Dzudzuana: an Upper Palaeolithic cave site in the Caucasus foothills (Georgia).
Bar-Yosef, Ofer ; Belfer-Cohen, Anna ; Mesheviliani, Tengiz 等
Upper Palaeolithic occupations have been reported from caves and
rockshelters in the western Caucasus foothills since the late nineteenth
century (Zamiamin 1957; Berdzenishvili 1972; Tushabramashvili &
Vekua 1982; Bader 1984; Tushabramishvili 1984; Liubin 1989; Meshveliani
et al. 2004). The earliest phase of the Upper Palaeolithic sequence was
believed to be characterised by the lingering presence of Mousterian
tools together with the appearance of distinct Upper Palaeolithic types
such as endscrapers, burins and retouched blades. This kind of
assemblage was thought to represent the cultural transition from the
Middle to Upper Palaeolithic. The prevailing historical-evolutionary
concept was that such transition was a normative process with ancestral
Middle Palaeolithic human groups evolving unto those of the Upper
Palaeolithic (but see Cohen & Stepanchuk 1999).
Since 1996 a joint team of Georgian, American and Israeli
researchers has been involved in systematic excavations of two Caucasian
sites: Ortvale Klde Rockshelter (Tushabramishvili et al. 1999; Adler
& Tushabramishvili 2004, Adler et al. 2006a) and Dzudzuana Cave
(Meshveliani et al. 1999, 2004). These sites lie 5km apart at about 560m
asl in the Chiatura region, in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains (Figure 1). Ortvale Klde contains a sequence of Middle Palaeolithic
layers capped by several Upper Palaeolithic occurrences and is fully
dated by TL, ESR, and radiocarbon readings (Adler et al. 2008 and
references therein).
Here we present an account of the excavated sequence at Dzudzuana,
together with its rich assemblages (summarised in Table 1). Details of
the sediments and materials are marshalled in an online open access
supplementary file, to which reference should be made
Excavations in Dzdudzuana Cave have been conducted in two
campaigns. The first in 1966-75 was directed by D. Tushabramishvili, and
covered an area of c. 40[m.sup.2] near the cave entrance which was
excavated down to bedrock (Figure 2). The excavations were carried out
in units 0.1m deep in 1[m.sup.2] squares, and artefacts were recovered
by hand, without wet-sieving. The stratification was subdivided into two
major units: Layer I--the Upper Eneolithic and Layer II--the Upper
Palaeolithic deposits (Liubin 1989). Tushabramishvili further subdivided
Layer II into eight sub-layers designated as II-1 to II-8. All except
II-8, a sterile deposit immediately above bedrock, contained artefacts
and bones.
A second campaign took place in 1996-2008 (Figures 2 & 3)
exposing a similar sequence of Upper Palaeolithic units capped by an
Eneolithic one, dated by 36 radiocarbon readings (Table 2). Two areas
were excavated: the first, an extension of Tushabramishvili's
excavations near the entrance of the cave (squares F-I 9-7 and J-K
12-11), which we call hereafter the 'lower area' (LoAr in
Table 2, east), the second an 'upper area' comprising squares
G-H 24-21, 19-15 (UpAr in Table 2, west). The total excavated surface
was c. 24[m.sup.2]. In the lower area (Figure 3, east), the depth of
excavated deposits was 4.5m while in the upper area (Figure 3, west) it
was 3.25m. The basic units of excavation were 50mm-thick quadrants of
0.5 x 0.5m, within a 1 x 1m grid. The excavated deposits were
wet-sieved, dried and later hand-picked in order to retrieve the
smallest archaeological components (lithics, bones, etc.).
On the basis of geoarchaeological observations, we divided the
sequence in the lower area into four main stratigraphic units (A-D)
(Figure 3). In the upper area we uncovered only part of the sequence,
namely Units D and C with rare residues of B at the top. As the
archaeological sequence was exposed to its full depth only in squares
G-H 18-19, the sample representing the upper area in the present account
is the one derived from those squares. We subdivided Unit C on the basis
of changes in the nature of the clayey deposit and the inclusions of
small limestone fragments, into five sub-units numbered from top to
bottom as C1 to C5. A special effort was made to correlate the results
from the two campaigns of excavations. We used the same grid as
Tushabramishvili, and confronted the differences that arose through
different techniques of recovery and scale of excavation.
