A note on teaching about fair trade.
Brock, John R. ; Lopus, Jane S.
Introductory economics courses traditionally teach about free
trade. This is often done both in the context of exchange between
individuals within a country and trade between individuals in different
nations. Most college textbooks include chapters (most often at the end
of the books) that address free trade and that include numerical
comparative advantage examples to demonstrate gains from trade.
Discussions of trade barriers and the winners and losers from these
barriers are also included.
At the same time, students as consumers are frequently confronted
with the concept of fair trade as they shop for coffee, tea, chocolate
and other products imported from developing countries. From informal
surveys of our university students, we find that there is considerable
ignorance and confusion about the differences between the economic
concept of free trade and the social movement of fair trade. We also
find, not surprisingly, that economists use the expression "fair
trade" to refer to concepts other than the popularly recognized
social movement. Perhaps adding to the confusion, we find that
principles of economics textbooks usually do not address the topic of
fair trade and those that do use the term in different ways.
Understanding free trade and its benefits to both sides of a
transaction and to society is a fundamental and essential principle of
economics. We believe that not addressing the differences between free
trade and the fair trade movement upfront may interfere with
students' understanding of free trade, and perhaps of the goals and
consequences of the fair trade movement as well. For these reasons, we
suggest that principles of economics instructors address, if only
briefly, the issue of the fair trade movement and distinguish it from
the concept of free trade.
There is widespread agreement among economists about the meaning
and importance of free
trade. When referring to international trade, free trade means
trade between people of different nations without artificial or
government-imposed barriers. For over two centuries economists have
endorsed free trade as the best trade policy and as a matter of common
sense, despite skepticism and disbelief from others (Blinder 2008).
Following the insights of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, economists
generally agree that free trade provides overall benefits to society and
benefits both sides of voluntary trades. Trade barriers benefit some
while hurting others and result in overall welfare losses.
The discussion of fair trade is not as straightforward. While
probably no one would advocate for unfair trade, the use of the term
"fair trade" differs both in and out of the economics
profession. In their book Fair Trade for All, Stiglitz and Charlton
(2005) use the term to refer to trade policies that would benefit
developing countries. Through a proposed Development Round in the Doha
Round of the World Trade Organization's trade negotiations,
Stiglitz and Charlton suggest that "... any agreement that
differentially hurts developing countries or provides disproportionate
benefits to developed countries should be presumptively viewed as unfair
and as being against the spirit of the Development Round" (page 7;
italics added).
While there is not one agreed-upon definition of fair trade as it
pertains to fair traded products such as coffee, most definitions
relating to fair traded products refer to a social movement where
socially conscious consumers willingly pay above-market prices to
support workers (often agricultural) in developing countries. More of
the gains from trade are then theoretically diverted to workers and
producers in developing countries. The fair trade movement supports
small farmers and cooperatives over larger enterprises and is also seen
to support causes such as social justice and environmental
sustainability. Dragusanu, Giovannucci and Nunn (2014, 217) define fair
trade as a "labeling initiative aimed at improving the lives of the
poor in developing countries by offering better terms to producers and
helping them to organize." Fair trade certification for products
and receipt of the premium pay may require farmers to adhere to rules
regarding pesticides, recycling, farming techniques and education for
children (Downie 2007). In this paper, unless otherwise specified, we
use the term "fair trade" to refer to this social movement.
The primary organizations in the global fair trade system are
Fairtrade International (http://www .fairtrade.net/), an umbrella group
of 28 Fairtrade organizations headquartered in Germany, that sets
standards for all commodities, and FLOCERT, an independent certifier of
the Fairtrade certification marks. Fairtrade International asserts that
over 27,000 products sold in over 100 countries carry the Fairtrade
certification. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO:
http://www.wfto.com/) purports to be the "source of authentic fair
trade" and is also an umbrella group of organizations in over 70
countries. There are also other well-known organizations that promote
fair trade, including Fair Trade USA, a former member of Fairtrade
International under the name Transfair USA, that separated from
Fairtrade International in 2012. Some firms, such as Cadbury and
Starbucks, have their own fair trade schemes that are perhaps similar to
Fairtrade, or are perhaps what The Economist terms
"Fairtradelite" in its January 31, 2008 issue.
