The first settlement of remote Oceania: the Philippines to the Marianas.
Hung, Hsiao-chun ; Carson, Mike T. ; Bellwood, Peter 等
The human settlement of the remote islands of Oceania beyond the
Solomon Islands has been a topic of enquiry since the eighteenth
century. The modem mainstream view relates this settlement to a
migration of Austronesian-speaking Neolithic populations from 1350 BC
onwards sailing via equatorial latitudes in eastern Indonesia into the
western Melanesian islands, and then via the Lapita cultural complex
into Polynesia and central/eastern Micronesia (Kirch 2000; Summerhayes
2007). However, another corner of the western Pacific witnessed a
remarkable feat of ocean crossing perhaps a century or two before the
Lapita spread, and over a much greater open ocean distance than any
known Lapita movement.
The Mariana Islands are the northernmost islands of Micronesia,
consisting of more than a dozen islands in a north-south arc between 13
and 20[degrees] north, situated across open sea about 2300km east of
Taiwan and the Philippines (Figure 1). A number of archaeologists have
already suggested close cultural relations between the Marianas and the
Island Southeast Asian Neolithic (eg. Spoehr 1973; Bellwood 1975: 10,
1978: 282, 1985: 253, 1997: 235-6, 2005: 137; Thiel 1987; Kirch 1995,
2000: 167-73; Shutler 1999) and, since 1975, Bellwood has regarded a
Philippine connection as most likely. Sites with comparable pottery,
which imply such connections, include the Batungan caves on Masbate, the
Cagayan Valley shell middens in northern Luzon, Kalumpang in western
Sulawesi and Sanga Sanga rockshelter in the Sulu archipelago.
Recent work in both the Marianas and the Philippines allows us now,
for the first time, to report specific parallels between red-slipped and
decorated pottery, dating to 1500-1400 BC (Table 1), found in the larger
southern islands of Guam, Tinian and Saipan in the Marianas, with
comparable pottery assemblages from sites in the northern Philippines.
The earliest Marianas sites (Figure 2)
The earliest sites on the Mariana Islands occur in
shoreline-oriented settings during a period of slightly higher sea level
(about 1.8m) than the present, and are associated with thin-walled,
red-slipped pottery termed Marianas Red by Spoehr (1957). After 1000 BC,
significantly different pottery types are evident (Moore 1983, 2002),
along with a lowering of sea level (Dickinson 2000) and a substantial
re-configuration of coastal ecosystems.
The Achugao site on Saipan is by far the most informative for the
earliest Marianas pottery, yielding the largest volume of recovered
material (Butler 1994, 1995). This large collection of 143 decorated
pieces is especially important because of its size, since decorative
elements are present on only one per cent or less of the sherds. Other
sites are valuable for their precise and confident dating of the
earliest settlement period, but have limited pottery collections (e.g.
Carson 2010; Clark et al. 2010).
As reported by Butler (1994, 1995), the early Achugao ceramics
exhibit only two major vessel forms. The dominant form, representing 85
per cent of all rims, is a small to medium-sized vessel, sometimes
carinated, with a sharply everted rim and a rounded base. The other 15
per cent are simple hemispherical bowls. Other vessel forms have been
reported from other sites but in very low frequencies and with extreme
fragmentation (Carson 2008).
The earliest component of Marianas Red is a thin-walled, often
red-slipped, calcareous sand-tempered ware. The decorated sherds show
complex, predominantly rectilinear, incised patterns, although some are
curvilinear, with the zones between the major elements packed with rows
of tiny, delicate punctations (tiny punch-marks). Stamped circles border
the decorative bands and sometimes occur within them (Figure 3, sherd
group 2). Lime-filling is evident in most of the decoration. Similar
decorated and red-slipped pottery is shown in Figure 4, recovered by
Pellett and Spoehr (1961) from the House of Taga site on Tinian Island
and now stored in the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, yet without associated
radiocarbon dating.
