Low flu shot rates puzzle--some plausible behavioral explanations.
Shahrabani, Shosh ; Gafni, Amiram ; Ben-Zion, Uri 等
I. Introduction
This paper describes an economic model for analyzing an
individual's decision about whether or not to be vaccinated against
influenza. It shows that based upon objective parameters, the
vaccination rate should be high. Yet, this result is not consistent with
empirical findings of low vaccination rates, for example for
anti-influenza shots (MIV study group, 2005). Therefore, the second part
of the paper uses the behavioral approach and subjective variables, such
as perceived infection probability, time preference, subjective costs of
vaccination, perceived vaccination effectiveness, and perceived severity
of illness, to explain the empirical findings.
Previous economic studies that dealt with an individual's
decision concerning preferred preventive behaviors (e.g., Brito et al.,
1991, Francis, 1997) did not take into account subjective variables
known to influence an individual's decision. For example,
individuals might use the subjective probability of being infected
rather than population-based epidemiological data (Mehrez and Gafni,
1987, Auld, 2003, Karni, 2003, Mullahy, 1999). Moreover, the Health
Belief Model (HBM) (Rosenstock, 1988) can provide insight into why
people participate in programs that prevent illness or detect disease.
The HBM posits that behavior is a function of an individual's
beliefs about the subjective value of an outcome and the subjective
expectation that a particular behavior will achieve that outcome. Blue
and Valley (2002), who employ the HBM, found that individuals who were
vaccinated against influenza believed more strongly that they were
susceptible to influenza and that influenza is a serious illness than
did those who chose not to be vaccinated. In addition, Chapman and Coups
(1999) provide some evidence that individuals' time preference
patterns can explain preventive health behavior; in particular, monetary
time preferences were found to predict whether people took flu shots.
Since individuals' short-term discount rates are typically higher
than market or social rates (West et al., 2003), the present value of
the benefit from vaccination to those individuals is lower than to
Our paper integrates the above mentioned behavioral effects as well
as known psychological biases into a theoretical economic model to
explain an individual's decision regarding flu-shot vaccination as
an example of preventive behavior. Because low vaccination rates have a
negative externality on society, it is important to identify the
decision-making process of the individual.
Our model refers to the demand side of the flu-shot, yet the supply
side might also have an impact on vaccination rates. While a shortage of
vaccine in certain years has reduced vaccination rates, we still observe
low vaccination levels over a long period, even in years with no
shortages. For example, according to the MIV study group (2005), data
for the period 1997-2003 show consistently low vaccination rates,
although improving over time, in developed as well as undeveloped
countries. In 2002, for example, there was no shortage of flu vaccines,
at least in the US (Harper et al., 2004). Yet, vaccination levels for
that year (doses distributed/1000 population) in the US were 289, in
Canada 328, in Japan 160 and in Germany 181, while other developed and
undeveloped countries exhibited even lower vaccination levels (MIV study
group, 2005).
The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the
vaccination decision model based on objective parameters. Section III
uses the behavioral economic model and subjective evaluation parameters
to explain empirical findings regarding vaccination. Section IV
describes the policy implications, and Section V presents conclusions.
II. The Vaccination Decision-Making Model
In describing the economic model regarding an individual's
decision whether or not to be vaccinated against a particular disease,
we assume the use of "objective variables." We describe the
case of an infectious disease such as the flu, which breaks out each
year during period 1 and has an epidemiological (i.e., population-based)
infection probability denoted by P. A vaccine against this disease is
available to the public during the preceding period 0. During period 0,
an individual chooses whether or not to be vaccinated against the
disease. We also assume that the vaccination will be effective, with
probability denoted by [pi].
