McGoldrick, KimMarie ; Battle, Ann ; Gallagher, Suzanne 等
KimMarie McGoldrick [*]
Ann Battle [**]
Suzanne Gallagher [***]
Service-learning has grown in popularity as a pedagogical alternative in many liberal arts based educational settings. While many
disciplines have embraced this new approach, the economics discipline
seems slow to respond to this educational trend. This paper overviews
the recent reexamination of the economics classroom including a
discussion of the links between active, experiential, and
service-learning. The authors then provide a detailed application of one
form of service-learning, student-based instruction, for a managerial
economics course.
Economic education has come under increasing scrutiny during the
past decade. Much of this has been driven by the downward trend apparent
in the number of economics majors. Questions arising from analyses of
this trend include many related to teaching methods, course content, and
learning styles. For example, Spencer and Van Eynde (1986) offer a
motivation for experiential learning; Carlson and Schodt (1995) present
an example of using case studies in the classroom; Lage and Treglia
(1996) study the impact of integrating scholarship on women into
introductory economics; and Bartlett (1996) addresses methods for
identifying learning styles in our students so that we might better
teach them.
The recurring theme throughout this and related literature is that
the diversity of students in our classrooms necessitates a diversity in
course content and presentation style. The motivation for this change is
best typified by the research of Kolb. This work indicates that "as
a result of our hereditary equipment, our particular past life
experiences, and the demands of our present environment, most of us
develop learning styles that emphasize some learning abilities over
others" (1981: 237). Kolb's research indicates that
undergraduate economics majors tend to be assimilators: taking in
knowledge through reflective observation and processing it via abstract
conceptualization. While further analyzing the impact of general
disciplinary norms on student learning, Kolb suggests that students
choose their major based on the presentation style that is most
consistent with their own learning style. Thus, a perpetual cycle of
economics major assimilators is created. Bartlett (1996) argues that
this practice limit s diversity within the economics major since
European-American females, Hispanics, and African American students tend
to be accommodators (taking in information via concrete experience and
processing it through active experimentation) (148). This line of
research provides one motivation for the student-based teaching example
described below. Unfortunately, only additional research conducted over
long periods of time will allow one to access its impact on diversity
within the major.
Although studies clearly indicate that alternative pedagogies
(i.e., not lecture) are of great benefit to students, Siegfried (1996)
and Becker and Watts (1996) report that an overwhelming majority of
instructors still rely solely on the lecture mode of information
transmission. A reexamination of the classroom paradigm is further
motivated through the work of Phillips (1984). This research validated that we remember 10% of what we hear, 15% of what we see, 20% of what we
hear and see, 60% of what we do, 80% of what we do with active
reflection, and 90% of what we teach. The goal of this paper is to
detail a particular active learning technique: service-learning. Well
planned service-learning projects can take advantage of hearing, seeing,
doing, and reflection activities. In the application that follows, we
have developed a project that reinforces economics principles through
practice, i.e., teaching. Based on the results of Phillips'
research, it is our hope that this practice will also have the added
bene fit of increasing the recollection of economic principles over
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Active and
experiential learning are presented as the backdrop for
service-learning. The paper then focuses on one form of service-
learning, student-based instruction, and provides an example as well as
an assessment of the costs and benefits of this active learning
Active and Experiential Learning
Active learning may be somewhat of a misnomer, after all, who has
ever heard of passive learning? Its appearance in the literature falls
under a variety of venues suggesting everything from applications of and
alterations in the Socratic method (the modified lecture) and class
discussions (Cohn, Cohn, and Bradley, 1995) to solving case studies
(Palmini, 1996), computerized applications (Bartlett and King, 1990) and
cooperative learning exercises (Bartlett, 1996). Thus, attempting to
formulate a simple definition of active learning would be fruitless.
Instead it is more useful to describe its characteristics:
"Students are involved in more than listening.
Less emphasis is placed on transmitting information and more on
developing students' skills.
Students are involved in higher-order thinking (analysis,
synthesis, evaluation).
Students are engaged in activities (e.g., reading, discussion,
Greater emphasis is placed on students' exploration of their
own attitudes and values."