The most instructive sites for dating the earliest Marianas
settlement and its associated pottery are Ritidian on Guam (Carson 2010)
and Unai Bapot on Saipan (Carson 2008), as summarised in Table 1. At
Ritidian, the earliest occupation, dated to 1547-1323 BC, was associated
with very fine red ware pottery, followed later by thicker and coarser
pottery dated to 1056-842 BC. At Unai Bapot, the earliest red ware is
dated to approximately 1732-1560 BC, followed by a later occupation
associated with different pottery types dated to 1125-903 BC. Based on
these findings, the earliest Marianas settlement, associated with the
earliest Marianas Red pottery, can be confined to a time interval of
approximately 1500- 1000 BC.
Comparable pottery from the Philippines
The red-slipped, circle- and punctate-stamped pottery from several
sites in the Cagayan Valley on Luzon is the most similar reported, so
far, to that from the Marianas, although this similarity need not mean
that the first settlers migrated specifically from the Cagayan Valley
itself, which obviously has an inland location. The radiocarbon sequence
from Nagsabaran suggests that red-slipped and stamped pottery dates here
between 2000 and 1300 BC, thus commencing before but overlapping with
the earliest Marianas dates (Table 2 and see supplementary information
Of the Cagayan Valley sites, Nagsabaran has been the most
productive for defining the pottery and other material culture of this
period (Hung 2005, 2008; Tsang 2007; Piper et al. 2009a). It lies on the
south bank of Zabaran Creek, which joins the Cagayan River from the
west, about 22km above its mouth on the north coast of Luzon.
Excavations at this 4.2ha site between 2000 and 2009 have revealed a
lower alluvial silt deposit that contains red-slipped pottery,
trapezoidal-sectioned stone adzes (some stepped), baked clay penannular
earrings and two Taiwan jade bracelet fragments. The late Neolithic and
Iron Age layers above the silts are contained within a large riverine shell midden. The radiocarbon dates for the lower alluvial layer at
Nagsabaran are rather mixed, since much of the alluvium was clearly
re-deposited from elsewhere in the site or its vicinity, and the layer
was disturbed by the digging of some very large postholes from the base
of the covering shell midden. However, in Table 2 it can be seen that
the dates in trenches P1 and P7 maintain a reasonable degree of
stratigraphic order. The dating results support an overall range for the
Cagayan red-slipped, stamped and incised pottery between 2000 and 1000
Basically, the early period Marianas pottery resembles a sub-set of
the more diverse Nagsabaran pottery. Decoration is also quite rare in
Nagsabaran, on about one per cent of sherds or less, and consists of
punctate, circle-stamped and incised motifs, often with lime-infill. The
Nagsabaran motifs, in which one or more rows of stamped circles lie
parallel to incised bands filled with comb-like punctate or dentate stamping (Figure 3, group 1), are all extremely similar to those of the
earliest Marianas Red, as well as to the zonal decoration on some Lapita
pottery from the Santa Cruz Islands (Figure 5, and see Spriggs 1990: 86)
and New Caledonia (Figure 3, group 3). The Nagsabaran pottery includes a
greater variety of vessel forms than occur in the Marianas: for
instance, a vertical-walled bowl with a ring foot, and the large sherds
found at this site indicate that decoration sometimes covered most of
the exterior of the vessel.
Similar decorated red-slipped pottery occurs in other Cagayan
Valley sites of the second millennium BC, such as Magapit (Hung 2005,
2008). Circle-stamped pottery was also very common between about 1300 BC
and AD 1 in the Batanes Islands, between Luzon and Taiwan, although
punctate-stamping and the use of incision to define decorative zones do
not occur here (Bellwood & Dizon 2005). In Taiwan, fairly rare
impressed pottery occurs by about 1500 BC, including circle-stamping in
the late Neolithic site of Yingpu in central Taiwan (Tsang 2000: 70) and
punctate-stamping in the Yuanshan assemblage at Dabenkeng near Taipei
(Chang 1969: pls. 82D & 84D). Taiwan, however, has no Neolithic
pottery with both circle- and punctate-stamping, even though it does
have the oldest red-slipped pottery in Island Southeast Asia, this being
present in small quantities with incised and cord-marked pottery in the
oldest Neolithic sites (c. 3000 BC), becoming dominant after 2200 BC in
eastern and southern Taiwan (Hung 2005, 2008). Elsewhere in the
Philippines, the geographic range of the circle- and punctate-stamping
represented in the Cagayan Valley extended at least as far south as
Masbate Island in the central Philippines, where similar
punctate-stamped pottery was reported by Solheim (1968).
