Adrangi, Bahram ; Raffiee, Kambiz
Babram Adrangi [*]
Kambiz Raffiee [**]
In this paper, a general model of the competitive firm's
behavior under output and factor (total) price uncertainty is developed
to evaluate the role of market interdependencies in analyzing long-run
equilibrium conditions and comparative statics analysis of increased
uncertainty in output and input prices. It is demonstrated that the
results shown in the literature are a special case of the findings
reported here and market interdependencies play a central role in
determining the firm's long-run equilibrium under uncertainty.
I. Introduction
It is just over a quarter of a century since the publication of the
seminal paper by Sandmo [1971] that formally introduced a systematic
formulation of the competitive firm's behavior under output price
uncertainty. The theory of the firm under uncertainty has been
researched significantly since Sandmo [1971] by examining the
firm's operations under various sources of uncertainty in the
firm's operations: output price uncertainty, factor price
uncertainty, and total (output and factor) price uncertainty. The
studies by Chavas and Pope [1985], Demers and Demers [1990], Hartman
[1976], Horbulyk [1993], Paris [1989], Pope [1980], and Sandmo [1971]
have examined the impact of output price uncertainty; Ormiston and
Schlee [1994], the impact of factor cost uncertainty; Booth [1983] and
Paris [1988], the impact of total price uncertainty.
These contributions have invariably assumed that the firm's
objective is to maximize the shareholder's expected utility
function under a given source of price uncertainty and report the
comparative statics analysis for a mean-preserving increase in either
output price or factor cost uncertainty. None of these studies evaluate
the role of market interdependencies in determining a firm's
long-run equilibrium conditions under uncertainty. [1]
The present paper will examine the effect of total price
uncertainty on the firm's long-run equilibrium where the
probability distributions of output and factor prices are not
independent. The role of market interdependencies to achieve the
firm's equilibrium and the effect of changes in uncertainty on its
optimum use of inputs is presented.
The next section describes the basic model of the firm under total
price uncertainty and presents the requirements to achieve the long-run
competitive equilibrium. Comparative statics results of increased
uncertainty in output and input prices are derived in Section III. A
brief summary is presented in the final section. The firm's
equilibrium under risk neutrality is discussed in the Appendix.
II. The Model
The model explains the firm's long-run behavior which it
chooses optimal capital (K) and labor (L) to maximize the
shareholder's expected utility function. Let U([pi]) be the von
Neumann-Morgenstern utility function of the firm with the property that
U'([pi]) [greater than] 0 and U"([pi]) [less than] 0 for firms
that are risk averse. [2] Hence, the firm's decision problem is to
[[E.sup.max].sub.K,L][U([pi] = pQ - rK - wL)]. (1)
where [pi] is profit, Q is output, p, r, and w are the uncertain
product price, cost of capital, and wage rate, respectively,
representing stochastic random variables with the joint probability distribution function m(p,r,w) defined for p,r,w [greater than] 0 with
finite moments. The respective expected values for p, r, and w are
[[micro].sub.p], [[micro].sub.r] and [[micro].sub.w].
The assumptions of an interior solution of the firm's
equilibrium to exist are that the firm's production function Q =
Q(K, L) is assumed to be strictly concave with factor marginal products strictly positive and increasing at a deceasing rate, i.e., [Q.sub.L]
[greater than] 0, [Q.sub.K] [greater than] 0, [Q.sub.LL] [less than] 0,
and [Q.sub.KK] [less than] 0. Let E[U([pi])] [equivalent to] h(K,L).
