The antiquity of sustained offshore fishing.
Anderson, Atholl
Discussion about the level of maritime capability required in
Pleistocene voyaging includes an argument that archaeological remains of
pelagic fish indicate routine travel offshore, which implies the
existence of relatively sophisticated boats. In regard to Wallacea,
O'Connell et al. (2010: 60) cite remains of tuna and deep-water
shark at Buang Merabak (New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, 35-45 kya), of
pelagic fish at Kilu Cave (Buka Island, Papua New Guinea, >30 kya)
and of tuna at Jerimalai (Timot-Leste, 42 kya), and conclude that
"these data are best read to indicate angling from boats, well
offshore". The proposition is plausible but validating it is mote difficult than such assertions suggest. I argue here that the Jerimalai
evidence does not identify tuna or sustain a conclusion of systematic
offshore fishing, that inshore fishing was more probable, and that the
general history of fishing for tuna, the pelagic type nonpareil, does
not imply the existence of advanced maritime technology much before the
Holocene. As there are ambiguities in defining marine zonation from an
archaeological perspective (Pickard & Bonsall 2004), I will use
'inshore' to mean the coastal or neritic zone (shoreline to
200m deep), and 'offshore' to mean the oceanic or pelagic zone
beyond 200m deep. Similarly, as 'systematic' implies a degree
of planning that is not necessarily inherent in the relative abundance
of a captured species, I prefer 'sustained' to describe
archaeological data in which a species, or small group of related fish,
appears at > 10 per cent amongst fish numbers over a long period.
Jerimalai fish bone
Amongst fish bone from a 1[m.sup.2] excavation at Jerimalai
shelter, on the eastern tip of Timor, Scombridae (tunas and mackerels)
comprised 34 per cent of MNI in level I (42-38 kya), 26 per cent in
level II (17-9 kya), and 17 per cent overall (O'Connor et al. 2011:
tab. 3). But was the scombrid bone from tuna?
Scombridae includes 13 Thunnini tuna, 8 Sardini (of which bonito and dogtooth are commonly grouped with tuna), and 28 species of
mackerels, including wahoo (Collette & Nauen 1983). With that
diversity, a comparative fish bone collection for Jerimalai would have
included, ideally, at least the 22 scombrid species found currently in
the area (Table 1), especially as the archaeological bone, analysed by
Rintaro Ono (pers. comm. 26 September 2012) consisted entirely of
vertebrae that were identified mainly by the size and shape of centra.
They appeared closer to those from yellowfin and skipjack tuna than to
dogtooth tuna or Spanish mackerel, these constituting the only species
available for comparison, but not sufficiently for Ono to identify any
sub-family, tribe, genus or species of Scombridae.
In other words, no tuna bone was identified from Jerimalai. It is
difficult to understand, therefore, how O'Connor et al. (2011:
1117, 1119) could decide to gloss the Jerimalai scombrids exclusively as
'tuna'. In addition, while O'Connor et al. (2011: 1117,
tab. 3) locate Scombridae entirely within the 'pelagic' or
'offshore' zone, it is apparent that most scombrids around
Timor occur inshore. Oceanic tunas, such as yellowfin, albacore and
skipjack, are outnumbered by neritic tunas and mackerels (Table 1). The
diversity of neritic scombrids contradicts the assumption in
O'Connor et al. (2011) that the Jerimalai scombrids must have been
oceanic and caught in the pelagic zone. Therefore, the two core
propositions of O'Connor et al. (2011; O'Connor 2007, 2010),
that scombrid bone from Jerimalai came only from tuna, and that tuna
were caught exclusively offshore, are supported neither by fishbone
identification nor by the habitat range of scombrids currently available
in the area. Further considerations are possible in assessing the
likelihood of offshore versus inshore fishing near Jerimalai.
Fishing offshore
If there was sustained offshore fishing for tuna then several
characteristics of the catch might be expected. First, fish that occur
frequently in association with scombrids could also be represented, e.g.
dolphin fish (Coryphaenidae), billfish (Istiophoridae) and mackerel
sharks (Lamnidae) (Gillett 2011). Bone from those families occurs often
with tuna bone in archaeological assemblages, sometimes more frequently
than tuna, in undoubted offshore fisheries of the late prehistoric
western and central Pacific (Kuang-Ti 2001; Amesbury &
Hunter-Anderson 2008) and in California (Rick et al. 2008). None are
represented at any stage in the Jerimalai data. Of the families that are
included amongst 'pelagic' taxa at Jerimalai (O'Connot et
al. 2011: tab. 3), the jacks and trevallies (Carangidae) and the requiem
sharks (Carcharhinidae) are very speciose and include many which are
common inshore, while barracudas (Sphyraenidae) and needlefish
(Belonidae) are mainly neritic taxa.
Second, fishing offshore could hardly have avoided catching some of
the large individuals characteristic of oceanic scombrids (Table 1).
