Shell tool technology in Island Southeast Asia: an early Middle Holocene Tridacna adze from Ilin Island, Mindoro, Philippines.
Pawlik, Alfred F. ; Piper, Philip J. ; Wood, Rachel E. 等
A preliminary note on radiocarbon dates
All radiocarbon dates in this paper, whether previously published
or presented for the first time here, have been calibrated against
either IntCall3 (terrestrial samples) or Marine 13 (marine samples;
Reimer et al. 2013) in OxCal v.4.2 (Bronk Ramsey 2009). The local
[DELTA]R (marine reservoir correction) is -14 [+ or -] 76 [sup.14]C
years BP, derived from three pre-1950 shell samples from the Philippines
(Southon et al. 2002). Uncalibrated dates are given at 68.2%
probability, and the 95.4% probability range of the calibrated dates is
presented. Unfortunately, it is difficult to assess the accuracy of many
dates because of limited publication.
Molluscan shell artefacts are a prominent feature within Island
Southeast Asia and Pacific prehistory (e.g. Fox 1970; Asato 1991;
Bellwood 1997; Kirch 1997; Szabo et al. 2007). The most common, and
probably best known, are the broad range of bracelets, earrings, discs
and disc beads. These are fashioned from a variety of raw materials,
including Melo, Trochus, Conus, Tridacna and Nassarius that
predominantly date from c. 4000-3500 cal BP onwards (SzabO 2004), and
they are often associated with the expansion of Austronesian-speaking
people across the region (for discussion, see Bellwood 1997;
O'Connor & Veth 2005; Bulbeck 2008).
Another mollusc shell artefact type commonly found across parts of
Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific is the shell adze (Kirch &
Weisler 1994; Szabo 2004). These implements are generally manufactured
from the body or hinge of large clamshells of Tridacna or Hippopus. It
is generally thought that they began to be produced towards the end of
the Pleistocene. The earliest direct dates of between c. 13 and 11 ka
cal BP are from Golo Cave on Gebe Island, Moluccas (Bellwood 1997).
These shell adzes were mostly unmodified with the exception of ground
cutting edges. Similar Tridacna shell adzes have been recovered from
archaeological deposits in Pamwak Cave on Manus Island in the Admiralty
Islands and dated to c. 10-7 ka cal BP (Spriggs 1997: 59). A completely
ground and shaped Tridacna shell adze was found embedded in the road
surface near the township of Tutuala in East Timor (O'Connor 2006:
81). This specimen has a remarkably similar morphology to quadrangular
Neolithic stone adzes (dating to after c. 4500 cal BP from Island
Southeast Asia) in shape and form but has a direct radiocarbon date of
9844-8562 cal BP (ANU 12061, 8600 [+ or -] 245 BP).
However, O'Connor (2006: 81) recognised an inherent problem
with directly dating shell adzes: the potential use in their manufacture
of old shell from beach-collected raw material. Any radiocarbon assay
taken directly is likely to reflect the time the mollusc laid down the
carbonates in shell composition (see below), rather than the
transformation of the shell into an artefact. This problem is compounded
in the case of the Tutuala sample (and many others) by the fact that the
artefact is a surface find without any reliable stratigraphic or
chronological context that could securely anchor the adze to a
particular timeframe for production (O'Connor 2006: 81).
Three further problems exist when dating Tridacna shell adzes.
First, diagenetic alteration through, for example, recrystallisation,
may introduce carbon of a different age to shell carbonate. Tridacna
shells are composed of the aragonitic form of carbonate; however,
calcite (the stable form of carbonate), under normal conditions, will
form if recrystallisation occurs. It is possible to identify problematic
calcites through X-ray diffraction prior to dating, and calcitic content
can be recorded and its effects on potential radiocarbon dates assessed.
Unfortunately, published dates are rarely accompanied by details of
screening protocols, and it is impossible to determine whether
radiocarbon assays may have been affected by diagenesis.
The other two problems may cause errors of hundreds rather than
thousands of years. First, an effect similar to the old-wood
effect' in charcoal will exist because Tridacna can live for
several hundred years (Hardy & Hardy 1969). Shell carbonate is not
remodelled during the life of the animal, so a radiocarbon date will
represent the [sup.14]C/[sup.12]C ratio during shell formation, which
may have occurred several hundred years before the death of the animal.