Then, the first-order conditions for optimization of (1) are [3]
[h.sub.K] = [delta]E[U([pi])]/[delta]K = E[U'([pi])([pQ.sub.K]
- r)] = 0, (2)
[h.sub.L] = [delta]E[U([pi])]/[delta]L = E[U'([pi])([pQ.sub.L]
- w)] = 0. (3)
Expanding the expectation operator in (2) and (3) gives
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.K] - [[micro].sub.r] =
cov[U'([pi]),r]/E[U'([pi])] - [Q.sub.K]
cov[U'([pi]),p]/E[U'([pi])], (4)
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.L] - [[micro].sub.w] =
cov[U'([pi]),w]/E[U'([pi])] - [Q.sub.L]
cov[U'([pi]),p]/E[U'([pi])]. (5)
The firm's equilibrium under uncertainty in (4) and (5)
depends on the sign of the covariance terms, cov[U'([pi]),r],
cov[U'([pi]), w], and cov[U'([pi]),p]. It will be shown below
that the signs and the firm's equilibrium under uncertainty depend
on: (i) the relationship between the output and factor markets as
determined by the properties of the joint probability distribution
function of prices and (ii) the firm's attitude toward risk. Market
interdependencies have been ignored by the previous studies which
focused only on the firm's attitude toward risk. In this paper,
market interdependencies are accounted for by examining the joint
probability distribution function of wages, capital costs, and output
Let k(p,w/r) = m (p,r,w)/g(r), where k(p,w/r) is the
joint conditional probability density function of p and w given r,
g(r) is the non-zero marginal probability density function of r, with
m(p,r,w) as defined before. Additionally, let E[U'([pi])] =
U'. Then the covariance term cov[U'([pi]),r], in (4), can be
written as
cov[U'([pi]),r] = [[integral of].sub.p][[integral
of].sub.w][[integral of].sub.r] [U'([pi]) - U'] X (r -
[[micro].sub.r])k(p,w/r)g(r)dpdwdr, (6) or
cov[U'([pi]),r] = [[integral of].sub.r][E[U'([pi])/r] -
U'](r - [[micro].sub.r])g(r)dr. (7)
where E[U'([pi])/r] = [[integral of].sub.p][[integral
of].sub.w]U'([pi])k(p,w/r)dpdw. [4]
Since E[U'(r - [[micro].sub.r])] =
E[U'([pi])/[[micro].sub.r]]E(r - [[micro].sub.r]) = 0, then (7) can
be written as
cov[U'([pi]),r] = [[integral of].sub.r][E[U'([pi])/r] -
E[U'([pi])/[[micro].sub.r]]](r-[[micro].sub.r])g(r)dr. (8)
The sign of cov[U'([pi]),r] in (8) depends on the sign of the
terms on the right-hand-side integral of the equation because (r -
[[micro].sub.r]) is an increasing function of r. But
[delta][E[U'([pi])/r] -
E[U'([pi])/[[micro].sub.r]]]/[delta]r = [[integral
of].sub.p][[integral of].sub.w][-KU"([pi]) + [delta]k/[delta]r X
where k = k(p,w/r). Using the result in (9), the sign of the
covariance term in (8) can now be determined as
sign[cov[U'([pi]),r]] = sign[-KU"([pi]) +
[delta]k/[delta]r X U'([pi])/k]. (10)
Similarly, the sign of the remaining covariance terms in (4) and
(5) can be shown to be determined as
sign[cov[U'([pi]),w]] = sign[-LU"([pi]) +
[delta]f/[delta]w X U'([pi])/f], (11)
sign[cov[U'([pi]),p]] = sign[QU"([pi]) +
[delta]e/[delta]p X [U'([pi])/e]. (12)
where f = f(p,r/w) and e = e(r,w/p) are the respective joint
conditional probability density functions of p and r given w and r and w
given p, defined for the non-zero marginal density functions of w and
p,t(w) and n(p), as f(p,r/w) = m(p,r,w)/t(w) and e(r,w/p) =
The assumption that markets are independent implies that
[delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r = 0, [delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w = 0, and
[delta]e(r,w/p)/[delta]p = 0. Clearly, these partial derivatives can be
equal to zero if and only if m(p,r,w) = n(p)g(r)t(w), that is the output
and factor markets are independent. [5] In the special case, when the
output and factor markets are independent, and under the assumption that
firms are risk averse, the sign of the covariance terms in (10)-(12) can
be determined unambiguously as
cov[U'([pi]),r] [greater than] 0, (13)
cov[U'([pi]),w] [greater than] 0, (14)
cov[U'([pi]),p] [less than] 0. (15)
Using the results in (13)-(15) and in (4) and (5), one gets the
well-established condition in the literature that the long-run
equilibrium of a risk averse competitive firm is
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.K] - [[micro].sub.r] [greater than] 0, (16)
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.L] - [[micro].sub.w] [greater than] 0. (17)
In other words, under the special case that the markets are
independent, the firm's attitude toward risk is sufficient to
achieve the long-run equilibrium.
