Later hunter-gatherers in southern China, 18 000-3000 BC.
Chi, Zhang ; Hung, Hsiao-chun
Chinese archaeologists refer variously to the period from the Late
Pleistocene into the Early Holocene in southern China as Mesolithic,
Post-Palaeolithic, Palaeolithic to Neolithic transition, or Early
Neolithic (Zhang, C. 2000), where 'Neolithic' often means the
arrival of pottery. But the Neolithic transition in East Asia had many
components, separated in time and space. The earliest pottery in the
world comes from the general region of East Asia--particularly Japan,
Siberia and southern China--commencing about 20 000 years ago (e.g. Lu,
T.L-D. 1999; Zhang, C. 1999; Yasuda 2002; Boaretto et al. 2009) but does
not imply agriculture. The normal assumption by East Asian
archaeologists is that this pottery was made by forest hunter-gatherers
(Yasuda 2002). About 11 000 years later, initial pre-domestication rice
cultivation began in the region between the Yellow and Huai rivers
(Zhang, C. 2011), and perhaps also in the Middle Yangtze Valley at c.
7000-6000 cal BC (e.g. Crawford & Chen 1998; Yan 2002; Yasuda 2002;
Bellwood 2005:111; Zhang & Hung 2008; Fuller et al. 2009).
Between 7000 and 2100 BC, some hunter-gatherer groups co-existed
with early rice cultivators in the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley, and
a variety of mixed economies co-existed in southern China (Table 1).
Three types of likely subsistence strategy may be defined: Pleistocene
hunting-gathering, documented mostly in caves; more complex
hunting-gathering in the Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene, in
both caves and open settlements, with pottery and cemeteries; and the
developing farming of food during the Middle Holocene. These three modes
of subsistence were not exclusive, and each was associated with
identifiable cultural characteristics that appeared with different
chronologies, in different locations, in southern China.
In a previous study, we proposed that rice cultivation was
introduced into southern China and Southeast Asia from the Middle and
Lower Yangtze Valley through population movement around 3000-2000 BC,
via separate coastal and inland routes (Zhang & Hung 2010). In this
paper we provide a social context for this innovation, focusing
attention on the indigenous hunter-gatherer groups in China south of the
Yangtze, and in particular exploring the nature of their economies
before the introduction of rice--that is in the period between 18 000
and 3000 BC (all carbon dates are calibrated unless otherwise noted).
The evidence comes predominantly from middens in caves (Figure 1)
and open sites. The principal deposits and their cultural designations
(see Figure 2 and Table 1) are the Dingsishan and Da But shell middens
in Guangxi and northern Vietnam (Zone H), Gaomiao shell middens in the
Middle Yuanshui Valley (Zone B), Chengbeixi-Daxi-Yuxiping deposits with
dense fish bones in Xia-Jiang (the Three Gorges and western Hubei) (Zone
Gh, within Zone G), Xiantouling sand dune sites in the Zhujiang (Pearl
River) delta of Guangdong (Zone C), Keqiutou, Fuguodun (Zone D) and
Dabenkeng (Zone F) shell middens along the south-eastern coasts of
Guangdong, Fujian and northern Vietnam, together with Taiwan.
None of these sites has so far yielded any evidence for farming,
but all have produced large numbers of pottery sherds and edge-ground
stone tools, and the open sites indicate settlements with well-defined
domestic, industrial and perhaps ritual areas. The task is to discover
the possible role that these continuing hunter-gatherers played in
subsequent cultural and population developments in Middle Holocene
southern China.
