, then, district employees have strong incentives to
get involved in school-board politics and to take action in trying to
elect candidates who will promote their occupational interests. The
things they want are simple and straightforward--and have nothing to do,
at least directly or intentionally, with quality education. They want
job security. They want higher wages and fringe benefits. They want
better retirement packages. They want work rules that restrict
managerial control. They want bigger budgets and higher taxes.
School employees have the additional advantage of being well
organized. Unlike parents and other citizens, who are typically atomized
and ineffectual as political forces, most school employees are
represented by unions. Many of these employee unions get engaged in
school affairs. But among them, the teacher unions are almost always the
most active and powerful, and they generally take the lead in
championing the cause of employee interests in politics.
In school-board elections, the incentives of the teacher unions are
strong and clear. If they can wield clout at the polls, they can
determine who sits on local school boards--and in so doing, they can
literally choose the very "management" they will be bargaining
with. (Private sector unions, which square off against independent
management teams, can only dream of such a thing.) These same elected
board members, moreover, will make decisions on a gamut of policy
issues, from budgets to curriculum to student discipline, that teachers
have a stake in and can benefit from enormously. Under the
circumstances, it would be irrational for the unions not to get actively
involved in school-board elections.
They have the resources, moreover, to do just that. While unions
are nominally collective bargaining organizations, they can readily turn
their organizations toward political ends. They also have guaranteed
sources of money (member dues) for financing campaigns, paid staff to
coordinate political activities, and activist members to do the
invaluable trench-work of campaigning. For these and related reasons,
the unions have major advantages over other groups, which can often
translate into electoral power.
These advantages also apply in urban settings, where the unions
have lots of potential competitors: business, community, ethnic, and
religious groups that could (and sometimes do) get involved in
school-board elections. Even when these groups are well organized for
political action and flush with resources--which is usually not the
case--they almost always have social and political agendas that reflect
a wide spectrum of public issues, not just education, and they divvy up their resources accordingly. The teacher unions, by contrast, have a
vested interest in public education--and only public education--and that
is where they focus all their resources and attention.
This doesn't mean that the unions always prevail over other
constituencies, nor that they are a dominating political force in all
districts. Later in this article, in fact, I'll discuss several
basic conditions that place limits on union influence. Still, in the
normal course of events, teacher unions tend to have important
advantages relative to other groups in both incentives and
resources--so, that over the long haul, they often (but not always)
succeed in getting their favored candidates into office. As a result,
there is good reason to be concerned that the local governance of
schools tends to be more responsive to the interests of teachers (and
other school employees) than a focused concern for quality
education--and the interests of children--would warrant.
Although union power in school-board elections would seem to have
vast consequences for public education, it is a subject that is rarely
studied. Over the past several years, I have been engaged in a project
that tries to do something about that, and I am now in the process of
writing articles that present the findings. The findings offer basic,
much-needed evidence on what the unions actually do in school-board
politics, how successful they are, and what strengths--as well as
weaknesses--are most important for an accurate, balanced understanding
of their roles in education and its politics.
Here I want to present the results of one of these studies, which
focuses on a particularly interesting way that the teacher unions can
attempt to influence election outcomes. As I suggested earlier, the
unions have many means of influence at their disposal: they can
contribute money to candidates, they can unleash their activists to make
phone calls and distribute literature, they can pay for advertisements,
and so on. But another weapon in their arsenal is the voting power of
teachers themselves. If teachers vote at higher rates than ordinary
voters, if their allies in other unions do the same, and if ordinary
voters turn out at their usual low rates, then employee-favored
candidates clearly ought to have a systematic advantage. It may not be
enough, all by itself, to win the election for them. But when combined
with the other union weapons, it may contribute to a winning union
More specifically, this study of teacher turnout brings evidence to
bear on three central questions. First, do teachers and other district
employees vote at higher rates than other citizens? Second, are they
turning out for reasons that are essentially public spirited, or are
they turning out to promote their own occupational self-interest? And
third, are the turnout differentials (if any) great enough to be of any
consequence in boosting the unions' chances of victory?
