Colonisation, mobility and exchange in New Zealand prehistory.
Walter, Richard ; Jacomb, Chris ; Bowron-Muth, Sreymony 等
New Zealand was settled during the last phase of the Austronesian
expansion that commenced around 3300 BP, when Lapita peoples moved down
the coasts of New Guinea and into the Oceanic world beyond. In Papua New
Guinea and the northern Solomon Islands these new groups interacted with
communities whose ancestors had crossed the Wallace Line into the
Pleistocene landmass of Sahul some 37 000-47 000 years earlier. Beyond
the Solomon Islands the vast seascape of the Pacific was uninhabited
until the arrival of Lapita settlers, bringing with them new sailing and
colonisation strategies. In Polynesia the Lapita descendants pushed
further east settling virtually every Polynesian island and arriving in
New Zealand as the final stage of this migration at the end of the
thirteenth century AD (Walter & Jacomb 2007) (Figure 1). Once
settled, New Zealand lost contact with the tropical homelands and its
prehistory proceeded with virtually no further involvement with the rest
of the Oceanic world.
Because of its isolation New Zealand prehistory has been largely
conceived in its own terms (Walter 2004). Interest in wider Pacific
connections has been restricted to questions of origins, and the timing
and technology of discovery. In this paper we look at similarities in
colonising and exchange behaviour between New Zealand Maori and
Austronesian colonists elsewhere in Oceania, making particular use of
obsidian as a marker. We document distinctive patterns in New Zealand
archaeology that reflect continuity in traditions of colonisation,
mobility and exchange that were introduced into the Pacific 3000 years
earlier in western Melanesia. We summarise these patterns before turning
to New Zealand.
Obsidian exchange and colonisation in western Melanesia
There are several high quality obsidian sources in the Bismarck
Archipelago and elsewhere in eastern Papua New Guinea. Amongst these,
the Talasea source of West New Britain was used during the Pleistocene
and rapidly adopted by the new Austronesian settlers. The early
Austronesian sites display a distinctive pattern of obsidian movement
associated with colonisation. In the post-colonisation phases a new
pattern of obsidian exchange emerges associated with the development of
trade networks.
Archaeologists have noted an early pulse in the use of imported
obsidians in Lapita and other Austronesian regions of western Melanesia.
These early assemblages contain larger pieces than in later periods as
measured by weight, thickness and length of flakes and cores.
Additionally there is a relatively greater number of large cortical
blocks. These factors suggest direct access to source supplies, rather
than down-the-line exchange. In the south-east Solomon Islands three
Lapita sites have well-described obsidian assemblages. Nanggu (SZ-8) is
located on Nendo (Santa Cruz) and was occupied for about 100 years from
around 3300 BP while Nenumbo (RF-2) and Ngamanie (RF-6) in the Reef
Islands were occupied for shorter periods between 3145-2825 BP and
2800-2300 BP respectively (Jones et al. 2007; Green & Jones 2008).
Sheppard (1993) assigns 97 per cent of the obsidian from the three sites
(n = 987) to Talasea more than 2000km to the west. An estimate of the
quantity of obsidian and the weight per cubic metre of sediment is shown
in Table 1 and indicates a high initial density of obsidian followed by
a decline through time, with an increase in the relative importance of
chert sourced from about 100km distant (Sheppard 1993). The amount of
obsidian transported from Talasea would have required multiple canoe
loads and, since there are no known Lapita sites between the south-east
Solomons and the source zone, this would have involved direct
procurement (Sheppard 1993).
Austronesian settlers arrived in south coast Papua about 2000 BP
and exploited obsidian from sources on Fergusson Island 350km to the
east. In the Early Period the obsidian pieces were again larger than
ever; there were more cortical flakes and the obsidian was reduced less
thoroughly. There was presumably less need to conserve raw material and
again, the material is believed to have been obtained directly from
source (Irwin & Holdaway 1996).
