Academic success and the transfer of community college credits in the principles of economics.
Grimes, Paul W. ; Rezek, Jon P. ; Campbell, Randall C. 等
I. Introduction
In response to the escalating cost of college tuition at private
institutions and public research universities, many of today's
students choose to begin their higher educational experience at 2-year
community colleges. During the decade between 1999 and 2009, enrollment
in 2-year institutions rose by more than one and a half million students
nationwide. Today, approximately 43 percent of all students enrolled in
American institutions of higher learning attend 2-year schools (National
Center for Educational Statistics 2010). Although no comprehensive
census exists, many of these students will ultimately transfer to
universities to pursue the traditional Bachelors degree. In fact, more
than one half of all college students now earn credit hours at more than
one institution prior to graduation (National Center for Educational
Statistics 2010).
In many states, the major universities are eager to attract
students who wish to transfer from local community colleges and regional
institutions. It is common practice for major public universities to
maintain articulation agreements with the community colleges and
regional universities in their state and across their service region.
These agreements serve as a guarantee that students who earn academic
credits from their local institutions can transfer them into the major
universities' degree programs. Today, many states mandate that
articulation agreements must be reached between all in-state public
institutions of higher learning.
For many students, financial constraints limit their ability to
enroll in major universities and 2-year community colleges provide an
affordable alternative. (1) However, casual empiricism suggests that
some students choose to begin their higher education at community
colleges not only in response to lower financial costs, but also due to
perceptions of lower "effort costs." As a consequence some
educators have openly questioned whether the rigor and quality of
courses at community colleges are academically equivalent to those found
on the campuses of major universities. Since the traditional
introductory Principles of Economics courses are usually taught at the
sophomore level, the question of course equivalency is particularly
relevant to economic educators. Previous researchers in the field have
addressed the issue, but the results are dated and may not reflect the
current higher educational environment.
Following a national boom in the opening of new community colleges,
which occurred in response to the baby boom generation's demand for
higher education, a number of community college studies appeared in the
economic education literature during the early 1970s. For example,
Lewis, Wentworth and Orvis (1973) found that students at 2-year colleges
performed significantly below their 4-year counterparts on the
standardized Test of Understanding College Economics (TUCE). Additional
research studies used 2-year institutions as the setting for analyzing
the relative effectiveness of different teaching pedagogies (for
example, Wentworth and Lewis (1973) and Ross (1977)).
More recently, Laband and Piette (1995) using data from the late
1980s and early 1990s, examined the academic performance of community
college transfers with non-transfer (native) students at Florida State
University. They found that the community college transfer students did
indeed perform worse in upper division economics courses than the native
students. In a series of articles, Hilmer (1997, 1999, 2002) addressed
the more general issue of how previous college transfer experience
affects the labor market earnings of university graduates. Hilmer's
results support the human capital model of earnings and show that
measures of institutional quality are reflected in graduates' wage
profiles. Hilmer shows that student transfers between local/regional
institutions and major universities reflect strategic behavior on the
part of students seeking the higher returns to degrees granted by more
prestigious universities. His empirical findings suggest that local
colleges serve as accessible gateways for economically disadvantaged students to select into higher quality institutions.
To ultimately capture the economic benefits conferred by a major
university degree, transfer students must receive instruction of a
quality that prepares them to succeed at their destination institution.
In this study we examine the role of 2-year community colleges in the
higher education hierarchy with a particular emphasis on Principles of
Economics. Specifically, this research addresses three primary
questions. Are economics courses at 2-year community colleges
academically equivalent to those taken at 4-year schools? Do
academically-challenged students self-select into these colleges for
economics courses? Do students who transfer general academic credit from
2-year community colleges achieve the same degree of academic success,
measured in terms of overall grade performance, as those native students
who earn equivalent credits in a university setting? (2)
II. Institutional Context and Data
This study uses Mississippi State University as a case example. MSU is a public Land Grant institution which enrolls a diverse student body
with representatives from all 50 states and from more than 70 foreign
nations. The largest university in the state, MSU has a total enrollment
of approximately 20,400 full-time students. First-year students entering
the university have an average ACT composite score of 23.6. MSU offers a
full range of traditional academic programs from the Bachelors degree
through the doctorate and is rated as a very high research activity
institution by the Carnegie Foundation. In many ways, MSU reflects the
institutional characteristics of a representative major public
university in the United States. Over the past decade, MSU has
experienced a significant increase in the number of students
transferring in from community colleges, and to a lesser extent, from
smaller regional state universities. As required by state regulations,
MSU maintains articulation agreements with all of the state's
fifteen 2-year and seven 4-year public institutions. Thus, our results
may be generalized to a significant number of other universities with
similar characteristics and environment.
