Social media and sports marketing: examining the motivations and constraints of Twitter users.
Witkemper, Chad ; Lim, Choong Hoon ; Waldburger, Adia 等
In an article by Nielsen Online (McGiboney, 2009), reports show
Twitter grew exponentially from February 2008 through February 2009,
increasing its users from 475,000 to over seven million. In terms of
percentages, this was almost 1,400% growth. By 2010, Twitter users
increased by 100 million according to Sysomos, a social media monitoring
company (Van Grove, 2010). More recently, reports indicate Twitter has
grown to 200 million users (Shiels, 2011).
Twitter is a service in which users can interact with one another
through the use of 140 characters. It shares features with communication
mediums people already use, but in a simple and quick way. It has
elements much like those of email, instant messaging, RSS, texting,
blogging, social networks, and so forth (O'Reilly & Milstein,
2009). Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service
that enables its users to send and receive "tweets" from other
users. These messages can be delivered to user "followers"
automatically (Williams, 2009).
This information leads to the primary purpose of this research,
which is to ascertain the reasoning behind why individuals adopt Twitter
as a medium to follow their favorite athletes, and propose a model to
aid in the understanding of this consumer behavior. More specifically,
this study investigates the motivation and constraint factors which
influence Sport Twitter Consumption. This study is unique because it
examines both motivations and constraints simultaneously.
Hur, Ko, and Valacich (2007) began looking at both fan motivations
and constraints to consume online media. However, their model was not
able to significantly predict constraints. Further research into
consumer behavior and fantasy sports was successful in merging
motivations and constraints into a single model (Suh, Lim, Kwak, &
Pedersen, 2010). Seo and Green (2008) developed a reliable instrument
with which they were able to gauge consumer motivations for online
consumption; however, constraints were not addressed.
Social media is being used more frequently by sports organizations
and athletes as a tool to communicate with fans (Pedersen, Parks,
Quarterman, & Thibault, 2010). There are several forms of social
media currently being utilized by sport organizations to market their
team. Facebook is used to provide information, post pictures and videos,
and promote upcoming events. YouTube has been used to share videos with
fans about the team or organization. Each of these options may require
more time and effort than a fan has to offer, whereas Twitter is a quick
source of information that does not require much effort from an
individual. While other forms of social media are offered, these three
are the most common types of social media found on official team
websites. However, the growth of Twitter has been noticed in the sport
industry, as it is becoming commonplace to hear about athletes who
"tweet" or to read an article where the story broke from
someone's Twitter account. For example, Cliff Lee's (Major
League Baseball) negotiations and whether or not Brett Favre (National
Football League) would start during the Vikings-Giants game broke
through Twitter (Bennett, 2010).
There are only a handful of studies on social media in general
which focus on the sport industry (Ballouli & Hutchinson, 2010;
Drury, 2008; Pegoraro, 2010; Sheffer & Schultz, 2010a, 2010b;
Williams & Chinn, 2010). However, of these studies, none have
empirically examined individuals who choose to use social media as a
medium for sport simultaneously with those who do not. Therefore, little
is known about sport Twitter users' motivations and constraints. By
identifying which specific constraints limit participation in following
athlete Twitter accounts, sport governing bodies, leagues, and
individual team front offices may better decide how to change their
social media marketing strategies. For example, in the wake of the 2010
FIFA World Cup, Sony launched a new marketing campaign through Twitter,
the Sony Ericsson Twitter Cup (Sony News, 2011). Using Twitter as a
marketing strategy is a relatively new tactic, so information is needed
on how to best utilize it.
As Twitter continues to evolve, many business organizations are
adopting Twitter accounts within their marketing strategies to interact
with their fans. Across the major professional leagues in the United
States (NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, MLS, NHL, WPS), every team utilizes Twitter
in some manner. The Carolina Panthers specifically have a section of
their website titled "Fanzone," where one can find the link to
follow the team on Twitter (Carolina Panthers, 2012). Major League
Baseball teams utilize a section called "Connect with the (Team
name)," where fans can choose to follow the team via Twitter.
NASCAR also provides fans with the capability of following the league
through Twitter. Several drivers also employ Twitter to connect with
their fans.
By utilizing Twitter, each league is attempting to take advantage
of its capabilities by keeping consumers aware and connected to its
brand. Branding effects in sport have been studied extensively (Bagozzi
& Dholakia, 2006; Ballouli & Hutchinson, 2010; Cornwell &
Maignan, 1998; Coyte, Ross, & Southall, 2011; Crowley, 1991; Gladden & Funk, 2004; Goss, 2009; Gwinner, 1997; Marshall & Cook, 1992;
Meenaghan, 1991; Santomier, 2008; Xing & Chalip, 2006), and Twitter
is another element which can aid in building stronger relationships
between the organization and the fans to increase brand strength. The
significance of this study lies in the ability to engage in relationship
marketing with young adults through social media. According to
demographic data obtained from (2011), the majority of
Twitter users in the United States range from 18-34 years old, thus an
ideal age range to examine for this study. Additionally, this
demographic group has been labeled as a very competitive market (Lopez,
2009). Further, additional studies have indicated individuals between
the ages of 18 and 34 are highly sought after by sport marketers (Lim,
Martin, & Kwak, 2010).
