Impact of the Health Services Utilization and Improvement Model (HUIM) on self efficacy and satisfaction among a head start population.
Tataw, David B. ; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad
The powerlessness of low income health services consumers in an
ever complex US health care system is self evident. Low income children
between the ages of 0 to 5 present unique circumstances due to their
distinct provider systems, different epidemiology of illnesses and
developmental issues. Their dependence on care-givers to access care
(Ferris et. al., 2001), and the limited skills and knowledge of their
care-givers calls for a health services model that is separate and
different from the adult model (Forrest et. al., 1997) as well as
mainstream models.
The Health Services Utilization and Improvement Model (HUIM) is an
empowerment and predictive model which was designed to reduce low levels
of health services utilization and improve preventive health techniques
and disease self-management for Head Start families with the ultimate
goal of attaching each child to a medical home (Tataw et. al., 2007).
HUIM was implemented through educational and case management strategies
that address individual determinants of health services utilization as
well as provider accommodation.
The specific aim of this paper is to evaluate and report the impact
of HUIM on utilization and satisfaction with care, as well as knowledge
regarding prevention, detection, and treatment of asthma, diabetes,
tuberculosis, and child injury among low income health services
consumers. The rationale, design, and implementation strategies and
structures of HUIM have already been covered in a separate paper (Tataw
et al., 2007). This report focuses only on the parents' related
outcomes including self-efficacy and satisfaction with health services.
Self-efficacy refers to the state of competence to perform certain
desired tasks or behavior (Baranowski et. al., 2002). Satisfaction with
health services refers to the extent to which the patient is comfortable
with, or accepts the services of a health provider. We also discuss
future research opportunities, and implications for policy and practice.
Satisfaction and Self-efficacy have become important constructs for
health services scholars and practitioners. Administrators and
researchers have increasingly focused on patients' satisfaction
with the health care they receive as an important quality measure
because satisfaction has been linked to health status and clinical
process outcomes including compliance to medical treatment, prevention
interventions, and improvements in health conditions (Cameron, 1996;
Hall et al., 1998; Deyo & Diehl, 1986; Winefield, 1995; Redekop et
al. 2002; Alazri & Neal, 2003). Studies also tie self efficacy to
compliance with therapy regimens and positive coping styles.
Non-adherence has been associated with personal factors such as sexual
orientation and self-efficacy; physical factors such as loss of
appetite; and interpersonal factors such as doctor-patient relationship
( Remien et al. 2007) . Adherence is associated with patients'
self-efficacy regarding their medical regimen which, in turn, is
associated with their social support (Atkinson et. al., 2008). Also,
SoEderlund & Lindberg, (2001), showed that self-efficacy is related
to patients' use of different coping styles. Patients with high
self-efficacy reported less use of "maladaptive" and passive
coping styles than patients with low self-efficacy.
Low-income children and children with special needs have been found
to have high levels of unmet needs (Janicke et. al. 2001; Newacheck et.
al. 1996; Mel nick, et. al., 2002; Newacheck et. al. , 2002) and
experience poorer quality of primary care (Steven& Shi, 2002a;
2002b; 2003). Parent's self-confidence to voice concerns (Janicke
& Finney 2003, McCarthy et. al., 2003), Language barriers (Seid et.
