Reform blockers: the American political system advantages those who prefer the status quo, which is why so little has changed in American education. (Feature).
Moe, Terry M.
Twenty years ago A Nation at Risk set off alarms about the quality
of America's schools, and ever since our country has been caught up
in a frenzy of education reform. But the frenzy hasn't produced
much, After untold billions of dollars and lofty reform packages too
numerous to list, very little has been accomplished.
Why such disappointing results? Many factors are no doubt
responsible, but much of the answer rests with the politics of
education. The problem is that, with rare exceptions, reforms that make
it through the political process tend to be those that are acceptable to
established interests and that leave the fundamentals-and problems-of
the current system intact. The more things change, the more they stay
the same.
This status quo bias arises from three facts of political life. The
first is that the teacher unions are far and away the most powerful
actors in American education, Their tremendous financial resources allow
them to influence campaigns at all levels of government, and their huge
memberships--more than 3 million total, spread across virtually every
electoral district in the country--enable them to turn out armies of
activists in support of union-endorsed candidates, No other group can
claim such an awesome capacity for in-the-trenches political action.
The second fact of life is that the teacher unions use their power
to resist true reform. Their fundamental interests have to do with
protecting and extending their collective bargaining arrangements,
protecting members, jobs, enhancing members' pay and working
conditions, defending members' rights in the workplace, and
increasing the demand for teachers, These interests need have nothing to
do with what is best for children, schools, or the public interest, They
are classic vested interests--interests rooted in the existing structure
of public education--and they are threatened by serious efforts to
transform the system and to make it more productive.
The third fact of life is that American government is built around
checks and balances that make new legislation difficult to pass and
blocking it relatively easy. To be adopted, a reform must make it past
subcommittees, full committees, and floor votes in two houses (not to
mention filibusters, holds, and other obstacles), and the executive must
sign it. This means that reformers must win political victories at each
step to achieve their ends, while opponents need to succeed at only one
step to block. By the design of our political system, then, the
advantage always goes to interest groups that want to keep things the
way they are. Which is precisely what the teacher unions want.
These are the elements that, taken together, generate a politics of
the status quo. The teacher unions are extraordinarily powerful, they
have a strong self-interest in resisting change, and they operate within
a political structure that magnifies their power by making it easy for
them to block change. This is why true reforms are either defeated or
eviscerated, and why the reforms we get don't change things much.
Mainstream Reforms
In the wake of Risk, the driving force for change came from
business groups and state governors. Business groups were deeply
concerned about a faltering economy and the growing threat of
international competition. They saw a mediocre education system as a big
part of the problem--and they demanded action, Governors were the
politicians who responded. They were held responsible, by both business
and the public, for doing something to improve the schools, and their
popularity and careers hung in the balance, Education reform became the
politically smart thing to do.
But how to do it? Not experts themselves, governors and business
leaders turned to experts within the education community, particularly
academics from education schools--whose advice was predictably
mainstream. The way to improve the schools, these experts argued, was to
spend more money, raise teacher salaries, roughen graduation
requirements, and strengthen teacher certification and training, among
other things: reforms that could be pursued without changing the basic
structure of the system. As a result, the tidal wave of reforms that
swept across America involved almost nothing that was threatening to the
teacher unions, Indeed, the unions had much to cheer about, because the
reform movement gave them golden opportunities to press hard for what
they wanted anyway--more spending--and to claim that they too were
dedicated reformers.
With mainstream reforms doing little to change the system, real
reformers generally agreed by the late 1980s that their efforts were not
working. The notion spread that incremental changes were inadequate for
dealing with the system's deeper problems, that significant
improvement called for a restructuring of the system itself.
This shift in perspective led to a surge of support for two major
movements that soon took on lives of their own: the choice movement and
the accountability movement, In other respects, however, the newfound concern for restructuring didn't amount to much. Intellectually it
served as little more than a big tent under which a hodgepodge of
ideas--from decentralization to professional development to the teaching
of higher-order thinking--could be packaged as exciting, break-the-mold
reforms. Which they weren't, There was no grand vision of how the
system should be changed, no agreement whatsoever on what it might mean
to restructure.
This tradition of reform-as-tinkering has been maintained to the
present day, with all the familiar proposals--augmented by a new
favorite, reductions in class size-continuing to occupy much of the
reformist agenda. Why ate the states investing so heavily in reforms
that hold so little promise? The answer is that, despite their
ineffectiveness, they are political winners, They are popular with the
public; the education school experts make "scientific" claims
on their behalf; the business community tends to believe these claims;
and the teacher unions either support them or find them innocuous--and
so don't exercise their blocking power. Prom a political
standpoint, mainstream reforms are all pluses and no minuses.