(Bonwell and Eison 1991:2)
Experiential learning is one pedagogical technique consistent with
these characteristics. It recognizes a link between personal experience
and learning and suggests a reversal of the traditional "theory to
application" mode of instruction. Students use their own
experiences to formulate complex, abstract models through guided
discussion or reflective journaling. Student developed models can be
compared and contrasted with existing theories, providing a
student-based avenue for critique.
The benefits of this form of active learning are numerous. It
"puts students in real world learning situations, which involve the
total self and the call for insight, action, and self-examination"
(Davis 1993: 354). The educational process becomes tangible and
individual oriented. During the process, students become experts through
their own experiences. Knowledge is constructed in the collective as
opposed to transmitted from "expert" to "novice."
Students are encouraged to involve their whole selves including emotions
and intuitions. Since economic decisions are political and personal as
well as based on costs and benefits, incorporating these attributes into
economic decision making processes creates a realistic exercise. In
addition, it develops a sense of responsibility to the greater
As with any alternative pedagogical technique, there are barriers
that inhibit the adoption of these experiential techniques. Typical
questions of content coverage, applicability in large classes or to
particular subject materials, and methods of assessment often arise.
Active learning exercises are often criticized for neglecting certain
subject materials and not being particularly useful in large classes.
This paper provides an example of an active learning technique
(student-based instruction) that can be applied across all class sizes
and subjects and does not take up additional class time. Although
standard assessment techniques (examinations) are not generally
applicable in evaluating student learning generated from these active
learning exercises, there are alternative methods that are widely used
in other disciplines. For example, journal writing, reflective essays,
presentations to community leaders, and video taped presentations are
appropriate alternative outcomes for assessment.
There is clearly some risk associated with moving from the standard
paradigm and presentation to these more active exercises. Experiential
learning requires the existence of an experience over which the
instructor is unlikely to have control. In fact, the form of
experiential learning of interest in the remainder of this paper cannot
occur in the college classroom. As a result, an instructor cannot
exhibit as much control over the learning that takes place during the
experience. Most of the risk associated with this practice can be
mitigated through careful planning and preparation associated with each
students' potential experience location to avoid loose structures
and ambiguous outcomes.
It is often easy to lecture, discuss, and profess detailed economic
theory while neglecting applications to the world outside the classroom.
While some of our students may be able to draw on limited work
experience, many do not recognize that there are links between economic
theory and their everyday lives. While course work is often deductive,
running from general to specific, service-learning provides an
alternative process of inductive learning that runs from specific to
general. An instructor can then use this as a vehicle for further
discussion. In this way, each student's experiences provide the
motivation for materials to be discussed.
Service-learning begins with, but extends beyond the experiences of
students that take place during volunteer service activities. Thus, it
not only draws upon activities outside the classroom, it also suggests a
category of appropriate locations. The reason for this limitation is
twofold. Students need to be able to link their education with real life
experiences which cannot be simulated within the classroom. Second, the
volunteer nature of their activities instills in each student a link to
their larger community which is not possible for students working for
pay or during internships. Thus, service-learning provides a method by
which students can become participatory through their education.
A variety of forms of community service learning have been
documented. These range from a limited volunteer experience focused
mainly on exposure to a more in-depth experience culminating in a
research-focused project benefiting the organization as well as the
student. [1] Each has a different focus, degree of time commitment, and
applicability to theories discussed in economics courses. These
differences allow for a number of alternatives in the integration of
service-learning into any course within the discipline.
The focus of this paper is a particular form of community service
learning, student-based instruction. Student-based instruction
necessitates a translation of economic knowledge, implying a mastery of
economic theories. It provides students with the opportunity to teach
and provide mentorship for those in need. This service might be provided
in the form of after school programs, seminars, or presentations. For
example, principles students may teach basic economic concepts such as
scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost to grade school students. It
suggests a time commitment of 10 to 20 hours over the course of the
semester and accounts for approximately 10 percent of the students'
final grade. The integration of this work with course content may be
displayed through class discussion, journal writing, an on-site
evaluation of each students' work, or a formal paper.
Student-based instruction has the advantages of being readily
applicable in all economics classes, having a number of sources for
predeveloped economics lessons, and having an unlimited potential for
community involvement. In what follows, these advantages will be
highlighted in an application developed for a Managerial Economics
Implementing a Student-Based Instruction Project
One of the main requirements for a successful experience is the
level of support each faculty member, student, and classroom has
available. Although many college campuses are now developing
service-learning centers, the resources they would have available for
this project are likely to be minimal. As an alternative source of
support, faculty may seek out the local Center for Economic Education.
