An early date for cattle from Namaqualand, South Africa: implications for the origins of herding in southern Africa.
Orton, Jayson ; Mitchell, Peter ; Klein, Richard 等
On first reaching southern Africa in 1488, Europeans encountered
pastoralist populations (the Khoekhoen) who possessed numerous sheep and
cattle, access to which was a key motivation in the eventual
establishment of a Dutch East India Company (VOC) outpost at Cape Town in 1652. The origin of these domesticates, as well as the dogs and goats
that some Khoekhoen also owned, has been debated for over a century,
although always recognising that they must have come from north of the
Equator (Smith 2005). Sourcing the domesticates has also often been
linked to their frequent--though not universal--co-occurrence with
pottery and with the history of the Khoe language family, one variant of
which the Khoekhoen themselves spoke (Guldemann 2008).
The debate is complex. One view envisages a spread west from
Botswana then south through Namibia into the Cape of South Africa (Cooke
1965). The alternative sees a more complex set of movements along the
eastern margins of the Kalahari, south toward the Orange/Vaal confluence
and then downstream into Namibia and Namaqualand, as well as southward
via the Karoo into the Cape (Figure 1) (Elphick 1985; Ehret 2008).
Related to this is the question of process: did livestock, pottery and
the Khoe language spread as an integrated package around 2000 years
ago--perhaps combined with a distinctive style of geometric rock art
(Smith & Ouzman 2004)? And was this spread the result of migration
from the far north of Botswana (Westphal 1963), but possibly with
ultimate origins in East Africa (Smith 2006, 2008; see also Henn et al.
2008 for a genetic perspective on this)? Or was the appearance of the
Khoekhoen as an ethno-linguistic community a more recent, late
first/early second-millennium AD development in the Cape, preceded by
many centuries in which sheep were exchanged among indigenous
hunter-gatherer populations in Namibia and western South Africa to
produce a situation of 'hunters-with--sheep' who only rarely
developed a greater commitment to livestock rearing (Sadr 1998, 2008)?
Both these models for the spread of livestock--and most overviews
(e.g. Klein 1986; Deacon & Deacon 1999; Mitchell 2002)--assume that
the earliest livestock were sheep, with cattle not reaching the Cape
before 1300 BP, perhaps from mixed farming iron--using Bantu-speaking
communities significantly further east (Smith 2006). Indeed, Sadr (1998:
124, note 5) went so far as to ask if the intensive cattle-rearing
recorded for late seventeenth-century Khoekhoen at the Cape was "a
response to the lucrative VOC market for beef", in which case the
large numbers of cattle reported by Dutch observers would have been a
very recent development, wholly uncharacteristic of the preceding 1500
years. Publication of AMS radiocarbon dates from Toteng 1, Botswana, has
since shown that domesticated cattle were present in a microlithic Later
Stone Age (LSA) context in the northern Kalahari some 2000 years ago
(Robbins et al. 2005, 2008). Until now, however, comparable evidence has
been lacking elsewhere in southern Africa. The only exception would be
Horsburgh's (2008) identification of cattle DNA in bones from
2000-year-old deposits at Byneskranskop Shelter, south-east of Cape
Town. However, she now believes that further analysis is needed for
confirmation of this. Here we report a new directly dated horn core of
cattle (Bos taurus) flora KN2005/041 in Namaqualand near Koingnaas on
South Africa's Atlantic coast (Figure 1). This find contradicts
long-held views about the antiquity of cattle so far south and carries
important implications as to how and in what circumstances livestock
reached southernmost Africa.
