Residential patterning at Angkor Wat.
Stark, Miriam T. ; Evans, Damian ; Rachna, Chhay 等
Angkor Wat, as with most Angkorian temples, stood at the centre of
a large walled enclosure. Abundant scholarship exists on the art history
and architectural details of Angkorian temples, but little attention has
focused on the structure and function of the large rectilinear spaces
that surround them (Fletcher et al. 2015: 1390). Consequently,
historians' models of Angkorian temple enclosures as 'sacred
cities' or 'temple-cities' (e.g. Coedes 1941; Stern 1951;
Coe 1957: 410; Jacques 1997: 138-42; cf. Pottier 2000; Evans 2007: 24-27
for historical reviews) have not been tested. Archaeological work is
needed for such research (Higham 2000: 357) and forms the subject of
this study.
Most of the Angkorian states largest temple monuments were
dedicated to specific Hindu gods; Angkor Wat was dedicated to Vishnu
(Fletcher et al. 2015: 1389). It was built during a time when Saivism
predominated and Angkorian Khmers absorbed Brahmanic and Buddhist
ideologies into their ritual practices (Briggs 1951: 194). Temples such
as Angkor Wat hosted ritual performances, collective and individual, for
the benefit of the deities enshrined within their walls. Priests, ritual
specialists, pilgrims, ascetics and devotees performed puja (or prayer
rituals) to worship deities in temple ceremonies, festivals and events.
These activities required space and resources. Ritual specialists,
attendants and musicians organised ceremonies. Guards staffed the
enclosure gates; gardeners cultivated floral and spice offerings;
cowherds provided milk and butter from their herd for rituals; and the
temple manager and accountants organised finances. Cooks, tailors,
carpenters, weavers, washermen, masons, architects and labourers also
supported the temple's infrastructure.
Identifying where these people lived and worked requires
archaeological research in forested settings with light surface artefact
patterning. Evidence for use of the areas within Angkorian temple
enclosures has remained largely obscure. The Greater Angkor Project
(hereafter GAP) methodology combines analysis of remotely sensed data
with field-based archaeological investigations to explore Angkorian
settlement patterns. This paper explores residential planning during the
Angkorian period (twelfth century AD) and the early part of the
post-Angkorian period (fifteenth through seventeenth centuries AD).
We couple GAP research with data from the Lower Mekong
Archaeological Project (hereafter LOMAP), whose 2003-2009 research
investigated pre-Angkorian settlement patterns (sixth to eighth
centuries AD) in southern Cambodia. Both projects are located in
Cambodia's lowlands, from which shared writing and art styles
emerged by the sixth century AD (Stark 2004, 2006a, 2006b; Heng 2013).
This work, and research in neighbouring north-east Thailand, suggests
continuity across space and through time in basal and Khmer settlement
units (Welch 1997; Evans 2007). Tracing the long-term development of
Khmer settlement-forms offers insights into Angkorian residential
planning within and near temple enclosures.
Khmer settlement patterns
Researchers have studied Angkorian settlement and urbanism for
nearly a century (e.g. Coe 1957; Groslier 1974; Pottier 2000, 2012;
Gaucher 2004; Evans et al. 2007), and growing evidence from the
pre-Angkorian period indicates that Khmer socio-political organisation
extends back 200 years before the founding of Angkor (e.g. Vickery
1998). Figure 1 locates Angkor Wat, Greater Angkor and the LOMAP survey
area. Few researchers have documented Angkorian residential space (e.g.
Gaucher 2003; Baty 2005); none have studied households as an analytical
unit. As archaeologists define 'household' differently
(Pluckhahn 2010: 338-39), we focus on co-residential groups that used
occupation surfaces, features and artefact assemblages associated with
dwellings that stood on some or most mounds visible throughout the outer
enclosure (e.g. Nash 2009: 224).
We use the term 'settlement configuration' to describe
clusters of archaeological features that recur across the landscape and
circumscribe larger social arrangements (see also Evans 2007:154-58).
Settlement configurations are surface phenomena, measurable using
ground-survey techniques and airborne and spaceborne remote-sensing
technologies. We readily acknowledge that our conceptual framework
overlooks both short-term and long-term spatial activities described
previously in the literature (e.g. Johnstone 2004; Stark 2006b).