Terminal Pleistocene cave sites in southern China (Figure 1)
Cave sites with large quantities of shell midden are distributed
north and south of the Nanling Mountains. Important excavated caves
include Xianrendong (Figure 1, no. 1; Figures 3 & 4) and
Diaotonghuan in Wannian (Jiangxi); Huangyandong in Fengkai, Dushizai in
Yangchun, Niulandong in Yingde (Guangdong); Luobidong in Sanya (Hainan);
Yuchanyan in Dao county (Hunan); Zengpiyan, Miaoyan and Dayan in Guilin,
and Bailiandong and Liyuzui in Liuzhou (Guangxi). Similar cave deposits
also occur in northern Vietnam. Chinese researchers previously dated
these cave middens to the Early Holocene (Yuan 1991; Jiao 1994: 1-24; Wu
1999:6-18), but new radiocarbon dates suggest they are older. For
instance, the beginning of this phase at Xianrendong, Yuchanyan and
Miaoyan is dated to c. 18 000-15 000 cal BC (e.g. Lu, T.L-D. 1999;
Zhang, C. 1999; Zhao & Wu 2003: 98-100; Boaretto et al. 2009). The
shell middens in these caves continued until the identifiable beginnings
of rice cultivation in the Pengtoushan phase, c. 7000 BC, during the
Neolithic of the Middle Yangtze.
In terms of stone technology, the assemblages in southern China,
especially Lingnan (south of the Nanling Mountains), are similar to
those of the Hoabinhian in Southeast Asia (Jiao 1994: 1-24). For
instance, stone artefacts in southern China continued to be used to make
types of pebble tools and flakes that some Chinese archaeologists have
associated with wild plant collection and processing (Wang, Y.P. 2005).
From 30 000 BP there was a change to a greater use of small flake tools,
such as scrapers and points. These trends can be seen in the layer
sequence in Bailiandong Cave in Liuzhou, Guangxi (Figure 1, no. 8). In
northern China, contemporary sites contain a microlithic assemblage,
regarded as representing a hunting economy (Wang, Y.P. 2005), found
mostly in open sites.
The main lithic industry found in Xianrendong, Bailiandong and
Liyuzui during this phase included chert and quartz scrapers, pointed
tools and other small flake tools. Bone and antler tools included awls,
points and possible hoes. Knives with one or two holes were made of
large bivalve shells. At Xianrendong, bone needles, arrowheads, fishing
spear points, and shell knives were also found. Coarse pottery with
temper of quartz grit was found in Xianrendong, Diaotonghuan, Yuchanyan,
Dayan, Miaoyan, Zengpiyan and Niulandong caves. The oldest pottery is
either plain or combed with a multiple toothed tool to form parallel
rib-like striations over the surface. Later pottery is cord-impressed
(Zhang, C. 2007: 1-16).
Characteristic of this phase in the excavated caves is an apparent
increase through time in the number of animal species exploited.
Generally, the caves yield 20-30 types of food animal, especially deer,
such as Cervus unicolor, Muntiacus muntjak, Cervus nippon taiouanus,
Muntiacus reevesi and Moschus berezovskii. The aquatic animals are
mainly shellfish, fish and turtles, and in Xianrendong, Yuchanyan, and
Zengpiyan there are bird bones. Plant macroremains recovered from
Yuchanyan and Zengpiyan include Chinese gooseberries, wild grapes,
plums, Chinese hackberries, hickory nuts and many other edible plant
seeds. In Zengpiyan there were also unidentified charred tubers
(possibly Dioscorea sp. and Colocasia sp.) (Yuan 2000: 35; IA, CASS et
al. 2003: 343). Although a very small number of Oryza sativa phytoliths
occur in the Xianrendong, Diaotonghuan, Niulandong and Yuchanyan
deposits (Gu 1999:113-206; Zhang, W.X. 2000: 122), there is insufficient
evidence to indicate rice cultivation (Nakamura 2000: 1-11).
The new types of stone artefact, bone tools and pottery in this
phase, as well as the apparent diversification of the
fishing-hunting-gathering economy, are to some degree similar to the
following Neolithic cultures, and many Chinese archaeologists regard
this phase as the origin of the Neolithic in southern China. However,
due to the absence of farming we prefer to designate it as the
Late/Final Palaeolithic phase.
Shell midden sites in Guangxi and northern Vietnam: Dingsishan
& Da But (7000-3000 BC) (Zones H & I in Figure 2)
From c. 7000 BC onwards, open settlements began to appear oil river
terraces, and represent the origin points of regional farming cultures.