Overall, the sediments in the cave consist of differing proportions
of silty clay that vary locally in bedding, colour or rock content (see
also supplement 2). There was a general shift in the type of sediment
from Units D and C (mudflow deposits) into Unit B (secondary clay
accumulations due to dripping water or groundwater). Studies suggest
that the deposit was derived from both the inside of the cave (some
rockfall and clay) and the outside, from streams (rounded gravel and
sandy 'foreign' lithologies, as well as some clay). The
lithics and bones in Unit B were found interspersed within lenses of
gravels and clay indicating post-depositional processes that most
probably interfered with the original spatial distribution of the human
occupation. Unit A had been largely removed (as Layer I) in the first
Thirty radiocarbon dates are reported from samples of animal bone
and charcoal (Table 2). These show that there is a hiatus of several
thousand years between each of the main stratigraphic units, D-A. Dates
from Unit D extend from 34.5 to 32.2 ka cal BP and from Unit C to a
period from 27 to 24 ka cal BE The three dates from Unit B lie between
16.5 and 13.2 ka cal BP and assign it to the Terminal Pleistocene. The
dates from Unit A in the seventh millennium BP attribute it to the Late
Neolithic/Eneolithic period, but some sherds dating to the Classical and
medieval periods reflect later ephemeral occupations of the cave.
The only aberrant date is RTT-5741 of 25 300 [+ or -] 570 (31-29.5
ka cal BP), which derives from the very top of Unit C yet is older than
the remaining C dates in both the upper and lower areas. The sequence of
C in the lower area is thicker and its lower levels are somewhat older
than those of the upper area which is further inside the cave. Given the
permanent presence of flowing water in the cave it is conceivable that
further excavations may reveal that some cave deposits were eroded away,
thus the chronological gaps and anomalies were in part due to erosion or
The pollen sequence
The palynological analysis shows clear differences between the
pollen spectra of the various units. During the accumulation of Unit D,
the climate was constantly changing, as appears from the contents of the
three pollen spectra. The lowermost part of the unit is characterised by
warm climatic conditions. Pollen of wild grape (Vitis silvestris), hazel
(Corylus) and oak (Quercus) are present. Later on, the level of humidity
grew, and that in turn changed to more dry conditions. In the upper part
of this unit, at the contact with Unit C, the pollen reflects a
deterioration of the climatic conditions. It is characterised by the
presence of birch (Betula), a component of highland forests missing from
the layers above and a significant amount of wormwood (Artemisia) pollen
that indicates a dry and cold climate. The pollen of Chenopodiaceae and
Poacae may reflect the mountainous steppe as indicated also by the
presence of pine (Pinus).
The palynological spectra (14 samples) of Unit C are dominated by a
large amount of weeds that usually grow on trampled ground attributed to
human activities (Behre 1981). These comprise plantain (Plantago),
nettle (Urtica) and cocklebur (Xanthium). The presence of chicory (Cichoriaideae) is high in all the studied samples. The tree pollen is
characterised by species adapted to more warm and wet conditions than
those observed in Unit D. They include wingnut (Pterocarya pterocarpa),
walnut (Juglans regia), oak (Quercus), linden (Tilia), alder (Alnus
barbata), hazel (Carylus), vine (Vitis silvestris) and pine (Pinus). The
presence of parenchyma cells of various kinds of wood reflects the
existence of hearths in the cave. Spores of forest ferns such as
Asplenium ruta-murraria, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Adiathum and Polystichum
confirm the suggestion that a warm and wet climate prevailed during the
time of Unit C. Chlamydospores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus),
as well as zygospores of the algae Zygnema and Spirogira found in the
cave also support the contention of wet and mild climatic conditions
(Navarro et al. 2000).
The palynological spectra (five samples) from Unit B demonstrate a
major change from bottom to top. The lower part is characterised by
large amounts of rhododendron (Rhododendron caucasica) pollen and other
highland elements that suggest the presence of an alpine belt in the
vicinity of the cave. This 'colder conditions event' was prior
to the Younger Dryas, but additional dates are needed for establishing a
firmer climatic correlation. The change from the cold conditions to an
increase in humidity is indicated by the presence of a highland dark
coniferous forest of spruce, fir and pine with rare occurrences of
In the pollen spectra from Unit A, domesticated cereals, grapes and
field weeds make their first appearance. Signs of human impact on forest
vegetation are clearly visible. After clearing the forest, the secondary
landscapes are usually dominated by light-loving species, such as hazel,
alder and bracken (Garylus, Alnus, Pteridium aquilinum) (Behre 1981).
