In the path of the Maize God: a royal tomb at Nakum, Peten, Guatemala.
Zralka, Jaroslaw ; Koszkul, Wieslaw ; Martin, Simon 等
Intensive looting in ancient Maya cities has resulted in a
tremendous loss of archaeological information. The search for marketable
artefacts from tombs and ritual deposits has damaged or destroyed
architecture directly, while the pits and trenches left by illicit
excavations have hastened the collapse of already fragile remains.
North-eastern Guatemala has suffered greatly from this devastation. At
the large site of Naranjo, for example, the two looter's trenches
documented in 1996 had increased to 57 in 1998, and to more than 250 in
2004 (Quintana 2003; Fialko 2005).
However, the establishment of the Triangulo Park- covering Naranjo
and two other large centres, Nakum and Yaxha--together with the onset of
archaeological investigations at these and many smaller sites by the
Guatemalan Institute of Anthropology and History (IDAEH), has led to a
major reduction in the plunder. The Nakum Archaeological Project,
directed by Jaroshw Zralka and Wieshw Koszkul from Jagiellonian
University, Krakow, Poland, which began in 2006, has had the rare
opportunity to study a major undisturbed tomb at Nakum: Burlai 1 in
Structure 15. This is one of the first intact royal burials to be
scientifically excavated by archaeologists in the Triangulo Park area.
The discovery and its subsequent interpretation, reported here, serve to
emphasise the detailed history that is lost through looting and the
benefits of a modern strategy of investigation and restoration.
Nakum: history of investigations and description of the site
Nakum lies at an elevation of about 200m asl and is situated in the
heart of the modern Guatemalan district of Peten. Its discovery is
attributed to the French Count Maurice de Perigny in 1905; who returned
to explore the ruins in 1910 (Perigny 1908, 1911). Further
reconnaissance was carried out by Alfred Tozzer and Raymond Merwin from
the Peabody Museum, Harvard University (Tozzer 1913) and later by
Sylvanus Morley (1937-38) and Nicholas Hellmuth (1992). In 1989, IDAEH
initiated efforts to rescue and protect buildings in the core area of
the site. Formal investigations were initiated in 1994 with the
restoration and excavation of the most deteriorated monumental
structures in the southern sector of the site.
IDEAH investigations indicate Nakum was first settled during the
Middle Preclassic period (c. 800-300 BC). Many structures visible at
Nakum today were constructed in the Late Classic period (AD
600-800)--the apogee of Maya civilisation. However, one of the most
intriguing features of Nakum is its vigorous development during the
Terminal Classic period (ninth-tenth centuries AD), when most other
Southern Lowland Maya centres were in decline (Hermes & Zralka
2008). The core of Nakum is divided into northern and southern sectors
connected by the Perigny Causeway, named after the discoverer of the
ruins. The largest and most impressive is the southern sector which is
home to several tall temple-pyramid structures (Structures A, B, C, V
and U) as well as the extensive Acropolis complex and many other
buildings. The Acropolis (Figure 1) consists of a large platform, 180 x
150m at its base, which is topped primarily by 'palace-like'
structures grouped around 12 courtyards or patios.
Structure 15, Burial 1 and its occupant
Structure 15 is a 13m high mound on the eastern flank of the
largest courtyard of the Acropolis, Patio 1 (Figures 1 & 2). By
investigating this structure we sought to test the hypothesis put
forward by Wieshw Koszkul that it should contain an important burial.
The hypothesis was based on the observation that at many other Maya
sites structures situated on the eastern side of plazas often contain
important internments, as documented by investigations at Tikal,
Caracol, Copan and Quirigua (Becker 1971, 1999, 2003; Chase & Chase
1987, 1994; Jones 1999; Sharer & Traxler 2006:351-4). These
buildings evidently served as shrines dedicated to the founders of elite
families, including royal dynasties.
Structure 15 began as a small platform (designated as Structure 15
Sub-1) dated to the Protoclassic phase (c. 100/50 BC-AD 250/300+) and
built on the level of Patio 1. This platform underwent several important
remodellings and enlargements in the Early Classic period (c. AD
250/300-600 [phases 15 Sub-2, 15 Sub-3 and 15 Sub-4]) and was
subsequently sealed and covered in the Late Classic period (AD
600-800/850) by a new construction consisting of a pyramid platform
topped by a temple consisting of two chambers (phase 15-1) (Figure 3).