KN2005/041 (30[degrees]14'06"S,
17[degrees]15'00"E) is an in sim shell midden located some
570m from the sea and 3.3km from the Swartlintjies River. The single
archaeological layer present was excavated over an area of 10.5[m.sup.2]
in mitigation of mining activities (Orton & Halkett 2006). The
moderately sized lithic assemblage (N = 354) is made almost entirely in
quartz (91.2% of all flaked stone artefacts and made from both crystal
and vein variants), with much smaller components of crypto-crystalline
silica (5.4%), silcrete (2.8%) and other rocks (0.6%). Bipolar reduction
dominates the cores (76.9%). Despite having just one backed point in
crystal, the assemblage conforms well to a subset of Holocene
Namaqualand assemblages characterised by very frequent use of crystal
quartz overall and a preponderance of backed items among the retouched
component, itself usually exclusively made of crystal quartz (Orton et
al. 2005). Other artefacts comprise three ostrich eggshell beads (mean
external diameter: 4.74:[:0.15mm; mean aperture: 1.28+0.22mm), a few
fragments of bead manufacturing debris and the rims of two limpets
(Scutellastra argenvillei), the latter water worn and/or sandblasted and
presumably collected from the beach. Pottery was absent. A single AMS
charcoal date (OXA-22979) of 1631 [+ or -] 23 BP (AD 418-552, 95.4%
probability) conforms well with the AMS date for a cattle horn reported
The KN2005/041 horn core
At KN2005/041 the surviving bones were highly fragmented and had
been impacted by carnivore chewing (see Table 1 for a complete species
list). The assemblage includes a domestic cow (Bos taurus) horn core
base (Figure 2). It has been dated directly to 1625 [+ or -] 25 BP
(OXA-22933), which calibrates to AD 421-559. This date overlaps almost
entirely with that obtained on the above noted charcoal sample from the
same site and reinforces the stratigraphic case for a single, brief
occupation in the fifth/sixth centuries AD.
Although organic preservation was poor, we were able to recover a
very small fragment of mitochondrial DNA from the horn core. In keeping
with advance expectations, this matched the homologous portion of the
mitochondrial genome in cow. In contrast, a more extensive segment of
the mitochondrial genome recovered from a very young upper right maxilla (Figure 3) that we had previously identified as cow from Reception
Shelter, approximately 200km to the south-east (Orton et al. 2011),
turned out instead to represent gemsbok (Oryx gazella), a large
indigenous bovid that was common nearby historically and has been
identified in other regional archaeological sites (Dewar 2008). The
maxilla had been directly dated to 1840[+ or -]26 BP (OXA-25354) or AD
132-226 calibrated at 95.4% probability, and it thus appeared to support
the early to mid-first millennium occurrence of cattle indicated by the
Koingnaas horn core. The layer from which it came contained pottery and
may yet provide cattle remains, but our misidentification illustrates
the value of an ancient DNA check on a specimen that in retrospect was
morphologically ambiguous. For specialists who may want to undertake
similar checks, we provide Supplementary Material that outlines the DNA
extraction and analysis protocols used.
Implications for the origins and spread of domestic livestock
Table 2 summarises the direct dates for early domestic livestock
from Namaqualand and elsewhere in southern Africa. Sites associated with
Early Farming Communities are excluded, but cattle were certainly
present in such contexts in the eastern half of southern Africa from at
least the sixth century AD (Huffman 1998), and in at least one instance
were apparently kept there by hunter-gatherers (Mitchell et al. 2008).
In the sub-continent's semi-arid western third, the directly
dated KN2005/041 horn core pushes back the antiquity of cattle in South
Africa by roughly 300 years. It is significantly older than the cattle
previously reported in a Western Cape LSA context from Layer 14 at
Kasteelberg B (Klein & Cruz-Uribe 1989; Smith 2006), which postdate 1310 [+ or -] 50 BP (Pta-4373). The bones in question have never been
directly dated but represent the oldest positively identified cattle
from this site, which seems to have functioned principally as a sealing
and sheep-kraaling station where cattle were, at all times, only rarely
or episodically kept or slaughtered (Klein & Cruz-Uribe 1989: 85-86;
Cruz-Uribe & Klein 1994: 36). The importance of directly dating
faunal remains is nevertheless well established from previous work on
the antiquity of sheep in southern Africa (Sealy & Yates 1994,
1996), which showed that in several cases putatively early sheep bones
and teeth had, in fact, migrated down through archaeological
stratigraphies into older contexts. Previously, direct dating of cattle
has only been undertaken at Toteng 1 in northern Botswana. There, a
second/third carpal, identified as Bas taurus on a combination of
qualitative and metric criteria, is dated to the first/second centuries
BC (Beta-1904888, 2070 [+ or -] 40 BP). Any residual ambiguity that
might pertain to this identification certainly does not apply to an
overlying upper molar, dated to the mid-first millennium AD
(Beta-186670, 1480 [+ or -] 40 BP) (Robbins et al. 2005, 2008). Our
findings confirm the importance of directly dating archaeologically
important faunal remains wherever this is possible and also, given our
experience at Reception Shelter, of confirming any ambiguous
identifications with DNA analyses. We now discuss their implications for
the history and development of livestock keeping in southern Africa.