At its height, the Angkorian state comprised a complex network of
settlements, craft-production centres, transportation linkages and
resource areas whose landscape stretched into modern-day Vietnam, Laos
and Thailand (e.g. Groslier 1973; Pottier 1999; Stark 2006b; Fletcher
2009; Hendrickson 2010). From the ninth century AD onwards, most Khmer
urban space was characterised by a dispersed, low-density spatial
structure that created the sprawling urban complex of Greater Angkor
(e.g. Fletcher 2012; Evans et al. 2013; Hawken 2013).
Traditional Khmer settlement was agrarian and rural in nature
(Delvert 1961); archaeological work in southern Cambodia indicates it
may have substantial time-depth (Figure 2). Four field seasons of survey
by LOMAP covered 35km2 and identified three modal settlement
configurations for the pre-Angkorian period. The first involved small
clusters of mounds with associated ponds and moated mounds--or
"moat-and-mound temple-centred" configurations (Evans 2007:
24-26). These could be hamlets and conform to the phum (village-level)
administrative, settlement and work unit found today across Cambodia
(Delvert 1961). LOMAP also mapped large sites with multiple moated
mounds or mound-and-pond complexes (which we interpreted as phum or
Villages'). A third settlement form involved a series of dispersed
moated mounds. Figure 3 illustrates examples of pre-Angkorian settlement
units from the Mekong delta and Angkorian settlement units from the
Tonle Sap area. All three modal forms include mounds and ponds (the
modern Khmer equivalent for pond is trapeang), around which several
households lived to access fresh water during the prolonged annual dry
season, and which characterise rural Khmer settlement today.
These early to mid-first millennium AD LOMAP settlement patterns
contain features that pre-Angkorian inscriptions describe, such as
residential areas, water tanks, paths/roads/causeways, groves and
plantations, and moated temples (orprasat) (Jacob 1979: 413). Epigraphic
data indicate some variability in dispersed settlement form; for
example, some villages were attached to particular rulers or temples
(Sahai 1977: 47), while others may have been more autonomous.
Archaeological research in north-west Cambodia suggests settlement
pattern continuity into the Angkorian period (Evans 2007: 184).
Angkorian period urbanisation produced new settlement
configurations: the orthogonal grid, and perhaps also linear settlement
along rivers, canals and roads (Pottier 2012). Some relatively early
temples in the Angkor region (e.g. Prei Monti, Preah Ko and Bakong) are
also surrounded by multiple outer enclosures, but these may have
primarily served non-habitation functions. For example, the eighth- or
ninth-century Bakong temple functioned as a largely monastic (not
residential) complex during its primary occupation, with residential
mound clusters distributed for some distance outside its moats in a
low-density, dispersed pattern. Other key ninth- to mid-eleventh-century
temples that may have had associated residential areas lacked
'city' enclosures (e.g. Bakheng, Ta Keo and Baphuon) (Pottier
2000, 2012: 21).
Twelfth-century Angkorian kings constructed a series of temple
enclosures on large-scale orthogonal grids (e.g. Gaucher 2003, 2004;
Pottier 2012; Evans et al. 2013). Within its moated and walled
enclosure, the Angkor Wat orthogonal grid pattern divides the space into
blocks, each of which are further systematically divided into mounds and
depressions that functioned as ponds. Twentieth-century surface
modifications to the enclosure have obscured parts of the patterning,
but we estimate that the Angkor Wat enclosure contained approximately
283 mounds and 250-300 ponds. Field-based investigations during 2010 and
2013 examined the nature and time-depth of this Khmer grid-structured
settlement configuration from the twelfth century onwards.
The Angkor Wat 2010 and 2013 excavations
Excavations were undertaken at Angkor Wat from June to August 2010,
and from June to July 2013 in collaboration with the APSARA (Autorite
pour la Protection du Site et l'Amenagement de la Region
d'Angkor) Authority. The 2010 work involved ground-verifying GPS
prospection patterns in the enclosure's western section (Sonnemann
et al. 2015: 1420). Work also focused on the less disturbed eastern
enclosure and areas immediately adjacent to Angkor Wat's eastern
moat, presented here as grid maps superimposed on a LiDAR digital
terrain model (Figure 4). The primary research objective was to
characterise the nature and dating of residential use through
topographic and sketch mapping, systematic coring and stratigraphic
Mapping in 2010 began in the north-east quadrant with a 40 X 40m
grid, which revealed a system of mounds and depressions. Few surface
artefacts were visible, with the exception of a few laterite masonry
fragments near unit 7. Subsequent acquisition, processing and use of
LiDAR data for GAP 2013 fieldwork in the Angkor Wat enclosure confirmed
this 2010 field-based mapping. The 2010 coring transects using east-west
and north-south profiles of the eastern enclosure helped identify intact
archaeological deposits and build an area-wide stratigraphic sequence.