A Study of Teacher Turnout
As part of the larger project, I gathered data on the names and zip
codes of school district employees in a stratified sample of 70
California school districts, all of them unionized, and I matched these
names to county voter files to get each employee's voting history.
In the study I'm describing here, I restrict my attention to nine
of these districts, all located in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
These nine are analytically useful because they are clustered in close
proximity to one another, and teachers who don't live in the
district where they work often show up as residents of one of the other
districts. Being able to compare these two types of teachers--those who
live and work in a district, and those who live in one district but work
in another--is quite helpful in understanding the basics of teacher
turnout, as well as its connection to power.
If this were an analysis of national or state elections, we could
go directly to an investigation of turnout, the presumption being that
turnout is a measure of electoral clout. Yet when we look specifically
at teachers in school-board elections, turnout is a second-order issue.
The first-order issue is whether teachers live in the districts where
they work, because if they don't, they aren't even eligible to
vote. Obviously, this has a lot to do with whether turnout can translate
into power. The data show that the percentage of teachers who live in
their own districts varies a great deal--from 8 percent to 55 percent in
this sample--and tends to increase with the affluence of the district.
Even in the more affluent ones, however, a strikingly large percentage
of teachers in this sample do not live where they work and thus cannot
vote. Other district employees are much more likely to live where they
work, regardless of the district's affluence. This enhances their
value to the teacher unions as political allies.
It is unclear how representative these findings are of districts
generally. Living outside the district is most common when multiple
districts are packed into an urban area, as they are in Los Angeles
County and Orange County. In districts that are suburban, rural, or
geographically spread out, far fewer employees may live outside their
own districts. Still, some degree of nonresidency is probably a fact of
life in most districts. And to the extent it is, teachers and their
allies should have a harder time translating their own turnout into
The Turnout Gap
Two types of elections are most relevant to turnout: school-board
elections and bond elections, both of which are nonpartisan, meaning
that candidates do not carry a party label. For school-board elections,
I focus on those that are held during odd years, when there are no
general elections for federal and state offices. These elections offer
the best opportunity for studying how teachers and other district
employees act on their job-related incentives, because little else is
being voted on. For bond elections I focus on those that are not held at
the same time as general elections or school-board elections.
The data show that turnout among the local population is downright abysmal, even in the more affluent districts. In the off-year
school-board elections for which I have data, 1997 and 1999, the median
turnout of registered voters is 9 percent, as can be seen in Figure 1a.
This percentage would be even lower, obviously, if the denominator were
the voting-age population as a whole, for many people in the
electorate--about a quarter--are not even registered. For bond elections
(1998-2000), the turnout is 23 percent (see Figure 1b). In both cases,
low turnout gives the unions an opportunity to mobilize support and tip
the scale toward candidates they favor.
Do teachers vote at high rates compared with average citizens? The
answer is clearly yes, as Figures 1a and 1b illustrate. Indeed, if we
compute the turnout gap between teachers and average citizens in each
district, the median gap over all districts and elections (both
school-board and bond) was 36.5 percent, which is a huge number given
the very low turnout overall. In 1997, for instance, only 7 percent of
registered voters in the Charter Oak school district voted in their
school-board election, but 46 percent of the teachers who live there
did. In Claremont, 18 percent of registered voters went to the polls,
but 57 percent of the teachers who live there did. Similar figures can
be recited for every district, and the conclusion is the same whether we
look at board elections in 1997, board elections in 1999, or bond
elections. Teachers who live in their districts were from two to seven
times more likely to vote than other citizens were.
Why do teachers turn out at such high rates? The answer may well be
that they have an occupational self-interest other citizens don't
have. But this claim needs to be tested, for there is clearly a
plausible alternative: that teachers are not only better educated and
more middle class than the average citizen, but also more public
spirited, more committed to public education, and thus more likely to
vote in school-board elections regardless of their personal stakes. Can
the evidence show that occupational self-interest, and not these other
possibilities, accounts for the turnout gap?
The data offer a revealing test. Many teachers in the sample live
in one school district but work in another. These teachers are
presumably just as middle class, public spirited, and committed to
education as other teachers are; but because they don't work in the
district where they live, they do not have an occupational stake in
their local school-board elections. Will these teachers vote at the same
high levels as teachers who do have such an occupational stake?
