Lobbying in disguise: the American Federation of Teachers "studies" charter schools. (Check the Facts).
Maranto, Robert
Do Charter Schools Measure Up? The Charter School Experiment After
10 Years
American Federation of Teachers, 2002.
Teacher unions are pulled in different directions. On the one hand,
many of their staffers have devoted their lives to education and are
genuinely committed to improving schools. Indeed, under the late Al
Shanker, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) was known for
toughminded talk on issues like standards, testing, and failing schools.
On the other hand, as unions their primary mission is to protect
the welfare of their members. Sometimes the interests of teachers and
students are aligned, but not always. For instance, unions have
steadfastly defended policies that undermine education reform, such as:
No junior teacher, however competent and in demand, should ever be paid
more than someone who has been on the job longer. No teacher, however
talented and knowledgeable, may enter a classroom without state
certification. In a 1997 speech, Bob Chase of the National Education
Association (NEA) declared, "If there is a bad teacher in one of
our schools, then we must do something about it." The union acted
as if this were a bold, meaningful concession. To the rest of us it was
a no-brainer.
The national unions deliver the occasional encomiums to
accountability. However, such rhetoric is rarely matched by action among
their relatively autonomous local satellites, like the United Federation
of Teachers in New York. Charged with negotiating actual contracts,
these tend to behave more like traditional urban unions, defending their
members at every turn, no matter what the consequences for schools.
After all, serious academic standards might highlight the poor
performance of some teachers, who might face sanctions (like--shock!--being fired). Likewise, school choice would empower
parents, who might choose nonunionized private and charter schools.
Nowhere have we seen a better example of the unions' clumsy
attempts to straddle representation and reform than in the AFT'S
handling of charter schools. Consider the AFT'S recently released
"study" of charter schools, Do Charter Schools Measure Up? The
Charter School Experiment After 10 Years. The report touts the fact that
Shanker supported charter schools, but then claims that "these
schools are a diversion from reformers' and policymakers'
efforts to improve education in America' It alleges that a review
of the research on charter schools leads to the conclusions that,
overall, charter schools: 1) fail to raise student achievement more than
traditional district schools do; 2) aren't innovative and
don't pass innovations along to district schools; 3) exacerbate the
racial and ethnic isolation of students; 4) provide a worse environment
for teachers than district schools; and 5) spend more on administration
and less on instruction than public schools. With all this evidence
apparently stacked against chart er schools, it seems downright responsible of the AFT to call for a moratorium on further charter
school expansion "until more convincing evidence of their
effectiveness and viability is presented."
If only that were all true. The AFT's conclusions, you'll
see, are based on a selective reading of the research, shameless spinning of research findings, and a failure to place findings in
context. The report ignores the judgments of parents and students, uses
bizarre definitions of such terms as innovation and accountability,
compares charter schools with the ideal school rather than with
traditional district schools, and presents confusing and out-of-context
discussions of such admittedly complex matters as school finance and
student achievement. In short, the report poses as serious research, but
is more about lobbying than a search for clarity.
There is no doubt that the AFT cites some good research, usually
accurately. For instance, the AFT acknowledges, after some hemming and
hawing, that most charter schools spend less public money than most
district schools. The AFT admits that charter schools are generally not
"creaming" the more capable students. The AFT is right that
charters are no panacea, as a few charter boosters had predicted. The
AFT expresses legitimate though perhaps overstated concerns about the
viability and effectiveness of for-profit education.
In addition, the AFT rightly points out that not enough has been
done to measure how much learning occurs in charter schools. But the
analytical flaw here repeats itself throughout the report. The AFT
persistently compares the situation in charter schools with that of some
mythical school district where only innovative, research-tested
curricula are used; students of all races, ethnicities, and income
levels mix happily; and schools and school employees are held
accountable for student performance. Yes, the performance of charter
schools has been inadequately measured. Yet the same is true of district
schools, and the unions are partly responsible. They have fought off
efforts to yardstick student achievement for decades, fearing that good
measures will make some teachers and schools look bad. The AFT's
sudden cheerleading for accountability in the case of charter schools
reminds me of the old Yiddish definition of "chutzpah": a
young man kills his parents and then asks the judge for leniency because
he is an orphan.
Moreover, the AFT uses a remarkably static definition of
accountability. It claims that charter schools are no more accountable
than district schools since most states now have accountability plans.
