Endowment shock and its welfare effects in open market economies.
Shachmurove, Yochanan ; Spiegel, Uriel
I. Introduction
World production is dramatically changing, shifting from the United
States to China. This phenomenon occurs over the spectrum of all goods
and services and includes not only furniture, textile, kitchenware, car
tires, and the like but also precision machine tools, networking gears,
electronic circuit boards, heavy electric appliances, petrochemicals,
and microchips. The present paper analyzes the potential effects of this
global trend utilizing a simple model with two countries, two goods, and
two representative agents.
The foundations for free trade theory were established by giants
such as Smith (1776), Ricardo (1817), and Mill (1844). For a defense of
free trade, see for example, Friedman (2000), Douglas (2003), Bhagwati
(2004), and Wolf (2004). For a balanced approach see Sen (2000), and
Stiglitz (2003). Johnson and Stafford (1993), Gomory and Baumol (2000)
and Samuelson (1972, 2004) provide examples where free trade leads to
one party losing from trade. The current paper revisits the issue by
applying a simple model of income in kinds.
This paper investigates the effects of various increases in
endowments or technological improvements by one country on its own
welfare and the welfare of its trading partners. The paper derives the
equilibrium bundles of consumption and explores what happens, for
instance, to U.S. citizens if Chinese technology continues to advance in
various directions. It is shown that if China acquires more endowments
that favor the production of the good in which it has had a comparative
advantage (or if China improved its technology in a good in which it has
had a comparative advantage), the people of the U.S. and China would
benefit from this improvement but the terms of trade would change in
favor of the United States. The utility of people in both countries also
rises. (1)
However, the interesting case is technological improvement, or the
positive endowment shock, occurring in an industry in which the U.S.
previously dominated the U.S.--Chinese trade market. If the U.S.
continues to export that good, even after the technological improvement
in China, it will lose out as the Chinese terms of trade have changed
favorably. Furthermore, technological improvement in China's
productivity permits China to export goods that it initially imported,
thereby significantly increasing its benefit while the benefits to the
U.S. are smaller as compared with the pre-technological improvement in
China. It may still be beneficial for the United States to trade with
China in comparison with the autarkic, no-trade equilibrium.
Furthermore, when transportation costs are included, such positive
endowment shocks, or technological improvements in China's
productivity, may cause trade to cease, thus causing substantial losses
to the U.S. In this scenario, where transportation costs are high and
may lead to autarky, calls for interventionist government policies by
the developed country occur (e.g. externality models). These policies
are able to justify the imposition of interventionist measures including
tariffs, quotas, and export subsidies which subsequently hurt the
developing country. The ultimate outcome is a loss-loss situation as
both developing and developed countries would be hurt.
This paper offers an analysis of the various potential terms of
trade which the United States and other developed countries may face in
the future. At the present time, many developing nations are rapidly
becoming major players in the international market; they are negotiating
better terms of trade, which are unfavorable to developed countries. The
model presented considers the implications of the policies adopted by
the developed countries in response to these technological advancements.
With border security and proposals for a guest-worker program gaining
prominence in Congress' agenda, it is vital that the U.S. and other
developed countries such as Germany and Japan--in their effort to cope
with undocumented workers--do not overlook legal immigration. (2) The
model presented supports the argument forcefully proposed by Becker
(2005) who asks U.S. policy makers the question: Since the U.S. still
has a major advantage in attracting skilled workers (as it is the
preferred destination of the vast majority), why not take advantage of
potential Indian and Chinese immigrants' preferences to come to the
U.S. rather than force them to look elsewhere? The analysis may be
helpful in understanding the effects of industrialization on
international trade in many economics courses. (3)
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
presents the model and derives the conditions for circumstances where
the two countries benefit and conditions when only the country who
acquired the improved technology gains while the other country loses.
Section III offers further discussions and concludes the paper.
