Lower Magdalenian secondary human burial in El Miron Cave, Cantabria, Spain.
Straus, Lawrence Guy ; Morales, Manuel R. Gonzalez ; Carretero, Jose Miguel 等
One century ago, in 1911, Hugo Obermaier discovered in El Castillo
Cave (Cantabria, Spain) two human frontal bones that had been
"fashioned into bowls" (Obermaier 1925: 288; see also Breuil
& Obermaier 1912; Vallois & Delmas 1976; Cabrera 1984: 61, 298,
356). Associated with three small fragments of parietal that may have
pertained to the same skull as one of the frontals, these remains were
apparently found at the top of the 2m-thick and multi-hearth layered
Lower Magdalenian (sensu lato) Beta horizon. There is only one 14C date
from this immense stratum, done on a decorated antler sagaie: 16 850 [+
or -] 220 BP (Barandiaran1988), which should represent the base of the
horizon. A few isolated human remains have been found in other
Magdalenian deposits, mainly in Cantabrian Spain--but remarkably, given
the very large numbers of excavations of Iberian Magdalenian layers
since the 1870s, no evidence of burials or even substantial parts of
human skeletons--until now. Here we report the find of a mandible (plus
loose teeth) and post-cranial bones of a young adult found in a highly
ritualised Lower Magdalenian context during the fourteenth year of
research (2010) at El Miron Cave, 40km and three river valleys east of
El Castillo (Figure 1).
The Magdalenian of El Miron Cave
El Miron Cave, located in the western cliffside of l000m Monte
Pando, is oriented directly at the pyramidal face of another 1000m peak,
San Vicente, which strikingly resembles Monte Castillo in which El
Castillo Cave is located. Like Monte Castillo, Monte Pando contains
numerous Upper Palaeolithic art and residential sites and dominates a
major river valley, the Ason. In both El Castillo and El Miron, some of
the thickest, culturally richest deposits pertain to the classic
Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian period, first discovered in Altamira Cave
and also well represented at such other well-studied coastal sites as El
Juyo. El Miron has revealed a long sequence of Magdalenian levels dated
to the Initial, Lower, Middle and Upper phases of this quintessential
Western European Upper Palaeolithic cultural tradition, plus the
(Epimagdalenian) Azilian period. With 46 radiocarbon dates, the El Miron
Magdalenian-Azilian stratigraphic series is one of the most complete and
thoroughly dated in Iberia or, for that matter, Europe, although some
horizons clearly witnessed far more intensive occupation than others.
The dates range from about 17 000 to about 10 300 BP (c. 20 000-12 000
cal BP).
By far the densest Magdalenian levels in El Miron pertain to the
Lower Cantabrian Magdalenian, represented in the large (30 x 16-10 x
12-13m) front, centre and rear of the cave vestibule by a thick, dark
'chocolate brown', highly organic deposit of silty, clayey
loam with small- to medium-size limestone eboulis and large numbers of
water-worn cobbles from the alluvial infilling of the inner cave upslope
of the vestibule. The Lower Magdalenian is characterised by enormous
quantities of lithic knapping debris and tools/weapon elements, osseous artefacts such as points and needles, charcoal- and ash-rich hearths
with anvil stones, fire-cracked rocks, pits, a possible stone wall,
lenses of red and yellow ochres, and vast amounts of highly fragmented
faunal remains--mainly red deer and ibex, plus salmon and smaller fish.
Remnants of this horizon survive in niches in the bedrock walls of the
erosional ramp leading back to the inner cave, where a Lower Magdalenian
layer has also been found in a test-pit we dug at the base of an old
exploratory trench (Straus & Gonzalez Morales 2003, 2007a & b,
2008, 2010; Gonzalez Morales & Straus 2005; Straus et al. 2008;
Marin 2010).