There is a substantial literature on the economics of fair trade,
much of it focusing on the effects of fair trade on specific products
such as coffee (e.g., Elder, Zerriffi and Le Billon 2012) and in certain
countries such as Rwanda. In surveying a broad set of studies,
Dragusanu, Giovannucci, and Nunn (2014) conclude that "the balance
of the evidence does suggest that Fair Trade works--but the evidence is
admittedly both mixed and incomplete," and they note that the
impacts are "on a comparatively modest scale." Claar and
Haight (2015), however, are not as optimistic as Dragusanu, Giovannucci,
and Nunn, maintaining that the high fees imposed upon fair trade coffee
growers along with other factors may result in little benefit to poor
farmers and potentially exacerbate inequality.
Since a goal of the fair trade movement is to provide higher
incomes to farmers and other producers in developing countries to reduce
poverty, some of the literature also investigates effects of fair trade
on poverty reduction. Here again the evidence is mixed, with some
studies finding that the overall effects of fair trade may be the
opposite of those intended. Using coffee as an example, if the problem
requiring fair trade is that coffee prices are too low, higher fair
trade prices may provide incentives to increase supply, which would then
exacerbate the problem (Claar 2012, 43-44). It is important to note,
however, that since fair trade coffee represents only about one percent
of the coffee market in the U.S. and Europe, any overall impact is
likely to be relatively small (Claar 2012, 39). However, while fair
trade coffee exports were only 1.8 percent of global coffee exports in
2009, growth has been very rapid over the past decade (Dragusanu,
Giovannucci, and Nunn 2014, 217). Non fair trade producers in developing
countries may suffer at the expense of those with fair trade
affiliations, negating overall welfare gains to developing countries.
Yanchus and deVanssay (2003) provide a graphical analysis
demonstrating that fair trade pricing strategies are a suboptimal way of
transferring the gains from trade and are inefficient compared to direct
transfers. The authors advocate teaching about fair trade pricing in
international trade courses and suggest including a discussion of the
costs of enforcing standards, raising revenue, and distributing the
donations from benevolent consumers. While we agree that a thorough
discussion of the theories of fair trade belongs in a course on
international trade, we advocate mentioning the issue of the fair trade
movement in principles of economics classes. This could clear up
possible confusion between the terms and help students distinguish
between the concepts.
Confusion Among Students
To informally test our hypothesis that there is ignorance or
confusion about the differences between the concepts of free trade and
fair trade, we asked students in two classes at our universities to
respond to three questions about free trade and fair trade. The
questions were:
1. Do you know what "free trade" is? (If yes, provide a
brief definition of free trade.)
2. Do you know what "fair trade" is? (If yes, provide a
brief definition of fair trade.)
3. In your opinion, do free trade and fair trade refer to the same
concept? Are they connected? (If so, briefly explain.)
One class was a principles of economics class (18 respondents) and
the other was an intermediate money and banking class (45 respondents).
Table 1 shows responses to the core questions reported by course.
Acknowledging that we are introducing no controls and that we are not
attempting any formal statistical analysis, we nonetheless suggest that
the responses do point to confusion about the topics of free trade and
fair trade.