Relationship marketing theory has received attention in many areas
of business, and has also addressed the sport industry as seen in the
following studies. Sports organizations focus on long-term consumer
retention and incorporate a variety of database-management techniques to
maintain and enhance customer relationships (Bee & Kahle, 2006).
Relationship marketing has been described as an ongoing cooperative
behavior between the marketer and the consumer (Sheth & Parvatiyar,
2000). In practice, relationship marketing is characterized by the
attraction, development, and retention of customers (Bee & Kahle,
2006). Bee and Kahle (2006) stress the importance of relationship
marketing and its overall effectiveness. A careful examination of the
motivations and constraints of Sport Twitter Consumption (STC) can
improve the relationship system implemented by the organizations
marketing efforts. For the purpose of this study STC is defined as the
use of Twitter to connect with and follow a sport-related entity.
In order to properly begin the transition to relationship
marketing, sport organizations must understand why individuals are
choosing to consume Twitter and identify the constraints that keep them
from using it. This research will address which motivational and
constraint factors impact STC among college students, and provide
practical implications for the significance of the findings.
Literature Review
The literature to follow will show how Twitter can be applied to
sport marketing. Additionally, the focus of this research is to identify
the motivations and constraints of Twitter usage; therefore, this review
will also examine the rich literature in these fields as they pertain to media consumption. A deeper understanding of social media is also
Social Media
Social media in general can be confusing to a manager or
researcher, especially as to what qualifies as social media.
Furthermore, social media does differ from the seemingly similar Web 2.0
and User Generated Content (UGC) (Kaplan & Haenlin, 2010) and is
often referred to as new media. However, Kaplan and Haenlin (2010)
explain that the era of social media actually began in the 1950s and
that high-speed Internet access aided in the creation of social
networking sites such as MySpace (2003), Facebook (2004), and Twitter
(2006). These sites helped coin the term "social media" and
contributed to the prominence it has today. Based on this line of
research, it should be noted that social media should not be classified
as new media but as an independent phenomenon to be examined.
Current social media literature has disproportionately addressed
impression management, and security (Barnes, 2006; Boyd & Ellison,
2007; Jagatic, Johnson, Jakobsson, & Menczer, 2007; Stutzman, 2006)
without emphasis on sport. Williams and Chinn (2010) linked social media
to sport marketing, in particular making the connection between social
media and relationship marketing. Additional research has linked social
media to communications, particularly sport journalism (Sheffer &
Schultz, 2010a, 2010b), and a case study has been done on athletes who
use social media (Pegoraro, 2010). Further research has linked social
media to branding (Ballouli & Hutchinson, 2010).
Relationship Marketing
Relationship marketing spans many different business industries and
was described as a paradigm shift in the mid-1990s (Gronroos, 2004).
This approach to marketing was first introduced in the service marketing
field (Berry, 1983) and has grown to become a staple in marketing
operations (Williams & Chinn, 2010). Furthermore, today's
consumers expect businesses to engage them and build relationships
(Tapscott, 2009). Relationship marketing is not a new concept to the
sport industry, as many sport organizations utilize its functions within
their marketing operations (Harris & Ogbonna, 2009; Lapio &
Speter, 2000; Stavros, Pope, & Winzar, 2008). The potential benefits
social media offers to sport organizations to meet their relationship
marketing goals is significant and may be important in support of
consumers as they become active contributors (Williams & Chinn,
Gronroos's (2004) relationship marketing process model focused
conceptually on communication, interaction, and value. The primary
purpose behind relationship marketing is to build long-term
relationships with the organization's best customers (Williams
& Chinn, 2010). Stavros, Pope, and Winzar (2008) further suggest
that relationship marketing contributes to stronger brand awareness,
increased understanding of consumer needs, enhanced loyalty, and added
value for consumers. A fundamental process of relationship marketing is
existing customer retention and development, while understanding the
mutual benefits to each beneficiary (Copulsky & Wolf, 1990).
Additional work has described the interactions, relationships, and
networks as core components of the relationship marketing process
(Gummesson, 1999). Gronroos's (2004) work further defined this
concept as "the process of identifying and establishing,
maintaining, enhancing, and when necessary terminating relationships
with customers and other stakeholders, so that objectives of all parties
are met" (p. 101).
According to Gronroos (2004), there are many dimensions to
relationship marketing; however, social media provides the opportunity
to focus on two of the three core components, communication and
interaction. Williams and Chinn (2010) suggest relationship marketing
relies on planned messages and can be achieved through two-way or
multi-way communication. Furthermore, communication is achieved through
social media as organizations have direct contact with the end users,
which provides them with the opportunity to land planned messages, such
as advertising or sales promotions. However, research suggests there
should be more than simple communication between organizations and
users; for example, service messages and unplanned messages (Duncan
& Moriarty, 1997).
Social media applications allow consumers to interact on several
levels. It permits interactions from consumers to consumers and
consumers to the organization. These interactions develop into what
becomes the consumer's experience. Interactions occur on four
levels in regard to building relationships (Holmlund, 1997). According
to Holmlund (1997) interactions start basic; in social media this could
be an invitation to follow the organization. Then interrelated interactions come together to become episodes, episodes form together to
become sequences, and finally, the sequences combine to become a
relationship (Holmlund, 1997). Social media could be seen as the initial
interaction with the purpose of transforming into a relationship.
