An empirical study on the preference and satisfaction for the pre-paid and post-paid cellular subscribers.
Misra, Richa
As markets become saturated and competition intensifies, customers
have more choices and are eager to flex their purchasing power. Churn
rates have escalated with increased competition and regulation. Churn is
the greatest problem telecoms are facing in this competitive
environment. Operators/ that choose not to take a proactive approach to
minimizing churn will never achieve a stable customer base and will not
be able to attain their revenue potential and lag behind in competition.
With ten players already present (including the old and new
venture) in Delhi-NCR Airtel, Vodafone, Dolphin-Garuda, Idea, Reliance,
TataDocomo, Aircel, Uninor, MTS, Etisalat the telecommunication market
has become more competitive than ever.
For service providers increased customer churn has resulted in
rising customer acquisition cost and lower average monthly billing. In
this scenario the service provider has to play an ongoing role in
keeping customer happy and they proactively need to identify high value
customer who are thinking of switching and develop ways to retain them.
To meet these challenges service providers are employing CRM and data
mining technique. The telecom industry has used CRM packages to gather
the data at various touch points of customer interaction however often
the data have not been effectively utilized for effective customer
relationship and business growth.
The study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the
satisfaction of subscribers with the services received from their
current service provider and explores the difference in perception
between subscribers using prepaid and postpaid contracts on the basis of
various business and technical dimensions. According to Research Firm
Gartner, India's Churn rate is 4.5 to 8.0 percent per month, which
is one of the highest in Asia Pacific Region. Gartner Group shows that
it costs 5-6 times more to recruit a new customer than to retain an
existing one, customer retention has now become even more important than
customer acquisition. For many incumbent operators, retaining high
profitable customers is the number one business plan.
In order to support telecom companies manage churn reduction, not
only do we need to predict which customers are at high risk of churn,
but also we need to know how soon these high-risk customers will churn.
Therefore the telecom companies can optimize their marketing involvement
resources to prevent as many customers as possible from churning. In
other words, if the telecom companies know which customers are at high
risk of churn and when they will churn, they are able to design
customized customer communication and treatment programs in a timely
efficient manner.
The Role of Prepaid Cellular Subscribers
The objective of prepaid contract by cellular service provider was
to serve the need of credit challenged subscribers. Prepaid contract was
like a win-win offering for the service providers as there was no credit
risk as no such facility was offered to these customers. The principal
benefit for choosing a pre-paid connection for the subscriber is that
there is no contract a subscriber can cancel the contract anytime
without paying any penalty. For a prepaid subscriber connecting to a
cellular service provider is as simple as buying a SIM card from a local
vendor or a grocery shop. Prepaid Service contract was also friendly for
the subscribers as they get a mobile connection with least
documentation. According to TRAI prepaid services are 20 percent cheaper
than postpaid services. Prepaid Cellular Subscribers have the
flexibility to top up their credit at their time of convenience and a
variety of payment mechanisms are also available. Subscriber's has
more control over their billing as balance can be queried at any time.
The Indian telecom market has more than 91 percent prepaid
subscribers and they change networks at an astounding 50 to 70 percent.
The postpaid market for mobile operators in India is just 9 percent of
total subscriber base but contributes 20 percent to the total subscriber
revenue. (Gartner Report 2010)
Now the prepaid segment is the dominant and fastest growing segment
in India especially in the rural market. Churn in the prepaid segment is
much higher than churn in the postpaid segment - sometimes around 3
times the churn in the postpaid segment. A very promising loyalty
strategy that has emerged in India is the lifetime incoming guarantee
for prepaid subscribers.
Review of Literature
Churn the movement of customers from provider to provider in search
of better and cheaper products and services. The term is used widely but
is adopted conceptually in the Cellular Subscription Market. The churn
rate is one of the most critical subject for this industry. This is due
to the fact that cellular service providers don't differentiate
from each other. They all deliver more or less the same service and
competition is heavy.
All service providers are looking for loyal and satisfied
customers. As markets become saturated and competition intensifies,
customers have more choices and are eager to flex their purchasing
power. In the telecom industry, the broad definition of churn is the
action that a customer's telecom service is canceled or hung. This
includes both service-provider initiated churn and customer initiated
churn. An example of service-provider initiated churn is a
customer's account being closed because of payment default.
Customer initiated churn is more complicated and the reasons behind
vary. Examples of reasons are: unacceptable call quality, more favorable
competitor's pricing plan, misinformation given by sales, customer
expectation not met, billing problem, moving, and change in business,
and so on.
