Teaching economic principles: algebra, graph or both?
Zetland, David ; Russo, Carlo ; Yavapolkul, Navin 等
One of the first things students encounter in their first economics
class (i.e., Principles of Economics) is the inverse demand curve, a
graphical depiction of demand that inverts the algebraic expression of
demand as a function of price so that price is on the vertical axis.
This convention, as many professors know, can be confusing to students.
Is this confusion worthwhile or can we teach Principles in a
different way that is beneficial (on net) students and for professors?
In this paper, we explore the possibility of delaying the introduction
of inverse demand and argue that the short and long run benefits from
such a delay outweigh the costs.
We are not the first to examine the impact of presentation in
economics teaching. Those who have looked into the broader question
("graphs versus algebra") make recommendations that appear to
conflict. Thus we have Cohn et al. (2001, 2004) blaming graphs for
students' confusion and Hey (2005) suggesting that graphs are
better than algebra. These suggestions can be reconciled if we consider
that students actually suffer from the mix of graph and algebra. But
does the problem originate in the mixture itself or the way that graphic
and algebraic forms are mixed? To answer this question, we compared
several mixed forms: the standard heterogeneous combination of algebraic
direct demand and graphical inverse demand and alternative algebra-graph
combinations (direct-direct or inverse-inverse) in homogeneous forms.
Because the inverse-direct mixture is the standard in economics, and we
test students taking economics classes, we hypothesize that students
will do at least as well answering questions posed in heterogeneous form
as they do on questions in homogenous forms.
We reject this hypothesis. The 245 students who answered questions
in our survey (see Appendix A) did worse on questions posed in
heterogeneous forms than they did on questions posed in homogenous
forms. Even worse, this performance gap does not disappear with exposure
to economics. Students who had taken four or more economics classes got
higher scores than students who were taking their first class, but still
did worse on inverse demand questions.
These results are troubling for at least two reasons. First, they
occur despite professors' attempts to help students overcome the
widely-acknowledged problem of working with inverse demand. Second, they
indicate that students of economics may face a serious and persistent
barrier to understanding and using the tools of our profession.
Although we are not here to praise inverse demand, we are also not
here to bury it. We understand the impressive utility of inverse demand
and how this graphical convention is fundamental to economic analysis,
teaching and communication. It is with this explicit benefit in mind
that we recommend minimizing the cost of the inverse demand convention
by delaying its use in Principles. Instead, we recommend that professors
work with an algebra-graph pair in homogenous form (probably
direct-direct) until students master analysis and manipulation with that
technique. After that point, they can be taught to invert the algebra,
draw inverse demand curves, and perform the analysis we use so often.
This suggestion will create new costs for the professor who will
have to work with an (initially) unfamiliar format and for the students
who will have to switch from one format to another, but we believe that
the cost of "flipping axes" will be outweighed by the benefits
to students (improved comprehension and manipulation skills) and
professors (less student confusion). On a larger scale, better teaching
will benefit the profession on the extensive margin (more students who
continue in economics) and intensive margin (better understanding of
economics among students who take one class or many).
In the next section, we describe how inverse demand is used and
review the literature. In Section 2, we report results indicating that
students find it harder to use inverse demand. In Section 3, we discuss
these results and how teachers can use them to improve their teaching.
1. Teaching with Inverse Demand
Most instructors teach Principles of Economics to undergraduates
with algebra and graphs. Although the weight given to each component
varies by instructor, some elements are universally accepted as
"the standard." Perhaps the most famous is the inverted
graphical presentation of demand in which the independent variable in
the algebra (price) appears on the vertical axis. This presentation is
called "inverse demand." See Figure 1 for an example and
Appendix B for more background.
The left panel of Figure 1 shows our conventional view of demand,
supply and surplus--the shaded area between the demand curve and
vertical axis and above the flat marginal cost curve. The right panel
moves these same curves so that demand is direct, i.e., at a price of
zero, quantity demanded is 4 (the intercept on the vertical axis, now
representing quantity). As price rises, the quantity demanded falls, and
the direct demand curve slopes down until it hits zero at a price of 8.
(Note how this descriptive language matches our typical description of
demand: a change in price leads to a change in quantity demanded.) Given
a vertical supply curve (perfectly elastic at a price of zero), the
equilibrium is at P = 2, Q = 3, and surplus is the area under the demand
curve, to the right of cost and above the horizontal axis.
