Optimal pricing for voicemail services.
Spiegel, Uriel ; Tavor, Tchai
I. Introduction
The uniqueness of phone calls, mailing, chatting, fax messages and
some (but not all) network instruments is precisely that communicating
is achieved by the two parties only if an actual connection occurs (Kim
et al (2002) call these "pingpong goods" whose values are
generated only through joint consumption). The sender is willing to pay
an appropriate price for his phone call only if the receiver actually
picks up the phone and establishes communication Still the key question
is who should pay for successful contact. In a recent paper by Hermalin
and Katz (2004) this very question is raised. They conclude that in
order to maximize welfare and the firm's profits the receiving
party should subsidize the sender (since he is generating a benefit to
the receiver). A similar conclusion was first established by Kim and
Lira ((2001) and (2002)). The sender-receiver market issue has also been
discussed by Rochet and Tirole (2004). They focused on the question of
how to deal with a market where buyers and sellers need to be brought
together for the market to exist, as well as on the nature of the
pricing policy that may lead to an efficient solution. The question as
to what happens in cases where the benefits to the two sides are not
positive and/or not symmetric, as well as the resulting implications as
to pricing policy were not addressed in their paper.
The asymmetry issue between parties, i.e. senders and receivers,
who may generate either positive or negative externalities, was recently
discussed by Loder, Van Alstyne and Wash (2006). Nevertheless, in their
paper they deal with homogeneous senders and homogeneous receivers but
don't relate to the issue of asymmetric attitudes towards contact
between parties as well as the asymmetry of being a sender vs. that of
being a receiver Our paper adds to the above literature another
dimension that is part and parcel of the current communications
industry, that of asymmetric behavior of different senders and
receivers. In the last decades this industry has witnessed some
significant technological improvements including features that did not
previously exist and in particular that of voicemail service that is
used today so frequently that people (especially the young) cannot
imagine a world without it. This capability certainly increases the
degree of communication efficiency. Statistically, a certain percentage
of these messages cannot be directly received either because the
receiver is unavailable due to the absence of an open phone in his
vicinity, or because he simply does not desire to receive calls at that
Voicemail services increase the percentage of successful contacts,
either by leaving recorded messages by senders to receivers, that do not
require a further call back by the original receiver to the former
sender, or by encouraging the original receiver to call back the
original sender to discuss the issues through an additional direct call.
This service that benefits both parties (receivers as well as
senders) should be charged for by the telecommunication companies,
however, the question is who should pay and how much.
Assuming a monopoly telecommunication company who charges for each
phone call and for each message left on the answering machine, the
question still remains: who should pay for those services. Even if we
assume that the usual policy is that the sender pays for regular phone
calls that he successfully accomplishes, still the question that remains
open is who pays and how much for leaving messages on voicemail.
Today the usual practice is that the sender who leaves a message
pays for it, usually at the regular price of a phone call, while the
receiver pays a fixed monthly tariff for the right to use the answering
We can argue that a different possibility should be considered by
the communication industry. If the receiver would not make a return call
to the sender, it is possible that the sender should pay for the use of
the message left on the voicemail. But what if the receiver does call
the original sender back? The telecommunication company gains as a
result of the message left on the voicemail by the receiver's
returned phone call. If the original sender knows that he must pay for
leaving a message he might consider disconnecting the call and avoid
leaving the message, but if the sender realizes that most likely the
receiver will respond to voicemail messages (i.e., if these messages are
not considered by the receiver as "junk voicemails") and in
such cases the sender himself will be subsidized, this would encourage
him to initiate the call. This paper discusses these kinds of
intertemporal effects and demonstrates the possibilities for optimal
profit maximization that should be considered. We depart from Kim and
Lim's (2001, 2002) receiver pays principle by considering optimal
positive as well as optimal negative pricing for voicemail for both
parties. The simple theoretical model is followed by a numerical
II. The Model
Assume two individuals, i,(i = 1,2) where individual 1 is a sender
of [X.sub.1] phone calls, while individual 2 is a receiver of the same
phone calls. As a receiver of [X.sub.1] calls from the sender, he can
either accept, [X.sub.11] the call, but [X.sub.12] calls either he could
not accept at the time it was sent or he did not want to accept, but may
respond to them when convenient, if a voicemail message is left by the
Therefore [X.sub.1] calls of the sender distributed as follows:
[X.sub.1] = [X.sub.11] + [X.sub.12] (1)
[X.sub.11]--are direct successful contacts between sender and
[X.sub.12]--are calls done by the sender that were not accepted
directly by the receiver, but by voicemail messages.