For over a decade Sadr (1998, 2003, 2008) has argued that livestock
(in the form of sheep) were introduced to south-western southern Africa
via diffusion or exchange among resident hunter-gatherer communities.
These groups are postulated to have added the keeping of small numbers
of sheep to a mobile hunter-gatherer lifestyle without otherwise
significantly transforming their mode of subsistence or social
relations. An explicit parallel is drawn with some central Kalahari
Bushman groups, who have recently added goat-herding to their economy
without, apparently, altering their social relations to any great degree
(Ikeya 1993). Pottery may have spread along with sheep, but its
dispersal (or innovation; Sadr & Sampson 2006) is not germane to our
discussion here. More relevant is Sadr's (1998) rejection of
migration as the vehicle for introducing ceramics and sheep to the Cape
and his argument that the ancestors of the historic Khoekhoen only
arrived there late in the first millennium AD. For him, this is
indicated by the presence at that point--among several other changes in
material culture and faunal assemblages--of lugged ceramics in the key
Kasteelberg sequence, paralleled by other instances of pottery with lugs
at sites further north.
Countering these arguments, Smith (2006, 2008) has resolutely
maintained the case for an immigrant ancestral Khoe population having
introduced both pottery and sheep to the Cape some 2000 years ago. One
key element of his argument is the identification of distinct
archaeological assemblages on the landscape of the Vredenburg peninsula
around Kasteelberg over the past 2000 years (interpreted as produced by
hunters and herders respectively; Smith et al. 1991). A second mainstay
is the difficulty that egalitarian foragers are supposed to have had in
acquiring the technical knowledge to keep livestock or in retaining
privately owned live animals in defiance of sharing obligations
(although this must have happened at some point, presumably at the
origin of the Khoe migration through close contact with an already
existing pastoralist society; Smith 1990; cf. Barnard 2008). Both points
are debatable. For example, ahernative readings of the Vredenburg
peninsula's archaeology are possible (Schrire 1992; Sadr et al.
2003), while the criteria suggested as differentiating herders from
hunter-gatherers are not readily applicable to other areas where the two
are thought to have co-existed (Wilson 1996; Webley 1997; but cf.
Parsons 2007). Moreover, the assumption that late first-millennium
BC/early first-millennium AD Cape foragers were organised socially along
the same lines as twentieth- century Bushmen is merely that; Jerardino
(1996), for instance, postulates a more delayed return economy (Woodburn
1982), while Wilmsen (1989) suggests that today's egalitarianism is
a function of encapsulation by herders and agropastoralists (Woodburn
Also relevant, however, is Smith's argument that to allow for
predation, disease and other losses and to provide meat and milk, people
would have had to keep sheep in flocks of 60-100 (Smith 2006: 69-70).
While these numbers derive from East African and Middle Eastern
comparisons (Dahl & Hjort 1976) that may not be appropriate in a
southern African setting two millennia ago, the spatially extensive
dung-rich horizons within Boomplaas Cave (Deacon et al. 1978) suggest
that at least some people kept sheep in large numbers, or over a long
time, in the Cape. By the time that those deposits formed in the
mid-first millennium AD, cattle, as well as sheep, were present in
Namaqualand (Table 2). As with sheep, the presence of a single
identifiable Bos taurus element surely implies that many more cattle
were on the landscape (Huffman 1998). Moreover, we now have not just
one, but two sets of skills and technical knowledge to consider, one to
care for flocks of sheep, the other for maintaining herds of cattle.