Along with extraordinary works of portable art (Gonzalez Morales et
al. 2007; Gonzalez Morales & Straus 2009, in press), the Magdalenian
of El Miron is characterised by engravings both on the bedrock wall at
the back of the vestibule and on a very large (c. 2.5 x 1.5 x lm) block
that had fallen from the roof, also near the back of that enormous
sunlit chamber (Figures 2 & 3; Garcia Diaz et al. in press). The
Magdalenian levels which directly underlie this block and others which
cover the engravings on its flat (western, sunlight- oriented) surface
(along which the block had sheared off as a plane of weakness from the
cave ceiling when it fell, landing with the weathered former ceiling
surface down) provide termini post et ante quem dates for execution of
the engravings, namely, after approximately Lower Magdalenian Level 110
(radiocarbon dated to c. 16 000 BP) on which the block had fallen, but
before approximately Middle Magdalenian Level 108 (c. 14 000 BP) and
subsequent Upper Magdalenian (c. 12 500 BP), Azilian (c. 12 000 BP) and
Mesolithic age levels that overlie the engravings on the block's
up-tilted, west-facing, flat surface. This decorated block is critical
to the story of the Magdalenian human burial.
Discovery and excavation of the human burial
Excavations in the El Miron vestibule have concentrated on two
separate, but trench-connected, 9-10[m.sup.2] areas, one near its front
and the other at the foot of the erosional ramp leading back to the
inner cave (Figure 3). In 2001 we undertook excavations at the tear of
the vestibule, between the east and south sides of the fallen block
mentioned above and the cave wall (X7 in Figure 3). Expectations were
initially rather low, as this area had recently been intensively used by
shepherds for stabling their goats. Indeed we had dismantled a wooden
corral fence and feeding trough and shovelled large amounts of caprine dung from this south-east rear corner of the vestibule in 1996, exposing
what we thought might be at least semi-intact sediments between the top
of the engraved block and the cave wall. It was here that Gonzalez
Morales first observed seemingly old engraved lines descending both rock
surfaces beneath the apparently intact, pre-modern stable ground
surface. The area immediately north of the engraved block had been
disturbed (by looting and or guano-digging) in recent times, but our
initial test excavation demonstrated that the sediments against at least
the western (engraved) face were intact and Magdalenian, Azilian and
Mesolithic in age (Table 1). The 2001 excavation in squares X-Y/6-7
quickly (and surprisingly) revealed a series of indeed apparently intact
levels banked up against the outwardly (westwardly) sloping tear wall of
the cave with no modern artefacts. The artefacts recovered had a
distinctly Magdalenian appearance, but the stratigraphy and logistics of
digging here were complex due to the small size of the area, steep slope
of the levels and isolated location vis a vis total station (EDM) base
locations in the cave. Thus the excavation was not renewed in this
sector in 2002. It was not until 2010 that Straus suggested that it
would be interesting to further pursue work in the narrow
'behind-the- block' area.
Work was restarted in the northern half of square X7 (actually
subsquare B and a very small area of A) on the irregular edge of the
area disturbed by the 'pothole' to create a small, clean EW
section across the middle of the square (Figure 4). Actually digging in
the area were Straus and David Cuenca Solana. On 19 and 21 June 2010,
while digging in rather loose sediments, first called Level 503, along
the west face of the engraved block and upon removal of a 40 x 35 x 18cm
rock (probably split off from the block) and a 15 x 10 x 6cm stone (both
stained with red ochre), they uncovered two human hemi- mandibles, two
loose lower molars, a tibia and other human bones. Following these
discoveries, we proceeded to excavate the remainder of Levels 502,
502.1, 503 and 503.1 (all apparently intact--except limited disturbance
of 503 by a rodent burrow at the eastern edge of the engraved block--and
Azilian/Magdalenian in content appearance) in the southern half of X7
(subsquares C and D) recovering many more human bones.
Level 503.1 corresponds to the base of a repeatedly used hearth
(Feature 2010.1) with considerable ash and fire-cracked rocks. Charcoal
from the bottom of this feature in X7D, spit 5.1, included nine >2mm
fragments that were identified as Juniperus (some being immature [i.e.