Motivation in sport consumption
Identifying specific motivations for sport fan's consumption
can be difficult, as there have been numerous studies that have examined
motivational factors of consumption and recently, there have been more
efforts to study the motivations of online sport consumption behaviors.
The following determinants of motivation have been found in this
research: entertainment (Gantz, 1981; Sloan, 1989; Zillman, Bryant,
& Sapolsky, 1989); a fan's sense of affiliation to a team
(fanship); the ability to connect with other fans and not have the
feeling of estrangement (Branscombe & Wann, 1991, 1994; Guttman,
1986; McPherson, 1975; Sloan 1989; Smith 1988; Wenner & Gantz,
1989). Further research has identified a scale for online sport
consumption motivations titled the Motivation Scale for Sport Online
Consumption (MSSOC) (Seo & Green, 2008). Since Twitter is an online
source available to sport fans, this scale will help identify motives
for fans' consumption. Seo and Green (2008) point out in their
study that people often want to express their opinions and talk about
their favorite teams and players with other fans. Some fans intermingle at games, some at bars, or through radio talk shows. Twitter is quickly
becoming a medium for this type of interaction between people.
Seo and Green (2008) pulled from the work of Funk, Mahoney and
Ridinger (2002) for fanship and fan support, technical knowledge of
sport (James & Ridinger, 2002; Trail, Fink & Anderson, 2003),
entertainment (Chen & Wells, 1999), information (Korgaonkar &
Wolin, 1999), escape (Korgaonkar & Wolin, 1999; Rubin, 1981; Trail
et al., 2003), economic (Korgaonkar & Wolin, 1999; Wolfradt &
Doll, 2001), personal communication (Wolfradt & Doll, 2001), passing
time (Rubin, 1981), and content (James & Ridinger, 2002; Rubin,
1981). Therefore, Seo and Green's (2008) MSSOC provides insight
into online consumer behaviors as they pertain to certain websites.
Based on motivation theory and existing literature, researchers employed
an online survey to determine respondents' motivations for
consuming Sport Twitter. Based on the previously mentioned
classification of social media, this study did not examine every
motivation element.
Information Motivation (IM): This measure was asked to assess the
subject's levels of motivation for obtaining information. This was
adapted from Seo and Green's (2008) original Motivation Scale for
Sport Online Consumption. Additionally, a majority of the websites for
teams visited referred to Twitter as a way to stay connected and up to
date on all things new with the organization and athletes. This follows
the concept of information sharing, as Twitter is being used to supply
new or upcoming information about a team or athlete.
Pass-Time Motivation (PTM): To assess the respondents Twitter
consumption based on how they occupy their time, PTM measured if
subjects were motivated to consume Twitter in order to simply passtime.
The simplistic nature of Twitter could make it appealing for individuals
to use their free time to check in on their favorite athlete. Further,
Twitter has the capability of sending a follower an alert to the fact
the athlete they follow has just tweeted. Being limited to 140
characters makes this medium a quick and easy way to stay informed about
the people any user is following.
Fanship Motivation (FM): This item measured whether or not the
degree to which one considers him/herself a fan would be a motivating
factor to use Twitter. Fanship has been identified as a motivating
factor to participate in sport as well as consume it through many
mediums, such as television (Gantz, 1981). Fanship involves an emotional
connection to a team or athlete (Guttman, 1986). Fanship is active,
participatory, and empowering with the passion and pleasure it generates
(Fiske, 1992; Grossberg, 1992).
Entertainment Motivation (EM): This item measured if a respondent
was motivated to use Twitter as a means to gain entertainment if they
found enjoyment from using Twitter as a medium for sport. Entertainment
motivation, in relation to media effects, was examined in television
consumption and was found to motivate fans to consume sport as a form of
entertainment (Gantz, 1981).
It should be noted that several of the existing motivations
mentioned were not tested within this study. Twitter is a free social
media application for users; therefore, the economic motivation was not
tested. Furthermore, technical information has been suggested as a
motivating factor for sport consumption (James & Ridinger, 2002;
Trail et al., 2003). However, since Twitter is not a source for
individuals to acquire technical information about rules and skills due
to the limitation of 140 characters, this motivation was not included in
this study. Interpersonal communication was not included based on the
items used to describe it in Seo and Green's (2008) study. As an
example, items discussed sharing of personal problems and how to get
along with others. The escape motivation was not utilized in this study
because Twitter is a medium which will not allow an individual too much
extra free time. The limitation of using 140 characters limits the
amount of actual time it takes to navigate through and read responses
from athletes. The motivation to support your team was not used because
the focus of this study was on the interaction between individuals, not
the organization or team.
Constraint in sport consumption
Constraint theory is used in research to understand the reasons
that people do not participate in a particular activity while others
will engage in it. Studies in consumer behavior have also examined
constraints, but there have been few studies to examine constraints to
online consumer behaviors. Past studies have looked into time, income,
inter-household differences and consumer knowledge (Michael &
Becker, 1973). Additional research in consumer behavior has focused on
external or situational constraints on consumer behavior (Folkes, 1988).