The inverse demand form used in all economic figures maintains
consistency across various analytical goals and easily integrates with
economic theory that's "naturally inverted," e.g.,
marginal utility and marginal cost. Beginning students may not
experience this benefit because, first, inverse demand contradicts the
mathematical convention of putting the independent variable on the
x-axis; second, they must convert algebraic direct demand into graphical
inverse demand; and third, they may not appreciate the future benefits
of inverse demand. This imbalance does not make it easy for students to
persist in economics, a major that--according to Hansen et al.
(2001)--loses 95 percent of students who take Principles to other
majors. (1)
Although students may have trouble learning with inverse demand,
professors are unlikely to have trouble teaching with it. Since
professors use inverse demand for their research and understand its
future benefits, they are willing to tolerate its drawbacks. We wanted
to know if professors adjusted their teaching to address students'
potential confusion, and we asked for the opinions of professors at our
university and subscribers to an internet discussion group on teaching
economics. In response to the question ("If you're teaching
with inverse demand graphs (exogenous p on the vertical axis), have you
noticed that students have difficulty with its 'counterintuitive
standard?'"), most of the thirteen who replied acknowledged
that some students had difficulty with it. They claimed that this cost
did not keep them from using inverse demand because, first, "the
smart students" had no trouble, and second, inverse demand has
network externalities for students (taking later economics classes) and
professors (teaching in a way that is compatible with their colleagues).
These answers help us understand why professors prefer to use inverse
demand (they may also use it to minimize their effort), but they do not
qualify or quantify the merit of inverse demand relative to other
presentation methods. For this comparison, we go to the literature.
From our reading, Cohn et al. (2001) are the first to mention the
possibility that graphs may reduce learning by reducing the time
available for other instructional methods. (2) Cohn et al. (2004) find
that the students who report problems with graphs (about half) also do
worse on exams. Paradoxically, even more students (70 percent) feel that
graphs are helpful. This latter result would not contradict the former
result if students aspire to understand graphs without being able to use
them very well. (3) Cohn et al. conclude by questioning the value of
adding graphs to algebra.
In contrast to these results, Hey (2005) advocates teaching with
graphs but not algebra. We reconcile this apparent inconsistency with
Cohn et al. by noting that students may be confused by the combination
of algebra and graphs, not graphs or algebra per se. Elzinga (2001)
writes basically the same thing--saying that "good teaching"
(time, effort) is probably more important than the method of
Our notion agrees with Frank (2002, p. 460), who says "my
point is not that the ideas themselves are useless. Rather, it is that,
for beginning students, the effort required to master them could be far
better spent in other ways." (4) Hamermesh (2002) puts this in a
broader context, advocating that Principles be taught as if students
will not take another economics class. Instead, professors should teach
the most important concepts with the least technical means possible.
Comprehension is important: Dynan and Rouse (1997) find that "bad
performance" reduces the chance that a student will pursue the
economics major.
Other research fleshes out these results: Anderson et al. (1994)
find that students with a background in calculus are less likely to drop
introductory economics, but a background in algebra hardly matters. In
Becker and Watts (2001), professors in Principles rate calculus, algebra
and graphs as (respectively) "not at all,"
"moderately" and "extremely" important. These
results are perhaps compatible if a calculus background is correlated
with proficiency in algebra and graphs--something that Becker (1997)
concludes. Ballard and Johnson (2004) also find a positive correlation
between mathematical ability and performance in Principles.
2. Survey of Students
Economists are comfortable with the idiosyncracies of inverse
demand, but we suspected that students were not. We surveyed 283
undergraduate students taking economics classes at our big university,
and--after eliminating incomplete surveys--we ended up with 245
non-representative observations. (5)
In the survey (see Appendix A), we asked students to provide
descriptive data and answer eight multiple choice questions divided into
three parts. Part I's questions showed a demand graph and asked
students to chose the equation that matched it (graph [right arrow]
equation). Part II's questions showed two demand equations and
asked students to chose the equation for aggregate demand (equation
[right arrow] equation). Part III's questions showed two demand
equations and asked students to chose the graph that matched aggregate
demand (equation [right arrow] graph).