Does this mean that sheep and cattle spread together? The
co-occurrence of both species at Toteng 1 and the overlap of the dates
we report here with some of those for directly dated sheep in the Cape
certainly allows for this possibility. On the other hand, we know from
Spoegrivier Cave, only a few kilometres south of KN2005/041, that sheep
were present in Namaqualand as early as the late first millennium
BC/very early first millennium AD (2105 [+ or -] 65 BP, OXA-3862; Sealy
& Yates 1994). Sheep may therefore have been kept in Namaqualand
before cattle, although the fact that epizootic disease barriers, such
as trypanosomiasis, will not have prevailed in the western half of
southern Africa south of the Okavango (Gifford-Gonzalez 2000) means
that, so long as sufficient grazing and water were consistently
available to allow both sheep and cattle to be maintained, there were
fewer serious ecological barriers to their paired southward movement.
Sustaining large numbers of livestock, on the other hand, will have
demanded strategies to deal with locally prevalent nutritional
deficiencies, poisonous plants (such as gifblaar, Dichapetalurn
cyrnosum) and diseases (such as botulism (lamsiekte)).
Parsimony would also favour a single, paired introduction of both
cattle and sheep, though the complete absence of cattle (but not sheep)
in the fine-line rock art tradition of the Cape has been cited as
evidence for a later introduction of cattle there (Yates et al. 1994).
Stable isotope analyses of human skeletons from the southern Cape (Cape
Town to the Tsitsikamma coast) may back this by suggesting a dietary
shift toward [C.sub.4]-based foods (most probably cattle-derived dairy
products) only from the early second millennium AD (Sealy 2010), but
earlier skeletons are few and comparable studies from Atlantic South
Africa have yet to be undertaken. Isotopic analyses of sheep (and one
cow) from Kasteelberg (Balasse etal. 2002) nevertheless suggest that
precolonial herders were not as mobile as those encountered by the Dutch
in the mid/late seventeenth century, perhaps indicating that they did
not manage large numbers of cattle, which would have required greater
mobility than sheep.
There is then the question of the route or routes by which
livestock moved. As we have seen, opinion has historically been split
between a more westerly direction and a more complicated dispersal
pattern passing through the central interior of South Africa. Smith
& Ouzman (2004) recently emphasised the latter by reference to the
distribution of a geometric rock art style that they attribute to the
Khoekhoen, but the oldest known examples of domestic sheep from South
Africa come exclusively from the south- western part of the country.
These are at Spoegrivier (Sealy & Yates 1994), Blombos on the south
coast near Mossel Bay (Henshilwood 1996) and Boomplaas (Deacon et al.
1978). Fieldwork and dating are, of course, much patchier than we should
like, but the continuing failure of archaeological excavations to
deliver early first-millennium AD/late first- millennium BC directly
dated livestock from the Karoo, the Free State or areas further north
within South Africa counsels against a dispersai route through the areas
envisaged by Elphick (1985), Smith & Ouzman (2004) and Ehret (2008).
That we now have early first-millennium AD instances of cattle, as well
as sheep, near South Africa's Atlantic shoreline dating to the
fifth/sixth centuries AD, only a few hundred years after both species
occur in northern Botswana, leads us instead to favour, at least south
of the Orange River, a southward movement along that coast. In support,
the Spoegrivier mammalian microfauna indicates a milder climate and
greater grass cover around 2000 years ago that may have facilitated the
introduction of sheep to the area (Avery 1992). Moreover, where water
running along bedrock emerges above the high tide level along
Namaqualand's coast, seeps attract animals today and could have
provided fresh water to migratory livestock in the past.