As in Brito et al. (1991), we denote the utility of a healthy
individual with income (y) as u(y), where u'(y) > 0, and
u"(y) < 0. [u.bar] (y) denotes the utility of the individual
when ill, satisfying [u.bar]' (y) > 0, [u.bar]" (y) < 0
and u (y) > [u.bar] (y). If an individual decides to be vaccinated
during period 0, it will cost him or her 0 units of utility, where
[theta] < u(y). The variable [theta] reflects a vaccination service
fee. In this section, we assume that the individual has no health
insurance and no loss of income insurance. The market interest rate is
denoted by R, while C(y) denotes the treatment costs and income loss,
measured as utility loss, which the individual has to pay in case of
illness. C(y) may also include treatment costs due to the externality
effect of illness on family members and other relatives. We assume that
the income loss costs depend on the individual's income, and that
[theta](1 + R) < C (y). The utility of a person who decides to be
vaccinated is:
[u(y) - [theta]] + u(y)[pi] + [u.bar](y)(1 - [pi])/1 + R (1)
Alternatively, if an individual decides not to be vaccinated, V,
the expected utility is given by:
V(y, P, R, C) =
u(y) + (1 - P)u(y) + P x [u.bar](y)/1 + R - P x C(y)/1 + R (2)
From equations (1) and (2), the critical objective probability,
[P.sup.*], is given by:
[P.sup.*] = [increment of u](y)(1 - [pi]) + [theta](1 +
R)/[[increment of u](y) + C(y)] (3)
where [increment of u](y) = [u(y) - [u.bar](y)] reflects the
perceived severity of illness to the individual when she is not ill.
Proposition (1): The objective decision rule will be: Take the
vaccine if P [greater than or equal to] [P.sup.*]; otherwise, do not
choose to be vaccinated.
It is reasonable to assume that for each individual, the expression
[[increment of u](y) + C(y)] is by far higher than [theta], the flu shot
vaccination costs. Therefore, for high values of vaccination
effectiveness probability, from equation (3) we expect that [P.sup.*]
will be relatively low and the likelihood of choosing to be vaccinated
will be high.
Suppose we have two different groups in the adult population. The
first group is the high-risk group, which includes individuals who have
chronic illnesses and/or are over the age of 65, and the second group is
the low-risk group (i.e., "working group"). The probability of
infection for the high-risk group is higher than for the low-risk group,
while the effectiveness probability of vaccination is lower for the
high-risk group (Bridges et al., 2001). (1) In addition we assume that
the vaccination cost, [theta], is equal to zero for individuals in the
high risk group, (2) and that u(y), [u.bar](y), C(y) are functions of P.
That is, the baseline utility levels are likely to be lower for a
high-risk chronically ill person than for a non-chronically sick person;
therefore, the two groups differ in their perceived severity of illness,
[increment of u](y). Also, the treatment costs C(y) are likely to be
higher for the chronically ill person. Nevertheless, income loss due to
illness is lower for the high-risk group. As a result, we expect that
[P.sup.*] will be lower for the high-risk group than for the working
group, and the likelihood of taking the vaccine is expected to be higher
for the high-risk group.
To illustrate possible value for [P.sup.*], we consider the
following reasonable parameters for individual in the low-risk group:
Example 1: Let us make the following assumptions for a developed
country: [theta], the vaccination costs, are $10; C(y), the costs of
treatment and income loss for three days of illness, are $200; R, the
market interest rate, is 4%; and [pi], the vaccination effectiveness
probability, is 0.8 (Bridges et al., 2001). We also assume that
[increment of u](y), the perceived severity of illness to the individual
when he or she is not ill, can be measured by individual willingness to
pay to eliminate the illness after it has occurred, and is, for example,
$200. Substituting these illustrative numbers in equation (3) yields
[P.sup.*] = 0.12, while P, the annual influenza epidemic rate, ranges
from 5% to 50% as suggested by Postma et al., 2002. In this case, it is
more likely that [P.sup.*] < P, so we expect the individual will
decide to take the vaccine. Moreover, for individuals in the high-risk
group, we expect full compliance, since [P.sup.*] for this group might
be even lower while the epidemiological infection probability is much
higher than that of the low-risk group. Nevertheless, vaccination levels
(doses distributed/1000 population) are quite low in many developed
countries (MIV study group, 2005). For example, in the U.S., the
vaccination coverage in 2001 among adults with high-risk conditions aged
18-49 years and 50-64 years was 23% and 44%, respectively, substantially
lower than the Healthy People 2000 and 2010 objective of 60% (Harper et
al., 2004). For adults over the age of 65, the vaccination coverage was
66%, while the Healthy People 2010 objective is to achieve vaccination
coverage of 90%.