However, cave occupation endured, for example until 6000 BC in
Xianrendong and 5000-4000 BC in Zengpiyan. Moreover, while rice-growing
economies were developing in the Middle and Lower Yangtze, a
contemporary complex hunting-gathering group termed the Dingsishan
culture continued in existence and grew (Guangxi Team et al. 1998; Fu
Dingsishan cultural shell middens are widely distributed in
Guangxi, western Guangdong and northern Vietnam c. 7000-3000 BC. Most of
them are located on the terraces of the Zuojiang, Youjiang and Yongjiang
rivers near Nanning, in southern Guangxi. Dingsishan subsistence during
phases 1 to 3 (7000-3000/2100 BC) is suggested by phytoliths of grasses,
palms, cucurbits and annonaceae. There is no evidence for rice
phytoliths until Dingsishan phase 4 (Zhao et al. 2005: 76-84), c.
2500-2000 BC (Zhang & Hung 2010).
The size of the shell midden at Dingsishan is around 5000[m.sup.2],
and excavation has revealed the existence of separate living areas, a
cemetery and areas for dumping refuse. Sixteen burials have been
excavated from phase 2 and 133 from phase 3, within a 500[m.sup.2]
excavated area (Figure 5). These cemeteries included flexed, crouched
and even dismembered burials, all without grave goods. A pottery
manufacturing workshop of this culture has been reported from Baozitou
shell midden (Guangxi Team et al. 2003). This evidence for workshops and
cemeteries suggests that these shell middens could have been occupied
through a long period.
The artefacts found in Dingsishan shell middens (phases 1 to 3)
include polished stone axes and adzes (made of stone and bone),
arrowheads, awls, needles, spears and hooks (all made of bone), shell
tools and pottery. The most common shell tools are perforated socalled
fish-headed knives. The pottery was greyish-brown in colour with coarse
quartz or sand temper. Pottery surfaces are parallel ribbed or cord
marked. At both Dingsishan and Baozitou, the pottery assemblage can be
divided into two cultural phases: the earlier phase with pottery
distinguished with quartz temper and parallel ribbing; and a later phase
with pottery featuring sand or crushed shell and cord-marked decoration.
Large quantities of aquatic and terrestrial animal bones have been
discovered in Dingsishan sites. A systematic study of the animal remains
unearthed from 10 separate shell middens of the Dingsishan cultural
phase in the Yongjiang Valley suggests that 84 species belonging to
seven classes of animal (Gastropoda, Lamellibranchia, Crustacea, Pisces,
Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia) were exploited during this cultural phase (Lu,
P. 2010). In Dingsishan itself, there were 74 species (Lu, P. 2010:
75-80) (see Table 2). Bones of domestic dog appeared at about 5000 BC,
but without domestic pig or domestic water buffalo in association (Lu,
P. 2010).
Perhaps due to an increasing population, these Dingsishan foragers
gradually expanded into neighbouring river systems. According to current
records, sites of this type first appeared in the Zuojiang and Yongjiang
valleys of southern Guangxi at c. 7000 BC, and then expanded into the
Youjiang, Hongshui, Yujiang, Xunjiang, Qianjiang, and Xijiang valleys in
western Guangdong by c. 4000-3500 BC. At about the same time they spread
into, or co-developed within, northern Vietnam, where they formed the Da
But or Bacsonian culture of the late Hoabinhian (Nguyen, V. 2005).
The Da But cultural sites include Da But, Con Co Ngua, Ban Ban
Thuy, Lang Cong and Go Trung in Thanh Hoa Province of northern Vietnam,
and might also have occurred northwards in Hoa Binh, Ha Nam and Ha Tay
provinces. At Con Co Ngua, more than 100 skeletons (two human teeth
dated to c. 3000 [+ or -] 30 BC, P. Bellwood & D. Huffer pers.
comms) were found buried in sitting positions in cylindrical pits in an
area of about 200[m.sup.2]. Vietnamese archaeologists believe that the
Da But populations subsisted mainly by collecting plants and hunting.
