Chronology, mound-building and environment at Huaca Prieta, coastal Peru, from 13 700 to 4000 years ago.
Dillehay, Tom D. ; Bonavia, Duccio ; Goodbred, Steven 等
The warming trend at the end of the Pleistocene led to new and
generally richer terrestrial and coastal environments that were
exploited by human foragers in several regions of the world (Straus et
al. 1996). Post-Pleistocene complex hunters and gatherers who practised
intensive maritime adaptations and established extensive often sedentary
communities are best represented by the Jomon culture in Japan (Habu
2004), the Ertebolle culture in Scandinavia (Miller et al. 2010), the
ring-mounds in the south-east of the United States (Thompson & Worth
2010) and the sambaqui mounds in Brazil (Fish et al. 2000). The
settlements of these cultures are invariably characterised by mortuary
rituals suggestive of social differentiation, and by extensive shell
middens that have yielded a wide array of marine and terrestrial
species. At different times between ~8000 and 4000 cal BP, some of these
communities also practised various degrees of horticulture as evidenced
by the appearance of food crops. Like these regions, the Pacific coast
from southern Ecuador to northern Chile witnessed the early rise of
complex societies, especially in Peru where sedentism and monumental
non-domestic architecture appeared by at least 5200 cal BP (Moseley
1975, 1992; Richardson 1981; Bird et al. 1985; Haas & Creamer 2006).
Some of these developments are due to the unique ecology of the region,
with diverse and abundant maritime resources closely juxtaposed with a
long fertile but arid coastal plain, through which rivers descend from
the Andean mountains. Others are the result of emerging ideologies
adopted by these communities, which built monuments prior to the use of
pottery. Associated with these changes was a variety of food and
industrial crops (Bird 1948; Pearsall 2008). Particularly important was
cotton for producing fishing nets, textiles and gourds for net floats.
One of the early coastal monuments is Huaca Prieta, a large stone and
earthen mound measuring 138 x 62 x 32m, built on the southern point of a
remnant Pleistocene terrace overlooking the Pacific Ocean and estuarine wetlands and the delta plain of the Chicama River valley (Bird et al.
1985) (Figure 1).
Huaca Prieta was first excavated by Junius Bird in the 1940s and
radiocarbon dated to between ~5302 and 1933 cal BP in the 1950s (Figure
2; Table 1). Based on the large size of the mound, on an abundance of
marine resources, wood charcoal, ash and soot, thus the appearance of a
black or prieta mound, and on the presence of small stone structures,
Bird believed that the site was occupied by sedentary people living in
pit-houses. In addition to a marine economy, he documented incipient
gardening and social differentiation, as indicated by the remains of
several food crops, the uninterrupted accumulation of cultural layers,
the presence of room structures, the interment of human burials with
grave offerings and a wide variety of material technologies including
lithic, gourd, basketry, bone, wood and textile. The most developed
technology at the site was cotton weaving and netting (Bird & Mahler
1952). The site's weavers devised sophisticated iconographic styles
with various designs. Iconography was also exhibited through incised and
engraved gourds, hematite painted pebbles and recently recovered coral
sculptures. A crude lithic industry included grinding stones for
processing plants and edge-trimmed pebble flake tools, hammerstones,
cores and other implements used for various tasks (Bird et al. 1985:
Until now, the broader importance of Bird's pioneering work at
Huaca Prieta has been constrained by few radiocarbon dates and cursory
study of the site's environment, stratigraphy and chronology,
architecture and off-mound activity. In 2006 we began an
interdisciplinary project at the site to re-examine the previous work
and to better understand the relationship between coastal environments,
economies and mound building within the site's changing social and
natural landscapes. To date, we have excavated more than 2000[m.sup.3]
in old and new areas of Huaca Prieta, located and explored other
domestic sites on the remnant terrace, conducted a survey of Preceramic
settlements along the coast of the Chicama River valley and
reconstructed the local palaeoecology (Figure 3).
The new work has greatly extended the time span of occupation at
the site and increased its significance for the understanding of the
development of early societies in Peru. We have documented the site
stratigraphy encountered by Bird and the primary refuse of charcoal,
ash, burned rock, the remains of numerous marine organisms such as fish,
urchins, shellfish, sea lion and porpoise, birds and other fauna, and
cultivated plants. We have also obtained numerous radiocarbon dates from
intact features and floors and defined several site phases (Table 1),
ranging in chronometric age from 13 720-13 260 cal BP for the first
human presence, from ~8979-7500 cal BP for a pre-mound occupational
phase and from ~7555-4510 cal BP for subsequent mound-building phases.