The Early Period sites demonstrate a more casual use of imported
stone than would be predicted by economising models, where precious
resources are used with care. In the ReefSanta Cruz Islands the obsidian
shows little evidence of pre-processing to reduce transport costs and
add value to the pieces. Core reduction relied on relatively wasteful
freehand, hard-percussion methods with scant evidence for standardised
core preparation and reduction strategies (Sheppard 1993). Furthermore
30 per cent of the cores were discarded before they were exhausted. In
Early Period sites on Mailu Island on the Papuan coast cores had fewer
flake scars than in later periods, indicating less complete reduction,
and the flakes were larger. The obsidian assemblages in both regions
provide no evidence for the type of economising behaviour one would
expect with declining access to a valuable raw material and there
appears to be no direct relationship between distance from source and
reduction methods. The implication is that in these colonisation phase
sites the value of obsidian '... was not that of a scarce
utilitarian commodity" (Sheppard 1993: 135).
In all regions surveyed there is a reduction through time in the
absolute and relative quantities of obsidian, an increase in the
abundance of local chert, and a decline in cortical cores suggesting
less direct or frequent access to the supply areas. This decline in
importation coincided with the adoption of a more conservative approach
to use and discard, reflected in a reduction in the mean weight, length
and thickness of obsidian pieces, and in the size of discarded cores and
flakes (Sheppard 1993; Irwin & Holdaway 1996). Along the Papuan
coast Irwin (1991) and Irwin & Holdaway (1996) report a late period
increase in the relative abundance of obsidians (Figure 2) coinciding
with the emergence of formal trade networks involving down the line
gifting and commodity transactions.
'Coloniser mode' and 'trader mode' exchange
Observing differences between Early and Late Period obsidian
movement on the Papuan coast, Irwin (1991) suggested that two different
modes of exchange were represented. 'Coloniser mode' exchange
involved a pulse of exotic imports during a sustained colonisation
event. This material may have been incidental to frequent communication
between related communities during a period of expansion, in which case
the 'value' of the obsidian may not have been as a commodity
item. In a later 'trader mode', obsidian was transported as a
commodity through coastal trade networks.
The concept of 'coloniser mode' exchange was taken up by
Specht (2002), who noted that if Mailu is a specific case of a more
general Austronesian pattern, a pulse of obsidian should be observed in
the earliest Lapita sites throughout the region. The pieces should be
larger than in later periods and a '... distinction between sites
with large or small pieces of obsidian might then allow recognition of
some sites as part of a colonisation front' (Specht 2002: 39).
Specht found six Lapita sites where the mean weight of obsidian was
highest in the colonisation phase, supporting the pulse model, and also
noted wasteful use practices regardless of distance to source confirming
the absence of distance-dependent utilisation strategies (Specht 2002).
The New Zealand case
There is still debate about when the ancestral canoes arrived in
New Zealand from tropical east Polynesia, but the general consensus is
that colonisation commenced no earlier than the last half of the
thirteenth century AD (Walter & Jacomb 2007). New Zealand is a large
continental landmass spanning sub-tropical to sub-Antarctic latitudes.
The colonists brought a tropical economy that fared poorly in New
Zealand. Horticulture was restricted to the north (Figure 3) and based
on a limited range of Polynesian cultigens, while pig and fowl,
important Polynesian domesticates, were not successfully transferred. On
the other hand New Zealand had, at least initially, abundant meat
resources including ground-nesting marine birds, forest birds,
flightless birds (including the giant moa) and sea mammals. Horticulture
was established immediately but hunting was a big part of the earliest
economy, especially in the south. The continental geology offered a
diverse range of industrial stone including fine-grained argillites and
basalts, flints, cherts, obsidians and nephrite.
Of the many suitable rock types, five had particular significance
in the stone tool industry (Figure 4). Three of these were used to make
flaked adzes: Tahanga basalt, metasomatised argillites from the northern
South Island and argillites from the southern coast. Adzes were also
made of nephrite from the western South Island using a cutting and
abrading technology. Obsidian from Mayor Island in the Bay of Plenty is
the most important of more than 20 obsidian sources located in the
northern North Island (Sheppard 2004). These five sources are the
highest quality tool-grade material available in the country and all are
found in archaeological sites dating to the early fourteenth century.
This attests to a period of extremely efficient exploration. Within a
decade of the first sites appearing on the landscape, four of the five
materials were circulating through inter-regional exchange networks. The
fifth material, nephrite, had a more restricted range at that time but
after about the sixteenth century became the most prized and widely
moved resource in the country.