Overall, about half (32) of the respondents said that they knew
what free trade was, representing about 75 percent of the
principles' students and about 40 percent of the money and banking
students. (1) Those who supplied definitions were mostly accurate in
identifying that free trade meant trade without restrictions or
barriers. About a third (23) of the students said that they knew what
fair trade was. Of those who offered definitions, one suggested the
Stiglitz idea of trade that does "not allow big countries to
dominate small." A few mentioned trade that helped coffee producers
or where "people are paid fair prices." But the majority of
the respondents said something to the effect that fair trade was
"trade that benefits both sides" and "both sides win not
just one" or "trade that is equal," implying that the
gains from trade are divided equally. Because most students later
indicated that they do not believe that free trade and fair trade
referred to the same concept, these responses were disappointing in part
because they seem to indicate a lack of understanding that free trade
benefits both sides of a transaction and that both sides to a trade can
benefit without equal distribution of the gains from trade. Student
comments on the third question validated this assumption, with several
commenting that free trade is not fair, or that free trade should be
fair but that it is not. Over a third of respondents believed that the
two terms were connected, with most commenting that the connection was
that they both referred to trade.
Coverage in Principles of Economics Textbooks
Because it is likely that textbook coverage of a topic leads to
course coverage of a topic, we inspected a selection of 20 traditional
principles of economics textbooks published between 2009 and 2011 for
coverage of free trade and fair trade. (2) We did this initially by
checking the textbook indexes for both terms. If we found coverage of
fair trade, we then checked to see how the term was used in the text.
Two of the twenty books, those by Mankiw and McConnell/Brue/ Flynn
(hereafter McConnell), address both free trade and fair trade. Most of
the 20 books (12) clearly list free trade in the index but not fair
trade. Another six list some variation of free trade in the index, but
make no reference to fair trade per se.
In his principles textbook, Mankiw uses the term fair trade in a
way that is different from both Stiglitz and the fair trade social
movement. He uses fair trade as a synonym for resale price maintenance,
a "controversial business price" where retailers are required
to charge a certain price for a product from a supplier with market
power (Mankiw 2009, 380-381). McConnell, however, uses the term fair
trade to refer to the fair trade social movement and includes a boxed
feature titled Fair Trade Products at the end of the chapter titled The
United States in the Global Economy (McConnell 2009, 106-107). The box
goes into detail about the purposes of the fair trade movement and the
questionable overall effectiveness of the movement from the perspective
of most economists. It concludes that the overall demand for labor and
the overall average pay for workers in developing nations have probably
not increased due to the fair trade movement, although there have been
shifts in labor demand within and among low-wage countries. Other
methods of helping low-income countries are suggested, such as
eliminating agricultural subsidies in high income areas such as the
United States and Europe.
Suggestions for Teaching About Fair Trade in Principles Classes
Recognizing that principles of economics courses and textbooks are
already burdened by an attempt to cover a wide variety of topics, we do
not recommend that fair trade be introduced as a major topic in these
courses. Doing so could also risk confusing students into thinking that
fair trade is as basic an economic concept as understanding the gains
from trade. However we believe that briefly mentioning fair trade (e.g.,
that it generally refers to a social movement designed to support some
producers in developing countries) when introducing free trade may be
sufficient to reduce confusion about the two concepts. In this context,
we also suggest emphasizing that free trade is not, by definition,
Because some instructors may choose to teach about fair trade and
the economic issues involved with fair trade schemes, we note that fair
trade could be included in a discussion of several economics concepts
other than under the topic of trade itself. For example, fair trade
provides an interesting application of price discrimination, with fair
trade products priced above market prices and consumers choosing to pay
the higher prices to purchase social justice along with the product.
Fair trade can also be included as an application of demand and supply,
or in a discussion of elasticity. Because both the demand and supply for
coffee are price inelastic, this can lead to wide fluctuations in prices
(Claar 2012, 10-12).
Fair trade could also be addressed in a discussion of ethics, or in
the contexts of poverty and economic growth policies. It could be
included in a discussion of responding to incentives and unintended
consequences of interfering with market prices. Those producers with
fair trade contracts may benefit at the expense of less fortunate
producers in developing countries. And when producers respond to
incentives of higher prices to seek out fair trade contracts, market
supply may be distorted resulting in lower, not higher, world prices.
Although helping small producers is a noble goal, it may be inefficient
if it ignores economies of scale in the industry.