They were relatively sedentary (Nguyen, V. 2005). The pottery, stone
artefacts and burial practices (especially the seated and crouched
burials) in Da But sites are identical to those from Dingsishan and
Zengpiyan. According to the available radiocarbon dates from the Da But
sites (Nguyen, V. 2005; Nguyen, W.H. 2006), the duration of the Da But
culture was c. 5500-2000 BC, but Nguyen Viet suggested that Da But
itself could have been occupied before 6000 BC. We propose that the Da
But and Dingsishan cultures shared a cultural origin.
Agriculture began to appear in the Yangtze Valley after c. 7000 BC
and domestic pigs and textiles c. 5500 BC; but ali were absent in
Dingsishan (phases 1 to 3) and Da But. In terms of residential
locations, subsistence strategies, burial practices, and various aspects
of material culture, these Dingsishan-related midden sites reveal little
significant change through time, although artefact forms and styles show
slight variation from site to site.
Shell midden sites in the Middle Yuanshui River, and fish bone
middens in the Xia-Jiang region: Gaomiao & Chengbeixi-Daxi-Yuxiping
(5500-3000 BC) (Figure 2, zones B and Gh)
Another group of complex hunter-gatherers appeared around 5500 BC
in the Middle Yuanshui River and the Xia-Jiang region, located between
the Middle Yangtze and southwest China (Figure 2). In terms of
chronology, the Gaomiao group (Zone B) of the Middle Yuanshui River
appeared earlier, contemporary with the early Zaoshi (Zone A) and the
Chengbeixi (Zone G) farming cultures in the Middle Yangtze Valley, with
which they shared material cultural relationships. Related
hunter-gatherer groups appeared in the Xia-Jiang region a little later
(Zone Gh), during the late phase of the Chengbeixi culture.
Interestingly, the Gaomiao sites are all shell middens, and the
Xia-Jiang sites (Zone Gh) are all concentrated piles of fish bones.
Neither has evidence for agriculture. Typical Chengbeixi-Daxi cultural
sites in the Middle Yangtze contain plentiful remains of cultivated
rice, but such remains are absent in the Xia-Jiang region.
At Gaomiao (IA, Hunan 2000; He, G. 2006a), a sacrificial site
featuring postholes and offering pits was discovered. Burnt bones of
cattle, deer, turtle and fish, and a large quantity of gastropod shells,
were found in the pits. Nearby, a three-roomed house of about
40[m.sup.2] was excavated. So far, more than 20 such houses from early
and late phases of occupation have been excavated at Gaomiao,
constructed at ground level and enclosing 18-40[m.sup.2], each with two
or three rooms. More than 30 burials have been reported, the earlier
ones flexed on their sides without grave goods (Figure 6). However, the
later phase contained extended burials with jade and pottery grave
goods, likely influenced by the agricultural Daxi culture in the
Dongting Lake area.
Many pebble tools, polished axes, adzes, chisels, millstones,
pestles and net sinkers were found in the Gaomiao sites. In the later
phase shouldered axes and adzes, and yue (large polished axes) appeared.
Bone and antler implements include awls, needles, knives, daggers and
perforated shell knives, but never in large quantities. The early
Gaomiao pottery forms include fu, jars, plates and bowls, with very fine
decoration including cord impression and dentate stamping, the latter
forming animal faces, phoenixes, waves, trapezoids, circles and
band-like motifs (Figure 7 & 8).
All Gaomiao sites are shell middens that contain freshwater
gastropods and bivalves, fish, turtles and other aquatic animals. There
are also a large number of terrestrial mammals including deer, pigs,
bear, elephant, rhinoceros and tapir. Some of the pigs have been
identified as domestic, but there are no rice phytoliths (He, G. 2006b).
Currently, only two sherds contained rice husks (from Zhenxikou), and
there are three sherds with rice grain impressions and one with rice
husk impressions from Gaomiao itself (Gu & Zhao 2009). However, the
sources of these sherds are unknown. It is necessary to emphasise that
contemporary sites in Hunan have unearthed abundant remains of
cultivated rice, but this is almost absent in Gaomiao.
At the same time, large quantities of fish bones, without shells,
have been discovered in Xia-Jiang (Zone Gh). Most are located where fish
of the species Mylopharyngodon piceus, Ctenopharyn odon idellus,
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis spawn in the
Yangtze River (Ma 1988).