Specifically, churn is the gross rate of customer loss during a
given period. Churn can be shown as follows:
Monthly Churn = (C0 + A1 - C1) / C0 Where:
C0 = Number of customers at the start of the month
C1 = Number of customers at the end of the month
A1 = Gross new customers during the month
A high churn rate also puts pressure on companies to win new
customers. To illustrate how the cost of churn affects an individual
wireless carrier, suppose the carrier has three million subscribers at
the start of a year and an annual churn rate of 27 percent, amounting to
a loss of about 810,000 subscribers in that year. The main problem with
customer initiated churn is that customers don't announce their
intentions in advance. It's up to the carrier (Mobile Network
Operator) to uncover evidence of potential churn, ideally even before
the customer solidifies feelings or intentions.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a well known and established concept in
several areas, such as marketing, consumer research, economic
psychology, welfare-economics, and economics. The present study also
measures customer satisfaction of the cellular service subscribers on
the basis of various service quality criterions.
There have been many studies on customer satisfaction over the
years. Cardozo (1965) was the first to research this concept and to
introduce it into the marketing field. Since then the definition changed
over time but it was always clear that satisfaction and quality are
interchangeable. Parasuman, Zeithaml and Berry (1994) have provided the
clearest definition for satisfaction. They suggest that satisfaction is
influenced by service quality, product quality and price. They have
researched satisfaction on a transactional level, which implies that the
overall satisfaction is a function of transactions.
Satisfaction is a consumer response that is both affective and
cognitive. The response has a particular focus and occurs at particular
time (Giese and Cote, 2000).
The focus of consumer satisfaction is to compare performance to a
standard. The focus can be on different objects like the salesperson,
the product or service (or both) and consumption. The focus depends on
the context of satisfaction judgment. Satisfaction is known to be a
post-purchase phenomenon.
According to Dick and Basu (1994), loyal customers are less likely
to search for alternatives and more often engage themselves in
word-of-mouth communications with other people. A lot of studies have
been conducted on customer loyalty and customer retention and switching
behaviour. In fact; switching, loyalty and retention are all constructs
in the same area. Where loyalty is positive behaviour, switching can be
characterised as negative behaviour. Satisfaction has proven to be
strongly related to loyalty (Hallowel, 1996). A study by (Lim, Widdows,
Park; 2006) showed that especially in the cellular service market,
satisfaction leads to loyalty.
The study about customer loyalty, conducted in Turkey (Aydin and
Ozer, 2005) shows that switching costs and service quality are the most
important factors for determining customer loyalty.
Customer Knowledge and Retention
The customer knowledge can be used to actively monitor usage
patterns to highlight those customers most likely to migrate to another
Mobile Network Operator. Analytical customer management strategies are
ideal for mobile network operators because they have unusually rich
customer transactional data, which allows I very specific patterns and
results to be identified.
The tools for performing such analysis of customers include data
warehousing, data mining, and data visualization.
Data mining refers to using automatic or semiautomatic methods to
extract latent, unknown, meaningful, and useful information or models
from large datasets (Berry et al., 2004; Dunham, 2003; Fayyad et al.,
1996; Han et al., 2001; Kantardzic, 2003; Tan et al., 2006). Data mining
tools identify pattern in data and deliver valuable new information that
can increase a company understanding of itself and its customers. Data
mining is commonly used to help analysts search for information they
don't yet know to look for, often involving no hypothesis. It has
helped companies uncover a diverse set of new knowledge. Data mining is
the method of penetrating through enormous amount of customer data to
discover patterns, associations, and tendency in customer usage. Data
mining can assist the service provider to build up customer outline and
identify historical relationship between certain outlines and the
susceptibility to churn or move to another service provider. Data mining
methods are used to investigate many outline-related variables, counting
those linked to demographics, service contract, offers and promotion,
and usage patterns including feature usage.(Carl Geppert 2002).
It is crucial in such a low margin and tough competition that data
mining results extend beyond obvious information. Off-the-shelf data
mining solutions may provide minute "new" information and thus
supply simply to predict the obvious (e.g., predicting propensity to
churn for a subscriber who hasn't paid his or her bills in last
three months).
Tailored data mining software's may give much more valuable
information to the service provider.