In the next section, we incorporate the behavioral approach to the
decision-making model in order to examine possible reasons for the
discrepancy between the objective model prediction and the low
vaccination rates.
III. The Behavioral Approach
The behavioral framework used here includes subjective variables as
well as possible psychological estimation biases of the relevant
variables to explain the low vaccination rates.
First, we assume that each individual uses a subjective infection
probability, [P.sub.s], which reflects his or her own perception of the
probability of being infected, rather than population-based
epidemiological data. Second, we assume that each individual has a
subjective probability of the perceived effectiveness of the
vaccination, [[pi].sub.s]. In addition, we assume that the individual
has a subjective discount rate, [R.sub.s], which is likely to differ
from the market interest rate. Moreover, we denote by [[theta]sub.s] not
only monetary and time costs of vaccination but also barriers to being
vaccinated, such as pain, fear of injections, inconvenience of getting
the vaccination, and a "status-quo" cost of change (Samuelson
and Zeckhauser, 1988).
In this case the critical probability [P.sub.s.sup.*] is given by:
[P.sup.*.sub.s] [increment of u](1 - [[pi].sub.s]) + [theta](1 +
[R.sub.s])/[[increment of u](y) + C(y)] (4)
Proposition (2): For a given subjective infection probability
[P.sub.s], an individual will decide to be vaccinated, if [P.sub.s]
[greater than or equal to] [P.sub.s.sup.*]; otherwise, the individual
will prefer not to be vaccinated.
Based on empirical findings from the Health Belief Model and
psychological theories, we present the following behavioral effects
affecting [P.sub.s.sup.*] and [P.sub.s]. In our estimation, the
subjective probability [P.sub.s] will be lower than P, and in addition,
the values of the variables in equation (4) will result in a larger
[P.sub.s.sup.*] than [P.sup.*], so that the individual will decide not
to be vaccinated. The behavioral effects are as follows:
(a) High values of [[theta].sub.s], due to barriers such as fear of
injections and estimating high monetary and time costs for receiving the
flu-shot. Based on the Health Belief Model prediction, Blue and Valley
(2002) showed that high barriers were one of the reasons for deciding
not to be vaccinated. In addition, high values of [[theta].sub.s] can
stem from high "status-quo" costs of change. The status quo effect, which describes people's reluctance to relinquish current
routines, helps explain the difficulties in encouraging patients to use
preventive medicine (Redelmeier et al., 1993).
(b) Low values of [increment of u](y), (3) due to underestimation
of the severity of illness when someone is not ill. Hersch and Viscusi
(1998) argued that if people do not fully understand how bad the outcome
of ill health will be, or if they form their preferences based on
erroneous information, they may attribute too little weight to a state
of ill health, which, for example, will make them more likely to smoke.
The same argument can hold for the low likelihood of taking a flu-shot.
(c) High values of [R.sub.s], the subjective short-run discount
rate, which indicates an individual's present-oriented time
preference. Since individual short-term discount rates are typically
higher than market or social rates (West et al., 2003), the present
value of the benefit from vaccination to those individuals will be lower
than the costs and the pain incurred today. In addition, it is
reasonable to believe that high-risk individuals will have even higher
discount rates than low-risk individuals. Therefore, individuals will
tend not to be vaccinated. Empirical measurements of a stated time
preference showed that individuals' short-term discount rates range
from 20%-50%, much higher than the market or social interest rate of
5%-10% (Johannesson et al. 1996, and Ben-Zion et al., 1989).