Whether we look at the 1997 elections, the 1999 elections, or the
various bond elections, the answer is the same: in every case that
allows a comparison, the teachers who live in a district but don't
work there vote at lower rates than the teachers who both live and work
there. The size of the difference is almost always substantial (and
statistically significant). In Claremont, to take a rather typical
example, 57 percent of the teachers who both live and work there voted
in the 1997 election, but only 23 percent of the teachers who live but
don't work there voted.
A corollary issue is whether teachers who live in a district where
they don't work vote at higher rates than ordinary citizens do.
Here the answer is less clear, and the low numbers advise caution.
Statistical significance aside, these teachers turned out at higher
rates than ordinary citizens in 12 of 18 elections, but in 5 they
actually turned out at lower rates. Of the cases when they turned out at
higher rates, moreover, only six are statistically significant. Across
all the school-board and bond elections, the median difference in
turnout rates between these teachers and ordinary citizens is just 7
percent, which could be simply due to social class.
Taken together, these findings contradict the idea that the
teachers who live and work in a district turn out at high rates because
they are public spirited, committed to education, or socially
advantaged; they bolster the notion that self-interest is in fact mainly
responsible. A plausible addendum, however--although I do not have the
data to explore it--is that teacher turnout is getting a double boost
from self-interest: one because the teachers themselves have an
occupational stake in voting and another because their unions have a
self-interest in mobilizing them. It seems likely that both are at work,
and that the turnout differential is not solely due to the incentives of
individual teachers.
Valuable Allies
Now consider the other district employees. This is a heterogeneous group that includes administrators, nurses, and librarians, as well as
janitors, secretaries, cafeteria workers, and bus drivers. The low-paid
members of this group, however, far outnumber the high-paid members, and
some 40 percent are Hispanic. On class grounds alone, therefore, we
would expect these employees to vote at much lower rates than teachers.
In more affluent districts (and perhaps others), they should also vote
at lower rates than ordinary citizens.
These class-based expectations are quite wrong. In every district
with available data, and for all three sets of elections, other district
employees who live and work in their districts vote at substantially
higher rates than ordinary citizens do--rates that, on average, are just
a shade lower than those of teachers who live and work in the district.
The median difference in turnout rates between them and the teachers who
live in their own districts is just 4 percent, which is stunningly small
given the underlying differences in social class. Clearly, something
other than class is at work here. And that something is probably that
these other employees, just like teachers, approach elections with their
own self-interest in mind, and their unions mobilize them on those
This interpretation is bolstered by the fact that, when we look at
other employees who live in a district but don't work there, and
thus do not have an occupational stake in the elections, their turnout
proves to be decidedly lower on average than that of other employees who
both work and live there. The former turn out at lower rates in all of
the 16 cases for which there are data, and 13 of these are statistically
significant. For all elections, the median difference in voting rates
between the two groups is 20 percent, and it is not uncommon for the gap
to be much larger.
As was true for teachers, the other employees who live but
don't work in the district tend to look pretty much like ordinary
citizens in their turnout rates. The median difference is 8 percent,
which is virtually the same advantage we found for teachers. In this
case, though, social class obviously does not explain the turnout gap.
And because this is so, it is reasonable to suspect that it doesn't
explain the differential between teachers and ordinary citizens either.
Some other common factor probably accounts for both differentials.
What these teachers and other district employees have in common is
that they both take a self-interested approach to elections and they
both belong to unions. Because they don't work where they live,
they have less incentive to vote and they are not mobilized by the local
union (to which they don't belong). But they may also
recognize--with reminding by their own unions--that they are all
enmeshed in a big collective-action problem, and that they should vote
in their home districts to protect one another's jobs and
interests. Because voting is not a very costly act, this could easily
account for a turnout rate that is 7 to 8 percent above that of ordinary
This analysis reveals that turnout can be an important resource for
teachers and their unions. Teachers turn out at much higher rates than
other citizens do, they act on their occupational self-interest, and
exactly the same is true of the other district employees. This makes
them key political allies and essentially allows the teacher unions to
double their voting strength. There is also a downside, however, that
weakens their ability to convert these advantages into electoral power.