Second, it is becoming increasingly apparent that [DELTA]R (localised
reservoir correction) is species-specific because of differing habitats
and feeding strategies (Petchey et al. 2013). Petchey and Clark (2011)
suggest that a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae may reduce the
reservoir effect in Tridacna shells but only by c. 100 [sup.14]C years.
Taken together, if diagenetic alteration has not occurred, a direct date
on a shell adze almost certainly provides a maximum age for artefact
Shell adzes are frequently found in the Philippine archaeological
record, but problems of chronological accuracy and provenance exist. For
example, a human burial from Duyong Cave on Palawan produced three shell
adzes and a 'gouge' manufactured from the giant clam Tridacna
gigas neatly aligned down either side of the body (Fox 1970: 63, figs
19a & b). Charcoal found in the grave fill produced a [sup.14]C date
of 5915-4643 cal BP (UCLA-287, 4630 [+ or -] 250 BP) (Fox 1970: 60). The
validity of a date on charcoal in the backfill of a grave should be
regarded with caution. Shell adzes from Balobok rockshelter on Tawi Tawi
Island, southern Philippines, were argued to date to at least 7.5 ka cal
BP (Spoehr 1973; Ronquillo et al. 1993); however, both the association
between adzes and dates, and the stratigraphic and chronological
integrity of the site have been disputed; it was argued that the
artefacts could be considerably younger than originally reported
(Spriggs 1989).
As a result of the uncertainty surrounding the chronology of shell
adzes in Island Southeast Asia (Spriggs 1989, 2011; Mijares 2008; Pawlik
et al. 2014) and the almost complete lack of data on their manufacture
and use contexts (but see Szabo 2004), we report on the discovery of a
complete shell adze from the Bubog I rockshelter on Ilin Island off the
coast of Mindoro, in the Philippines. In this paper, we confirm the
early Middle Holocene production of shell adzes in the Philippines and
present new data on morphological and functional analyses, in addition
to placing shell adzes within the context of technological innovations
within Island Southeast Asian prehistory. The initial timing for, and
extent of inter-regional contact between, human populations inhabiting
the various islands of Southeast Asia (including Wallacea) and Melanesia
is an ongoing debate. A common view is that the establishment of the
Lapita Cultural Complex in the Bismarck Archipelago, which ultimately
resulted in migration and colonisation of the Pacific, led to the
'opening up' of lines of communication between the two
regions. The recovery of obsidian from the Bismarck Archipelago in
Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, dating to before 3000 cal BP, is one example of
reverse interactions from Melanesia into Island Southeast Asia following
the Austronesian expansion (Bellwood 2013: 193). Others have advocated
'interaction spheres' across Southeast Asia, developing in the
Late Pleistocene and expanding through the Holocene (see Solheim 2006;
Soares et al. 2008; Rabett & Piper 2012). This included the
emergence and spread of new belief systems, burial rites and modes of
treating the dead (Lloyd-Smith 2012). Bulbeck (2008) identified the
distribution of shell adze technologies from the southern Philippines to
the Moluccas as one potential line of evidence supporting inter-island
communication. Here, we re-evaluate the geographic distribution of Early
to Middle Holocene shell adze technologies and argue that Tridacna adze
manufacture supports early Middle Holocene transregional contact.
Furthermore, this suggests that at least some potential down-the-line
communication and interaction may have existed between the Philippines
and Island Melanesia (via northern Wallacea) prior to the migration of
Austronesian-speaking populations and the emergence of the Lapita
Cultural Complex. (It should be noted that Melanesia is used to
encompass Papa New Guinea (e.g. Sepik), while Island Melanesia is used
to refer only to the lesser islands.)