Unlike district schools, however, charter schools are actually held
accountable. When a charter school fails to satisfy its parents and/or
sponsors, it loses customers and closes down. While only 4 percent of
charters have shut their doors, every operator of a charter school lives
in fear of demise. By contrast, when a district school fails, school
employees face the truly awful consequence, in most cases, of drafting
so-called "school improvement" plans that promise long-term
reform. They may even get more money and a raft of consultants to help
them shape up. Once in a while more drastic measures will be taken, such
as reconstituting the school with new staff, but the old staff is
usually just shuffled around the district (the venerable tradition known
as "passing the lemons"). Charter schools face market accoun
tability. They either provide an education that attracts parents or they
lose their enrollment and funding.
The AFT uses an equally peculiar definition of innovation. To the
AFT, innovation seems to mean inventing something never before seen on
Earth. This is akin to saying that Apple Computer in 1980 was not an
innovative company since it did not invent computers; it merely made and
marketed computers small enough for home use. By contrast, economists
like Douglas Greer describe three types of innovation: inventing a new
product or service; modifying it for public use; and disseminating it to
the public. Charter schools have done a little of the first and a whole
lot of the second and third types of innovation. For example, Montessori
curricula were invented nearly a century ago, but remain too
"innovative" for the vast majority of district schools, In the
past, parents had to turn to expensive private schools if they liked the
Montessori approach, but now many charter schools offer Montessori
curricula in response to parental demand. (Notably, some district
schools have established Montessori programs to fend off competition
from charters.) Similarly, the AFT claims that for-profit management
companies "do not contribute to innovation because they offer a
single, 'cookie-cutter' school design, curriculum, and
technology package to all the schools they operate' But in the
environment of public education, where successful programs are rarely
studied and replicated, any company that manages to disseminate effective school designs and curricula to a large number of schools
should be considered very innovative.
In my research I have identified 34 different examples of charter
school innovation, including small size; untenured teachers; contracts
with parents; real parent and teacher involvement in school governance;
outcome(rather than input-) based accreditation; service learning fully
integrated into the curricula; unusual grade configurations; split
sessions and extended school days and years to accommodate working
students; and computer-assisted instruction for at-risk and other
frequently absent students. It appears that most charter schools were
founded to pursue one or more of these 34 innovations. Of course, the
biggest innovation of all is inherent to charters: allowing parents to
choose their children's schools or even start new schools.
The AFT is correct to point out that not all charter schools are
innovative. Yet on the whole they seem much more innovative than
district schools, which is after all the point. A few charter schools,
such as Edupreneurship in Arizona, which uses a token economy in an open
classroom setting to motivate students, seem to have invented new
curricula. A few charters have invented new modes of school governance,
such as the Charter School of Sedona, where master teachers control
their classroom budgets, including their own salaries and those of their
aides (whom they hire and fire). More typically, charter schools have
refined and disseminated existing practices that district schools were
reluctant to use--a nice service for parents who may not care whether a
program is "innovative" as long as it works for their
Sins of Omission
When the AFT isn't using definitions convenient to its
conclusions, it simply ignores information altogether. For instance,
numerous surveys have found that students and parents who transferred
from district schools to charter schools thought the charters were
safer, friendlier, and more effective, often by margins of more than 50
percent (see Figure 1). For example, in a 1997 survey of charter school
students who used to attend traditional public schools, 65 percent said
their charter school teachers were better than their previous teachers.
Only 6 percent rated charter teachers worse. This may explain why
roughly seven out of ten charter schools have waiting lists. My own
fieldwork suggests that older charter schools are particularly likely to
be oversubscribed, based on their track records, The AFT apparently
thinks that the opinions of parents and students just don't matter
in evaluating charter schools, In fact, they cite with contempt the fact
that in some instances "teachers, students, and parents succ
essfully lobby to keep their charter school open" when authorizers
attempt to shut them down, often for political rather than academic
The AFT's strategy of selective reporting also colors its
approach to the question of whether competition from charter schools has
forced changes in district schools, At the state level, teacher unions
and school districts, when not opposing charter schools altogether, have
lobbied intensively to place strict caps on the number of charter
schools and to limit the number of institutions that can grant charters,
(Now this stance, once the province of just local unions bent on protecting their monopolies, appears to have become national policy for
the AFT.) In the 20 states where the AFT has succeeded in restricting
the authority to grant charters to school districts, an average of 26
charter schools are open. The 18 states where other institutions, such
as universities and local governments, can grant charters have an
average of 96 schools. The AFT fails to note this in criticizing charter
schools for not providing enough competitive pressures for district
schools. In other words, the AFT chastises charter scho ols for a policy
environment it played a major role in creating.