Our sample consisted of all students who matriculated in the
academic year 1997-1998 (including new freshman and transfer students)
and who completed both courses of the traditional Principles of
Economics sequence (Principles of Macroeconomics and Principles of
Microeconomics) by academic year 2002-2003. (3) This length of time is
often used for assessment and accreditation purposes to capture the six
year graduation rate. A total of 892 students met the criteria for
inclusion in the sample. Approximately 71 percent of the student
subjects completed the Principles of Economics sequence at MSU with the
remaining 29 percent transferring the credits from other institutions
(23 percent from 2-year institutions and 6 percent from 4-year
institutions). Native students who took their economics courses at MSU
had an 82.5 percent graduation rate while only 68.5 percent of economics
transfer students graduated in six years or fewer. (4)
Table 1 provides the basic descriptive statistics for the sample.
The second column reports the means for the demographic characteristics,
academic aptitude, and the final college of enrollment for students
taking the Principles of Economics sequence at MSU. The third column
provides the same information for students who took both of the
Principles courses elsewhere and then transferred the credits to MSU.
For all students in the sample with transfer credits on their official
transcript, approximately 80 percent earned those credits at a 2-year
community college. The final two columns delineate the transfer students
by institution type.
For native and transfer students alike, Principles of Economics
courses were disproportionately populated with white males compared to
the institution as a whole. Only 39 percent of our sample was female and
only 16 percent was African-American, while in the overall MSU student
population 48.5 percent of students were female and 19.5 percent were
African-American. Students transferring Principles of Economics credits
from another institution were slightly younger and more likely to be
white and from the state of Mississippi than all MSU economics students.
Native economics students were more likely to major in a business field,
but were less likely to major in accounting or an engineering field than
the economics transfer students.
Academically, the average cumulative GPA, measured as the
combination of the GPA earned at MSU and through transfer credits, was
nearly identical across both subsets; however, the average ACT score was
approximately 1.4 points higher among the native economics students than
for the economics transfer students. These findings suggest that there
may be a sample selection issue at work, with the decision to take
economics at a community college or regional university being dependent
on the student's academic abilities, as measured by their ACT
score, and other demographic characteristics. Furthermore, the
descriptive statistics indicate the grades earned in both macroeconomics
and microeconomics were lower for students taking the course sequence at
MSU relative to the grades earned by students who transferred the credit
hours from other institutions. The combination of lower ACT scores but
higher economics grades for transfer students suggests that grades may
not be equivalent across institutions.
Differences also exist across the subsets in terms of the total
transfer hours. The average MSU economics student transferred in about
18 semester credit hours in total. However, students who transferred
credit for the Principles sequence averaged 71 hours credit at other
institutions. Therefore, the economics transfer students were more
likely to have completed an Associate's degree at a two-year
community college. (5) Finally there does not appear to be a significant
difference between when transfers and non-transfers took their
Principles sequence. The students who transferred Principles credit
likely took the courses in their first two years of college. This
pattern is also observed for native Principles students, 77% of whom
took these courses during their first two years at MSU.
III. Methodology and Results
We estimate an econometric model to determine the effect of
transferring academic credits on ultimate academic success as measured
by student grade point average. Specifically, the model takes the
following functional form:
GPA = f(D, A, M, T) [1]
where GPA represents student academic performance as measured by
cumulative grade point average (using the standard 4-point scale). (6)
On the right-hand side, D is a vector of student demographic
characteristics, A reflects student aptitude as measured by their ACT
score and grades earned in the Principles of Economics course sequence,
M represents the students' major field of study as reflected by the
college of enrollment, (7) and T represents transfer credit. Note that
this specification suffers from a classic self-sample selection problem
since students choose whether or not to transfer Principles credits.
The empirical regression equation was specified as follows:
MALE = 1 for male student, 0 for female student;
AFRICAN AMERICAN = 1 if student is black, 0 for other;
OUT-OF-STATE = 1 for out-of-state student, 0 for resident;
FOREIGN = 1 for international student, 0 for U.S. resident;
AGE = student's age in years
ACT = student's composite ACT score
ACCOUNTING = 1 if School of Accounting major, 0 otherwise;
ARTS & SCIENCES = 1 if College of Arts and Science major, 0
BUSINESS = 1 if College of Business major, 0 otherwise;
EDUCATION = 1 if College of Education major, 0 otherwise;
ENGINEERING = 1 if College of Engineering major, 0 otherwise;
TRANSFER HOURS = total number of transfer hours.
MACRO GRADE = grade in Principles of Macroeconomics (A = 4 ... F =
MICRO GRADE = grade in Principles of Microeconomics (A = 4 ... F =
Grade Point Average
The second panel of Table 2 reports the OLS estimation of equation
[2]. The estimated equation yielded a significant F-statistic and an
acceptable [R.sup.2] for cross-sectional data. Looking first at the
results for the control variables, the coefficients for the race and
gender variables were statistically significant at the .01 level.
AFRICAN AMERICAN students had lower cumulative GPAs relative to
non-black students and males had lower cumulative GPAs than females,
ceteris paribus. The magnitudes of both of these coefficients were
relatively large. The coefficient for AGE was also negative and
significant at the .10 level, indicating that, holding all else
constant, each decade of life reduced student performance by about 0.12
in cumulative GPA. This may reflect the increased opportunity costs facing many older students, or may indicate that time has eroded some of
their academic skills. A student's country or state of origin did
not significantly affect cumulative GPA.