Dating has always been a problem in New Zealand. Factors include
the short chronology, the limited number of stratified sites and the
fact that New Zealand prehistory sits within a section of the
radiocarbon calibration curve containing particularly large
'wiggles'. Here we divide the archaeological record into
'Early' and 'Late' periods with a dividing line at
AD 1500. This division allows us to consider a maximum number of sites
while maintaining confidence in the relative chronology. It is not an
entirely arbitrary treatment since some of the main changes in the
sequence occur about AD 1450-1500, including: changes in material
culture and art forms, the appearance of fortified sites, the extinction
of moa and the decline in big game hunting (Davidson 1984; Holdaway
& Jacomb 2000; Walter & Jacomb 2007). Treated this way, the use
and distribution of stone resources in New Zealand shows strong
parallels with Lapita and Lapita-derived colonisations in Melanesia.
Mayor Island obsidian
There are geochemical techniques for sourcing New Zealand obsidians
(Sheppard 2004) but Mayor Island obsidian (MIO) has a distinctive
olive-green colouration in transmitted light, and hand specimen
identification is generally considered to be reasonably reliable (Moore
1988). Much of the data in this paper is based on hand specimen
identification by the field archaeologists.
Figure 4 shows the distribution area of MIO in sites of the Early
Period. The Kermadecs, Norfolk Island, Auckland Island and Chatham
Island samples set the known limits for the prehistoric distribution of
MIO (Leach 1973; Leach et al. 1986; Anderson & McFadgen 1990;
Anderson et al. 1997; Anderson 2000, Anderson & O'Regan 2000).
Within a century these islands lost all contact with mainland New
Zealand until the arrival of European vessels in the nineteenth century.
Most early sites contain abundant flakes in other materials:
porcellanite, silcrete and flint. Figure 5 shows the relative abundance
of MIO in Early Period sites plotted against distance from source
assuming shortest coastal routes. In fact, much movement was probably
via inland routes (Walter 1988; Scott 2008) and the assumption of
coastal travel will inflate distances, especially within 300km of
source, but will not greatly affect relative distances. Figure 5 shows a
decline in relative abundance with distance, but even 1500-2000km from
the source MIO is present at up to 15 per cent of the flake assemblages.
Figure 5 underrepresents the significance of MIO since a high proportion
of the flakes in each assemblage are waste flakes from adze making. A
more accurate picture would be to plot the relative abundance of MIO
against locally available flake tool material. Unfortunately, there is
not much known about the full range of sources available and the best we
can do is focus on a small number of sites where we can be confident the
alternative sources were obtained within about 150km (Figure 6). Figure
6 only includes sites located 500km or more from Mayor Island since
500km seems to be the local or 'supply zone' for MIO (see
Figure 5).
In an earlier study of MIO distribution Seelenfreund-Hirsch (1985)
demonstrated that, when the relative abundance of MIO is considered by
weight, there is an apparent increase in relative abundance with
distance. In an argument reminiscent of those raised later by Specht,
Sheppard and Irwin in the Melanesian cases Seelenfreund-Hirsh noted
'... it could be argued that the increased percentage of Mayor
Island obsidian is related to its higher value in areas further
removed from the source' (Seelenfreund-Hirsch 1985: 123).
Seelenfreund-Hirsch (1985) also pointed out that the general
distance decay trend (e.g. Figure 5) is essentially linear and thus
implies direct procurement from source. Again, a similar argument for
direct procurement of obsidians over long distances during colonisation
phases has been made for Lapita and south coast Papua.
An economising model would predict a more thrifty use of MIO at
distance from source as artisans maximise value (Sheppard 1993; Holdaway
2004). The Kawatiri and Heaphy river sites show the opposite. The sites
are located about 1200 and 1300km from Mayor Island respectively. Both
sites are small, coastal settlements occupied for up to perhaps a few
decades during the early fourteenth century (Jacomb et al. 2004). At
Kawatiri an excavation of 88[m.sup.2] recovered 2823 stone flakes,
including 277 flakes of MIO. In total 60 per cent of the MIO flakes had
been discarded with no sign of use or edge modification. The Heaphy
River Mouth site produced 670 flakes, including 116 pieces of MIO, in an
excavation of 45[m.sup.2]. The proportion of used to unused flakes was
nearly identical to Kawatiri with 61 per cent of the obsidian showing no
evidence of use (Table 2). Most of the unused flakes at both sites are
within a useable size range indicating a similar lack of economising
behaviour demonstrated for the Reef-Santa Cruz sites (Sheppard 1993). A
similar observation can be made in relation to the size of discarded
cores in Early Period sites. An examination of core size shows little
correlation with distance (r2 = 0.016) again suggesting that the value
placed on MIO does not fit a simple cost-benefit model (Figure 7).