It is possible to explain these sites by assuming that Chengbeixi
immigrants gave up rice farming after entering Xia-Jiang, where there is
a lack of cultivable land in the valley bottom. Likewise, the Gaomiao
culture (Zone B) could have developed from the agricultural Pengtoushan
culture (Zone A). Such origins from agricultural populations could also
explain the rarity of domestic pig bones in these derivative hunting and
gathering contexts. Both Gaomiao and the Xia-Jiang variant of the
Chengbeixi-Daxi culture had well-developed pottery and stone adze/axe
industries, especially in the Three Gorges region in Xia-Jiang. Spindle
whorls have also been found in these sites. In the late Gaomiao and the
Xia-Jiang variant of the Daxi culture, foraging cultures that developed
in the Middle Yuanshui River and in Xia-Jiang expanded into northern
Guizhou (Wang, H.G. 2006: 3-10).
Sand dune sites and early shell middens in coastal south-eastern
China (5000-3500/3000 BC) (Zones C, D & F in Figure 2)
Between 5000 and 3500 BC, pottery-using foragers made an appearance
in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces in coastal south-eastern
China, and in coastal northern Vietnam. The earliest recognised group
belonged to the Xiantouling or Dawan culture (sometimes termed the
Lingnan variant of the Daxi culture) in the Zhujiang (Pearl) delta
region and offshore coastal islands (Zone C). Most Xiantouling sites are
located on sand dunes, but there are shell middens in coastal Guangdong,
Fujian and Taiwan.
In the Zhujiang delta, and indeed across the whole of Guangdong,
there were no previous pottery-using groups with Neolithic material
culture. This suggests that the Xiantouling culture did not have an
indigenous source. Most Chinese archaeologists agree that the white and
painted pottery styles of this culture in the Zhujiang estuary are
derived from Gaomiao, Tangjiagang and Daxi sources in Hunan (e.g. He,
J.J. 1994: 71-8; Tang 1999: 83-9). Others suggest that the incised
pottery could be of local derivation (Bu 1999: 48-56), but all agree
that continuous influences from Hunan were entering the Zhujiang region
during this phase (Pei 1999: 117-31). Amongst evidence for the latter
one can include spindle whorls, but bark cloth beaters appear to be
local inventions. It is possible that Xiantouling was a mixed-origin
More than 10 shell middens have been discovered in Fangcheng and
Qinzhou in Guangxi, and Chaoan in Guangdong (Zone C). Yapushan,
Malanzuishan, Beixiaoshan and Shiweishan in Chaoan are all estuarine shell middens, facing the ocean. The Keqiutou-Fuguodun shell middens in
coastal Fujian and nearby islands (Zone D) and the early Dabenkeng phase
sites in Taiwan (Zone F) are the oldest open-air settlements with
pottery production and polished stone tools in their regions. Keqiutou
is dated to between 4500 and 3500 BC (Lin 2005: 80), equivalent to a
late phase of the Xiantouling culture in Guangdong.
As well as estuarine shells, the Sham Wan (Shenwan) site in Hong
Kong contained bones offish, deer and wild pig. Seeds of Ricinus
communis (castor-oil plant) and possibly amaranth were found in layer F
(Meacham 1978: 270). These discoveries suggest a subsistence strategy
reliant on gathering, hunting and fishing. Such a supposition is
supported by stable isotope analyses of the human remains (Lu, T.L-D.
2007: 40). The only known domestic animal in coastal southern China
during this stage, c. 5000-3000 BC, is the domestic dog (Lu, T.L-D.
2007: 40), which is consistent with other zooarchaeological records from
Guangxi. It is likely that dogs were domesticated by hunter-gatherers at
a very early stage but it was only much later that domestic pigs were
introduced into southern China by farmers from the Middle and Lower
The Keqiutou-Fuguodun culture in coastal Fujian and the early
Dabenkeng culture in Taiwan have later radiocarbon dates than the
Xiantouling culture (Shenzhen Institute 2006; Hung 2008). These people
maintained close relations with Xiantouling in Guangdong, and perhaps
also received cultural influences from the Lower Yangtze River (Zone E)
(Liu & Guo 2005: 135-95) and other regions. Compared to other
non-farming cultures in southern China, these foragers of Middle
Holocene coastal south-east China were the most recent and also perhaps,
in socio-cultural terms, the most complex.