(d) Low values of C(y) due to medical insurance, where people do
not pay for medical treatments when they have health insurance. In
addition, lower values of C(y) can occur due to income-loss insurance,
where people do not suffer loss of income when they are ill.
(e) Lower subjective infected probability [P.sub.s] than the
objective probability due to the "overconfidence effect"
(Griffin and Varey, 1996, Dunning et al., 2004). This effect reflects
people's tendency to be unrealistically optimistic about their own
health risks. As a result, for these people [P.sub.s] <
[P.sub.s.sup.*], and they will prefer not to be vaccinated. This result
is compatible with the findings of Blue and Valley (2002) that
individuals who hold stronger beliefs that they are not susceptible to
influenza tend not to be vaccinated.
(f) Lower values of [[pi].sub.s], the subjective probability of the
perceived effectiveness of the vaccination, in comparison to the
objective effectiveness probability, [pi]. Many individuals fail to get
vaccinated against the flu because they believe the vaccine will be
ineffective against multiple strains. Chapman and Coups (1999) found a
positive relationship between vaccination acceptance and the perceived
effectiveness of the vaccine.
Example 2: Let us assume that [[theta].sub.s], representing
vaccination costs, inconvenience and status-quo costs, is $60; C(y),
representing the treatment costs and income loss of an insured
individual, is $70; and [R.sub.s], the subjective discount rate, is 20%.
We also assume that [[pi].sub.s], the effectiveness probability, is 0.2,
and that [increment of u](y), the perceived severity of illness to the
individual when he or she is not ill, measured by willingness to pay to
eliminate the illness when it does occur, is $70. Substituting these
illustrative numbers in equation (4) yields [P.sub.s.sup.*] = 0.91,
while P, the annual influenza epidemic rate, ranges from 5% to 50%. In
this case [P.sub.s.sup.*] > P and we expect that the individual will
decide not to be vaccinated.
IV. Policy implications
Anti-influenza vaccination has been shown to be a cost-effective
policy from a societal perspective, both for targeted high-risk groups
and for healthy adult workers (Nichol, 2001; Dille, 1999; Lee et al.
2002). Therefore, we assume that the costs of implementing the policy
are much smaller than the full costs to society in case of an outbreak
of the disease. Taking into consideration the positive externality of
the vaccine to society, it is in the mutual interest of insurance
companies, employers and health care providers that more individuals be
vaccinated. Following our model, we suggest potential actions for
influencing the subjective parameters, which, in turn, will increase
individuals' motivation to be vaccinated. The suggested policies
involve actions taken by insurance companies, employers and health care
providers, which affect the following subjective parameters:
(a) Increase the values of [increment of u](y), the expected
severity of illness in terms of utility, by providing easily accessible
and understandable information regarding the seriousness of the illness,
especially for those groups for whom the severity of illness is higher
than for other groups.
(b) Increase the value of C(y), the costs of illness, by offering
insurance with differential premiums, meaning that individuals will have
to face extra premiums for their health insurance if they decide not to
take the vaccine. Or, to put it differently, individuals who take the
vaccine will be entitled to a reduction in their health insurance
premiums. An increase in C(y) can also stem from information regarding
the negative externality of the illness on relatives and family members.
(c) Decrease the value of [[theta].sub.s], by reducing the travel
and time costs to get the vaccine. This can be accomplished if free
vaccinations are offered not only in medical centers, but also at more
work places, shopping centers, etc.
(d) Increase the value of [P.sub.s], the subjective infection
probabilities, by publishing public information explaining how the
disease spreads. Individuals are more likely to get vaccinated against
influenza as the perceived disease threat increases (Li et al., 2004).