Suh, Lim, Kwak, and Pedersen (2010) examined constraints in fantasy
football, a form of social media. Their study suggested that certain
conditions such as time conflicts, lack of a social connection, and
accessibility could affect fantasy sport consumption (Suh et al., 2010).
Further research has suggested that two common constraints in leisure
activities are time and cost factors (Jackson, 2005).
Crawford and Godbey (1987) provided research that has become the
backbone for today's leisure constraint research by proposing three
types of constraints: intrapersonal or individual psychological states
and attributes, such as stress or anxiety; interpersonal or the result
of interpersonal interaction, such as social interaction with family and
friends; and structural or intervening factors between preference and
participation, such as financial resources, time and accessibility.
Participation can be seen as the process of overcoming these three
constraints and each is applicable to Sport Twitter Consumption. A few
years later, Crawford, Jackson, and Godbey (1991) introduced the
"hierarchy of importance," which suggests that constraint
levels are arranged on a spectrum from proximal or intrapersonal to
distal or structural.
Research by Alexandris and Carroll (1997) later built on that idea,
showing empirical evidence for the negative relationship between
perception of constraint and recreational sport participation. STC can
be examined by this same process. In order to participate in social
media, an individual will face each of the above constraints to some
extent. There are very few studies that actually examine constraint
factors for social media. No constraint is experienced with equal
intensity by everyone and no individual is entirely free from
constraints to leisure participation (Hinch, Jackson, Hudson, &
Walker, 2005).
Research on how constraints affect sport and leisure participation
has been conducted for the past two decades by scholars, including
Samdahl and Jekubovich (1997) and Fredman and Heberlein (2005).
Conceptually, leisure has been defined in the literature as activities
that bring enjoyment, freedom of choice, relaxation, intrinsic
motivation, and the lack of evaluation (Shaw, 1985). Based on this
conceptualization of leisure, Twitter would apply as users have the
choice to participate and it could be a source of enjoyment and
Researchers utilized the following constraints proposed by Crawford
and Godbey (1987).
Economic Constraints (EC). While this study did not see the
theoretical value for including an economic motivation, a constraint
based on economic factors was used. The primary reasoning behind this
was to determine if economic reasons would keep people from using
Twitter. This will allow researchers to assess whether individuals fear
that it might take money to follow athletes on Twitter. If people are
not aware they can interact directly with their favorite athletes who
use Twitter at no cost, then this could be a potential barrier for STC.
Further, Internet access does require a service fee to an Internet
provider if the individual does not choose to seek out places that offer
free Internet access. Finally, Internet devices such as a computer or
smart phone can be costly for an individual, which could limit their
access to social media applications like Twitter.
Social Constraints (SOC): This item was used to assess whether or
not people would use Twitter based on their social environment. If those
who surround them socially are using Twitter then this would not be
constraining them. Additionally, by interacting with an athlete on
Twitter, users are opening themselves up to all other Sport Twitter
consumers who also follow that same athlete.
Skill Constraints (SC): This item was used to assess if skill was a
factor in Twitter consumption. If an individual was not sure where or
how to access Twitter, it would hinder his/her ability to use the
service. This also involves the individual's ability to gain the
accurate information on how to follow his/her favorite athletes.
Accessibility Constraints (AC): To assess whether people had access
or a means to use Twitter, this scale was utilized to measure how it
might have impacted their consumption. Accessibility could come in the
form of lack of Internet access or equipment to use the Internet.
Additionally, access to athletes might not always be an option for some
Interest Constraints (IC): This item measures an individual's
interest in following athletes on Twitter. If respondents have a lack of
interest in following athletes, then this would pose as a possible
constraint to Sport Twitter Consumption. Furthermore, an individual may
simply not have interest in Twitter or social media in general.
Based on existing literature in marketing, consumer behavior and
mass communication on motivations and constraints, the following items
were tested: entertainment, information, pass time, and fanship as
motivations; and skill, economic, interest, social, and accessibility as
constraints. It should be noted here that the decision to not measure
the lack of time constraint was based on the reasoning that the actual
time it takes to consume Twitter is rather short; therefore, there is
little rationale to include the lack of time constraint within this
study. The following research questions were tested based on these
motivations and constraints.
RQ1: Which motivational factors will have more effect on an
individual's Sport Twitter Consumption?
RQ2: Which constraint factors will have more effect on an
individual's Sport Twitter Consumption?
Data were collected using undergraduate students at a Midwestern
University. Using convenience sampling, participants (N = 1124) were
recruited from an introductory level business school class and sport
management courses. Surveys were administered using a web-based survey
program. Participants were not required to have previous knowledge of
Twitter prior to this study. Since motivations and constraints were
being measured, previous knowledge was not a requirement as it would aid
in the understanding of potential constraint factors such as skill,
accessibility, and social constraints. The sample for the study included
both male (n = 682) and female (n = 442) participants. The majority of
participants (99.8%) represented the age group that makes up the largest
amount of Twitter users, which is 18-34 years old, representing 45% of
Twitter users in the United States (Quantcast, 2011). The participants
in this study ranged in ages from 17-40 years of age (M = 20.12, SD =
Measure Development
The overall motivation scale included four measures gauged by three
items each (Entertainment, Information, Pass Time, and Fanship). All
motivations were measured using a five-point Likert scale composed of
three items. The constraint scale initially included five items.
