Competitive balance in major league baseball.
Butler, Michael R.
I. Introduction
A number of economists have previously addressed the issue of
competitive balance in major league baseball, in particular, the effects
of the reserve clause and free agency on competitive balance. While
there is general agreement that competitive balance in major league
baseball has improved over time, there is no consensus as to the cause
of this improvement. Among the suggested possible causes include the
elimination of the reserve clause, a narrowing of market sizes among
major league teams, and the compression of baseball talent.
Unfortunately, the proponents of each of these possible causes have
tended to test their hypotheses to the exclusion of competing
hypotheses. This paper will present a model of the determinants of
competitive balance which should allow the testing of each of the
possible explanations.
II. Previous Research
Among those economists who have recently addressed the issue of
competitive balance in major league baseball are Balfour and Porter
[1991], Scully [1989], and Zimbalist [1992].
Balfour and Porter [1991] compare the variation of winning
percentage for the population of teams both before and after free agency
and find that that variance has been lower in the period of free agency
(1977-89) than it was in the earlier period tested (1961-76). As a
result, they "not only reject the hypothesis that the dispersion of
winning percentage is higher with free agency, but conclude that it is
indeed lower (i.e., that divisional races are closer) during the period
of free agency. It appears free agency promotes competitive
balance." (Balfour and Porter [1991, 16]). They go on to examine
the correlation of team win percentage from year to year and find that
year-to-year team win percentages are less likely to be significantly
correlated during the period of free agency than in the earlier period
studied. They conclude, therefore, that "the mix of wins and losses
between the teams changes more rapidly with free agency than with the
reserve clause." (Balfour and Porter [1991, 17]).
Scully [1989] uses the standard deviation of team win percentages
as a measure of the relative quality of play in major league baseball
and notes that this measure has been declining over time in both the
American and National Leagues. Based on his own work, as well as that of
others,(1) Scully [1989, 97] rejects the hypothesis that free agency has
adversely affected league balance but argues instead that "a
narrowing of the size of the market in which teams compete has
contributed to competitiveness on the playing field."
Recently, Zimbalist [1992] has argued that it is the compression
of baseball talent which has served as this leveling force at work in
major league baseball. According to Zimbalist [1992, 97]
(i)n 1990, 0.00026 percent of the U.S. population
played major league baseball, or 35
percent less than the share who played in 1903.
At the same time, the population is increasingly
fit athletically, blacks have been allowed
in the game, Latins have entered professional
baseball in large numbers, and the availability
of baseball programs for training youth is far
more extensive today. Today's major league
ballplayers, then, are a smaller fraction of an
increasingly prepared population. The difference
between today's best, average, and worst
players is much smaller than it was twenty or
forty years ago. This results in greater difficulty
in selecting dominant players and in
greater competitive balance among the teams.
Thus, while there is general agreement that the elimination of the
reserve clause and the introduction of free agency to major league
baseball has not adversely affected competitive balance, there is
apparently little agreement as to whether free agency has promoted
competitive balance, or if other factors have been responsible for the
narrowing of team performance over time--Balfour and Porter give credit
to free agency, Scully suggests that it is due to a narrowing of market
size, and Zimbalist argues that it is compression of baseball talent.
III. The Model and Data
There can be little doubt that "competitive balance,"
whether measured by the distribution of team winning percentages within
a single season or by the correlation of team winning percentages across
seasons, has improved over time in major league baseball. Table 1 shows
the results of simple regressions of both the standard deviation of team
winning percentages (WPCTSTD) and the season-to-season correlation of
team winning percentages (WPCTCORR) against time for both the American
and National Leagues over the period 1946-92. In all four equations, the
coefficient on time is negative and statistically significant.
Dependent Variable: Dependent Variable:
American National American National
League League League League
Intercept 0.1071(a) 0.0898(a) 0.8458(a) 0.7692(a)
(21.09) (18.880) (14.720) (11.115)
Time -0.0011(a) -0.0006(a) -0.0110(a) -0.0095(a)
(5.68) (3.376) (5.171) (3.704)
R-Square 0.4228 0.2058 0.3780 0.2377
Absolute value of t-statistic in parentheses
(a)-statistically significant at .01 level
(b)-statistically significant at .05 level
(c)-statistically significant at .10 level
What is less certain, however, is why this leveling has occurred.
