International comparison of economic performance index: the case of the USA, Japan and Korea.
Lee, Sanghack ; Cheong, Kiwoong ; Suh, Seoung Hwan 等
I. Introduction
Since the economic performance of a nation is reflected in many
economic variables, we should consider all relevant economic variables
for exact measurement of the economic performance of the nation as a
whole. The same is true for the evaluation of economic policies.
Suppose, for example, the government plan to increase the new housing
supply by 50%. In order to evaluate this policy, we should examine
effects of this policy on all relevant economic variables such as
national income, price, employment, balance of trade, wage rate, ...
etc. The problem is how many variables should be considered in what way.
There are many ways of measuring the economic performance of a
nation as a whole. One of widely used methods is to use the "misery
index." The misery index measures the state of the economy by
summing up the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. While there are
many variations of the misery index, they share basically the same
advantages and disadvantages. The major advantage of these indices lies
on the simplicity of calculation. Since the misery index considers
domestic variables only, however, it has the limited power in explaining
the performance of the economy when its degree of openness is large.
Another method of measuring the economic performance of a nation is
to use the "diamond model." The diamond model evaluates the
performance of the economy through the diamond graph, the shape of which
is dependent upon the four economic variables of economic growth rate,
inflation rate, unemployment rate, and the ratio of current account
relative to GDP. The advantage of the diamond model is in considering
both domestic and foreign variables. The major disadvantage of the
diamond model is the impossibility of the international comparison. In
order to perform the international comparison, it is necessary to
construct the single index by using four economic variables used in the
diamond model.
This paper constructs the economic performance index (EPI)
comprising four economic variables of economic growth rate, inflation
rate, unemployment rate and the ratio of current account relative to
GDP. In constructing the EPI, the structural change of each country will
be explicitly considered. By using EPIs of the USA, Japan and Korea,
intranational analyses and international comparisons will be performed.
II. Surveys on Methods of Measuring the Economic Performance
There are basically two methods of measuring the economic
performance of a nation as a whole. One is the misery index and the
other is the diamond model. The misery index is the simple sum of the
inflation rate and the unemployment rate.
Let U and p denote the unemployment and inflation rate,
respectively. Then, the misery index, M, can be expressed as
M = [absolute value of p] + U, (1)
where [parallel] indicates the absolute value. This index was
initially derived from the Phillips curve by A. Okun as a general index
representing the healthy state of the economy. Since the unemployment
rate is generally inversely related to the inflation rate, as in the
Phillips curve, the unusually high misery index reveals that the
government failed to solve even one of the two problems of inflation and
unemployment. This index is famous for its correct prediction of the
likelihood of reelection of incumbent US Presidents after World War II.
Most US Presidents with the misery index above 12-13% during their terms
of office are found to have failed in the reelection.
Golden, Orescovich and Ostafin (1987) and Wiseman (1992) modify the
misery index by using the natural unemployment rate, [U.sub.n]: The
variations are as follows.
[M.sub.1] = [absolute value of p] + [absolute value of U -
[U.sub.n]] (2)
[M.sub.2] = [absolute value of p] + [absolute value of U -
[U.sub.n]](U [greater than or equal to] Un) = [absolute value of p] (U
< [U.sub.n]) (3)
The subscripts 1 and 2 in [M.sub.1] and [M.sub.2] are introduced
for their distinction from the original misery index. Equation (2) means
that, as unemployment rate cannot be below 0, only the difference
between the unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate rather
than the unemployment rate itself should be considered in evaluating the
economic performance. Equation (3) indicates that the unemployment rate
does not affect misery index if it is below the natural unemployment
In the equations (2) and (3), the functional form of the misery
index is linear, which implies that the substitution rate between
inflation and unemployment rates is constant and unitary. But, according
to Zaleski (1990), the indifference curves take the form of the circle
centered at the origin. This kind of functional form incorporates the
plausible assumption of diminishing substitution rate. We can summarize the modified forms of misery indices as follows:
[M.sub.3] = [p.sup.2] + [U.sup.2] (4)
[M.sub.4] = [p.sup.2] + (U - [U.sub.n]).sup.2] (U [greater than or
equal to] [U.sub.n]) = [p.sup.2] (U < [U.sub.n]) (5)
[M.sub.5] = [p.sup.2] + [k(U - [U.sub.n])].sup.2] (U [greater than
or equal to] [U.sub.n], k is a constant greater than unity) = [p.sup.2]
(U < [U.sub.n]) (6)
The variable k is introduced to reflect the fact that the high
unemployment rate is less desirable than the high inflation rate, the
evidence of which is based on the empirical results obtained from the US
Presidential election [Smyth & Dua (1989)].