al., 2003; Weech-Maldonado et al. 2001, 2003), parents' perception
of having a regular provider (Stewart et. al. , 1997), and satisfaction
with care (Stevens & Shi., 2002a; Christakis et. al., 2002; Baltutis
& Morgan, 2002) impact parent's primary care utilization
The Preventive Health Education and Medical Home Project (PHEMHP)
The Health Utilization Improvement Model (HUIM) is a variation of
the Preventive Health Education and Medical Home Project (PHEMHP), which
is a minority health services utilization improvement approach designed
by faculty in the Department of Pediatrics at Charles R. Drew University
in Los Angeles. The PHEMHP calls for coordination and maximum
utilization of existing health and medical services within the community
for improving the health of a child. This task is accomplished by being
an information resource, providing health education, engaging a network
of providers and community volunteers, and focusing on establishing a
medical home for the child and family. Consumer empowerment and the
improvement of the provider's capacity to meet the needs of the
low-income family are central to the PHEMHP (Tataw, Bazargan, James,
The theoretical concepts of relevance to this study are
self-efficacy, social response/conditioning, perceived threat, and
perceived barriers. We believe that our intervention will generate
enough human and environmental stimuli and reinforcements to overcome
barriers to preventive health behavior and health services utilization
in the targeted Head Start population. As perceived threats to health
are recognized and perceived barriers are overcome, self-efficacy,
self-care and positive health prevention, and service utilization
outcomes will be realized in the target Head Start population.
Self-efficacy refers to the state that individuals experience as
"competence" to perform certain desired tasks or behavior
"including confidence in overcoming the barriers to performing that
behavior" (Baranowski et al. 2002, p. 173). Self-efficacy is a key
concept of the Health Belief Model (HBM) which is one of the most
frequently used value-expectancy theories in health behavior
applications (McKenzie et. al. 2005). The Health Belief Model posits
that health-related action such as self-care, depends on the
simultaneous occurrence of three factors: sufficient motivation,
perceived threat, and perceived barriers.
Predisposing, enabling, and perceived health factors contribute to
self-efficacy and ultimately lead to positive behaviors such as
self-advocacy, appropriate utilization of health services, and disease
self-management. The HUIM, through education and non-clinical case
management, creates enabling, and perceived health factors necessary to
generate self-efficacy, self-advocacy, appropriate health utilization
patterns, health prevention and disease self-management in the Head
Start population.
This was a prospective quasi-experimental pretest-posttest
intervention study. During the first year, the program focused on four
intervention sites. In the second year, four control sites were added to
the program.
Site Selection Criteria
The sites were selected based on their geographic location,
enrollment numbers and racial/ethnic makeup. The goal was to ensure that
selected sites reflect the racial demographic mix of the Head Start
population and Head Start's service area.
Participating Parents
During the enrollment of their children to the program, parents
were approached for participation in the HUIM program. To be able to
enroll in the program, parents/guardians had to meet the following
criteria: 1) have a child between the age of 3-5 who was enrolled in the
Head Start Program; 2) reside within the geographic area of South Los
Angeles; 3) provide written or verbal consent indicating that they were
aware of the objectives of the program and are willing to be a part of
it; (4) have no definite plans to leave the area in the next year.
Participating Providers
Head Start enrollment databases were used to track each
child's compliance with health-related enrollment requirements.
Through this database we identified providers with five or more
non-compliant enrollees. These were providers who at the time were
practicing in any of the following settings: medical offices, medical
groups, hospital-based groups, or providers in solo-practice.
Intervention:Health Services Utilization and Improvement Model
The two year HUIM intervention reached 80 community providers, and
provided educational services to 250 participating parents representing
600 CDU Head Start children. The average participating Head Start family
had 2-3 children. Not every parent who was served participated in the
Program Design
HUIM was implemented in two years; during the first year we applied
a one group pre and post quasi-experimental design using four
intervention sites. For the second year we used a pre and post
quasi-experimental design including both intervention and control groups
made up of 4 intervention sites and 4 control sites. Therefore, the two
year HUIM intervention took place at eight Charles R. Drew University
(CDU) Head Start program sites altogether between June 2003 and June
2005. All Head Start sites were located approximately 5 miles from each
other (Tataw et al. 2007). Charles Drew University Head Start has 21
state-licensed sites and home-based programs, serving 1,800 children
from 0 to 5 years in south central Los Angeles. This is an area which is
disproportionately affected by socio-economic and health disparities.
The racial makeup of the Drew Head Start Program includes 64% Hispanic,
35% African American and 1% other. The Head Start Program is a
university community program serving low income families with
semi-autonomous status, supported by federal and state funds and
governed by a community policy council.