Is it due to the elimination of the reserve clause and the advent of
free agency as argued by Balfour and Porter? Or to the narrowing of
market sizes as suggested by Scully? Or perhaps to the compression of
baseball talent as argued by Zimbalist? The remainder of this paper will
seek to estimate the determinants of both the distribution of team
winning percentages within seasons and the correlation of team winning
percentages from season-to-season.
The models to be estimated take the form
where WPCTSTD = the standard deviation of team winning percentages in
each league for each season from 1946-91;
WPCTCORR = the correlation between each team's winning
percentage in years t and t - 1 for each season from 1947-91;
AMDRAFT = 1 for each season from 1965-91 and zero otherwise
(included to capture the effects of the introduction of the
reverse-order amateur draft in 1965);
EXPNSNnn = 1 for an expansion season (1961, 1969, and 1977 for the
American League; 196,2 and 1969 for the National League) and zero
FRAGENCY = 1 for each season from 1977-91 and zero otherwise
(included to measure the effects of the introduction of free agency in
COVARPOP = the coefficient of variation (standard deviation
divided by the mean) of the population of the urbanized areas associated
with each U.S.-based team in each league; and
POPPPLYR = U.S. resident population (in thousands) per player in
the major leagues.(2)
Estimation of equations 1 and 2 should allow the testing of the
competing hypotheses regarding the leveling of team performance in major
league baseball over the post-war period. Negative and significant
coefficients on FRAGENCY would provide support for the Balfour-Porter
position, positive and significant coefficients on COVARPOP would
provide support for the Scully position, while negative and significant
coefficients on POPPPLYR would provide support for the Zimbalist
IV. Results
The results of the estimation of equation (1), in which the
dependent variable is the standard deviation of team winning percentages
are contained in column (1) of tables 2 and 3(3). The coefficients on
AMDRAFT are negative and significant in both estimated equations,
indicating that the introduction of the reverse-order amateur draft in
1965 served to promote competitive balance in both the American and
National Leagues. The coefficients on EXPNSN62 and EXPNSN69 in the
National League equation are both positive and significant, indicating
that National League expansion had a short-term positive effect on the
dispersion of team winning percentages.(4) The coefficients on the
expansion year dummy variables in the American League equation were all
positive, but not significantly different from zero.
American League Dependent Variable: WPCTSTD
(1) (2) (3)
Constant 0.2831(b) 0.2444(b) 0.16798
(2.597) (2.347) (2.760)
AMDRAFT 0.0291(a) -0.0252(b) -0.0281(a)
(2.964) (2.598) (2.816)
EXPNSN61 0.0165 0.0171 0.0204
(1.047) (1.113) (1.315)
EXPNSN69 0.0070 0.0119 0.0003
(0.408) (0.752) (0.020)
EXPNSN77 0.0254 0.0277(c) 0.0232
(1.542) (1.730) (1.411)
FRAGENCY -0.0003 0.0006 -0.0029
(0.030) (0.060) (0.289)
COVARPOP -0.1325 -0.1507
(1.252) (1.425)
POPPPLYR -0.0001 -0.0002
(0.925) (1.175)
Adj R-Sq. 0.4560 0.4329 0.3939
Absolute value of t-statistic in parentheses
(a)-statistically significant at .01 level
(b)-statistically significant at .05 level
(c)-statistically significant at .10 level
National League Dependent Variable: WPCTSTD
(1) (2) (3)
Constant 0.0878 0.0437 0.1419(a)
(1.165) (1.579) (3.043)
AMDRAFT -0.0168(b) -0.0155(b) -0.0151(c)
(2.210) (2.095) (2.001)
EXPNSN62 0.0303(b) 0.0306(b) 0.0328(b)
(2.190) (2.234) (2.440)
EXPNSN69 0.0333(b) 0.0361(a) 0.0327(b)
(2.377) (2.722) (2.363)
FRAGENCY -0.0044 -0.0033 -0.0068
(0.589) (0.432) (0.941)
COVARPOP 0.0328 0.0442
(0.917) (1.1445)
POPPPLYR -0.0001 -0.0001
(0.632) (1.263)
Adj R-Sq. 0.4043 0.4133 0.4069
Absolute value of t-statistic in parentheses
(a)-statistically significant at .01 level
(b)-statistically significant at .05 level
(c)-statistically significant at .10 level
Of primary interest, of course, are the coefficients on the
variables FRAGENCY, COVARPOP, and POPPPLYR. None of these coefficients,
in either league, are significantly different from zero. Since the
COVARPOP and POPPPLYR variables were found to be fairly highly
collinear,(5) equation (1) was re-estimated with each of these variables
entered individually. These results appear in columns (2) and (3) of
tables 2 and 3. In no instance do the coefficients on either COVARPOP or
POPPPLYR achieve statistical significance. In addition, a joint F-test
of the hypothesis that the coefficients on these two variables are
simultaneously equal to zero was unable to reject the null hypothesis.
