Voting cycles in business curriculum reform, a note.
Beck, John H.
The theoretical potential for "voting cycles" was
discovered by the French mathematician Condorcet in the eighteenth
century (Mueller, 1989, p. 64) and received renewed attention in modern
economics with the "impossibility theorem" of Arrow (1963).
Suppose that three voters are to choose among three alternatives and the
preferences of the individual voters are
Voter I[greater than]Z[greater than]Z Voter II Y[greater
than]Z[greater than]X Voter III Z[greater than]X[greater than]Y
where "X[greater than]Y" means "alternative X is
preferred to alternative Y." If these voters decide between two
alternatives at a time by simple majority vote, both voters I and II
will vote for Y rather than Z, and voters I and III will vote for X
rather than Y. But voters II and III will vote for Z rather than X, so
the collective choice is intransitive:
X[greater than]Y[greater than]Z[greater than]X
In this case majority rule results in a "voting cycle."
There is no alternative which is a "Condorcet winner" that,
when paired against the other alternatives, can defeat all of them by a
majority vote.
The practical significance of voting cycles depends on the frequency
of their occurrence. Some previous research on this topic has approached
this question theoretically, exploring how the probability of cycles
depends on the number of voters and the number of alternatives to be
considered, assuming individual rankings of these alternatives are
random (DeMeyer and Plott, 1970; Garman and Kamien, 1968; Niemi and
Weisberg, 1968). Some of the major conclusions of this research are
summarized in the next section.
Other studies have presented empirical evidence of the actual
occurrence of a combination of individual preferences that would produce
voting cycles. Dobra and Tullock (1981) examined a faculty search
committee's rankings of 37 job candidates and found an example of
"tie intransitivity" in which one candidate was not defeated
by any other candidate but tied with three candidates, each of whom were
beaten by other candidates beaten by the first candidate. Dobra (1983)
reviewed 32 cases from other studies - many of which were also from
academic settings - and found 3 tie-cycles and one complete cycle. He
noted that "in most cases where a Condorcet winner existed the
number of voters was large relative to the number of alternatives"
(Dobra, 1983, p. 243).
This paper fits into the latter category of empirical studies. It
presents a case study of the occurrence of voting cycles in business
school curriculum reform. Three separate decisions are analyzed: (1)
addition of a service requirement, (2) the inclusion of additional
business courses in the core, and (3) changes in the nature of
majors/"concentrations." A voting cycle was found in (2) but
not (1) or (3).
Theoretical analysis may focus on the probability that pairwise
majority voting results in a complete transitive ranking of all
alternatives. Or the analysis may be limited to the probability that
there is a "Condorcet winner," an alternative which wins a
majority vote in pairwise comparisons with all other alternatives. In
the case of three alternatives, a transitive ranking is equivalent to a
Condorcet winner, but with more than three alternatives the distinction
is necessary. A Condorcet winner may exist even if majority voting fails
to produce a transitive ranking among all other alternatives. If the
only concern is whether majority rule produces a unique winner, the
existence of a voting cycle among other alternatives may present no
Theoretical analyses of the relationship between the probability of
cycles and the number of voters and alternatives to be considered have
frequently assumed individual rankings of these alternatives are random,
with all of the possible rankings equally likely (DeMeyer and Plott,
1970; Garman and Kamien, 1968; Niemi and Weisberg, 1968). Garman and
Kamien (1968, pp. 312-313) refer to this equiprobability assumption as
an "impartial culture." The formulas for calculating the
probabilities of voting cycles are quite complex. Table 1 shows some
representative values of the probability that there is no Condorcet
winner with three voters, seven voters, and for the limiting case with
an infinite number of voters. The probability of no Condorcet winner
increases monotonically with the number of voters. Niemi and Weisberg
(1968, p. 322) conclude:
. . . the maximum difference between exact and limiting values is
very small for a small [number of alternatives]. Moreover, the exact
values approach the limit rapidly. Thus, for a small number of
alternatives, the number of individuals is almost totally irrelevant.