Discussion: the expansion and decline of complex hunter-gatherers
in southern China
Parallel to the development of agriculture on the Yangtze, from
7000 BC, we have noted the continuous use of caves and defined three
main groups of hunter-gatherer-foragers. Of these, the Dingsishan
culture in Guangxi developed from the local Palaeolithic and there was
no sharp or dramatic cultural change during their long period of
development. The Dingsishan people in this regard can be termed
indigenous foragers. By contrast, the Gaomiao of the Middle Yuanshui
River and the Xia-Jiang variant of the Chengbeixi-Daxi culture and
Yuxiping can be termed foragers of Neolithic derivation. The later
Xiantouling fisher-forager populations of coastal Guangdong maintained
long-term cultural interactions with Gaomiao and Daxi, in the region of
the Middle Yangtze, with the Dingsishan in southern Guangxi, and perhaps
even with Zengpiyan phase 5 in northern Guangxi. Perhaps in need of food
resources, these inland foragers gradually expanded toward the
south-eastern coastal areas, then across the sea to Hainan (Zone J),
Taiwan (Zone F) and other coastal islands.
When the complex hunter-gatherer cultures of the Yuanshui River and
the Xia-Jiang regions reached their most developed phases, in c.
5500-3500 BC, agriculture was also progressing rapidly in the Middle and
Lower Yangtze Valley. However, the complex forager cultures all began to
decline between 3500 and 3000 BC. During the climatic cooling that
followed the Early/Mid Holocene optimum, the average annual temperature
in southern China was about 2 degrees lower than at present. These
changes perhaps affected foraging cultures adversely in south China. At
the same time, farming groups from the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley
began to migrate directly into Lingnan and neighbouring areas.
The Yuanshui and Xia-Jiang hunter-gatherers were replaced by the
expansive Qujialing farming culture (3000 BC), located along the Middle
Yangtze River. Also, during this phase, the numbers of Xiantouling sand
dune sites and Keqiutou-Fuguodun shell middens were greatly reduced
(Nishitani 1997: 1-56). Agricultural settlements first appeared at
Shixia in northern Guangdong, Tanshishan in Fujian, and at Nanguanli
(late Dabenkeng phase) in Taiwan. The late-appearing Dingsishan phase 4
cultural assemblage in Guangxi is believed to be associated with rice
As in northern China (Bettinger et al. 2010), the archaeological
record in southern China records transitions from non-intensive to
intensive hunting and gathering, and further from intensive hunting and
gathering to low-level food production, and finally intensive
agriculture. Southern China contains the oldest evidence for pottery
manufacture and rice cultivation in the world, and we have shown that
mixed economies involving intensive hunting and gathering, low-level
food production and intensive agriculture, co-existed for 5000 years.
We conclude that, outside agriculture, the Holocene developments
south of the Yangtze call be classified into three phases: the first,
between 18 000 and 7000 BC, saw the first pottery production and the
continuing use of small cave sites. The second, between 7000 and 5000
BC, witnessed the indigenous appearance of the Dingsishan group on river
terraces in southern Guangxi. Later, the Gaomiao and Xia-Jiang groups
appeared in the Middle Yuanshui and Xia-Jiang regions respectively. It
is hypothesised that these groups likely developed from nearby
agricultural societies, such as Pengtoushan and Chengbeixi in the Middle
Yangtze Valley (for similar examples see Bellwood 2005: 37-9). These
groups always maintained close cultural relationships with contemporary
agricultural societies. The third phase was one of prosperous
development between 5000 and 3000 BC, associated with the late
Dingsishan, and the Gaomiao and Xia-Jiang variant of the Daxi culture.