A pit opened on the summit of this construction encountered large
capstones c. 1.75m below the surface. These turned out to be the top of
a large burial chamber covered by an intact corbelled vault, now
designated Burial 1 (previously known as Tomb 1). Two looters'
trenches dug into this structure flora the east had failed to find the
tomb, although they severely damaged the building. The tomb chamber was
built on the central north- south axis of the structure and was 4.55m
long, 1.50m wide and 2.20m high. The remains of a human skeleton with
its head oriented to the north were found inside (Figure 4).
Unfortunately, the bones had been almost entirely destroyed by rats, so
that only small pieces of scattered bone remained. The skeletons of
these rodents were found at several places inside the tomb. The
destruction of the bones made it impossible to determine the sex of the
deceased person, although analysis of the surviving remains revealed
that the individual was most likely to have been between 35 and 45 years
old (medium adult) at the time of death (Matute 2006). There were traces
of red pigment that had originally covered the body. The tomb contained
a large quantity of high status goods, among which were ear spools,
nearly 500 jade and shell beads, a jade pectoral adorned with a
hieroglyphic inscription, as well as several vessels.
Grave goods: pottery
Three vessels were deposited in the southern part of the tomb
chamber (Figure 5). Two of them were large monochrome bowls of the
Azucar Impressed (Vessel 1) and Chaquiste Impressed (Vessel 3) types.
However, of special significance is Vessel 2, which is a lateral-flange
tripod plate with semi-cylindrical supports. It held the skeleton of a
bird and several small pieces of charcoal. Painted at the centre of this
plate was a representation of the dancing Maize God, one of the most
important deities for the ancient Maya. This vessel can be ascribed to
the so-called 'Tikal Dancer' style (see: Reents-Budet 1994:
197-8; Boot 2003; Looper et al. 2009:122-31). It should be stressed that
until now only a few complete vessels of this style have been excavated
from a controlled archaeological context. These were found within tombs
at Tikal and at Uaxactun--another important Maya centre located in
northern Guatemala--as well as in burials from the Dolores region of the
south- eastern Peten, Guatemala (Smith 1955: fig. 73al; Culbert 1993:
figs. 43a, 48c, 5la & 78al; Mayer 2010). The majority of these
vessels come from looted contexts and are now in private or public
collections, so their exact place of origin is unknown (Boot 2003;
Looper 2008; Mayer 2010). Some of them were ascribed to the broad Tikal
area, based on chemical analysis. Thus, archaeological, stylistic and
chemical data indicate that vessels of this type were being produced by
different artists and workshops in the Tikal region and its vicinity
(Reents-Budet 1994: 197-8, 339; Reents-Budet & Bishop 2003; Looper
2008) although different locations should also be considered (see Mayer
The pectoral
The most significant find from the tomb was located in the area of
the upper part of the body, which was covered in nearly 500 jade and
shell artefacts (mostly beads). Among them were two pairs of jade ear
ornaments and a jade pectoral (Figure 6) (Koszkul et al. 2007; Zralka
& Koszkul 2007; Finamore & Houston 2010: 132-3). The pectoral is
in the form of a shell and is 106mm long and 49mm wide. On the upper
edge of the convex side there are two suspension holes. This position
indicates that this piece was once part of a larger necklace formed by
circular and tubular jade beads and was laid on the buried person's
chest in a horizontal orientation.
The concave side of the pectoral is incised with the upper portion
of an anthropomorphic figure wearing an elaborate headdress, while the
convex side bears a column of hieroglyphs (Figure 7). Judging by the
analysis of similar pieces, the figure is most likely to represent an
ancestor. Such figures are usually represented by an isolated head, or a
head with a single arm, and are shown floating in scrolls representing
smoke or flames (Houston et al. 2006: 50-51; see also Iglesias &
Sanz 1999: fig. 1; Laporte & Fialko 1995: fig. 19). The horizontal
orientation of the Nakum piece places the figure's head in a
downward position (Koszkul et al. 2007). This theme is repeated on a
number of carved monuments (e.g. Tikal Stelae 29 and 31 [Jones &
Satterthwaite 1982: figs. 49a, 51c] or El Baul Stela 1, and Takalik Abaj Stela 2 [Sharer with Traxler 2006: 237, 248]). These show ancestral
figures (usually identified by hieroglyphic names in their headdresses)
floating above their living descendents, gazing down on them as wimesses
to their ritual actions.