Our findings also indicate that the site was first occupied by maritime
foragers. After ~7500 cal BP, activity shifted about 50m north and the
first mound layers, associated with burning and mortuary rituals, were
built on the southern end of the terrace.
During five recent field seasons, we recut, profiled and studied
all of Bird's prior pits on the mound (Bird et al. 1985: 26),
particularly his HP-2 and HP-3 units (Figure 4), taking more than 15 000
measurements of stratigraphic profiles in 60 different archaeological
excavations, three with cultural deposits of 22-32m. We selected several
new areas for extensive and deeper excavations, working with large teams
of professional archaeologists and experienced local workers.
Specialists such as botanists, geneticists, malacologists and geologists
joined the research team for various periods of time to extract specific
data sets.
In total, we excavated 31 block units ranging in size from 2 x 6m
to 12 x 14m, 30 test pits ranging between 1 x 2m and 2 x 3m, more than
25 geological trenches and hundreds of sediment cores on and off the
site. Many of the test pits and small block units were exploratory in
nature, seeking to define the mound and off-mound stratigraphy, function
and chronology (Figure 3). Given the depth and size of the mound, which
covered or destroyed the early occupational deposits to a depth of
8-32m, we obtained only three terminal Pleistocene and six pre-mound
Early Holocene radiocarbon dates (Units 2, 9, 15 [21], HP-2, HP-3 and
TP-22). Additionally, five large 20 x 20m block units were subjected to
geophysical mapping for purpose of testing deep subsurface features.
Thus, the majority of our work was located in areas not probed by Bird,
such as the lower and upper south side of the site and deposits buried
underneath later Cupisnique and Moche mounds (~3500-1500 cal years ago)
located immediately north of Huaca Prieta.
We also carried out block excavations at Paredones, a smaller 30 x
70m mound located 1km north of Huaca Prieta (Figure 3). Paredones dates
between ~6700 and 4200 cal BP and presents a 6m-deep cultural sequence
associated with domestic occupation. The stratigraphy at both Huaca
Prieta and Paredones is intact, with almost impenetrable cement-like
floors and floor fills. Minimal disturbance resulted from occasional
architectural construction at Huaca Prieta.
In this paper we focus on the dating of the sequence. Summary
reports on the floodplain deposits, mound stratigraphy, architectural
phases, subsistence economy and off-mound domestic sites (including
Paredones) will be found in the supplement online (SOL) at
Holocene environmental history
Our recent palaeoecological studies indicate that the environs of
Huaca Prieta are defined by the interface of several geo-climatic
settings, which present diverse natural resources (Dillehay et al.
2010). Geological evidence reveals an intimate association with fertile
deltaic wetland systems that were juxtaposed with diverse semi-arid
lowlands and coastal estuarine and marine settings. Located at these
ecological junctions, settings like that of Huaca Prieta were
susceptible to environmental changes forced by various phenomena: local
(e.g. river avulsion, earthquakes), regional (e.g. El Nino), global
(e.g. sea-level change) or anthropogenic (e.g. land use) (Bird, R. 1983;
Sandweiss et al. 1999, 2009; Wells 1999). The earliest coastal plain
formation near the site is recorded by unique algal carbonate
(Charophyta) and interbedded organic sediments that indicate the
development of a widespread wetland-fringed, estuarine lagoon by 7457
cal BP (OS-77303, see Table 1). This setting persisted until 6470 cal BP
(AS-83258, see Table 1), after which the onset of El Nino floods began
to infill the lagoon with riverine silts. This major environmental
transformation from open-water lagoon to a well-drained floodplain
occurs over ~2000 years and is largely complete by 4500 cal BE
Floodplain deposition, largely through El Nino flood events, remains a
continuous but episodic process up to the present (Sandweiss et al.
1999) (SOL 1).
A prominent feature across the relatively flat and narrow coastal
plain of the Chicama River valley are several small drainages that
cross-cut the plain as they descend from the Andean foothills to the
ocean. These drainages change depending on the level of the water table
and El Nino events, becoming larger when heavy rains in the highlands
increase their load. When these drainages reach the ocean and mix with
its salty tidal water, numerous estuary systems are formed between 2 and
20km north of Huaca Prieta. These estuaries are generally narrow and
2-7km long, running perpendicular to the seashore, although they may
connect to lagoons that are elongated and parallel to the coast. Sand
dunes created by the sediments dumped by rivers and shaped by the action
of waves separate these wetland systems from the ocean. The wetlands
provide a wide variety of edible plant and animal life, in addition to
various species of reeds used to make mats, baskets and other
utilitarian items. Today, people grow crops along the edges of the
wetlands where the soils are rich and humid year round (Figure 2).