Various problems arose in applying the misery index to specific
countries. Many attempts were made to solve these problems. For example,
Yang (1992) claims that the misery index cannot explain the
hyper-inflation situation as in Latin American countries. In order to
solve this problem, Yang proposed the generalized weighted misery index.
In relation to the misery index, many empirical researches were
made regarding how people recognize the relationship between inflation
and unemployment rate. The public indifference map between inflation and
unemployment was estimated for New Zealand [Smyth & Woodfield
(1993)]. It was found that people were much more concerned with
unemployment rate than with inflation rate in case of New Zealand.
Literature on political business cycles generally assumes that the
preference of voters on inflation and unemployment rate is concave from
the origin. This implies that utility functions of voters take the
quadratic form as in the following equation (7), which is conceptually
similar to the misery index, [Davis, Hinich & Ordeshook (1970),
Nordhaus (1975), MacRae (1977), Smyth, Dua & Taylor (1994)].
S = a + b[P.sup.2] + c[U.sup.2], (7)
Here S denotes the level of voters' utility and a, b, and c
are constants. Smyth, et al. (1994) estimate the utility level by using
various expected values about inflation rate and unemployment rate.
The diamond model is the only one that simultaneously considers
four factors such as economic growth rate, inflation rate, unemployment
rate, and the ratio of current account relative to GDP. This model draws
the graph of the diamond shape by using aforementioned four economic
variables. The larger the size and the more balanced the shape of the
diamond, the better the state of the economy. The small and skewed diamond implies that the economy is in unstable state. The disadvantage
of the diamond model is that intra-national analyses in time series and
international comparisons are virtually impossible since the model
evaluates the state of the economy by the graph of each year. To solve
this problem, one should integrate four economic variables used in the
diamond model into the single index.
III. The Construction of Economic Performance Index
III-I. Theoretical Background
Four economic variables of economic growth rate, inflation rate,
unemployment rate, and the ratio of current account to GDP will be
considered in constructing the economic performance index (EPI). These
variables seem to be most relevant variables that are necessary in
evaluating the economic performance of a nation.
Let [] be the value of one economic variable at time t in
sector i, (I = 1, 2, 3, 4, and t = 1, 2 ..... N). Here, [X.sub.1t],
denotes economic growth rate, [X.sub.2t], is inflation rate, [X.sub.3t],
is unemployment rate and [X.sub.4t], is the ratio of current account to
GDP, respectively. Since these variables are different in absolute
values, normalization is required. The normalized value, Z, is obtained
by using the mean and variance of [] as follows:
[] = [([] - [X.sub.i])/[S.sub.i]] x 5 + 100, (for i
= 1, 4) (8)
[] = [([X.sub.i] - [])/[S.sub.i]] x 5 + 100, (for i
= 2, 3) (9)
where [X.sub.i], denotes sample mean of [], and [s.sub.i]
denotes standard deviation, respectively. The higher the value of
[], the better the economic performance at time t in sector i.
The numbers 5 and 100 in the above definitions do not influence the
qualitative characteristics of each variable.
The entire sample period is used in calculating [X.sub.i] and
[s.sub.i] in equations (8) and (9). This practice is based on the
presumption that there are no structural changes within the sample
period. But, it is the matter of empiricism whether there are structural
changes within the entire sample period.