However, the lack of interest constraint did not achieve a level of
internal reliability; thus it was not able to be utilized in this study.
In sum, there were twelve items for this scale measuring the four
different constraints (Skill, Accessibility, Economic, and Social). Each
constraint was measured using a five-point Likert scale through three
questions. Table 1 shows a description of all the variables included in
the study.
Data Analysis
To control for variance accountable to demographics, regression
analysis was utilized. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis and
structural equation modeling (SEM) were employed to test the proposed
model. The proposed model (see Figure 2) suggests that motivations and
constraints have a direct effect on Twitter consumption for sport
purposes. Analysis of this model was constructed using AMOS 18. The
model included four items for motivations and four items for
constraints. The measurement and structural model, the Comparative Fit
Index (CFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) are reported.
In order to determine if demographics explained the variance in STC
among college students, regression analysis was performed. Variables
tested were gender, age, and Internet age. The Internet age variable
described the respondents' years of experience online.
Descriptive Statistics
The summed means of the predictor variables for motivation were
3.19 (Information Motivation), 3.08 (Entertainment Motivation), 3.14
(Pass-time Motivation), and 3.20 (Fanship Motivation). The standard
deviations ranged from .99-1.03. The summed means of the predictor
variables for constraints were 2.39 (Economic Constraint), 2.42 (Skill
Constraint), 2.07 (Accessibility Constraint), and 2.57 (Social
Constraint). Standard deviations spanned .89-.98.
Regression Analysis
Demographic items were tested to determine if they were the actual
predictors of STC among college students. The results of the regression
analysis found that none of the demographic variables (gender, age,
Internet age) were significant predictors of STC among college students.
Therefore, further analysis into the motivation and constraint variables
was warranted.
Measurement Model
Before testing the proposed model, a first order confirmatory
factor analysis was conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of the
measurements used with the eight latent constructs (i.e., information
motivation, entertainment motivation, pass-time motivation, fanship
motivation, economic constraint, skills constraint, social constraint,
and accessibility constraint; see Figure 1).
The measurement model attained an acceptable level of S-B 2/df
ratio (i.e., 1552.7/224 = 6.04, p < .05). Additional fit indices
suggested the model reached satisfactory fit for the data (CFI = .93;
RMSEA = .06; SRMR = .05; Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham,
2005). All scaled measures reached satisfactory reliability levels
measured by Cronbach's alpha ranging from .76 to .88 (see Table 1)
(Bagozzi & Yi, 1988). All the constructs showed acceptable average
variance extracted (AVE) levels of greater than .50 (Bagozzi & Yi,
1988; Hair et al., 2005) with the exception of accessibility constraint
(AC), Skill Constraint (SC) and economic constraints (EC) (see Table 1).
IM, EM, PTM, FM, SOC reached .66, .60, .63, .60, and .57 respectively,
while EC and AC had AVE scores that approached the .50 acceptable range
at .49 and .43 respectively. Furthermore, all factors in the measurement
model showed convergent validity, as all items were significant at p
> .05, ranging from .79-1.00. As suggested by Kline (2005),
discriminant validity is attained when the correlations between the
latent factors are below .85. As shown in Table 2, the correlations
between the latent factors never exceeded this level.
Structural Model
The fit indices, seen in Table 1, for the structural model
suggested that the final model achieved acceptable fit for the data (CFI
= .92; RMSEA = .06; SRMR = .06; Hair et al., 2005). Additionally, the
structural model achieved an acceptable level of S-B 2/df ratio (i.e.,
1590.1/265 = 6.00, p < .05). In the proposed model all paths were
significant (p < .05). The path coefficient of motivation to Twitter
consumption was .53 and significant at p < .05 level, which indicates
the motivation construct was found to be a significant predictor of
actual Twitter consumption. Furthermore, the constraint construct had a
path coefficient of -.42 and is significant at the p < .05 level,
which also indicates the constraint construct to be a significant
predictor of Twitter consumption. The path coefficient (i.e., -.03 at p
< .05) from constraint to motivation was not significant.
Discussion and Implications
Based on the literature in marketing, consumer behavior, and mass
communications, this study investigated motivations and constraints for
following athletes on Twitter among college students. Using the existing
framework, the data analysis provided information on motivations and
constraints impacting college students' STC. Structural Equation
Modeling results led us to suggest that the proposed model was a good
fit. The current study, therefore, shows support for motivational and
constraint factors that have been identified as important in previous
studies (Hur, Ko, & Valacich, 2007; Korgaonkar & Wolin, 1999;
Rodgers & Sheldon, 2002; Seo & Green, 2008; Suh et al., 2010).