Where strong charter laws exist, as in Arizona and a few cities,
considerable peer-reviewed research (not cited by the AFT) finds that
districts do in fact respond to competition by working to improve. As my
team reported in Small Districts in Big Trouble, Arizona districts that
lost a tenth to a third of their students to charter competition reacted
with changes in leadership and curricula. In School Choice in the Real
World, we reported that competition prompts districts to empower their
teachers and increase outreach to parents.
Similarly, in Revolution at the Margins, Frederick Hess reports
that limited competition had little impact, but the threat of serious
competition from charter schools and vouchers in 1995-'96 led
Milwaukee Public Schools to reform with Montessori options,
decentralization, tougher graduation requirements, more transparent
school report cards, advertising, and empowerment of their more
innovative principals, who had previously been treated with contempt. A
school board member supportive of the city's teacher union
recalled," It was choice and vouchers that encouraged the [school]
board to pull together with the union to create innovative schools,
Suddenly you had a union that said, 'Yeah, we like this idea,
let's do it" After a court challenge blocked charter school
expansion, the union and its allies "went back to their old
ways:' Harvard economist Caroline Hoxby's quantitative
analyses suggest that competition from vouchers in Milwaukee and from
charters in Michigan and Arizona have improved the test scores of all
students, even those "left behind" in district schools.
When the AFT can't ignore the numbers, it just changes them,
For instance, the AFT claims that Humboldt State professor Eric Rofes,
in 1-low Are School Districts Responding to Charter Laws and Charter
Schools? found that only a quarter of district schools responded to
competition from nearby charters. Actually, Rofes found that 48 percent
of the districts exhibited moderate or high levels of response to
charter school competition. He also found that districts that had lost
funding to charters were particularly likely to respond, just as market
theory predicts. This would seem to support arguments for more charter
schools, not fewer.
Similarly, the AFT misstates the findings of a report by economists
Michael Podgursky and Dale Ballou. The AFT claims that the authors found
that charten schools determine pay "in a similar manner to most
school districts;' but Podgursky and Ballou in fact found charters
far more likely to use merit pay and far less likely to use traditional
salary schedules. Notably, while most teachers in traditional public
schools are tenured and have multiyear contracts, 96 percent of charter
teachers in their study were either at-will employees or had annual
contracts; thus charters can and do separate ineffective teachers.
Likewise, the AFT says that about 8 percent of charter schools have
closed, but this figure includes charter schools that never actually
opened or that were consolidated into local school districts. In fact,
as noted above, the Center for Education Reform reports that only about
4 percent of charter schools have closed, not a bad failure rate for a
new program.
Finally, in an extremely muddled discussion, the AFT reports that
charter school student-to-teacher ratios "generally match or
exceed" those of their host districts, I find more credible the
statistics from the U.S. Department of Education-sponsored report The
State of Charter Schools 2000 showing that charter schools have a median
studentteacher ratio of 16 to 1,7 percent lower than that of district
Fiscal Irregularities
The AFT'S misreporting of charter school finances may be more
understandable, since school finance is less transparent than
Enron's balance sheet. For example, the AFT first states,
"Charter school salaries tend to be competitive with other public
schools at the beginning-teacher salary level and less competitive for
more experienced teachers." Yet later the AFT declares,
"Charter school teachers are paid less than other public school
teachers, particularly when their teaching experience and education are
considered." Further on, the AFT reports that charter schools spend
more on administration and less on instruction than traditional schools,
I suspect that the AFT's confused "findings" reflect
three interrelated factors, First, the vast majority of charter schools
are new schools. As such, the vast majority of charter school teachers
have less than six years of teaching experience, typically less than
half the average for nearby public schools. Since teacher salaries are
the primary instructional expenses for schools, it should come as no
surprise that charters spend less on classroom instruction than
traditional public schools, whose teachers are older and thus further
along on the salary schedule. My fieldwork and other surveys suggest
that teachers who choose charter schools tend to be attracted by a
school's curricula and mission. The more senior teachers who come
to charter schools (often as a second career) are frequently willing to
forgo higher salaries out of dedication to their school's mission.