When there are structural changes, both means and variances are
different across different subsample periods. If this is the case, we
should normalize [] for each sub-sample period. Suppose that
[], experiences (K-1) structural changes. Then, the entire
sample period is divided into K sub-sample periods. Also, let k be the
kth sub-sample period and #(k) denote the size of the kth sub-sample
period, respectively. Then #(1) + #(2) + ....#(K) = N. Let [X.sub.ik]
and [S.sub.ik] be the mean and variance of kth subsample period,
respectively. Then, eqs. (8) and (9) can be generalized as follows:
[] = [([] - [X.sub.ik])/[S.sub.ik]] x 5 + 100 (i =
1, 4; k = 1, 2, ... K; [] [member of] S(k)) (10)
[] = [([X.sub.ik] - [])/[S.sub.ik]] x 5 + 100 (i =
2, 3; k = 1,2, .... K; [] [member of] S(k)), (11)
where S(k) is a set of sample points belonging to kth sub-sample
period. When k is 1, the eqs. (10) and (11) are exactly the same as the
eqs. (8) and (9), respectively, implying that there is no structural
change. By using [], the economic performance index at time t,
[EPI.sub.t], can be expressed as
[EPI.sub.t] = [[summation].sub.(1,4)] [W.sub.i][], (12)
where [[summation].sub.(1,4)] denotes the sum over i from 1 to 4.
Since [w.sub.i] is the weight in ith sector, [EPI.sub.t] is the weighted
average of []'s. In case of the simple average, [w.sub.i]
will be 1/4. But, we can also assign different weight to each sector
through the principal component analysis. Which one is more relevant
depends on the empirical results.
III-II. The Estimation of EPI
In this section we estimate EPIs by using data of the USA, Japan
and Korea. Proxy variables for economic growth rate and inflation rate
are real GDP growth rate and the rate of increase in consumer price
index. Sample periods are from 1967 to 2001 for all three countries.
Before estimating the EPI, we should test whether there exist structural
changes in economic variables. Here, Chow's breakpoint test, BP
test, is used. This tests whether the coefficients in regressions are
different by subsample periods. Since the differences in means are
presumed to reveal the structural changes, we perform breakpoint test
based on the regression results obtained by using only the constant term
as an explanatory variable.
The test procedure is as follows. From 1970, BP test is recursively
proceeded by adding one more year in each time. Reference values are
F-statistics and the value of log likelihood and the critical
probability is 0.01. If critical values of 1967-1971 are greater than
1967-1970, BP test will be continued by adding one more year, i.e., for
1967-1972. Suppose reference values continuously increase until the BP
test of 1967-1980 and decrease after 1967-(1980+k), then 1980 is the
first break point (k = 1, 2, ...). This implies that the first
sub-sample period is 1967-1979. The same procedure is applied after
Results of BP tests are summarized in Table 1. In Table 1, F
denotes the value of F-statistics, log(LR) is the value of log
likelihood and values in parentheses are the probability of that
year's not being the breakpoint, respectively. BP test results
related to [1987, 1998] in case of Korean unemployment rate imply that
the test is proceeded for the entire sample periods with the explicit
consideration of two break points. The mean values of each economic
variable by fixed sub-sample period obtained by the above method are
shown in Table 2. According to Table 2, there are substantial
differences in the mean values of each variable by sub-sample periods.
Indices can be easily derived if the sub-sample periods are fixed
for each variable. There are various methods of obtaining EPI. In this
paper, we use two methods. One method is to use the simple average of
[], and the other method is to use principal component analysis
for obtaining the weight, [w.sub.i]
In case of using the simple average, the values of [w.sub.i] in the
equation (12) are all 1/4 regardless of i. Table 3 reports the
standardized values of [w.sub.i]'s under the assumption that sum of
weights obtained by principal component analysis using [], is
equal to 1.
If weights of []'s are given, EPI can be obtained by
the equation (12). The result is drawn in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the
solid line shows the movement of EPI obtained by using the simple
average, and the dotted line shows the movement of EPI obtained by using
the weighted average. Only small differences can be noticed.
IV. The Analysis of EPI
IV-I. The Intra-national Analysis of EPI
In this section, intra-national analyses of EPIs of the USA, Japan
and Korea will be performed. The primary purpose of the analysis is to
examine whether the estimation results of EPIs suitably reflect the
economic situation of each country.
According to Figure 1, it is difficult to find the trend of EPI
movements in Korea. However, in early 1980s when the social and economic
instabilities were very severe due to the Second Oil Shock and domestic
political unrest, and when real estate bubble was severe, the value of
EPI is estimated to be significantly low. Also the value of EPI drops
significantly in 1998, the year right after the foreign exchange crisis.
This indicates that estimated EPIs reflect the economic situations in
Korea fairly well.