Elsewhere in Island Southeast Asia, very small amounts of
punctuate-stamped pottery occur in parts of East Malaysia (Sabah) and
eastern Indonesia, again in association with red-slipped surfaces (Chia
2003; Chazine & Ferrie 2008; Peter Lape, Daud Tanudirjo, Truman
Simanjuntak and Anggraeni, pers. comms). But the available illustrated
motifs are very small and difficult to relate precisely to any on Luzon
or the Marianas. Because of the importance of this pottery style in the
Cagayan Valley, it is possible that substantial innovation in pottery
decoration might have taken place on Luzon itself.
From a purely geographical perspective, the north-east coast of
Luzon rather than the inland Cagayan Valley might have been the most
likely source for Marianas settlement, but so far the single known
Neolithic site here is Dimolit (Peterson 1974a & b), on Palanan Bay.
This site contains plain red-slipped pottery similar to that reported
from the Cagayan Valley sites, but without any impressed decoration. The
closest parallels for the earliest decorated Marianas Red pottery so far
are thus in the Cagayan Valley.
Coastal and maritime economies
All of the known early Marianas sites, dated to 1500-1000 BC, may
be described as shoreline-oriented, founded on sand spits, narrow beach
fringes, in seaside rockshelters or in other marginal settings at or
very near sea level. This distinction sets these sites apart from a
generic coastal setting expected of almost any island society. Most
definitively, the Ritidian site in northern Guam provided evidence of
earliest occupation dated to 1547- 1323 BC within a shallow inter-tidal
lagoon setting directly overlaying coral reef dated to 2454-2077 BC
(Table 1). Taking into account a sea level high-stand, between 3400 and
1050 BC, of about 1.8m higher than present (Dickinson 2000), early
period Marianas site settings must have been substantially different
from the modern broad sandy beaches (Carson 2011).
A close relationship with the sea is unquestionable from this
perspective, and early period Marianas sites often contain abundant
marine shell midden, mostly of Anadara antiquata shells. Vertebrate
faunal materials are extremely few in number, perhaps due to discard
patterns, depositional contexts or preservation qualities. The limited
vertebrate fauna includes fish and bird bones, and possibly native fruit
bat, at the earliest sites. The earliest rat bones appear around AD
900-1000 (Wickler 2004; Pregill & Steadman 2009). Pig, dog, deer and
cattle were introduced to the Marianas only after Spanish contact.
The limited scope of faunal remains in the Marianas is rather
curious, given the existence of pig, dog, chicken and rat in variable
abundance at most other sites in the larger Asia-Pacific region. For
example, at Nagsabaran, imported domesticated pig appears as early as
2000 BC (Piper et al. 200% & b), and dog bones date at least to 500
BC. Both pig and dog were present by 2800 BC in Taiwan (Tsang et al.
2006). Rat bones usually coincide with the earliest human settlements in
oceanic islands, so their apparently late arrival in the Marianas is
deserving of explanation, perhaps related to the remote location and the
difficulties of transporting live animals over such a vast distance,
given the likelihood of crew hunger--even starvation--while afloat.
A marine-oriented subsistence pattern may therefore be expected for
the early seafaring Malayo-Polynesians who crossed 2300km of ocean in
order to settle the Marianas. Terms for sails and outriggers were among
the shared vocabulary of Proto-Malayo- Polynesian communities (Pawley
& Pawley 1994), suggesting skilled open sea navigation and possibly
the ability to capture large and powerful marine prey. Judith Amesbury
(2008a) reviews all the recorded data on bones of large pelagic fish
species, such as marlin (Istiophoridae) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena
hippurus--Coryphaenidae), from Marianas archaeological sites, evident as
early as 500 BC. Unfortunately, only a miniscule fish bone sample has
been recovered from the initial settlement period (Leach & Davidson
2006; Amesbury 2008b), and most of the occurrences of marlin and
dolphinfish lack precise commencement dates. So it is still unclear to
what extent prehistoric Marianas fishermen caught these species between
1500 and 1000 BC.