The 2013 coring of depressions was ground-truthing for evidence of
long-term standing water that would support the classification of these
depressions as ponds. Every depression visible in the LiDAR and DTM
projection of the south-east quadrant was sampled.
Fieldwork also included stratigraphic excavations of 25 trenches (6
in 2010; 19 in 2013) on mounds, along mound slopes, in depressions and
adjacent to walls; 11 trenches sampled the tops of mounds. In 2013,
three trenches were also excavated east of the outer wall and moat,
where LiDAR imagery revealed a rectangular enclosure. Figures 5 and 6
identify trench locations in the north-east and south-east quadrants
within the walled enclosure, and Figure 4 identifies trench locations in
this outer eastern enclosure.
Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the four layers that characterised most
trenches across the eastern enclosure. Layer 1, an organic ar.d loamy
topsoil, whose basal section contained some cultural materials; layer 2,
a cultural r atrix that contained ceramics (earthenware, stoneware and
high-fired Chinese trade wares , some postholes, flat-lying stones or
pot breaks in one or two sub-layers that represent surfaces; layer 3, a
thick cultural lens of sandy clay with manganese inclusions; and layer
4, the natural substrate, which is even sandier clay. Trenches closest
to the temple contained sandstone-chip construction-related debris as
part of layer 2; trenches abutting the enclosure wall had the lowest
artefact densities in layer 2. Layer 3 appears to represent the initial
construction of the mound-pond grid structure and is associated with the
temple's construction. Layer 2 is associated with the reign of
Suryavarman II and use of his Vishnu temple. No pre-Angkorian signature
was identified through the extensive coring and trench excavations in
the eastern temple enclosure.
Accordingly, layers 2 and 3 are the focus of this discussion. Layer
2 in many trenches contained charcoal flecks, ceramics and recycled
architectural stone, and possibly recycled architectural ceramics.
Trench 3 yielded an earthenware stove (or brazier (Cremin 2009: 81))
fragment. Most earthenware sherds (except a single stove fragment)
derived from utilitarian vessels such as cooking pots and water jars;
some sherds that showed evidence of wear or sooting were probably
cooking pots. Stoneware sherds derived from jars, baluster and pedestal
vases, are associated with Angkorian-period occupation and are also
illustrated in the bas-reliefs of the twelfth-century Bayon temple.
Khmer glazed stonewares were recovered across the Angkorian landscape,
and include storage jars, boxes, bowls and bottles (Guy 1997: 55-58;
Cort 2000: 98-108; Chhay etal. 2009, 2013; Ea 2010).
Small fragments of high-fired Chinese tradeware' ceramics were
also recovered during the excavations. Chinese tradewares recovered from
archaeological sites across Greater Angkor date primarily from the
Northern Song (AD 960-1279) through to the Ming (AD 1368-1644) dynasties
(Ea 2005; Cremin 2006). Some particular Chinese production centres, such
as the Guangdong kilns, manufacture goods that probably served as
diplomatic trade products (Wong 1979), and have been recovered in elite
and non-elite contexts throughout the Angkorian realm (Wong 2010). Lower
quality Chinese bowls, boxes and globular vases are also associated with
residential sites in the Angkor region (Groslier 1981: 230-31).
Age of the habitation deposits
Khmer people used the Angkor Wat enclosure during and after the
Angkorian period. Angkor, including Angkor Wat, housed Buddhist
sanctuaries that attracted pilgrims from various parts of Asia during
the post-Angkorian or 'middle Khmer' period (Loureiro 2005:
218; Sonnemann 2011: 44). One of several sixteenth- to
eighteenth-century inscriptions found on walls and pillars at Angkor
Wat, dating to 1579, calls the temple Visnuloka and records the
restoration of the temple's walls and roof (Lewitz 1972: 109). The
identification of a seventeenth-century Japanese map of the Angkor Wat
temple, and other post-fourteenth-century remains, underscores Angkor
Wat's centrality as a religious centre for centuries after the
Angkorian capital moved south-east (Thompson 1997: 28-32; Sonnemann
2011: 137-38).