If we divide the sample period of Korea by the periods of political
regimes, we can find an interesting pattern of changes in EPIs. The
shaded areas in Figure 2 denote the periods of 3rd, 5th and Civilian
Government, respectively. Note that there are remarkable differences in
values of EPIs across the political regimes. Another point is that the
EPI decreases remarkably at the end of each political regime since the
5th government. This indicates that instability in political regime has
squarely affected the economic performance of Korea.
The EPIs of the USA and Japan reflect the real economic situations
of the USA and Japan to some extent. According to Figure 1, the EPI of
the USA shows the fact that the US economy has been getting worse
continuously until the middle 1980's. From the late 1980's
through 1990's, in the so-called "new economy" era, the
USA has experienced the economic boom for a fairly long period. There
was also a summit of US economic boom at the end of 1990's.
On the other hand, in case of Japan, estimated EPI shows the
negative impacts of 1st and 2nd Oil Shocks. Figure 1 also shows that
Japan experienced a better economy after the early 1980s perhaps due to
the bubble expansion. Japanese economy has been deteriorating continuously until the end of 1990's right after bubble burst in
the late 1980's. Based on these results, it can be said that the
estimated EPIs properly reflect changes in economic situations of the
USA, Japan and Korea.
We now compare the EPI of each country with its own misery index
defined by eq. (1). (1) The misery indices have values around 10, while
the EPIs have values around 100. Higher EPIs would be associated with
lower misery indices. Figure 3 reveals this negative relationship
between the EPI and the misery index. Note that the scales of the
indices in Figure 3 are normalized to show their movements in the same
Figure. The degree of negative correlation is not so big, however. The
correlation coefficient between EPI and the misery index for the USA,
Japan and Korea is, respectively, -0.32, -0.23, and-0.33.
IV-II. The International Comparisons of EPI's
In this section we analyze the relationship between EPIs of the
three countries. The analysis will proceed as follows. Firstly, we will
analyze the international relation of each [] (i=1, ...,4). For
example, for i = 1, we will analyze the relation among 3 countries based
on the standardized index of the economic growth rate. Secondly, we will
analyze the relation of 3 countries based on the estimated EPIs obtained
both by the simple and the weighted averages. For this, the variance
decomposition analysis will be used. The analysis can show the extent to
which specific index of one country is influenced by those of other
The VAR analysis should be performed for the stable variables, that
is, integrated with order 0, statistically specified as I(0). Thus, it
is necessary to test whether each variable is I(0) or not. Test results
are summarized in Table 4. When there exist two test statistics like
[Z.sub.2t], of Japan in Table 4, the upper value denotes test statistic about the level variable, the lower value test statistic 1st
differenced, respectively. In case of Korea and the USA, all the
variables are found to be I(0) at the 99% confidence level. In case of
Japan, only [Z.sub.1t], is I(0) and the other variables are found to be
I(1). Thus we should use 1st differenced variables for I(1) variables in
order to perform VAR analysis.
Results of variance decomposition analysis about [] are
shown in Table 5. Since the values are converging after 5th period in
all cases due to the simplicity of time lag structure, only 5th values
are reported. We can summarize the results of variance decomposition
analysis shown in Table 5 as follows.
Firstly, Korean economic variables are more influenced by those of
other countries rather than the other way around. This is perhaps due to
asymmetry in the size of the economies. The only exception is the
unemployment rate, which of each country is rarely influenced by those
of the other countries. This is perhaps because the unemployment rate of
each country is largely affected by her usual practice of employment and
economic system. Secondly, Korea is mainly influenced by Japan in
economic growth and current account, while Korea is relatively much more
affected by the USA in inflation rate. Thirdly, the USA is rarely
affected by other countries, but is a little affected by Japan in
inflation rate and current account. Lastly, Japan is more influenced by
the USA, but is affected almost equally by Korea and the USA in case of
the current account.
If EPIs are estimated properly, there should not be a big
difference between the relationships of EPIs and those derived from each
economic variable. In order to test this, variance decomposition
analysis is performed using EPIs obtained by the simple and weighted
averages. The results are shown in Table 6. According to Table 6, the
results of variance decomposition analysis for EPIs estimated by simple
and weighted averages are in accordance with those for individual
economic variables. Only in case of the USA, the results of variance
decomposition analysis for EPIs obtained by simple average are more
relevant than those for EPIs obtained by the weighted average.