Program Components
The educational component had two subcomponents, parent education
and provider orientation. Non-clinical case management included
assessment/screening, individualized action plans, attachment to
existing payer sources, referral to existing health resources,
monitoring and third party advocacy as participants navigated the health
care system.
All consented Head Start participants for selected sites were
screened using California and American Academy of Pediatrics well-child
care standards and provided utilization activation tools. Utilization
activation tools included a brochure listing patient rights, existing
resources, how to qualify for health insurance, well-child guidelines,
what questions to ask a child's provider, and common provider
mistakes on Head Start health forms. Based on the outcome of the initial
screening, enrollees were referred to any needed services and mentored.
Health educational workshops were provided to parents during routine
Head Start parent educational sessions. Enrolled participants also
filled out a 30-40 minute structured questionnaire. Both English and
Spanish versions of the questionnaires were available and were used
based on the participant's preferences. Follow-up assessments were
carried out; a pretest and 3-month post intervention assessment using
only one group (i.e. intervention group). A pretest and 6-months post
intervention assessment, again using only one group (i.e. intervention
group), and a pre and 6 month post intervention using both intervention
and control group.
After completion of baseline assessments in the intervention sites
and when applicable in control sites, enrollees in both intervention and
control sites received five health educational/training workshops
covering areas related to prevention, identification, and treatment of
diabetes, asthma, obesity, tuberculosis, and child injury. In addition
to educational workshops, enrollees in the intervention sites received
structured case management delivered by bilingual English and Spanish
Community Health Workers who were trained for this purpose.
Thirty minute, on site, in-service, information sessions were
scheduled with all consented providers to share and exchange information
about the unique needs of Head Start families. Information sessions were
delivered by the program trained staff and included information
regarding how to complete Head Start forms, billing practices, class and
cultural issues that handicap self-expression by Head Start families.
Detailed intervention components are outlined below and include the
Parental education: Parental education was composed of health
systems education and preventive health techniques workshops. The topics
were chosen based on the results of our baseline survey, children health
status review at enrollment into the Head Start Program, community
public health data, and parent preferences obtained through the advisory
Health systems education: There was one health system module
delivered in 3 one-hour workshops. The topics covered included types of
payer programs, process of obtaining coverage, eligibility, enrollment
process, who/where to enroll, types of providers, what makes a good
provider, what to look for when selecting a provider, knowledge of local
providers, free to low-cost primary care facilities and sub-specialty
services for low-income families, what is a medical home, and what is an
appropriate medical home. One hundred fifty parents took part, covering
400 children. There was an average of 2-3 children per Head Start
Preventive health education techniques: There were 12 preventive
health education modules covering the most common diseases in the
community. Parents received 41 thirty-minute workshops. Conditions
covered were obesity, hypertension/blood pressure, diabetes, asthma,
child safety, asbestos/lead poisoning, immunizations, tuberculosis, head
lice, oral hygiene, child abuse prevention and mandatory reporting, and
hand washing as a universal precaution. Class sizes ranged from 30 to
50. Two hundred fifty parents took part covering 600 children.
Provider orientation workshops: In the first year, 30 community
providers participated in two round tables and one grand round. Topics
covered included medical homes for Head Start children, billing
strategies, and the special health services needs of Head Start
children. Based on the feedback from participants in the provider
orientations and the fact that less than 15 Head Start providers took
part in the orientations in the first year, provider orientations in the
second year, were transformed to targeted on-site in-service sessions.
In the second year, 30-minute workshops based on one module were
delivered to 50 community providers. Topics covered included how to
complete Head Start forms, billing practices, class and cultural issues
that handicap self-expression by Head Start families, the unique health
needs of the Head Start population, and Head Start health-related
enrollment requirements.