The AFT may find this difficult to believe, but many teachers are
idealistic: they are willing to trade lower salaries for the in-kind
benefit of working with a curriculum they believe in.
Second, as new and underfunded schools, charters must spend a
higher than normal percentage of their resources on their buildings,
leaving less money for salaries. Nearly all the operators of the 29
charter schools I've visited lamented facilities problems. Indeed,
there is a long line of research on charter school facilities
challenges. State legislatures have been reluctant to fund building
programs, and charter schools, unlike school districts, can't float
bonds to pay for capital spending.
Third, the finding that charter schools have more
"administrators" than traditional schools ignores the fact
that most charters are very small schools. The U.S. Department of
Education reports that as of 1998--'99, the median charter school
had 137 students, compared with 475 in all public schools. Many charter
principals still teach, while principals at traditional public schools
are a decade or more out of the classroom. Which sort of administrator
is more likely to inspire the teaching staff?
A similar lack of context plagues the AFT'S discussion of the
makeup of student bodies in charter schools. The AFT claims that charter
schools are more racially homogeneous than district schools, citing
research that makes much of very small differences (normally less than
10 percent) between charter and nearby district school student bodies.
What the AFT fails to acknowledge is that charter schools are more
likely than district schools to promote integration, since in most
charter schools white and minority kids take the same courses, while in
many district schools minority kids are placed into nonacademic tracks.
The AFT also fails to present a sophisticated discussion of school
market locations. Due to their problems with obtaining facilities,
charter schools tend to locate in low-rent areas, while drawing students
from miles around. This makes comparisons with the nearest district
schools highly misleading. Scott Milliman and I found, after correcting
for this and other errors, that one of the key studies cited by the AFT
as alleging racial concentration in charter schools in fact found
charter schools no more segregated than district schools, with the
notable exception of those charters that had converted from private
schools. Furthermore, findings that charter schools for at-risk students tend to have proportionately more minorities than district schools are
no surprise, since proportionately more minority students are at risk.
Nationally, charter schools are 52 percent nonwhite while district
schools are 41 percent nonwhite, suggesting that on the whole charters
are serving traditionally underserved populations.
Context is a major issue in the AFT'S reporting on student
achievement as well. The AFT correctly reports that most kids in charter
schools seem to do about as well as in district schools, controlling for
demographic factors, This is in fact less success than charter boosters
predicted. The AFT fails to note, however, that most charters are very
new schools; 14 percent of the nearly 2,400 charter schools operating in
the 2001-'02 school year were in their first year, and another 23
percent were in their second year. As a result, the studies cited by the
AFT compare many charter schools in their first or second year with
district schools with decades of experience and deep pockets behind
them. A wealth of scholarship suggests that first-year charters face
serious startup problems, particularly regarding curricula and
personnel. As the RAND study of charter schools and vouchers, Rhetoric
Versus Reality, argued, "Judging the long-term effectiveness of the
char ter school movement based on outcomes of infant sch ools in their
first two years of operation may be unfair, or at least premature."
A more apt comparison would analyze charter schools in their third year
or older. As it is, for the charters to be doing as well as traditional
schools is nothing short of remarkable. Furthermore, many parents chose
charters because their children were failing in district schools,
meaning that charters have very challenging kids to teach.
The schizophrenic personalities of the teacher unions are on full
display in Do Charter Schools Measure Up? A decade ago, the AFT is fond
of telling us, the AFT claimed the mantle of reform by advocating
charter schools as a way of promoting innovation and sidestepping
administrative bureaucracy. But now that the charter school movement has
grown to a point where it actually threatens the monopoly of unionized
school districts and the salaries and perks of teachers, the AFT is
changing its tune. This is unfortunate, As scholar Bruce Fuller points
out, charter school proponents need "a devil's advocate, a
loyal opposition," a role played by the RAND Corporation and by
academics like Fuller himself. But whereas RAND calls for more
experimentation so that more evidence can be gathered, the AFT,
revealing its real purpose here, wants charter schools to be choked off
in their infancy. The scary thing is how powerful their lobby can be.
But so far, parents appear to be more powerful.
Robert Maranto is an assistant professor of political science at
Villanova University and associate scholar at the Goldwater Institute.