Probabilities That There is no Condorcet Winner Under the Impartial
Culture Assumption
Number of Number of Voters
Alternatives 3 7 [infinity]
3 .05556 .07502 .08774
6 .20222 .27 .31524
8 .27075 .41509
15 .4175 .6087
[infinity] 1.0000
SOURCES: Garman and Kamien (1968, p. 314); Niemi and Weisberg
(1968, p. 322): DeMeyer and Plott (1970. p. 353)
On the other hand, as the number of alternatives increases the
probability of no Condorcet winner increases more substantially, with
the probability approaching one as both the number of alternatives and
the number of voters approach infinity.
When the assumption that all possible individual rankings are equally
probable is relaxed, the probability that there is no Condorcet winner
may be either higher or lower than under the impartial culture
assumption (Abrams, 1976 and 1980, p. 95). However, some authors have
found a tendency for the probability that there is no Condorcet winner
to decline with increases in various measures of "social
homogeneity" indicating the extent to which voters have similar
preferences (Fishburn and Gehrlein, 1980; Gehrlein and Fishburn, 1976;
Mueller, 1989, p. 81).
In 1994 the School of Business Administration at Gonzaga University
engaged in a major reform of its curriculum. The analysis in this
section is based on survey of faculty preferences about various
curriculum alternatives. The survey was conducted solely for this
research project after the curriculum reform process was completed, so
there is no reason to suspect respondents might misrepresent their
preferences to gain a strategic advantage.
Three separate decisions are analyzed: (1) addition of a community
service requirement, (2) additions to the business core, and (3) changes
in the nature of majors/"concentrations." Although community
service has recently been adopted as part of the general education
requirements at some colleges, there has been little discussion of its
inclusion in business school curricula. The other two issues have been
more widely considered by business schools. For example Dudley et al.
(1995) advocate adding human resource management skills and upper level
computer courses to the business core while reducing the number of
credits in specializations.
The faculty preferences on curriculum reform expressed in the survey
responses are shown in Tables 2-4. In these tables "X[greater
than]Y" means "alternative X is preferred to alternative
Y," and "X = Y" denotes indifference between X and Y.
Note that allowing indifference departs from the common assumption in
the theoretical analyses that individuals have strict preferences among
all alternatives.
Table 2 shows preferences for 4 alternatives regarding a community
service course, either as a requirement or as an option to satisfy an
existing core requirement. The preferred choice of 7 faculty was not to
include the service course in the core (alternative D). Three faculty
preferred to require the service course, either in addition to
(alternative A) or instead of (alternative C) an existing non-business
requirement. The first choice of 10 faculty was to include the service
course as an option to meet the Social Science requirement of the old
core (alternative B). Thus alternative B would have been only one vote
shy of a majority if all three alternatives had been considered together
and individuals voted for their most-preferred alternative. It is
therefore not surprising that in a series of pairwise comparisons simple
majority voting produces a transitive ranking of all four alternatives
with B as the first choice.
Table 3 shows preferences regarding three proposed additions to the
business core. The 3-credit "World of Business" course would
provide an integrative introduction to all the business disciplines. The
3-credit "Managerial Skills" course would emphasize practice
developing "soft" skills like working in groups, etc., and the
2-credit "Advanced Business Computing" would deal with
programming and simulation. Considering all of the possibilities of
including or excluding these courses, there are 8 alternatives to be
Preferences for a Service Requirement
Preference Number
Orderings of Faculty
A[greater than]C[greater than]B[greater than]D 1
B[greater than]A[greater than]C[greater than]D 2
B[greater than]C[greater than]A[greater than]D 3
B[greater than]C[greater than]D[greater than]A 1
B[greater than]D[greater than]A[greater than]C 1
B[greater than]D[greater than]A=C 1
B[greater than]D[greater than]C[greater than]A 1
B = D[greater than]C[greater than]A 1
C[greater than]A[greater than]B[greater than]D 2
D[greater than]A=B=C 1
D[greater than]B[greater than]C[greater than]A 6
Majority Rule Ranking: B[greater than]D[greater than]C
[greater than]A
Definitions of Alternatives:
A Add PHI 271 Community Outreach (service) as an additional
requirement to the old SBA Core.