Figure 8 shows the ratio of obsidian to other flake material in
sites dating to the late period. Comparing this with Figure 5, it is
apparent that a major contraction of the MIO distribution networks had
occurred by AD 1500. This figure signals the effective removal of the
South Island from the obsidian distribution network.
An increase in the efficiency of obsidian use has been documented
in the post-colonisation phases in Oceania, which is taken as an
indication of the increasing value of the resource as access to supplies
changed. In New Zealand this is difficult to observe. Within a distance
of 500km or so from the source, access to MIO remained approximately
stable for the full duration of prehistory, so it is necessary to look
at Early Period sites located further than 500km from Mayor Island.
There are few early sites that are stratified and, given the span of the
radiocarbon determinations, only a small number can be reliably sorted
to relative age. Of these even fewer have quantitative data available on
the obsidian assemblages. We have identified a small group of early
sites or strata that can be identified as sequential and which provide
quantitative data on changing obsidian use (Figure 9).
The mean size of obsidian flakes at the two South Island west coast
sites of Kawatiri and Heaphy are statistically indistinguishable (t =
-0.42, p = 0.679, df = 156) and have been treated as a single
assemblage. The Purakaunui site is a small coastal settlement with a
simple two phase stratigraphy, although the calibrated radiocarbon dates
overlap at lsd (Latham 2005). The first occupation, Layer 4, commenced
in the mid to late fourteenth century followed by a short period of
abandonment. A second occupation occurred in the early to mid fifteenth
century and the site was abandoned by AD 1500. Thus both layers fall
into the Early Period. The analysed sub-set of 1172 flakes from
Purakaunui included 199 pieces of MIO (Gay 2004). Mean flake length
reduced by 34 per cent between the two layers, contrasting with a 7 per
cent increase in the length of local material (chert and chalcedony).
The mean weight of obsidian pieces dropped between layers from 0.5g to
0.1g. This decline in size is consistent with observations by Gillies
(1981) who notes a highly significant difference in obsidian weight (t =
8.83, p = 0.002, df = 16) between the Tiwai Point and Long Beach sites
(Layer 3). Both these early sites are located in southern New Zealand:
Tiwai Point dates to the early to mid fourteenth century (Sutton &
Marshall 1980) and Long Beach Layer 3 to the late fourteenth to early
fifteenth century (Hamel & Leach 1980; Leach & Hamel 1981).
Changes in nephrite use
In New Zealand, coloniser mode exchange is evidenced by a pulse in
long-distance obsidian movement which declined sharply within a few
generations of colonisation. Following this period obsidian remained
widely available within 500km from source, but never again matched the
early distribution patterns. A second pulse of long-distance exchange in
the late period is analogous to the 'trader mode' exchange of
island Melanesia. This second event involved the long-distance movement
of nephrite deriving from rivers in the south-western South Island where
there were never major population levels (Adams et al. 2007). Nephrite
was discovered during the first wave of exploration and used on a small
scale from at least the early fourteenth century, although it was in
limited circulation. By the eighteenth century, nephrite adzes were
distributed in high numbers throughout the South Island and were in use
in lesser frequencies throughout the North Island. Nephrite was not only
a superior cutting tool, but by the early historical period it had taken
on a ceremonial significance and ornaments in nephrite were passed
between individuals and tribes in ritual exchange--as is still practised
today. Nephrite ornaments were used on the east coast of the South
Island by at least the sixteenth century and by the time of Captain
Cook's arrival were observed as far north as the north of the North
Island. By as early as the sixteenth century the working and
distribution of nephrite artefacts appears to have been centred on the
east coast of the South Island where a few sites, such as Hohoupounamu,
may have been major manufacturing and distribution centres (Davidson
1984). By the late eighteenth century the South Island's Ngai Tahu
tribe controlled nephrite production (Anderson 1998). Figure 10 shows
the changing ratio of nephrite to non-nephrite adze material in a
selection of South Island sites (see also Jacomb 1995). The sites are
arranged approximately according to age with the earlier sites to the
left and most recent to the right. Hohoupounamu dates from the early
sixteenth century while Kaiapoia Pa was occupied into the first decades
of the nineteenth century.