Each part had questions and answers in direct and/or inverse form.
(6) If the forms were the same (e.g., direct graph to direct equation),
we call that question "homogeneous." If the question used an
inverse graph and direct equation, then it was
"heterogeneous." (7) Since economics students had seen inverse
demand in the past, we hypothesized that they would do better with that
2.1. Results
Table 1 gives descriptive statistics and scores on survey
questions, i.e., the percentage of the 245 students who got the question
right. 73 percent of the students were economics majors, and their
exposure to economics varied (26 percent were in their first class; 42
percent had taken four or more classes). Statistics for GPA, enrollment
in the major, and prior math experience are not noteworthy.
Our first result is that students usually do worse on questions
that use heterogeneous algebra-graph combinations (questions 1 and 6)
and better on homogenous combinations (questions 2, 3, 7 and 8). T-tests
between question pairs indicate that students do significantly worse on
question 1 than on questions 2 or 3 (p-values < 0.01) and on question
6 than on question 7 (p-value < 0.05); the difference between
questions 6 and 8 is not statistically significant. (8) In other words,
students do significantly better on three of four questions using
homogenous forms than on questions posed in the standard heterogeneous
combination of algebra in the direct form and graph in the inverted
form--the combination that they have seen and used many times. These
results lead us to reject the null hypothesis that students do the same
or better on questions that use inverse demand. As a confirmation of the
difficulty students have with inverse demand, observe that the success
rate on question 6 for students in their first economics class is 41
percent, a result that is very close to the 33 percent success rate we
would observe if they made random guesses.
Our second result is that student performance on homogeneous
questions does not depend on the type of homogeneity (direct-direct or
inverse-inverse). (9) From this result, we conclude that student
performance is a function of homogenous presentation, not adherence to
the mathematical standard (independent variable on the x-axis) that
appears with direct demand.
Our third result is that experienced students (4+ classes) do
better than beginning students (first class) on algebra-graph
combinations in questions 1-3 and 6-8 (p-values [less than or equal to]
0.05). Unfortunately, this "learning" result does not extend
to advanced students' facility with inverse demand. As with the
entire sample, the 102 advanced students do worse on question 1 than on
questions 2 and 3 and question 6 than on question 7 (p-values [less than
or equal to] 0.05). Figure 2 shows these performance gaps, first,
between advanced and beginning cohorts, and second, within cohorts. We
can therefore reject the hypothesis that students will master inverse
demand if they are given enough time; rather surprisingly, they do
better with novel homogeneous forms that they've never used.
Our fourth result is that students do far better on algebra-only
questions 4 and 5 than they do on the other questions. We ignore this
result for two reasons. First, it is easier to answer questions that did
not require one to translate between algebra and graphs (fewer steps and
manipulations). Second, we cannot translate this result into a
recommendation when few economists are willing to discard graphs
3. Discussion
According to our results, students do not have difficulty with
graphs of inverse demand as much as a heterogeneous mix of graph and
equation. (10) A homogeneous presentation of the material, in contrast,
increases student success.
Do these results suggest that we teach Principles differently? The
answer depends on whether we are teaching Principles to find future
economists or to spread basic economics to as many as possible.
Professors might favor the former reason, i.e., they may like the way
that inverse demand selects for the "right" types of thinkers
(as it selected them). Further, professors may prefer inverse demand
because they do not want to make an additional effort to teach with a
homogeneous form that is used neither in research nor in later economics
While some students will doubtless prefer to learn with inverse
demand (because they intend to continue in economics), many more
students--the ones who only take one or two economics classes--want to
learn enough economics for basic literacy. (11) If inverse demand
prevents them from learning basic concepts (e.g., the law of demand),
then they will not benefit from it. Even worse, inverse demand may lead
the marginal student to take fewer economics classes or quit the
major--results that teachers of economics probably want to avoid. Since
these "non-professional" students are more numerous and a
delayed introduction of inverse demand will not prevent economics majors
from picking it up later, we merely recommend minimizing the
transactions costs of inversion by inserting an intermediate step
(homogenous form) so that students are able to learn the economics
without tripping on the math. Once they master the direct demand
combination of equation and graph, they can proceed to inversion. Put
differently, we recommend learning two things (economics of a demand
function and inverting algebra) serially, rather then in parallel.