As expected, student ACT scores were positively correlated with GPA
and highly significant, although the magnitude was somewhat low. An
increase of ten points in ACT score translated into an increase of only
0.29 in cumulative GPA. The low magnitude is possibly due to students
with higher ACT scores taking more difficult courses; although we
mitigate this effect somewhat by including dummies for the
student's college, we cannot account for all differences in course
difficulty. The results also show that grades in both the macroeconomics
and microeconomics courses are strong predictors of eventual academic
success in terms of cumulative GPA. A student receiving an A in
Principles of Macroeconomics earned a 0.17 higher cumulative GPA than a
student receiving a B. The effect was even larger for microeconomics,
where an increase of one letter grade increased cumulative GPA by 0.21
points. These results are consistent with Grimes and Niss (1991) who
found that economic understanding is strongly tied to ultimate academic
The expected sign for the TRANSFER HOURS coefficient is uncertain a
priori due to two possible effects associated with transferring credit.
First, if the courses are less rigorous or are simply graded less
rigorously, then students who transfer credits might be expected to earn
higher cumulative GPA's since more of these 'easier'
courses appear on their transcripts. Conversely, if students develop
poor study habits from less rigorous coursework or simply do not learn
the material necessary to succeed in upper division courses, their
cumulative GPA could suffer once they transfer to a 4-year institution.
Here we find the coefficient on the number of transfer hours to be
insignificant, suggesting the effects may offset one another.
Table 2 also reveals that no significant difference existed between
the performances of BUSINESS or ACCOUNTING students relative to those
enrolled in OTHER colleges (the omitted category). Although neither of
these college dummy variables were found to be significant, three
college dummies were significant. The negative and significant
ENGINEERING coefficient most likely reflects programs of study which
involve advanced math and science courses typically viewed as being
relatively rigorous. Conversely, GPAs in EDUCATION were higher than the
baseline by about 0.17 points, which again may be attributed to the
level of rigor in the required courses. Lastly, at least two
explanations for the negative and significant coefficient for ARTS &
SCIENCES majors are possible. First, the coursework in some Arts and
Sciences fields may be more difficult relative to majors in other
colleges, pushing grades lower. Second, some Arts and Sciences degree
programs may serve as majors of last resort for students performing
poorly in other colleges, also pushing GPAs down.
Course Equivalency between MSU and Transfer Institutions
The MACRO GRADE and MICRO GRADE coefficients, shown in panel 2 of
Table 2, quantify the effect of a one letter grade improvement in each
Principles course on eventual cumulative GPA. However, as specified
these grade variables did not account for the location of where the
courses were taken. To investigate the possibility that economics grades
are inflated at transfer institutions, we incorporated a location effect
by replacing the discrete course grade variables with a set of dummy
variables representing where the course was taken (MSU, 2-year
institution, or other 4-year institution) and the grade received. The
magnitude of these dummy variables was used to compare the effects of
Principles grades, across institutions, on overall academic achievement
as measured by cumulative GPA.
Unfortunately, estimating a model which incorporates a full set of
dummy variables for both macroeconomics and microeconomics by location
created near perfect collinearity among the explanatory variables,
therefore, we estimated two separate models, one in which the discrete
MACRO GRADE variable was replaced with a series of macroeconomics
grade/location dummies and one in which the discrete MICRO GRADE
variable was replaced with a series of microeconomics grade/ location
dummies. This modification of equation [2] yields the following two
MSU MACRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in macro at MSU, 0
MSU MACRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in macro at MSU, 0
MSU MACRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in
macro at MSU, 0 otherwise
T2 MACRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in macro at 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MACRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in macro 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MACRO C = 1 for students receiving C's in macro 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MACRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in macro
2-year colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MACRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in macro at 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MACRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in macro 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MACRO C = 1 for students receiving C's in macro 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MACRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in macro
4-year colleges, 0 otherwise
MSU MICRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in micro at MSU, 0
MSU MICRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in micro at MSU, 0
MSU MICRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in
micro at MSU, 0 otherwise
T2 MICRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in micro at 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MICRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in micro 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MICRO C = 1 for students receiving C's in micro 2-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T2 MICRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in micro
2-year colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MICRO A = 1 for students receiving A's in micro at 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MICRO B = 1 for students receiving B's in micro 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MICRO C = 1 for students receiving C's in micro 4-year
colleges, 0 otherwise
T4 MICRO D = 1 for students receiving D's or F's in micro
4-year colleges, 0 otherwise
Note that in both equations students earning a C at MSU are treated
as the baseline group and are thus the omitted category.
The empirical results for [3a] and [3b] are presented in panels 3
and 4 of Table 2. As seen in the table, students receiving a B in
macroeconomics at MSU are expected to earn a 0.16 higher GPA during
their academic careers than baseline students, holding all other factors
constant, while students receiving an A at MSU are expected to earn a
0.40 higher GPA than baseline students. Students receiving a D or F in
macroeconomics at MSU are expected to earn a 0.16 lower GPA over the
course of their academic careers than those earning C's. Each of
these dummy variables is statistically significant at the .01 level.