Discussion: from 'coloniser mode' to 'trader
mode' exchange in New Zealand
The New Zealand data show evidence of a short, early pulse in the
long-distance transport of MIO commencing, in radiocarbon terms,
immediately upon settlement. The use patterns of MIO for the duration of
this pulse have all the hallmarks of 'coloniser mode' exchange
described by Irwin (1991) for coastal Papua New Guinea and as
represented in early Lapita exchange systems elsewhere in western
Melanesia. The pulse lasted about a century, during a period of
population expansion, exploration and the acquisition of environmental
knowledge. The key question is: what drives the establishment of
'coloniser mode' exchange in settler communities? Is it
something to do with the perceived value (utilitarian or otherwise) of
the materials that were transported, or is the movement of raw material
ancillary to the social act of long-distance interaction itself? The New
Zealand case provides some insights into this question.
The utilitarian value of MIO cannot be overlooked; it is the
highest quality flake material in the country and remained the most
important cutting tool within 500km of source until the arrival of iron.
But the range of alternatives and the profligate manner of its early use
suggests that more was involved in its transportation than its
utilitarian value. A number of authors have suggested that the key
factor in the early pulse of long-distance exchange was the maintenance
of homeland connections (Green & Kirch 1997; Green & Anson
2000). This might have been about securing continued access to a valued
material when colonising new environments with unknown resource bases.
Kirch (1988) suggests that long-distance exchange during a formative
period may have provided a 'lifeline' to the securely
established communities of the homelands which could provide critical
resources at times of environmental crisis, or suitable marriage
partners to supplement demographically small and unstable groups on the
frontiers of an expanding colonisation front. Perhaps, as Specht (2002:
44) argues, long-distance exchange in the colonisation phase may have
been a conscious attempt to replicate the homelands including '...
the social and ideological contexts within which obsidian and other
goods were essential and valuable components'. Sheppard (1993) has
suggested that Talasea obsidian may have had a symbolic association; the
process of acquisition from the homelands, rather than its actual use,
imbued the material with its highest value.
These explanations focus on the importance of a
'homeland' but this does not fit the New Zealand case. New
Zealand was not colonised through rolling expansion or diffusion from a
single zone (an internal homeland), but via a spatially discontinuous
process of rapid coastal exploration and settlement. In the New Zealand
case the key factor is not about connections to a homeland, but about
maintaining interaction with related groups during a period of social
and demographic establishment. This is an expression of a common Pacific
migrant strategy used to maintain effective reproduction in small,
fragile founder communities. In Tokelau during the historic period, for
example, Green and Green (2007) discuss the demographic mechanisms
involved in the repopulation of islands. They report:
'... strategies of maintaining contact with communities of origin
and association for a period after the founding of migrant
settlements have pragmatic and evident effects in ensuring access
to spouses of acceptable kin relationship distance within
culturally affiliated populations' (Green & Green 2007:251).
Connections were not just with the homeland, but with communities
of Tokelauans resident in Samoa, New Zealand and elsewhere. In the
Reef-Santa Cruz Islands the nearest culturally and linguistically
related peoples were located in the Bismarck Archipelago 2000kin to the
west. In New Zealand, they were scattered around the coasts of the North
and South Islands in small, often isolated, communities.
The importance of maintaining these links was not just to assure
genetic reproduction and demographic stability, but to guarantee social
reproduction--those mechanisms which perpetuate across generations
aspects of social structure and tradition (Bourdieu & Passeron
1977). Successful social reproduction depends on the ability of
communities to participate meaningfully in activities which serve to
reproduce social order and institutions, as well as to structure and
reinforce social and personal identity. Such acts include gifting and
exchange, funerary rituals, rites of passage, marriage negotiations and
various acts of competition and rivalry. This requires access to
communities who are culturally related, but also sufficiently distant in
social terms. We suggest that in New Zealand long-distance communication
systems developed in the colonisation phase with the role of linking
small, scattered settler communities into a viable social network that
would provide the mechanisms for social reproduction including access to
marriage partners of appropriate genealogical connection. The Bay of
Plenty is highly accessible via either coastal or inland routes (Walter
1988) and, while mobility was high, materials of greatest technological
value and high availability were passed through these networks. The
apparent profligacy of MIO use was a reflection of availability--it
could be gathered at a very low cost, and a great deal could be moved in
a single canoe load.