The quantities of pollen and spores of all the species mentioned
approach very high values and there are also high contents of spores of
coprophilic fungi. Those are fungi such as Sordaria, Podospora and
Sporormiella which grow in dung of grazing animals. There are also
micro-remains of mites and eggs of helminths parasites of both animals
and humans (e.g. Trichuris).
Comparing the dates and the pollen sequence, it appears that the
cave was abandoned during times when either high precipitation (as
between units D and C) or colder periods, such as the Late Glacial
Maximum (as between Unit C and B) or during the Younger Dryas (post Unit
B), made it uninhabitable. Interestingly, during the proceeding
Preboreal and Boreal periods the cave was not in use in spite of the
ameliorated climatic conditions.
The artefact assemblages
The assemblages comprised lithics, obsidian, bone objects, animal
bone, pollen and flax. The relative quantities found in each of the four
main stratigraphic units are tabulated in supplement 3, Tables 3-8. Most
of the chipped-stone assemblage consisted of a local chert variety
(radiolarite) which is easily obtained either from the plateau above the
cave or down in the river bed. The quality of the raw material is
mediocre as reflected in the amount of rejects among the items in the
debitage category, but the artefacts are predominantly in mint
condition. There is a very limited use of obsidian, which was brought
from e. 80-100km away (Adler 2002). The ratios of debitage-item per tool
in all units indicate that the latter were probably brought over to the
cave as finished products. In all the layers, use is made of bone and to
a lesser degree, antler, for modifying bone artefacts and ornaments.
Lithics (see also supplement 4)
Unit D
The assemblage from Unit D includes tools, cores and debitage,
obsidian and bone tools (Figure 4). A unique type of endscraper, of the
rounded variety is found in small numbers yet it is quite distinct and
absent from the following Unit C assemblages (Figure 4. 7-8). As always,
the endscraper category is prominent and outnumbers the burin category
which mostly comprises the dihedral forms. Though obsidian tools account
for 3.3% and 3.2% of the tool assemblages of the lower and upper areas
respectively, the absolute numbers are quite small, and the same is true
for the obsidian debitage items and cores. The bone industry comprises
mostly awls and points (9 out of 12). There is a single
'decorative' element, a bone fragment with two triangles cut
into it and a single bi-point made of antler.
Unit C
Although Unit C was divided into five sub-units, their assemblages
were found to share the same characteristics. The lithic assemblage is
dominated by the production of small blades and bladelets detached
predominantly from carinated narrow cores, defined as 'rabot'
in the pioneering days of the prehistoric research (Bourlon &
Bouyssonie 1912) (Figure 5). In the absence of typical Aurignacian tool
types this category of carinated cores cannot serve as a cultural marker
for the presence of this mostly west European culture (Belfer-Cohen
& Grosman 2007). The largest category in both the lower (37.1%) and
upper (48.3%) areas is that of retouched bladelets (Figure 5.9-17). A
unique characteristic of Unit C (mainly sub-units C2-4) in the upper
area is the Sakajia point (defined by Bader 1965; Figure 5.68). Though
it appears in small numbers in the sample discussed herewith (0.6%; N =
20), more specimens were recovered from the excavations of Unit C than
from the upper area in total. These are arched/curved pointed blades
with abrupt retouch (but never bipolar) along the straight edge and a
proximal retouched truncation. The blanks were removed from
unidirectional cores. Although their shape is reminiscent of Gravette
points they differ technologically. Endscrapers are numerous and
outnumber burins (Figure 5.18-19). They are diverse in form and type,
from the smallest thumbnail scrapers to the bigger varieties, on the end
of a flake or a blade. Of all units and areas, the 'lower' C
is the richest in obsidian tools, comprising 3.7% of all the tools,
while in the 'upper' C they comprise less than half of that
percentage (1.2%). The numbers of obsidian debitage items and cores are
similar in both areas.
Two stone pendants were recovered in the Unit C upper area sample
presented here. One of them has 31 striations along its circumference
(Figures 5.2 & 6.12). Other decorations are made on bone and teeth.