B Add PHI 271 Community Outreach (service) as an option to meet
the Social Science requirement of the old SBA Core.
C Add PHI 271 Community Outreach (service) as a requirement,
offsetting this by reducing the Social Science, Fine Arts,
History. or Science requirement in the old SBA Core by 3 credits.
D Do not have any service requirement in the core.
Table 3 shows that every one of the 20 faculty had a different
ranking. In some cases, such as the first two individual preferences
shown, the individual rankings differed only because one person
expressed indifference between two alternatives where another expressed
a strict preference. Still, the lack of similarity among individual
preferences is striking, with 6 of the 8 alternatives being the first
choice of at least one of the 20 faculty. With the larger number of
alternatives and less social homogeneity in preferences, it may not be
surprising that in this case there is no Condorcet winner. Simple
majority voting produces a cycle: E[greater than]H = G[greater than]E.
The three alternatives in this cycle - E, G, and H - all defeat any of
the other 5 alternatives in pairwise votes.
Table 4 shows preferences regarding how much coursework students
should be required to take in one of the traditional business disciples
and whether majors would be designated in these disciplines or whether
all students would [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 4 OMITTED] have a
"Business Administration major" with the traditional
disciplines only designated as "concentrations." Note that
although 6 alternatives are listed, these represent only 3 different
alternatives in terms of the substantive requirements for coursework;
the other differences among the alternatives are only the labels
"major" and "concentration." Table 4 shows that
labels did matter. Except for the first individual, no one was
indifferent between the alternatives that were substantively identical
in terms of course requirements. Every one of the 6 alternatives was the
first choice of at least one individual, and only two individuals shared
identical preferences. However, in this case the diversity of individual
preferences did not produce a voting cycle. Simple majority rule
produces a transitive ranking of all 6 alternatives: Q[greater
than]N[greater than]O[greater than]P[greater than]R[greater than]M.
When individual preferences are such that a potential voting cycle
exits, the outcome depends on the order in which pairs of alternatives
are considered. Thus, the person controlling the agenda could secure his
preferred outcome by determining the sequence in which alternatives were
considered (Riker, 1982, p. 137). Consider again the example from the
introduction with three voters with the following preferences:
Voter I X[greater than]Y[greater than]Z Voter II Y[greater
than]Z[greater than]X Voter III Z[greater than]X[greater than]Y
If Voter I controls the agenda, he can secure his preferred
alternative X by having the group consider alternatives Y and Z first
and then proposing X as an alternative to Y, the winner of the first
There is also the possibility that individuals might behave
strategically, not voting sincerely but at some stages of the process
voting against the alternative in a pair which they honestly prefer in
the hope that by eliminating this alternative from further consideration
they will secure a better outcome at the end of the process (Riker,
1982, p. 137). Referring again to the same example, if Y and Z are
considered first, Voter II might vote for Z rather than Y. Then, when
Voter I proposes X as an alternative to the winner of the first vote, Z
will defeat X and Voter II gets his second choice Z rather than his last
choice X.
The effectiveness of agenda control or insincere voting depends on
individuals' knowledge of the preferences of other voters. My
impression of the curriculum reform at Gonzaga University is that the
faculty had no good idea of their colleagues' preferences. Indeed,
at one point, advocates of radical changes made more concessions than
necessary to win support for at least some of the changes that they
favored. Thus, I do not think that deliberate manipulation played a role
in the outcome. Dobra (1983, p. 246) also noted the apparent absence of
attempts to manipulate the choice of a personnel selection committee
when individual rankings might have created a voting cycle.
Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business Administration,
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258. (509)328-4220 ext. 3429. E-mail:
BECK@JEPSON.GONZAGA.EDU I am grateful to Clark Wiseman for comments on
an earlier draft of this paper.
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