This is the problem of residency. The high turnout rates and the driving
force of self-interest are of political value in school-board elections
only to the extent that teachers and other employees live in their
districts. And many do not.
Slim Margins
Because of the residency problem, turnout is unlikely to be as
potent a resource as money or political activism in producing electoral
victory. But it can contribute in a positive way to the larger union
effort, and in some cases--when elections are close--it can even be
pivotal. These cases may be fairly common, in fact, because the margin
of victory in school-board elections is often rather small. By my own
estimate (based on a separate sample of 245 districts for another
study), the median gap between the best-off losing candidate and the
worst-off winner is about 3 percent. Thus, in many elections it
doesn't take much of a vote swing to change the outcome.
Consider some rough calculations for the Charter Oak school
district. In the 1997 election, three candidates competed for two seats.
The total number of votes cast (two by each voter) was 3,506, and the
margin of victory was 2.54 percent, or 89 votes. Are the turnout
differentials in Charter Oak large enough to overcome an 89-vote gap and
bring victory to a union-backed candidate? The answer is yes. The
district had a total of 350 teachers, only 22 percent living in the
district and voting at a rate of 46 percent. Thus there were 35
teacher-voters. The district also had 354 other district employees, 50
percent living in the district and voting at a rate of 41 percent. This
means that there were 73 voters among the other employees, and, when the
teachers are added in, 108 total votes by school personnel. This figure
alone exceeds the 89 votes needed for victory, and it makes no allowance
for other sources of pro-union votes (such as relatives, friends, or
neighbors). Similar calculations could be carried out for the other
districts, showing that the turnout differential alone is often
sufficient to overcome the margin of victory, or at least comes close.
As I said, these are indications of what can happen in elections
that are close, as many are. Not all elections are this close, of
course. And we can't really expect all employees to vote as a bloc
(although the prime role of occupational self-interest certainly
promotes such an outcome). Yet these sorts of calculations help to show
that high employee turnout rates can indeed boost the prospects for
union victory, even when considerably diluted by the residency problem.
And even when turnout is not pivotal to the outcome, it is clearly a
resource that works to the unions' advantage, contributing to their
larger effort to control electoral outcomes.
More Evidence
I can't report in detail on the rest of the research project,
but the findings to date point to two very general themes.
The first addresses the obvious bottom line. It is one thing for
the unions to have a capacity for power through the various resources
that they control, but it is quite another for them to put that capacity
to effective use--which, in the end, is what really counts. The question
we ultimately need to answer is: to what extent are unions successful at
getting their favored candidates elected to office?
The answer is that they are quite successful indeed. The most
direct evidence comes from a study of 245 California school district
elections and the 1,228 candidates who competed in them during the years
1998-2001. A multivariate statistical analysis shows that, for
candidates who are not incumbents, teacher union support increases the
probability of winning substantially. Indeed, it is roughly equal to,
and may well exceed, the impact of incumbency itself.
The comparison with incumbency is instructive. These are
low-information, low-interest elections, and because incumbents tend to
be well-known, effective campaigners, and relatively well funded, there
is every reason to expect the power of incumbency to be considerable. My
statistical estimates show that it is. That the estimates for union
impact are comparable, then, says a lot about the lofty level at which
the unions are playing the political game. They are heavy hitters.
Their total influence, in fact, appears to be even greater over the
long haul. When the unions succeed in getting non-incumbents elected to
school boards, these people become incumbents the next time around. Then
their probability of victory is boosted not just by their union support,
but also by the power of incumbency. When the two factors are combined,
as they are when union winners run for reelection, the candidates are
virtually unbeatable.
Another study, based on interviews with 526 school-board candidates
(winners and losers) in 253 California districts, reinforces the study
of electoral outcomes (see Figure 2). The interviews suggest that the
teacher unions are typically the most powerful participants in
school-board elections and that their power is common across districts
of all sizes (and not restricted to large urban districts). They also
provide evidence that union electoral clout has genuine substantive
consequences: the candidates supported by the unions, as well as the
candidates who win, are considerably more sympathetic toward collective
bargaining than the other candidates.