The framework used in this study can be differentiated from
previous research through the successful merging of motivation and
constraint conceptualizations into a single model. Other attempts to
combine the measures have found support for motivation or constraint,
but struggle when measured simultaneously (Hur et al., 2007). Therefore,
the proposed model extends previous studies by providing a combined
model of these two factors that impact the consumption of Twitter for
sport purposes.
Consistent with theoretical expectations, motivations to utilize
Twitter to follow athletes did affect usage in a positive manner. All
four of the measured motivation scales came back with a mean response
above 3.00. In all four motivating factors, individuals report a high
motivation to follow athletes that then continued their motivation to
follow athletes on Twitter. This examination suggests that sport
organizations' marketing efforts can impact their relationship with
college students by increasing the motivations found in the study. In
response to RQ1 and according to the structural model, information and
entertainment motivations appear to carry higher regression weights (.86
and .84) than pass time (.76) and fanship (.75). Based on this finding,
it would appear that consumers are utilizing Twitter more for
information and entertainment purposes. Extending this line of
reasoning, practitioners should ensure social media is being utilized
for both information and entertainment.
Increasing the opportunities for fans to interact and
communicate--two core components of relationship marketing--with the
organization and their athletes can lead to stronger relationships with
college students. The purpose behind relationship marketing is to
establish ongoing relationships in a cooperative manner (Bee &
Kahle, 2006). Relationships with fans can be built and maintained
through Twitter as a way to keep fans informed and close to the players
and organization. Twitter provides fans with the opportunity to interact
with their favorite athlete. Therefore, it brings fans closer than they
have ever been before to establishing a relationship with their favorite
athlete. Relationship marketing theory suggests that partner selection
may be a critical element in competitive strategy (Morgan & Hunt,
1994). Sheth and Parvatiyar (1995) suggest the more that marketers
develop a relationship with their consumers, the better the response and
commitment will be from consumers.
Social media applications provide sport organizations with the
initial opportunity to interact with their consumers. The four
motivations suggest college students are using Twitter as a medium to
gain information, as a form of entertainment, to enhance their fan
experience, and simply as a way to pass time. In an effort to enhance
the relationship with these specific consumers, sport organizations
should use social media to be more informative about their club. For
example, sport organizations could use social media to provide an inside
story on their athletes, a source where fans could learn facts and
details about their favorite athlete. In regards to entertainment,
social media could be used to promote events in addition to upcoming
games. Some teams have designated times when their athletes will be
monitoring their social media accounts to answer questions from fans.
Not only does this provide consumers entertainment, but it can also
enhance their experience as a fan increasing their overall fanship.
Sport organizations already utilize social media to provide discounts to
their fans. However, social media could be utilized as an open form of
communication to listen to fans to discover news ideas to increase their
level of fanship. Finally, for the college student who uses Twitter to
simply pass time, sport organizations need to enhance their options for
consumers by focusing on stronger mobile applications for cellular
phones. Since relationships can be built on levels of interactions
(Holmlund, 1997), social media could be utilized in a more organized
manner to move from basic interactions and episodes to sequences and
relationships. Of equal importance to understanding motivations,
practitioners and researchers need to address and identify means to
overcoming constraints.
The findings from the items on the constraint scale fell below a
mean response of 3.00. Sport organizations could benefit by building
stronger relationships with their fans by lessening the amount of
constraints the fans face. As the results suggest, decreasing
constraints will increase the likelihood that an individual will connect
with the organization through Twitter. In response to RQ2, skill and
social constraints had the highest regression weights, .89 and .83
respectfully. Therefore, it would be important for practitioners to
discover ways to decrease consumer concerns in regards to their social
anxiety. Reduction of the amount of skill required to follow athletes on
Twitter needs to be addressed. Each of these could be accomplished by
providing the consumers with a tutorial explaining how to navigate their
sites to connect with athletes and the security procedures that are in
place with social media networks. Further, emphasis should be placed on
the notion that not all consumers are fans of the same organization or
athlete, which would suggest these constraints cannot be universally
addressed and could require a more specialized approach.
This discussion looked at the analyzed results from a survey on the
motivations and constraints for STC among college students. Twitter is a
medium in which sport organizations can achieve timely and direct
end-users/consumers contact at relatively low costs. Additionally,
social media sites, like Twitter, can help firms achieve higher levels
of efficiency than more traditional communication tools (Kaplan &
Haenlin, 2010). The results from this study suggest specific motivation
and constraint factors that impact STC among college students. There are
many options for sport organizations to grow their relationships with
fans, and Twitter represents a new avenue through which a relationship
can be enhanced.
The importance of maintaining and enhancing customer relationships
needs to be stressed by sport organizations (Bee & Kahle, 2006).
This essential component of relationship marketing can be achieved by
directing attention to those variables from the proposed model. Studies
suggest that relationship marketing is an ongoing cooperative behavior
between the marketer and the consumer (Sheth & Parvatiyar, 2000).
Twitter provides such an opportunity for organizations to work with
their fans to enhance their experiences and meet their needs as
suggested by the proposed model. Twitter adoption can be utilized in
relationship marketing to attract fans, develop a relationship, and
retain consumers. Each of these components was previously identified as
a characteristic of relationship marketing (Bee & Kahle, 2006).
The results revealed by the proposed model share insight into some
practical implications. Organizations could use this information and
target fans to position themselves to fully meet their needs.