4-year-old] wood) by Dr Lydia Zapata (Universidad del Pais Vasco,
Vitoria-Gasteiz) and were subsequently ANIS radiocarbon-dated by Dr
Alexander Cherkinsky (University of Georgia, USA) to 15 120 [+ or -] 40
BP, or 18 290-18 110 cal BP (UG-7799). This 503.1 hearth base lay
directly atop Level 504, which was subsequently excavated down to (or
almost down to) the bedrock shelf in X7C and D. Level 504 was c. 20cm
thick in the centre of X7. It is a loose grey-brown silt, stained bright
red with ochre and speckled with the glittering mineral, galena. It is a
wedge of sediment, thickest to the west against the engraved block and
feathering out against the top of the sloping bedrock shelf to the east
(at the western end of square Y7), where it and the overlying levels are
so thin as to be hard to differentiate and disappear with the lightest
brushing. The differences among so-called Levels 502, 502.1, 503 and
503.1 are sometimes illusory and clearly local in nature, all within the
confines of not more than l [m.sup.2]. These may all be lenses related
to hearth formation and human activity associated with it. The bedrock
shelf bears what seem to be highly eroded, non-natural engraved lines
(like those of the bedrock tear wall of the vestibule in precisely this
Excavation of X7C and D (plus Y7C) yielded more human remains,
including a clavicle, many hand and foot bones, vertebrae and ribs. A
large quartz crystal was closely associated with these finds in X7D,
spit 6. At the close of the 2010 excavation campaign, there were left in
place two large stones (a square block measuring c. 40 x 45cm and a slab
measuring c. 20 x 25cm, whose bases lay atop the bottom of Level 504 and
which had been surrounded by, and in the latter case also overlain by,
the distinctive ochre-stained sediment of Level 504. Like the two stones
originally removed in X7B, these stones may have been deliberately
placed above the buried but somewhat scattered human remains.
Although these remains were concentrated in X7 subsquares B, C and
D, none were in anatomical connection and cranial bones (except the
mandible) are (so far at least) absent. Unfortunately, the still-open
rodent tunnel running the length of the western face of the engraved
block, at the intersection of the block and the bedrock shelf along
which it lies, had considerably disturbed Level 504 in its immediate
vicinity and made controlled excavation difficult, since the tunnel
would progressively collapse as excavation proceeded in X7A and C.
Several artefacts and bones had to be scooped out of the tunnel, making
for very approximate provenance. Luckily, most of the human remains came
from far less disturbed/intact Level 504 sediments further east,
including ones found under the first two stones removed in X7B and
several found around the base of the two large stones in adjacent X7C
and D.
All in situ finds (lithics, animal and human remains,
'manuports' [i.e. water- worn cobbles and fire-cracked rocks])
were three-dimensionally piece-plotted with a total station set up
immediately adjacent to X7; all sediments were water-screened through
fine mesh. All bones from X7, Level 504, were reviewed by Dr Ana Belen
Marin (and some were also reviewed by Straus) to separate out definite
or possible human remains that had not been determined as such in the
field. Remains that appeared at the time of discovery to be human were
placed immediately after recording into individual, clean, zip-locking
plastic bags and these were in turn kept in clean plastic boxes with
tightly sealing lids. They were touched as little as possible and were
usually only handled with latex gloves. With the exception of the few
finds made the first day (including one of the hemi-mandibles), they
were not washed.
Context and associated finds
The segment of the east face of the engraved block directly
abutting the area of the dispersed human remains in Level 504 is stained
with red ochre. This 'painting' coincides with the area of the
burial, whose western edge was formed by the block and whose eastern
edge was the rear cave vestibule wall. This is unlikely to be a
coincidence, especially since Level 504 is stained bright red, as are
the human remains, most dramatically the tibia. So this
individual's osseous remains--cleaned of flesh either naturally or
artificially (to be determined by microscopic examination of the bone
surfaces in the future)--were placed in a narrow space between the
engraved cave wall and the engraved block, either directly atop a
possibly engraved bedrock shelf or separated from it by a thin deposit
of silt (Figure 5). The immediately adjacent part of the east face of
the engraved block was painted with red ochre. The bones were covered
with rocks some of which were also ochre-stained. This burial space was
then back-filled with sediments mixed with red ochre and galena. The
contents of the backfill included Magdalenian-type lithic and osseous
artefacts, whose possible relationship (as 'offerings') with
the human remains really cannot be ascertained (although the quartz
crystal is unusual enough and physically so close to several human bones
as to be highly probable).