Non-clinical case management: Non-clinical case management for
parents was implemented by community health workers. Community health
workers were drawn from the same community as the participants, and had
an average educational level of an associate degree. They had no formal
clinical training, but received training on specific disease conditions
and in case-management techniques. Since community health workers were
from the same ethnic and socio-economic background as the target
population, they could easily establish rapport and trust with
participants. HUIM's case management was made up of
assessment/screenings, referrals, service coordination, individualized
planning, coaching, monitoring, and third party advocacy for the purpose
of maintaining a continuum and a regular source of care. This is
distinct from clinical case management which includes treatment plans
and implementation and are usually physician driven and nurse
implemented (Huber 2000, Birmingham & Colon, 2005).
Assessment/screening: These involved one-on-one meetings in which
the community health workers were able to assess the specific needs of
the individual family. Needs usually included enrollment to a payer
source and switching from a provider or insurance plan (usually due to
dissatisfaction with provider and/or transportation challenges based on
provider's location). The HUIM staff was then able to make
recommendations that met the family's needs.
Self-advocacy tools: All parents were provided voice activation
tools, including well-child guidelines, common provider mistakes on Head
Start forms, and what questions to ask a child's provider.
Additional tools included a brochure listing local health resources,
patient rights, and how to get insurance.
Individualized action plan: This involved opening a file/folder for
the family with various tracking forms, which were used to monitor the
goals planned for participants and also involved discussions on
individualized solutions and goal-setting. Each family was identified a
short- or long-term plan based on services needed. Progress notes were
kept at every stage and at the completion of each goal.
Linkages: Staff facilitated access to a new provider, enrolling the
child or another family member in the house to a payer source, and
identified and directed the family to local free or low-cost community
health facilities.
Monitoring and advocacy: This involved service coordination,
coaching, and third-party advocacy so that the child had a regular
source of care. Staff assisted the family in obtaining appropriate
services, ensuring that the provider sees them on time and that the
child's required school health forms are filled out completely and
accurately. HUIM staff also facilitated the provision of an absent
permit from work to allow a parent/guardian to take time off to attend
their scheduled appointment for insurance enrollment or medical service.
Families were weaned out of case management activity once HUIM
staff was assured that the family was maximally utilizing their medical
home and existing insurance programs. This usually took about 6-12
months. After 2-3 visits, most families were able to assure HUIM staff
of their satisfaction with the provider's services.
Instructional Materials, Methods, and Tools
Instructional materials: All preventive education workshops on
health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or obesity, relied on
validated and widely-used curriculum developed by experts in the
discipline or professional organizations. The health systems education
and provider education curriculum were developed in-house by HUIM staff.
Group teaching: All workshops were face-to-face and team-delivered
in groups of 2 to 3 HUIM staff. A translator was included as needed and
instruction was usually in English and Spanish. There was usually a
lecture and smaller group or individual discussions for specific
questions to be addressed. All parent educational sessions took place at
the Head Start sites during required parent educational sessions.
Provider education took place at provider sites and at the
provider's convenience.
Tools: Tools used included posters, displays, flipcharts, and
bulletin boards. Videotapes, overhead transparencies, and printed
materials were also used. In topics in which the HUIM staff did not have
expertise, they relied on community resources for guest lecturers.
Study Measures
This study was approved by Charles Drew University IRB. Study
questionnaire items covering parent outcomes included items related to
predisposing and enabling factors, perceived health status, knowledge of
health services, self-efficacy in disease prevention and health services
utilization, disease identification, prevention, and self-management
skills, and health services utilization. The following socio-demographic
variables were also included in the questionnaire: marital status,
relation to child, person making decisions, length of time living at
current address, regular source of care, if the child has health
insurance, access to regular source of health care, child's health
status, and location of regular care. Same study survey was used for
follow-up assessment, although a few intervention specific items were
added for evaluative purpose. Main outcome variables include:
participants' self-efficacy in disease prevention and health
services utilization as well as their satisfaction with the medical
encounter. A comprehensive parent survey instrument administered at
baseline, 3 months (first year), and at 6 months (second year) follow-up
was the main instrument used to measure predisposing factors, enabling
factors, perceived health status factors, knowledge of health services,
self-efficacy in disease prevention and health services utilization,
disease identification, prevention, and self-management skills, and
health services utilization.