Data visualization software facilitate service provider to view
graphically the association between churn and customer outline or
outline-related variables. By facilitating human perception to identify
relationships that are complex to find out mathematically, visualization
present a cognitive accompaniment to statistical methods. In addition to
presenting the information Data visualization is a competent mode to
study graphically the strength of the associations identified by data
mining. Leading indicators of churn potential include late payments,
numerous customer service calls, numerous tariff option available to
customers and declining use of services. (Wei and Chiu 2002)
There are principally three types of data mining technique
particularly to CRM:
Predictive Analysis
In this technique the organization uses historical data to
determine future behaviors. Predictive modeling generates output that
populates a "model" or structure to represent the results. For
instance, a predictive model can indicate the next offer a consumer is
most likely to respond, based on historical behavior by the consumer and
other consumers who have also responded to the similar offers. It is
primarily used to determine future results.
A decision tree is a mining technique based on predictive modeling
and as the name suggests, it can be viewed as a tree. Particularly each
branch of the tree is the classification question and the leaves of the
tree are considered as subsets of the dataset along with their
classification. For example in our case we need to segregate the
subscriber who are likely to churn a decision tree might be prepared
like that in Figure 1.
Neural Networks
Two of the most used data mining algorithms in business are either
decision trees or neural networks. Neural networks have both limitation
as well as benefits like user friendly and ease of deployment, but they
do also have some significant advantages. The most important benefit is
their extremely precise predictive models that can be functional across
a huge number of significantly distinct issues.
To be more particular with the term "neural network" the
term" artificial neural network" is used. True neural networks
are natural systems (brains) that discover patterns, can make possible
predictions and have the ability to learn. The artificial ones are human
created computer programs that design and implement complex pattern
discovery and machine learning algorithms on a system to construct
predictive models derived from huge historical databases. The genesis of
Artificial neural network started off with the hypothesis that systems
could be made to "think" if Artificial intelligence found
methods to imitate the organization and operation of the human brain on
the computer. Henceforth neural networks grew out of the area of
Artificial Intelligence instead from the area of statistics.
Sequential Analysis
This technique records combination of activities that occurs in a
particular order. The organization uses sequential analysis to find out
whether the consumer is following a particular order. For example a
cellular service provider can understand more about a subscriber for the
reasons of the slowdown in the usage of cellular services.
Association Analysis
In this algorithm the statistician identifies group of similar
activities or items. This technique is frequently used in market basket
analysis to help marketer understand the products being purchased
While all Cellular Service Provider have proprietary customer
information databases, the warehousing and mining of the data can either
be performed in-house with the requisite technology platform or
outsourced to a telecomfocused CRM adviser. In fact, an advance in CRM
technology gives the service provider a choice among a wide range of
software packages and customized solutions. In any case, ongoing
analysis of real-time data enable a Cellular Service Provider to
arbitrate with a range of customer retention options.
Data Mining Solutions Used by Cellular Service Provide
The churn management issue is more intensive in the prepaid
cellular contracts, which now a days covers for the immense amount of
Indian cellular users. The prepaid customer is more price-sensitive than
the post-paid one. With one of the lowest rental world wide, customers
with low usage prefer prepaid cards. Also, students and those who like
to experiment with different networks prefer the prepaid offering.
According to Express Computer (22 September, 2003) the major
cellular service providers have I put into practice SAS's churn
management system to decrease churn and maintain profitable subscribers.
SAS data mining and churn management solution provides complete
end-to-end customer maintenance solution, which ropes the entire
procedure of managing churn-starting from collecting the
user's/subscriber's 'data and warehousing the subscribers
data in predictive churn model to create reports and suggesting
quantified results to cellular service providers to retain their
valuable subscribers.
The data mining s/w allow a cellular service provider to get an
extensive understanding and knowledge of the variables that impact
subscriber's churn. The software allow the telecom operators to
study and know which subscriber is prone to switch and the possible
reasons behind it, this knowledge enables the cellular service provider
to take effective step before the subscriber decides to leave.
The strategy to predict the switching behavior of the subscriber is
based on scoring technique. The score is measured on a scale of 0 to 1.
If a subscriber scores 0.53 it infers there's a 53 percent
propensity of his/her churning or leaving the current service provider.
The lesser the score on data mining solution, the more satisfied is the
subscriber. After the scores are calculate, it is comparatively likely
to find out the subscribers who are more prone to switch.
The churning management solution based on data mining technique
enables the cellular operator with a sliced and diced view of the
subscribers base, and henceforth it gives power to service provider it
to differentiate individual subscriber as per their requirements. The
subscriber attributes that are normally accounted in a churn
investigation are subscriber demographic information, their payment
contract, customer service data, billing and usage data. Out of these
the most critical variables that are used historically are the amount of
time a subscriber spends on air, the number of voice calls he makes, VAS
usage and the bill generated from that subscriber.