Osseous artefacts found in X7, Level 504, include a perforated
incisor (ibex?), a possible double-bevel base of a quadrangular-section
sagaie with oblique engraved lines on both faces, an undecorated distal
tip of a round-section sagaie, a distal tip of another round-section
sagaie with a longitudinal engraved line crossed by two sets of oblique
engraved lines on one face, a mesial fragment of an oval section sagaie
with a 3mm-wide longitudinal groove (probably for bladelet slotting) on
one face, a long mesial fragment of a sub- quadrangular section needle
and a possible distal tip fragment of a lenticular section needle.
Lithic artefacts from Level 504 in X7 include about 3000 items of
chipping debris (mostly flakes, bladelets, plus several cores, all
generally made of high-quality flint) plus 46 formal, retouched tools.
These include three endscrapers (one of which is a nucleiform
endscraper), three perforators, three notches/denticulates, a triangle
and a circle segment (geometric microliths often found in small numbers
in the Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian, including at El Miron), and 26
backed bladelets (or small blades). Level 503.1 yielded 33 tools, 20 of
which are backed bladelets/small blades. Level 503 (from X7C and D only,
where this unit is less clearly a mixed 504 than in X7A and B) has only
15 tools, six of which are backed bladelets. Both the osseous and lithic
artefact sets coincide with the Lower Magdalenian assemblages of the
Corral and Cabin excavation areas of El Miron.
The burial of the human remains obviously post-dated the fall of
the engraved block, since Level 504 was banked up against it and the
eastern face of the block was stained red like Level 504. The engraved
block, resting at its eastern edge on a bedrock shelf jutting westward
from the rear cave wall of the vestibule, served as a wall demarcating
the western end of Level 504 and of the burial (Figure 5).
The human remains are to be the subject of a programme of detailed
scientific analysis (see below). Pending direct dating of one or more of
the human bones, we selected a group of unidentifiable large mammal bone
splinters from X7, subsquare D, Level 504, spit 7--an ashy,
grey-yellowish, beige silt at the base of the level. This spit and
subsquare did also yield a human fibula, vertebrae, ribs, foot and hand
bones and possible pelvis fragments. The result of the AMS dating by Dr
Cherkinsky is 15 740 [+ or -] 40 BP or 18 940-18 770 cal BP (UG-7217).
This date is in stratigraphic order with the one from overlying Level
503.1 in the same subsquare (D). It clearly falls within the range of
the classic Lower Cantabrian Magdalenian, represented elsewhere in the H
Miron vestibule by Level 17 in the front ('Cabin') excavation
area (with five [sup.14]C dates ranging between 15 700 and 15 370 uncal
BP) and Levels 110-116 in the tear ('Corral') area (with eight
far less coherent dates ranging between 16 460 and 14 760 uncal BP,
excluding one younger date with a huge standard deviation).
The engraved block itself had fallen, landing with its old,
weathered cave ceiling face atop Level 110, as far as can be seen in the
V-W/8 and W/8-9 stratigraphic sections along the western and northern
sides of the block. Level 110 has three [sup.14]C dates (14 760 [+ or -]
70, 14 795 [+ or -] 75 and 16 130+250 BP), Level 111 also has a pair of
divergent dates (15 530 [+ or -] 230 and 16 370 [+ or -] 190) and Level
112 has a single date of 15 430 [+ or -] 75 BP. In the cases of both
Levels 110 and 111, however, the older dates are from a square closer to
the block and might, therefore, more accurately date its fall. A
plausible sequence of events could be thus:
1. Deposition of Level 111:16 370 BP;
2. Deposition of Level 110:16 130 BP;
3. Fall of the block and at least the start of engraving of its
western face: c. 16 000-15 750 BP;
4. Deposition of human bones, painting of the block's eastern
face and Level 504 formation: 15 740 BP;
5. Formation of hearth in Level 503.1:15 120 BP;
6. Covering of the engraved face of the block during the period
between c. 14 850 and 11 950 BP.