We assume further that those two values [X.sub.11] and [X.sub.12]
depend linearly and negatively on their prices, although the
sensitivities to price changes that are measured by the values of [beta]
and [gamma] can differ.
[X.sub.11] = [A.sub.11] - [beta] x [P.sub.11] (2)
[X.sub.12] = [A.sub.12] - [delta] x [P.sub.12] (3)
The demand of individual 2, who is representing the original
receiver for his own phone calls is affected negatively by the call
prices and probably by calls received on the voicemail as follows:
[X.sub.2] = [A.sub.2] + [alpha] x [X.sub.12] - [gamma] x [P.sub.2]
Equation (4) indicates that the received calls of individual 2 can
be decomposed into two elements: responding to the sender (individual
one), and initiating his own calls to individual 1, where [alpha]
represents the ratio of the original sender's calls that are
responded to by the receiver.
We can assume the following relationship between the parameters of
(1)-(4) above: [A.sub.11] > [A.sub.12] and [A.sub.11] > [A.sub.2].
The relationship between these last three terms indicates asymmetry
between individuals where we assume that individual 1 has a greater
desire to make a phone call to individual 2 than vice versa. Still
individual 1 (the original sender) has a greater desire to make direct
calls than to leave messages on voicemail. In addition we assume that 0
< [alpha] < 1 where [alpha] is a coefficient representing the
ratio of returned calls the receiver initiates for phone calls the
sender sent and were not received on the spot by the receiver
(individuals 2) and were left as messages on voicemail.
Based on these two demand functions for phone calls by both
parties, the monopoly (the telecommunication company) maximizes its own
profit function with respect to three decision variables: [P.sub.11],
[P.sub.12], and [P.sub.2], where [P.sub.11] is the price of a direct
call from sender to receiver, [P.sub.12] is the charge per message left
on the voicemail, and [P.sub.2] the price for a return call from
receiver to sender respectively. (i)
where we assume that the marginal production cost function of any
kind of calls is constant and equal to c, i.e.,
TC = c x ([X.sub.11] + [X.sub.12] + [X.sub.2]) (6)
The first and the third terms of the profit function are supposed
to be positive. However, the second term might be negative, since we
allow a negative, value of [P.sub.12]. This means that rewards are
distributed to a sender who leaves messages for a receiver, since it may
encourage more return calls by the latter.
The F.O.C. derived with respect to the three decision variables are
[partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative][P.sub.11] =
[A.sub.11] - 2[beta] x [P.sub.11] + [beta] x c = 0 (7)
[partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative][P.sub.12] =
[A.sub.11] - 2[delta] x [P.sub.12] + [delta] x c - [alpha] x
[delta]([P.sub.2] - c) = 0 (8)
[partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative][P.sub.2] = [A.sub.2]
+ [alpha][A.sub.12] - [alpha] x [delta][P.sub.12] - 2[gamma][P.sub.2] +
[gamma]c = 0 (9)
The determinant A3 of the S.O.C. partial derivatives derived with
respect to the three decision variables is:
At equilibrium the conditions for local maximum are: (a) -2[beta]
< 0, (b) 4[beta][delta] > 0, and (c) -2[beta] (4[delta][gamma] -
[[alpha].sup.2][[delta].sup.2]) < 0 or (c') 4[gamma] >
The actual prices at equilibrium are solved by (7)-(9) are:
[P.sub.11] = [A.sub.11] + [beta] x c/2[beta] (10)
which is always positive,
[P.sub.12] = [alpha] x [delta][A.sub.2] + ([[alpha].sup.2][delta] -
2[gamma])[A.sub.12] - 2[gamma] x [delta]c(1 + [alpha]) +
[alpha][gamma][delta]c/[delta]([[alpha].sup.2][delta] - 4[gamma]) (11)
That only for a high value of 7 and small values of [alpha] and
[delta] guarantees a positive price [P.sub.12].
However, in most cases it is more likely to determine an optimal
negative value of [P.sub.12].
[P.sub.2] = 2[A.sub.2] + [alpha][A.sub.12] - [alpha] x [delta]c(1 +
[alpha]) + 2[gamma]c/ 4[gamma] - [[alpha].sup.2][delta] (12)
which is definitely positive.