A bone pendant was recovered from the lower area while in the upper area
there were two tooth pendants, one an incisor of capra, with a drilled
suspension hole and the other, a deer tooth with the enamel removed and
polished all over (Figure 6.10-11). Other decorated items include
incised pieces, sometimes with elaborate patterns, either of long bone
splinters or ribs (Figures 6.6 & 6.14). Most of the bone tools
belong to the awl/point varieties made by a shaving technique, mostly on
splinters, with polishing as the last phase of shaping. Of interest are
the antler points which are much thicker and robust than the ones made
on bone. Other categories are represented by single specimens, such as a
bone needle with an 'eye', a polisher made of a bovid rib, a
rib spatula, and a 'retoucher' made on a bone splinter 130mm
long and 30mm wide. Overall, Unit C is relatively rich in bone artefacts
as there are at least another 100 worked items from the previous
excavations and the material not included in the present report,
encompassing decorated items as well as points and awls.
Unit B
Unit B comprises an assemblage characterised by the presence of
microgravettes and backed and retouched bladelets (Figure 7). The
frequencies of microgravettes decrease from bottom to top. The local
character of these assemblages is marked by the consistently high
percentages of endscrapers, which always outnumber the burins, through
all the archaeological occupations on site. There are elongated blades,
c. 80mm long, but most of the debitage comprises flakes, small blades,
bladelets and debris. Obsidian tools comprise 1.2% (N = 11) of the total
tool count; there are no obsidian cores and only c. 50 debitage
artefacts. The worked bone items retrieved during current excavations
consist of only eight items, of which one is a decorated, incised rib
Thus, all through the Palaeolithic sequence there are high
frequencies of endscrapers, and to a lesser degree of burins, in
conjunction with the particular morphotypes and technologies of each
unit. Another type of tool which appears consistently, though in much
smaller numbers, is the piece esquillee (Figures 4.15 & 7.11). In
addition, we can actually envision the transformation of the Sakajia
point into the microgravettes, to be replaced later by asymmetric
triangles--all three morphotypes portraying a straight edge shaped
through varieties of abrupt retouch combined with basal truncations.
Unit A
The Unit A assemblage comprised some bone tools, pottery and faunal
remains, but most of the finds were lithics. Those include polished
celts, bifacially retouched knives, spearheads, arrowheads, borers and a
few sickle blades, as well as cores and some debitage which may indicate
in situ production or modification of the lithic material; some material
was probably residual from Unit B.
The faunal remains
Bison (Bison priscus), aurochs (Bos primogenius) and Caucasian tur
(goat) (Capra caucasica) are the most common taxa in all occupation
levels. The few bison and aurochs remains identifiable to species appear
to include both species in equal numbers (Bar-Oz et al. 2008: tab. 2).
Other ungulate species are represented in small frequencies and include
primarily red deer (Cervus elaphus). It appears that the earliest
occupation at the site (Unit D) contains higher proportions of Caucasian
tur, while Unit C contains higher proportions of steppe bison and
aurochs. In Unit B the percentages of steppe bison and aurochs are
similar to those of Caucasian tur. It could be that the differcnces in
species abundance between the units reflect differences in the season of
occupation. The high frequency of Caucasian tur in Unit D may indicate
hunting activities that occurred during the late autumn or winter while
the herds descended into the higher part of the forests. On the other
hand, the high frequency of steppe bison in Unit C may result from
hunting in early spring or summer when bison herds climbed to the
woodland in the mountainous areas (see Vereshchagin 1967 and Heptner et
al. 1989 for detailed accounts of the behavioural ecology and seasonal
migration of Caucasian tur and steppe bison).
The taphonomic history of Dzudzuana Cave indicates that the bone
assemblage of each unit was accumulated by the same subsistence
strategy. This is indicated by the similarity of species composition and
its demographic profile, as well as the similarity of carcass processing
and marrow extraction (supplement 5). It is worth noting that the same
species were hunted at the nearby Palaeolithic site of Ortvale Klde, but
in each of the late Middle and early Upper Palaeolithic layers the
Caucasian tur is the most abundant prey species (Bar-Oz & Adler
2005; Adler et al. 2006a; Adler & Bar-Oz 2009). It seems reasonable
to conclude that the difference in the taxonomic composition reflects
differences in the season of occupation and that the lifeways of
Palaeolithic hunters were largely determined by the availability of
animal resources on a seasonal basis and by the hunting technology (e.g.
