Multiple uses for Australian backed artefacts.
Robertson, Gail ; Attenbrow, Val ; Hiscock, Peter 等
In Australia, backed artefacts, called microliths or backed
bladelets in many parts of the world, have been employed by
archaeologists to demonstrate culture change. We know they appeared in
the archaeological record of north-eastern Australia in the late
Pleistocene, were made in many regions across southern Australia and
were abundantly produced in the south-east from about 3500 BP to 1500
BP, and had seemingly ceased to be made by the time of British
colonisation; there are no ethnographic observations of backed artefact use (Hiscock & Attenbrow 1998; Slack et al. 2004; Hiscock 2008).
Over the last century archaeologists have speculated about how they were
used. Many earlier conjectures reflected expectations that prehistoric
use of backed artefacts in Australia would parallel inferred uses for
microliths elsewhere in the world or the ethnographic use of other stone
artefacts in composite tools, but often they were guesses, sometimes
fanciful. In recent decades several use-wear and/or residue studies have
investigated backed artefacts in Australia, but questions of the nature
and diversity of uses of this tool form remain. In this paper we present
an integrated residue and use-wear analysis, employing both low and high
magnification, which studied large samples of backed artefacts from
three rockshelters in a valley in eastern Australia. This study provides
a novel image of antipodean backed artefact use which challenges models
that have dominated the last century of thought on this subject
Models of backed artefact use in Australia
Several models of backed artefact use have been widely discussed in
Australia. Etheridge and Whitelegge (1907) hypothesised that they were
scalpels used in scarification to produce cicatrices such as those seen
historically on Aboriginal people. The idea that these small implements
were primarily employed in ritual/ceremonial contexts was advanced by
several early researchers (e.g. Horne & Aiston 1924), and in the
1980s it was argued that they were a symbol associated with the growth
of ceremonial activities (e.g. Bowdler 1981; Morwood 1981; White &
O'Connell 1982: 123). These views shared an expectation that backed
artefacts would be used for only short-term single events principally on
human flesh, and not necessarily hafted. The idea that backed artefacts
were involved in ceremonies/rituals continues to be raised (e.g.
McDonald et al. 2007).
A different set of models advocated backed artefacts as domestic
tools, probably handheld or more likely hafted. There was no agreement
on what the likely use might have been. Hypotheses included wood-working
tools (e.g. Mitchell 1949: 56); skinning or skin-working tools (e.g.
Tindale 1955; Stockton 1970); and cutting tools, perhaps in composite
knives or saws (e.g. Turner 1932; Stockton 1970; Flood 1980; Kamminga
1980; Morwood 1981; Fullagar 1992). These models implied a single
dominant use for most or all backed artefacts, which predicated that
wear and residues should be uniform on most archaeological specimens.
Initially those inferences were based on the tools'
morphology, but researchers also cited the presence of damage such as
polish and/or plant tissue residue as evidence of use. In this
literature the specimens being examined varied. Many authors principally
referred to relatively thin varieties of backed artefacts, which were
labelled as 'bondi points', 'geometric microliths',
or collectively 'backed blades'. Some researchers examined
thick specimens, called eloueras, though these were not always backed.
These choices affected each study's conclusions; there was often
consensus that eloueras had been wood-working tools, whereas there was
no agreement that smaller forms were for that task. In this paper the
focus is exclusively on the non-elouera forms of backed artefact, and
our analysis excludes eloueras.
By far the most common and persistent model has been that backed
artefacts were hafted onto thrown spears and served as spear barbs
and/or tips (e.g. Turner 1932; Campbell & Noone 1943; McCarthy 1948:
72; White & O'Connell 1982; McDonald et al. 2007). This
proposition was frequently based on the assertion that although in
historical rimes so-called 'death spears' were barbed with
flakes, shells or bones, in the prehistoric period it was the backed
artefacts that provided the barbs. However this argument is flawed. No
historical items labelled 'death spears' in museums contain
retouched stone flakes (Flood 1995: 224-5). More importantly, the
earliest colonial literature does not even use the term 'death
spears' (Corkill pers. comm.); people such as Hunter (1793: 495-6)
simply commented that spears barbed with stone, shell or bone caused
death. Ethnographic information lends no support to the idea that backed
artefacts were spear barbs.