The score generated by the solution that provides critical
information becomes immensely important for the service provider and
henceforth gives them a window to make proactive decisions and
subscriber dissatisfaction that are hindrance in service quality and
thereby responsible for churn. The sliced and diced data also provides
the service provider other benefits and contributes to increase the
average revenue per user by providing crossselling and up-selling
opportunities, which can further increase the profitability of the
service provider. (Atul Jhamb,2003). BHARTI AIRTEL has developed such a
fine-grained segmentation approach by applying data mining and
predictive analytic techniques to its customer and usage data. This
segmentation drives the whole customer lifecycle, from acquisition to
retention and development. With customers from urban professionals to
rural villagers whose phone is their only technology, segmentation is a
pre-requisite for effective targeting. BHARTI AIRTEL customers have
access to something called My Airtel, My Offer. Driven by sophisticated
predictive analytics and Bharti Airtel's precise segmentation of
its customer base, My Airtel, My Offer predicts the best possible plan
for each customer. These personalized plan suggestions are presented
consistently across Bharti's 20,000 call center representatives,
its million plus retail partners and direct to consumers through
interactive voice response and SMS systems among others. (James Taylor
Research Questions
Are there significant underlying differences between prepaid and
postpaid cellular subscribers which may lead to churning behavior and
price tolerance?
Objectives of the study
The objectives of this study are:
* To identify possible differences in perception of the prepaid and
postpaid cellular subscribers for the fundamental attributes of
selecting a service provider, Cellular usage and Service quality.
* To identify the usage of data services provided by the service
Research Methodology
Although the number of mobile users is proliferating, there is
little empirical evidence to help marketers fully understand what
constitutes consumer satisfaction, factors for churning, customer
retention and loyalty from a Mobile Network Operator perspective.
The principal sources of data for this exploratory research were
based on the review of literature and an experience survey also known as
key informant technique to tap the knowledge of those familiar with the
subject matter in the chosen set of organizations.
Sample Design
The target population for this study was defined as individuals
using an active mobile service in NCR region at the time the survey was
conducted. To establish the sample frame, a list of users was obtained
from education (students, teaching and administrative Staff), government
and corporate institutions and home users of the four major regions:
Noida, Delhi, Ghaziabad and Faridabad. It was clearly communicated to
the respondents that their opinions should reflect their
personal/official usage of the Mobile phone and other related services.
Convenience sampling was used as this research sought to generalize the
results obtained as much as possible. A total of 500 respondents from
the four regions mentioned above.
Service providers have introduced a plethora of value-added
services to increase customer 'stickiness'. The common
services offered by almost all operators include SMS, group messaging,
voice mail, caller line identification, entertainment services and even
multimedia messaging. Other than this, different service providers have
introduced unique services for certain segments of customers, depending
on their usage patterns.
Finding and Interpretation
With the growing acceptance and usage of services other than voice
will be the additional revenue generator for the service provider. While
the user at large are still comfortable with the basic value added
services like SMS (Short Message Service), Picture Messaging (Multimedia
Message Service) and Roaming (cellular services in a foreign network)
but with the growing importance of social media in organization and in
person the advance value application is growing and will further
accelerate in near future.
Results and Interpretation
The result in the Table shows that there is a significant
difference in the usage of Value Added Service as indicated by
Independent sample t-test at 99 percent level of significance.
The rating for the post paid subscribers is higher (Mean=4.61,
S.D=2.21) than those for pre-paid (Mean=4.10, S.D=1.78).There is more
usage of Value Added Services in the Post Paid group as compared to
prepaid group. The reason may be more disposable income in hand as well
as more corporate connection in the post paid group subsequently the
users need to be connected with the organization there by increased
usage of VAS like roaming, official mails.
Regarding the second indicator i.e. Actual Experience, the result
shows there is no significant difference found between two groups in the
AEXP (Actual Experience Indicator) as indicated by Independent sample
t-test. However the mean value indicates Prepaid group is slightly more
satisfied (Mean=27.23, S.D=4.33) than the post paid group (Mean=26.52,
S.D=4.64) the reason may be no billing complaint in prepaid there by
clarity in billing and less complaints as well as prepaid subscribers
are receiving the same quality of services in comparatively lesser
The result of the third Indicator i.e., Mobile Usage shows there is
no significant difference found between two groups (Pre-paid and
Post-paid) however the mean value indicates in prepaid group (Mean =
10.93, S.D= 4.46) there is slightly more usage of services in terms of
SMS than Postpaid (Mean = 10.44, S.D= 4.23) the reason may be more
number of students belongs to prepaid group where there is more tendency
of making text messages.