For example, The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center lent
substantial assistance in coordinating the activities for this
student-based instruction project.
The VCU Center is one of 263 such Centers for Economic Education
across the nation. The mission of these Centers is to enhance economic
literacy among K-12 students. They accomplish this mission by providing
materials and training to K-12 teachers. Thus, these centers are
uniquely positioned to support economics faculty who wish to make
student-based instruction a component of their classes.
Centers can assist in developing student-based instruction projects
in a variety of ways. First, because centers work with local teachers,
they can help identify teachers who would welcome college students
coming into their classrooms to present economics lessons. The Center
might even be able to handle the scheduling of these visits. In
addition, Center personnel are familiar with state economics learning
objectives for each grade level. Thus, once students have selected their
topics and planned their lessons, the Center staff will be able to match
students to the appropriate classrooms. Centers will also have
information about and materials to teach the topics in the new Voluntary
Standards for Economic Education presented by the National Council on
Economic Education at the January 1997 Allied Social Science Association
Professors who wish to provide their students with sample lessons
to use in these demonstrations will find in the Center a wide range of
tested teaching materials. The professor, or the students themselves,
may choose lessons from dozens of curriculum guides. In addition, they
may explore the new Virtual Economics CD-ROM program which contains over
130 publications with thousands of economics lessons. [2] Lesson topics
range from opportunity cost, choice, and market decisions to
international and environmental issues. Using a search tool, one can
locate lessons both by topic and grade level. Thus, neither professors
nor students need to spend their time developing lessons plans in order
to get the benefit of learning through teaching.
One advantage of working with a Center for Economics Education is
that all parties have incentives to participate. The professor wishes to
enhance student learning by providing the opportunities for students to
teach, and thus make real, the very concepts they are learning
themselves. By working with the Center, the professor may achieve these
benefits at a reduced cost because the Center may provide the lessons as
well as make the matches with teachers in local classrooms and perhaps
even gather feedback. Students gain in two ways. Their incentive for
participating may be to simply improve their grade. However, they may
also achieve a higher level of learning as a result of the teaching
Teachers gain because they see these demonstration lessons and now
have new tools for teaching economics. They also gain because the
presence of visitors often increases the involvement and enthusiasm of
their students. If teachers are now better equipped to teach economics,
Centers win because the demonstration lessons have provided one more
avenue for teacher training. In addition, visiting university students
may inform teachers of other Center materials and programs. Finally, the
university gains because its students are learning more and it is making
a contribution to the community.
For all student-based instruction exercises, there will be a number
of commonalities. These range from determining student groups and lesson
plans to developing outcome requirements. What follows is an outline of
the steps and requirements designed for a managerial economics course.
This case can easily be adapted to any economics course through the
selection of lessons available to students. This project also has the
unique component of being adaptable to other university requirements
such as those for "speaking-intensive" courses.
Managerial economics, a course often required of business school
students, draws on many basic microeconomic principles throughout the
course. During the Fall semester, 1996, an optional assignment of
engaging in a student-based instruction project was offered to students.
The project was presented as an opportunity for them to more thoroughly
master some fundamental economic concepts through the process of
teaching these concepts to others. Students became the teacher of an
economics lesson, embodying one or two basic concepts, to elementary
school children in grades two or three.
Students were provided a number of firm deadlines for each
component of this project. These included dates by which they were to
have formed their teaching groups, chosen their economic topic and
lesson, coordinated a teaching time and location, completed their
lesson, and turned in all required materials. The highly structured
nature of this project was necessary due to the high degree of
coordination between faculty, students, and grade school teachers.
The job of coordinating the assignment of student groups to an
elementary school classroom was made much easier through the efforts of
the coordinator of the VCU Center for Economic Education. She was able
to identify teachers who would have a likely interest in having college
students come into their classrooms to teach an economics lesson. She
also made the initial contact with those teachers by requesting that
they complete an information survey (see Appendix 1) detailing the
number of students in the class, their preference as to a
"topic" (chosen from a list), and the best time to try to
contact them. To make the coordination effort easier, each student
filled out an information sheet (see Appendix 2) which included some
suggested dates and times when they would be available. Using this
information, the professor or someone in a university-wide community
service office, made initial phone calls to the interested grade school
teachers, coordinated dates and times, provided the students' names
and numbers , and verified the specific lesson topic to be presented.