The T2 coefficients quantify differences in cumulative GPA for
2-year economics transfer students relative to the baseline MSU C
students. The results reveal that students transferring A's in
macroeconomics from such schools are expected to earn a 0.16 higher GPA
than the baseline students, holding other factors constant. The T2 MACRO
B coefficient is near zero and insignificant, indicating that there is
no significant difference in cumulative GPA between a student who earned
a B in macroeconomics at a 2-year community college and a student who
earned a C at MSU. The results further show the T2 MACRO C coefficient
to be negative; however, it is not statistically significant at
conventional levels, indicating that no conclusions can be made about
the relationship between C's at MSU and 2-year colleges. Finally,
students earning grades of D or F from 2-year schools are expected to
earn a 0.35 lower cumulative GPA than baseline students.
The T4 coefficients quantify the difference in cumulative GPA for
4-year college transfer students relative to MSU C students.
Macroeconomics students receiving A's from other 4-year
institutions are expected to earn 0.36 higher cumulative GPAs than
MSU's C students. However, the magnitude and standard error of the
T4 MACRO B and T4 MACRO C coefficients indicate there is no statistical
difference between baseline students and students transferring B's
or C's from the other 4-year schools in the sample. Finally, the T4
MACRO D coefficient is negative 0.39, meaning students earning D's
or F's in macroeconomics from four year schools perform
significantly worse than baseline students.
Similar results hold for equation [3b] when microeconomics grade
dummies replace the macroeconomics dummies, as shown in panel 4 of Table
2. Native economics students receiving a B in microeconomics are
expected to earn a 0.17 higher cumulative GPA than baseline students,
and A students are expected to earn a 0.43 higher cumulative GPA than
baseline students. Students receiving a D or F are expected to earn a
0.24 lower cumulative GPA than MSU's C microeconomics students.
Each of these dummy variables is statistically significant at the .01
According to the estimated coefficients, student transferring
A's in microeconomics from 2-year schools are expected to earn a
0.23 higher cumulative GPA relative to baseline students; and those
transferring A's from 4-year schools are expected to earn a 0.39
higher GPA relative to baseline students, holding other factors
constant. At conventional levels of significance, there is no
statistical difference between B's earned at either 2- or 4-year
institutions and C's earned in microeconomics at MSU. However, the
results show that students transferring C's from 2-year
institutions are expected to earn 0.17 lower cumulative GPAs than
baseline students while C microeconomics students from other 4-year
schools are expected to earn a 0.31 lower cumulative GPA. Finally,
students earning D's or F's from all other institutions
performed very poorly relative to baseline MSU students, with T2 MICRO D
equal to -0.40 and T4 MICRO D equal to -0.36.
The empirical formulation of equations [3a] and [3b] allows us to
create a measure of the equivalency between grades earned in the
Principles of Economics courses at 2-year community colleges or other
4-year institutions and those earned at MSU. This measure is based on
two simple premises. First, grades in Principles of Economics courses
are good predictors of overall academic performance, and second, the
predictive power of economics grades should be equal across institutions
if instructors at those institutions teach similar curriculum and grade
with relatively equal rigor. We define our grade equivalency measure as:
[E.sub.MT] = 1 - [([T.sub.i] - [M.sub.i-1])/([M.sub.i] -
[M.sub.i-1])] [4]
[E.sub.MT] is the grade equivalency between institution M and T
[T.sub.i] is the coefficient for the grade received at the transfer
institution; i = A,B,C,D,
[M.sub.i] is the coefficient for the grade received at MSU; i =
Equation [4] is constructed such that when [T.sub.i] = [M.sub.i],
then [E.sub.MT] = 0 and grades are considered equivalent across
institutions. However, if [T.sub.i] = [M.sub.i-1] we obtain [E.sub.MT] =
1 and grades are inflated by a full letter grade at the transfer
institution. If [E.sub.MT] > 1, then grades are inflated by more than
one letter grade. For example, suppose we wish to calculate the
equivalency of a 'B' grade received at a 2-year college and a
'B' received at MSU. From the results in Table 2, we
[E.sub.MT] = 1 - [([T.sub.B] - [M.sub.C])/([M.sub.B] - [M.sub.C])]
= 1-[.00940/. 15966] = 0.9411.
The implied equivalencies between courses taken at 2-year schools
or other 4-year institutions relative to MSU, as defined by equation
[4], are given in Table 3. Results indicate that A grades in
macroeconomics from 2-year colleges were inflated by nearly one full
letter grade (0.997) but that there was only mild inflation in the A
range at other 4-year institutions (0.178). Thus, an A in Principles of
Macroeconomics obtained at a 2-year institution in our sample was almost
identical to a B obtained at MSU, in terms of the overall impact on GPA
and holding all else constant. For 4-year institutions in our sample,
there was no significant difference between an A obtained at the
transfer institution and an A obtained at MSU in macroeconomics.