Bar-Yosef 2004).
Plant and microzoological remains
Although we conducted systematic flotation, no prehistoric plant
remains were recovered. However, during the course of pollen analysis
numerous non-pollen polymorphs were discovered. Among these were unique
finds of wild flax fibres, including spun and dyed ones (Figure 8;
Kvavadze et al. 2009). Fibres were recovered from all units, the richest
being Unit C (Unit A = 30; Unit B = 48; Unit C = 787; Unit D = 488). The
amount of the flax fibres increases from the lowermost sub-unit C5 to
the uppermost C1, while the maximal rates (60-90 fibres) are documented
in sub-unit C3. It is interesting that besides spun fibres, there are
remains of knitted string with numerous knots (Kvavadze et al. 2009:
figs. 1 & 2). Dyed fibres are also more numerous in C3. The colours
identified are blue, green and pink. Zoological fossils include
microscopic remains of mites (Acari) and hair of abdominal segments of
larva of beetle (Coleoptera, family Dermestidae). There are also tur
hairs, spun and dyed (in grey and green). The remains of fur,
micro-remains of skin beetles and moth can be interpreted as evidence
for working hide and flax. The samples with the highest content of flax
also contained spores of the fungus Chaetomium, which usually grows on
clothes and textiles and destroys them.
The regional context
In the early 1970s J. Kozlowski (1970, 1972) restudied most of the
Georgian Upper Palaeolithic lithic assemblages and expressed his doubts
concerning the validity of the previously advocated tri-partite
sequence. He proposed to date the earliest assemblage at Sagvardjile
(Layer V) to 34-30 ka BP (which, when calibrated, would fall today in
the range of c. 39-34 ka BP), on the basis of long-range comparisons
with the Baradostian assemblages from Shanidar Cave, Iran (e.g. Solecki
1958; Olszewski & Dibble 1993). Later, one of us (Meshveliani 1989)
demonstrated that the presence of both Middle and Upper Palaeolithic
artefacts in the same assemblage is the outcome of mechanical admixture,
an observation confirmed in recent excavations (e.g. Meshveliani et al.
2004; Adler et al. 2008) thus indicating that the local early Upper
Palaeolithic was brought in by foreign foragers.
Dzudzuana Cave provides us, for the first time, with a
chronological framework for the Upper Palaeolithic cultural
manifestations uncovered during many years of excavations in caves and
rockshelters in the southern foothills of the Caucasus. We are lucky to
have clear chronological gaps, indicating the various periods during
which the cave was occupied. At the same time, one can see continuity of
a local tradition in the lithic techno-typological properties.
The best match for Dzudzuana Unit D is Layer 4 in Ortvale Klde
(Adler et al. 2006b: fig. 10). The dates (e. 37.7-33.7 ka cal BP) may
indicate a slightly earlier occupation by the bearers of this industry
(Adler et al. 2008: tabs. 8 & 9). A somewhat similar industry was
recorded in Apiancha Cave, situated in the lowlands near the Black Sea
shore and dated to >32.8 ka uncal BP (Korkia 1998). The industry of
Unit D also resembles the early Upper Palaeolithic assemblage,
radiocarbon dated to c. 38.2-36.8 ka cal BP, reported from Mezmaiskaya
Cave (Golovanova et al. 2006; Adler et al. 2008). The latter is
dominated by backed blades and bladelets and does not contain any
carinated cores. Given the location of the two sites, separated
geographically by the peaks of the Caucasus ridges, the apparent
contemporaneity raises the possibility that the assemblages represent
the same social entity of foragers, indicating that the dispersal of
modern humans across a geographic barrier was relatively fast.
Two Georgian assemblages traditionally assigned to the early Upper
Palaeolithic are Sagvardjile Layer V and the assemblage from Samerzkhle
Klde (Liubin 1989: 124). The lithics at the latter site comprised
numerous long blades, blade cores and rare bladelet cores. Other
components include simple endscrapers on blades, dihedral burins and
several rabots, i.e. carinated cores, which to us indicate that the
assemblages comprise a mixture of earlier and later material. The
recently published bone radiocarbon date of 20 160 [+ or -] 160 BP
(calibrated 24 093 [+ or -] 328, OXA-7854, Nioradze & Otte 2000),
supports our contention of possible contemporaneity with Unit C at
Dzudzuana. Moreover, it is of interest to note that there is a
similarity between cores from this site (Nioradze & Otte 2000: 280,
fig. 13) and cores derived from Unit B in Dzudzuana (Figure 7.12-13).
