Cross price elasticity and income elasticity of demand: are your students confused?
Graves, Philip E. ; Sexton, Robert L.
We examined a large sampling of top selling microeconomics
textbooks (principles and intermediate): Arnold (2008), Baumol and
Blinder (2009), Besanko and Braeutigam (2008), Case and Fair (2004),
Frank and Bernanke (2007), Hall and Lieberman (2008), Hubbard and
O'Brien (2008), Pindyck and Rubinfeld (2005), Lipsey, Ragan and
Storer (2008), Mankiw (2007), McConnell and Brue (2008), Miller (2008)
and Parkin (2008), Perloff (2009), Sexton (2008) and Schiller (pp.
404-07), In each of these texts, in the chapter on supply and demand, it
clearly states that if a decrease (an increase) in the price of one good
causes a decrease (an increase) in the demand for another good, buyers
view these two goods as substitutes. And, if a decrease (an increase) in
the price of one good causes an increase (a decrease) in the demand for
another good, buyers view these two goods as complements. However, it is
also true that in almost every principles and intermediate economics
textbook the definition of cross price elasticity is written as follows:
the percentage change in the quantity demanded for a good that results
from a given percentage change in the price of another good. The problem
is the use (or abuse) of the terms demand and quantity demanded. In one
chapter, students are taught that substitutes and complements are the
relationship between the price of one good and the demand for another
and now in a different chapter they are taught that substitutes and
complements are the relationship between the price of one good and the
quantity demanded for another, without explanation. McEachern (2009) was
the only text that we surveyed that was correct.
Of course, the problem stems from economists employing convenient
two-dimensional graphs to describe n-dimensional phenomena. The problem
disappears in more advanced discussions where it is seen that the demand
relationship is a mapping from Rn to R1+, and a change in any
independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable, desired
quantity. Whether one calls this "change in demand" or
"change in quantity demanded" is immaterial in the
n-dimensional setting. However, at the principles level, and in some
intermediate treatments, there is great potential for confusion as we
show here.
Cross Price Elasticity of Demand
With regard to cross price elasticities, Pindyck and Rubinfeld
(2005, p. 34-35) write, "... the cross price elasticity will be
positive because the goods are substitutes: Because they compete in the
market, a rise in the price of margarine, which makes butter cheaper
relative to margarine, leads to an increase in the quantity demanded
(Because the demand curve for butter will shift to the right, the price
of the butter will rise). Some goods are complements ... If the price of
gasoline goes up the quantity of gasoline falls and motorists will drive
less. And because the people are driving less, the demand for motor oil
also falls (the entire demand curve for mortor oil shifts to the left).
Thus, the cross price elasticity of motor oil with respect to gasoline
is negative." It is clear that students could easily be confused
with what they learned in the supply and demand chapter--Pindyck and
Rubinfeld (2005, p. 22) write, "... we will use the phrase change
in demand to refer to shifts in the demand curve, and reserve the phrase
change in quantity demanded to apply to movements along the demand
curve. However, they define complements and substitutes to be when a
change in the price leads to a change in the quantity demanded. This
would suggest to a student that they are saying that there is not a
shift in the demand curve when the price of a related good changes. We
contend that the failure to consistently use "change in
demand" and "change in quantity demanded" is likely to
lead to confusion among students.
Besanko and Braeutigam (2008, p. 49) write, "the cross price
elasticity of demand for chicken with respect to beef is positive
indicates that as the price of beef goes up, the quantity of chicken
demanded goes up ... As the price of breakfast cereal goes up consumers
will buy less cereal and thus will need less milk to pour on top of
their cereal. Consequently, the demand for the milk will fall."
This is likely to be confusing to students because the authors use
quantity demanded of chicken (incorrectly) in the substitute example and
the demand for milk (correctly) in the complements example.
Lipsey, Ragan and Storer (2008) is the least confusing of the books
we examined. They define cross price elasticity as "the
responsiveness of demand to changes in the price of another product is
called the cross elasticity of demand." However, then they write
the cross price elasticity formula as the percentage change in quantity
demanded divided by the percentage change in the price of Good Y. This
leads to the same confusion between demand and quantity demanded seen
earlier. Why not call it what it is, namely the percentage change in
demand? They follow by correctly stating, "The change in the price
of good Y causes the demand curve for Good X to shift. If X and Y are
substitutes, an increase in the price of Y leads to an increase in the
demand for X. If X and Y are complements, an increase in the price of Y
leads to a reduction in the demand for X. In either case, we are holding
the price of X constant. Therefore, we measure the change in quantity
demanded of X at its unchanged price by measuring the shift for the
demand curve for X. (authors' bold for emphasis)
See figure 1, where an increase in the price of butter increases
the demand for the substitute margarine. We are interested in measuring
the percentage shift in the demand curve for margarine, i.e. the
difference between [Q.sub.0] and [Q.sub.1] divided by Q0" The
important point is that the cross price elasticity of demand is the
measurement of the percentage shift in the demand curve for the
substitute or complementary good. We need to avoid the usage of the
expression "change in quantity demanded" when demand curves
are shifting, saving that expression for movements along a demand curve
resulting from own-price changes. We propose that the cross price
elasticity definition be written as the impact the price of one good
will have on the demand for another good in percentages, other things
Income Elasticity of Demand
The same problem occurs with income elasticity for all the authors
cited above. For example, McConnell (2008) in the supply and demand
chapter writes, "for most products a rise in income causes an
increase in demand." This is the normal good scenario seen in every
principles text. Goods whose demand varies inversely with money income
are called inferior goods. However, moving to the chapter on elasticity
McConnell writes, "normal and inferior goods are defined as the
percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change
in income." Again, we see a potentially confusing failure to
distinguish between demand and quantity demanded. Consistent usage would
require that the income elasticity of demand be defined as the
responsiveness of the change in demand to a change in income in
percentage terms.