Phasing and dating at Huaca Prieta
In total, more than 150 radiocarbon dates were obtained from 60
mound and off-mound excavations and from various geological cuts and
cores (Table 1). Not all floor and use episodes were radiocarbon dated,
which would require more than 1000 chronometric measurements (see SOL).
However, the deeper stratigraphic cuts were dated from the top to
bottom, as shown in Figures 5-7 for Units 2, 15/21 and HP-3. All
radiocarbon dates from Huaca Prieta and Paredones were taken on single
chunks of wood charcoal, maize and cotton textiles recovered from
features embedded in floors. Unfortunately, not all excavated strata
contained single chunks embedded in floors or features. With the
exception of fragments of maize and other organic debris, which will be
detailed in later publications, all radiocarbon dates are on wood
charcoal and cotton. No radiocarbon samples were taken from fills and
middens or from marine shells. Given the different organic materials
dated by four different laboratories over a period of six decades,
nearly all dates agree and overlap chronologically and stratigraphically
at the 1[sigma] calibrated age range. There is also agreement and
stratigraphic alignment between Bird's [sup.14]C dates and his
schematic profile of the north to south oriented HP-3 trench and our
[sup.14]C dates and stratigraphy in this same unit (Bird et al. 1985:
51-8) (Figure 5).
Our excavations at the site have defined limited terminal
Pleistocene and Early Holocene occupational phases followed by four
successive mound-building phases (Figures 8 & 9). The terminal
Pleistocene materials are buried in the upper surface deposits of the
ancient terrace upon which the mound sits at Huaca Prieta. Because these
deposits are deeply buried beneath the mound, we have not yet fully
studied the spatial extent and geological setting of this occupation. To
date we have recovered simple edge-trimmed pebble flakes, several bone
remains of fish and sea lion, and fractured shellfish valves from these
deposits, which are dated between 13 720 and 13 260 cal BP (Table 1).
The mound sequence has been resolved in five phases. Phase I is
dated ~9000-7500 cal BP and is associated with maritime foragers and
incipient gardeners intermittently occupying around 80m of the lower
east side of the Sangamon terrace near the banks of the brackish water,
estuarine lagoon (see Table 1; Figures 3 & 4, Units 2, 9 &
15/21, HP-3 & TP 22). No architecture was detected for this phase.
Phase II is dated between ~7572 and 6538 cal BP and represents the first
mound construction stage. We estimate that the mound during this phase
minimally measured ~5m high, ~25m wide and ~25-35m long and consisted of
several cobblestone and soil layers. In Units 15/21 and HP-3, the first
layers are dated between 7429 and 6899 cal BP, with younger and older
dates stratigraphically bracketing these layers, respectively. In Unit
2, the first layer is represented by stratum 7C-2, which we have not
dated due to the absence of datable charcoal (Figure 6). However, this
layer overlies stratum 7C-3, which is AMS dated to between 7555 and 7434
cal years ago, suggesting the former probably dates to at least ~7000
cal years ago. The current evidence suggests that the earliest mound
layers were placed on the south-east flank and crest of the ancient
terrace near the shoreline of the lagoon (Table 1, Units 2, 15/21
& HP-3; and see Figure 3 and SOL 2). From there, the mound appears
to have gradually spread to the north and west along this flank, with
later construction layers reaching to the western edge of the terrace in
the vicinity of Bird's HP-2 pit. The use of space along the eastern
flank and the crest of the terrace eventually became more restricted by
the increasing steeper sloping sides of the mound. No stone room
foundations were recovered for this phase, though a few postholes and
cane poles were excavated suggesting the construction of perishable
The mound building phases, beginning with Phase II, did not develop
from a gradual accumulation of occupation midden but from deliberate and
gradual, planned mounding over a period of ~3000 years. The beginning
points of the individual mounding phases are represented in the form of
haystacking strata whereby a basal ring or layer of shingled cobblestone
berms are laid out and angled to define the outer limits of the
structure and to provide an architectural footing for the space inside
to be infilled by floors and floor fills (Figure 7).