The Eluanbi site in southern Taiwan, c. 2000 BC, has provided good
evidence of a contemporary specialised offshore fishing technology (Li
2002a), and a recent analysis (Campos & Piper 2009) throws
surprising light on Neolithic seagoing capabilities in this region. In
total, Pit 4 in Eluanbi II produced 3581 fragments of bone, of which
2573 were marine fish (71.85 per cent), 516 mammal (14.41 per cent), 303
marine turtle (8.46 per cent), and the rest unidentified. As in the
Marianas sites, the fish bones suggest the dominance of specialised
offshore fishing for very large groupers (Serranidae), dolphinfish, and
other large pelagic carnivores such as marlin or sailfish. Dolphinfish
bones, but so far not marlin, also occur in two separate occupation
layers at Savidug in the Batanes Islands, dated to 1200 BC-AD1, and then
after AD 1000 (Campos 2009).
Fishing gear is rare in Marianas archaeological sites in the
earliest period, 1500-1000 BC, but the few known pieces include
fragments of simple one-piece rotating hooks made of Isagnamon or rarely
Turba shell. Later contexts, mostly post-dating AD 1000, include the
same simple rotating hooks plus a range of V-shaped or L-shaped gorges,
and compound two-piece hooks and trolling lures (Thompson 1932; Spoehr
1957; Reinman 1970; Ray 1981). At one site in Guam, several bone and
shell points of trolling hooks were found in layers post-dating AD
900-1000, but one possible nacreous shell lure shank was in a layer
pre-dating 500 BC (Dilli et al. 1998:215). Simple shell one-piece
rotating hooks and possible trolling lures with rod-shaped and
end-grooved stone shanks and bone points also occur at Kending (Li
2002b: 69) and Eluanbi II in southern Taiwan, c. 2000 BC (Li 1983),
together with gorges and net-sinkers (Li 1997, 2002a, 2002b: 58, 63;
Tsang et al. 2006). The trolling hook points found in both the Marianas
and southern Taiwan are similar in shape, even though the dates for the
Marianas specimens are currently younger.
Archaeological fishing gear from the Cagayan Valley sites is
limited in quantity, but two fish gorges, straight rather than L-shaped,
have been found in the upper shell midden (c. 500 BC) at Nagsabaran,
made respectively of a pig lower canine and a dog upper canine (Piper et
al. 2009b). Both were split longitudinally and provided with a notch to
secure the line. A similar specimen dating to c. 500 BC made from a pig
canine was recovered from Anaro in the Batanes Islands.
In summary, it is clear that offshore trolling for large pelagic
fish was carried out by at least 2000 BC in southern Taiwan, by 1200 BC
in the Batanes Islands and perhaps by 500 BC in the Marianas. We are not
yet entitled to assume that this technology was carried by the first
settlers of the Marianas but, given the restricted occurrence in the
western Pacific of this type of fishing for large pelagic prey, and the
associated equipment, even a secondary introduction from the
Taiwan-Luzon region to the Marianas would still be highly significant.
Linguistic and genetic associations
The indigenous Chamorro language of the Marianas belongs to the
widespread Western Malayo-Polynesian (WMP) grouping, which currently
lacks any overall subgrouping structure, within the larger Austronesian
language family (Blust 2009) (Figure 6). WMP languages are spoken in the
Mariana and Palau Islands in western Micronesia, the Philippines,
Malaysia, much of Indonesia, coastal southern Vietnam, and as far west
as Madagascar. Their origins, together with those of all other
extra-Formosan Austronesian languages, can be sourced to a linguistic
reconstruction, termed Proto-Malayo- Polynesian, that underwent its
initial period of differentiation somewhere in northern Island Southeast
Asia. The Formosan languages of Taiwan are not Malayo-Polynesian, and
trace back to deeper separations in the overall Austronesian family
tree. The major Malayo-Polynesian language subgroup known as Oceanic,
associated at its proto-language stage with Lapita settlement in the
Bismarck Archipelago, was also a fairly early separation from
Proto-Malayo- Polynesian (Ross et al. 1998; Pawley 2002).