Professors, for example, could take the following steps:
(1) Start with direct algebraic forms of demand for an individual
and supply for a firm. Combine these into a graph in the direct form to
find the price-taking equilibrium. Total surplus is the area below (not
to the left of) the supply and demand curves; see the fight panel in
Figure 1 for an example.
(2) Next, aggregate individual supply and demand functions to get
aggregate demand and supply functions in both algebraic and graphic
(3) After students are familiar with these functions, they can be
inverted to clarify how price and quantity are simultaneously determined
in the market.
(4) After students are comfortable with both forms,
"naturally" inverse forms that treat quantity as the
independent variable can be introduced and integrated, e.g., marginal
cost (supply) and marginal utility (demand) curves.
(5) This last step can take place within Principles, improving
student learning during the term while ensuring that they learn to use
the "industry standard" before the end of the term and before
they take other economics classes.
Although this procedure creates new costs for professors who have
to work with an (initially) unfamiliar format and the students who have
to switch from one format to another, we believe that the cost of
"flipping axes" is outweighed by the benefits to students
(improved comprehension and manipulation skills) and professors (less
student confusion). In addition to these benefits are the benefits to
the profession: a larger share of students moving from Principles to
major in economics and an improved understanding of economics for all
4. Conclusion
If test performance is correlated with student comprehension, then
the heterogeneous combination of (graphic) inverse demand and
(algebraic) direct demand is a sub-optimal standard for students. In
contrast to this result, we find that students do better with an
homogeneous combination of graph and algebra. These results may explain
why students have difficulty in Principles of Economics. Taking these
results into account--while acknowledging the importance of inverse
demand in advanced economics--we suggest that early instruction begin
with graphs in a homogeneous form and that inverse demand be introduced
later, when the benefits are greatest.
Appendix A: Economic Teaching Methods Evaluation
Instructions. This evaluation is voluntary and confidential. Do NOT
write any identifying information on this page! Please try to answer all
questions in the time allowed.
About You.
Major: Are you now declared (or intending to declare) economics or
managerial economics as your major? Please circle one ... Yes No
Classes: Please circle all classes that you have taken or are
currently taking:
ARE 100A ARE 100B ARE 155
ECN 100 ECN 101 Math16A
Math 16B Math21A Math21B
GPA: What's your cumulative GPA?--
Questions on Demand.
Part I: Choose the multiple choice answer corresponding to the
given graph (for the given axis combination)
(1) Choose the answer which matches the graph to the right
([Q.sub.d] on x-axis).
(a) [Q.sub.d] = 10 - 2p
(b) [Q.sub.d] = 5 - 1/2p
(c) [Q.sub.d] = 5 - 2p
(2) Choose the answer which matches the graph to the right
([Q.sub.d] on x-axis).
(a) P = 7 - 7/2 [Q.sub.d]
(b) P = 7 - 2/7 [Q.sub.d]
(c) P = 2 - 2/7 [Q.sub.d]
(3) Choose the answer which matches the graph to the right (P on
(a) [Q.sub.d] = 3 - 1/2 p
(b) [Q.sub.d] = 6 - 2 p
(c) [Q.sub.d] = 6 - 1/2 p
Part II: Given the following individual demand equations
([q.sub.1], [q.sub.2]) and market price (p), circle the correct value of
aggregate demand, [Q.sub.d] (where [Q.sub.d]= [q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]).
(4) If [q.sub.1] = 3 - 2p, [q.sub.2] = 3 - 2p and p=1, then:
(a) [Q.sub.d] = 4
(b) [Q.sub.d] = 2
(c) [Q.sub.d] = 3
(5) If p = 4 - 3[q.sub.1], p = 4 - 3q2 andp = 1, then:
(a) [Q.sub.d]= 4 1/2
(b) [Q.sub.d] = 2
(c) [Q.sub.d] =7 1/3
Part III: Circle the graph representing the aggregate demand
function (for the given axis combination)
(6) If [q.sub.1] = 4 - p and [q.sub.2] = 4 - p, then aggregate
demand looks like ([Q.sub.d] on x-axis):
(7) If [q.sub.1] = 3 - p and [q.sub.2] = 3 - p, then aggregate
demand looks like (P on x-axis):
(8) If p = 3 - [5q.sub.1] and p = 3 - [5q.sub.2], then aggregate
demand looks like ([Q.sub.d] on x-axis):
[ANSWERS: 1A, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6C, 7A, 8B.]