During Phase III the focus of mound construction shifted more to
the crest and the western edge of the terrace (Figure 3; Table 1, Units
2, 15/21, HP-2, HP-3). Phase III dates between ~6538 and 5308 cal BP and
is characterised by the addition of more artificial layers, several
small stone-faced, terraced rooms placed along the eastern and western
slopes of the mound and, at the end of this phase, the lower floors of a
circular sunken pit (Figures 7, 8 & 9: IIIa) on the south side, and
the lower part of a stone retention wall on the north-east side (see
Figure 4 and SOL 3). These structural features are spatially and
architecturally conjoined, suggesting simultaneous planned construction
and use across the entire upper surface of the mound at this time. These
features began to give the mound a stepped platform-like form. During
this phase, the mound expanded to ~8-10m in height in some places and
~80m in length.
Phase IV dates from ~5308-4107 cal years ago, when the mound spread
over a more extended area of old and new ground and increased in height
(Figures 8 & 9; Table 1, all units). Phases III and IV are separated
by a yellowish clay cap ~25cm thick placed over most of the mound.
Further additions during this phase were the first layers of a ramp
built on the east side, the upper portion of the retention wall and the
stepped structures in the sunken plaza (Figures 4, 8 & 9: IIIb) (see
SOL 3). The ramp addition is ~40m long and ~35m wide and characterised
by a series of thick cobble stone berm layers and by intervening floors
built over and sealing the retention wall and the first construction
phases of the mound. Later the foundations of the ramp rested directly
upon the eastern edge of mound layers built during Phase III. The mound
during Phase IV was roughly the size it is today, although a few new
layers were added in Phase V.
During Phase V the steep sloping flanks of the mound to both the
east and west were used less, with most activity now limited to the flat
crest of the structure. It dates between ~4107 and 3455 cal BP when,
during the early part of this phase, cobblestone burial chambers were
built along the upper rim of the sunken pit and on the top of the mound.
More layers were also added to the ramp, which eventually covered and
sealed the retention wall. By ~4000-3800 cal BP the Preceramic use of
the site terminated. People of later ceramic cultures, dating from the
Cupisnique to Inca periods (~3500-600 cal years ago) carried out rituals
and buried their dead on the top of the mound.
Huaca Prieta was a place where several important architectural,
technological and artistic innovations took place. The rich coastal
environment of the site continuously supported a mixed maritime, wetland
and agriculture economy that gave rise to one of the earliest
developments of cultural complexity in the Americas (see also SOL 4).
Complexity is evidenced not only in the textile and gourd technology,
iconography, burial chambers, mound architecture and mixed economy of
Huaca Prieta, but in the growth and density of the Preceramic population
in the diverse littoral environment north of Huaca Prieta of the Chicama
Huaca Prieta is an enigma in Andean archaeology because it
currently has no known antecedents, either on the ancient terrace (see
SOL 5) or further afield. Its complexity lies in its form, function and
location. The haystacking construction technique, the circular sunken
plaza and retention walls, and the multiple agglutinated rooms of the
mound impart a sense of site planning as evidenced at other public
monuments during the late Preceramic period (c. 5000--4500 cal BP), such
as Alto Salaverry, Cerro Ventarron, Sechin Bajo, Aspero, Bandurria and
others along the north and central coast of Peru. However, the
architecture, stratigraphy and mortuary remains evidenced for Phases II
and III are different from the staircases, ramps and maze-like room
construction of the late Preceramic platform monuments at sites such as
Sechin Bajo, Caral, Caballete and Cerro Lampay located farther inland in
coastal valleys farther south (Moseley 1975; Shady et al. 2001; Haas
& Creamer 2004; Fuchs & Briceno 2006; Alva 2010), suggesting
different activities. The inland sites do not exhibit large numbers of
human burials, extensive soot layers and burning, isolated retention
walls or the stone- and earth-layered mound, as seen at Huaca Prieta and
Paredones. On the other hand, Phases II and III at Huaca Prieta are not
associated with large platform structures, suggestive of more
formalised, non-mortuary architecture and activity. Feasting associated
with burned offerings and probably mortuary rituals appears to have been
a primary activity at Huaca Prieta. It was not until Phases IV and V,
when the agglutinated rooms and burial chambers on top of the mound and
the ramp were added, that Huaca Prieta appeared more typical of other
coastal monuments. None of these early coastal sites provide concrete
evidence of permanent elites or authoritative figures.