The convex side of the Nakum pectoral carries a short hieroglyphic
text consisting of five incised glyphs (Figure 7). It begins with a
description of the jade pectoral itself, here represented
pictographically at the end of a beaded necklace, probably read as the
possessed form (yu)-UH 'his/her jewel'. A royal title follows
featuring AJAW 'lord, ruler' attached to what may be an early
spelling of YAX-a (David Stuart pers. comm. 2006). If so, it could well
refer to Yaxha, Nakum's Triangulo Park neighbour located
approximately 11km to the south. The text is completed by the personal
name of a previously unknown king called IXIIM? CHAN 'Maize-(God)
Snake'. Taking all this data into account, the inscription can be
read as: '[This is] the jewel of the Yaxha[?] lord Maize-God
This inscription gives rise to a number of questions concerning the
potential relationship between Nakum and Yaxha, and the origin of the
pectoral itself. One possibility is that Nakum might have been, at least
for a time, part of a larger Yaxha kingdom. Equally, the pectoral could
have been a gift, or a trophy taken from Yaxha in some conflict. The
style of incision on either side of the pectoral differs, suggesting
that they were made by different artists, perhaps at different times.
Nonetheless, it seems probable that the figure shown on the concave side
of the pectoral was an ancestor (possibly the father) of the owner of
this object mentioned in the inscription. This floating character wears
a series of masks and zoomorphic motifs, and it is likely that the
uppermost one, a mammal with a long row of teeth, represents part of his
personal name. Stylistically, this piece can be ascribed to the Early
Classic period, to some point between the third and fifth centuries AD.
On the evidence of the ceramics found in Burial 1, the internment
took place in the seventh or early eighth century AD. This placement has
recently been confirmed by radiocarbon dating. A carbon sample taken
from the plate with the image of the dancing Maize God was dated to
1300[+ or -]35 BP (2[sigma] cal AD 650-780). It is therefore clear that
the jade pectoral is at least several centuries older than the tomb
One explanation is that it was kept by the royal family as an
heirloom and deposited in the burial of a much later dynast. This was a
popular custom among the ancient Maya and we know of several other royal
tombs in which items from earlier times were included (e.g. at Calakmul
[see: Carrasco 1998: 384; Fields & Reents-Budet 2005: 255] or
Palenque [Ruz 1973: fig. 226]). The ancient Maya sometimes acquired and
kept objects of even greater antiquity, made in Olmec style (e.g.
pectorals and pendants), which in some cases were covered by new
inscriptions and representations (Schele & Miller 1986:119-20;
Fields & Reents-Budet 2005: 182, 1914; see also Pellecer Alecio
2006: 1028; Freidel 2010). Such objects, related to real or fictitious
ancestors, served to legitimise the power of the kings who possessed
them. The Nakum pectoral is clearly related to much earlier jade
ornaments attributed to the Olmec culture, were they are often referred
to as 'spoons' or 'damshell pendants' (see Andrews
1986: figs. 3, 7 & 9c, 1987: fig. lb: 23, 25, 26, 29 & 32; Coe
et al. 1995: cat. nos. 70 & 75; Hammond 1995: fig. 35, 1999: fig. 1;
Castro-Leal 1996: cat. no. 98). The dose resemblance of the Nakum
pectoral to several similar Olmec artefacts may indicate that it is
actually an Olmec piece that was subsequently reused by the Maya who
made incisions on both sides of it. Moreover, the suspension holes
drilled in the Nakum piece, which go from the top and back of the
pectoral (and not through the front) is a typical Olmec trait. Thus, it
seems probable that the Nakum artefact had at least three episodes: it
was manufactured in Olmec times, possibly before 600 BC, it was later
ornamented during the Early Classic or Terminal Late Preclassic by the
Maya (as we have already mentioned, incisions on both sides may differ
in time), and subsequently kept for several hundred years until it was
finally deposited in Burial 1 during the Late Classic period.
Spindle whorls and sex
Among the other artefacts found in Burial 1 were four spindle
whorls (Figure 8). Weaving was an important activity for Maya women,
even among the elite, and the discovery of spindle whorls as well as a
small finger ring (sized appropriately for a female hand) in the tomb
could indicate that it held a royal woman. Most lowland Maya Burials
containing spindle whorls and where the sex could be determined,
belonged to women, especially at the aforementioned neighbours of Nakum,
Tikal and Uaxactun (Welsh 1988), as well as at more distant Caracol
(Chase et al. 2008). That said, spindle whorls have also been documented
in male Burials from the south-eastern Peten, the Guatemalan Pacific
coast and adjacent highlands (Chase et al. 2008: 136; Cossich 2009).
Moreover, it is known that weaving was performed by men in colonial and
modern times in both the Maya highlands and in Central Mexico (Cossich
pers. comm. 2008; Cossich 2009). The available data indicates that
although spindle whorls predominate in female Burials, they are not
secure pointers to the sex of the interred. The significance of their
deposition may have less to do with craft specialisation and the tasks
of daily life than with religious symbolism. Among the contemporary
Tz'utujil Maya, the process of weaving is conceived in terms akin
to the process of birth. Similar concepts can also be detected in
pre-Columbian Central Mexico, where spinning and weaving were metaphors
for life, death and rebirth (Sullivan 1982; Koszkul et al. 2009).