The cost indicator result shows there is no significant difference
found in this group thereby behavior of both prepaid and postpaid group
is similar. However the mean value shows prepaid customers (Mean=8.91,
S.D= 1.39) are slightly more satisfied in the cost (indicator) than the
postpaid customers (Mean=8.81, S.D= 1.54) the reason may be prepaid
customers are no credit customers thereby less billing complaints.
Prepaid services may achieve greater control over their expenditure by
only making calls they have previously paid there by managing the risk
of unpredictable phone bills.
As far as the fundamental attributes of selecting a service
provider is considered, the result shows that there is a significant
difference found in the pre-purchasing quality indicator in the behavior
of two groups prepaid and postpaid. Prepaid subscribers have more
pre-purchasing expectation from their service providers as compared to
Post-paid subscribers. The reason may be in this segment there are more
price sensitive youth market who are relatively more conscious about
Cost (Tariff) and VAS.
The telecommunication services have made a rapid stride both in
quality and quantity. However the users at large are found dissatisfied
with the quality of service made available to them. The process of
technological sophistication has gained the momentum but the users are
yet to get the quality service.
The study reveals that prepaid customers are significantly more
cost conscious as compared to the post paid customers and they have
shown significantly more chances of switching if the service provider is
increasing the price or the competitor is lowering the price. For
Prepaid Customers being on the same network as friends or family is
significantly more important. Prepaid customers are significantly more
satisfied with quality/price factor; they are also significantly more
satisfied with Value Added Services. Prepaid product was like a win-win
offering to the service provider as they were not required to take any
credit risk, as no credit facility was offered. Mobile service providers
have traditionally focused more of the churn management and retention
effort on post paid segment and therefore the service providers should
design proactive retention program and should make effective use of
business intelligence and data mining technologies to stop churning in
this segment especially of the profitable customers.
Lowered call tariff and the quality of services including network
coverage, line and sound quality was the major industry growth driver.
Wireless Subscriber growth will continue as there is still a lot of
scope in the Indian rural market. Churn Management in the Prepaid and
the Post paid segment need to be proactive rather than reactive because
prepaid subscribers are difficult to reach once they leave their service
provider. Operators are experiencing low Average revenue per user
because of lowered call tariff thus they are focusing upon content
aspect. Games and content should be developed keeping local taste in
SMS based application and services are successful. (Reality Shows)
It is imperative to bring value and satisfaction to the subscriber
and introduce services and offers that hook the subscriber to their
service provider. New technology, continuous improvement in service and
development is fundamental to increase loyalty and reduce churn. A churn
management solution would definitely provide insights to the service
providers and help create more striking incentives, attractive tariff
bundles, loyalty schemes and proactive approach customer service in
addition to acquisition strategies to attract and retain the right type
of subscriber, thus minimizing fraud and bad debt.
Limitation and Scope for Future Research
With respect to future research initiatives, several avenues can be
explored. First, a large-scale study utilizing a large data sample is
required to further confirm the viability and applicability of the
As per the future research initiative, other opportunities can be
explored like a large scale survey of several thousand subscribers on
the questions related to Customer satisfaction indicators within a short
period of time as the subscriber perception changes due to the effect of
external variables. Longitudinal study will be critical to understand
the evolution of the behavior of the subscriber over a period of time.
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Richa Misra Assistant Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management,
Table I
Usage of Value Added Services Provided
by the Service Providers
Value Added Service Frequency Percentage
Download Games 112 22.4
Text messaging (SMS) 457 91.4
Picture Messaging (MMS) 187 37.4
Voice Mail 89 17.8
Download ring tones and icons 121 24.2
Wireless internet access 156 31.2
Roaming 304 60.8
Information services 102 20.4
Table II
Difference in Perception Between Two Groups (Pre-Paid and Post Paid
Group) with Respect to the Customer Satisfaction Indicators
Pre paid Post paid
Indicators (N = 318) (N = 182)
Mean SD Mean SD
1-Value Added Services 4.10 1.78 4.61 2.21
2-Actual Experience 27.23 4.33 26.52 4.64
3-Usage of the mobile phone 10.93 4.46 10.44 4.23
4-COST (Cost incurred on the 8.91 1.39 8.81 1.54
5-QUALITY (Fundamental attributes 21.15 4.10 1.78 2.98
of selecting a service provider)
Indicators Significance
1-Value Added Services 2.86 S **
2-Actual Experience 1.73 NS
3-Usage of the mobile phone 1.19 NS
4-COST (Cost incurred on the .78 NS
5-QUALITY (Fundamental attributes 2.13 S **
of selecting a service provider)
Note: ** -significant at .001, * -significant at.005,
NS-Not Significant