V. Concluding Remarks
Since a nation's economic performance is reflected in many
economic variables, it is virtually impossible to perform proper
international comparison of economic performances through the comparison
of every relevant economic variable. In order to overcome this, the
present paper has proposed the EPI that integrates several economic
variables reflecting the economic performance of the nation. The EPIs of
the USA, Japan and Korea are estimated and compared both
intra-nationally and internationally. Variance decomposition analysis
for EPIs estimated both by the simple and by the weighted averages are
shown to be in accordance with those for individual economic variables.
This indicates that the EPI developed in this paper suitably reflects
economic situations of the USA, Japan and Korea.
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No.2, 72.
IMF, International Financial Statistics, various issues.
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Wiseman, C. (1992), "More on Misery: How Consistent Are
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Yang, B. (1992), "Optimality On The Short-Run Phillips Curve
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(1.) We thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this comparison
between the EPI and the misery index.
by Sanghack Lee, * Kiwoong Cheong, ** and Seoung Hwan Suh ***
* Sanghack Lee, School of Economics, Kookmin University, Seoul
136-702, South Korea Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-2-910-4546; Fax:
+82-2-910-4519; E-mail:
** Kiwoong Cheong, School of Business, Keimyung University, Taegu
704-701, South Korea.
*** Seoung Hwan Suh, Department of Economics, Yonsei University,
Seoul 120-749, South Korea. We would like to thank an anonymous referee
for valuable comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.
The test result of Chow's breakpoint
Economic No breakpoint
growth rate
Inflation Year 1983: F = 26.00 (0.000) log LR = 20.34 (0.000)
rate Year 1993: F = 10.80 (0.004) log LR = 9.35 (0.000)
[Year 1983, Year 1993]:
F = 13.87 (0.000) log LR = 21.85 (0.000)
Unemployment Year 1971: F = 10.85 (0.000) log LR = 9.95 (0.001)
rate Year 1987: F = 11.36 (0.002) log LR = 10.24 (0.001)
Year 1997: F = 20.08 (0.001) log LR = 14.01 (0.000)
[Year 1971, Year 1987, Year 1997]
F = 13.31 (0.000) log LR = 28.97 (0.000)
Current Year 1985: F = 42.07 (0.000) log LR = 28.76 (0.000)
account/GDP Year 1999: F = 12.54 (0.003) log LR = 10.33 (0.001)
[Year 1985, Year 1999]
F = 36.44 (0.000) log LR = 41.55 (0.000)
Economic No breakpoint
growth rate
Inflation Year 1982: F = 43.94 (0.000) log LR = 29.63 (0.000)
Unemployment Year 1987: F = 8.70 (0.005) log LR = 8.19 (0.004)
rate Year 1998: F = 35.23 (0.000) log LR = 19.66 (0.000)
[Year 1987, Year 1998]:
F = 32.71 (0.000) log LR = 38.96 (0.000)
Current Year 1977: F = 13.35 (0.001) log LR = 11.89 (0.001)
account/GDP Year 1986: F = 9,98 (0.004) log LR = 9.01 (0.002)
[Year 1977, Year 1986]
F = 14.38 (0.000) lo g LR = 22.44 (0.000)
Economic Year 1971: F = 37.37 (0.000) log LR = 26.51 (0.000)
growth rate Year 1974: F = 10.17 (0.003) log LR = 9.32 (0.002)
Year 1992: F = 21.18 (0.000) log LR = 16.69 (0.000)
[Year 1971, Year 1974, Year 1992]:
F = 34.78 (0.000) log LR = 51.59 (0.000)
Inflation Year 1979: F = 29.73 (0.000) log LR = 22.48 (0.000)
rate Year 1982: F = 27.35 (0.004) log LR = 19.19 (0.000)
Year 1994: F = 15.03 (0.001) log LR = 12.14 (0.000)
[Year 1979, Year 1982, Year 1994]:
F = 12.92 (0.000) log LR = 28.39 (0.000)
Unemployment Year 1983: F = 31.17 (0.000) log LR = 23.28 (0.000)