Offerings for the royal person and the Protoclassic burial
The temple-style building located at the summit (phase 15-1)
originally had two interconnected rooms. The Maya reused the western one
for Burial 1, while the eastern chamber received associated offerings
(Figure 9). The first offering (no. 11) consisted of a group of 27
limestone bars carefully deposited in a small cavity cut into the floor
(Figure 10). The precise function of these bars is unknown, although
some have suggested that similar objects might have been used as spacers
in the production of fishing nets or some other kind of weaving
technology (Chase et al. 2008:133). The second offering (no. 12) from
the same chamber included two large ceramic plates, one of which was
upturned and covering the other--enclosed between them was a small jade
bead (Figure 10). Close to these vessels were found nine flint knives
and projectile points (Figure 11), some in a vertical position others
beneath the plates. At least four of the flints were stuccoed and
painted with a blue pigment that was well preserved. After these
depositions were made, the eastern room was filled with rubble and both
chambers were sealed by the construction of a surmounting floor. This
new level was topped by a building that was made almost entirely from
perishable materials.
Shortly after that time, another cache was placed almost directly
above the tomb, consisting of two Late Classic (eighth century AD)
vessels and a broken greenstone tube (offering 3) (Figure 12). Later, in
the same area, about 170mm beneath the summit of the pyramid, a second
offering was deposited (offering 4). This included a Terminal Classic
(ninth century) vessel that contained three shell finger rings (bearing
incised representations of human faces), as well as six shell beads and
bone fragments (Figure 13). These later caches were most probably placed
during rituals venerating the deceased king or queen. The Terminal
Classic offering indicates that more than a century after the sealing of
the tomb, people were aware of its location and continued to honour this
long-dead ruler.
After the tomb chamber of Structure 15 was cleared, small cavities
were found in its stuccoed floor. These suggested that other burials or
ritual deposits could lie below and to test this possibility a pit was
sunk from the level of the tomb to the bottom of the platform. At about
5m another interment was encountered. Burial 2 consisted of a crypt
lined and covered by large cut stones (Figure 14). Within the crypt was
the skeleton of a woman who subsequent analysis suggests was a medium or
major adult at the time of her death. She was furnished with two
polychrome vessels and a shell bead. Stratigraphically, the crypt was
associated with an earlier version of Structure 15 (phase 15 Sub-1). It
was most probably placed into the substructure after the death of an
important member of the local elite. Both vessels deposited in the
burial represent the Ixcanrio Orange Polychrome type and are typical of
the still poorly understood Protoclassic phase (c. 100/50 BC-AD
250/300+). The location of Nakum Burial 2, the style of its
construction, and furnishings, suggest that it was an elite burial,
probably for another member of the local royal family.
We identify Burial 1 as that of a Nakum ruler, based on a number of
factors. Analysis of Preclassic and Classic lowland Maya burials made by
Krejci and Culbert (1995) shows that a special category of burials
belonging to the uppermost class of Maya society and classified as
'royal burials' can be distinguished by their size, their
elaborate contents and their central location. The authors give a number
of status markers of these royal tombs (Krejci & Culbert 1995: tab.
11), the most important of which are present in the Nakum case. These
include its formal construction within a large structure of
pyramid-temple type, its orientation on the central axis of the
building, and the enormous size of its interior space (one of the
largest yet found in the Maya lowlands). Moreover, Structure 15 is
located in the Acropolis--the largest and most impressive complex of
Nakum. Among other status markers of royal burials present in Burial 1
is the large quantity of precious objects--including ear spools--and a
red pigment that once covered the body. Of special importance is the
large number of jade and shell artefacts, foremost among them a unique
jade pectoral.
The discoveries of major interments and ritual offerings inside
Structure 15, spanning several hundred years, demonstrates that this
building had an enduring significance for the inhabitants. Structure
15's location on the eastern side of Patio 1--the largest courtyard
of the huge Acropolis complex--makes it part of a wider pattern in elite
Maya Burials. Given its royal associations, Nakum Structure 15 may well
have functioned, for at least part of its existence, as a memorial for
the local ruling family.
The ritual importance of the eastern shrine complex and its
association with Burials (including those of the founders and important
family members) was first recognised in the 1960s during excavations at
Tikal (Becker 1971, 1999, 2003; Jones 1999). Marshall Becker named this
architectural pattern Plaza Plan 2 and proposed that there was a
distinctive ritual function for eastern-oriented structures within
architectural compounds. Later it became clear that many other Maya
sites share the same pattern, with important tombs and caches located in
eastern shrines (Chase & Chase 1994, 1998).