II. The Model
Assume two representative individuals who reside in two countries
with identically ordinal utility functions over two goods, X and Y, of
the Cobb-Douglas type:
[U.sub.i] = A[X.sub.i.sup.[alpha]][Y.sub.i.sup.[beta]]
Since utility functions are ordinal, without loss of generality,
assume that A, [alpha], and [beta] are equal to one. Thus, the utility
function can be written in a more simplified way:
[U.sub.i] = [X.sub.i.][Y.sub.i] i = 1,2
Assume that the two residents of the two countries differ in their
income levels, including in-kinds income, i.e., [[bar.X].sub.1] [not
equal to] [[bar.X].sub.2] and [[bar.Y].sub.1] [not equal to]
[[bar.Y].sub.2]. Since the initial levels of feasible bundles are
different while their preferences are identical, both parties can
benefit from trade. Assuming both have the same negotiation powers, the
competitive equilibrium will be reached at the relative competitive
price [([P.sub.X]/[P.sub.Y]).sup.*], which is the terms of trade between
the internal price ratios of the two countries.
The first aim of the analysis below is to find the bundles of final
consumptions of the two representative individuals and their utility
levels after trade. Each individual in each country is maximizing his
utility subject to the in-kind income constraint that he is facing.
Max [U.sub.i] = [X.sub.i][Y.sub.1], (1)
Subject to,
[P.sub.X] [X.sub.i] + [P.sub.Y][Y.sub.i] = [P.sub.X]
[[bar.X].sub.i] + [P.sub.Y][[bar.Y].sub.i] (2)
The First Order Condition (F.O.C,) leads to:
[MU.sub.X]/[MU.sub.Y] = [Y.sub.i] / [X.sub.i] + [P.sub.X][P.sub.Y].
Or, alternatively,
[P.sub.X] [X.sub.i] = [P.sub.Y][Y.sub.i] (3')
Substituting back into the budget constraint yields:
[X.sub.i] - [[bar.X].sub.i]/2 +
([P.sub.Y]/2[P.sub.X])[[bar.Y].sub.i] (4)
The excess demand curve is defined as:
[X.sub.i] - [[bar.X].sub.i] = [P.sub.Y]/2[P.sub.X])[[bar.Y].sub.i]
- [[bar.X].sub.i]/2 (5)
Clearing the competitive market conditions implies:
[X.sub.1] - [[bar.X].sub.1] = [[bar.X.sub.2] - [X.sub.2]) Assuming
[X.sub.1] > [[bar.X].sub.1] and [[bar.X].sub.2] > [X.sub.2]. (6)
Equations (5) and (6) lead to the derivation of the perfectly
competitive equilibrium price ratio, [P.sub.y]/[P.sub.x] as follows:
[[P.sub.Y]/[P.sub.X].sup.*] = ([[bar.X].sub.1] +
[[bar.X].sub.2]/([[bar.Y].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2] (7)
Equations (7), (4), (3') and (1) allow for the derivation of
the utility level of an individual at equilibrium:
Define the optimal price ratio, [(P.sub.Y]/[P.sub.X]).sup.*] =
([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.X].sub.2]/([[bar.Y].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2] =
[epsilon] then the last equation can be written as:
[U.sub.1] = [([bar.X].sub.1]).sup.2]/4](1/[epsilon]) +
([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2]/2+[epsilon][[([[bar.Y].sub.1]).sup.2]/4]. (8')
Next, the effect of an in-kind income's change due to the
technological improvement on the utilities of the two parties will be
investigated. Taking the derivatives of the last expression with respect
to [[bar.X].sub.1] [[bar.X].sub.2], [[bar.Y].sub.1], and
[[bar.Y].sub.2], one can study the effects of these parameters on the
utility function.
Using symmetry, the derivative of [U.sub.1] with respect to
[[bar.Y].sub.1], can be derived and it can be concluded that:
[partial derivative][U.sub.1]/[partial derivative][[bar.Y].sub.1]
> 0
A further interesting question is how an additional quantity
received by a rival country will affect the utility of its counterparts
(cross effect).