The archaeological record and particularly the age and construction
of the mound at Huaca Prieta contribute to a growing body of evidence
indicating that the Early to Middle Holocene period in the Central Andes
was a complex mosaic of different economies and social forms. For
instance, in south-west coastal Ecuador (Piperno & Stothert 2003)
and the western montane slopes of northern Peru (Piperno & Dillehay
2008; Dillehay et al. 2008; Dillehay 2011), mixed farming and foraging
societies existed by at least 10 000-9000 cal BE In the Andean highlands
from Peru and Bolivia to northern Chile and Argentina, economies focused
on camelid husbandry and high-altitude crops were developed by at least
6000 cal BP (Aldenderfer 1988; Bonavia 2008). Additional research will
continue to reveal that the origins of Andean civilisation have several
interrelated regional roots, each characterised by different social and
economic conditions. In our perspective, a critical threshold was
crossed when these societies moved beyond the domestic context to
include planned sedentary communities and a formalised and structured
public life. Not only did these societies establish social complexity
and public monuments, but they also initiated important environmental
changes such as extensive landscape modification and the domestication and spread of plants and animals that eventually led to the development
of early states in the Andes.
We wish to thank the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), Lima,
Peru for granting us the permission to work at Huaca Prieta. We are
grateful to Cesar Galvez and Jesus Briceno (INC, Trujillo) for their
support. Financial support for this project came from the National
Science Foundation, National Geographic Society and Vanderbilt
University. Additional support was provided by the Lupinski and
O'Leary families. We also thank Marshall Summar and Jessica Blair
of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center for genetic analysis. The
first author is grateful to the Department of Anthropology at the
American Museum of Natural History for granting permission to study
Junius B. Bird's notes and photographs for Huaca Prieta, as well as
the artefacts he recovered from the site.
Received: 19 April 2011; Accepted: 20 June 2011; Revised: 27 June
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Tom D. Dillehay (1,2), Duccio Bonavia (3), Steven Goodbred (4),
Mario Pino (5), Victor Vasquez (6), Teresa Rosales Tham (6), William
Conklin (7), Jeff Splitstoser (8), Dolores Piperno (9), Jose Iriarte
(10), Alexander Grobman (11), Gerson Levi-Lazzaris (1), Daniel Moreira (12), Marilaura Lopez (13), Tiffiny Tung (1), Anne Titelbaum (14), John
Verano (14), James Adovasio (15), Linda Scott Cummings (16), Phillipe
Bearez (17), Elise Dufour (17), Olivier Tombret (17,18), Michael Ramirez (19), Rachel Beavins (4), Larisa DeSantis (4), Isabel Rey (20), Philip
Mink (21), Greg Maggard (21) & Teresa Franco (1)
(1) Department of Anthropology, College of Arts and Science,
Vanderbilt University, 124 Garland Hall, Nashville, TN 37235, USA
(2) Escuela de Antropologia, Faculdad de Ciensias Sociales,
Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Manuel Montt 056, Temuco, Chile
(3) Academia Nacional de la Historia, Casa de Osambela, Jr. Conde
de Superunda 298, Lima 1, Peru
(4) Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts
and Science, Vanderbilt University, 5726 Stevenson Center, 7th floor,
Nashville, TN 37240, USA
(5) Instituto de Ciencias Geologicas, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile
(6) Laboratorio de Bioarqueologia, Universidad Nacional de
Trujillo, Avda. Universitaria s/n, Trujillo, Peru
(7) Department of Anthropology, Field Museum, 1400 S. Lake Shore
Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496, USA
(8) Boundary End Archaeology Research Center, One Walker Creek Road, Barnardsville, NC 28709-0592, USA
(9) Archaeobiology Program, Department of Anthropology, National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
20013-7012, USA & Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa,
(10) Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, Laver
Building, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK
(11) Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Av. La Universidad
s/n, Facultad de Ciencias, Lima 12, Peru
(12) Departamento de Arqueologia, Universidade Federal de Rondonia,
Avenida Presidente Dutra 2965, Porto Velho 78900-500, Brasil
(13) Escuela de Arqueologia, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo,
Avenida Juan Pablo II s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, La Libertad,
(14) Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, 101 Dinwiddie
Hall, 6823 St Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
(15) Department of Anthropology, Mercyhurst Archaeological
Institute, Mercyhurst College, 501 East 58th Street, Erie, PA
16546-0001, USA
(16) Paleo Research Institute, 2675 Youngfield St, Golden, CO
80401, USA
(17) Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 75005, France
(18) Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Chemin de Thil, 80-025
Amiens, France
(19) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at
Austin, 6 East Mall EPS RM 1.130, Austin, TX 78705, USA
(20) Tissue and DNA Collections, Museo Nacional de Ciencias
Naturales (CSIC), Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain
(21) Kentucky Archaeological Survey, Department of Anthropology,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-9854, USA
Table 1. Radiocarbon dates from Huaca Prieta, nearby off mound
geological deposits and the Paredones site.