Summary and Conclusions
Many common products in US markets are advertised as being fair
traded. An informal survey of our students uncovered a lack of knowledge
about both free trade and fair trade as it pertains to fair traded
products. When the two terms were juxtaposed, many students expressed
the belief that free trade was not fair. It appears that some students
may be confusing free trade and fair trade, concluding that since free
trade is not the same as fair trade, free trade must not be fair. Most
standard principles of economics texts cover free trade but do not
address the fair trade movement. Since comparative advantage and free
trade are core concepts in most principles texts and courses, brief
exposure to the social movement of fair trade may strengthen student
understanding of free trade.
Blinder, Alan S. 2008. "Free Trade." Library of Economics
and Liberty. Retrieved 3/27/14
Claar, Victor V. 2012. Fair Trade? Its Prospects as a Poverty
Solution. Grand Rapids, MI: Poverty Cure Series.
Claar, Victor V. and Colleen E. Haight. 2015. "Fair Trade
Coffee: Correspondence." Journal of Economic Perspectives 29(1):
"Cocoa farming: Fair Enough?" The Economist. Jan 31,
2008. Retrieved 3/27/14 at http://www .economist.com/node/10609020.
Downie, Andrew. 2007. "Fair Trade in Bloom." New York
Times, October 2. Retrieved 3/27/14 at http://www.nytimes.eom/2007/l
0/02/business/ worldbusiness/02trade.html.
Dragusanu, Raluca, Daniele Govannucci and Nathan Nunn. 2014.
"The Economics of Fair Trade." Journal of Economic
Perspectives 28(3): 217-236.
Elder, Sara D, Hisham Zerriffi and Philippe Le Billon. 2012.
"Effects of Fair Trade Certification on Social Capital: The Case of
Rwandan Coffee Producers." World Development 40(11): 2355-2367.
Fairtrade International, http://www.fairtrade.net/.
Mankiw, N. Gregory. 2009. Economics 5th Edition. Mason OH: Cengage
McConnell, Campbell R., Staley L. Brue, and Sean M. Flynn. 2009.
Economics 18th Edition. Boston: McGraw Hill Irwin.
Stiglitz, Joseph E. and Andrew Charlton. 2005. Fair Trade for All:
How Trade Can Promote Development. New York: Oxford University Press.
World Fair Trade Organization, http://www.wfto.com.
Yanchus, Dennis and Xavier de Vanssay, 2003. "The Myth of Fair
Prices: A Graphical Analysis." Journal of Economic Education 34(3):
John R. Brock, Department of Economics and Center for Economic
Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs. 1420 Austin Bluffs
Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Email: jbrock@uccs.edu
Jane S. Lopus, Department of Economics and Center for Economic
Education, California State University, East Bay. 25800 Carlos Bee
Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94542. Email: jane.lopus@csueastbay.edu
The authors thank Paul Grimes and other session participants at the
January 2013 annual meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations
for helpful comments.
(1.) This overall result was disconcerting because the students in
the principles class had already been taught about free trade at the
beginning of the class. The students in the money and banking course had
completed a macro principles course, which presumably covered the
benefits of free trade and comparative advantage.
(2.) The books inspected were by Bade/Parkin; Baumol/Blinder;
Case/Fair/Oster; Colander; Cowen/Tabarro; Dolan; Frank/Bernanke;
Flail/Lieberman; Hubbard/O'Brien; Krugman/Wells; Mankiw;
Mcconnell/Brue/Flynn; McEachern; Miller; O'Sullivan/Sheffrin/Perez;
Samuelson/Nordhaus; Schiller; Slavin; Stone; and Taylor/Weerapana.
Students' Responses to Questions about
Free Trade and Fair Trade
Money & Principles of
Banking Economics
Course Course
Question / Response Yes No Yes No
Know what free trade is 18 27 14 4
Know what fair trade is 17 25 6 12
Free trade and fair
trade refer 16 22 4 14
to same concept