Note from the editors.
Dowdell, John ; Craig, Russell
This issue of the Journal of Correctional is the annual special
topics issue. The Journal Editorial staff selected the topic of
"Juvenile Issues in Correctional Education" in 2008. The
Correctional Education Association has purposely been reaching out to
educators and administrators in juvenile justice systems and the
response from this community of educators has been very positive. The
Journal of Correctional Education staff has noted a dramatic increase in
the number and quality of manuscript submissions in the area of juvenile
correctional education. This is a reflection of the importance of
juvenile issues in our profession.
Thank you to all the authors presented in this issue and to the
focus on serving incarcerated youth. One can hardly stress enough the
need for reclaiming human potential in this population by ensuring the
access to transformative educational programming and services. If we, as
correctional educators, can change attitudes, values and behaviors in
the youth population, both the individual and society are served. Young
men and young women are afforded productive and positive lives and
society will save the future cost of incarceration.
The Editors also would like to take this opportunity to highlight
the Journal of Correctional Education submission guidelines found on the
inside back cover of this issue. We have revised these to reflect
advances in technology and to implement a policy on professional content
for Journal submissions.