An extreme case that is based on the assumption that the marginal
cost is negligible, thus, c = 0. (ii) In this case the actual price
values are:
[P.sub.11] = [A.sub.11]/2[beta] (13)
[P.sub.12] = [alpha] x [delta][A.sub.2] + ([[alpha].sup.2][delta] -
2[gamma])[A.sub.12]/ [delta]([[alpha].sup.2][delta] - 4[gamma]) (14)
[P.sub.2] = 2[A.sub.2] + [alpha][A.sub.12]/4[gamma] -
[[alpha].sup.2][delta] (15)
Since 4[gamma] > [[alpha].sup.2][delta] then [P.sub.2] > 0,
but if [alpha] x [delta][A.sub.2] + ([[alpha].sup.2][delta] -
2[gamma])[A.sub.12] > 0 then a negative price on voicemail messages
is possible, i.e., [P.sub.12] < 0. Furthermore, from equations
(13)-(15) we can find how changes in parameter [alpha] can affect the
pricing policy of a monopoly profit maximizer. Since 0 < [gamma],
[delta] < 1 and [A.sub.1] and [A.sub.2] are larger than the marginal
cost, c, it is definitely clear that an increase in [alpha], the
propensity/inclination to return voicemail messages with a phone call
from the receiver, will lead to an increase in the actual price charged
for each call of the receiver. This result is expected, since any
increase in demand for calls encourages the monopoly to charge more for
each call. However, the question is whether this attitude towards
responding to voicemail calls will encourage the monopoly to charge a
lower price or a higher price for those messages, i.e., a lower or
higher [P.sub.12]. Furthermore, in the case of a negative charge it is
possible that the subsidy on left messages will increase (negative
[P.sub.12] becomes more negative) or vice versa.
We can see it may be either negative or positive (iii):
This indicates in general that if the receiver initiates on his own
more phone calls, i.e., [A.sub.2] is large and at the same time the
receiver's calls are not sensitive to price, i.e., [gamma] is
small, while the marginal cost of each call, c, is small, then it is
more likely that [partial derivative][P.sub.12]/[partial
derivative][alpha]. However in other cases the opposite conclusion
In the section below, we demonstrate our general results by a
numerical example named "the story of the father and son telephone
1. Numerical Example
We introduce certain values for the parameters which may represent
the real relationship between a father who needs and likes to
communicate with his son but the reverse holds true for the son towards
his father. Therefore we consider such parameter values where:
[A.sub.11] > [A.sub.12] and [A.sub.11] > [A.sub.2] .
Setting the values of the parameters as:
[alpha] = 0.4, [beta] = 0.25, [gamma] = 0.15, [delta] = 0.5,
[A.sub.11] = 100, [A.sub.12] = 50, [A.sub.2] = 60
we demonstrate the actual pricing values of the monopoly for two
cases. Case I -discriminatory monopoly with the possibility of negative
We insert the parameter values in equations (10)-(12) and find the
three prices:
[P.sub.11] = 100/2 x 0.25 = 200
[P.sub.12] = 0.4 x 0.5 x 60+([0.4.sup.2] x 0.5 - 2 x 0.15) x 50/
0.5 x ([0.4.sup.2] x 0.5 - 4 x 0.15)
[P.sub.2] = 2 * 60 + 0.4 x 50/ 4 x 0.15 - [0.4.sup.2] x 0.5 =
And from equations (2)-(4) the quantities are:
[X.sub.11] = 100 - 0.25 x 200 = 50
[X.sub.12] = 50- 0.5 x (-3.85) = 51 x 92
[X.sub.2 ] = 60 + 0.4 x 51.92 - 0.15 x 269.23 = 40.38
The receiver (son) in our example initiates 20.77 calls as a result
of voicemail messages sent by the sender (father). Thus most of the
profits from the receivers' calls depends on these voicemail
messages. The company encourages leaving these kinds of messages by
paying the sender for those messages, rather than charging the sender a
positive price.
The profit of the monopoly in this case is:
[pi] = 200 x 50 + (-3.85) x 51.92 + 269.23 x 40.38 = 20673.08
Case II -discriminating monopoly with a zero price on voicemail
In this case [P.sub.12] = 0. i.e., it cannot be negative. Thus, the
father does not pay for the messages that are not followed by the
son's responses.