Models of backed artefacts as spear points or barbs also relied on
assertions that they were so small they would have been part of a
composite tool. Although resin observed on backed artefacts confirms
that some specimens were hafted (e.g. Boot 1993; Therin 2000), the
argument that specimens with indications of hafting resin must
necessarily have been on spears is tenuous; other composite tools would
have had the same resin residues. In addition, even if hafted on
composite tools they may have been thrown as projectiles or used in a
thrusting or hacking motions. For example, McDonald et al. (2007)
concluded that some backed specimens buried with Narrabeen man had been
spear barbs because they were lodged within the body and had damage
consistent with penetration and impact. However all of these features
are equally consistent with attack from any composite weapon, including
daggers and thrusting poles/spears as well as projectiles.
Presumptions that backed artefacts were armatures on projectiles
led Kamminga (1980) to argue that the lack of diagnostic wear visible in
his low-power microscope inspections of backed artefacts indicated they
had probably been barbs on composite spears. This conclusion continues
to be widely accepted even though contradicted by residue evidence on
specimens examined by Barton (1993), Boot (1993), Fullagar (1994),
Therin (2000), Slack et al. (2004), and Robertson (2005). The model that
backed artefacts were solely, or even principally, barbs and tips on
thrown spears predicts not only that abundant specimens would display
impact damage and have residue/wear distinctive of flesh/blood but also
that few traces of other uses would exist.
Australian wear and residues studies have not yielded evidence
consistent with that prediction. Instead the emerging model is that
backed artefacts were employed in multiple ways for many uses, including
cutting, incising and scraping of plant and animal materials as well as
stabbing/thrusting and/or projectile tools. For instance, Hiscock (1994,
2002, 2006, 2008) hypothesised that prehistoric Australian foragers
emphasised composite tools containing backed artefacts because of their
readiness and multi-functionality, employing them for almost any task at
hand. Prior to this paper the most detailed demonstration that
Australian backed artefacts were multi-functional, multi-purpose and
frequently part of composite tools used in both subsistence and craft
activities, was the study by Robertson (2005). She examined wear and
residues on backed artefacts from six eastern Australian sites and
concluded that specimens had been used in various ways: for working
bone, wood, skin/hides and mica, as well as butchery and activities
involving feathers. In addition, they functioned as cutting,
drilling/awling, and scraping tools. Our study below develops
Robertson's previous work, describing wear and residues on backed
artefacts from three sites in Upper Mangrove Creek.
All specimens carne from the 101 [km.sup.2] Upper Mangrove Creek
catchment, approximately 30km west of Wyong on the Australian east coast
(Figure 1). Mangrove Creek and its tributaries formed deeply incised
valleys in the sandstone plateau. Over 50 sites were excavated
(Attenbrow 1981, 1982, 2004, 2007), and three rockshelters are the
subject of this study: Deep Creek, Emu Tracks 2 and Mussel. Deep Creek
is a large shelter containing 0.9m of deposit extending back almost 7000
years. Emu Tracks is a small overhang on a ridge overlooking a tributary
of Mangrove Creek. The deposit is 80cm deep and covers the last 3500
years. Mussel is a large overhang in the valley bottom, containing a
well-stratified deposit up to 10 000 years old. Backed artefacts were
discarded in this shelter from about 8300 years ago until 1600 years ago
(Hiscock & Attenbrow 1998). All three shelters contained abundant
backed artefacts which Robertson examined for wear and residues
(Robertson 2002, 2005; Robertson & Attenbrow 2008).
Employing an integrated residue and use-wear analysis, Robertson
identified 33 used backed artefacts from the Deep Creek shelter (out of
41 specimens), 60 from Emu Tracks (out of 65 specimens) and 66 from
Mussel (out of 93 specimens). Use-wear analysis was employed primarily
to recognise used edges and to determine the mode of action of each
tool. Frequent forms of use-wear observed were edge-rounding,
edge-fracturing, striations and lineation, and abrasive smoothing and
polish (Figure 2, for definitions see Keeley 1982; Kamminga 1982;
Hurcombe 1992). Organic residues were also preserved on many of these
stone tools, and were identified using established diagnostic criteria
(e.g. Lombard 2008). Among the animal residues identified were bone, red
blood cells (RBC), fibres of collagen and muscle, lipids and feathers
(Figure 3). Plant residues also survived, and included resin, plant
cells/fibres, plant tissue with bordered pits, and cellulose (Figure 4).