Appendix B: The History and Use of Inverse Demand
When Marshall wrote Principles of Economics, he put price on the
vertical axis to show that price was a function of quantity. He
maintained his P(Q) notation--even when he knew quantity to be a
function of price--for consistency. Leon Walras presented Q(P) on the
vertical axis because he took price as given in the market adjustment
process. According to Ekelund Jr. and Hebert (1975), "the basic
difference between Walras and Marshall, with regard to the market
adjustment mechanism, is that Walras regarded price as the adjusting
variable when markets are in disequilibrium whereas Marshall focused on
quantity as the adjusting variable in the same circumstances" [p.
Today, economists mix algebraic traditions but stay with
Marshall's graphical standard. In Teaching Economics, for example,
Banaszak and Brennan (1983, pp. 62-63) define demand as "the
quantity of a product that individuals are willing and able to buy at
each and every price during some specified period of time." As an
example, they set out a demand schedule which shows the quantity of
pizza demanded at each price, i.e.,
Price per Quantity
Slice Demanded
$1.00 200
0.80 400
0.60 600
0.40 800
0.20 1,000
This table is then translated into a demand curve which
"expresses the relationship between price and quantity
demanded" with price on the vertical axis, i.e.,
In addition, Banaszak and Brennan mix and merge Walras and Marshall
in a way that obscures their separate views. On page 69, they write:
Supply and Demand: Price Determination
The interaction of the buying decisions of
consumers and the selling decisions of producers
determines the market price of an
item. If the producers ask a price that the
consumers feel is too high, the product will
not sell. Accordingly, the price must be lowered
until the market price is achieved. At
this price, the quantity of the good or service
that producers are willing to produce and
supply to the market is identical with the
quantity consumers are willing and able to
buy. Economists call this price the equilibrium
price, meaning the price that brings
If the price at which a good or service is
offered to the public is above the equilibrium
price, producers will be willing to supply more
of the commodity but buyers will buy less. The
result is an excess in supply (a surplus). If the
price is below equilibrium, the producers are
willing to supply less of the commodity but
buyers are willing to buy more. The result is a
temporary excess of demand (a shortage).
In the first paragraph, prices adjust until [P.sub.d] = [P.sub.s]
(and quantities balance). In the next paragraph, price is given,
[Q.sub.d] [not equal to] [Q.sub.s], and a surplus or shortage results.
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Banaszak, R.A., and Brennan, D.C. (1983). Teaching Economics:
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Becker, W.E. (1997). Teaching Economics to Undergraduates. Journal
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Graphs Promote Learning in Principles of Economics? Journal of Economic
Education, 32(4):299-310.
Cohn, E., Cohn, S., Balch, D.C., and Bradley Jr., J. (2004). The
Relation between Student Attitudes towards Graphs and Performance in
Economics. American Economist, 48:41-52.
Dynan, K., and Rouse, C. (1997). The Under-representation of Women
in Economics: A Study of Undergraduate Economics Students. Journal of
Economic Education, 28(4):350-68.
Ekelund Jr., R.B., and Hebert, R.F. (1975). A History of Economic
Theory and Method. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Elzinga, K.G. (2001). Fifteen Theses on Classroom Teaching.
Southern Economic Journal, 68 (2):249-257.
Frank, R.H. (2002). The Economic Naturalist: Teaching Introductory
Students How to Speak Economics. American Economic Review, 92
Hamermesh, D.S. (2002). Microeconomic Principles Teaching Tricks.
American Economic Review, 92(2):449-453. Hansen, W.L., Salemi, M.K., and
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(1.) In any given year at our university, 10 percent of the
students taking any economics class graduate with an economics degree.
If students average five years to completion and all students taking
classes graduated in the major, this share would be 20 percent. Thus,
half the students taking economics classes graduate in another major,
which is reasonable if economics is required in other departments. (Half
is far lower than 95 percent reported in Hansen et al. (2001), but their
figure is for Principles alone.) Our point is that inverse demand may
push students away from economics at the margin.
(2.) They find that graphs do not have a negative impact when added
to the end of a non-graph lecture, which confounds the value of graphs
with the value of additional lecture time.