In short, it is possible that the deposition of the burial followed
soon after the fall of the block. Furthermore, as noted above, it is
likely that the western face of the block was engraved soon after it had
fallen, since the engravings were covered relatively quickly by later
Magdalenian levels. These facts all suggest that the burial was placed
behind the block, which itself had significance to the cave's
frequent Lower Magdalenian inhabitants. Recall that sunlight strikes the
engravings on the block's western face at the end of the afternoon
in summer, which is when the site was probably occupied, if the
(faunally determined) seasonality pattern of the Middle and Upper
Magdalenian and Azilian had also held in the Lower Magdalenian (Marin
2010). And recall how its eastern face was stained with red ochre in the
area immediately adjacent to the location of the human remains. The fall
of the block (perhaps due to an earthquake, since similar ceiling-fall
blocks have been found in Lower Magdalenian deposits throughout the
Cantabrian region, suggesting a major seismic event) must have been a
significant event for humans at the time, so its human marking may have
been very meaningful and the burial was perhaps even more important in
the symbolic, ritual life of human groups that frequented El Miron
during Oldest Dryas times.
The human remains: preliminary inventory
The provisional inventory of the human remains uncovered in 2010 is
given in Table 2, the more complete fragments recovered being a mandible
(Figure 6) and a right adult tibia (Figure 7).
Preliminary review by Dr Marin of faunal remains recovered in 2001
from the small wedge of Level 504 atop the bedrock ledge in Y7 yielded
another human (foot?) phalanx, a distal fibula, a possible rib
articulation and a few other possible rib and foot bone fragments.
Although analyses are at a very preliminary stage, it appears at this
time that the human remains could represent a single young adult. There
are no duplicate elements. Besides the mandible, the individual is (so
far at least) represented by her/his neck, thorax, a possible pelvis,
parts of left and right hands, a lower right leg and a left foot. There
were no bones in anatomical connection. Clearly this is a very partial
skeleton, but whether a whole, defleshed skeleton had originally been
buried in the vestibule tear may never be known for certain, since the
area immediately north of square X7 had been dug out by looters and/or
shepherds. Because almost all the remains were piece-plotted in situ,
detailed distribution maps can be made to study the remnant dispersion
thereof within the area between the block and the cave wall. The bones
are stained red and at least the tibia bears what appear to be gnaw
Conclusions and future work
During one of many Lower Magdalenian residential stays--the most
intensive Upper Palaeolithic occupations in large, strategically located
El Miron Cave--the red ochre-stained bones of at least part of the
skeleton of a young adult human were buried in a narrow space between a
large block and the rear wall of the cave vestibule. The west-facing,
sunlit surfaces of both that recently fallen block and the adjacent cave
wall had been engraved, possibly around the time of the burial. In
addition, the east-facing surface of the block, immediately adjacent to
the human remains, was stained with red ochre, as were the sediments
which covered those remains. There can be no doubt that the secondary
interment of this person occurred in a highly ritualised context,
although obvious grave offerings are problematic at this early stage of
analysis. Given the slope of the Lower Magdalenian levels in this area
(down toward the cave mouth), the high, vespertine sunlit face of the
engraved block was clearly a centre of attention for the human
inhabitants of the vestibule. One can speculate that the absolute rarity
of this individual's 'special treatment', especially in a
regional context devoid of other Magdalenian burials, might indicate an
unusual status attributed to her/him, as she/he 'presided
over' the activities of the living--fellow band members, relatives
and/or descendants.