What Caused the Price Increase?
There is another source for possible confusion that the formal
definition may pose to students if the cause of the initial price
increase is not specified.
For example, assume that peanut butter and jelly are complementary
goods. This would mean that a change in the price of peanut butter would
be inversely related to a change in demand for jelly. The logic would
seem straightforward-as a result of a higher price for peanut butter
fewer people will purchase peanut butter and consequently there would be
less demand for jelly. This would hold true if the price increase in
peanut butter was caused by a supply shift. However, this would not
necessarily be the case if the increase in the price of peanut butter
was caused by an increase in demand. If the higher price of peanut
butter was demand induced, say a new medical discovery that peanut
butter was a longevity enhancing substance; then the outcome would be a
larger quantity of peanut butter bought at the higher price and hence, a
greater demand for jelly. And, if a decrease in demand for peanut
butter, a medical discovery that many people now realize they are
actually allergic to peanuts would cause the demand curve for peanut
butter to fall and as the price for peanut butter fell there would be
fewer jars of peanut butter purchased and therefore a lower, not higher
demand for jelly.
The same caution is also relevant for substitute goods. If, for
example, Chevron gas and Shell gas are substitutes, then one would
expect to see an increase in the relative price of Chevron to lead to an
increase in demand for Shell. This would, of course, be true if the
increase in the price was caused by a reduction in the supply curve of
Chevron. If, on the other hand, the demand for Chevron increased, say
through effective advertising--say a new improved cleaner burning fuel,
and this caused the price increase; the quantity of Chevron would
actually increase and hence customers would be substituting away from
the other product, Shell. Alternatively, if the price of Chevron fell,
the student would be led to believe that there would be a reduction in
demand for Shell. However, if demand fell for Chevron, the price and
quantity of Chevron would fall, implying that there would now be less of
Chevron and presumably more of Shell purchased despite the lower
relative price of the substitute.
In discussions of substitutes and complements and of cross price
and income elastiticities--both in class and on exams--it is important
to inform students to consistently employ "change in demand"
(supply) and "change in quantity demanded" in all
contexts/chapters. The additional time spent here will lead to greater
clarity and much less student confusion in the application of supply and
Arnold, R. 2008. Economics, 8th ed. Mason, Ohio: Thomson
Baumol, W. and A. Blinder
Besanko, D. and R Braeutigam. 2008. Microeconomics, 3rd ed.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Case, K and R. Fair. 2004. Principles of Microeconomics, 7th ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall
Frank, R. and B. Bernanke. 2007. Principles of Microeconomics, 3rd
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Hall and Lieberman, 2008. Economics, 8th ed. Mason, Ohio: Thomson
Hubbard, R.G. and A. O'Brien. 2008. Economics, 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Lipsey, R, Ragan, C and P Storer. 2008. Microeconomics, 13th ed.,
Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Mankiw, G. 2009. Principles of Microeconomics, 5th ed. Mason, Ohio:
Thomson South-Western.
McConnell, C. and S. Brue. 2008. Microeconomics, 17th ed. New York:
McEachern, W (2009) Economics: A Contemporary Approach, 8th ed.
Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western.
Miller, R.L. 2008. Microeconomics Today, 14th ed. Boston: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Parkin, M. 2008. Microeconomics, 8th ed. Boston: Pearson Education,
Pindyck, R. and D. Rubinfeld. 2009, Microeconomics, 7th ed. Upper
Saddle River, N J: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Perloff, J. 2009, Microeconomics 5th ed. Boston: Pearson Education,
Schiller, B. 2008, Economics 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Sexton, R.L., 1991. "Demand Induced Price Changes--Substitutes
and Complements: A Cautionary Comment," Atlantic Economic Journal,
Vol. 19, Issue 2, p68.
Sexton, R.L. 2008. Exploring Microeconomics, 4th ed. Mason, Ohio:
Thomson South-Western.
Philip E. Graves, Department of Economics, University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309.
Robert L. Sexton, Distinguished Professor of Economics Pepperdine
University Malibu, California 90263.4