O'Connor (2007: 530, 2010: 50) refers to "jaws and vertebrae
from large individuals of pelagic species such as tuna" but, in
fact, it seems that no scombrid jaws were identified and that the
distinguishing feature of the pelagic fish bones at Jerimalai is their
unusually small size, indicative of individuals only 50-60cm in length
(O'Connor et al. 2011: 1119). The authors suggest that they might
have been immature fish caught in nets such as purse seines and leader
nets, but the former have nineteenth-century origins (Morgan &
Staples 2006) and the latter, in the tonnare form, developed out of
beach seining in the last millennium (Fonteneau 2009). Consistent size
selection could imply drift (gill) nets, the history of which is
obscure, but they did not occur in the Pacific until the historical era.
In any case, nets of most types would not preclude catching the much
larger individuals that form the 'common size' (the expected
size range, by fork-length, in a catch) of the oceanic scombrids (Table
Third, the eastern tip of Timor-Leste is a hazardous area for
unmotorised watercraft, and local fishermen work the inshore waters for
scombrid mackerel and trevally, leaving tuna and billfish offshore to
recreational fishers in large boats (Lloyd et al. 2008). Powerful tidal
rips are overlaid upon a main branch of the Indonesian Throughflow,
which moves Pacific water to the Indian Ocean. The strongest mean
wind-flow in Timor-Leste also curls around the eastern tip creating
heavy seas offshore. At 40 kya, sea level was around 80m lower than
today, with Jaco Island joined to the mainland. The eastern strait would
have been narrowed to less than half its present width, forcing higher
current and surface-wind velocities in which boats would have little
manoeuvrability and a strong chance of being carried beyond return. A
sustained offshore fishery would have been a very high-risk endeavour.
Could scombrid fishing represented in Pleistocene Jerimalai have
occurred without boats?
Inshore fishing
A preponderance of small scombrids at Jerimalai suggests that
fishing occurred more probably inshore, where at least six neritic
species, three tuna and three mackerel, existed in common sizes
overlapping with the estimated size range of the Jerimalai specimens
(Table 1). The catch could also have included immature scombrids of
oceanic taxa chasing baitfish inshore, but equally it could have
included large individuals of the small neritic scombrids. On balance it
was most likely to have been composed mainly of the neritic mackerels
and tuna that overlapped the Jerimalai size range.
There is no clue to catching methods in the material culture at
Jerimalai, except for a few pieces of shell bait-hooks after about 20
kya. If the basic coastal structure was much the same at 40 kya as it is
now, which is a reasonable assumption on these steep coasts, then it
would have alternated headlands dropping almost directly into deep water
with stretches of wave-cut intertidal platform, upon which there was
either coral reef or beaches of coral sand. These too dropped away
steeply into deep water, often <150m from the tideline. Intertidal
platforms around the eastern tip of Timor-Leste would have suited the
use of fish-traps built from coral slabs and boulders or, on soft
shores, of fences constructed from stakes and wattling. These were
methods employed widely in the Indo-Pacific (e.g. Pernetta & Hill
1981; Barham 2000).
Simple seines of a traditional Pacific type where foliage is
twisted into and suspended from a top rope could have been used on
beaches. Seines of this kind were held at short intervals by people,
instead of floats, and an apparent wall of turbid water, legs and
foliage deterred fish from escaping. Woven seine nets, if available,
could have been dragged out by wading, swimming or paddling a small
raft. Beach seines are common in tropical regions and often catch
scombrids. In Southeast Asia, fence traps catch king mackerel, Indian
mackerel and short mackerel, while beach seines catch bullet tuna,
frigate tuna, kawakawa, skipjack tuna, Spanish mackerel, Indian
mackerel, king mackerel and seerfish (Tietze et al. 2011).
Angling from headlands, or reefs at low tide, is also possible.
Shore-based tuna fishing, including for oceanic species, is a modern
sport (Hays 2000), and most scombrids take bait readily. It could have
been conducted at Jerimalai without hooks by using baited gorges made
from bone, bamboo or large fish spines. High ground close to the coast
may have facilitated the tracking of scombrid schools and the deployment
of fishing gear.