Predisposing characteristics: included marital status of the
parents/guardians and the number of years lived in current address.
Enabling characteristics: were measured using the following
The first index, difficulty in accessing medical care, used a
7-item measure on a Likert scale (1 = extremely difficult to 5 = not
difficult at all), which included the following questions: Overall, how
difficult would it be for you to get the following services for every
child in the family (1) routine physical exam; (2) routine eye exam;
and, (3) see a health specialist.
The second index included difficulty to (1) get an appointment to
see a health care provider; and (2) to get an appointment to see a
The third index included difficulty (1) to get/travel to the health
care provider ; (2) to get/travel to a medical specialist.
Perceived health status factors: were measured through
need-for-care characteristics. The need-for-care characteristic index
was measured by health status including three variables:
Number of self-reported physical health, mental health, vision, and
dental-related needs which were perceived by the parent/guardian needing
medical advice or treatment during the past 12 months (8 items; 1 = yes,
0 = no).
Parent/guardian's self-report of the child's Well-Child
Visits which were measured by 11 items asking questions regarding
immunization schedule. The questions were based on the criteria set for
Pediatric Health Examination by the American Academy of Family
Physicians (2003).
Perceived self-rated health status of the child was measured by
asking the question, "Would you say your child's health, in
general, is poor, fair, good, or excellent?" Response categories
ranging from (1 = poor to 5 = excellent).
Knowledge of existing health services: was measured by knowledge of
health care service locations, based on 7 (1= yes or 0= no) questions on
knowledge of location of the following: immunization /routine physical
check-up, medical advice or treatment, emergency care, dental care, eye
care, hospital care, and specialty care.
Self-efficacy in disease prevention and health services
utilization: was measured through availability of health related
information and voice.
Availability of health related information: was assessed by three
sub-domains. A Likert scale (1 = don't know at all, to 5 =
excellent) was used to assess the following sub-domains: Overall, how
would you rate your knowledge on a) identifying, b) preventing, c)
taking care of 1) asthma, 2) diabetes, 3) tuberculosis using 3-item
questions for each health condition.
Voice: refers to parent's ability to voice their concerns and
therefore ask questions from their health care provider regarding the
health of their child. Parent/guardian's "voice" was
assessed by asking respondents to report in a Likert scale
"strongly disagree" (= 1) to "strongly agree" (= 5)
if they can ask and/or talk about the following matters with their
child's regular health care provider : how to prevent child asthma;
how to prevent child obesity; ask a child's health care provider to
explain the child's health care plan in a way the parent/guardian
could understand; be very honest and open with the child's health
care provider and express concern if the parent/guardian has a problem
with the health care provider's advice.
Disease identification, prevention, and self management skills:
were measured on a Likert scale (1 = don't know at all, 2 = poor, 3
= good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent) of 11 self-report questions on
identifying, preventing, and taking care of asthma, diabetes,
tuberculosis, injury, and violence at home.
Health services utilization factors: were measured by the following
variables: health services utilization, affordability of medical care,
regular source of care, parent's satisfaction with their
child's regular health care provider, and satisfaction with health
care utilization. Health services utilization was measured by 7 items.
All of them tap formal services received during the past 12 months.
Items included the following: did you take your child/children to a
health care provider for the following reasons: 1) immunization or
routine checkup, 2) medical advice or treatment, 3) emergency care, 4)
dental care, 5) eye care, 6) hospitalization, and/or 7) specialty care
(1 = yes, 0 = no).
Affordability of medical care: was assessed by asking whether
during the past 12 months the participants had difficulty acquiring
medical coverage, eye coverage, dental coverage, or purchasing
prescribed medication because "you had to pay out of your
Regular sources of care: were assessed with one item asking the
participant whether there is "a place you usually take your
child/children when they are sick or need medical advice about
health." (1 = yes, 0 = no).