For both plant and animal residues specific taxonomic identifications
were not attempted, although some feather residues at Deep Creek were
identified as duck. Additionally inorganic residues such as ochre, mica
and vivianite (an iron mineral found in clays associated with bone or
other organic remains) were observed. Using both low and high
magnification microscopes, with varied light conditions, these
observations were interpreted with the aid of an extensive comparative
collection. For detailed descriptions of the analytical procedures see
Robertson (2002, 2005) and Robertson and Attenbrow (2008).
Our interpretations of tool use differentiate between task and
function. Task (or task association) describes tool use in terms of the
materials being worked: plant-working, woodworking, bone-working,
skin-working, flesh-working (such as butchering) and trimming feathers.
The task(s) of each tool were recognised by identifying unambiguous
residues or remnants of materials with which the tool made contact
during use. The majority of specimens also have residues of resin and
marks of abrasion which are probably evidence for hafting, but our main
concern in this paper is with evidence for the tasks and functions
Function describes tool use in terms of the way an implement was
used: for cutting, scraping, incising, drilling or thrusting/throwing.
For each tool these actions were inferred from observations of both
patterns of use-wear and the location of task-related residues. For
instance, in cutting, where the tool is drawn longitudinally across some
material with the edge held parallel to the direction of use, use-wear
is likely to be apparent on both surfaces adjacent to the cutting edge,
with the type of damage depending on the material being cut. Striations
parallel to the cutting edge, rounding of the tip and chord, and
possibly fine flake scarring are the likely result. Even if residues
indicated the task performed, a function was not inferred unless wear or
distinctive residue location was observed. Hence it was sometimes
possible to infer task association but not function, and vice versa.
However firm identification was often possible: 63 per cent of used
specimens have information on both task association and function, 27 per
cent have information on either task association or function but not
both, and only 10 per cent could have neither task or function
Using this conceptual framework we characterised task
association(s) and function(s) involved in each backed artefact's
use, to quantify the frequency of different tasks and functions in each
assemblage and the magnitude of inter-site variability in tool use. We
undertook this investigation with an explicit acknowledgement that any
specimen could have more than one use. When tools were used for more
than one function, such as being used to both scrape and incise, we
describe them as multi-functional. When tools were used on more than one
material, such as being employed for wood-working and skin-working, we
describe them as multi-purpose. The multiplicity of uses of individual
specimens is an additional aspect of inter-site variability that we
Wear and residue evidence make it clear that many backed artefacts
from Deep Creek, Emu Tracks and Mussel were used, and that the nature of
those uses differed at each locality. At all three sites backed
artefacts had been used as tools to work several materials, such as wood
and other plant materials, bone, skin, feathers and flesh. However, the
frequency with which specimens were used on these different materials
varied substantially between the sites (Figure 5). At Deep Creek the
majority of backed artefacts had been used on bone, while no signs of
skin working were observed. At Emu Tracks skin-working was the most
frequent task and bone-working was the least frequent. Neither
bone-working nor skin-working were frequent tasks at Mussel, instead
wood- and plant-working were the common tasks. The pattern is one of a
distinctive combination and emphasis of backed artefact tasks at each
location in the landscape, perhaps reflecting dissimilar resources in
the immediate neighbourhood of each site and/or different activities
habitually undertaken at each site.
It is important to note that cutting flesh was a minor element of
backed artefact use at all sites, and hence models in which backed
artefacts were primarily employed to hunt and butcher game are not
supported by the evidence from Upper Mangrove Creek. Furthermore, at two
of the three sites the majority of tasks for which backed artefacts were
used were probably maintenance rather than extractive in nature and
involved in the production of goods rather than the preparation of food.
Although the bone- and flesh-working at Deep Creek could indicate that
backed artefacts were frequently involved in processing animal products
there, it is more likely that they were involved in production of bone
artefacts rather than food preparation (see below). The evidence of
wood-working, skin-working and feather use that dominate at Emu Tracks
and wood-working and plant-working at Mussel is reason to conclude that
at those sites many backed artefacts were used to make organic tools and
The functions for which backed artefacts were used display little
inter-site variation and confirm our interpretations that in Upper
Mangrove Creek most tools were used for domestic and tool production
purposes rather than to hunt and butcher game. At all three sites backed
artefacts were most frequently used to cut and scrape (Figure 6), but
there was no fixed or strong association between cutting or scraping and
specific tasks. Our evidence is that backed artefacts were used for
general purpose cutting or scraping on a large range of materials,
including wood, non-woody plants, bone and skin.