Specifically, practitioners need to focus on ensuring they are utilizing
social media primarily as an information source, while providing
entertainment. Fans of the athletes appear to want to learn more about
the athlete as an individual. Therefore, organizations should attempt to
inform their athletes who engage in social media to communicate with
their fans by sharing information about their lives. As witnessed during
the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, many professional female soccer
players started to use Twitter to communicate with fans and have
continued to do so long after the games were over. For example, Hope
Solo is an active member in the Twitter community, frequently responding
to fans and letting them into her life.
Further emphasis needs to be placed on aiding fans to connect with
the athletes. If college students are struggling to access athletes
through Twitter, then the potential could be there for additional
consumers. Currently, organizations are utilizing social media as a tool
to connect their fans with their organization. In most cases, the terms
"fans," "fan zone," or "connect" are being
used to represent where social media sites can be located on official
team websites. For example, Major League Soccer's D.C.
United's official website placed their connections to social media
at the very bottom of the site where they were not as easily found.
Additionally, the Boston Breakers, of Women's Professional Soccer,
had their social media located on their main navigation bar, but labeled
simply as "Fans." A good example of easy accessibility can be
seen on the website for the Phoenix Coyotes, of the National Hockey
League. Their website has a navigation bar dedicated to social media,
and a consumer can directly link to the Coyotes' Twitter account
without navigating through the website.
However, to date, sport organizations have not provided easy access
to their athletes who use Twitter. Additionally, team sites have not
identified any means of security for their fans following athletes,
which could decrease an individual's anxiety about connecting with
their favorite team or athlete through social media. By protecting
fans' information and privacy, sport organizations could
potentially develop more opportunities to build relationships with their
fans. Organizations could provide documentation to their fans on how to
remain private and how the organization will attempt to provide a secure
and safe social media experience. By not only offering ways to safely
and securely connect to the organization, but also to the athletes,
Twitter could provide ways to enhance the consumer/organization
relationship by providing fans more direct access to athletes. Sport
managers and marketers could use this proposed model, which has been
confirmed to predict STC among college students, to verify how their
organization is currently employing social media and enhance their
current usage and quality to meet the needs of their fans.
Finally, consideration should be given to the impact Twitter could
have on the sport organization's brand. Recall and recognition are
important factors when evaluating brand management strategies (Walsh,
Kim, & Ross, 2008). Walsh, Kim, and Ross (2008) suggest image
enhancement and purchase intentions as additional outcomes organizations
strive for through brand placement. As previously stated, Twitter can
achieve timely and direct end-user/consumer contact. It provides access
to consumers who actively choose to follow the organization, which is an
opportune way to gauge purchase intentions and image perceptions.
Limitations and Future Research
This research sought to identify motivations and constraints in a
single study to discover ways to enhance the relationship between
college students and the sport organizations through their
athletes' use of Twitter. The results of this study show that
college students with a high level of motivation to follow athletes are
more likely to consume Sport Twitter. Further, this research identified
specific constraint factors that will lessen the likelihood these
individuals will follow an athlete on Twitter.
However, the study did have a few limitations. A convenience sample
of college undergraduate students was used because the study was
conducted on a university campus. Therefore, the results cannot be
generalized to beyond this population. While our study was able to
capture constraints from individuals who are not currently using
Twitter, future studies should target actual samples of Twitter
consumers to more accurately be able to generalize to this population.
Also, as with much survey research, the effectiveness is based on how
accurately the participants answered the survey questions. Another
limitation comes from the fact that the study of social media is so new,
making it somewhat exploratory. Future analysis should include following
sport organizations and brands to stretch this line of research.
Finally, this study utilized constructs developed for different
mediums and tried to adapt them to analyze Twitter motivations and
constraints. The variables used had been determined to affect sport
consumption for websites, television, and other forms of media, yet
additional variables may be more applicable to social media, and
therefore should be explored. This study was a healthy beginning for
this line of research; however, theory on the effects of social media in
sport needs to be further developed to properly identify additional
motivations and constraints.
Previous literature has indicated variables such as quality,
customer service, and security (Hur et al., 2007) could be examined to
determine if these areas labeled as concerns might additionally impact
STC. In the future, studies should continue this line of research and
extend into all areas of social media (Facebook, YouTube, Fantasy
Sports, etc.) to understand the impact it has on sport consumers.
Strengthening this understanding could lead the way to more effective
sport marketing strategies designed to connect with fans and enhance the
social connection and relationship.
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Chad Witkemper is an assistant professor in the Department of
Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport at Indiana State University. His
research interests include organizational behavior, consumer behavior,
and social media use.
Choong Hoon Lim is an assistant professor of sport marketing and
management in the School of Public Health, at Indiana University. His
research interests include sport marketing, sport media, sport
management, media violence, gambling, and online sport.
Adia Waldburger is a doctoral student in sport management in the
School of Public Health at Indiana University. Her research interests
include sport communication and online media with a focus on Olympic and
Paralympic sport.
Table 1.