Sample no. Provenience [[delta].sup.13]36
Unit 2
AA76975 Unit 2 ext -24.4
Stratum 3
Beta233650 Unit 2, -22.2
Stratum 3
AA76974 Unit 2 ext -24.2
AA76973 Unit 2, -24.0
AA81925 Unit 2, -19.1
AA85506 First mound -25.4
Unit 2,
AA76972 Pre-mound -23.5
Unit 2,
7C-7 base
Beta233651 Pre-mound
2, Stratum
8, base
Unit 3
AA76977 Unit 3 ext -22.8
Floor 2
AA76978 Unit 3 ext -19.6
Floor 5a
AA76979 Unit 3 ext -19.6
Floor 56
Beta247695 Unit 3, -20.8
Stratum 8,
Floor 6
Unit 7
AA76970 Unit 7, -25.1
Floor 1
Unit 8
AA81916 Unit 8, -17.2
Tomb 4
Unit 9
AA81922 Unit 9, -22.0
7a, top
AA84168 Pre-mound -22.8
9, Stratum
8, base
Unit 10
AA81923 Unit 10, -25.7
Base of
AA81919 Unit 10, -26.4
Floor 4
Unit 12
AA81929 Unit 12, Ash -25.2
Stratum 1
Unit 13
AA81920 Unit 13, -19.7
Floor 3
Unit 14
AA81921 Unit 14, -25.1
Floor 4
Unit 16
AA86935 Off-mound -22.6
Unit 16,
Unit 20 (Paredones)
AA86936 Unit 20, -23.8
AA86937 Unit 20, -25.8
Unit 21 (Unit
AA86941 Unit 21, -10.6
Floor 2-3,
AA86931 Unit 21, -25.2
Floor 3-2
AA86946 Unit 21, -11.9
Floor 9
AA75322 Unit 15, -29.4
Floor 26
AA85507 First mound -25.6
layer: Unit
AA75327 Pre-mound -29.5
15, below
plaza in
Beta290621 Buried -25.6
surface of
Beta299536 Buried -28.3
surface of
Unit 22 (Paredones)
AA86934 Unit 22, -13.4
Floor 6
Beta263320 Unit 22, -24.5
Floor 10,
Capa 14
Beta263321 Unit 22, -25.6
Floor 15
AA86947 Unit 22, -24.0
Floor 16,
Fill 10
AA83260 Unit 22, -26.0
Floor 24
Unit 23
AA86930 Unit 23, -10.0
AA86949 Unit 23, -27.1
Floor 3-3
AA86948 Unit 23, -23.5
Floor 11
Bird's HP-2
Beta233648 Basal mound -23.8
HP-2 west
side of site
Libby-598 Test Pit 2; -22.2
Bird's HP-3
AA81926 HP-3, -28.0
Stratum 5
AA86943 HP-3, -24.6
AA86940 HP-3, -25.6
AA81924 HP-3, -23.5
AA81927 HP-3, -17.3
AA86948 HP-3, -24.1
AA82121 HP-3, --
upper part
AA81907 First mound -23.8
lower part
Beta263318 Pre-mound -24.9
Beta294021 Pre-mound -23.3
AA75321 Pre-mound -28.9
base HP-3
56, P-4
TP-3 (Ext. of HP-3)
Beta278233 Test Pit 3, -25.5
Stratum 2
Beta247696 Test Pit 6, -18.7
AA86944 Test Pit 9-13 -28.1
AA86947 Test Pit 22, -24.0
Beta210862 Pre-mound -27.4
Beta290620 Test Pit 22, -28.3
Bird's [sup.14]C samples from HP-3 *
321 Test pit 3;
Layer D
Beta9286 HP 3, E
Beta9288 HP 3, F
Beta9287 HP 3, J
318b Test pit 3;
Layer J
362 Test pit 3;
Layer K
315 Test pit 3;
Layer M
316 Test pit 3;
Layer M
313 Test pit 3;
Layer Q
Geological dates mentioned in text
AA83255 Swash- -21.1
Beta244172 Muddy -19.1
AA83252 Sandy -25.8
AA81933 Swash- -24.7
AA83258 Carbonate -6.0
OS-77302 Organic -25.6
layer inter
OS82737 Organic -29.9
layer inter
OS77304 Organic -24.1
layer inter
OS77303 Organic -27.7
layer inter
Conventional 1[sigma]-calibrated
Sample no. radiocarbon age range (BP)
Unit 2
AA76975 3535 [+ or -] 35 3827-3696
Beta233650 3700 [+ or -] 40 4073-3893
AA76974 3588 [+ or -] 36 3873-3724
AA76973 3748 [+ or -] 40 4137-3933
AA81925 3964 [+ or -] 41 4418-4259
AA85506 6641 [+ or -] 49 7555-7434