Archaeological background to Bubog I
An interdisciplinary research project, established in 2010 by the
University of the Philippines Archaeological Studies Program in
collaboration with the University of Western Australia, the Australian
National University and the National Museum of the Philippines, aimed to
locate and record the early human colonisation of the Philippine
archipelago. It further sought to identify how changes in landform and
sea levels might have influenced the mobility of human populations, and
how any early colonists might have adapted to, and utilised, the
different local and regional ecologies they encountered. The initial
phase of the project has focused on the Mindoro Occidental, where more
than 40 cave and rockshelter sites have been identified during surveys
(Porr et al. 2012; Pawlik et al. 2014). Amongst these is Bubog I, a
rockshelter located on the small island of Ilin, which is currently
separated from south-west Mindoro by a 900-1300m-wide channel (Figure
1). Bubog I is situated on the south-eastern side of Ilin (facing
Mindoro) at c. 30m above present sea level. Excavations in 2011-2013
produced evidence of a c. 1.4m-deep, well-stratified, human-derived
shell midden (Figure 2). This midden sequence chronicled the
palaeoenvironmental history of landscape change between Ilin and Mindoro
from lakes and mangrove swamps during low sea levels at the end of the
last glaciation, through shallow, intertidal marine environments to the
development of 'mature' lagoon conditions by the later
Holocene (Pawlik et al. 2014). The nine distinctive layers of midden
deposition at Bubog I are anchored to an absolute chronology by four
radiocarbon dates (Table 1).
The upper three layers of stratigraphy contained seven potsherds
that postdate a radiocarbon date on charcoal from layer 4 of 4240-4081
cal BP (S-ANU 32037). A Conus sp. shell recovered from layer 5 returned
a date of 5891-5525 cal BP (WK-32984). A charcoal fragment from layer 7
produced a slightly later date than layer 5, of 5290-4972 cal BP (S-ANU
32038). The sediments in the middle of the stratigraphy (between layers
4 and 9) are relatively thin and composed primarily of large gastropods
and bivalves, and it is possible that some slight downward movement of
charcoal, through the sequence, has occurred. A fragment of Canarium
hirsutum from layer 9 at the base of the shell midden sequence produced
a terminus post quem of 11 099-10 761 cal BP (WK-32983) for shell midden
deposition. The shell adze was recovered from layer 8, a stratigraphic
horizon that contained substantial numbers of the bivalve Geloina
coaxans and gastropod Terebralia palustris, indicating a local
estuarine/mangrove environment (Pawlik et al. 2014), rather than the
open lagoon conditions preferred by giant clams. This implies the raw
material for adze production was not sourced locally, but rather
imported from elsewhere, although that 'elsewhere' may not
necessarily have been very far away along the coasts of Mindoro.
The shell adze from Bubog I
The shell adze was found during the 2013 excavations in a 0.6m x
0.8m sampled square (Figure 2) at 29.4-29.5m above sea level (Figure 3).
Modern comparative analysis indicates that the raw material used was the
hinge and fold of a giant clam, Tridacna (Figure 4).
The adze is trapezoidal in shape with a total length of 85.5mm, a
width near the working edge of 45mm and a butt of 24mm. The implement
has a maximum thickness of 27mm, and it weighs 90.2g. The slightly
asymmetrical convex working edge has a radius of c. 23mm. The shell adze
preform has been knapped and shaped to produce the desired elongated
shape. Only the functional edge of the implement has been ground on both
sides. Microscopic analysis indicates that the ground edge is almost
completely intact with just a few isolated micro-scars with some slight
edge-rounding damage evident (Figure 5a: Pos. A, 30 x magnification).
Regular striations close to the functional edge imply that the artefact
was ground at a transverse angle to the shell's natural lamellar
structure and that slight chamfering was applied to the immediate edge
(Figure 5b: Pos. B & Figure 5c: Pos. C). Deeper, crosscutting
striations parallel to the tool's long axis are almost certainly
use related (Figure 5d: Pos. D). Multi-directional coarse striations
near the boundary between the ground and unground dorsal surface
(indicated by line ZZ' in Figure 4) might suggest that
rejuvenation, through re-grinding and sharpening of the working edge,
had occurred (Figure 5e: Pos. E). The re-sharpening process appears to
have removed most of the potential use-wear traces from the blade,
thereby restricting further interpretations related to functional use.
Blackish residues along the edge are probably manganese dendrites
precipitated on the surface after deposition (Figure 5f: Pos. F). There
are several notable areas of abrasion and smoothing on the partially
flaked ventral and dorsal surfaces and on the butt (Figure 5g: Pos. G;
Figure 5h: Pos Pi; Figure 5j: Pos. J; & Figure 5k: Pos. K) that were
probably caused by slight movements of the adze within its shaft during
use. The overall shaping of the Tridacna artefact into a roughly conical
shape at its distal end, and the evidence of hairing traces on all
surfaces, might suggest that the implement was hafted in a socket-like
receptacle in the shaft.