In summary, then, the evidence presented in tables 2 and 3 provide no
support for any of the three competing hypotheses. The only significant
variable explaining the long-term downward trend in the dispersion of
team winning percentages is the dummy variable for the introduction of
the amateur draft in 1965. This is consistent with Zimbalist's
[1992, 96] observation that "the end of baseball's dynasties
dates back more accurately to 1965, the year the amateur draft was
introduced, not to 1976. . . . The amateur draft, mandating a selection
in reverse order of finish, made it impossible for wealthier clubs to
dominate the signing of top amateurs; . . . ."(6)
Table 4 contains the results of the estimation of education 2
above, in which the season-to-season correlation of team winning
percentages is the dependent variable. The first column of table 4
presents the OLS estimates from the American League. The coefficient on
AMDRAFT is again negative and significantly different from zero, as
expected. Of the expansion year dummy variables, the coefficient for the
1969 dummy is negative and significant, while those for 1961 and 1977
are insignificantly different from zero. The coefficients on FRAGENCY,
COVARPOP, and POPPPLYR are all of the expected sign and are all
significantly different from zero, despite the collinearity between
Dependent Variable: WPCTCORR
American League
(1) (2)
Constant -0.4733 1.0610
(0.521) (1.291)
AMDRAFT -0.2677(a) -0.1119
(3.325) (1.461)
EXPNSN61 0.0920 -0.1012
(NL = 62) (0.493) (0.481)
EXPNSN69 -0.3476(c) -0.4875(b)
(1.788) (2.279)
EXPNSN77 -0.1748
FRAGENCY -0.1788(b) -0.2532(a)
(2.400) (3.626)
COVARPOP 2.6613(a) 0.5014
(2.871) (1.310)
POPPPLYR -0.0035(b) -0.0021
(2.624) (1.507)
Adj R-Sq. 0.4272 0.3660
National League
(3) (4)
Constant -0.1118 1.9490(a)
(0.382) (4.159)
AMDRAFT -0.0711 -0.0968
(0.943) (1.267)
EXPNSN61 -0.0464 -0.1139
(NL = 62) (0.218) (0.537)
EXPNSN69 -0.4524(a) -0.4998(b)
(2.803) (2.318)
FRAGENCY -0.2255(a) -0.2896
(3.184) (4.482)
COVARPOP 0.8497(b)
POPPPLYR -0.0032(a)
Adj R-Sq. 0.3474 0.3543
Absolute value of t-statistic in parentheses
(a)-statistically significant at .01 level
(b)-statistically significant at .05 level
(c)-statistically significant at .10 level
Column 2 of table 4 presents the estimates of equation 2 for the
National League.(7) The coefficient on AMDRAFT remains negative, but is
insignificantly different from zero in this equation. As in the American
League equation, only the coefficient on the 1969 expansion year dummy
is significant. Of the three variables of primary interest, the
coefficient on FRAGENCY is negative and significant, while the
coefficients on COVARPOP and POPPPLYR are positive and negative,
respectively, but not significantly different from zero. As in the
estimation of equation (1), however, the intercept term and the COVARPOP
and POPPPLYR variables are highly collinear.(8) An F-test of the joint
significance of the coefficients on COVARPOP and POPPPLYR rejects the
null hypothesis (at the .10 level of significance) that both are
simultaneously equal to zero. When equation (2) is estimated with
COVARPOP and POPPPLYR entered individually (columns 3 and 4 of table 4),
each of the coefficients takes on its expected sign and is significantly
different from zero. Summarizing the results from the estimation of
equation (2), then, it appears that the introduction of free agency, the
narrowing of market sizes and the compression of baseball talent have
all contributed to reductions in the season-to-season correlation of
team winning percentages and have thus promoted competitive balance.