The WMP classification for Chamorro reflects a linguistic origin
separate in geographical terms from that of the Lapita-associated
Oceanic grouping, and Chamorro and Proto-Oceanic share no unique
subgrouping innovations. Chamorro reflects an origin directly within
Island Southeast Asia, not western Oceania. As a result, most linguists
currently favour the Philippines as the most likely source for Chamorro
and the inhabitants of the Marianas. Both Blust (2000) and Reid (2002)
suggested the central or northern Philippines, with Chamorro as a
primary or at least very early split from Proto-Malayo- Polynesian.
Current research on Chamorro mtDNA indicates a rarity of the
widespread Oceanic mtDNA haplogroup B4, which is also differentiated in
the Marianas from other Malayo-Polynesian populations by a unique
mutation at base 16114. Instead, most Chamorro belong to haplogroup E
lineages that occur widely in the Philippines and Indonesia (Vilar et
al. 2008; Tabbada et al. 2010).
The earliest Marianas Red pottery records the first human
settlement in Remote Oceania, between 1500 and 1400 BC, slightly
pre-dating the earliest Lapita pottery in Near Oceania at 1350-1300 BC
(Summerhayes 2007, in press; Kirch 2010). Over 20 years ago, Spriggs
(1990: 20) emphasised Marianas Red as the smoking gun that required an
insular Southeast Asian origin for the first colonists of the remote
Pacific Islands (see also Spriggs 2007:113-14). Given the uncertain
internal classification of WMP languages, we propose that the first
settlers in the Mariana Islands, around 1500-1400 BC, shared an ease of
communication with other WMP communities in Island Southeast Asia,
facilitating co-mingling of groups and possible shifting of residence
over long distances. According to this view, multiple related groups
potentially could have moved quickly in several directions at the same
A drift voyage at the mercy of dominant winds and currents would
have been extremely unlikely to reach the Marianas from any source area
(Scott Fitzpatrick, pers. comm.; see also Callaghan & Fitzpatrick
2008), so an intentional voyage of exploration is more probable. Actual
settlement required sufficient numbers of males and females, plus at
least some imported subsistence plants, even perhaps animals eaten en
route, so it is likely that a degree of planning was involved. While the
first explorers to discover the Mariana Islands may have possessed many
cultural traits and skills shared commonly throughout a broad region,
the subsequent successful colonisation indicates strong similarities of
pottery type and language with the northern Philippines. As Rainbird (2003: 85) has also observed, such a settlement of the Marianas from the
Philippines 'would constitute the longest sea-crossing undertaken
by that rime in human history.' Therefore, the study of Chamorro
origins is not only an issue of Austronesian migration, but also a
significant episode in the evolution of human voyaging technology.
Thanks to Dr Brian Butler (Center for Archaeological
Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) for
information on Achugao pottery. We deeply appreciate Prof. Martin
Carver's valuable suggestions for improving this article. The
October-November 2009 excavations at Nagsabaran were funded by the
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (Taipei) and the Australian Research
Council, and authorised by the National Museum of the Philippines. The
research of Dr Philip Piper was partly funded by a grant from the Office
of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development, University of the
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Hsiao-chun Hung (1,2,) *, Mike T. Carson (3), Peter Bellwood (1),
Fredeliza Z. Campos (4), Philip J. Piper (5), Eusebio Dizon (6), Mary
Jane Louise A. Bolunia (6), Marc Oxenham1 & Zhang Chi (7)
(1) School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Australian National
University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
(2) Department of Archaeology and Natural History, The Australian
National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
(3) Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, Mangilao,
GU 96923, USA
(4) School of Humanities, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong S.A.R., P. R. China
(5) Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines
(6) Archaeology Division, National Museum of the Philippines,
Manila 1000, Philippines
(7) School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, 5
Yiheyuan Road, Beijing 100871, P. R. China
* Author for correspondence (Email:
Received: 4 November 2010; Accepted: 21 January 2011; Revised: 4
February 2011
Table 1. Summary, of radiocarbon dating of earliest site deposits at
Ritidian and Unai Bapot, Mariana Islands.
Site and
reference Lab sample Provenience Sample material
Ritidian, Guam Beta-239577 Fenceline Pit Charcoal
(Carson 2010) 35,
later cultural
Beta-253681 Fenceline Pit Anadara
35, antiquate
2.50-2.60m, shell
cultural layer,
Beta-253682 Fenceline Pit Halimeda sp.