Dating the shell adze from Bubog I
Following micro-wear analysis, the shell adze was sent to the AMS
Radiocarbon Laboratory at the Australian National University in Canberra
for dating. A 14mg sample of carbonate was drilled from the adze after
the removal of c. 4[mm.sup.2] of the shell's surface (Figure 6).
The sample was not chemically pre-treated, but X-ray diffraction
screening was undertaken to determine what proportions of the shell
matrix could influence the accuracy of any radiocarbon date through
recrystallisation from aragonite to calcite.
A direct date on the adze of 6875T35 BP, or 7550-7250 cal BP
(S-ANU-35132), was obtained. The sample was found to contain 2.6T0.43
per cent calcite. If all of the re-crystallised carbonate was of modern
origin, the date would shift to 7170T35 BP (7830-7500 cal BP). If the
contamination was 'fossil' and contained no [sup.14]C, the
date would be 6665 [+ or -] 35 BP (7390-7000 cal BP). However, it is
likely that much of the re-crystallisation occurred during the process
of drilling the sample, where elevated temperatures resulting from
friction have been observed to convert 5-20 per cent of a shell sample
into calcite (Douka et al. 2010). If this is the case, the vast majority
of the calcite observed in the tested sample is most likely derived from
the drilling process, and the radiocarbon date is probably accurate
without adjustment for calcitic content.
Whether or not the different levels of recrystallisation are taken
into consideration, the direct date places the maximum age of the
Tridacna artefact from Bubog I in the mid-sixth millennium BC. The
security of this date is enhanced by the known recovery location of the
shell implement within a well-dated and stratigraphically secure context
that bracketsthe shell adze between c. 11 ka and c. 6 ka cal BP,
indicating that adze manufacture almost certainly occurred in the
timeframe suggested by the direct date-in the early Middle Holocene.
The morphological and functional analysis of the shell artefact
from Bubog I has demonstrated that it had been manufactured from the
hinge and fold of the giant clam Tridacna. The shell fragment had been
shaped by flaking to produce an elongated adze blade rough-out, and the
end had been ground to manufacture a sharp working edge. Use-wear and
micropolish on and around the modified butt indicates that this
implement had almost certainly been parallel-hafted as a composite tool,
and it can be considered a true adze blade.
Few microscopic use-wear studies have been conducted on fully
ground and polished stone adzes, and none on edge-ground stone or shell
adzes. Pawlik (2006) identified a use on wood as well as traces of
transverse hafting for Neolithic adzes from Ille Cave, Palawan. Tsutsumi
(2012) analysed 36 stone axes of different sizes and morphology from
Hinshu Island, Japan. The larger specimens showed extensive wear traces
consistent with heavy-duty woodworking activities, while the smaller
axes were used for the processing of hide. Unfortunately, rejuvenation
of the working edge of the Ilin shell adze has obliterated most of the
potential use-wear traces, but the shell aragonite has a Mohs hardness
of approximately 5, making it useful for numerous heavy-duty tasks
including those identified for ground-stone adzes. It is possible that
the development of adze technology reflects a more progressive use of
wood as a building material, and as a response to changing environments
at the end of the Pleistocene. Golson (2005: 484) has even argued that
the shell adze might be a specific innovation for use in the
construction of maritime technologies.
The dating of the shell adze from Ilin has confirmed manufacture of
these implements during the Middle Holocene in the Philippines. This
encourages confidence in the antiquity of edge-ground shell adzes
recovered from across the Philippines, Moluccas and in Melanesia. It
provides unequivocal evidence that shell adze technology was an
innovation several thousand years before the beginning of the Neolithic
and the introduction of pottery, fully ground and polished stone tool
types and many of the decorative shell ornaments that appear in the
later Holocene (see Bellwood 1997).
So, how and where did shell adze technology emerge, and how is it
related to stone adzes? Edge-ground flaked and pebble tools occur in
northern Australia and in Papua New Guinea, where the grinding of stone
tools and adzes in association with 'waisting', for the
attachment of the implement to a haft, can be traced back to the Late
Pleistocene (Groube et al. 1986; Morwood & Trezise 1989; Bulmer
2005; Anderson & Summerhayes 2008; Summerhayes et al. 2010; Geneste
et al. 2012). Pamwak, in the Admiralty Islands, where some of the
earliest shell adzes have been identified, also produced edge-ground
stone adzes from the same phases of occupation. At least one of these
adzes was 'waisted', similar to those found in New Guinea
(Figure 7; Spriggs 1997: 59). At Pamwak, of the 16 Tridacna implements
recovered, the majority were recovered from layer 2 and associated with
four radiocarbon dates on charcoal and Celtis seeds of 5500-7000 cal
years BP. Just two Tridacna adzes were identified in the top of layer 4,
a deposit with six radiocarbon dates around 11 ka (Fredericksen et al.