The suggested actions in Steps (a)-(c) may increase
[P.sub.s.sup.*], while action (d) decreases [P.sub.s]. Therefore,
according to our model an individual's incentive to be vaccinated
will be higher.
Some of the steps suggested above might help physicians guide the
health decisions of their patients. In our model, physicians use
population probabilities, while the patient is motivated by
"subjective probabilities." In addition, it is reasonable to
believe that physicians, due to their medical knowledge and their
objective attitude as advisors, are not subject to the
"overconfidence effect" regarding the probability of
infection. (4) Moreover, physicians are not subject to the
underestimation bias of the severity of illness that some individuals
might have. Nevertheless, doctors do not know their patients'
utility functions. In addition, physicians cannot force patients to take
an influenza shot (as reflected by the low compliance rates). Therefore,
a potential mechanism by means of which physicians may influence
patients' decision is by engaging in a type of encounter known as
shared treatment decision-making (Charles et al., 1997, 1999).
V. Summary and Conclusions
In this paper, we used a behavioral economic approach to show why a
pure objective model does not predict the low rates of vaccination
against influenza in the population. We showed that lower subjective
variables, such as infection probability, effectiveness probability of
vaccination and perceived severity of illness, as well as higher
subjective variables, such as infection probability and costs of
vaccination, including pain and inconvenience, may explain the low rates
of vaccination.
Knowing the factors affecting the decision not to be vaccinated can
help in designing a suitable policy to prevent the burden of treatment
costs and output loss caused by the disease in society. For example,
health care providers can encourage individuals with large families, or
individuals with high-risk members of their families, to get vaccinated
in order to prevent the negative externality of illness. Moreover, since
it was found that higher education has a positive effect on the decision
to be vaccinated (Wu, 2003), we assume that supplying clearer
information to the public regarding the severity of illness may have an
impact on the subjective infection probability and on the perceived
seriousness of illness.
Yet, supplying free vaccination is not sufficient to convince
individuals to be vaccinated if the other vaccination barriers, such as
inconvenience and status quo costs of change, are high. Efforts to
reduce those barriers should be implemented.
Finally, the framework analysis of this paper can be applied to
understand other individual decisions regarding health-related issues,
such as the decision to stop smoking, to have regular medical check-ups
and to control weight.
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(1.) In a report for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), Bridges et al. (2001) claimed that when the vaccine and
circulating viruses are well-matched, the vaccine prevents influenza
illness among approximately 70%-90% of healthy adults aged less than 65
years. In addition, a randomized trial among non-institutionalized
persons over the age of 60 reported a vaccine efficacy of 58% against
influenza respiratory illness (Bridges et al., 2001).
(2.) Many countries provided public reimbursement for vaccination
of recommended target groups through either national or social health
insurance (MIV group 2005, page 5134).
(3.) In equation (4), ([partial derivative][P.sup.*]/[partial
derivative][increment of u]) < 0, if C < [[theta](1 + R)/(1 -
[pi])]. For an insured individual, this condition is reasonable since
C(y), treatment costs and loss of income are very low.
(4.) Nevertheless, in a personal decision, physicians might be
subject to this effect. For example, MIV study group (2005) argued that
vaccination rates in the group of healthcare workers are widely regarded
as inadequate.
by Shosh Shahrabani, * Amiram Gafni, ** and Uri Ben-Zion ***
* Shosh Shahrabani, Economics and Management Department, The Emek
Yezreel College, Emek Yezreel 19300, Israel. shoshs@yvc.ac.il.
** Amiram Gafni, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis,
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster
University, Ontario, Canada. gafni@mcmaster.ca.
*** Uri Ben-Zion, Economics Department, Ben-Gurion University,
Beer-Sheva, Israel. benzionu@mail .bgu.ac.il.
**** A pervious version of this paper was presented at the SABE conference, Philadelphia July 2004. We would like to thank the
participants of the seminars, as well as Gregory Yom-Din, for their
useful comments and suggestions.