Unit C at Dzudzuana (27-24 ka cal BP) is characterised by its
reduction sequence based on carinated cores. These are often seen as an
Aurignacian characteristic; however, there is no justification (either
technological or typological) for associating any of the Georgian
assemblages (e.g. Dzudzuana, Svanta Savane, Samerzkhle Klde or Togon
Klde) with the Aurignacian tradition of western Europe. The presence of
the carinated cores may indicate a general contemporaneity among sites
in western Georgia, as with the site of Gubs (Amirkhanov 1986) located
on the northern slopes of the Caucasus. The bone and antler implements
associated with this industry do not comprise typical Aurignacian
artefacts (such as the split-base point). Bone awls, needles, points and
the like were recovered from Upper Palaeolithic contexts all over the
Old World and the same is true for the rare bone beads and decorations.
The Unit B assemblage is rich in blades and bladelets detached from
bipolar cores, which differ considerably, in the various steps of core
reduction, from those of the carinated cores. This Epi-Gravettian
assemblage, characterised by microgravette points is currently dated to
c. 16.5-13.2 ka cal BP but could have first appeared at an earlier date.
Similar assemblages were excavated many years ago in the Megvimevi
Rockshelter, located about 2km south of Dzudzuana. There are at least
four additional Epi-Gravettian assemblages, rich in backed bladelets and
microgravettes, besides the standard inventory of simple endscrapers,
burins and awls, some with increasing percentages of geometric
Sakajia Cave, located further west from Dzudzuana, recently yielded
a radiocarbon date on a bovid bone of 11 700 [+ or -] 80 BP (calibrated
13 583 [+ or -] 148, OxA-7853, Nioradze & Otte 2000). Although the
context of the sample is unknown, it should be noted that the original
excavators (Schmidt & Koslowski) identified three separate Upper
Palaeolithic phases, while later excavators (G. & M. Nioradze)
considered the whole Upper Palaeolithic sequence as one unit (Zamiamin
1957; Bader 1984; Liubin 1989; Nioradze & Otte 2000). Therefore,
this particular date could represent the uppermost assemblage dominated
by microliths.
A similar industry including a local variant of small-shouldered
points was reported from Apiancha Cave, further west. It is of interest
to note that there are two radiocarbon readings of c. 17.9-17.6 ka cal
BP from the site, although their exact context is not reported (Korkia
Closer to Dzuduzuana, the site of Gvardjilas Klde is known for its
rich microlithic component incorporating, besides microgravettes, large
numbers of geometric microliths--triangles and lunates. There are also
small delicate awls, long borers and high frequencies of small
endscrapers (including the thumbnail type). In addition, the rich bone
industry includes several ornaments and decorated items. Unfortunately,
here also, several Upper Palaeolithic occupations were lumped together.
Stratigraphic observations reveal that there were sterile layers
interspersed between the archaeological ones, reaching a total thickness
of 3.5m (see Bader 1984; Liubin 1989; Nioradze & Otte 2000).
Therefore the two radiocarbon dates of 15 960 [+ or -] 120 BP (OxA-7855)
and 15 010 [+ or -] 110 BP (OxA-7856) (Nioradze & Otte 2000;
calibrated as 19.1-18.2 ka cal BP), on bone artefacts could have come
from the lower part of the sequence, prior to the visible dominance of
geometric microliths. Our recent excavations at Kotias Klde (Meshveliani
et al. 2007) established the dates for the Mesolithic industry rich in
triangles as ranging from 12.2 to 10.4 ka cal BP.
There are several other Upper Palaeolithic assemblages that lack
any radiocarbon dates and differ in their techno-typological properties
from the assemblages enumerated above. One example is the assemblage
from Svanta Savane, a site in the lowlands, rich in scrapers with
scalariform retouch and high frequencies of burins on truncations. This
assemblage resembles similar industries reported from Levantine sites
which date to c. 25-20 ka cal BP (Belfer-Cohen & Goring-Morris 2003)
and may correlate with the context in Apiancha Cave dated to 25 975 [+
or -] 650 ka BP (30 841 [+ or -] 611 cal BP; LE-3112; Korkia 1998)
filling in the first chronological gap in Dzudzuana.