Incising was a moderately common function at all sites, but the
materials that were frequently incised differ between sites. For
instance, at Emu Tracks incising was significantly associated with
woodworking ([chi square] = 18.44, d.f. = 1, p < 0.001, V = 0.667)
and skin-working ([chi square] = 4.67, d.f. = 1, p = 0.031, V= 0.356),
at Mussel incising was statistically associated only with wood-working
([chi square] = 9.59, d.f. = 1, p = 0.002, V = 0.430), while at Deep
Creek incising was associated only with bone-working ([chi square] =
7.16, d.f. = 1, p=0.007, V=0.471). These analyses reveal that incising
was not tied to any specific material, and that backed artefacts were
used to incise any tough material being processed at a site.
Furthermore, at Deep Creek the only statistically significant
relationship between a task and a tool function was between bone-working
and incising; hence the high level of bone-working at that site was
probably a consequence of bone tool production rather than of
butchering, as suggested above.
Drilling/awling were functions common only at Emu Tracks. There it
is statistically associated with only one task: skin-working ([chi
square]= 8.73, d.f. = 1, p = 0.003, V= 0.478). Hence at Emu Tracks,
where skin-working was very frequent, some form of hide-working involved
the use of backed artefacts perhaps to perforate skins in readiness for
sewing them together.
Evidence of chord spalling that might indicate use of backed
artefacts as projectiles or thrusting tools was only observed at Mussel
and only in 3 per cent of specimens. This does not conform to models in
which backed artefacts were exclusively or predominantly spear barbs or
tips. Furthermore, at Mussel projectile/thrusting-like damage was often
associated with wood-working and plant-working. We therefore conclude
that in these three Upper Mangrove Creek sites there is no unequivocal
evidence of any backed artefacts being hafted on spears and projectiles.
The idea that backed artefacts were primarily mounted as spear barbs and
tips is untenable for these sites.
Finally, the level of multiple use found on backed artefacts also
differs between sites. At Emu Tracks (10.4 per cent) and Mussel (8.3 per
cent) a relatively low percentage of specimens was used for more than
one task, whereas at Deep Creek the frequency of a specimen being used
for two or three tasks was distinctly higher (20 per cent). Inter-site
differences in multi-functionality were even more marked. At Mussel only
9.2 per cent of specimens had more than one function, but the frequency
of multi-functionality was 41.7 per cent at Emu Tracks and an astounding
60 per cent of specimens at Deep Creek. These differences might reflect
factors such as the cost of obtaining replacement backed artefacts,
intensity/duration of occupation, or variation in time-stress, but
statements about local causes of differential multi-functionality await
further investigation, including use-wear and residue analyses of the
scraper component of the assemblages. It should be noted however, that
the few elouera recovered from these sites conform to the patterning for
the other backed artefacts, being used for multiple tasks (i.e. working
with wood, bone, plant and feather) and having multiple functions such
as scraping, incising and cutting, but not drilling or
spearing/thrusting. Clearly the idea that backed artefacts had a single
or even a typical function is untenable in the Upper Mangrove Creek
sites. Instead we infer that backed artefacts were used on multiple
occasions and/or were often multi-purpose and multi-functional.
Implications of the multiplicity of uses for prehistoric backed
These data demonstrate that backed artefacts in Upper Mangrove
Creek shelters were used in numerous ways, including craft activities in
which objects of wood, non-woody plants, bone, hide and feathers were
manufactured and maintained, as well as subsistence activities in which
animal and plant materials were prepared. These backed artefacts were
typically part of composite tools which were often multi-functional,
perhaps used and/or recycled on several occasions. This evidence refutes
models in which backed artefacts throughout Australia had only one use,
and especially models that posit the dominant use was to cut human flesh
in rituals or as armatures on projectiles. The only existing model that
survives our investigation is one that reconstructs backed artefacts as
elements in flexible, multi-functional composite tools used variously
for scraping, cutting, incising, and perhaps occasionally, on throwing
spears or thrusting weapons.
Although many Australian researchers believe that backed artefacts
were barbs or tips of projectiles there is no unambiguous evidence that
they were used for this function at these Upper Mangrove Creek sites
where projectile/thrusting-like damage is more commonly associated with
working wood and plant materials. In other parts of Australia it is
claimed that evidence is consistent with some backed artefacts having
been employed as barbs/tips on spears but a projectile function cannot
now be generalised to all, or even most, archaeological backed
artefacts. Consequently Flood's (1995: 236) notion that backed
artefacts were primarily a weapon of war, and that the period of intense
backed artefact production from about 3500 to 1500 years ago was one of
heightened conflict in Australia, is refuted. It now seems that the use
of backed artefacts as weapons for violence against humans, even murder,
was not ubiquitous and indeed may have been extremely rare or
geographically localised (e.g. McDonald et al. 2007). More plausible
explanations for the widespread increase in backed artefact manufacture
have been offered (Hiscock 2008: 156-60).