Parents' satisfaction with their child's regular health
care provider: was assessed by asking respondent to report in a Likert
scale if they strongly disagree (= 1), to strongly agree (= 5) with the
statements regarding their child's health care provider including;
a) health care provider being friendly and easy to talk to; 2) health
care provider respecting me and answering all my questions; 3) health
care provider speaks my language; 4) health care provider spent enough
time with me and my child; 5) health care provider gave me child injury
preventive advice; 6) my child's health care provider cares about
us; 7) I can trust my child's health care provider
Satisfaction with health care utilization: as the outcome measure
was assessed by 6 items asking parents/guardians to rate on a scale of 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) where they stand in their
opinion regarding getting a "good caring services from the
doctor" when they used various health care services for their
child/children in the past 12 months. The list of health services
included obtaining routine/regular check-ups, medical advice or
treatment, emergency care, dental care, eye care, and hospitalization.
Detailed descriptions of the study measures have already been covered in
a separate paper (Tataw et al., 2007).
The data analysis evaluated whether the intervention (HUIM) has
improved participants' utilization and satisfaction with care, as
well as their knowledge of prevention, detection, and treatment of
asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis, and child injury. We conducted the
following three step analyses: In the first step, we compared the
baseline scores of the first year participants (n= 64) with their
subsequent follow-up scores (n= 25). In other words, conducting one
group pre and 3 months post intervention evaluation. In the second step,
using paired sample t-test, again, we compared baseline scores of the
second year participants in the intervention (n = 179) with their
respective follow-up scores (n = 84). This time conducting a one group
pre and 6 month post intervention evaluation. In the third step, using
an independent sample t-test we compared follow-up scores of the second
year participants in the intervention group (n = 84) with the follow-up
scores of the participants in the control group (n = 27). In other
words, conducting a two group pre and post intervention evaluation.
These tests allow us to say whether there were any detectable
differences between the means of the groups, and if the differences were
statistically significant. All analysis were performed using the
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 12.0, 2004), A
p-value = <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Step 1: One Group Pre and 3-Month Post Intervention Evaluation
(Table 1).
Sixty four Head Start parents/ guardians were consented, enrolled,
and received intervention during the first year of the study. Most
participants were mothers of the index child (92.0%), and majority
reported being separated/divorced/living with companion, or never
married (69%). Fifty six percent reported living in the United States
[less than or equal to] 5.
Comparing the health related variables in the baseline and
follow-up (Table 1), we observed nearly 13% increase in the percentage
of respondents who reported "extremely/very satisfied (P [less than
or equal to] .05) with the ability to be honest and open with providers
(from 48.3% to 61.6%). Regarding the knowledge items, while during the
pretest 13% of the respondents reported having "very
good/excellent" knowledge regarding diabetes identification, post
results indicate that 27% of these respondents reported such answers
(increase of 14%), (P [less than or equal to] .05). The percentage of
parents who reported having "good/excellent" knowledge
regarding prevention of diabetes increased from 15% in baseline to 20%
in the follow-up (increase of 5%), (P [less than or equal to] .05). The
percentage of parents who reported having "good/excellent"
knowledge regarding taking care of diabetes increased from 14.5% in the
baseline to 31% in the follow-up (increase of 15%), (P [less than or
equal to] .05).
We also detected positive trends from baseline to follow- up ,
though not statistically significant, in the following items:
parents' knowledge regarding, identification, detection, and
treatments for asthma; respondents who reported not having a regular
source of medical care for their children; the number of respondents who
were unable to get medical care for their child/children due to not
knowing where to go or who to talk to; and knowledge regarding
preventing child injury. (Data not reported in Table 1).
Step 2: One Group Pre and 6-month Post Intervention Evaluation
(Table 2).