If [[bar.Y].sub.1]/([[bar.Y].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2]) >
[[bar.X].sub.1]/([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.X].sub.1]) then [partial
derivative][U.sub.1]/[partial derivative][[bar.X].sub.2] > 0
If [[bar.Y].sub.1]/([[bar.Y].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2]) >
[[bar.X].sub.1]/([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.X].sub.1]) then [partial
derivative][U.sub.1]/[partial derivative][[bar.X].sub.2] > 0
If [[bar.Y].sub.1]/([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.Y].sub.2]) >
[[bar.Y].sub.2]/([[bar.X].sub.1] + [[bar.X].sub.2]), or equivalently,
If [[bar.Y].sub.1]/([[bar.X].sub.1] >>
[[bar.Y].sub.2]/[[bar.X].sub.2] then [partial
derivative][U.sub.1]/[partial derivative][[bar.X].sub.2] > 0
This is the case when the representative individual of country 1 is
selling or exporting Good Y and buys or imports Good X. Recall that this
is indeed what happens as both individuals have the same utility
functions but a different initial allocation of resources [X.sub.i] and
The implication for the case presented is very important for
international economists. Suppose one country indeed improves its
technology in the production of good X, or equivalently in this model,
it acquires more endowments that favor the production of good X, a good
that initially before the technological improvements. As a result of
such changes, its production of good X increases. Its partner country
benefits from this improvement, which is due to the change in the terms
of trade in favor of the partner country. Since both [partial
derivative][U.sub.i]/[partial derivative][[bar.X].sub.i] and [partial
derivative][U.sub.i]/[partial derivative][[bar.Y].sub.i] are greater
than zero, the country with the increased endowment or with the improved
technology benefits from it and shares the benefits with its trade
However, the opposite scenario, which has an utmost importance and
has not received appropriate attention in the literature, is where:
([[bar.Y].sub.1]/[bar.X].sub.1]) < ([[bar.Y].sub.1] +
[[bar.Y].sub.2]/[[bar.X].sub.1]) + [bar.X].sub.2]) is guaranteed as long
as: ([[bar.Y].sub.1] + [[bar.X].sub.1]) << ([[bar.Y].sub.2] /
[[bar.X].sub.2]) then [partial derivative][U.sub.1]/[partial
derivative][[bar.X].sub.2] > 0
In this last case, where the technological improvement in one
country occurs in the good that was initially imported by that country,
the welfare of the exporter country decreases. Furthermore, if the
technological improvement increases to the point where the country
switches its initially imported good to become its exported good, the
benefit to that country is larger while the benefit to the other country
decreases. It is still beneficial for the losing country to trade with
its counterpart under the new circumstances, as compared to the autarky,
no-trade equilibrium.
III. Conclusion
The paper derives the equilibrium bundles of consumption, and
explores what happens to a country (i.e. the U.S.) if another
country's technology (i.e. China) continues to advance in various
industries. Using a simple model of two countries, two goods, and two
representative agents, the paper provides a few scenarios; among them
one where the more developed country prior to the technological changes
loses from the introduction of a positive endowment shock or more
advanced technologies in the other country. Furthermore, when
transportation costs are included, such positive endowment shocks by
that country may lead to autarky, a situation that would reduce the
welfare of both countries. In this scenario, calls for interventionist
policies by the losing country justify imposing barriers to trade such
as tariffs and quotas, as well as exports subsidies, as is the case with
negative externalities. This conclusion is in line with Samuelson (2004)
who stated that technological improvements may reduce the welfare of at
least one of the trading countries.
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(1.) Adams, Gangnes and Shachmurove (2006) evaluate the factors
responsible for the competitiveness of China in the world economy and
relative to its East Asian rivals.
(2.) For example, in the U.S. only 140,000 green cards are issued
annually. As a result, scientists, engineers and other highly skilled
workers have to wait years before receiving a green card that would
allow them to stay permanently. Another two examples include Japan and
Germany which have rapidly aging (and soon to be declining) populations
that are not sympathetic (especially Japan) to absorbing many
immigrants. See Becker, (2005).
(3.) As one of the referees to this paper points out, one
interesting policy implication that could come out of the paper is the
U.S. favoring certain policies that may cause countries such as China
and India to increase the exports of products that they were originally
exporting. The U.S. would try to dissuade these countries from exporting
products that would compete with its exports.
by Yochanan Shachmurove * and Uriel Spiegel **
* Departments of Economics, The City College of The City University
of New York and The University of Pennsylvania, Yochanan Shachmurove,
Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 3718 Locust Walk,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297. Email address: yochanan@econ.sas.upenn.edu.
** Department of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, Bar Ilan
University, and Department of Economics, the University of Pennsylvania.
We would like to thank the referees for their helpful insights.