However, B's in macroeconomics at both 2- and 4-year institutions
were inflated by about one letter grade as well (0.941 and 0.968,
respectively), while C's were inflated by about 2/3 of a letter
grade at 2-year schools and about 3/4 of a letter grade at other 4-year
The Principles of Microeconomics at 4-year institutions appears to
be more equivalent to the course as taught at MSU, relative to its
companion course in macroeconomics. No statistically significant
difference was found for grades of A and B at other 4-year schools
relative to MSU. However, C's in microeconomics were highly
inflated relative to MSU. Table 3 shows that for 2-year community
colleges, grade inflation ranged from 2/3 to 3/4 of a letter grade for
microeconomics, somewhat less than macroeconomics but still
Sample Selection
Students may choose to take the Principles of Economics course
sequence at a 2-year college for financial reasons or they may behave
strategically, believing their chances of passing or receiving a higher
grade at community colleges are greater. Given that their rewards may be
greater, academically-challenged students may engage in such behavior
disproportionately. To account for this possible sample selection
phenomena, we re-estimated the GPA regression model using maximum
likelihood techniques. As noted by Kennedy (2003, pp. 291-293), maximum
likelihood estimation is an efficient alternative to Heckman's
(1979) two-stage procedure for dealing with sample selection problems.
In our formulation, we developed a probit model to estimate the
probability of a student selecting to take the Principles sequence at a
2-year community college in which student aptitude, as proxied by ACT
scores, and observable demographic characteristics served as explanatory
variables. (8) Specifically, we used the LIMDEP statistical package to
simultaneously estimate equation [3a] (or [3b]) and the following
selection equation:
ECON = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1]MALE + [[alpha].sub.2]
AFRICAN AMERICAN + [[alpha].sub.3]OUT-OF-STATE + [[alpha].sub.4]AGE +
[[alpha].sub.5]ACT + [epsilon] [7]
ECON = 1 if the courses were taken at a 2-year institution, 0 if
the courses were taken at MSU.
The resulting probit estimates for choosing to take the Principles
sequence at a 2-year community college are shown in Table 4. These
maximum likelihood estimates revealed that students opting for economics
at such colleges were disproportionately white state residents, younger
when they took their economics classes, and most importantly, scored
significantly lower on the ACT than their counterparts taking economics
at MSU or other 4-year institutions. This last result suggests that less
academically-able students self-selected into 2-year community colleges
for the Principles of Economics course sequence and then transferred to
Accounting for sample selection resulted in only slightly different
results for the GPA equations, as shown in Table 5. The only significant
differences in the GPA equations after adjusting for sample selection
bias were in the 2-year transfer dummy variables for macroeconomics
grades. The OLS version of the model indicated no significant difference
between a C in macroeconomics at MSU and a C at 2-year community
colleges. The adjusted results show that students receiving a C at a
2-year school are expected to earn a 0.14 lower cumulative GPA than
baseline students. This difference is significant at the .10 level.
Similarly, according to the adjusted results, there is no longer a
significant difference between a C in macroeconomics at MSU and an A in
macroeconomics at a 2-year school in terms of the resulting cumulative
Finally, TRANSFER HOURS appears positive and significant in both
the adjusted and unadjusted models. However, in all cases, the magnitude
appears to be quite small (approximately 0.0013). Thus, if a student
took 60 hours at a 2-year college, the overall improvement in cumulative
GPA was only about 0.08. While this appears to be quite low, recall that
two effects are intertwined in this coefficient. "Easier"
courses would tend to make this coefficient more positive, but if these
courses leave students less prepared for higher level courses, then more
hours at a 2-year college would hinder a student's overall GPA,
making this coefficient more negative. Since this paper provides
evidence that Principles of Economics grades may be inflated at 2-year
institutions, the low value of this coefficient suggests that the latter
'preparedness' effect may be counteracting the former
'grade inflation' effect.
Table 6 provides the grade equivalency measures based on the sample
selection corrected results. The pattern of statistical significance is
identical to those obtained when the self-selection issue was not taken
into account. However, in all cases, the relative magnitudes of the
corrected equivalency measures are greater than the uncorrected measures
shown in Table 3. This provides additional evidence for the existence of
strategic behavior by students with relatively weaker academic
aptitudes--transferring credit from a 2-year community college may
significantly increase cumulative GPA, and by extension ultimately
increase the likelihood of graduation from a major university.
IV. Summary and Conclusions
Our analysis of academic success for students who transfer credit
in the Principles of Economics from local community colleges and
regional universities to a major research university revealed several
interesting and important results. First, when we just control for the
grade earned in both Principles classes, regardless of the institution
at which they were taken, we find that both courses are significant
predictors of overall academic success as captured by cumulative GPA.
Although statistically insignificant, students who transferred more
credits earned lower GPA's, however, when we included dummy
variables indicating both the grade received and where the Principles
courses were taken, we found that TRANSFER HOURS had a positive and
significant effect on cumulative GPA. This suggests that students of
equal ability received higher grades if they took the courses at a
2-year college. Thus, we developed a grade equivalency measure based on
our regression results, and found that Principles of Economics grades at
2-year community colleges were inflated by nearly a full letter grade
for both the macroeconomics and microeconomics course.