35, algal bioclast
cultural layer,
Beta-253683 2.60-2.65m, Heliopora sp.
pre-dates coral
cultural layer limestone
Unai Bapot, Beta-214761 Layer III-A, Charcoal
Saipan combustion
(Carson 2008) feature,
cultural laver
Beta-202722 Layer IV A, Anadara
localised antiquata
discard pile, shell
cultural layer
Beta-216616 Layer IV-A, Anadara
localised antiquata
discard pile, shell
cultural layer
Site and Measured [sup.4]C [sup.13]C ([per
reference Lab sample age (years BP) thaousans])
Ritidian, Guam Beta-239577 2820 [+ or -] 40 -25.4
(Carson 2010)
Beta-253681 3030 [+ or -] 40 -0.7
Beta-253682 2980 [+ or -] 40 +5.3
Beta-253683 3610 [+ or -] 50 + 4.4
Unai Bapot, Beta-214761 2850 [+ or -] 40 -25.8
(Carson 2008)
Beta-202722 3210 [+ or -] 40 -0.5
Beta-216616 3320 [+ or -] 50 -1.1
Conventional Marine reservoir
Site and [sup.14]C correction
reference Lab sample age (years BP) ([DELTA]R) *
Ritidian, Guam Beta-239577 2810 [+ or -] 40 n/a
(Carson 2010)
Beta-253681 3430 [+ or -] 40 -44 [+ or -] 41
Beta-253682 3480 [+ or -] 40 -44 [+ or -] 41
Beta-253683 4100 [+ or -] 50 -44 [+ or -] 41
Unai Bapot, Beta-214761 2840 [+ or -] 40 n/a
(Carson 2008)
Beta-202722 3590 [+ or -] 40 -44 [+ or -] 41
Beta-216616 3710 [+ or -] 50 -44 [+ or -] 41
Site and 2[sigma]
reference Lab sample probability **
Ritidian, Guam Beta-239577 1109-1104 BC
(Carson 2010) (0.4%);
Beta-253681 1547-1257 BC
Beta-253682 1609-1323 BC
Beta-253683 2454-2077 BC
2075-2069 BC
Unai Bapot, Beta-214761 1125-903 BC
Saipan (100%)
(Carson 2008)
Beta-202722 1732-1439 BC
Beta-216616 1914-1560 BC
* Marine reservoir correction of -44 [+ or -] 41 was calculated for
Anadara antiquata shells at the Ritidian site in northern Guam
(Carson 2010).
** Calibrations are by CALIB software version 6 (Stuiver & Reimer
1993), using INTCAL09 dataset for charcoal specimens and MARINE09
dataset for marine specimens (Reimer et al. 2004).
Table 2. [sup.14]C dates from Nagsabaran, Cagayan Valley, northern
Philippines. The upper shell midden is represented by dates from Pit 1
(P1) excavated in 2000, and Pit 14 (P 14), excavated in 2009. All
dates from all pits that relate to the alluvial silt layers below the
shell midden are listed in this table. See supplementary information
online for discussion. The Gakashuin and National Taiwan University
dates listed in this table are from Tsang 2007: 94 and we do not have
measured [sup.13]C values.