The Accountability Movement
The greatest achievement of Risk is not that it generated countless
education reforms. Most of them have been a waste of time and money. Its
greatest achievement is that it directed attention to the problems of
public education, brought political power to bear on the side of reform,
and gave impetus to the movements for accountability and choice--both of
which, while fighting against long political odds, have the capacity to
transform American education for the better.
As the 1980s drew to a close, what made accountability so
attractive was that, unlike mainstream reforms, it offered a coherent
way of thinking about the problems plaguing the system and a plan for
righting them. Moreover, because it was a top-down approach--a demand
for effective management that business leaders, governors, and the
public could readily understand--it came across as a natural extension
of mainstream reform efforts to make the existing system work better. It
was a reform that everyone could agree was desirable.
Well, almost everyone. The teacher unions and their education
allies had a very different view. For the goal of the movement was to
hold them (or their members) accountable, and that was something the
unions wanted to avoid. Historically, teachers and administrators have
been granted substantial autonomy, and their pay and jobs have been
almost totally secure, regardless of their performance. A very cushy arrangement. So why would they want to have specific goals thrust upon
them, their performance evaluated in a serious manner, their pay linked
to performance, and their jobs made less secure? They wouldn't. In
their view, the absence of accountability was a terrific deal, and they
wanted to keep the deal they had.
With accountability so popular, however, the unions and their
allies found themselves in a political bind. Pull-fledged opposition
would have put them on the wrong side and pegged them as self-interested
defenders of the status quo. This being so, they opted for a more
sophisticated course of action: to "support" accountability,
participate in its design--and block any components they found
From the unions' standpoint, most aspects of the typical
accountability plan can be "supported" at little cost. After
all, there is nothing about curriculum standards that is inherently
threatening to union interests, The same can be said for tests of
student achievement. True, standards that are truly rigorous can set
teachers up for criticism (when students fail to meet them), and
achievement tests can provide a devastatingly precise means of conveying
the bad news. But this is why unions participate in the design process:
to ensure that only "appropriate" standards and tests actually
get adopted.
Standards and tests become truly threatening only when they are
backed by formal consequences. The unions' prime goal is to see
that this doesn't happen. Their highest priority is to ensure that
there are no sanctions for poor performance, and above all that there is
no weeding-out process by which the school system rids itself of
mediocre or incompetent teachers. No one should ever lose a job. Other
kinds of economic sanctions--pay cuts, school closings--are forbidden as
Another union bugaboo is pay for performance, which in a genuine
system of accountability would typically be the key means of rewarding
productive behavior, discouraging unproductive behavior, and introducing
proper incentives. The unions insist that pay be determined by formal
criteria--seniority, education--that are nor measures (or causes) of how
much students learn and that any teacher can satisfy. Bad teachers and
good teachers get paid the same. No one has an economic incentive to
When consequences are actually adopted (against their wishes), the
unions do everything they can to ensure that they rake the form of
positive inducements--and thus more money in the hands of teachers and
schools. There should be only winners. No losers. If performance is to
be rewarded, the unions insist that the rewards go to whole schools
rather than individual teachers--which dilutes the impact on teacher
incentives, but induces less competition among union members. Even for
low-performing schools, moreover, the unions insist that the
consequences be positive: more money, more training, more
programs-things that the unions would be pressuring for anyway and that
do nothing to promote the right incentives.
Because of union power, then, the politics of education tends to
produce accountability systems in which the requirements of effective
management are thoroughly violated. The typical system includes no
mechanisms to weed out poor teachers, no attempts to pay teachers based
on their performance, no real sanctions for low performance, and no
logical connection between rewards and incentives.
The truth is, today's accountability systems are pale
reflections of the real thing. They look like accountability systems.
And they are called accountability systems. But they can't do their
jobs very well, because they literally aren't designed to.
School Choice
School choice has provoked more political conflict than any other
education reform because it is the most threatening to established
interests, especially union interests. And the unions, by no
coincidence, are vehement in their opposition.
Accountability, at least, leaves the traditional top-down system
intact. But choice unleashes new forces that work from the bottom up to
redistribute power, to give schools and teachers strong incentives to
perform, and to hold them accountable--through consequences that are
automatically invoked (the loss of kids and resources)--if they
don't do a good job. It also directly threatens the unions with a
loss of members and resources, with far greater difficulties in
organizing new schools, and with losses in power, control, and
When it comes to vouchers, the strongest form of choice, the unions
have drawn a line in the sand and used every ounce of their power to
block. With great success. But while this has had a huge impact on the
progress of education reform, the unions' success has not been
total. The chink in their armor is that the voucher movement has come to
focus its attention on disadvantaged children, particularly in failing
inner-city schools, and polls show that poor and minority families are
now the most enthusiastic supporters of choice in the country. This has
expanded both the constituency and the intellectual and moral arguments
for vouchers, put the unions and their allies (including the Democrats)
in the awkward position of opposing the poor in fierce political
battles--and led to major voucher victories in Milwaukee, Cleveland, and
Florida (not to mention the Supreme Court). It has also led to the
proliferation of privately funded voucher programs, which the unions
have been powerless to stop, and which now enrol l some 100,000
disadvantaged kids nationwide.