However, if markets are not independent, i.e.,
[delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r [not equal to] 0, [delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w [not
equal to] 0, and [delta]e(r,w/p)/[delta]p [not equal to] 0, then the
firm's attitude toward risk is necessary but not sufficient to have
an unambiguous sign on the covariance terms in (10)-(12) and
determination of equilibrium under uncertainty in (4) and (5). [6] If
output and input markets are interdependent, the long-run equilibrium of
a risk averse competitive firm from (4) and (5) is
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.K] - [[micro].sub.r] [not equal to] 0, (18)
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.L] - [[micro].sub.w] [not equal to] 0. (19)
Let the optimum capital and labor levels employed by the firm in
(16)-(17) and in (18)-(19) be ([K.sup.A],[L.sup.A]) and ([K.sup.B],
[L.sup.B]), respectively. Clearly, once market interdependencies are
taken into consideration, [K.sup.A] [not equal to] [K.sup.B] and
[L.sup.A] [not equal to] [L.sup.B]. Whether the input levels in (18) and
(19) are greater than or less than the input levels in (16) and (17)
depends on interdependencies among output and factor markets that
determine the sign of covariance terms in (l0)-(12) and the resulting
equilibrium in (18) and (19).
One can develop scenarios on the structure of interrelationship among markets to examine the behavior of the firm under uncertainty.
Consider the that [delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r [greater than] 0,
[delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w [greater than] 0, and [delta]e(r,w/p)/[delta]p
[less than] 0. For risk averse firms, one can then get unambiguous sign
on the covariance terms in (10)-(12) resulting in the long-run
equilibrium conditions of a risk averse competitive firm are identical
to those reported in (16) and (17). This amounts to the conclusion that
under uncertainty equilibrium and market interdependencies, the optimal
input levels of capital and labor for a risk averse firm would be lower
than in certainty equilibrium.
Additionally, the optimum input levels ([K.sup.B] and [L.sup.B])
under the special case of interdependent markets, where
[delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r [greater than] 0, [delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w
[greater than] 0, and [delta]e(r,w/p)/[delta]p [less than] 0, can be
compared with the optimum input levels ([K.sup.A] and [L.sup.A]) under
independent markets for a risk averse firm. The results are that the
firm employs more of both inputs if markets are interdependent:
[K.sup.B] [less than] [K.sup.A] and [L.sup.B] [less than] [L.sup.A].
Hence, the interrelationship among markets, established by the
conditional probability density functions of output and factor markets,
is an important determinant of the competitive firm's long-run
III. Comparative Statics [7]
The role of market interdependencies in deriving the comparative
statics results, related with changes in the probability distributions
of output and input prices, of a competitive firm is presented in this
section. The effects of a marginal increase in price uncertainty are
defined by the increased variability of the output and input price
density functions in terms of a mean preserving spread. Let us define
[P.sup.*] = [gamma]P + [[theta].sub.1], (20)
[r.sup.*] = [gamma]r + [[theta].sub.2], (21)
[w.sup.*] = [gamma]w + [[theta].sub.3], (22)
where [[theta].sub.i] and [gamma] are the shift parameters which
initially equal zero and one, respectively. Then a mean preserving
spread for this type of shift in the density functions of [P.sup.*],
[r.sup.*], and [w.sup.*] leaves their means unchanged, that is
dE([P.sup.*]) = dE([gamma]P + [[theta].sub.1]) =
[[micro].sub.p]d[gamma] + d[[theta].sub.1] = 0, (23)
dE([r.sup.*]) = dE([gamma]r + [[theta].sub.2]) =
[[micro].sub.r]d[gamma] + d[[theta].sub.2] = 0, (24)
dE([w.sup.*]) = dE([gamma]w + [[theta].sub.3]) =
[[micro].sub.w]d[gamma] + d[[theta].sub.3] = 0. (25)
Then (23)-(25) imply
d[[theta].sub.1]/d[gamma] = -[[micro].sub.p], (26)
d[[theta].sub.2]/d[gamma] = -[[micro].sub.r], (27)
d[[theta].sub.3]/d[gamma] = -[[micro].sub.w]. (28)
Differentiating the first-order conditions in (2) and (3),
evaluated at [[theta].sub.i] = 0 and [gamma] = 1, and using (26)-(28)