Pit number and depth
Sample # Dated material below ground surface
GX-26797 Charcoal P1, 0.8m, shell midden
GX-26798 Charcoal P1, 1.1m, shell midden
GX-26705 Charcoal P1, 1.2m, shell midden
GX-26698 Charcoal P1, 1.4m, shell midden
GX-26806 Charcoal P4, 1.5m, shell midden
GX-26699 Charcoal P1, 1.8m, shell midden
GX-26800 Charcoal P1, 1.8m, shell midden
GX-26799 Charcoal P1, 1.5m, shell midden
GX-26801 Charcoal P1, 2.3m, shell midden
GX-26802 Charcoal P1, 2.4m, shell midden
GX-26702-AMS Charcoal P1, 2.5m, shell midden
ANU-13020 Batissa childreni P14, 0.8m, shell midden
ANU-13019 Batissa childreni P14, 1.2m, shell midden
ANU-13018 Batissa childreni P14, 1.4m, shell midden
ANU-13017 Batissa childreni P14, 1.8m, shell midden
ANU-13024 Batissa childreni P14, 2.1m, shell midden
NTU-3799 Batissa childreni * P1, 3.1m, lower silts
GX-26704- AMS Charcoal P2, 1.4m, lower silts
GX-26705 Charcoal P2, 1.5m, lower silts
GX-26711-AMS Charcoal P4, 2.1m, lower silts
NTU-3798 Charcoal P7, 1.6m, lower silts
GX-28379 Charcoal P7, 1.6m, lower silts
GX-28381 Charcoal P7, 1.9m, lower silts
WK-23397 Pig premolar ** P9, 1.4m, lower silts
WK-19713 Charcoal P9, 1.5m, lower silts
WK-19712 Animal bone P9, 1.5m, lower silts
WK-18059 Charcoal P9, 1.6m, lower silts
WK-17756 Charcoal P9, 1.8m, lower silts
ANU-13016 Charcoal P11, 1.7m, lower silts
ANU-13014 Charcoal P14, 2.4m lower silts
ANU-13013 Charcoal P14, 2.4m, lower silts
ANU-13021 Batissa childreni Modern shell, Cagayan River
ANU-13023 Batissa childreni Modern shell, Zabaran Creek
ANU-15410 Batissa childreni Modern shell, Zabaran Creek
ANU-15411 Batissa childreni Modern shell, Zabaran Creek
ANU-15412 Batissa childreni Modern shell, Zabaran Creek
[delta] Conventional Calibration)
Sample # [sup.13]C age (years BP) (IntCal 09)
GX-26797 1470 [+ or -] 50 AD 436-659
GX-26798 1670 [+ or -] 60 AD 244-535
GX-26705 2120 [+ or -] 220 735 BC-AD 335
GX-26698 1830 [+ or -] 70 AD 50-381
GX-26806 2150 [+ or -] 150 731 BC-AD 175
GX-26699 1920 [+ or -] 80 111 BC-AD 320
GX-26800 1760 [+ or -] 110 AD 50-538
GX-26799 1960 [+ or -] 90 194 BC-AD 245
GX-26801 2260 [+ or -] 270 933 BC-AD 336
GX-26802 2240 [+ or -] 270 918 BC-AD 346
GX-26702-AMS 1820 [+ or -] 40 AD 85-322
ANU-13020 -12.5 2620 [+ or -] 30 831-771 BC
ANU-13019 -8.9 2560 [+ or -] 30 805-553 BC
ANU-13018 -26.4 7380 [+ or -] 40 6380-6099 BC
ANU-13017 -10.4 3420 [+ or -] 30 1873-1632 BC
ANU-13024 -12.6 2680 [+ or -] 30 897-801 BC
NTU-3799 3450 [+ or -] 40 1886-1666 BC
GX-26704- AMS 2620 [+ or -] 40 895-669 BC
GX-26705 6610 [+ or -] 290 6065-4900 BC
GX-26711-AMS 2520 [+ or -] 50 799-417 BC
NTU-3798 2670 [+ or -] 40 902-794 BC
GX-28379 3050 [+ or -] 70 1454-1112 BC
GX-28381 3390 [+ or -] 130 2023-1417 BC
WK-23397 3940 [+ or -] 40 2567-2299 BC
WK-19713 -23.7 4450 [+ or -] 39 3337-2933 BC
WK-19712 -22.7 2504 [+ or -] 35 791-510 BC
WK-18059 -27.8 1946 [+ or -] 30 21 BC-AD 127
WK-17756 -25.6 2528 [+ or -] 31 795-541 BC
ANU-13016 -26.5 3510 [+ or -] 30 1915-1749 BC
ANU-13014 -27.4 2660 [+ or -] 30 895-793 BC
ANU-13013 -31.6 2540 [+ or -] 30 797-546 BC
ANU-13021 -12.7 98.47% modern
ANU-13023 -15.1 103.14% modern
ANU-15410 -13 104.83% modern
ANU-15411 -17 105.03% modern
ANU-15412 -14 103.02% modern
* Sample originally published as charcoal.
** Piper et al. 2009a.