1993). A large Tridacna adze with a direct date of 5482-4893 cal BP (no
lab. code provided, 4980 [+ or -] 90 BP, calibration assumes a [DELTA]R
of 70 [+ or -] 60 [sup.14]C years (McGregor et al. 2008)) was recovered
in the Sepik Region of New Guinea (Swadling & Hide 2005: 291).
Two shell adzes, one produced from Tridacna and the other from
Hippopus, from Golo Cave on Gebe Island, have been directly dated to 11
925-11 121 cal BP (ANU-9769, 10 540 [+ or -] 70 BP) and 13 028-12 862
cal BP (ANU-9512, 11 480 [+ or -] 70 BP). However, they were recovered
from within deposits above a layer with a date on an unspecified marine
shell species of 9911-9653 cal BP (ANU-9768, 9260 [+ or -] 80 BP;
Bellwood et al. 1998: 239), raising the possibility that they were
produced using 'old' shell. Another displaced Tridacna adze
from Buwawansi 1 on Gebe was also directly dated to 9182-8955 cal BP
(WK-4628, 8550 [+ or -] 70 BP). Based on direct and associated dates,
together with the stratigraphic locations of the artefacts, it is
perhaps more likely that adze manufacture in Island Melanesia and the
Moluccas, as in the Philippines, was an Early Holocene innovation rather
than Late Pleistocene as suggested by Fredericksen et al. (1993).
Two edge-ground Tridacna adzes were identified at Leang Tahuna on
Merampit Island, south-east of Halmahera, and at Leang Manaf on Sanana.
These returned direct dates on the shell of 4484-4367 cal BP (OZD-771,
4310 [+ or -] 50 BP) and 7433-7274 cal BP (OZD-772, 6900 [+ or -] 90 BP)
respectively, indicating a Middle to Late Holocene manufacture
(Tanudirjo 2001). No archaeological sites in Wallacea have produced any
evidence of edge-ground stone artefacts at this early date.
The Philippines currently represent the western geographic limits
of the distribution of potential Early to Middle Holocene shell adzes
(Figure 7). Within this region, the only site to have produced
edge-ground stone artefacts is Sa'gung rockshelter in central
Palawan (Kress 2004). Although undated, the Sa'gung implements were
associated with tightly flexed burials, a technique of interment common
across the Sunda Shelf region of Island Southeast Asia in the Early to
Middle Holocene (see Lloyd-Smith 2012).
Beyond the examples of shell adzes from Bubog I, Duyong and Balobok
rockshelters (see above), two shell adzes similar to those found at
Duyong were recovered from shallow, disturbed deposits in Bato Puti, a
cave on Lipuun Point, Palawan (Fox 1970). Fox associated these with the
'Neolithic' burials identified in the cave, although no
definite stratigraphic or chronological correlations were evident. A
Tridacna 'tool' was also recovered from a grave in Paredes
rockshelter, which is associated with two fully flexed inhumations and
one supine burial (Fox 1970). Shell adzes have also been reported from
Sanga Sanga Island, in the Sulu Sea, in aceramic layers with associated
radiocarbon dates on unspecified marine shell species of 7548-6739 cal
BP and 8720-8162 cal BP (6650 [+ or -] 180 and 7945 [+ or -] 90 BP,
Solheim et al. 1979; no lab. codes provided).
Some differences exist in the techniques used in the production of
those adzes found in the Philippines, which are generally produced on
the shell hinge, while those from the Moluccas and Island Melanesia are
generally created from a single fold. The bevelled edges of those
produced from the hinge are straight, whereas those from a single fold
in the shell are curved, suggesting that they might have served slightly
different technological functions (Szabo 2004). Nevertheless Szabo
(2004: 343) considered that the Tridacna and Hippopus shell
adzes-recovered from the Philippines through eastern Indonesia to
Melanesia-represent a single, related tradition, rather than independent
The only two adzes produced on the hinge of the giant clamshell
found in Melanesia are an example from an Early Holocene context at
Pamwak, and the large Tridacna implement recovered in the Sepik Region
of New Guinea and dated to around 5000 cal BP. The appearance of these
hinge adzes in Melanesia coincides, time wise, with the production of
similar Tridacna adze implements in the western Philippines.