V. Summary and Conclusions
Previous research concerning the issue of competitive balance in
major league baseball has demonstrated a downward trend both in the
dispersion of team winning percentages within single seasons and in the
season-to-season correlation of team winning percentages. Various
researchers have previously attributed this improvement in competitive
balance to the introduction of free agency, a narrowing of team market
sizes, and a compression of baseball talent. This paper has set out to
test the validity of these competing hypotheses by presenting and
estimating models of competitive balance.
The results of the estimation of these models leads to a rather
curious conclusion. If the distribution of team winning percentages is
taken as being the appropriate measure (indicative of greater
competitiveness within seasons) of the nature of competitive balance,
then none of the competing hypotheses is supported. Only the
introduction of the amateur draft is found to have significantly
promoted within season competitiveness. On the other hand, if the
season-to-season correlation of team winning percentages is used to
measure competitive balance (indicating greater competitiveness across
seasons), then the results presented above support all three of the
competing hypotheses--free agency, a more narrow distribution of market
sizes, and a compression of baseball talent have all served to promote
competitiveness across seasons.
In conclusion, then, if one's preference is to measure
competitiveness within a season, Balfour and Porter, Scully and
Zimbalist are all wrong; if one's preference is to measure
competitiveness across seasons, they are all right.
(1.) See, for example, Drahozel [1986] and Noll [1988].
(2.) Team winning percentages were taken from The Baseball
Encyclopedia [1993]. U.S. Resident population for the years 1946-91 was
taken from U.S. Bureau of the Census [1992]. Population of urbanized
areas was taken from U.S. Bureau of the Census [1953, 1961, 1979, 1984,
and 1992] for the census years 1950-90 and was interpolated between
census years assuming a constant rate of population growth for each
urbanized area. The 1950-60 growth rates were used to extrapolate back
to 1946; the 1980-90 growth rates were used to estimate 1991 urbanized
area populations.
(3.) Since each of the ordinary least squares estimates of equation
(1) suffered from positive autocorrelation, the estimated coefficients
reported in tables 2 and 3 were obtained using weighted least squares.
(4.) Coefficients on dummy variables for the years immediately
following league expansion were consistently insignificantly different
from zero.
(5.) The condition indexes from the American League equation were 46
and 95 and from the National League equation were 23 and 79, indicating
a high degree of collinearity between COVARPOP, POPPPLYR, and the
intercept term.
(6.) Later, Zimbalist [1992, 99-100] suggests that "(t)he end of
the Yankee dynasty probably had as much to do with the team losing its
major league farm club (described as a "hand-in-glove"
relationship between the Yankees and the Kansas City Athletics) as with
the introduction of the 1965 amateur draft." The fact that the
coefficients on AMDRAFT in the American League equations are
consistently larger (in absolute value) than those in the National
League is consistent with this suggestion.
(7.) All three of the estimated equations for the National League
were obtained using weighted least squares to correct for an
autocorrelation problem.
(8.) Condition indexes of 23 and 82.
Balfour, Alan and Philip K. Porter. "The Reserve Clause and
Professional Sports: Legality and Effect on Competitive Balance."
Labor Law Journal 42(1), 1991, 8-18.
The Baseball Encyclopedia: the Complete and Definitive Record of
Major League Baseball (9th ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1993.
Drahozel, Christopher R. "The Impact of Free Agency on the
Distribution of Playing Talent in Major League Baseball." Journal
of Economics and Business 38(2), 1986, 113-21.
Noil, Roger G. "The Economics of Sports Leagues." In The
Law of Professional and Amateur Sports, Gary A. Uberstine, ed. New York
Clark Boardman, 1988.
Scully, Gerald W. The Business of a Major League Baseball. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1989.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.
Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, United States.
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992.
--. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1992 (112th edition).
Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1992.
--. Supplementary Report, 1970 Census of Population, "Population
and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto Rico,
1970 and 1960." Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979.
--. Supplementary Report, 1980 Census of Population, "Population
and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States, 1980 and
1970." Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984.
--. U.S. Census of Population: 1950. Vol. II, Characteristics of the
Population, Part 1, United States Summary. Washington: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1953.
--. U.S. Census of Population: 1960. Vol. I, Characteristics of the
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Zimbalist, Andrew. Baseball and Billions: A Probing Look Inside the
Big Business of Our National Pasttime. New York: Basic Books, 1992.
Michael R. Butler, Associate Professor, Department of Economics,
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129