AA76972 6797 [+ or -] 48 7656-7572
Beta233651 6920 [+ or -] 30 7740-7660
Unit 3
AA76977 3530 [+ or -] 36 3827-3693
AA76978 3567 [+ or -] 40 3841-3717
AA76979 3758 [+ or -] 40 4142-3978
Beta247695 4000 [+ or -] 40 4510-4296
Unit 7
AA76970 3649 [+ or -] 36 3964-3841
Unit 8
AA81916 3534 [+ or -] 53 3833-3689
Unit 9
AA81922 3547 [+ or -] 40 3829-3705
AA84168 7956 [+ or -] 50 8931-8599
Unit 10
AA81923 3556 [+ or -] 44 3834-3705
AA81919 3557 [+ or -] 40 3834-3716
Unit 12
AA81929 3441 [+ or -] 39 3688-3576
Unit 13
AA81920 3810 [+ or -] 41 4224-3996
Unit 14
AA81921 3508 [+ or -] 40 3825-3641
Unit 16
AA86935 6310 [+ or -] 33 7251-7162
Unit 20 (Paredones)
AA86936 4783 [+ or -] 31 5578-5330
AA86937 4849 [+ or -] 31 5589-5479
Unit 21 (Unit
AA86941 3599 [+ or -] 29 3889-3728
AA86931 3638 [+ or -] 29 3957-3838
AA86946 3783 [+ or -] 41 4148-3988
AA75322 5018 [+ or -] 86 5860-5599
AA85507 6522 [+ or -] 54 7429-7323
AA75327 7226 [+ or -] 44 8019-7947
Beta290621 11500 [+ or -] 50 13403-13294 **
Beta299536 11800 [+ or -] 50 13757-13517 **
Unit 22 (Paredones)
AA86934 4181 [+ or -] 34 4809-4570
Beta263320 4590 [+ or -] 40 5308-5062
Beta263321 4790 [+ or -] 40 5580-5331
AA86947 4898 [+ or -] 49 5644-5483
AA83260 5750 [+ or -] 60 6561-6405
Unit 23
AA86930 1760 [+ or -] 29 1690-1557
AA86949 3467 [+ or -] 39 3704-3584
AA86948 5059 [+ or -] 72 5887-5652
Bird's HP-2
Beta233648 5110 [+ or -] 40 5891-5745
Libby-598 4298 [+ or -] 230 5260-4439
Bird's HP-3
AA81926 3394 [+ or -] 40 3634-3485
AA86943 3806 [+ or -] 28 4213-3999
AA86940 3875 [+ or -] 30 4287-4107
AA81924 3687 [+ or -] 40 4063-3876
AA81927 3728 [+ or -] 40 4084-3927
AA86948 5020 [+ or -] 35 5830-5598
AA82121 5980 [+ or -] 40 6789-6676
AA81907 6170 [+ or -] 45 7154-6899
Beta263318 7000 [+ or -] 50 7830-7703
Beta294021 7110 [+ or -] 50 7946-7840
AA75321 7195 [+ or -] 45 8009-7933
TP-3 (Ext. of HP-3)
Beta278233 3660 [+ or -] 40 3972-3854
Beta247696 3350 [+ or -] 40 3571-3464
AA86944 3334 [+ or -] 38 3558-3455
AA86947 4898 [+ or -] 49 5644-5483
Beta210862 9530 [+ or -] 50 [11000]-10501
Beta290620 11780 [+ or -] 50 13732-13510 **
Bird's [sup.14]C samples from HP-3 *
321 2966 [+ or -] 340 3555-2621
Beta9286 3730 [+ or -] 300 4422-3634
Beta9288 3960 [+ or -] 100 4510-4157
Beta9287 3270 [+ or -] 100 3569-3343
318b 3550 [+ or -] 600 4569-3005
362 4044 [+ or -] 300 4845-3996
315 3572 [+ or -] 220 4088-3485
316 4380 [+ or -] 270 5302-4539
313 4257 [+ or -] 250 5263-4411
Geological dates mentioned in text
AA83255 2767 [+ or -] 90 2924-2746
Beta244172 2820 [+ or -] 80 2950-2778
AA83252 3521 [+ or -] 49 3828-3645
AA81933 3598 [+ or -] 40 3893-3725
AA83258 5739 [+ or -] 51 6538-6404
OS-77302 6180 [+ or -] 35 7155-6939
OS82737 6500 [+ or -] 30 7421-7326
OS77304 6500 [+ or -] 45 7422-7324
OS77303 6600 [+ or -] 35 7483-7425
Sample no. age range (BP) Material
Unit 2
AA76975 3849-3639 Wood charcoal
Beta233650 4088-3844 Charred