The 2010 and 2013 excavations produced both Angkorian and
post-Angkorian materials in most trenches; the trenches along the
enclosure's wall contained more post-Angkorian material. Two trends
are clear in Figure 9, which presents radiocarbon dates from the 2010
excavations to characterise the occupation history of the Angkor Wat
enclosure. First, locations near the temple and in the central
north-east quadrant (i.e. unit 7) were used during the twelfth-century
AD construction and initial use of the Angkor Wat temple. This pattern,
coupled with LiDAR evidence for contemporaneous use of areas beyond the
enclosure's eastern moat (Fletcher et al. 2015: 1393), defines the
broad area that included Angkor Wat and its environs. Secondly,
post-Angkorian Khmers also lived in the enclosure, as evidenced by
radiometric dates (trenches 5, 6 & 8) and the recovery of Ming
period tradewares. The fifteenth-century political transformation of the
Angkorian state did not therefore entail an abandonment of the Angkor
Wat temple area, as often assumed (see also Brotherson 2015).
Angkorian Khmers laid their grid before or during the construction
of the Angkor Wat temple, and this grid structured residences, and
land-use, within the walled enclosure around the temple. Most sampled
mounds produced archaeological evidence of residential activities such
as cooking and house construction. Multiple population-modelling
methods, including those using ethnographically based estimates of
median Khmer house and household size (Delvert 1961:186), produce
similar numbers; thirteenth-century Chinese reports of Angkorian
Cambodia also described multi-household use of ponds (Zhou trans. 2007:
80; Hanus etal. in press). At its peak, the enclosure may have housed
between c. 3000 and 4300 residents, and occupation at Angkor Wat
continued well into the post-Angkorian period.
No significant variation was found in ceramic assemblages from
different mounds to suggest social stratification; little stratigraphic
variability across the cultural layers and sparse organic debris (such
as faunal remains) indicates rather light habitation. This pattern
contrasts markedly with deep deposits from earlier residential sites, as
with the protohistoric and pre-Angkorian settlement of Angkor Borei in
southern Cambodia (e.g. Stark et al. 1999; Stark 2000; Stark & Bong
2001). If the enclosures served largely ritual functions, then residence
within their walls may have been restricted to elites (perhaps the royal
court) and a range of full-time temple personnel: Brahmins and priests,
temple administrators, temple attendants and support population tasked
with maintenance (Coe 1957: 410).
Alternatively, the Angkor Wat enclosure could have housed both
full-time temple personnel and also temporary staff, who resided at
Angkor Wat for two weeks each month in the 'fortnight-on',
'fortnight-off pattern of work recorded in numerous Angkorian
period inscriptions from smaller temples. Time is reckoned according to
the waxing and waning of the moon in three separate inscriptions: K. 218
(Coedes 1937: 45-53), K. 254 (Coedes 1937: 180-93) and K. 809 (Coedes
1927: 37-46; also see Sahai 2012: 239-42). Working parties, if at a
state temple, lived in villages outside the enclosure and alternated
their use of the temple residential areas, producing a light habitation
pattern. This pattern was practised at some pre-Angkorian temple
complexes (described in K. 582 (Coedes 1927: 200-201), whose lodgings
are labelled with a Sanskrit-Khmer compound term avasa kfium (Sahai
2012: 238).
In one scenario, only a portion of the staff lived within the
Angkor Wat enclosure, either continuously or by rotation, and most staff
lived elsewhere. The Angkor Wat system would then resemble that
described for Ta Prohm, where only some of the 12 640 staff resided
within the enclosure (e.g. Coedes 1906), which is more than six times
the number of staff than residential features identified in the Ta Prohm
enclosure by LiDAR survey (Evans & Fletcher 2015). No
twelfth-century epigraphic evidence for workgroups or enclosure use is
available for the Angkor Wat temple enclosure, so the fortnightly work
programmes could already have ceased by then.
GAP research indicates that residential patterning associated with
Angkor Wat extends to areas beyond the temple enclosure walls to the
east: excavations in 2013 produced similar stratigraphic and artefact
patterning to that obtained from trenches within the temple's
eastern enclosure. A series of interlocking archaeological features that
cover a 35[km.sup.2] area south of the temple enclosure may also be
associated with residential patterning within the enclosure (Evans et
al. 2013: 2; Evans & Fletcher 2015: 1411-14).