Since students self-select into 2-year institutions, we estimated
the model again to account for sample selection bias. We found that
students who chose to transfer from local community colleges had
significantly lower ACT scores and, therefore, were less prepared
academically for future studies. Again, the results suggested that
grades in the principles courses were between 3/4 and 5/6 of a letter
grade higher in 2-year institutions compared to MSU. Our model indicated
that the transfer of credits from 2-year institutions is a rational
economic choice in that it raises cumulative GPAs, and by extension,
enhances the probability of eventual graduation for this set of
Our results indicated that in addition to serving as a gateway for
economically disadvantaged students, local community colleges serve as a
gateway for less academically qualified students. These findings are
important given the growing number of students who begin their higher
education experience at local community colleges and then transfer to a
major public university. Economic educators at institutions receiving
transfer students should be aware of the self-selection process revealed
by our findings and be cognizant that such students may need additional
attention in order to achieve academic success. Furthermore, since there
appears to be a significant lack of equivalency between Principles of
Economics course grades between types of institutions, articulation
agreements may need to be reevaluated to determine if credit should be
accepted for students who earned relatively low grades in Principles
courses from 2-year community colleges. Alternatively, university
economics departments that experience a significant number of 2-year
transfers could consider the implementation of placement exams similar
to those commonly found in departments of mathematics and foreign
The issues surrounding course and grade equivalency highlighted by
our findings also suggest that it would be helpful for university
economists to open a dialog with their colleagues at local 2-year
community colleges. If common standards could be agreed upon and adopted
by sending and receiving institutions, students may be better prepared
for future academic studies and grades more accurately reflect student
proficiencies. Clearly, additional research is needed to determine
exactly what type of practices and policies will enhance the ultimate
success rate for community college transfer students.
Grimes, Paul W., and Niss, James F. 1991. Economic understanding
and student success in a business curriculum. Journal of Education for
Business, 66(5), 309-313.
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(1.) For instance, in 2011-12 the full-time tuition rate for state
residents at Mississippi State University (MSU) was $2,902 but only
$2,000 for the state's 2-year schools.
(2.) A question of related interest to economic educators whether
students who transfer Principles of Economics credits from 2-year
community colleges achieve the same degree of success in subsequent
economics courses as those students who earn equivalent credit at the
home institution. This question was previously investigated by Laband
and Piette (1995) but poses two problems here. First, our dataset does
not delineate GPAs by major (for many majors, not all course
requirements carry the discipline's course prefix) and second, the
number of economics majors in the sample was not large enough to make
any statistically significant conclusions. (Recall that the sample was
defined as those who students who matriculated during one academic
(3.) As at many institutions, the Principles of Economics course
sequence is often taken by MSU students as part of the university's
core curriculum requirements. In any given semester, approximately 1,000
students enroll in the two courses combined. Given the institutional
arrangements, many students in majors outside of the business school
take only one of the two courses. Our sample, which includes only those
students who took both courses, was defined to ensure that we captured
students with a strong academic interest in successful completion of the
course sequence.
(4.) A total of 124 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or
better is required for graduation at MSU, although some colleges,
including the College of Business, require a higher standard. Among the
192 students who did not graduate, the data show that the majority were
not close to finishing. Of the non-graduates, 49.5% had a cumulative GPA
less than 2.25 while 51% had an MSU GPA below 2.0. Nearly one-third of
these students (31.8%) had fewer than 90 credit hours while over half
(53.6%) had fewer than 110 credit hours. Finally, only 41 of the 192
non-graduates were enrolled during the 2002-2003 academic year. Thus,
the majority of non-graduates had stopped making progress toward a
degree at the time the study was concluded.
(5.) In Mississippi, the State College Board regulations require a
minimum of 124 semester hours of credit to be earned for all Bachelors
degrees. A minimum of 60 semester hours are required for all Associates
degrees granted by the state's community colleges.
(6.) We chose cumulative GPA rather than MSU GPA to measure
academic performance for two primary reasons: 1) According to the
official MSU Bulletin, graduates must "make an overall C (2.0)
average on all hours scheduled and rescheduled at all institutions
attended, including Mississippi State University." Therefore, to
receive an undergraduate degree, a student must earn a minimum 2.0 for
all transfer and all MSU hours. Thus, whether or not a student
ultimately graduates is dependent upon the cumulative GPA which accounts
for both of these separate measures. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is a
necessary, though not sufficient, condition of graduation. (MSU's
minimum graduation policy is common to a vast majority of its peer
institutions in the Southeast and Midwest.) 2) The cumulative GPA
includes a greater number of hours and thereby offers a more meaningful
measure of overall academic performance. There are several transfer
students in the sample who took only a few (<30) hours credit at MSU.
In our opinion, a GPA measured on such a small number of hours is not
very meaningful. However, in addition to the reported results using
cumulative GPA, we ran each model using MSU GPA for the full sample and
using MSU GPA but deleting those observations with 30 or fewer MSU
credit hours. The results for these models are very similar to the
reported results and are available upon request.