The F.O.C. in this case are:
[partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative][P.sub.11] = 100 - 0.5
x [P.sub.11] = 0
[partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative][P.sub.2] = 80 -
0.3[P.sub.2] = 0
The prices at equilibrium are: [P.sub.11] = 200, [P.sub.2] = 266
The quantities are: [X.sub.11] = 100 - 0.25 x 200 = 50, [X.sub.2] =
60 + 0.4 - 50 - 0.15 x 266 2/3 = 40
The profit of the monopoly is: [pi] = 200 x 50 + 266 2/3 x 40 =
20,666.67 < 20,673.08
By allowing a negative price for invoice messages that are followed
by a later response by the receiver, the monopoly can generate more
III. Implications
The possibility of negative pricing for messages left on voicemail
is considered. This policy can be used for one purpose: to encourage the
sender to leave these kinds of messages, and is very applicable under an
asymmetric relationship between sender and receiver. An example of this
kind of asymmetric behavior is that of a parent who is a sender and a
child who is the receiver.
The parent is usually the party who initiates a call to his child
who may not be available or is too busy to respond right away. On the
other hand, since the younger child respects the parent, he will
probably eventually respond to a message left by the parent. Rewarding
the parent for messages left on voicemail to the child encourages the
parent to leave a message and thereby increases the calls returned by
the child to the parent, and as a result increases the monopoly profit
on call services supplied to the market.
A policy by the monopoly of profit sharing with the parent sender
for calls returned by the child can generate more profit as well as
result in a more efficient communications industry. The optimal use of
this new feature of voicemail generates more phone calls and revenues
that otherwise would not exist if the service was not available or not
marketed in an optimal manner, i.e., rewards to customers who use and
leave messages on the voicemail service.
Furthermore, we assume that only one side uses the voicemail. We
can introduce a more realistic situation when both parties own the
voicemail services. Then the communication procedure is even more
efficient since both parties may leave messages and both may respond
(again more likely asymmetrically). Furthermore the efficiency can be
even greater because a lot of communication activity can be accomplished
by leaving messages on voicemail to voicemail. Or parties may leave
voicemail messages as a response to previous voicemail messages which
may increase by a "geometric series" that can be thought of as
a multiplier effect.
Larger asymmetry, i.e.., a bigger gap between the desire to
initiate phonecalls encourages the monopoly to subsidize leaving of
messages on voicemail/answering machine the larger the desire of
individual 2 to respond to voicemail messages, i.e., the larger the
value of [alpha]. Individual 2 calls either as a response to voicemail
message, or upon initiating calls independently for his own purposes.
Another extension to our model is that of adopting different values
of [alpha] for a whole distribution of the senders' and
receivers' interactions. For example, we can expect a different
value of from a receiver who receives a call from his or her parents,
attorney, physician, his or her loving partner, police, versus a call
from a cantankerous old aunt or uncle. In such a case a negative or
positive discriminatory pricing policy should be considered by the
communication company but we leave this for future research.
The derivative of [P.sub.12] with respect to [alpha] is:
The sign of the numerator depends on the relationship below:
In the same way we find the derivative of P2 with respect to
4[alpha][delta] x ([A.sub.2] - [gamma]c) + (4[gamma] -
[[alpha].sup.2][delta] x
([A.sub.12] - [delta]c) > 0 then [partial
derivative][P.sub.2]/[partial derivative][alpha] > 0
The last case that is discussed by us is the derivative of
[P.sub.12] with respect to [alpha]:
[partial derivative][P.sub.12]/[partial derivative][alpha] =
2[gamma] - [[alpha].sup.2][delta]/[delta] x (4[gamma] -
[[alpha].sup.2][delta]) >/< 0
From the analysis above we no that 4[gamma] -
[[alpha].sup.2][delta] > 0, therefore the sign of the derivative
depends on 2[gamma] - [[alpha].sup.2][delta]
if 2[gamma] > [[alpha].sup.2][delta] then [partial
derivative][P.sub.12]/[partial derivative][alpha] > 0
If 4[gamma] > [[alpha].sup.2][delta] > 2[gamma] then [partial
derivative][P.sub.12]/[partial derivative][alpha] < 0
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(i.) We assume that the communication company can identify and
generate segmentation between senders and receivers' calls, and
thus may set different prices.
(ii.) In the telecommunication industry most of the production
costs can be treated as fixed costs, e.g., on infrastructure, while the
marginal cost per call can be negligible.
(iii.) By taking the partial derivative of Equation (14) with
respect to [alpha] see Appendix).
by Uriel Spiegel * and Tchai Tavor **
* Department of Management, Bar-Ilan University, and Visiting
Professor, University of Pennsylvania, email: spiegeu@mail.biu.ac.il
** Department of Economics, Yisrael Valley College, email:
tchai2000@yahoo.com We would like to thank an anonymous referee for his
very helpful suggestions.