Ongoing excavations in the area immediately south of square X7 will
determine whether more of the individual's remains had been buried
there. Future DNA analyses will attempt to test whether this individual
was part of a refugial human population that had been involved in the
post-LGM resettlement of north-west Europe as hypothesised by some
recent genetic studies of modern European populations; stable isotope
analyses will help reconstruct her/his diet; taphonomic analysis will
investigate the possibilities of postmortem defleshing and gnawing, as
well as ochre-staining; and bioanthropological studies will determine
age, sex, health status and possibly cause of death. It is notable that
the only other significant Magdalenian remains known from the Cantabrian
region--the 'cranial bowls' of El Castillo--had also been
artificially manipulated before burial.
Note: During the 2011 excavation season, many more (as yet
uninventoried) human bones were found in the southern hall of square X7,
some under the limestone block and slab mentioned above and all stained
with red ochre. Most are hand and foot bones, bur fragments of
vertebrae, scapula (glenoid fossa) and pelvis (acetabulum) were also
found. It was revealed that the southern end of the burial lay not atop
bedrock (as in the northern half of X7) but rather in a small pit dug
into underlying hearth layer 505 banked up against the bedrock slope.
This level in turn overlay an occupation layer (506) which, by its
depth, slope and contents, is probably the equivalent of Level 110, the
stratum upon which the later-engraved block had fallen 'soon'
before the human remains were deposited to its east. Samples of three
bones and a tooth were taken by Svante Paabo (Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) for DNA and stable isotope analyses
and direct ANIS [sup.14]C dating.
The 2010-2011 campaigns in El Miron were financed by the L.S.B.
Leakey Foundation, the Government of Cantabria and Jean and Ray Auel.
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Lawrence Guy Straus (1,2), Manuel R. Gonzalez Morales (2) &
Jose Miguel Carretero (3)
(1) Department of Anthropology MSC01 1040, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001, USA (Email: lstraus@unm,edu)
(2) Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistoricas,
Universidad de Cantabria, 39005 Santander, Spain
(3) Laboratorio de Evolucion Humana, Departamento de Ciencias
Historicasy Geografia, Universidad de Burgos, 09001 Burgos, Spain
Received: 4 April 2011; Accepted: 9 May 2011; Revised: 16 May 2011
Table 1. Tentative correlation of adjacent strata in the Corral &
Burial areas at the rear of the El Miron Cave vestibule.
Burial area between Corral area north and
engraved block and west of engraved block
rear cave wall
Levels [sup.14]C Levels [sup.14]C Cultural
dates (BP) dates (BP) attribution
500 99 Disturbed
surface fill
501 100 Mesolithic (?)
502 101 Mesolithic (?)
102 Azilian (?)
102.1 11 950 [+ or -] Final
70 Magdalenian
502.1 103-105
106 12 460 [+ or -] Upper
180 Magdalenian
503 107 Middle
108 14 850 [+ or -] Lower/Middle
503.1 15 120 13 660 Magdalenian
[+ or -] 40
504 15 740 [+ 109 Lower
(burial) or -] 40 Magdalenian
Bedrock 110 16 130 [+ or -] Initial/Lower
250 Magdalenian
111-119 16 370 [+ or -] Initial
19 960 Magdalenian
121-127 18 390 [+ or -] Solutrean
19 230
128 27 580 [+ or -] Gravettian
130 41 280 [+ or -] Mousterian
Table 2. Inventory of human bone.
Mandible: partial right corpus with
[P.sub.4], M, and [M.sub.3], plus
a compatible loose right
partial left corpus with
[P.sub.4], [M.sub.1] [M.sub.2]
Middle third of a right adult and [M.sub.3] loose lower canine
tibia and lower premolar
Right adult fibula in four
Right adult clavicle in two
Two possible pelvis fragments
Fifteen fragments of vertebrae
(cervical and thoracic)
Eight rib fragments
Hand bones: left adult metacarpal 4
two distal halves of adult
proximal phalanges
three complete adult middle
three complete adult distal
complete adult right capitate
complete adult right trapezium
Foot bones: complete adult left calcaneus
three complete (or nearly
complete) adult left metatarsals
complete adult left second
possible phalanx base