rate Year 1998: F = 66.98 (0.000) log LR = 29.63 (0.000)
[Year 1983, Year 1998]
F = 77.80 (0.000) log LR = 61.90 (0.000)
Current Year 1977: F = 9.07 (0.005) log LR = 8.50 (0.004)
account/GDP Year 1984: F = 25.69 (0.000) log LR = 18.75 (0.000)
[Year 1977, Year 1984]
F = 19.39 (0.000) log LR = 27.78 (0.000)
Average by sub-period
Economic 1967-2001
growth rate 2.89
Inflation rate 1967-2001 1967-1982 1983-1992
5.00 7.09 3.81
Unemployment 1967-2001 1967-1970 1971-1986
rate 6.02 3.95 7.00
Current 1967-2001 1967-1984 1985-1998
account/GDP -1.24 -0.16 -2.03
Economic 1967-2001 1967-1970 1971-1973
growth rate 4.16 10.78 6.83
Inflation rate 1967-2001 1967-1978 1979-1981
4.05 8.49 5.50
Unemployment 1967-2001 1967-1982 1983-1997
rate 2.43 1.68 2.67
Current 1967-2001 1967-1976 1977-1983
account/GDP 1.72 0.69 0.60
Economic 1967-2001
growth rate 7.77
Inflation rate 1967-2001 1967-1981 1982-2001
9.52 15.70 4.88
Unemployment rate 1967-2001 1967-1986 1987-1997
3.82 4.29 2.46
Current 1967-2001 1967-1976 1977-1985
account/GDP -1.76 -6.14 -3.52
growth rate
Inflation rate 1993-2001
Unemployment 1987-1996 1997-2001
rate 6.08 4.48
Current 1999-2001
account/GDP -4.08
Economic 1974-1991 1992-2001
growth rate 3.91 1.18
Inflation rate 1982-1993 1994-2001
1.83 0.18
Unemployment 1998-2001
rate 4.63
Current 1984-2001
account/GDP 2.73
growth rate
Inflation rate
Unemployment rate 1998-2001
Current 1986-2001
account/GDP 1.95
Weights estimated by principal component analysis
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t] [Z.sub.4t]
Weight 0.332 0.350 0.149 0.169
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t] [Z.sub.4t]
Weight 0.371 0.210 0.213 0.206
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t] [Z.sub.4t]
Weight 0.147 0.368 0.173 0.312
TABLE 4. The result of unit root test
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t]
Test statistic -5.10 -3.10 4.96
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t]
Test statistic x.52 -4.24 -4.56
variable [Z.sub.1t] [Z.sub.2t] [Z.sub.3t]
Test statistic -5.01 -3.36 -2.68
-6.09 -6.82
Economic [EPI.sub.t] [EPI.sub.t]
variable [Z.sub.4t] (simple) (weighted)
Test statistic -3.73 -4.80 -4.56
Economic [EPI.sub.t] [EPI.sub.t]
variable [Z.sub.4t] (simple) (weighted)
Test statistic -4.17 -3.99 -4.02
Economic [EPI.sub.t] [EPI.sub.t]
variable [Z.sub.4t] (simple) (weighted)
Test statistic -3.23 -2.76 -3.03
-4.58 -5.72 -5.72
* critical value at 1% = -3.64
TABLE 5. The result of variance decomposition
analysis (VDA) for economic variables
Economic growth rate
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
73.6 7.2 19.2
Korea USA Japan
1.3 97.8 0.9
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
0.1 24.9 75.0
Unemployment rate
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
91.4 7.0 1.6
Korea USA Japan
7.2 92.2 0.6
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
3.6 8.9 87.5
Inflation rate
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
53.0 32.3 14.7
Korea USA Japan
0.1 85.8 14.1
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
0.2 21.5 78.3
Current account/GDP
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
56.9 3.9 39.2
Korea USA Japan
2.0 77.5 20.5
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
7.6 8.8 83.6
TABLE 6. The result of variance decomposition
analysis (VDA) for EPI
EPI(simple average)
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
91.7 6.5 1.8
Korea USA Japan
7.4 86.1 6.5
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
1.1 12.6 86.3
EPI(weighted average)
VDA of Korea
Korea USA Japan
87.7 11.2 1.1
Korea USA Japan
12.0 84.6 3.4
VDA of Japan
Korea USA Japan
1.8 18.2 80.0