Current chronologies suggest, therefore, that the manufacture of
shell adzes either developed from pre-existing edge-ground stone
technology in Near Oceania, or as an independent innovation in eastern
Indonesia or Island Melanesia during the Early Holocene, before
spreading west as far as the western Philippines by the early Middle
Holocene. Bellwood (1997: 189) has argued that the distribution of shell
adzes in eastern Indonesia and Melanesia possibly indicated some
inter-regional contact. The complete geographic distribution of shell
adzes would imply a capacity for inter-island voyaging, and at least
some down-the-line contact between Island Melanesia and the Philippines
by the Middle Holocene, if not earlier (Solheim 2006: 121-24).
In support of this proposed inter-regional contact, there is
evidence for substantial human mobility and the development of
'spheres of interaction' across Island Southeast Asia
beginning in the terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene (see Bulbeck
2008; Soares et al. 2008), and expanding geographically during the
Middle Holocene. This includes technological innovations in bone
artefact manufacture that may have their origins in northern Borneo and
parts of Wallacea, before appearing more widely across the region by the
Middle Holocene (Rabett & Piper 2012). The movements of economically
important plants and knowledge of their management strategies from
Melanesia into Island Southeast Asia started, perhaps, during the Early
Holocene (Barker & Richards 2012; Denham 2013); and the
translocation of some animals from large islands with diverse faunas to
depauperate small offshore islands had possibly begun in Island
Melanesia already in the Late Pleistocene, before becoming a more
widespread phenomenon by the Middle Holocene (Allen et al. 1989;
Heinsohn 2003).
Excavation at the site of Bubog I on Ilin Island has produced a
well-stratified edge-ground Tridacna shell adze. Use-wear analysis has
demonstrated that this artefact was parallel-hafted into a composite
tool with a ground and polished working edge, and it fits the
technological description of a true adze. Re-sharpening of the working
edge has obliterated most edge-wear traces; however, the rejuvenation of
the adze implies use over a considerable time. The timing for its
manufacture has been securely anchored to the early Middle Holocene by a
sequence of associated dates on charcoal and a direct radiocarbon date
on the implement itself of 7550-7250 cal BP.
At present, the Bubog I shell adze represents the earliest
well-stratified and securely dated shell adze in Island Southeast Asia,
although it is unlikely to remain the earliest. Several specimens from
sites in the Wallacean islands (Golo Cave, Gebe Island) and Melanesia
have been identified in Early Holocene contexts and are almost certainly
older than those recorded in the Philippines. What they and the Ilin
shell adze tell us is that this form of composite shell-organic tool
technology was already present across Island Southeast Asiaand Near
Oceania by the early Middle Holocene and cannot, therefore, be a local
variant on the fully ground and polished stone adzes that are only
recorded in the later Holocene, and possibly introduced from Mainland
Southeast Asia after c. 4500-4000 cal BP (see Bellwood 1997: 202). What
is perhaps more likely is that composite shell adze technologies were a
local innovation in Island Melanesia or eastern Indonesia, possibly
stemming from edge-ground stone technologies that are evident across
parts of the region from the Late Pleistocene onwards.
Traditionally, it is believed that voyaging and contact between the
Philippines and Island Melanesia occurred during the later Holocene,
after 3500 cal BP, with the migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples
and the appearance in Near Oceania of the Lapita Cultural Complex (see
Kirch 1997; Bellwood 2013). The geographic distribution of shell adze
technology suggests, however, that contacts between eastern Indonesia,
the Philippines and Near Oceania might have already been established
several thousand years earlier, during the Middle Holocene.
doi: 10.15184/aqy.2015.3
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following
people and institutions for the successful conduct of the project so
far: Director Jeremy Barns and Angel Bautista of the National Museum of
the Philippines; the Mayor of San Jose, Hon. Romulo Festin; and the
administrative personnel of San Jose and the Barangay Pawikan. This
research is supported by an Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Grant
from the University of the Philippines, OVPAA, Code no. 2-002-1111212.