[Q.sub.KK] dK/d[gamma] + [Q.sub.KL] dL/d[gamma] = 1/[psi]
[[delta]cov[U'([pi]),r]/[delta][gamma] -
[delta]cov[U'([pi]),p]/[delta][gamma] [Q.sub.K]], (29)
[Q.sub.LK] dK/d[gamma] + [Q.sub.LL] dL/d[gamma] = 1/[psi]
[[delta]cov[U'([pi]),w]/[delta][gamma] -
[delta]cov[U'([pi]),p]/[delta][gamma] [Q.sub.L]]. (30)
where [psi] = [[micro].sub.p]E[U'([pi])] +
The partial derivative of the covariance terms in (29) and (30)
with respect to [gamma] is
The covariance terms' sign in (31)-(33), and the subsequent
comparative statics results of a mean preserving spread in the output
and input price density functions in (29) and (30), are determined by
the firm's attitude toward risk, i.e., the sign of U"([pi]),
and the interrelationship among markets, [delta]f/[delta][gamma],
[delta]k/[delta][gamma], and [delta]e/[delta][gamma]. The firm's
attitude toward risk is necessary but not sufficient to have determinate comparative statics results in (29) and (30).
IV. Concluding Comments
The literature on the behavior of a firm under uncertainty has
generally overlooked the interdependencies among output and factor
markets. Under the special case that markets are independent, the
firm's attitude toward risk is sufficient for deriving the long-run
equilibrium conditions. It is important to incorporate the
interrelationship among markets in examining the firm's behavior
under uncertainty. In this paper, a general model of the firm's
behavior under output and factor price uncertainty is developed to
evaluate the role of market interdependencies in analyzing the long-run
equilibrium conditions.
The results show that additional assumptions are necessary to
derive the firm's long-run equilibrium under uncertainty. Market
interdependencies play a central role in determining the firm's
long-run equilibrium rendering previous results, described in the
literature, as special cases of conditions reported here. Our findings
also demonstrate that the firm's attitude toward risk is necessary
but not sufficient to obtain a long-run competitive equilibrium.
(1.) However, the analysis in Booth [1983] assumes that the output
price and input prices are all drawn from a multivariate normal
distribution. Complete independence and perfect correlation among output
and input prices are special cases in his treatment.
(2.) The assumption that firms are risk averse needs further
explanation. Since the firm's profit is the only argument included
in the profit function, the owners may prefer that managers exchange
profit for less risk. If the firm's owners hold a diversified portfolio of assets rather than just this one firm, then they want their
managers to be risk neutral and to maximize the firm's expected
utility of profit. In other words, departure from the assumption of risk
aversion is a real possibility. The recent trend in human resource
management is toward performance-based compensation, and prolification
of stock options as part of the compensation package [Abowd and Bognano,
1994]. Koretz [1995] finds that, among a group of surveyed firms,
performance of the firm was positively correlated with the degree of CEO ownership. This is not surprising as one of the goals of
performance-based compensation is to deal with agency problems that
existed. Jensen and Meckling [1976] define owners as principals and the
manager as owners' agent. If the manager is a utility-maximizing
individual, and his personal utility function is influenced by variables
other than the owners,' then the manager may not always act in the
best interest of the principals. However, in cases that the
manager's utility function is affected by the firm's profits,
as is the case when compensation is performance-based, then the utility
functions of the managers and the principals tend to coincide at least
as far as the firm-related decisions are involved. Therefore, it is safe
to assume that firm's managers behave similar to the firm's
owners and may become risk averse in their decisions. However, assuming
that the firm's owners hold a diversified portfolio of assets,
managers, as well as owners, may become risk neutral or risk takers.
Assuming this scenario, curvature of the utility function may be altered
so as to allow for the possibility that U"([pi]) = 0 for risk
neutrality or U"([pi]) [greater than] 0 for risk loving. The
results for risk neutrality case are presented in the Appendix.