(7.) The major academic administrative divisions of MSU include the
College Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Architecture, Art,
and Design, the College of Arts and Sciences, The College of Business,
The College of Education, The Bagley College of Engineering, and the
College of Forestry. The omitted OTHER reference category is the
agglomeration of the agriculture, architecture, and forestry colleges
which have relatively low economics enrollments.
(8.) We also ran the model using all transfers as the dependent
variable and obtained similar results. When we run the model using
Heckman's (1979) two stage procedure, the coefficient for LAMBDA is
negative and significant.
by Paul W. Grimes *, Jon P. Rezek **, and Randall C. Campbell ***
* Dean and Professor of Economics, Kelce College of Business,
Pittsburg State University, 101 Kelce Center, Pittsburg, KS 66762, and
Emeritus Professor of Economics, College of Business, Mississippi State
University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, E-mail:
** Associate Professor of Economics, College of Business,
Mississippi State University, Box 9580, Mississippi State, MS 39762,
*** Associate Professor of Economics, College of Business,
Mississippi State University, Box 9580, Mississippi State, MS 39762,
The authors sincerely thank the late Peter Kennedy and anonymous
referees for constructive comments and suggestions. Thanks are also
extended to John O'Bannon, formerly of Mississippi State
University's Information Technology Services, for compilation of
the student data records needed to complete this research. Marybeth
Grimes provided expert editorial assistance.
Descriptive Statistics: Sample Means and Standard Deviations by
Transfer Group
Native MSU All Transfers
Dependent Variables
GPA (4-point scale) 2.92 2.92
(0.57) (0.62)
GRADUATION 82.52 68.48
MALE (%) 61.26 61.09
AFRICAN 17.95 11.28
OUT-OF-STATE (%) 19.21 7.39
INTERNATIONAL (%) 2.52 0.39
AGE (in years) 20.56 19.86
(2.06) (1.73)
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT Score 22.35 20.94
(Comprehensive) (4.36) (4.31)
Avg. Macroeconomics 2.75 2.88
Avg. Microeconomics 2.64 3.01
Major College--M
Accounting * (%) 7.24 10.12
Arts and Sciences (%) 7.09 8.95
Business (%) 57.80 48.64
Education (%) 12.28 12.06
Engineering (%) 8.66 10.12
Other (%) 6.93 10.12
Transfer Credit--T
Transfer Hours 17.78 70.99
(24.05) (22.59)
Total Students 635 257
2-Year School 4-Year School
Transfers Transfers
Dependent Variables
GPA (4-point scale) 2.89 3.06
(0.60) (0.67)
GRADUATION 67.98 70.37
MALE (%) 64.04 50.00
AFRICAN 9.85 16.67
OUT-OF-STATE (%) 6.40 11.11
INTERNATIONAL (%) 0.49 0.00
AGE (in years) 19.87 19.83
(1.74) (1.71)
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT Score 20.56 22.37
(Comprehensive) (4.14) (4.84)
Avg. Macroeconomics 2.88 2.87
Avg. Microeconomics 3.00 3.06
Major College--M
Accounting * (%) 7.88 18.52
Arts and Sciences (%) 8.87 9.26
Business (%) 51.23 38.89
Education (%) 10.34 18.52
Engineering (%) 10.84 7.41
Other (%) 10.84 7.41
Transfer Credit--T
Transfer Hours 69.68 75.9
(21.42) (26.16)
Total Students 203 54
Standard deviations are in parenthesis.
* The School of Accountancy is a unit of the College of Business at
OLS Results--GPA Equations
Equation 2 Equation 3a
Variable [beta] S.E. [beta] S.E.
CONSTANT 1.43733 0.16807 1.92979 0.17515
MALE -0.22835 0.0267 -0.22745 0.02677
AFRICAN AMERICAN -0.21548 0.03812 -0.21943 0.03827
OUT-OF-STATE -0.02059 0.03659 -0.01669 0.03674
FOREIGN 0.15645 0.09774 0.12847 0.09800
AGE -0.00465 0.00641 -0.01213 0.00671
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT 0.03098 0.00372 0.02923 0.00379
MACRO GRADE 0.17498 0.01669
MSU MACRO A 0.39970 0.04603
MSU MACRO B 0.15966 0.03814
MSU MACRO D -0.15514 0.05761
T2 MACRO A 0.16032 0.06741
T2 MACRO B 0.00940 0.06067
T2 MACRO C -0.09935 0.06474
T2 MACRO D -0.34687 0.10959
T4 MACRO A 0.35686 0.09310
T4 MACRO B 0.00515 0.11285
T4 MACRO C -0.11569 0.11822
T4 MACRO D -0.39356 0.15256
MICRO GRADE 0.20597 0.01559 0.21648 0.01570
Major College--M
ACCOUNTING 0.05163 0.06477 0.05067 0.06498
ARTS & SCIENCES -0.13904 0.06418 -0.12556 0.06444
BUSINESS 0.03372 0.04848 0.04193 0.04854
EDUCATION 0.18815 0.05799 0.18709 0.05850
ENGINEERING -0.11681 0.06414 -0.11583 0.06433
Transfer Credit--T
TRANSFER HOURS -0.00009 0.00042 0.00131 0.00060
Adjusted R-squared 0.58576 0.58833
F-statistic 90.99570 54.05623
Equation 3b
Variable [beta] S.E.