The east has always had a special meaning for the ancient Maya,
being the direction of the rising sun. The Maya symbolically linked this
direction with resurrection and rebirth of the sun after its night
journey through the Underworld. One of the most complex and revealing
depictions of the Maize God's death and burial in Maya art shows
the solar deity apparently rising from the Underworld cave in which he
lies (see Taube 2004; Martin 2006: 156-61). The relationship is at its
clearest on the great sarcophagus of Pakal at Palenque, where the dead
king is 'reborn' in the guise of the infant Maize God from a
sun-marked offering bowl (Martin 2006: 160). One of the most important
tropes of ancestral portraits is their appearance with solar cartouches
(Taube 2009:103 & figs. 16a & b).
It may also be relevant that directly opposite Structure 15, on the
other side of Patio 1, stands Structure E. Earlier work on this large
building by Bernard Hermes and Zoila Calderon revealed that it was an
elite residence during the Late Classic period (Hermes 2002: fig. 1),
and it is quite likely that the person interred in Burial 1 lived there.
This same individual might have been responsible for the architectural
expansion documented at Nakum during the first part of the Late Classic
period (Tepeu 1 phase). The jade pectoral is consistent with the
inferred royal status of the person in Burial 1. A precious, already
antique, object of this type was probably kept by the royal family as an
heirloom. The person buried in Burial 1 could well have been a
descendant of the ruler mentioned in the pectoral inscription and/or of
the ancestor represented on its concave side.
It has long been recognised that jade jewellery had a meaning
beyond its intrinsic value and role in personal beautification. Jade
jewels were the finery of the Maize God, the green colour symbolic of
the green foliage of sprouting cornstalks (Miller & Martin 2004: 70;
Taube 2005). Maya kings believed that after death they would follow the
path of the Maize God, defeat the Lords of Death in the Underworld and
be reborn. In preparation for this resurrection they were dressed for
their last journey in the ceremonial jewellery that they had worn during
their lives (Miller & Martin 2004: 57-8, 70). The Tikal Dancer plate
provides an explicit link to the mythology of the Maya Maize God. The
subject of such plates is the dance of resurrection and apotheosis for
the Maize God (Reents-Budet 1994: 198; Looper et al. 2009:124). It
refers to the moment when this deity first dances and then ascends into
the sky, indicated by his dynamic pose and elements such as the
feathered wings sometimes shown on his arms or belt (Looper et al. 2009:
124). In Nakum, this theme of rebirth and ascension may be further
symbolised by the presence of the skeleton of a bird deposited inside
the Tikal Dancer plate.
In sum, the evidence recovered by the excavation of Burial 1 in
Nakum Structure 15 permits a series of deductions and inferences. We may
surmise that it contained an important local dynast who, in accordance
with the Maya world-view and beliefs, was believed to have entered the
path of the Maize God--a journey of transformation that promised rebirth
both in the twin metaphors of a recurring harvest of com and in the
daily rising of the sun at dawn.
The research at Nakum was possible thanks to permission from the
Ministry of Culture and Sports of Guatemala and the Institute of
Anthropology and History (IDAEH). Funding for the research was from the
following institutions: the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of
Polish Government (grant no. N 109 022 32/1234), the Foundation for the
Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Inc. (FAMSI; grant no. 06022), the
Institute of Archaeology and the Department of History of the
Jagiellonian University as well as Krakowskie Zaldady Automatyki S.A.,
the Polish-American Ethnological Society (PEAS/PATE) in Atlantic City (NJ) USA and the Bratniak Foundation. The preparation of this manuscript
was made possible due to a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) to Jaroslaw Zralka (Kolumb programme) and a scholarship from the
Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Foundation (SYLFF) to Wieslaw Koszkul.
We are grateful for many valuable comments provided by Robert Sharer,
Norman Hammond, Karl Taube and an anonymous reviewer. We would also like
to thank Samuel David for editing the English of an earlier version of
this text.
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Jaroslaw Zralka (1), Wieslaw Koszkul (1), Simon Martin (2) &
Bernard Hermes (3)
(1) Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Golebia 11
Street, 31-007 Krakow, Poland (Email:;
(2) University of Pennsylvania Museum, 3260 South Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA (Email:
(3) The Nakum Archaeological Project, 17 Avenida 'C',
Zona 15, Colonia El Maestro, 01015, Guatemala City, Guatemala (Email:
Received: 4 May 2010; Accepted: 3 July 2010; Revised: 6 September