The earliest manifestations of the Upper Palaeolithic in western
Georgia are relatively late when compared with the earliest Upper
Palaeolithic in the Near East and southeastern Europe. The early
assemblages in the Caucasus appear to be already dominated by the
production of bladelets. This characteristic of the western Georgian
assemblages recalls the Ahmarian blade industries from the Levant (Belfer-Cohen & Goring-Morris 2003). Long-distance comparisons of
the local Middle Palaeolithic on both sides of the Caucasus ranges
reveal that, while the Mousterian of the southern flanks closely
resembles the Mousterian of the Taurus (i.e. Karain Cave) and the Zagros
(Adler et al. 2006a), the Late Mousterian of the northern Caucasus is
similar to the northern European Micoquian Mousterian.
Hence, while the Caucasus served as a geographic barrier between
the two Middle Palaeolithic Neanderthal populations, the early Upper
Palaeolithic assemblages on both sides of the Caucasus Mountains
demonstrate similarities, indicating the dispersal of modern humans
throughout the whole region. The ensuing cultural traditions do not
follow the Upper Palaeolithic sequence of western Europe or the Near
East as previously claimed. In particular, the 'carinated
core' industries found all over the Caucasus region lack any
evidence for the presence of the west European 'classical'
This paper is dedicated to the memory of our friend Dr Merab
Tvalchrelidze, a geologist, who made the first observations on the
cave's deposits. We are grateful to Prof. Abesalom Vekua for his
important assistance in the paleontological aspects of our research. We
thank Prof. David Lordkipanidze (Director of the Georgian National
Museum, Tbilisi) who facilitated our work at the site and shared with us
his original unpublished palynological observations. We thank the
American school of Prehistoric Research (Peabody Museum, Harvard
University) for generously sponsoring this project since 1996, the
L.S.B. Leakey Foundation for its support in 2008 (grant to L. Meignen)
and the National Geographic Society (grant to O. Bar-Yosef).
Online Supplement (see
Contents: 1) Summary; 2) Sediments; 3) Assemblages; 4) Lithics
(Tables 3-7); 5) Faunal remains (Table 8). Tables: 3) Tool types of
Units B, C and D; 4) Debitage of Units B, C and D; 5) Debitage of Units
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Ofer Bar-Yosef (1), Anna Belfer-Cohen (2), Tengiz Mesheviliani (3),
Nino Jakeli (3), Guy Bar-Oz (4), Elisabetta Boaretto (5), Paul Goldberg
(6), Eliso Kvavadze (7) & Zinovi Matskevich (1)
(1) Department of Anthropology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University
11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
(2) The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel
(3) National Museum of Georgia, 3 Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi 0105,
(4) Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Haifa
31905, Israel
(5) Radiocarbon Dating and Cosmogenic Isotopes Laboratory, Kimmel
Center for Archaeological Science, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot 76100, Israel; Department of Land of Israel Studies and
Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
(6) Department of Archaeology, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth
Avenue, Suite 347, Boston, MA 02215, USA
(7) Institute of Paleobiology, National Museum of Georgia, 3
Rustaveli Avenue 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Received: 12 April 2010; Accepted: 3 September 2010; Revised: 18
October 2010
Table 1. Summary of stratigraphic divisions and evidence at
Dzudzuana Cave.
Strata unit D C
Period Upper Upper
Palaeolithic Palaeolithic
Date range ka c. 34.5-32.2 c. 27-24
cal BP
Main plants oak, hazel, birch, pine, oak,
wild grape, wormwood,
flax walnut, flax
Implied climate warm-humid cold-warm
Lithics blades carinated cores,
scrapers, retouched
burins, obsidian bladelets, obsidian
(Figure 4) (Figure 5)
Main fauna tur bison, aurochs, tur
Strata unit B A
Period Terminal Late Neolithic
Date range ka c.16.5-13.2 c. 6
cal BP
Main plants rhododendron, woodland
fir, spruce, clearance,
beech cereals
Implied climate cold-wet
Lithics microgravettes knives,
scrapers arrowheads,
(Figure 7) sickle blades
Main fauna bison, aurochs, tur
Table 2. Radiocarbon dates from Dzudzuana. Note that the lower area
(marked as LoAr) of the cave (squares F-17-9) produced earlier dates.