At the same time, the farming cultures of the Middle and Lower Yangtze
also reached high levels of development. Complex hunter-gatherer groups
from Guangxi and Hunan migrated into southeastern coastal areas, and
settled the Xiantouling sand dune sites in Guangdong, together with
coastal shell middens in Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, northern Vietnam
and Taiwan.
When farmers left the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley around 3000
BC to enter southern China, they expanded onwards towards mainland and
Island Southeast Asia via two routes that involved the dispersal of
early Austroasiatic and Austronesian speaking populations (Zhang &
Hung 2010). These expanding farmers thus met indigenous foragers in
Guangxi and others of exotic origin in coastal south-east China. As a
result, the foraging groups of south China and Southeast Asia became
integrated into the developing farming cultures. Such archaeological
evidence is consistent with the hypothesis based on human remains from
northern Vietnam, namely, that there were two major layers of human
settlement in Southeast Asia during the Holocene (Matsumura et al. 2008,
Although some of the cultural characteristics of the complex
hunter-gatherer societies in southern China were similar, there were
many aspects of material culture and subsistence that were different.
Compared to presumed Palaeolithic subsistence, these late
hunter-gatherers in south China developed larger-scale villages with
more complex cultural attributes, and we have noted long-term cultural
interaction between the latter exotic hunter-gatherer societies and
farmers. Bellwood argues that:
Hunter-gatherers would have been unlikely to adopt agriculture if
they were not in direct and continuous contact with agriculturalists.
They also would not have adopted agriculture by remote action across
biogeographical transition zones or uninhabited terrain (Bellwood 2009:
In this article, we have observed different transitions to eventual
farming between the indigenous and exotic hunter-gatherer societies of
southern China, but many questions still remain to be answered.
We are grateful to Professor Peter Bellwood of The Australian
National University, Canberra and Dr Mike Carson of University of Guam for giving us invaluable comments on this manuscript. We would like to
thank Dr Philip Piper for his help with the terminology of Latin and
English names of animal remains. We also wish to thank Professor Martin
Carver and two anonymous reviewers for their support and encouragement
on this manuscript. This study was funded in part by the Australian
Research Council, Canberra and Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, Taipei.
IA: Institute of Archaeology
ATGZ: Archaeological Team of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
CASS: Chinese Academy of Social Science
Kaogu: Kaogu (Archaeology)
Wenwu: Wenwu (Culture Relic)
Dongfang Kaogu (Eastern Archaeology)
Dongnan Kaogu Yanjiu (Studies of Southeast Archaeology)
Received: 24 January 2011; Accepted: 14 March 2011; Revised: 23
March 2011
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Zhang Chi (1) & Hsiao-chun Hung (2)
(1) School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University,
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(2) Department of Archaeology and Natural History, School of
Culture, History and Language and School of Archaeology and
Anthropology, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200,
Australia (Email:
Table 1. Chronological contexts of southern Chinese Neolithic
cultures, both of farmers and of complex hunter-gatherers (the latter
in italics). See also Figures 1 & 2
Region Yangtze alluvial plain
Age Phase Hubei & Xia-Jiang
Xia-Jiang Hubei region
region: Three
18000-7000 Late Palaeolithic
BC to Early
7000-5000 Middle Pengtoushan
BC Neolithic culture
Xia-Jiang Chengbeixi
variant of culture
5000-3000 Early Phase of Xia-Jiang Daxi culture
BC Late variant of
Neolithic the Daxi
3000-2100 Late Phase of Qujialing Qujialing
BC Late culture culture
Early Early
Shijiahe Shijiahe
culture culture
Middle Middle
Shijiahe Shijiahe
culture culture
2100-1800 Terminal Late
BC Neolithic Shijiahe
Region Yangtze alluvial plain
Age Dongting Southern Gan-Bo region Jiang-Zhe region
Lake Hunan
Dongting Yuanshui Gan Valley Yangtze delta
Lake River Poyang-Lake
plain region plain
18000-7000 Xianrendong &
BC Diao-tonghuan
7000-5000 Pengtoushan Shangshan
BC culture culture
Zaoshi Gaomiao
culture variant
5000-3000 Daxi culture Late Gao- Shinianshan Hemudu culture
BC miao culture
Yuanshui Majiabang
variant of culture
the Daxi
culture *
Early Songze
Late Songze
3000-2100 Qujialing Qujialing Early Liangzhu
BC culture culture Fanchengdui culture
Early Early Late
Shijiahe Shijiahe Fanchengdui
culture culture culture and
Middle Middle
Shijiahe Shijiahe
culture culture
2100-1800 Late Late Nandang
BC Shijiahe Shijiahe culture
Region South of the Nanling Mountains
Age Guangxi Guangdong Fujian Taiwan
18000-7000 Dayan,
BC Miaoyan er
7000-5000 Dingsishan
BC culture
5000-3000 Dingsishan Xiantouling
BC culture culture **
3000-2100 Dingsishan Shixia culture Tanshisan Late
BC culture? culture Dabenkeng
2100-1800 Dingsishan
BC Phase 4
* Alternatively known as the Songxikou culture
** Alternatively known as the Lingnan variant of the Daxi culture
Table 2. Animal remains from the Dingsishan shell midden in southern
Guangxi (after Lu, P. 2010).
