Winning a billion Consumers: A Disruptive Approach for Success in India.
Narula, Anupam
Winning a billion Consumers: a Disruptive Approach for Success in
India by Atul Joshi, Sage Publications india Pvt. Ltd., 2016, Pages 262,
Price Rs. 450/-
The 2016 edition of winning a billion consumers by Atul Joshi is
good work on understanding Indian consumers. Being a top industry
professional, he has used his vast experience to analyze the subject and
offer solutions that can really transform any business enterprise.
The idea of his book revolves around that the success in emerging
market like India is determined substantively at the last mile. Most
competing products are generally a me-too, there is little difference in
the technology deployed by rival brands and largely all competitors have
equal resourcefulness to access capital. The distinction lies at the
point where external forces to the firm, like understanding the consumer
needs, clients, influencers, retailers and distributors align with the
internal forces of the firm like people, process and products,
predominantly the arena of the last mile.
The author has taken practical approach to understand the problems
in emerging market like India and he firmly believes that successful
companies are not necessarily selling a different product or service in
comparison to their competitors; they are simply selling it
He has highlighted very nicely that in most product categories,
there is an enormous market that still remains unconnected to the
products and only few firms are able to understand consumers and
consumption in India. He emphasizes that disruptive approach is needed
to make firm's products relevant to large population, unlock
aspirations of a billion consumers and to succeed in a market which is
one of the biggest global prospects for the business.
This book reflects how companies can best actualize this potential
in an enormously heterogeneous emerging nation like India by leveraging
their people and distribution assets at the last mile.
The book is structured and phased into three parts:
Part One, covers 'The Last Mile: A Strategic
Differentiator' in which the author has supported his thoughts with
small case lets and its impact on the fortunes of the company. This part
fundamentally answers three questions.
What makes Indian consumers and consumption so unique? What
different ways do companies currently employ to reach their goods and
services to a large, heterogeneous mass? And what last mile
transformation is needed to make an impact in the Indian market?
Essentially, this part defines the context of India, current landscape,
and the change agenda.
Part Two,'Revitalizing the Last Mile: Tools and
Frameworks' demonstrates the tools and frameworks to build a
strategic and market apt last mile constructs. This part of the book
suggest a range of strategies pursued in the emerging markets and
fosters an understanding of the task of demand procreation in markets
where both consumers and consumption are heterogeneous, young, and
inexperienced. Companies must make the job of formulating and executing
last miles systematic to bring in consistency and order, market
mindfulness, and a strategic sense of purpose.
In Part three, 'Delivering The Last Mile: Mission
Critical(s)' emphasizes on four such critical competencies which
companies must-have in the Indian market. Some competencies are
non-negotiable; these are the starting blocks for a company that aspires
to create a market position. Zero calorie value chains, a connect with
the millennial population of India, the right blend of men and man-made
technology, in nations with abundant manpower, and the ability to build
an execution supremacy, which are the four key criteria to succeed in
heterogeneous Indian market.
This book is unique and valuable for academia and business alike.
It is recommended to be read and internalized by academicians and senior
and middle managers of every business enterprise for building a strong
business in India.
Anupam Narula
Associate Professor, FORE School of Management, New Delhi.