Beyond this point in the project, the students worked independently
within their groups to prepare the lesson [3] and, ultimately, go into
the classroom to teach. Each lesson was expected to last about 45
minutes to an hour. Groups had to assign roles to each member and plan
every detail, making sure to consider the following questions: What
materials would be needed for the lesson? Who would hand out the
materials for the lesson? Would one student stay free to roam and
maintain order? Who would do writing on the board if needed? Students
were advised that the more detail they included in their planning, the
more smooth the experience would be for them, the children, and the
One member of the group was required to contact the teacher and
discuss tips for handling the particular class, any related lessons that
the teacher may have already covered with the class, and any other
information that might be helpful. Additional "training" could
be provided for students by inviting an elementary school teacher to
give a seminar on "tips for teaching young children." The
following section describes the experience of some of the student groups
with a lesson on scarcity and opportunity cost.
A few of the groups chose the same lesson, the first lesson in
Children in the Market Place, with a theme on relative scarcity and the
need to make choices. In this lesson the children learn that to make a
choice means to "give up" something and that each
person's choice will depend on his or her own likes or dislikes.
The children are divided into groups of four or five, and each group is
given a bag containing items such as stickers, pencils, trading cards,
erasers, or candy. Before opening the bag, the children are told to
discuss possible ways of distributing the contents. This part of the
lesson is where the children needed some guidance to stay on task, but
even when things seemed a little more chaotic than anticipated, the
children learned the important points:
"... Everyone had something to say, but there were three
answers that pretty much covered everyone's response. The class
realized that one doesn't always get just what they want, that
there are a variety of ways to share, and that one needs to think about
the costs and benefits together whenever making a decision. Just when I
thought our lesson had fallen on deaf ears after nearly an hour, the
class gave these answers, showing that they somewhat understood scarcity
and opportunity costs." (student summary)
Clearly, the student-based instruction benefits the elementary
school children, but what about the impact on the college economics
The modest goal of this project, from the professor's
perspective, was to have at least one important economic principle
indelibly marked in the mind of the economics student through the
experience of teaching to others. [4] Requiring the students to complete
a reflective summary of their teaching experience is one way to assess
whether this goal was accomplished and to gain insight into other
benefits the students gained from the experience. Each individual
student was asked to turn in a two to five page summary consisting of
two main components: (1) a description of the lesson and the teaching
environment, (2) a presentation of their opinion on the
"success" of the project: What parts of the lesson worked well
and what parts did not? Did the students learned something? How could
you tell? What did you gain from the experience?
These reflective summaries provide the best window into the
experience from the perspective of the "economics student."
The summaries were a pleasure to read. While the classroom experiences
of the groups were varied, the feeling was nearly universal that the
project was worthwhile and positive. Many of the students were surprised
at what elementary school children already knew about
"scarcity" or "barter." Others expressed pleasure at
being around young children as a change of pace from the normal college
scene. Still others reminisced about those tiny desks in the classrooms!
The following quotes give some examples of the sentiment expressed
in the summaries:
"Overall I have to say that this was probably the single most
enjoyable thing I have been involved with since I came to VCU over three
years ago."
"There are a number of things which I gained from this
service-learning project. First, I definitely gained a new respect for
elementary school teachers.... Also I learned that it is important for
second graders to see things before their eyes. For example, writing
terms and instructions on the board is much more effective that
expecting the class to pick up concepts only mentioned by a
"At first, I was more nervous for this presentation than any
of my business presentations. After a few minutes though, I was having a
blast watching ten hands blasting towards the sky for me to call on them
so they could offer some input and have me write their responses on the
easel. I had more fun than they did and I believe our presentation was
really worth everyone's time involved. And, truthfully, this sure
was more fun than regression analysis."
To assess the overall performance of each student group and to have
another perspective on the quality of the experience for the children,
each teacher completed an evaluation form (see Appendix 3) and returned
it directly to the professor. The teachers' responses to the
project were extremely positive, which is not surprising since they
volunteered to participate and were therefore very open to the idea at
the outset. All of the teachers expressed a willingness to participate
in the project again the following semester.