(3.) The sufficient second-order conditions for the maximum are
that [h.sub.KK] = [[delta].sup.2]E[U([pi])/[delta][K.sup.2] [less than]
0, [h.sub.LL] = [[delta].sup.2]E[U([pi])]/[delta][L.sup.2] [less than]
0, and [h.sub.KK][h.sub.LL] - [[h.sup.2].sub.KL] [greater than] 0.
(4.) In deriving (7) from (6), the result that [[integral
of].sub.p][[integral of].sub.w] k(p,w/r)dpdw = 1 is used.
(5.) The assumption that output and input price distributions are
independent could roughly be interpreted as prices of inputs and outputs
being independently determined. The general equilibrium model of markets
shows that input and output prices are determined within the market
mechanism. For example, with deregulated markets and rapid transmission
of information, transportation costs almost instantaneously adjust to
the possible price volatility in the crude oil market, affecting all
sectors of the economy. Therefore, relaxing the mutually independence of
price distribution assumption leads to a more realistic model that fits
today's real-world economy.
(6.) In other words, market interdependencies amount to having
non-zero partial derivative of the conditional densities of output and
input prices with respect to a given price. The conditions
[delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r [not equal to] 0, [delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w [not
equal to] 0, and [delta]e (r,w/p)/[delta]p [not equal to] 0 imply an
increase or decrease in uncertainty to the firm associated with a price
change. For example, [delta]k(p,w/r)/[delta]r [greater than] 0 and
[delta]f(p,r/w)/[delta]w [greater than] 0 imply an increase in
uncertainty of capital and labor markets to the firm as a result of a
rise in capital and labor prices, respectively. On the other hand,
[delta]e(r,w/p)/[delta]p [less than] 0 implies a decrease in uncertainty
of product market to the firm for an increase in output price.
(7.) We thank an anonymous referee for raising the issues and
suggesting the references [Hadar and Seo, 1990 and Hadar and Russell,
1974] that motivated us to write this section.
(*.) School of Business Administration, The University of Portland,
5000 North Willamette Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97203
Appendix A
(**.) Economics Department, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV
The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful
comments and suggestions. Any remaining errors are the responsibility of
the authors.
In this appendix, the competitive firm's behavior under total
price uncertainty when its managers are risk neutral is examined. With
risk neutrality, i.e., U" ([pi]) = 0, equations (10)--(12) in the
paper become
sign[cov[U'([pi]),r]] = sign[[delta]k/[delta]r X
U'([pi])/k], (A1)
sign[cov[U'([pi]),w]] = sign [[delta]f/[delta]w X
U'([pi])/f], (A2)
sign[cov[U'([pi]),p]] = sign[[delta]e/[delta]p X
U'([pi])/e]. (A3)
Following the general model of interdependent markets, the
covariance terms in (A1)--(A3) are not equal to zero under risk
neutrality and their sign is determined by the interrelationship among
markets. Now, the firm's equilibrium under risk neutrality is
solely established by market interdependencies. Using equations (2) and
(3), the firm's equilibrium under risk neutrality and market
interdependencies is
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.K] - [[micro].sub.r] [not equal to] 0, (A4)
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.L] - [[micro].sub.w] [not equal to] 0. (A5)
Equations (A4) and (A5) under risk neutrality and market
independencies become
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.K] - [[micro].sub.r] = 0, (A6)
[[micro].sub.p][Q.sub.L] - [[micro].sub.w] = 0. (A7)
Let the optimum capital and labor levels employed by the firm in
(A4)-(A5) and in (A6)-(A7) be ([K.sup.C], [L.sup.C]) and ([K.sup.D],
[L.sup.D]), respectively. Clearly, once market interdependencies are
taken into consideration, [K.sup.C] [not equal to] [K.sup.D] and
[L.sup.C] [not equal to] [L.sup.D] Whether the input levels in (A4) and
(A5) are greater than or less than the input levels in (A6) and (A7)
depends on interdependencies among output and factor markets that
determine the sign of covariance terms in (Al) to (A3) and the resulting
equilibrium in (A5) and (A6). The analysis is similar to the results
discussed for a risk averse firm in Section III of the paper.
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