Choice advocates have also fought hard for two other kinds of
market-based reforms: charters and privatization. From the unions'
standpoint, charters are hardly desirable. If seriously pursued, they
create competition, allow teachers and students to move from unionized
to nonunion public schools, and reduce union power and control, Still,
because the money and the kids remain in the public sector, charters are
not nearly the threat that vouchers are--and the unions have tried to
salvage their public image, as well as give their Democratic allies
much-needed wiggle room on the choice issue, by following a more
accommodationist strategy.
But how to "support" charters without harming union
interests? As with accountability, the unions have solved this problem
through the politics of program design, using their power to insist on
strict limits on the number of new charters, to require that charters be
authorized by local school districts (which have incentives to say no),
to require that charters be covered by union contracts, to subject them
to as many rules and regulations as possible, and so on. While charters
have become the consensus approach to school choice in American
education, the fact is that today's charter systems offer very
little choice or competition--which is just the way the unions want it.
Privatization is another target of union power. For reformers, the
idea is that school districts or chartering agencies should be able to
contract with private firms to operate public schools--especially
failing ones--in order to take advantage of the greater flexibility,
expertise, efficiency, and innovation that the marketplace might offer.
But here again the unions are threatened. They have virtually no control
over the actions and operations of private firms. The firms'
practices and procedures--longer hours, different teaching methods,
different curricula--may force changes that the unions and their members
don't want. And most important, small experiments with private
firms could lead to far greater privatization in the future and to a
flow of jobs and money to the private sector.
With the unions and their allies thus opposed, privatization has
been blocked in all but a small percentage of school districts,
succeeding only when the schools in question are consistently horrible
and the districts desperate. In these cases, the unions have often
licked their wounds and kept on fighting: making loud public claims
about the firms' poor performance, inciting parent opposition,
accusing firms of doctoring test scores, pursuing court cases to
challenge the firms' authority and decisions, and otherwise making
privatization a miserable, costly, and politically tumultuous experience
for all concerned. When they can't block privatization, they do
everything they can to see that it fails in practice.
Despite the suffocating effects of union power, market-based
reforms have clearly made progress. Choice, competition, and
privatization are taken seriously in today's policy arenas, there
is real power behind them, and they have clearly established a beachhead in American education. As with accountability, however, there is more
symbol than substance here. For even when these reforms have
"won," the unions have succeeded in imposing all manner of
restrictions and limitations to ensure that there is actually little
choice, little competition, little reliance on market dynamics--and
little threat to their interests. What appear to be revolutionary
reforms are mostly gutted by the time they make it through the political
The Future
So are the aspirations of Risk doomed to go unmet? The answer
depends on whether the teacher unions can be dislodged as the supreme
gatekeepers of education reform and their blocking power drastically
reduced. Obviously, there can be nothing easy about this, The unions are
already powerful, and they will use that power to try to defeat any
attempt to take away their power.
Nonetheless, there is a power transition under way even now. It is
almost imperceptible, but it is happening. The main sources are the very
reforms that the unions have been fighting against for the past two
decades: school choice and school accountability. These reforms have
gained a foothold in American education despite union opposition, and,
as they expand their turf in the years ahead, they will eat away at the
foundations of union power.
This is especially true for school choice. Over the long haul, the
dire condition of disadvantaged kids in failing urban schools will
prompt more and more of today's liberal opponents of choice-notably
the civil-rights groups and many urban Democrats-to begin representing
their own constituents on this issue, leaving the teacher unions to
fight their battles alone. Thus isolated, the unions will lose more of
their battles, and choice will continue to expand, if slowly and
episodically. As it does, it will have an increasingly corrosive effect
on union power. By allowing kids to leave regular public schools for
alternatives and by forcing unionized schools to compete with nonunion
schools, choice ensures that the unions will lose members and
resources-and thus become smaller and less politically powerful. As this
happens, they will be less able to defend the status quo against the
relentless challenges of reformers, and there will be more and
increasingly stronger reforms--which will undermine their power stil l
further, thus accelerating reforms. And so it will go.
This process may take decades, and no system emerging from politics
is likely to meet our highest expectations. But it stands to be a
significant improvement over the system we have now, combining top-down
accountability with the energizing, bottom-up forces of choice and
competition to put a premium on performance and to drive out much of the
complacency that has for so long been the norm in American education.
This, I think, will be the true legacy of Risk. Nor the tidal wave of
mainstream reforms usually associated with it, but the far more
important achievements of accountability and choice-in changing American
education for the better, and in moving us beyond the politics of the
status quo.
Terry M. Moe is a professor of political science at Stanford
University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.