Class English name Latin name
Gastropoda River snail Cipangopaludina hainanensis
Bellamya quadrates (Benson)
Bellamya mutica (Kobelt)
Bellamya rivularis (Kobelt)
Bellamya wilhelmi (Yen)
Bellamya polyzonatus
Bellamya costatus
(Quoi & Gaimard)
Bellamya thersites (Reeve)
Bellamya haudei
(Dautzenberg & Fischer)
Bellamya sp.
Rivularia porcellanea
Rivularia rusiostoma
Margarya meslanioides
Margarya mansuyi
(Dautzenberg & Fischer)
Semisucospira henriettae
Sulcospira hainanensis (Brut)
Cyclophorus songmaensis
Eusphaedusa ridicula
Opeas gracilior (Credaler)
Camaena hainanensis
(H. Adams)
Bradybaena similaris
similaris (Ferussac)
Lamellibranchia Mussel Limnoperna sp.
Freshwater pearl Margaritiana sp.
Clam Acuticosta sp.
Lanceolaria triformis (Heude)
Lamprotula leai (Gray)
Lamprotula scripta (Heude)
Lamprotula polysticta (Heude)
Lamprotula mansuyi
(Dautzenberg & Fischer)
Lamprotula sp.
Anodonta sp.
Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Muller)
Crustacea Decapoda
Pisces Common carp Cyprinidae
Black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus
(Richardson 1846)
Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella
(Valenciennes 1844)
Yellowcheek carp Elopichthys bambusa
(Richardson 1845)
Reptilia Crocodile/Aligator Crocodylia
Pond, box and leaf Emydidae
Asian giant soft Pelochelys cantorii
shelled turtle (Gray 1864)
Chinese softshell Pelodiscus sinensis
turtle (Wiegmann 1835)
Aves Bird
Mammalia Old World monkey Cercopithecidae
Domestic dog Canis lupus familiares
(Linnaeus 1758)
Raccoon dog Nyctereutes protyonoides
(Gray 1834)
Asian black bear Selenarctos thibetanus
(G.. Cuvier 1823)
Hog Badger Arctonyx collaris
(F. Cuvier 1825)
Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus) 1758
Masked Palm Civet Paguma larvata
(Hamilton-Smith 1831)
Asian Elephant Elephas maximus
(Linnaeus 1758)
Rhinosceros Rhinoceros sp.
Pig Sus sp (p).
Northern Red Muntiacus vaginalis
Muntjac (Boddaert 1785)
Chinese Muntjac Muntiacus reevesi
(Ogilby 1839)
Sambar deer Rusa unicolor (Kerr 1792)
Sika deer Cervus Nippon
(Temminck 1838)
Buffalo Bubalus sp.
Field vole Microtus sp.
Eurasian beaver Castor fiber
(Linnaeus 1758)
Bamboo rat Rhizomys sp.
Himalayan Hystrix (biacbyura) hodgsoni
porcupine (Gray 1847)
Hare Lepus sp.