"These three young men were natural teachers. Their excitement
with what they were doing was clearly evident. All three did a fantastic
job and worked extremely well with this age group. I would like to get
all three to go into teaching!! I would love to have more VCU students
come to the classroom."
"My students had a very clear understanding of the economic
principles that were taught. The VCU students introduced the topic,
taught several examples, and had a conclusion to wrap it all up. The
students... knew exactly who would teach what and how to do it. It was
an amazing presentation."
Aside from the written feedback from the students and the
elementary school teachers, the students also expressed their enthusiasm
in person--including conversations in the hall the following semester
encouraging the continued use of this teaching opportunity in future
As a form of active learning, student-based instruction has a
number of advantages for students, teachers and faculty. The example of
student-based instruction presented in this paper requires that
economics students have a firm grounding in the material they are
presenting to such young children. Although they are relying on
predetermined lessons, they must be able to anticipate questions and
give examples in terms that their audience will understand. Economics
students need to be able to pull examples of economic concepts from the
most basic aspects of everyday life, reminding them of its universal
relevance in decision making. As one student reflected, "All in
all, I would recommend that you have all your students do this, it
really makes you think about what we learned in class and how to
interpret it and relate it to others."
The gains to constituencies other than the college student
reinforces the value of student-based instruction. Although the Virginia Standards of Learning include economic concepts at all levels of primary
and secondary education, many teachers still tend to be more comfortable
with the "other" subjects of the Social Sciences curriculum
and therefore de-emphasize economics. By introducing teachers to these
lessons they will be exposed to the available resources and methods by
which they may begin to include these standards in their classrooms. The
gains to the children include increasing their knowledge about the world
in which they live and providing them with information about economic
decision making. As one teacher relates, "... this was a very good
experience for the children. Learning economics concepts early on should
pay dividends later on!"
Finally, the benefits associated with student-based instruction go
beyond those listed above. Student-based instruction offers a method of
learning by doing, addresses alternative learning styles, builds real
world examples into the most basic of economic concepts, adds a level of
excitement and applicability to knowledge, and may even influence some
students to continue in the major.
One might ask whether the effort necessary to set up a
student-based instruction project is worth it. Clearly there are
significant start up costs to the project, but with the help of
service-learning and economic education centers these might be
minimized. Further, the project has great potential for self
perpetuation once a network of local school teachers are enlisted.
Finally, there is significant potential for a wide range of winners:
elementary school children, teachers, college students, college
professors, and the university.
(*.) Economics Department, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
23173, (804) 289-8575,
(**.) Currently, Corporate Economist, Crestar Bank; Formerly,
Economics Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
(***.) Center for Economic Education, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA
(1.) These models of community service learning and their
applications in economics are further described by McGoldrick (1998).
(2.) Since 1996 Centers have been distributing, at no charge, the
Virtual Economics CD-ROM to schools in the United States. These disks,
made available by the National Council on Economic Education (NCEE),
contain nearly all of the NCEE EconomicsAmerica publications (over
$2,000 worth of materials).
(3.) These lesson plans were chosen from publications available on
the Virtual Economics CD-ROM such as EconomicsAmerica, Children in the
Market Place, and Teaching Environmental Economics, though there are
certainly many other available sources. Students were encouraged to
follow lesson plans fairly closely, but to adjust or add to the lesson
as they desired, allowing for some creativity on their part.
(4.) Although this was our main goal, it would also be useful to
test the effectiveness of this technique on student learning. There are
many problems with testing the effectiveness of active learning
techniques, especially in constructing the control groups necessary for
comparison purposes. No reliable method for pre and post testing was at
our disposal at the time this exercise was implemented.
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Becker, William E. and Michael Watts. 1996. "Chalk and Talk: A
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Carlson, John A. and David W. Schodt. 1995. "Beyond the
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Journal of Economic Education, 26 (Winter), 17-28.
Cohn, Elchanan, Sharon Cohn, and James Bradley, Jr. 1995.
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Davis, James R. 1993. Better Teaching. More Learning: Strategies
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Kolb, David. 1976. Learning Style Inventory: Technical Manual,
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Kolb, David. 1981. "Learning Styles and Disciplinary
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American College. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers 232-255.