Discussion and conclusions
The very small fish bone sample size from Pleistocene levels at
Jerimalai (386 pieces) precludes any more profound conclusion than that
it had a high incidence of scombrid vertebrae (63 per cent). Whether
this suggests that fishing sought scombrids especially, or only that
they were relatively abundant in areas where fishing occurred, is
unknown. Systematic targeting cannot be assumed. Strong currents and
upwelling probably supported large scombrid populations near Jerimalai
at 40 kya, as they do today, and deep water adjacent to the intertidal
zone probably facilitated catching of scombrids, including small tunas,
by shorebound fishing methods. However, which scombrid species were
caught at Jerimalai is unknown. The claim for tuna fishing is without
empirical foundation. There is no evidence of a systematic offshore
fishery. If there is a lesson to be drawn from the Jerimalai case it is
that most fish families referred to casually as 'pelagic'
include neritic as well as oceanic species, and establishing the
difference securely is often critical to arguments about maritime
When, then, did sustained tuna fishing begin anywhere? It is not
evident in the Pleistocene Wallacean evidence, as has just been
demonstrated. In European cases, northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus
thynnus), at 28 kya in Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar, is doubtfully
cultural (Morales-Muniz & Rosello-Izquierdo 2008), and bluefin and
little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus) occur only sparsely in Holocene
levels at Cueva de Nerja, Spain (Morales-Muniz & Rosello-Izquierdo
2008). At Franchthi Cave, Greece, however, bluefin appear at the end of
the Pleistocene, and sustained fishing for them is apparent by the
early-mid Holocene (Stiner & Munro 2011). In the Americas, tuna
occur archaeologically at 11 kya in Ecuador, 9 kya in California (Rick
et al. 2001: tab. 5), and 7.5 kya in Peru (Bearez 2000), but sustained
fishing began in the mid-Holocene for bluefin on the northern Pacific
coast (Crockford 1997) and for albacore, skipjack and black skipjack
(Euthynnus lineatus) in Mexico (Kennett et al. 2008). In the Californian
Channel Islands, occupied since 10 kya, tuna fishing began about 1.5 kya
(Rick et al. 2008), and it was similarly late, <2 kya, in the West
Indies (Wing & Wing 2001; Steadman & Jones 2006). In the
Indo-Pacific, Thunnus sp. and Euthynnus affinis are evident in
frequencies of 5-40 per cent at Arabian Gulf sites of the sixth to
fourth millennia BC (Beech 2002; Popov et al. 2005). Frequent fishing
for Thunnus sp. and Katsuwonus sp. began in Japan by the early Holocene
(Habu 2010). In the central Pacific, where colonisation occurred 3 kya,
tuna fishing is mostly later than 2 kya, often later than 1 kya (e.g.
Ono & Clark 2010). Most data refer only to Scombridae (tuna values
unknown) but, of 34 sites (Amesbury & Hunter-Anderson 2008; Ono
& Intoh 2011), only five have NISP values greater than 10 per cent.
Incomplete as this survey is, it suggests that while tuna bone can
be found in Pleistocene sites, though rarely, sustained fishing did not
begin until the Holocene, when bone from other offshore species and
direct evidence of complex gear and boats support a conclusion of
routine offshore fishing. It is possible that earlier sustained offshore
fishing is evident in regard to some other fish species, but the
argument cannot be made for tuna. I conclude that there is no evidence
yet available to support a hypothesis of sustained pelagic fishing in
Wallacea or anywhere else much earlier than the Holocene. On that
ground, the argument for advanced boat technology in the Pleistocene
fails, as it does on others, not least in the Indo-Pacific (Anderson
2000, 2010) where the level of a seafaring capability sufficient to find
Australia from Timor was unable to breach the boundary of Near Oceania
for a further 40 000 years.
My thanks to Rintaro Ono for information about analysis of the
Jerimalai scombrids and to Geoff Clark for comments on a draft.
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Table 1. Species of Scombridae found around and near Timor-Leste.
Data from Collette & Nauen (1983). The taxa are ordered according
to common size.
Common name Scientific name
Southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyi
Wahoo Acanthocybium solandri
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares
Dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor
Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus
Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson
Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis
Albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga
Queensland school mackerel Scomberomorus queenslandicus
Australian spotted mackerel Scomberomorus munroi
Broad-barred king mackerel Scomberomorus semifasciatum
Longtail tuna Thunnus tonggol
Kawakawa tuna Euthynnus affinis
Spotted seerfish Scomberomorus guttatus
Striped bonito Sarda orientalis
Double-lined mackerel Thynnus bilineatus
Leaping bonito Cybiosarda elegans
Frigate tuna Auxis thazard
Spotted chub mackerel Scomber australasicus
Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta
Bullet tuna Auxis rochei
Short mackerel Rastrelliger brachysoma
Common name Habitat Common size (cm)
Southern bluefin tuna oceanic 160-200
Wahoo oceanic 100-170
Yellowfin tuna oceanic 100-150
Dogtooth tuna neritic 100-150
Bigeye tuna oceanic 100-130
Spanish mackerel neritic 70-90
Skipjack tuna oceanic 70-80
Albacore tuna oceanic 60-80
Queensland school mackerel neritic 50-80
Australian spotted mackerel neritic 50-80
Broad-barred king mackerel neritic 50-70
Longtail tuna neritic 40-70
Kawakawa tuna neritic 50-60
Spotted seerfish neritic 40-50
Striped bonito neritic 30-50
Double-lined mackerel neritic 40-45
Leaping bonito neritic 35^10
Frigate tuna neritic 25-40
Spotted chub mackerel neritic 25-30
Indian mackerel neritic 20-25
Bullet tuna neritic 15-25
Short mackerel neritic 15-20