Subordinate clauses without any pauses: why we need a language with some lawses.
Ravitch, Diane
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to
By Lynne Truss
Gotham Books, 2004, $17.50; 240 pages.
The War Against Grammar
By David Mulroy
CrossCurrents, 2003, $20.00; 144 pages.
When I was a high school student in Texas in the mid-1950s, the
study of the English language was an important part of every school day.
Every student took four years of English, and half of each year was
devoted to the study of grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and
speech. The other half was reserved for the study of literature. In
every subject, not just English, teachers corrected our work if we made
mistakes in spelling or grammar.
Thirty years after my graduation, I returned to an event in Houston
and met one of my favorite English teachers, who had recently retired as
director of English education for the city schools. When I told her how
much I, as a writer, appreciated our careful study of English all those
years earlier, she was appalled. "Well," said Mrs. Ruth
Reeves, "it was just terrible imposing all those useless and
mechanical exercises on you poor children." I was as disappointed
at her reaction as she was at mine.
Over the past 40 or so years, it has often seemed that the study of
proper English had died a sad and unlamented death. During the 1960s,
standard English came under attack, not only from academics who
considered it "oppressive," but also as a result of the
celebrated rise of the youth culture, which cared not a fig for the
King's English or any other conventions. By the early 1970s,
organizations representing English teachers and English professors were
insisting that students had the "right to their own language"
and that dialects deserved equal status with standard English. In one
policy statement, a higher education committee of the National Council
of Teachers of English (NCTE) insisted that a student's reference
to "them flowers" was just as acceptable as "those
flowers." Of course, the policy statements and proclamations by the
professors and teachers were written in flawless English, but they
nonetheless declared their independence from teaching it to their
students (or "them students"). When the NCTE and the
International Reading Association produced "national
standards" in 1994, they neglected to include the study of correct
English usage as part of their subject.
The consequences of this era of linguistic libertarianism (or
Know-Nothingism) could be readily detected in the collapse of SAT verbal
scores in the 1970s, the persistence of these low scores even as SAT
math scores rebounded in the 1980s and 1990s, and the rise of remedial
programs in reading and writing in universities, where professors became
accustomed to receiving error-ridden papers from their poorly educated
students. Eventually, it was no longer remarkable to see egregious
errors in newspapers, books, and other printed material. To some extent,
these errors were mitigated by the introduction of spell-check and even
grammar checks in software programs. Even so, large numbers of students,
probably a majority, have had no acquaintance with the study of their
own language.
And now, much to the surprise of everyone, a book about punctuation
topped the best-seller lists for many weeks in 2004. Lynne Truss's
Eats, Shoots & Leaves was first a best-seller in England, where the
author lives, and then in the United States. She describes herself as a
stickler for correct punctuation, who flies into a rage when she sees
anything in print, whether an advertisement or a street sign or an
e-mail, in which apostrophes are forgotten or misplaced. Her rage is
unbounded when she sees someone confuse "its" and
"it's." Much of the book consists of examples of the ways
in which punctuation can change the meaning of sentences or paragraphs,
as in these two sentences:
A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.
British schools, like ours, went through a long sojourn into
grammatical illiteracy. Until 1960, Truss writes, every British school
routinely taught punctuation. Then, for more than a quarter of a
century, during the "dark-side-of-the-moon years in British
education ... teachers upheld the view that grammar and spelling got in
the way of self-expression." Not until the adoption of the National
Curriculum in Margaret Thatcher's time were students expected to
study their own language.
Why focus so relentlessly on punctuation? Truss says that without
punctuation, "there is no reliable way of communicating meaning.
Punctuation herds words together, keeps others apart. Punctuation
directs you how to read, in the way musical notation directs a musician
how to play."
Why did this book become a huge best-seller? It's a mystery to
me. Perhaps it is the book's flippant, chatty tone. One hopes it is
because the public is fed up with the academic profession's
indifference to correct English.
It must be said, as well, that Truss's book contains errors of
punctuation and grammar. Her use of commas and semi-colons is
maddeningly inconsistent. She writes of a "greengrocers'
punctuation," when she is referring to a single greengrocer. She is
"a-buzz with ideas," even though the word "abuzz"
has no hyphen. Louis Menand, writing in the New Yorker, said,
"Either Truss needed a copy-editor or her copy-editor needed a
David Mulroy's book did not reach the best-seller list. In
fact, when I checked, the book was ranked 471,437. Yet The
War Against Grammar is a far more consequential and far more interesting
book than Eats, Shoots & Leaves. The latter has verve and sass, but
Mulroy's book has important things to say to American teachers and
parents. In 1996, Mulroy, a classics scholar at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, attended a public hearing about the state's
academic standards and innocently suggested that all high school seniors
should be required to identify the eight parts of speech in a selection
of normal prose. He thought it a "modest and reasonable
suggestion." To his surprise, he was plunged into controversy,
supported by parents, but strongly opposed by pedagogical experts, who
informed him that the NCTE disparaged the value of any grammar
After this disturbing discovery, Mulroy began to research the
reasons why English teachers have become opponents of grammar, a
proposition that he would previously have thought to be an oxymoron. He
repeatedly encountered the view in NCTE publications that "decades
of research" or "many studies" have shown that formal
grammar is not only useless but also harmful to students'
self-esteem and even their mental health! Those who were hostile to
grammar instruction cast themselves as progressives and saw proponents
of instruction in grammar as rigid traditionalists. These negative views
toward grammar, Mulroy writes, became dogma in the nation's schools
of education.
Mulroy's goal in dissecting "the war against
grammar" is to encourage the teaching of grammar in grades four
through six. He believes that this will set a strong foundation for all
future studies of language, for understanding great literature, and for
developing the capacity for eloquent self-expression. He can't make
his case empirically, but his case is powerful on its face. As he says,
"Questioning the value of basic grammar is like asking whether
farmers should know the names of their crops and animals."
Mulroy's brief for grammar instruction is powerful and
important. If I had the power, I would place it on the required reading
list of every future teacher.
Mulroy's book also contains numerous lapses, mainly missing
words, as in "The body of the report has been long forgotten, but
its summary judgment on the value of instruction grammar [sic] has been
frequently quoted in NCTE publications." Or, "No matter how
well attuned you may [sic] to the secret harmonies of nature...."
Or, referring to a book written half a century ago, "It was a
valuable contributions [sic] to the development of modern
Anyone who reads books, magazines, and newspapers with any degree
of attention to correct use of language is aware of the pervasiveness of
poor copyediting. It is in such places that we can see clearly the
corrosive results of the accumulated influence of the "war against
As reviewed by Diane Ravitch
Diane Ravitch is Research Professor of Education at New York
University and a member of the Koret Task Force at the Hoover
Institution, Stanford University.