AA76974 3956-3694 Wood charcoal
AA76973 4151-3898 Wood charcoal
AA81925 4511-4159 Wood charcoal
AA85506 7571-7424 Wood charcoal
AA76972 7680-7508 Wood charcoal
Beta233651 7786-7618 Wood charcoal
Unit 3
AA76977 3849-3636 Wood charcoal
AA76978 3901-3643 Wood charcoal
AA76979 4216-3901 Wood charcoal
Beta247695 4520-4245 Organic
Unit 7
AA76970 4072-3727 Wood charcoal
Unit 8
AA81916 3892-3590 Bone
Unit 9
AA81922 3876-3640 Wood charcoal
AA84168 8979-8592 Wood charcoal
Unit 10
AA81923 3895-3640 Wood charcoal
AA81919 3891-3642 Wood charcoal
Unit 12
AA81929 3817-3480 Wood charcoal
Unit 13
AA81920 4283-3974 Wood charcoal
Unit 14
AA81921 3838-3588 Wood charcoal
Unit 16
AA86935 7266-7021 Wood charcoal
Unit 20 (Paredones)
AA86936 5583-5324 Wood charcoal
AA86937 5603-5333 Charred wood
Unit 21 (Unit
AA86941 3956-3704 Corn cob
AA86931 3982-3728 Wood charcoal
AA86946 4235-3928 Corn cob
AA75322 5911-5488 Wood charcoal
AA85507 7474-7268 Wood charcoal
AA75327 8156-7871 Wood charcoal
Beta290621 13420-13260 ** Charred wood
Beta299536 13794-13459 ** Wood
Unit 22 (Paredones)
AA86934 4821-4527 Charred cob
Beta263320 5435-5044 Wood charcoal
Beta263321 5585-5325 Charred
AA86947 5711-5335 Wood charcoal
AA83260 6640-6319 Wood charcoal
Unit 23
AA86930 1697-1539 Wood charcoal
AA86949 3828-3560 Wood charcoal
AA86948 5902-5606 Wood charcoal
Bird's HP-2
Beta233648 5919-5667 Organic
Libby-598 5462-4152 Charcoal
Bird's HP-3
AA81926 3688-3464 Wood charcoal
AA86943 4233-3985 Wood charcoal
AA86940 4406-4090 Wood charcoal
AA81924 4084-3838 Wood charcoal
AA81927 4147-3875 Wood charcoal
AA86948 5848-5585 Wood charcoal
AA82121 6882-6657 Cotton yarn
AA81907 7162-6808 Wood charcoal
Beta263318 7927-7673 Charred
Beta294021 7979-7752 Wood charcoal
AA75321 8040-7847 Wood charcoal
TP-3 (Ext. of HP-3)
Beta278233 4081-3730 Charred
Beta247696 3823-3483 Charred
AA86944 3614-3398 Wood charcoal
AA86947 5711-5335 Wood charcoal
Beta210862 [11000]-10579 Wood charcoal
Beta290620 13720-13440 ** Wood
Bird's [sup.14]C samples from HP-3 *
321 3905-2160 Gourds, chewed
fibre, squash
stems, cotton,
Beta9286 4845-3272 Gourd
Beta9288 4784-3989 Gourd
Beta9287 3692-3169 Gourd
318b 5446-2344 Twigs and
362 5298-3648 Carbonised
cattail roots
315 4423-3267 Shell
316 5590-4158 Misc. woody
313 5462-3999 Misc. woody
Geological dates mentioned in text
AA83255 3077-2505 Wood charcoal
Beta244172 3078-2742 Organic-rich
AA83252 3868-3610 Wood charcoal
AA81933 39G4-3696 Wood charcoal
AA83258 6633-6321 Non-marine
OS-77302 7158-6901 Plant matter
OS82737 7428-7279 Plant matter
OS77304 7432-7269 Plant matter
OS77303 7518-7416 Plant matter
All dates calibrated using shca104 (McCormac et al. 2004).
[] = calibrated range impinges on end of calibration data set.
* Bird's corresponding layers in HP-3 are based on study of his
photographs, notes, and profile drawings.
** Calibration done on curve other than shca104.