Layer Material Square & Area Elevation Lab #
A Bone LoAr TB 315a
A Bone LoAr TB 3156
A Bone LoAr TB 316a
A Bone LoAr TB 3166
A Charcoal K11a; LoAr 315-325 RTT-5700
B Bone I9a; LoAr 465-470 RTT-3282
B Bone I9a; LoAr 420-425 RTT-3821
B Bone H7a; LoAr 525-530 RTT-3278
C Bone I9c; LoAr 565-570 RTA-3433
C Bone I8d; LoAr 570-575 RTA-3434
C Bone H9c; LoAr 575-580 RTA-3435
C Bone H8d; LoAr 590-595 RTT-3822
C Bone G8c; LoAr 600-605 RTT-3823
C Charcoal G9a; LoAr 635-640 RTT-4341
C Charcoal H7a; LoAr 635-640 RTT-4339
C Bone G22b; UpAr* 170-175 RTT-5741
C Bone H196; UpAr 255-260 RTT-4334
C Bone I18c; UpAr 285-290 RTT-5742
C Bone I17d; UpAr 295-300 RTT-5743
C Bone I19c; UpAr 320-330 RTT-5744
C Bone I18b,d; UpAr 300-310 RTT-5746
D Bone F7b; LoAr 630-635 RTA-3436
D Bone G9d; LoAr 635-640 RTA-4338
D Bone F7b; LoAr 635-640 RTA-3437
D Bone F7b; LoAr 640-645 RTT-3438
D Charcoal G8b; LoAr 630-635 RTT-4340
D Charcoal G9c; LoAr 645-660 RTT-4336
D Charcoal G6a; LoAr 685-695 RTT-4701
D Bone I19a; LoAr 390-400 RTT-5745
D Bone I186; LoAr 410-420 RTT-4747
[delta] [sup.13]C %
Layer PDB Age [sup.14]C BP [+ or -] [sigma]
A 5700 [+ or -] 130
A 6300 [+ or -] 170
A 4600 [+ or -] 130
A 5500 [+ or -] 92
A 5560 [+ or -] 40
B 11500 [+ or -] 75
B 13250 [+ or -] 70
B 13860 [+ or -] 90
C -18.9 21 220 [+ or -] 200
C -19.4 20 980 [+ or -] 150
C -18.7 21 930 [+ or -] 190
C -19.0 20 620 [+ or -] 155
C -19.1 23 240 [+ or -] 200
C -25.2 23 125 [+ or -] 175
C -26.5 22 490 [+ or -] 180
C -18.5 25 300 [+ or -] 570
C -18.9 20 333 [+ or -] 155
C -18.5 20 400 [+ or -] 320
C -18.8 21 200 [+ or -] 350
C -19.0 19 920 [+ or -] 300
C -18.4 20 700 [+ or -] 340
D -18.9 27 150 [+ or -] 300
D -23.9 27 450 [+ or -] 275
D -18.6 27 400 [+ or -] 300
D -19.2 30 350 [+ or -] 400
D -25.9 26 990 [+ or -] 260
D -23.4 26 320 [+ or -] 260
D -23.8 32 140 [+ or -] 500
D -18.9 27 260 [+ or -] 775
D -18.6 29 445 [+ or -] 1015
Layer Age cal BP [+ or -] [sigma]
A 6372-6649
A 6992-7373
A 5073-5461
A 6207-6391
A 6318-6393
B 13 272-13 529
B 15 770-16 591
B 16 890-17 300
C 24 997-25 763
C 24 728-25 551
C 25 874-26 734
C 24 290-24 886
C 27 592-28 227
C 27 231-28 124
C 26 725-27 645
C 29 574-30 943
C 23 954-24 598
C 23 898-24 766
C 24 860-25 888
C 23 410-24 285
C 24 201-25 172
D 31 638-32 072
D 31 833-32 354
D 31 798-32 326
D 34 228-34 962
D 31 531-31 937
D 30 759-31 520
D 35 682-37 558
D 31 165-32 689
D 32 784-34 550
RTA and RTT = Weizmann Institute of Science, TB = Tbilisi University.
Dates calibrated with CalPal-online (CalCurve: CalPal2007-HULU). The
exact stratigraphic provenience of the TB dates is unknown. The lower
area (LoAr) is separated from the upper area (UpAr) for clarity. *
Marks a sample that could have been moved from its original position
in the past.