The intervention group (n= 179) pretest scores were compared with
their subsequent 6-month follow-up (n=84) post test scores. On average,
during the follow-up, they reported a lesser degree of difficulty to
travel to a child's provider or specialty [(M = 4.51, SE = .096)
vs. (M = 8.98, SE = .208), P [less than or equal to] 0.001]; greater
knowledge regarding identification, prevention, and treatment of asthma
during the follow-up [(M = 8.20, SE = 394) vs. (M = 6.47, SE = .0508), P
[less than or equal to] 0.000]; greater knowledge regarding
identification, prevention, and treatment of diabetes during follow-up
(M = 7.63, SE = .428) vs. (M = 5.68, SE = .552), P [less than or equal
to]0.002]; and greater knowledge regarding identification, prevention,
and treatment of tuberculosis during follow-up (M = 7.66, SE = .432) vs.
(M = . 5.27, SE = .4197), P [less than or equal to]].001
Step 3: Two Group Pre and 6-month Post Intervention Evaluation
Table 3 reveals a statistically significant difference between the
mean scores of the intervention group and control group at 6-month
follow-up assessment. On average, participants in the intervention group
reported greater satisfaction with the child's regular doctor
during the follow-up (M = 26.1, SE = .608), than their counterpart
control group (M = 22.8, SE = 1.45) P [less than or equal to] 0.016. In
comparison to the control group, participants in the intervention group
also reported being more able to voice their concerns and therefore ask
questions from their doctors regarding the health of their child [(M =
26.0, SE = .681) vs. (M = 22.7, SE = 1.520), P [less than or equal to]
Furthermore, the follow-up results in Table 3, show that in
comparison to the control group, participants in the intervention group
reported greater knowledge regarding identification, prevention, and
treatment of asthma [(M = 8.36, SE = .370) vs. (M = , 6.66, SE = .708) P
[less than or equal to] 0.029], diabetes [(M = 7.93, SE = .398)] vs. [(M
= 5.84, SE = .696) P [less than or equal to] 0.010], and
Tuberculosis(TB) [(M = 7.95, SE = .402) vs. (M = 5.79, SE = .714) P
[less than or equal to] 0.009].
Like in step 1 above, in step 2 and 3, the data showed a positive ,
though not statistically significant trend in the following areas: a)
higher mean score on knowledge regarding accessing (i.e. where and how
to get) various health care services; b) less difficulty to access care
such as regular care, vision care, and specialty care; c) less
difficulty to get appointment to see a primary care doctor or specialty
care. (Data not reported in Tables 2 and 3.
Many scholars have documented and advocated for the role of
educational and ecological interventions in determining health prospects
(Green and Kreuter, 1999; Mckenzie et al., 2005). Empowerment has been
advanced as both a means and an end in enhancing and promoting health
(Wallerstein 1988, 1992; Braithwaite et. al., 1994; Labonte 1994;
Perkins & Zimmerman, 1995, Tataw et al. 2007; Tataw, Bazargan,
James, 2009). HUIM outcomes data shows that the coupling of parental
education and ecological factors (service linkage and provider
orientation) impacts the health services utilization experience of low
income consumers evidenced by improved self-efficacy ( knowledge and
voice), and satisfaction with care from a child's regular provider.
Participation in HUIM activities also improved the low income
consumer's knowledge of disease identification, self care and
Future Research Opportunities
One shortcoming of the HUIM evaluation is the length of time
between intervention and follow-up assessment. While the baseline was
usually based on one year of experience, the follow-up data was based on
a much shorter time frame. Three months for the first year and 6 months
for the second year. Future research should provide a minimum of one
year for follow-up assessment to take place. That would give more time
for utilizations experiences to be fully demonstrated. Also, a
longitudinal study that follows the participants for about 5 years or
more will provide stronger data to inform research and practice.