Kolb, David. 1984. Experiential Learning: Experience as a Source of
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Lage, Maureen J. and Michael Treglia. 1996. "The Impact of
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from One Institution." Journal of Economic Education, 27 (Winter),
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 1998. "Service-Learning in Economics: A
Detailed Application." Journal of Economic Education, 24(Fall),
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Feminist Pedagogy in Economics." Unpublished paper. In 1999, April
Aerni and KimMarie McGoldrick, Valuing Us All: Toward Feminist Pedagogy
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Phillips, Gary. 1984. Growing Hope, Minneapolis, MN: National Youth
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Siegfried, John, Robin L. Bartlett, W. Lee Hansen, Allen C. Kelley,
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and Prospects of the Economics Major." Journal of Economic
Education, 22 (Summer), 197-24.
Siegfried, John J., Phillip Saunders, Ethan Stinar, and Hao Zhang.
1996. "Teaching Tools: How is Introductory Economics Taught in
America?" Economic Inquiry, 43 (January), 182-92.
Spencer, Robert W. and Donald F. Van Eynde. 1986. Journal of
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"Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools,"
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Virtual Economics: An Interactive Center for Economic Education.
National Council on Economics Education, Nebraska: Economics America.
"Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics."
1997. Developed by National Council on Economic Education in partnership
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Kazanjian Economics Foundation, Inc., AT&T Foundation, and the
Foundation for Teaching Economics. Presented at American Economic
Association Meetings, January.
Appendix 1
Service-Learning Teacher Information Form
Earlier this semester you indicated that you would be like to have
a VCU student come to your classroom to present an economics lesson. We
are now ready to start that program. These students are in professor Ann
Battle's economics class. We will be trying to match teachers'
and students' schedules as well as lesson topics. A pair of
students will visit your classroom once, sometime between now and
Thanksgiving. You will be asked to evaluate their presentation.
Please fax (***_****) this back as soon as you can to let us know
if you still want to participate. Call if you have any questions
(***_****). Thanks.
_____Yes, I am still interested in this project.
Best time to call
Grade Level
______No, I can't participate at this time.
Room #
Number of students in class
We will be trying to match your schedule with our students'
schedules; please give us the best time for the lesson. The more
flexible you can be, the better the chance that a match can be made!
Day of week
Day of week
Lesson topic preferred (Mark any that suit you.)
(1) Scarcity:
--Wants are unlimited
--Making choices--must give something up to get something else
--Factors that influence choice
--tastes, values, habits
(2) People's Wants Stimulate Production
--Producers make goods that people want
--Chain of supply--manufacturing, retail, wholesale
--Demand for goods is influenced by producers through advertising
(3) Production
--Production takes place before consumption
--Products are made from resources
--Resources (such as labor) are scarce
--Availability of resources and technology influences production
(4) Barter
--People are better off (happier) by trading
--Money makes it easier to get the goods you want
Appendix 2
Service-Learning Planning Form
Student Name:
Other Members of Group (List Names):
Best Times to Call:
E-mail Address:
Windows of opportunity when you are available to go to your
assigned school for an hour. (You will want to speak with your assigned
teacher prior to your visit.)
Day: Time:
Day Time:
Day Time:
Is there a school that you particularly want to work with?
Is there a school system that you particularly want to work with?
What is the topic of the lesson you will be presenting?
Do you have a grade level preference?
K-2 3-5
Appendix 3
Teacher Evaluation Form
Instructions: Please take a few minutes to complete this form. A
brief sentence or two for each question would be appreciated. This will
help me to determine the grade which the students will receive for
participating in this project. Please call me if you have any questions:
***_**** (office) or ***_**** (home).
Teacher Name:
Students Names:
(1) Did the students demonstrate adequate advanced preparation for
their lesson?
(2) Were all of the necessary materials for the lesson provided by
the students?
(3) Were the economic principles of the lesson presented in a way
that was clear and understandable at the level of the children in the
(4) Did the lesson stimulate the children's interest and keep
them actively involved?
Further Comments:
(5) Do you have any suggestions that would enhance the learning
experience of your class or improve the teaching experience for the VCU
economic students who participated in this project?
(6) Would you be interested in having VCU students come to your
classroom for another economics lesson in the future?
Thank you again for sharing your classroom with my students!