(3.) The authors report that students who think graphs are helpful
do not perform better than those who do not.
(4.) He suggests, for example, that it is better to spend more time
on opportunity cost and less time on short-run average cost curves.
(5.) 7.1 percent of all undergraduates at our university are in the
economics or managerial economics major, but we did not select a random
sample of these students. Instead, we gave the survey to students in
eight discussion sections of four different economics classes; they had
enrolled in or taken an average of 2.95 (median 3.00) classes in
economics. We did not control for previous or current professors.
(6.) We designed the survey by randomly using the inverse or direct
form for a set of simple demand equations. The answer choices were
randomly sorted from a set which included the correct answer, a random
answer, and an answer which came from an "upside down"
method--i.e., as if the student did not invert when they should have or
did invert when they should not have. Numbers in each question and
question order were randomly determined. Although it is possible that
some element in the construction of the questions may have favored some
pattern of answers, that problem is never absent in test design.
(7.) We skipped the inverse equation-direct graph pair since it is
rarely relevant in economics.
(8.) We assume that the answer for each question is distributed as
multinomial with three possible outcomes per trial (student).
([y.sub.i], [p.sub.i]) describes the outcomes and probabilities for i =
1, 2, 3, where 1 is the correct answer. A maximum likelihood estimator
for [p.sub.k] given observed ([y.sub.1], [y.sub.2], [y.sub.3]) is simply
the number of students who answer the kth choice divided by the total
number of students. Thus, we are implicitly assuming the same a priori
[p.sub.i] across all students. We constructed an asymptotic z-statistic
to test the difference in the rate of success between pairs of questions
within parts for significance. We found the z-statistic with
[p.sup.s.sub.l] and [p.sup.t.sub.l] indicate an estimated parameter for
the probability of choosing the right answer (choice 1) in two different
questions (e.g. direct-direct and direct-inverse). This allows us to
test hypotheses on student performance across different types of
(9.) T-tests fail to reject equality between question pairs 2/3,
4/5 and 7/8.
(10.) Although it is possible that these results are derivative of
our particular sample or testing method, we know of no reason why the
results would not apply to the population taking Principles. Further, we
are not concerned as to whether these results measure student success at
math or economics. Facility with inverse demand may not be sufficient
for success in economics, but it is certainly necessary.
(11.) The importance of teaching laypeople is increasing as
Principles is offered earlier (e.g., as a required class for high school
students) and more broadly (e.g., as a required class for
interdisciplinary diversity among other majors in the US and faculties
in Europe).
by David Zetland, * Carlo Russo, ** and Navin Yavapolkul ***
December 21, 2009.
* Zetland (corresponding author) is at the Department of
Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California,
Berkeley; dzetland@gmail.com.
** Russo is at the Universita di Cassino--DIMET.
*** Yavapolkul is at the Department of Agricultural & Resource
Economics, University of California, Davis.
We thank Aslihan Arslan, Derek Berwald, Chris Dawes, Jennifer Lee,
Brendan Livingston, Matthew Pearson, and Teddy Wong for surveying
students; the 283 students who answered surveys; and Byeongil Ahn, David
Colander, Robert Frank, Jennifer Keeling, Gorm Kipperberg, Joaquim
Silvestre, Rich Sexton, Ed Taylor, session participants at the 2005
WAEA, and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments. This paper is
derived from an earlier paper entitled "Is Inverse Demand
Descriptive statistics and percentage shares of
correct answers.
Economics Classes
1 2 or 3 4+ All
Number of Students 64 79 102 245
Average GPA 3.02 3.10 3.19 3.12
Econ Major (%) 53 70 88 73
Part I (graph [right
arrow] equation)
1: Inverse [right arrow] Direct 50 58 73 62
2: Inverse [right arrow] Inverse 64 79 94 82
3: Direct [right arrow] Direct 64 91 84 81
Part II (equation [right
arrow] equation)
4: Direct [right arrow] Direct 91 95 99 96
5: Inverse [right arrow] Direct 91 95 95 94
Part III (equation [right
arrow] graph)
6: Direct [right arrow] Inverse 41 58 61 55
7: Direct [right arrow] Direct 59 60 74 66
8: Inverse [right arrow] Inverse 47 55 69 59