Union-backed candidates are more likely to believe, for example,
that collective bargaining promotes good teaching, fosters
professionalism, and helps to raise academic performance, and they are
inclined to take a more positive view of unions and their activities.
With board members of this type, and thus with "management"
teams they have helped to choose, the unions are in a good position to
get board decisions on personnel, policy, and other governmental issues
that are responsive to their interests.
This study of candidates, however, also provides evidence for a
second important theme about union power: namely, that the unions
operate under constraints that limit what they can achieve. Yes, they
are powerful, but they don't always dominate, and they can't
have everything they want. In particular:
* They sometimes face opposition from other organized groups,
especially in large urban districts. When this happens, business groups
are the most likely to represent effective opposition.
* Because incumbents have their own bases of power, they can be
more difficult for the unions to defeat than other candidates. As a
result, the unions sometimes support incumbents who are not as pro-union
as the unions would like in order not to alienate an eventual winner.
* Because voting patterns are shaped by the political culture of a
district, unions in conservative districts sometimes find themselves
supporting candidates who are less pro-union than they would like in
order not to lose.
* After election to the school board, the experience of being on
the board--and part of "management"--seems to make members
somewhat less pro-union over time; as a result, the unions cannot count
on gaining complete control of school boards even when they are
continually successful in elections.
It would be extreme, then, to say that the unions totally dominate
their school boards. But there is still a serious problem. School-board
elections are supposed to be the democratic means by which ordinary
citizens govern their own schools. The board is supposed to represent
"the people." But in many districts it really doesn't.
For with unions so powerful, employee interests are given far more
weight in personnel and policy decisions than warranted, and school
boards are partially captured by their own employees. Democracy
threatens to be little more than a charade, serving less as a mechanism
of popular control than as a means by which employees promote their own
special interests.
Terry M. Moe is professor of political science at Stanford
University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. The studies
presented here are adapted from an article in the Spring 2006 issue of
the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization and from Besieged:
School Boards and the Future of Education Politics, edited by William G.
Civic Duty, Redefined
Teachers and other district employees are much more likely to vote in
school elections than ordinary voters, especially if they work in the
same district where they live.
(Figure 1a)
Voter Turnout for School-Board Elections in Selected Los Angeles County
School Districts, 1997, 1999
Percentage Turnout
Registered voters 9
Only live in the district 20
Live and work in the district 46
Other Employees:
Only live in the district 14
Live and work in the district 35
Note: For each category, the percentage represents the median turnout
for such voters over the 14 board elections that occurred in these
SOURCE: Author's calculations from school-board election data in Charter
Oak Unified, Claremont Unified, Covina Valley Unified, Garvey
Elementary, Montebello Unified, Norwalk-La Marida Unified, and Torrance
Unified districts
(Figure 1b)
Voter Turnout for School-Bond Elections in Selected Los Angeles and
Orange County School Districts, 1998-2000
Percentage Turnout
Registered voters 23
Only live in the district 18
Live and work in the district 77
Other Employees:
Only live in the district 34
Live and work in the district 75
Note: For each category, the percentage represents the median turnout
for such voters over the five special bond elections that occurred in
these districts.
SOURCE: Author's calculations from school-bond election data in
Claremont Unified (2000), Montebello Unified (1998), Torrance Unified
(1998), Huntington Beach City Elementary (1999), and Santa Ana Unified
(1999) districts
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Looking Out for Number One
Among both incumbents and non-incumbents, school-board candidates with
positive attitudes toward collective bargaining receive more union
support. And, in turn, endorsed candidates are more likely to win
(Figure 2a)
Percentage with Positive Attitudes Toward
School-Board Candidates Collective Bargaining
Running for Office Endorsed by teachers union Not endorsed
Incumbent 64 42
Non-incumbent 84 68
(Figure 2b)
School-Board Candidates Percentage Winning Election
Running for Office Endorsed by teachers union Not endorsed
Incumbent 92 49
Non-incumbent 62 22
SOURCE: Author's calculations based on a random sample of 526 school-
board candidates in 253 California school districts (2000-2003), as
reported in "Teachers Unions and School Board Elections," Besieged:
School Boards and the Future of Education Politics (Brookings, 2005),
ed., William G. Howell
Note: Table made from bar graph.