The fieldwork in 2013 was funded by the National Geographic Society and
its Global Exploration Fund (GEFNE 62-12). A University of the
Philippines Diliman OVCRD Outright Research Grant (131316-PNSE) funded
the research of Alfred Pawlik. An ARC Future Fellowship Grant
FT100100527 funded the research of Philip Piper.
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Received: 17 March 2014; Accepted: 22 August 2014; Revised: 6
October 2014
Alfred F. Pawlik (1),*, Philip J. Piper (2), Rachel E. Wood (3),
Kristine Kate A. Lim (1), Marie Grace Pamela G. Faylona (4), Armand
Salvador B. Mijares (1) & Martin Porr (5)
(1) Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines,
Albert Hall, Lakandula Street, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, the
(2) School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National
University, AD Hope Building #14, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
(3) Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National
University, 142 Mills Road, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
(4) Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Philippine Normal
University, Taft Avenue, Manila City 1000, the Philippines
(5) Archaeology, School of Social Sciences, University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
* Author for correspondence (Email:
Table 1. Radiocarbon dates from Bubog 1 and other sites with
shell adzes in Island Southeast Asia and Melanesia.
Bubog 1 Conventional
Lab. code Context [sup.14]C age (BP)
SANU 32037 Layer 4 3770 [+ or -] 30
WK32984 Layer 5 5306 [+ or -] 38
SANU 32038 Layer 7 4465 [+ or -] 35
SANU-35132 Layer 8 6875 [+ or -] 35
WK 32983 Layer 9 9584 [+ or -] 29
Other dates Conventional
Lab. code Reference [sup.14]C age (BP)
OZD-771 Tanudirjo 2001 4310 [+ or -]50
UCLA-287 Fox 1970 4630 [+ or -] 250
n/a Swadling & Hide 2005 4980 [+ or -] 90
OZD-772 Tanudirjo 2001 6900 [+ or -] 90
n/a Solheim et al. 1979 6650 [+ or -] 180
n/a Solheim et al. 1979 7945 [+ or -] 90
WK-4628 Bellwood et al. 1998 8550 [+ or -]70
ANU-12061 O'Connor 2006 8600 [+ or -] 245
ANU-9768 Bellwood et al. 1998 9260 [+ or -] 80
ANU-9769, Bellwood et al. 1998 10 540 [+ or -] 70
ANU-9512 Bellwood et al. 1998 11 480 [+ or -] 70
Bubog 1 [delta] [sup.13]C
Lab. code (%o PDB) Material
SANU 32037 -34 [+ or -] 2 * Charcoal
WK32984 -24.2 [+ or -] 0.2 Conus sp.
SANU 32038 -28 [+ or -] 2 * Charcoal
SANU-35132 -4 [+ or -] 2 * Tridacna
WK 32983 -24.2 [+ or -] 0.2 Canarium
Other dates hirsutum nut
Lab. code Site Material
OZD-771 Leang Tahuna Tridacna
UCLA-287 Duyong Charcoal
n/a Sepik Tridacna
OZD-772 Leang Manaf Tridacna
n/a Sanga Sanga Marine shell
n/a Sanga Sanga Marine shell
WK-4628 Buwawansi 1 Tridacna
ANU-12061 Tutuala Tridacna
ANU-9768 Golo Marine shell
ANU-9769, Golo Tridacna
ANU-9512 Golo Hippopus
Bubog 1 Calibrated date range Calibration
Lab. code (cal BP, 95.4% probability) curve
SANU 32037 4239-4000 IntCall3
WK32984 5890-5521 Marine 13
SANU 32038 5289-4971 IntCall3
SANU-35132 7550-7250 Marine 13
WK 32983 11 099-10 761 IntCall3
Other dates Calibrated date range Calibration
Lab. code (cal BP, 95.4% probability) curve
OZD-771 4484-4367 Marine 13
UCLA-287 5915-4643 IntCall3
n/a 5482-4893 Marine 13
OZD-772 7433-7274 Marine 13
n/a 7548-6739 Marine 13
n/a 8720-8162 Marine 13
WK-4628 9182-8955 Marine 13
ANU-12061 9844-8562 Marine 13
ANU-9768 9911-9653 Marine 13
ANU-9769, 11 295-11 121 Marine 13
ANU-9512 13 028-12 862 Marine 13
* [delta] [sup.13]C is measured by AMS and used in age calculation.
It is not equivalent to EA-IRMS measurement.