CONSTANT 2.01986 0.17610
MALE -0.22842 0.02673
AFRICAN AMERICAN -0.21448 0.03829
OUT-OF-STATE -0.01253 0.03679
FOREIGN 0.13489 0.09796
AGE -0.01215 0.00674
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT 0.02923 0.00378
MACRO GRADE 0.18235 0.01676
MSU MICRO A 0.43013 0.04636
MSU MICRO B 0.16648 0.03841
MSU MICRO D -0.23534 0.04919
T2 MICRO A 0.23201 0.06255
T2 MICRO B 0.06148 0.06159
T2 MICRO C -0.17440 0.06880
T2 MICRO D -0.40280 0.10722
T4 MICRO A 0.39422 0.08835
T4 MICRO B 0.12599 0.11024
T4 MICRO C -0.31288 0.13436
T4 MICRO D -0.36318 0.16219
Major College--M
ACCOUNTING 0.05240 0.06512
ARTS & SCIENCES -0.13032 0.06430
BUSINESS 0.04244 0.04867
EDUCATION 0.18125 0.05836
ENGINEERING -0.11130 0.06439
Transfer Credit--T
TRANSFER HOURS 0.00125 0.00060
Adjusted R-squared 0.58768
F-statistic 53.91465
Measures of Course Equivalency
Grade 2-year 4-year
A 0.9973 *** 0.1785
B 0.9411 *** 0.9677 ***
C 0.6404 *** 0.7457 ***
Grade 2-year 4-year
A 0.751 *** 0.136
B 0.631 *** 0.243
C 0.741 *** 1.329 ***
*** Grade equivalency rejected at the .01 level
Probit Results for Selection Equation (Dependent
Variable: ECON)
Variable Probit Standard
Coefficient Error
CONSTANT 5.25509 0.81295
MALE 0.04899 0.10329
AFRICAN AMERICAN -0.77984 0.16091
OUTSTATE -0.67068 0.15810
AGE -0.19517 0.03411
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT -0.08804 0.01317
Log likeligood function: -424.8268
MLE Results--GPA Equations
Variable Equation 3a Equation 3b
[beta] S.E. [beta] S.E.
CONSTANT 1.88126 0.15923 1.96897 0.15861
MALE -0.22806 0.03030 -0.22886 0.03037
AFRICAN AMERICAN -0.20977 0.04192 -0.20428 0.04179
OUT-OF-STATE -0.00923 0.03810 -0.00472 0.03840
FOREIGN 0.13122 0.12409 0.13780 0.12193
AGE -0.01163 0.00530 -0.01161 0.00524
Academic Aptitude--A
ACT 0.03002 0.00391 0.03005 0.00384
MACRO GRADE 0.18256 0.01695
MSU MACRO A 0.40364 0.04746
MSU MACRO B 0.16185 0.04080
MSU MACRO D -0.15503 0.05689
T2 MACRO A 0.11309 0.08456
T2 MACRO B -0.02770 0.07517
T2 MACRO C -0.13816 0.07419
T2 MACRO D -0.37837 0.10913
T4 MACRO A 0.35460 0.12302
T4 MACRO B 0.00224 0.10296
T4 MACRO C -0.11700 0.10028
T4 MACRO D -0.40030 0.13498
MICRO GRADE 0.21608 0.01543
MSU MICRO A 0.43244 0.04629
MSU MICRO B 0.16642 0.04119
MSU MICRO D -0.23533 0.04751
T2 MICRO A 0.18354 0.07507
T2 MICRO B 0.01984 0.07604
T2 MICRO C -0.21582 0.07453
T2 MICRO D -0.42985 0.12142
T4 MICRO A 0.39225 0.10708
T4 MICRO B 0.12338 0.10912
T4 MICRO C -0.32189 0.12328
T4 MICRO D -0.37113 0.13247
Major College--M
ACCOUNTING 0.04954 0.06992 0.05059 0.07032
ARTS & SCIENCES -0.12866 0.05457 -0.13350 0.05455
BUSINESS 0.03939 0.04284 0.03981 0.04265
EDUCATION 0.18668 0.05400 0.18066 0.05349
ENGINEERING -0.11665 0.06296 -0.11201 0.06327
Transfer Credit--T
TRANSFER HOURS 0.00133 0.00061 0.00127 0.00061
Measures of Course Equivalency (Controlling for
Sample Selection)
Grade 2-year 4-year
A 1.2017 *** 0.2028
B 1.1711 *** 0.9862 ***
C 0.8912 *** 0.7547 ***
Grade 2-year 4-year
A 0.9357 *** 0.1510
B 0.8808 *** 0.2586
C 0.9171 *** 1.5771 ***
*** Grade equivalency rejected at the .01 level