GAP research at Angkor Wat has produced three main findings. First,
the temple enclosure area was systematically subdivided into an
orthogonal grid; each 'block' contained a formal array of
occupation mounds and ponds throughout the enclosure, except for the
area flanking the western causeway from the West Gopura to the western
edge of the main temple (Sonnemann et al. 2015). Second, this mound-pond
residential pattern, in slightly varying forms, emerged at least as
early as the sixth century, and finds parallels in other pre-industrial,
low-density agro-urban landscapes (Isendahl 2012; Isendahl & Smith
2013). Finally, light residential patterning characterises excavated
portions of this orthogonal grid.
Our findings have significant implications for understanding the
structure and chronology of Angkor Wat's occupation. No evidence
exists for exclusive elite occupation of Angkor Wat's temple
enclosure, whether political-economic or religious (priests or
Brahmins). In contrast, our work supports a model in which temple
personnel of modest material wealth occupied relatively insubstantial,
perishable structures located on mounds in the immediate vicinity of the
temple. Excavations also indicate that the Angkorian occupation occurred
in three phases before the sixteenth-century Khmer royalty returned to
Angkor Wat. These were: during the temple's construction phase;
throughout the reign of Suryavarman II; and in the post-Angkorian period
(albeit with a much reduced post-fifteenth-century population).
Our collective research suggests that the formally planned
mound-pond system within the Angkor Wat enclosure did not appear sui
generis, but is instead the outcome of a long-term residential logic,
and its initial structure existed, in one form or another, by the sixth
century and through to the eighth century AD. Even as this gradual
formalisation of the structure of the built environment was taking place
in Angkor from the eleventh to twelfth centuries, the antecedent
pattern--of clusters of mounds and ponds scattered across the wider
landscape, often centred on a local shrine (or prasat)--persisted across
Greater Angkor. Use of airborne laser-scanning data, together with
archaeological excavation, has allowed us to elucidate long-term
patterns of continuity and change in the development of Khmer residence
patterns, encompassing multiple scales from that of the broader
landscape right down to the level of the individual household. It has
also redefined the use of residential space within the outer enclosure
of Angkor Wat.
Gracious thanks are extended to the APSARA Authority for permission
to undertake field investigations in the Angkor Wat enclosure, including
HE Bun Narith, HE Ros Borath and An Sopheap, which were undertaken under
ARC grant DP 1092663. We thank So Malay and Martin King for
administrative support, and GAP 2010 and 2013 crew members, whose labour
produced this research. Damian Evans drafted Figures 1-5. Martin King
and Alex Morrison provided additional graphical expertise; conversations
with Christophe Pottier, Roland Fletcher, Ea Darith, Ian Lowman, David
Brotherson and Paul Lavy were exceptionally helpful. Thanks also to Li
Baoping, John Miksic and Louise Cort for identifications of Chinese
tradewares in the 2010 excavated materials. We thank the PT McElhanney,
Indonesia, company for its contribution to the LiDAR acquisition, which
was funded by eight institutions in the Khmer Archaeology LiDAR
Consortium; APSARA Authority, the University of Sydney, l'ficole
franjaise d'Extreme-Orient, Societe Concessionaire d'Aeroport,
the Hungarian Southeast Asian Research Institute, Japan-APSARA
Safeguarding Angkor, the Archaeology and Development Foundation and the
World Monuments Fund. All mistakes are the responsibility of the
principal author.
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Received: 18 March 2015; Accepted: 10 June 2015; Revised: 13 July
Miriam T. Stark (1), Damian Evans (2), Chhay Rachna (3), Heng
Piphal (1) & Alison Carter (4)
(1) Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai'i-Manoa,
2424 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (Email:;
(2) The Siem Reap Centre, Tfcole franfaise d'Extreme-Orient,
Boeung Don Pa, Slorkram, Siem Reap, Cambodia (Email:
(3) Angkor International Centre of Research and Documentation,
APSARA National Authority, Cambodia (Email: chhayrachna @gmail. com)
(4) Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 109 Davenport Hall MC-148, 607 South Mathews Avenue
#109, Urbana, 61801IL, USA (Email:
doi: 10.15184/aqy.2015-159