Finally, we briefly address those studies that have considered
these issues from the standpoint of historical linguistics. Ehret (2008)
has long maintained that ancestral Khoespeakers acquired sheep before
cattle and at a time when Proto-Khoekhoe was already diverging from
early forms of the Khoe languages spoken today by hunter- gatherers in
the Kalahari. He has further sourced those livestock to a putative
Central Sudanic--(more recently) 'Eastern Sahelian'-speaking
population of East African origin said to have moved south into the
mid-Zambezi region. However, the linguistic basis of these claims is
weak (Haacke 2008) and other assessments emphasise that the immediate
ancestors of both Proto-Kalahari Khoe and Proto-Khoekhoe may have been
familiar with cattle, as well as sheep (Guldemann 2008:107), consistent
with the presence of both species at Toteng 1 around 2000 years ago.
Furthermore, while Khoekhoe does indeed seem less than two millennia
old, perhaps supporting Sadr's (1998) hypothesis about a late
first-millennium AD Khoekhoe arrival in the Cape, such a young
linguistic age "does not exclude the earlier presence of other Khoe
speakers" (Guldemann 2008: 106) and thus a migrationist scenario
for the introduction of both cattle and sheep through western southern
Africa some 2000 years ago.
The AMS date on domestic cattle from KN2005/041 significantly
pushes back the antiquity of cattle in South Africa, raising the
possibility that cattle and sheep arrived at the Cape together around
2000 years ago. While residual doubt may attach to identifications of
postcrania (Sadr 2008: 182), no such queries pertain to the identity of
the KN2005/041 hora core reported here which is supported by ancient
DNA. Key findings of our study are that: (1) cattle were present in
westem South Africa early in the first millennium AD; (2) early cattle
are thus unlikely to have been obtained from Bantu-speaking
agropastoralists in eastern South Africa, because the date presented
here pre-dates (or only minimally overlaps with the start of) the
Banm-expansion into that region (Huffman 2007); (3) migration may be a
more tenable hypothesis than diffusion for the spread of early
pastoralism (although whether early migrants spoke Khoekhoe remains
moot); and (6) livestock are more likely to have spread along a westem
route to the Cape than one through the central interior of southern
Notwithstanding the importance of the date discussed here, debate
on southern Africa's earliest herders still emphasises what species
they kept and in what numbers rather than how they managed their
livestock on the regional landscape as part of a mixed economy that also
included substantial components of gathering and hunting (though, for an
exception to this generalisation, see Smith 1983, 2006). It is toward
that goal that further work must be directed and we expect that further
stable isotope analyses (cf. Balasse et al. 2002) and more detailed
palaeoenvironmental studies (cf. Avery 1992) will help meet it.
Identification and excavation of additional sites at which livestock
were kept and killed is also critical. In the Cape some progress is now
being made in finding such locales, often in the open and with low
densities of archaeological remains (Fauvelle-Aymar et al. 2006;
Jerardino & Maggs 2007). The fact that the horn core we discuss here
comes from a small open-air shell midden reiterates this point, as well
as the likelihood that high-density sites such as those at Kasteelberg
may be the exception, not the norm (Arthur 2008). Direct dating and DNA
extraction from relevant faunal remains is nevertheless essential since
only if we know for certain which species were present when can we begin
to flame questions about the social and economic impacts of herding, let
alone the identities of those keeping livestock. Longstanding debates
about the early history of pastoralism in East Africa (summarised by
Ambrose 1998 and Gifford-Gonzalez 1998) would undoubtedly benefit from a
comparable programme of targeted AMS dating (Gifford-Gonzalez 2005) and
genetic sequencing.
Returning south, we predict that future research in Namibia will
find cattle as early as, or earlier than, in Namaqualand. Nor shall we
be surprised if the date reported here is eventually matched by others
from sites located still further south within the Fynbos Biome of the
The dates were obtained through NERC grants NF/2010/2/4 and
NF/2009/2/4 to Peter Mitchell and we thank Professor Tom Higham for his
help in the submission and processing of the samples. Ancient DNA
analyses were funded by a Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Grant to
K.A. Horsburgh. Mr Petro Visser (Reception Shelter) and De Beers
Namaqualand Mines (KN2005/041) are thanked for access to the sites and
two referees and Professor Martin Carver for their helpful comments on
the original manuscript.