Interpretations of backed artefacts as symbolic display-only
objects and/or ritual knives can also be rejected in light of this
study, at least as a continent-wide pattern. Many backed artefacts in
the Upper Mangrove Creek sites retained residues that indicate craft and
processing activities. It is entirely possible that some of the wooden,
plant, bone, feather or hide artefacts produced by these activities may
have had ceremonial or symbolic roles, but as part of the multi-purpose
and multi-functional manufacturing tools there is no reason at the
moment to think that backed artefacts were regarded in a non-profane
way. Hence, our evidence is against backed artefacts necessarily or
typically having only a symbolic purpose.
Furthermore, despite their small size and fragile appearance our
observations are inconsistent with ideas that backed artefacts were
manufactured in abundance because they were used only once, or for a
very limited time. At Upper Mangrove Creek evidence of extensive re-use,
for different purposes, perhaps accompanied by re-hafting, reveals that
while some backed artefacts may have been employed for only one activity
others had a far longer and more elaborate history ofuse. Suggestions
that backed artefacts might sometimes have been modified by further
retouching, perhaps in association with re-hafting events, should be
examined further in light of this evidence (Hiscock 2003; McDonald et
al. 2007; Attenbrow et al. 2008). In any case the multiple uses of many
specimens at Upper Mangrove Creek sites lead us to reject claims that
prehistoric uses of Australian backed artefacts can be simply described
and generalised. The high level of inter-site variation that we found in
backed artefact use, even within a small region, emphasises the
multi-functional and multi-purpose nature of this category of tool and
reminds archaeologists that they cannot expect investigations of any
single specimen or site to characterise the nature of this tool's
complex use.
This conclusion might prompt consideration of the diversity of
backed artefact uses in other parts of the world. While it is not clear
that Australian backed artefacts are morphologically or technologically
identical with Old World 'microliths' in Africa, Europe, and
Asia, use-wear and residue analyses there have also concluded that they
commonly have multiple functions (e.g. Wadley & Binneman 1995;
Elston & Brantingham 2002; Milisauskus 2002). The Australian
evidence promotes questions ofwhether multiplicity of uses and high
levels of inter-site functional variability is also typical in
microlithic assemblages across the Old World.
This research was funded by ARC Discovery Grant DP0770259. We
acknowledge assistance during the 19791982 fieldwork: NSW Public Works
Department Mangrove Creek Dam Site Office, NSW National Parks &
Wildlife Service, Sydney University Anthropology Department, and
volunteer excavators. We thank Tessa Corkill for information on the term
'death spear' in early Australian colonial writings.
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Gail Robertson (1) *, Val Attenbrow (2) & Peter Hiscock (1)
(1) School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National
University, Canberra 0200, Australia
(2) Anthropology Unit. Research Branch, Australian Museum, 6
College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia
* Author for correspondence (Email:
Received: 15 April 2008; Revised: 15 August 2008: Accepted: 31
October 2008
Figure 5. Frequency of different task associations for backed
artefacts with evidence for use and for which task was
identified: A) Deep Creek (n=39); B) Emu Tracks 2
(n = 49); C) Mussel (n = 26). Values represent percentage of
used backed artefact. Note multi-purpose tools are counted
more than once; percentage of unknown task associations is
not shown.
Percentage of used specimens
Plant 16.2 12.5 6.1
Wood 8.1 31.3 28.7
Bone 64.9 6.3 3.0
Skin 0 43.8 1.5
Feather 5.4 16.7 0
Flesh 10.9 0 1.5
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Figure 6. Frequency of different functions for backed
artefacts with evidence for use and for which function
was identified: A) Deep Creek (n = 37); B) Emu Tracks 2
(n = 49); C) Mussel (n = 39). Values represent percentage of
used backed artefact. Note multi-functional tools are counted
more than once; percentage of unknown functions is not
Percentage of used specimens
Cutting 59.5 39.6 30.3
Drilling 0 20.8 1.5
Incising 37.8 33.3 13.6
thrusting 0 0 3.0
Scraping 54.1 43.8 19.7
Note: Table made from bar graph.