In this model, the decline in the long-distance movement of MIO
occurred at the point where there were sufficient numbers of stable
communities in a region to assure demographic and social reproduction
without recourse to long-distance networks. In Polynesia, founder
communities have been described as possessing a high degree of potential
fertility and of adopting a flexible range of demographic controls,
including the importation of persons from appropriately affiliated
communities. Annual population growth figures of 13 per cent have been
reported during the first five years of settlement on Atafu and on
Nukunonu 4.4 per cent annual growth was reported in the first two
decades following population depletion by slavery (Maude 1981; Green
& Green 2007). At this rate a founding population of as few as 60
people in New Zealand could result, through the budding off of daughter
communities, in the emergence of local regions which were
demographically and socially viable within four or five generations or
well within a century and a half. This coincides with the duration of
the early pulse in long-distance activities witnessed by the
distribution patterns of MIO.
The collapse of the early long-distance networks occurred by AD
1500 and, from that time, adze production relied on locally available
materials and the important, high quality stone sources of the earlier
period were distributed across more restricted regional zones. The sole
exception to this was nephrite which, after AD 1500, became increasingly
important for tool and ornament production and acquired status and
ceremonial associations. By late prehistory nephrite was circulating
through national trade networks centred on manufacturing zones located
on the east coast of the South Island. While other items were
undoubtedly circulating in late period networks, nephrite is the only
archaeological witness to the emergence of 'trader mode'
exchange in late New Zealand prehistory.
In this paper we compared early exchange in New Zealand to the
Melanesian record, pointing out that the short, early pulse in the
long-distance movement of MIO is analogous to pulses that occur during
colonisation phases in Lapita and other early Austronesian communities.
This provides a useful insight into some recent revisions of the New
Zealand sequence (e.g. Anderson 1991) which have advanced the date of
first settlement from the mid ninth to the late thirteenth century AD
(Walter & Jacomb 2007). In previous models the 'early'
sites referred to in this paper were assigned to a 'moa
hunting' or 'Archaic' phase lasting 500 years or more. It
is now appropriate to see them as part of a short 'coloniser'
phase of only a century or so involving rapid exploration and the
establishment of small, spatially separated colonies linked by
long-distance communication networks.
The New Zealand case also provides insight into early Oceanic
archaeology. In particular, we argue that the importance of early
long-distance interaction is not necessarily about maintaining links
between colonies and homeland, but about securing social and biological
reproduction for isolated communities on an expanding colonisation
front. The similarity of colonisation strategies amongst the communities
surveyed in this paper raises the question of whether 'colonisation
mode' exchange derives from deep Austronesian traditions relating
to kinship, ritual and social reproduction, or whether it is a more
universal adaptive strategy of migrant groups.
A version of this paper was presented at the Fifth Lapita
Conference in Nukualofa, Kingdom of Tonga in 2005. The authors
acknowledge the useful comments from conference participants, especially
Atholl Anderson. In addition we received invaluable feedback and advice
from Roger Green, Thegn Ladefoged and Matthew Spriggs.
Received: 13 July 2009; Accepted: 25 September 2009; Revised: 7
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Richard Walter (1), Chris Jacomb (1) & Sreymony Bowron-Muth (2)
(1) Anthropology Department, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56,
Dunedin, New Zealand (Email: richard,
(2) Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch 8013, New
Table 1. Estimated quantities of stone (in kg and kg/m' of sediment)
transported to the three Lapita sites. All figures from Sheppard
Obsidian Chert
Site Weight Weight/[m.sup.2] Weight Weight/[m.sup.2]
SZ-8 245.0 34.6 161.0 23.4
RF-2 9.5 17.36 12.6 23.1
RF-6 26.4 6.12 45.4 10.5
Table 2. Obsidian flakes from Kawatiri and Heaphy sites, west
coast of the South Island.
Quantity % length (mm)
Buller (un-used) 119 60% 22.9
Buller (used) 79 40% 34.6
Heaphy (un-used) 45 61% 21.5
Heaphy (used) 29 39% 33.7