Received: 8 February 2012; Accepted: 30 March 2012; Revised: 26
April 2012
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Jayson Orton (1), Peter Mitchell (2), Richard Klein (3), Teresa
Steele (4) & K. Ann Horsburgh (5)
(1) Archaeology Contracts Office, University of Cape Town,
Rondebosch 7701, South Africa; School of Archaeology & St
Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Oxford 0X2 6LE, UK (Email:;
(2) School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, St Hugh's
College, Oxford OX2 6LE, UK; School of Geography, Archaeology and
Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits 2050, South
Africa (Email: peter,
(3) Program in Human Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
94305, USA (Email:
(4) Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis, CA
95616-8522, USA (Email:
(5) Department of Anatomy and the Allan Wilson Cemre for Molecular
Ecology and Evolution, PO Box 913, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054,
New Zealand (Email:; School of Geography,
Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand,
Wits 2050, South Africa
Table 1. Faunal remains trom KN2005/041, presented as the Number of
Identifiable Specimens (NISP) and Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI)
for each taxon. Counts for tortoises are based on humeri.
Linnaean names Vernacular names NISP/MNI
Leporidae gen. et sp. indet. rabbits and hares 10/2
Felis libyca wildcat 1/1
Mellivora capensis honey badger 1/1
Arctocephalus pusillus Cape fur seal 3/1
Raphicerus campestres steenbok 1/1
Bos taurus cattle 1/1
small bovid(s) 9/1
large-medium bovid(s) 1/1
large bovid(s) 3/1
Chersina angulata angulate tortoise 4
Spheniscus demersus African penguin 1/1
other birds 1/1
fish 4/1
Table 2. Early dates for cattle and sheep in Namaqualand and other
parts of southern Africa discussed in the text. All dates are
calibrated on OxCal (Bronk-Ramsey 1995, 2009) using the SHCa104
curve (McCormac et al. 2004).
Site Location Lab. no. Date BP
Toteng 1 Northern Botswana Beta-1904888 2070 [+ or -] 40
KN2005/041 Northern Namaqualand OxA-22933 1625 [+ or -] 25
Toteng 1 Northern Botswana Beta-186670 1480 [+ or -] 40
Kasteelberg B Western Cape Pta-4373 1310 [+ or -] 50
Spoegrivier Northern Namaqualand OxA-3862 2105 [+ or -] 65
Toteng 1 Northern Botswana Beta-186669 2020 [+ or -] 40
Blombos Cave Southern Cape OYA-4543 1960 [+ or -] 50
Blombos Cave Southern Cape OYA-4544 1880 [+ or -] 55
Boomplaas Southern Cape UW-338 1700 [+ or -] 55
Boomplaas Southern Cape UW 337 1630 [+ or -] 50
Boomplaas Southern Cape UW307 1510 [+ or -] 75
date (95.4%
Site probability) Comment Reference
Toteng 1 162 BC-AD 75 Cattle, second/third Robbins et al.
right carpal 2005.2008
KN2005/041 AD 421-559 Cattle, horn core This paper
Toteng 1 AD 556-667 Cattle, upper molar Robbins et al.
Kasteelberg B AD 665-885 Terminus post quern Klein &
for cattle at this Cruz-Uribe
site 1989
Spoegrivier 350 BC-AD 115 Sheep, third Sealy & Yates
Cave phalange 1994
Toteng 1 83 BC AD 131 Sheep, right Robbins et al.
astragalus 2005.2008
Blombos Cave 34 BC-AD 237 Sheep, left mandible Henshilwood
Blombos Cave AD 62-344 Sheep, calcaneum Henshilwood
Boomplaas AD 255-543 Charcoal from Deacon et al.
hearth at base of 1978
Boomplaas AD 384-604 Top of DGL below Deacon et al.
historic dung 1978
Boomplaas AD 420-760 Charcoal from Deacon et al.
stone-lined hearth 1978
at top of BLD2