Furthermore, HUIM provider data is still descriptive. Future
intervention research efforts should focus on more rigorous methods in
measuring provider outcomes including sensitivity to the needs of their
vulnerable clients as well as behaviors in the provider domain that
might positively impact client experiences during a medical care
contact. In addition, future HUIM interventions should include other
at-risk populations which might be less diverse than our study
population such as Native American populations, low income rural white
populations, and people with disabilities. Finally, investigations which
measure the impact of HUIM on behavioral and health outcomes of Head
Start and other at-risk populations will move HUIM research closer to
its optimum.
Policy and Practice Implications
The positive outcomes in our two year implementation of the HUIM
raise significant questions about the dominant Health Access Policy
model in the US, which focuses almost exclusively on insurance or
financial factors. Should this trend hold with larger samples, the
results will represent a strong basis for rethinking the current Health
Access Policy Paradigm? Potentially, education and service linkage
activities similar to those offered in the HUIM could become part of
required and reimbursable activities in Health Access Public and Private
Programs serving low income populations. Also, the outcomes data in this
study underscores the need to integrate health systems education in
health education designs for low income children and their families.
Finally, the outcomes data suggest that service linkage or non-clinical
case management should be a standard part of practice for pediatric
providers in low income populations which are similar to our head start
The Implementation and Evaluation of the Health Services
Utilization Improvement Model was supported by a Grant from the
California Endowment.
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Indiana University, Kokomo
Charles R. Drew University
Table 1
One Group Pre and 3-Month Post Intervention Evaluation
Variable Baseline Follow-up
Based on last 12 Based on last
months 12 months
(n-64). N/% (N-25) N/%
Satisfaction with ability to be
honest, open with provider.
* Extremely
satisfied/satisfied 54/ 93.1 26/ 100
* A little satisfied/not
satisfied 4/ 5.9 0/00
Knowledge regarding
identifying diabetes --
* Very poor 5/ 8.1 --
* Poor 10/ 16.1 12/ 46.2
* Fair 19/ 30.6 5/ 19.2
* Good 9/ 14.5 5/ 19.2
* Very good 3/ 4.8 2/ 7.7
* Excellent 5/ 8.1 2/ 7.7
* Don't know 11/ 17.7
Knowledge regarding taking
care of diabetes --
* Very poor 2/ 3.2 1/ 3.8
* Poor 5/ 8.1 9/ 34.6
* Fair 19/ 30.6 6/ 23.1
* Good 11/17.7 4/ 15.4
* Very good 3/ 4.8 4/ 15.4
* Excellent 6/ 9.7 2/ 3.1
* Don't know 16/ 25.8
Sources used to find a medical
provider for one's children
* Health professional 35/ 72.9 24/ 92.3
* Internet 11/ 27.5 12/ 46.2
* Head Start staff/HUIM 29/ 63.0 20/ 76.9
community workers
** S = Significant (p < .05)
Table 2
One Group Pre and 6-month Post Intervention Evaluation.
Variables Intervention Intervention
at baseline at follow-up
(n= 1 79) (n= 84)
Mean SE Mean SE t (df), p
Difficulty 8.98 0.208 4.51 .096 25(81), 0.001
to travel for
Knowledge 6.47 .0508 8.20 .394 -3.19(66),
(asthma) 0.002
Knowledge 5.68 .552 7.66 .432 -3.17(64),
(diabetes) 0.002
Knowledge 5.27 .4197 4.51 .096 -4.44(64),
(TB) 0.001
** S = Significant (p < .05)
Table 3 Independent t-test for Two Group Pre and 6-Month Post
Intervention Evaluation
Variables Intervention Control
(n= 84) (n= 27)
Mean SE Mean SE t (df), p
Satisfaction 26.1 .608 22.8 1.45 2.45
with the (109),
child's 0.016
Voice 26.0 .681 22.7 1.52 2.19
Knowledge 8.36 .370 6.66 .708 2.22
(asthma) (95),
Knowledge 7.93 .398 5.84 .696 2.63
(diabetes) (96),
Knowledge 7.95 .402 5.79 .714 2.66
(TB) (95),
** S = Significant (p < .05)