Cronbach's Alpha, Indicator Loadings, Construct Reliability,
Average Variance Extracted, and Means
Factor Items Indicator Construct
Loadings Reliability
Information IM1: I follow athlete 0.91 0.88
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
provides quick and easy
access to large volumes of
athlete information
IM2: I follow athlete 0.89
Twitter accounts because I
am able to obtain a wide
range of information
IM3: I follow athlete 0.83
Twitter accounts because I
can learn about things
happening in the athlete's
Entertainment EM1: I follow athlete 0.91 0.86
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
is exciting
EM2: I follow athlete 0.87
Twitter accounts because it
is cool
EM3: I follow athlete 0.86
Twitter accounts because it
is amusing
Pass-Time PTM1: I follow athlete 0.86 0.85
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
gives me something to do to
occupy my time
PTM2: I follow athlete 0.90
Twitter accounts because it
passes the time away,
particularly when I'm bored
PTM3: I follow athlete 0.82
Twitter accounts during my
free time
Fanship FM1: One of the main reasons 0.89 0.87
Motivation I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I consider
myself a fan of the
athlete's team
FM2: One of the main reasons 0.87
I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I am a huge
fan of athletes in general
FM3: One of the main reasons 0.91
I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I consider
myself to be a big fan of my
favorite athlete
Economic EC1: Following athletes on 0.87 0.82
Constraint Twitter requires more money
than I can spend
EC2: I do not have 0.79
disposable money to spend on
EC3: Following athletes on 0.90
Twitter requires more money
than I am willing spend
Accessibility AC1: There are no 0.79 0.80
Constraint appropriate places for me to
gain access to the Internet
AC2: I do not use Twitter 0.79
because I do not have a
personal computer
AC3: Athletes on Twitter are 0.89
not easy to access
Social SOC1: I cannot find any 0.86 0.80
Constraint friends or colleagues that
use Twitter
SOC2: No one I know 0.82
participates in Twitter
SOC3: I do not like to 0.62
follow athletes on Twitter
with strangers
Skills SC1: Getting information on 0.81 0.76
Constraint Twitter is not easy
SC2: I do not know where or 0.82
how I can participate in
following athletes on
SC3: I am not good at 0.71
certain special skills for
following athletes on
Twitter, such as reading and
understanding player and
team statistics or using
online features of Twitter
Factor Items AVE Means
Information IM1: I follow athlete 0.66 3.13
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
provides quick and easy
access to large volumes of
athlete information
IM2: I follow athlete 3.09
Twitter accounts because I
am able to obtain a wide
range of information
IM3: I follow athlete 3.33
Twitter accounts because I
can learn about things
happening in the athlete's
Entertainment EM1: I follow athlete 0.60 3.04
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
is exciting
EM2: I follow athlete 2.94
Twitter accounts because it
is cool
EM3: I follow athlete 3.26
Twitter accounts because it
is amusing
Pass-Time PTM1: I follow athlete 0.58 3.08
Motivation Twitter accounts because it
gives me something to do to
occupy my time
PTM2: I follow athlete 3.23
Twitter accounts because it
passes the time away,
particularly when I'm bored
PTM3: I follow athlete 3.13
Twitter accounts during my
free time
Fanship FM1: One of the main reasons 0.60 3.35
Motivation I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I consider
myself a fan of the
athlete's team
FM2: One of the main reasons 3.02
I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I am a huge
fan of athletes in general
FM3: One of the main reasons 3.24
I follow athlete Twitter
accounts is that I consider
myself to be a big fan of my
favorite athlete
Economic EC1: Following athletes on 0.49 2.24
Constraint Twitter requires more money
than I can spend
EC2: I do not have 2.56
disposable money to spend on
EC3: Following athletes on 2.38
Twitter requires more money
than I am willing spend
Accessibility AC1: There are no 0.43 1.94
Constraint appropriate places for me to
gain access to the Internet
AC2: I do not use Twitter 1.91
because I do not have a
personal computer
AC3: Athletes on Twitter are 2.37
not easy to access
Social SOC1: I cannot find any 0.57 2.38
Constraint friends or colleagues that
use Twitter
SOC2: No one I know 2.41
participates in Twitter
SOC3: I do not like to 2.41
follow athletes on Twitter
with strangers
Skills SC1: Getting information on 0.37 2.44
Constraint Twitter is not easy
SC2: I do not know where or 2.41
how I can participate in
following athletes on
SC3: I am not good at 2.42
certain special skills for
following athletes on
Twitter, such as reading and
understanding player and
team statistics or using
online features of Twitter
Table 2.
Factor Correlations Among Motivation and Constraint Constructs
Information --
Entertainment .73 * --
Pass-time .64 * .64 * --
Fanship .65 * .61 * .59 * --
Economic -0.04 -0.02 -0.04 -0.07
Skill -0.05 0.02 0.02 -0.10
Accessibility 0.01 .07 * 0.04 0.04
Social -0.15 -0.11 -0.10 -0.18
Economic --
Skill .68 * --
Accessibility .70 * .74 * --
Social .59 * .71 * .59 * --
Note: IM = Information; EM = Entertainment; PTM = Pass-time;
FM = Fanship; EC = Economic; SC = Skill; AC = Accessibility;
SOC = Social
Construct Correlations
Motivation -0.07